
Salted dill for the winter recipes. How to keep dill in oil

What dill is used for in cooking I will not describe. Dill is such a popular spicy herb and is used by almost all housewives when cooking. various dishes. You can harvest dill for the winter different ways: salt in a jar, freeze or dry. Today we will talk about how to properly pickle dill for the winter, so that in winter you don’t buy it at “crazy” prices, and so that whenever you decide to cook something, it doesn’t turn out that you just forgot about dill.

I also want to add that salted dill is not used everywhere because of the salt. For example, when cooking, borscht, various gravies you can add salted dill. You just need to take into account the salinity of dill and initially slightly undersalt what you are cooking. But in order to add dill in for pies or dumplings or sprinkle boiled potatoes, it is better to use frozen dill. I always prepare dill for the winter in several ways and I have enough of it for the whole winter for all dishes. So, let's start harvesting salted dill in a jar for the winter.

Products for cooking salted dill for the winter

  • Fresh dill - 2-3 large bunches (bunch girth approximately 10 cm);
  • Coarsely ground kitchen salt - 200-300 grams;

Recipe for salted dill for the winter

First of all, dill should be washed well under running water without untying the bundles.

Finely chop the whole dill.

Place all chopped dill in a large bowl.

Sprinkle common kitchen salt on top. As a rule, I determine the amount of salt "by eye".

Mix the dill and salt thoroughly with a spoon. In the photo you can see the approximate ratio of salt and dill when they are mixed. If you have less salt, ie. it comes across more rarely, add a little more. You will not spoil anything if there is a little more salt, the main thing is not too little.

Take a clean glass jar. The approximate volume of the can is from 0.5 to 0.7 liters. The jar does not need to be sterilized. At the bottom of the jar, lay out the salted dill from the bowl and press it with a spoon to the bottom.

Put the whole dill in parts in a jar, not forgetting to press it well almost until the juice appears. When the jar is full, close it with a lid and refrigerate. Salted dill is stored in a jar in the refrigerator in the usual compartment. As needed, take out the jar and scoop as much dill as you need with a spoon. Then close the jar and return to the refrigerator.

I learned to salt dill a long time ago. And I found a recipe for salting dill in one rural newspaper - there a woman shared a way to harvest fresh dill with dry salting. No preservation, we do not steam, cook or sterilize anything. We just take a lot, a lot of dill, I had bunches of fresh herbs bought from grannies on the market. We thoroughly wash the dill from any worm bugs under running water, sort it out, tearing off tender greenery leaflets from spinous stalks. They are not suitable for sun exposure.

The next step is to lay the torn leaves on the surface of the table so that the water is glass, and then we transfer them to some kind of dish, and wipe the water from the table to dry. On a cutting portion, cut the dill greens into small bunches as usual, cut it for soup. Place chopped greens in a large bowl. Now add salt to it. I take salt by eye in this way: for one bunch of unsorted dill, which I wrap around my thumb and middle finger, 1 tablespoon with a top of salt goes. 4-5 tablespoons of salt went to 4 bunches.

I carefully grind the salted dill in a bowl so that it flattens and releases the juice. I even let it sit for half an hour. And after that I start laying out in clean jars. It is better to take glass jars with a screw-on lid - jars from under instant drink chicory. Everything fits in two jars. salted dill it is necessary to put it into the container very tightly, in small portions - for example, with a dessert or tablespoon, gradually trampling so that there are no voids and squeezing out the air. At the very end, dill juice flows out of the jar. Having sealed and filled the jars with salted dill, we twist the blanks with lids. You can also add a pinch of salt on top before twisting. Now, to save the workpiece, we place it in the refrigerator - just on the door. Usually, by the middle of winter, this amount of dill has already been used up for soups and borscht.

Salting greens for the winter is one of the most common harvesting methods that allows you to save vitamins and useful components herbs and plants.

Cooking technology:

  • Sort the greens before salting, rinse with running water, lay out on a cotton napkin and dry.
  • Finely chop with a knife.
  • It is not recommended to use a meat grinder or food processor.
  • Mix with salt and place in a glass jar, tamping tightly so that the juice stands out.
  • In this case, you need to ensure that there are no voids.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.
  • When the greens settle, tamp it again, close the jar nylon cover and put away in a cool place

How to pickle greens for the winter - simple recipes.

  • Greens pickled with carrots


100 g parsley, 100 g dill, 50 g celery, 100 g green onions, 100 g carrots, 30–40 g salt.

Cooking method:

Chop greens, add salt and mix. Grate the carrots coarse grater and also mix with salt.

Put the prepared greens and carrots in a jar, alternating in layers, so that top layer turned out to be green.

Pack firmly until juice is released.

Close the jar with a capron lid and store in a cool place.

  • How to pickle dill greens for the winter


500 g dill, 40 g salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the young dill, dry and chop. Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the jar, put the dill, sprinkle with salt and tamp.

Cover the jar with cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for 2 days. Pour a layer of salt on top, close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a cool place.

  • Pickled dill with salt


500 g green dill.

For brine:

200 ml water, 20 g salt.

Cooking method:

Grind fresh dill, put in a jar, pour boiled and chilled brine, cover with gauze folded in 2-3 layers, and leave at room temperature for 2 days.

Then close with a plastic lid and store in a cold place.

Dill can be used to prepare various hot dishes.

  • Salting parsley for the winter


500 g parsley, 70–80 g salt.

Cooking method:

Parsley sort, rinse, dry on a towel or filter paper.

Cover the bottom of the curing container with a layer of salt, lay the chopped greens, sprinkle with salt and tamp tightly until juice appears.

The top layer should also be made of salt: in this way a kind of cork is created that reliably protects the greens from spoilage.

  • Salting cilantro for the winter


500 g cilantro, 30-40 g salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse fresh spicy greens, collected before flowering, in running water, dry natural way, spreading out on a dense matter in a dry room.

Cut and put in a jar, sprinkling each layer with salt, pour a layer of salt on top (leave 10 g). Cover the jar with gauze and leave at room temperature for a day.

After this time, tamp the greens, add the remaining salt on top, close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in a cool place.

  • Salting sorrel in a cold way


500 g sorrel, 40 g salt.

Cooking method:

Sort the leaves, rinse, dry naturally.

Chop small pieces, sprinkle with salt and put in a jar, tamping tightly, pour a layer of salt on top.

Cover the jar with a plastic lid and put it in a cool place.

  • Hot salting of sorrel


500 g of sorrel, 100 g of green onions, 10 g of dill, 10 g of parsley, 10 g of salt.

For the brine: 200 ml water, 10 g salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the greens, dry, finely chop and mix with salt.

Sort the sorrel, rinse, dry and put in a jar, shifting each leaf with a mixture of salty greens.

Prepare a brine by dissolving in boiled water salt.

Pour hot (70 ° C) sorrel brine, put a load on top and leave at room temperature for a day.

Then close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in a cool place.

  • Salting nettles for the winter


500 g nettle, 50 g salt.

Cooking method

Select young nettle leaves, removing damaged ones, wash in running water, dry, spread on a soft towel.

Finely chop (use a knife from of stainless steel) and mix with salt. Place in a jar, tamping until juice appears. Close with a plastic lid and put in a cold place.

The blank can be used to prepare the first dinner dishes.

  • Salting garlic stalks


1 kg of garlic stalks, 50 g of salt.

Cooking method:

Sort, wash, cut into pieces 3-4 cm long.

Dip in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, put in a jar, sprinkled with salt (use 40 g), put a load on top.

Leave at room temperature for 4-5 days, then close with a capron lid.

  • Salted dandelions for the winter


500 g dandelions.

For the brine: 500 ml water, 50 g salt.

Cooking method:

For salting, they are used together with a flower bud, which must be collected in early spring, when the leaves are just beginning to rise above the ground (no higher than 3–5 cm).

You need to cut the sockets just below the leaves.

Thoroughly wash the sockets, dip in salted water (60 g of salt per 1 liter of water), soak for 1-2 hours to remove small insects and bitterness.

Then drain the water, dry the sockets slightly and put them in a curing container.

Prepare the brine: Dissolve salt in boiling water.

Pour dandelions with chilled (60 ° C) brine, cover with gauze, and after 2 days - tight lid and put away in a cool place.

  • Salted wild garlic for the winter


500 g of wild garlic, 30 g of dill, 30 g of horseradish, 2-3 bay leaves, allspice.

For the brine: 500 ml water, 25 g salt.

Cooking method:

For salting wild garlic, leaves with long petioles are used. Wash wild garlic, dry, spread on a towel.

Then put in a jar, layering with grated horseradish, dill, bay leaves and adding allspice.

Dissolve salt in boiling water, cool slightly and pour wild garlic. Cover with gauze, put a load and leave for 10-15 days at room temperature.

During this period, it is necessary to periodically remove the resulting foam and wash the gauze with the load.

When the fermentation process is over, close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in a cold place.

  • Salted garlic stalks


1 kg garlic stalks, 4–5 blackcurrant leaves, 3 cherry leaves, 1/2 horseradish root, 100 g dill greens.

For the brine: 1 liter of water, 60–70 g of salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Sort the garlic stalks, rinse in running water, cut into pieces 10 cm long.

Grate horseradish root fine grater, finely chop the dill and mix with horseradish and garlic.

Put everything in a jar, shifting with blackcurrant and cherry leaves. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt in boiling water and adding pepper.

Cool the brine to 50 ° C, pour garlic over it, cover the jar with gauze folded in 2-3 layers, and leave at room temperature.

After 5 days, the garlic stalks will be ready, to extend their shelf life, cover the jar with a tight plastic lid and put it in a cool place.

  • Salting garlic bulbs


1 kg of garlic.

For the brine: 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt.

Cooking method:

Garlic, which has reached the stage of full development, when the heads have already grown to the maximum size, should be peeled from the integumentary leaves, root lobe and tops, while the bulb should remain intact, not fall apart into slices.

Wash garlic in cold water, put in a jar, pour water, so that all the garlic is under it. Cover the jar with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days.

During this time, you need to change the water 3-4 times. Prepare the brine by boiling water with salt, filtering and cooling.

Drain the water from the garlic, pour over the brine and close the jar with a plastic lid.

  • Salted garlic seasoning with rowan


100 g garlic, 300 g berries, 20 g sugar, 50 g salt.

Cooking method:

Peel the garlic, wash, dry and pass through a meat grinder along with prepared mountain ash (use frozen berries).

Add salt and sugar, mix everything thoroughly and put in a jar, tamping until juice is released.

Close with a plastic lid and store in a cold place.

  • Green onions with salt


1 kg of green onions, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 200 g of salt.

Cooking method:

Peel, wash and dry the green onions in a natural way, laying them out on a soft cloth in a dry room. Then cut the onion into pieces 1-2 cm long.

Mix with salt and put in a container prepared for salting.

Tamp tightly until juice is released (juice layer is at least 2 cm). Put a wooden circle on the onion (it will be under the juice).

On top of the juice, carefully, without mixing, pour vegetable oil layer 2 cm.

Close the jar with a capron lid and store in a cool place.

  • Onion pickled with dill


1 kg onion, 2–3 dill umbrellas, 40–50 g salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Peel, wash and cut the onion into rings (you can also cut into small pieces).

At the bottom of the jar, put 1 dill umbrella, put the chopped onion, sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper.

Put the remaining dill on top, place the weight and leave at room temperature for 24 hours.

Then remove the load, close the jar with a lid and put in a cool place.

Onions harvested in this way can later be used during the preparation of many dishes and snacks.

Bon appetit!

How to pickle dill for the winter in jars? Surely, this question is of interest to many housewives, especially those who have a personal plot and, accordingly, a generous crop of dill. Salting dill, as well as drying or freezing, is great way save it for the winter. Of course, this method of harvesting it has, like the above, its pros and cons.

Among the advantages, it can be noted that it does not need to be defrosted, but you can immediately take right amount. The second plus is that more vitamins and minerals are stored in salted dill. useful substances than dried and frozen. Thirdly, it can be noted that after even a few months, it smells like fresh dill. There is only one minus of salted dill - it is quite salty, so it should be added with caution to dishes so as not to oversalt them.

That is why everyone who is interested, how to pickle dill for the winter, first of all, it is not the technology itself that is of interest, but the amount of salt that should be added. The proportion of salt and fresh dill is 1:4. That is, for one kilogram of dill you need to take a glass of salt.

Salt, apparently, is quite a lot and therefore many are worried about whether salted dill is harmful to health. The answer is simple - no, it will not bring harm, except perhaps if you eat it with spoons, but it is unlikely that anyone will dare to do this. And now let's look at how to pickle dill for the winter step by step.


  • Salt - half a cup
  • Dill - 500 gr.,

How to pickle dill for the winter in jars - a recipe

Before pickling dill for the winter in jars, it should be sorted out. We leave only good dill for salting. Rinse dill sprigs under water. Lay them out on a towel and let dry.

Cut them finely.

Put in a bowl. Pour in the salt.

For salting dill for the winter, as during canning, only a kitchen rock salt. In the case of using iodized salt, dill will acquire a specific smell and quickly turn black. Mix the dill with salt with a tablespoon.

Take a pusher or whisk from a mortar and crush the dill with it.

Jars in which you will store salted dill for the winter, pour over boiling water or steam over steam. Cans can be used with screw caps, flip-tops like mine, or standard half liter jars. The latter are closed by steaming plastic lids. Fill them with dill up to the very neck, tamping it tightly with a spoon.

Place the jars in the refrigerator further storage. That's all, our salted dill is ready. The photo shows that there are still salt crystals in it, this is acceptable, on the second day they completely dissolve. As you can see pickling dill for the winter very simple. Such salted dill can be added to soups, borscht, saltwort, to meat, vegetable and fish dishes.

I present to your attention a very interesting recipe which I once learned from my grandmother. She told me how to pickle dill. Salted dill - it is easy to prepare, requires little time and money. In addition, it’s great to add dill to borscht or another dish in the middle of winter, which is as fragrant as fresh.

Harvesting salted dill according to a grandmother's recipe

Required ingredients for salting:

So, we need a bank, it is better not to take a large amount, seven hundred or five hundred grams will be enough. fresh dill, a beam with a diameter of ten to fifteen centimeters. Moreover, the stems will not work, branches with thin stem so that it would not be a shame to later see him in borscht in winter. Salt, it is better to prepare a jar of salt, because it is difficult to say how much it will be needed in the end.

Step-by-step salting of fresh dill

1. Finely chop the dill, as usual for dressing a salad or soup, and put it in a large, dry cup, removing debris, dry stalks and other foreign objects.

2. Then, on the bottom of the prepared jar, pour a thin layer of salt with a dry tablespoon and put an armful of chopped dill, as much as it fits into a fist.

3. After that, with a wooden pusher, which is crushed for mashed potatoes, without rubbing, but pressing down, we ram the first row of dill. We also sprinkle with salt and repeat the laying of dill, alternating with rows of salt.

Do not drain the resulting dill juice, which will be at the end, as this will spoil the seasoning in winter. You can also add dill green onion, parsley. Keep ready seasoning in a refrigerator. When adding to a dish, keep in mind that dill is very salty, so you need to add salt to the dish at the end of cooking so as not to oversalt.
How to pickle dill for the winter is a recipe from the past, but does not lose its relevance in our time.
