
Blackthorn jam with pits without peel. New and time-tested recipes for blackthorn jam

Blackthorn are berries that have their own characteristic taste. They are sour and slightly tart, so you need a lot of sugar to make jam. Jam from the turn, cooked without stones, turns out to be very tasty, pleasantly pleases him beautiful colour. In winter, having eaten at least a few spoons of this delicacy, you will get great pleasure. From this amount of ingredients, one half-liter jar of jam comes out and a little in a bowl for sampling.


To make pitted sloe jam, you will need:

water - 50 ml;

blackthorn berries - 0.5 kg;

sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking steps

The berries will become soft and it will be easy to free them from the seeds.

Rub the turn through a sieve. As little pulp as possible should remain on the bones. If there is a lot of pulp left, then the bones can be boiled again, and then rubbed through a sieve.

Ready jam pour into sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids. The consistency of the jam will be liquid, but when it cools down, it will thicken.

Turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely.

appetizing, delicious jam pitted turn is ready. You can store in a city apartment.

Bon appetit!

Stoned turn jam is a recipe that will require your patience and skill, but for this you will be rewarded with delicious and healthy treat. Consider the methods of making blackthorn jam.

Blackthorn jam with seeds for the winter

Before making stoned sloe jam, make sure the berries are ripe and fit for consumption. A quality blackthorn berry has a dark blue skin and slightly pinkish flesh inside. Selecting only ripe fruit you can start cooking.


  • blackthorn berries - 890 g;
  • sugar - 890 g;
  • water - 490 ml.


Rinse the berries and leave to dry. Since the fruits of the blackthorn have a dense texture, it is better to chop the skin on them first.

For syrup, add sugar and pour water into enamelware, place everything on medium heat. After waiting for the boil, cook the syrup for about 5 minutes. We dip the prepared sloe berries into the syrup and let it brew for a day. After a day, we take out the berries, and boil the syrup for a couple more minutes. Dip the turn into the syrup again and cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam. Pour the jam into dry, hot jars, roll up and leave for storage.

Pitted Turn Jam - Classic Recipe


  • blackthorn berries - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • water - 650 ml.


Ripe blackthorn berries with a dark blue skin color, sort, rinse and dry.

Gradually add sugar to the water, stirring it to eliminate lumps. Boil the boiling syrup for a few minutes, then pour the berries into the syrup, continuing to stir. Cook the berries for an hour, removing the scale and stirring.

After an hour, we set aside the berries to “rest” throughout the night. After we put the chilled jam to cook for 15 minutes. We remove the jam to infuse and cool for 5 hours. We repeat the whole procedure again.

We distribute the finished jam in a sterilized container, close nylon lids after complete cooling of the berries. This method of making jam will allow you to keep the product in a cool room for a long time.

Jam from thorns with stones - the recipe "Five Minute"

As part of this technology, jam is prepared quickly and easily, allowing you to keep everything in the berries. useful vitamins and amino acids. However, housewives should strictly adhere to the recommendations for temperature and cooking time.


  • blackthorn berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.4 kg;
  • water - 480 ml.


We prepare the berries: removing the frozen juice, rinse thoroughly in cold water, we discuss. Put the dried berries in an even layer in a wide and deep saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. We repeat the procedure layer by layer, while paying attention to ensuring that each berry comes into contact with sugar. Add water to the prepared layers of berries and put the pan on low heat. After the delicacy boils, we cook it for only 5 minutes, since this time is more than enough for the berries to cook without loss vitamin properties and didn't break up. Arrange the finished jam in a sterile container and roll up. Place the chilled treat in cold storage. In the cellar, such jam can stand up to 5 years.

Pitted turn jam can also be made in. The berries sprinkled with sugar are left for 7-10 hours, and then the jam is prepared in the "Extinguishing" mode for 20-25 minutes.

Not all shrubs are used by humans for the purpose of treating and eating their fruits. Blackthorn is considered one of the unpretentious, but popular. The thorny shrub blooms in early spring and begins to bear fruit by mid-summer.

From its berries you can cook many variety of dishes as for simple lunch or dinner, and prepare for the winter. The most common preservation of the turn is considered to be jam. Consider popular step by step recipes.

Easy option

The traditional way cooking includes available ingredients. The jam of their blackthorn is brewed for the winter, pitted. It turns out very tasty, fragrant.


  • pure water- 180 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3.6 kg;
  • turn (pitted) - 3.4 kg.
  1. Wash the fruits, dry and carefully remove the bone located inside. Put the processed berries in a saucepan alternately with granulated sugar. Cover and leave for 2-3 hours to highlight enough juice.
  2. After the specified time, stir the composition by adding liquid. Put on a hot burner, bring to a boil and lower the temperature. Boil the mass for 15 minutes. Close, remove from heat and set aside. Repeat the cooking and cooling procedure 1 more time.
  3. Arrange in sterile jars, seal tightly and store in a cool place.


In order for the delicacy to stand well all winter, the mass is laid out in hot sterile jars. The lid is recommended for sealed seaming. Consider the recipe for making jam from sloes with pits.


  • turn - 700 g;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • pure water - 125 ml.

  1. Sort the berries, remove rotten and spoiled ones. Wash well, dry. Using a wooden toothpick, make a few punctures.
  2. Lay out the layers of turn and granulated sugar. Pour in the specified amount of water. Cover with gauze and leave on the table for 2-3 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, place the container with the contents on the burner. Warm up at medium temperature, and after boiling, continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool, arrange in sterile jars. Close with nylon lids, put in a cold place.

Jam with cinnamon

Pitted turn jam for the winter is prepared with the addition of cinnamon. The preparation is fragrant, tasty and very tender. The dish can be used for making sandwiches or delicious pastries.


  • turn - 1 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 140 g;
  • vanilla sugar- 8 g;
  • chopped cinnamon - 6 g;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g.

Then we do this:

  1. Sort the turn, wash and dry on a clean towel. Divide into 2 parts and carefully remove the bones. Put the berries in a suitable bowl and chop with a food processor, blender or meat grinder. The mass should be homogeneous.
  2. Place it in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add granulated sugar and mix well with a wooden spatula.
  3. Place on the stove, wait until it boils and continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Heating is minimal.
  4. The jam is boiled for 60 minutes. It is important to regularly remove the foam and stir the composition. Pack in jars, close tightly and store in the cellar after cooling.

with orange

Citrus contains maximum amount vitamin C. It is he who has a beneficial effect on immune system preventing the development of pathogenic microflora. Dessert is especially recommended for families with small children.


  • orange - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • turn (ripe) - 750 g;
  • plum - 230 g;
  • water in consistency.

  1. The main component to sort out, remove the spoiled ones. Rinse, put on a clean towel and dry. Carefully remove the bones.
  2. Rinse the oranges, cut off the skin with a thin layer and chop it into fine grater. Be sure to remove the white film from citrus fruits. While slicing, chop into equal pieces.
  3. Layer oranges, sloes and granulated sugar. Spread the chopped zest in a single layer in the middle of the pan. Cover with a thick cloth, leave in this form in cool place for a day.
  4. After the time has elapsed, mix the mass. Set to low heat, boil until thickened. Assess the taste and add more sugar if necessary.
  5. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly and put away after cooling in a cool, dark place.

Dessert "Vitamin Charge"

This version of the treat contains great amount vitamins. The taste of the dish is unusual. Therefore, initially it is recommended to prepare it in small quantities for testing. And we will cook blackthorn jam with pears, cherry plums and nuts.


  • yellow cherry plum - 500 g;
  • ripe pear- 230 g;
  • turn - 550 g;
  • nuts - 240 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.

Then we follow the instructions:

  1. Sort all products. Only ripe and without signs of spoilage fruits are suitable for cooking. Wash, put on a clean cloth, dry. Remove seeds and seed box from fruits and berries. Chop the pear into a medium sized cube.
  2. Rinse the nuts, remove the partitions and dry. Combine berries with fruits, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Cover with gauze and leave on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours for improved dissolution of granulated sugar.
  3. After the time has elapsed, place the container with the contents on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce the heating temperature and, while stirring, boil for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Add nuts, stir. Boil for another quarter of an hour. decompose delicious dessert in jars, close tightly and store in a dark, cool place.

Blackthorn jam in a slow cooker

Any housewife can make a delicious dessert with the help of a “miracle stove”. By adding a pear to the berry, the aroma and flavor of the dish is unusual, original. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients and process the containers.


  • turn - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • pear - 600 g;
  • pure water - 500 ml.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Sort the berries and fruits, remove spoiled and unsuitable fruits for conservation. Rinse, dry. Make a few punctures in the turn with a wooden toothpick.
  2. Cut the pear into 2 equal parts, remove the seed box and the place of attachment of the stalk. Cut off the skin in a thin layer, and chop the pulp into a medium-sized cube or bar.
  3. Define layers of sloe, pear and granulated sugar. Add the specified amount of liquid. Cover and leave in this form for 9 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, set the "Extinguishing" mode, and the timer for half an hour. After the signal is issued, turn off and open kitchen assistant. Arrange in sterile containers, close tightly and put away after cooling in the cellar.

Blackthorn berries are not popular for harvesting for the winter - and in vain, because they are useful, especially in winter, when you need to support immunity. Delicious homemade jams and blackthorn compotes are a great addition to tea table Yes, and preparing them is not so troublesome.

I propose to cook with me for the winter jam from blackthorn and apples. The recipe is simple and clear, with step-by-step photos taken.

The number of ingredients for making jam from blackthorn berries with the addition of apples is approximate, so the ratio of fruits can be changed depending on your preferences or their availability:

Blackthorn berries - 1 kg;

Small apples - 0.5 kg;

Sugar - 1 kg or to taste.

How to make sloe and apple jam

I must say right away that in this recipe we do not add water at all during cooking. The extracted juice will be enough to make jam.

Sort the berries, remove debris and twigs, rinse, choose large ones with whole skins.

Since we need a turn without stones, then further, we should remove the bones from the berries, cutting each in half. If the berries are ripe, then the bone itself easily moves away from the pulp. Pour the pitted turn with half the norm of sugar, cover with a lid, leave for 12 hours so that the juice stands out.

Peel the apples, remove the skin and cores. Fold in a deep plastic container, cover with the second half of the sugar. Leave for 12 hours in a cold place.

There is usually a lot of juice, and this is clearly visible in the photo. That's why I don't add water at all.

IN large saucepan put the blackthorn berries and pour out the fully formed juice, put the entire contents of the container with apples.

We put the pan on the fire, constantly stirring.

You need to cook the workpiece for almost an hour. Stir constantly so that the fruits do not stick to the bottom. Try it for sugar, if it’s not enough, then you need to add 100-200 grams, because the turn (even ripe) is very tart, and we all have different taste perception.

Without removing from heat, with a submersible blender, we make the mixture homogeneous.

Simmer another 2-3 minutes.

The color of the jam will be pleasant, very bright. It wonderfully decorates the table, if it is laid out in rosettes or vases.

Be careful! Ready jam cannot be left on fire for a long time: as soon as the mixture is made homogeneous and it boils with stirring, we immediately begin to lay it out in jars. The jam is still bubbling in the jar, it is very hot, but you need to roll it up right away!

Ready banks with such sweet preparation you can not wrap, they are stored all winter in the refrigerator or basement.

You can stick labels and, be sure that unusual jam from the turn with apples will “leave” first. It is very tasty, fragrant and a little tart.

The turn grows at my mother-in-law, but despite the harvest, we do not make many preparations from it. There are several reasons for this: in parallel with the turn, more important fruits and vegetables ripen, and hands simply do not reach it. A small amount of blackthorn is added to compotes, and dumplings and pies are also prepared. That, in fact, is all.

This time, my mother-in-law gave me some blackthorn fruits home, and I decided to cook a five-minute jam from the blackthorn. I note that the jam turned out just gorgeous, thick! Such jam can be added to the filling for pies, buns, muffins or muffins. Or you can just spread it on bread and butter. This is delicious!

To prepare a five-minute jam from pitted sloes, prepare sugar and sloes.

First you need to get rid of the bones. To be honest, this task is not an easy one. Blackthorn contains large bone, which sits tightly in the pulp, and you can separate it by literally picking it out with a knife. Well, we're not looking for easy ways!? The turn needs to be washed well and allowed to drain. excess water. Then, armed with a small knife, walk along the fruit of the turn in a circle from the base, and picking the bone, divide the fruit into two halves. Then cut out the bone from the part in which it remains. Thus, sort out all the berries.

Weigh the mass of the pitted turn and add the same amount of sugar to it. I have 320 g of turn left, which means that I took the same amount of sugar. Mix sugar with berries, leave at room temperature for a couple of hours, and then put in the refrigerator, covering the container with a lid for 10-12 hours. I took it out for the night.

The turn will release the juice and the sugar should dissolve.

Transfer the mass to an enamel bowl, put on medium fire and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring and removing the foam, 5 minutes. After that, leave the jam alone until it cools completely. It took me 5 hours, since there is a small amount of jam.

After a while, put the jam back on the fire and cook for 5 minutes.

Pour hot jam into a dry sterile jar and roll up with a sterilized lid.

Jam-five-minute pitted turn is ready.

I got about 400 ml of jam. I closed the 250 ml jar hermetically, and poured the rest of the jam into a vase and left it for testing. The cooled jam turned out to be pleasant to the taste, with a thick consistency.

Delicious preparations for you! Bon appetit!
