
Is it possible to heat empty dishes in the microwave. What foods should not be put in the microwave

The microwave is seemingly harmless and safe, but this is only if you follow certain rules for its use. If you break them a little, you will have to reap the rewards - spend hours cleaning or, if you're not lucky, buy new appliances.

There are not so many rules, so it will be much easier to just follow them. 1. Do not use dishes from. 2 Learn by heart that you can not put in the microwave to heat and reheat.

What can not be heated, warm up
and put in the microwave

Have you already seen the video of how the egg exploded inside the microwave? If not, be sure to watch the video below.

Just imagine how difficult it will be to wash the assistant after this horror (if she still works), and you better remember the list of prohibited products:

  • Dishes with oil cannot be cooked- it can catch fire inside the microwave and start a fire.
  • Baby food- under the influence of microwaves, all beneficial bacteria are destroyed, so at least it becomes useless for the child. And maybe harmful. Better look at the article, and choose a different method.
  • garlic andbroccoli after exposure to microwaves, they completely lose their useful properties.
  • Eggs- they will explode, as you can see in the video above. But below I will describe safe way cooking eggs in the microwave.
  • Products in closed banks - they will explode like eggs (for example, canned food, closed glass jar with food).
  • solid foods- they will explode, but this can be fixed if you first poke them from all sides with a fork or toothpick (for example, potatoes).
  • Fruits and vegetables with care so for example, grapes begin to melt in the microwave, and can catch fire. This point smoothly flows into the next one.
  • Any liquid in sealed containers- this category includes eggs, canned food, grapes, tomatoes, watermelon, orange, etc. This is due to the fact that the temperature rises sharply, and because of this, the volume inside the container increases sharply, which provokes an explosion. Therefore, before sending any product inside the microwave, think - can it explode for these reasons? Personally, it’s better not to see it - there are enough videos on YouTube.

What you need to know to cook in the microwave?

But you should not refuse to use microwave because of all these horrors. After all, in many respects it is much more convenient and efficient than other cooking equipment, the main thing is to do it right. And below I will reveal a few secrets for using this miracle technique:

  • Cut the ingredients into pieces no more than 2 cm - this is the depth that microwaves penetrate. Then the dish will cook evenly.
  • Spread large pieces along the edges of the dish - they will be closer to the heat source, and they will fry better.
  • Eggs can be cooked in the microwave - grease a plate, break the eggs and pierce the yolk with a toothpick so that it does not explode. Then it will turn out to cook them without unpleasant consequences in just 1-2 minutes.
  • Cover food with a special lid - this way the dish comes out juicier, and you do not have to wash the microwave from splashes and pieces of food.
  • Products with a loose structure cook faster, so minced meat can be cooked much faster than whole piece meat.
  • Baking is much higher than in the oven, but so that it does not burn, add more flour.
  • Meals cook much faster, so stay close to the microwave and follow the recipe exactly.

Now you will know exactly what you can not put in the microwave to heat or reheat, and what are the approximate consequences for this. Don't break these rules so you don't spend hours cleaning the kitchen or money on a new microwave.

Microwave ovens have long been an integral part of the life of any modern person. Now it is already very difficult for us to imagine how we used to do without this miracle. household appliances. With their help, you can very easily and quickly warm up (and sometimes bring to readiness) great amount dishes, while the microwave takes up a minimum of space in the kitchen.

Despite the controversy about whether microwave ovens are harmful to humans or not, there is no official evidence for this. However, there are scientifically proven warnings about several foods that should not be put in the microwave.


Every person in his life at least once thought about how to cook an egg in the microwave. However, before proceeding directly to the experiments, we would still advise you to think carefully. Inside the shell, the egg will heat up to incredible temperatures, which will eventually lead to a strong explosion right in microwave oven. If you don't want to spend the rest of the day scrubbing off a dried yolk, don't do it.

Breast milk

The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics conducted tests on 22 samples of frozen breast milk that had been microwaved at low and high temperatures. In the first case, the results showed an increased growth of E. coli in milk, namely, 18 times more than in milk heated without a microwave. In milk samples heated at a low temperature in a microwave oven, a significant decrease in the activity of lysozyme, an enzyme with antibacterial properties which inhibits the growth of bacteria.

frozen fruit

Freezing fruits is one way to preserve them. nutrients longer. But it turns out that they should never be thawed in the microwave. Back in the 70s, scientists proved that defrosting fruits in the microwave leads to the transformation of useful glucoside (a derivative of glucose) and galactoside into carcinogens. And in the early 90s Russian study confirmed the immunological effects of microwaves on the body (as a result of exposure to a non-thermal radio frequency electromagnetic field, an increased formation of antibodies was observed in the brain cells of rats).

Hot pepper

Hot peppers, especially dried ones, are also not suitable for heating in the microwave. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in hot pepper- under influence high temperature it evaporates from microwaves, and the resulting steam is very, very harmful.

frozen meat

In order to defrost a piece of meat in the microwave, it will take a long time (about 15-30 minutes), and if the piece is too large, then its edges will have time to cook before the middle is thawed. At the moment when the temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius, bacteria begin to actively multiply in the meat, and if you are not going to cook it right away, then the thawed meat will turn into a source of microbes. In addition, Japanese researchers found that meat that was microwaved for more than 6 minutes destroyed about half of vitamin B12 (the results of this study were published in the journal ScienceNews in 1998). It is believed that The best way To defrost meat is to put it in the refrigerator overnight or place it under a stream of cold running water.


Any heat treatment destroys useful substances in products, especially in vegetables and fruits. For broccoli, the most gentle cooking method is steam processing, as it destroys least amount flavonoid antioxidants (after conventional cooking in water - 66%). While cooking or reheating in the microwave with Not big amount water leads to the destruction of up to 97% useful substances vegetables.


Heat treatment also negatively affects the anti-cancer properties of garlic. According to a 2001 study by a group of scientists at Pennsylvania State University, 60 seconds in the microwave (or 45 minutes in the oven) can inhibit the ability of garlic to bind to vivo carcinogen in the mammary gland of animals. It has also been observed that a 10-minute “rest” of crushed garlic before microwaving for 60 seconds prevents complete loss of anti-cancer properties.


If you are going to microwave the bread, you will definitely only spoil the bread, and nothing else. If it stays there for about 10 seconds, it will instantly soften and deteriorate much faster. If you want to dry stale bread It's better to use the oven than the microwave.

Glass of water

Another health threat lurks here: you risk getting burned. Have you noticed that the liquid in the microwave heats up without air bubbles? Oddly enough, they are responsible for at least partial, but cooling. And from the microwave oven, you are most likely to get a mug or glass with boiling water. Conclusion: it is possible to heat water in this way, but only for a very short time - about 20 seconds. And if necessary, you can repeat the procedure.


If for some reason you need to dry the microwave, please do not turn it on empty. Unless you dream of starting a fire in the office or at home. But you don't want that, do you?

In addition, you should also pay attention to the general precautions that most of us, although we know, do not adhere to when using a microwave oven.

metal objects

Heating metal objects in the microwave is not recommended. Usually, a strong spark begins, and if the dishes were also aluminum, then they can even catch fire. It is better to use special dishes for microwave ovens for heating or cooking. Then your lunch will be intact, and the microwave will continue to serve you.

Protein products

Scientists recommend that the microwave oven be used to a lesser extent for the preparation of protein products. A recent Australian study confirmed that microwaves lead to a higher breakdown of protein molecules than cooking them in an oven.

Food in plastic containers or cling film

Using these convenient plastic containers in the microwave, we add a portion of carcinogens to food, as some toxic substances pass from plastic to products.

Products with a high water content and in the shell

Also, do not put food in a dense shell and with high content water inside (for example, tomatoes or eggs), because as a result of a sharp increase in temperature, the volume inside increases dramatically and the food simply explodes. Recall the unsuccessful experiments with eggs:

The microwave is indispensable assistant in the kitchen, which greatly simplifies the process of heating any food. But not every one of us thought about whether it is safe to heat up food in this miracle of technology? No wonder there is a lot of controversy among scientists around this device.

Harmful properties of the microwave

In view of modern technologies, in the life of each of us there are many types of various household appliances that are used daily. Using it, first of all, it is worth remembering about safety measures and operating rules. Therefore, you should not experiment and put in this stove raw eggs and phones just to see the consequences.

However, the question is why many scientists and just users of this miracle device attribute so many negative and even dangerous properties to humans?

Reason #1

Today, many different laboratory experiments are being carried out, during which it is noted that microwaves can promote growth cancer cells in human blood.

But, it is worth noting that this fact has not yet been reliably proven, moreover, as scientists confidently declare, various kinds processed cheese, smoked sausage And similar products much more dangerous to human health due to its composition. While natural puree with a cutlet heated with microwaves remains a natural and healthy product.

Reason #2

Under the action of microwaves, carcinogens can allegedly form in food. However, there is one caveat here. In the process of frying food with a large amount vegetable oil carcinogens are also released. Therefore, this argument can also be considered controversial and incorrect.

Reason #3

Some people claim that food loses its taste when exposed to microwaves. But, as practice shows, this issue is purely individual, and therefore this theory is hardly true.

Summing up

In any case, using a microwave is convenient, practical and fast, because not everyone has a lot of time to warm up breakfast.

Therefore, in order not to harm your health, it is recommended to follow a few rules:

  • use only specially designed utensils (there should be no metal patterns and elements in it);
  • do not use plastic containers for heating that are not intended for this;
  • do not turn on the device for nothing, as this can cause a fire and damage the equipment.

By adhering to these rules, you can easily protect yourself and loved ones from possible danger. And do not forget that the microwave is far from the most dangerous device in the kitchen, because sometimes the products we use are much more dangerous than the way warming them up.

Video "5 foods that can not be reheated"

Is it safe to reheat food? In this video, you will hear answers to many questions and find out which foods are better not to heat several times.

Many cooking enthusiasts consider the microwave oven to be the "invention of the century". And not without reason: it is very convenient and fast to reheat, defrost and even cook food in it. However, there are certain nuances: not all products can be thermally processed in the microwave. And not in every dish. Let's talk about the intricacies of using a microwave oven today.

Excursion into history

The first microwave oven was invented back in 1945 by an American engineer. Percy Spencer during the experiments.

There are suggestions that this happened quite by accident: while working with magnetrons, Spencer either heated up a sandwich, or melted a bar of chocolate. Versions differ, but the fact remains: already in 1946, the first patent for the manufacture of microwave ovens was issued. And two years later, the first microwave oven was released - though it was intended for the military. Serial production was launched in 1962. Since then, microwave ovens have firmly taken their place in many kitchens around the world.

How it works


heats food thanks to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, the waves of which penetrate into the food by 2.5 centimeters and work not only on the surface, but throughout the entire volume, accelerating the heating and cooking of dishes.

It is worth saying that since the invention of microwave ovens, there has been debate about whether it is harmful to use them or not. There is no official confirmation of the negative impact of microwaves. However, there are scientifically proven warnings about what foods should not be put in the microwave.

What is in such an oven no metal utensils is known to many. Metal reflects electromagnetic waves, and this can lead to damage to the device. But not everyone knows about the list not for the microwave.

Protein products

Breast milk

Attention women!

put here breast milk simply dangerous: in milk heated at a low temperature, an increased growth of Escherichia coli is observed. Namely, 18 times more than in milk heated on the stove.

Also, with such heating, the activity is suppressed. lysozyme enzyme which prevents the growth of bacteria.

frozen meat

It takes a long time to defrost a piece of meat. If you often resort to this method of defrosting, then you should know that

at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, active reproduction of bacteria begins in the meat. Turning it into a source of microbes. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately cook this meat in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

In addition, Japanese researchers found that in meat that was in the microwave more than 6 minutes, about half of vitamin B12 is destroyed (the results of this study were published in ScienceNews in 1998). It is believed that the best way to defrost meat is to put it in the refrigerator overnight or place it under cold running water.

Frozen fruits and vegetables

Any kind of heat treatment leads to the destruction of useful substances in them. The microwave in this sense has even more Negative influence than other types of cooking. Particularly sensitive to its effects is such a gentle vegetable, like broccoli: heating in a microwave oven leads to the almost complete destruction of nutrients.

Do not put products with too high water content in a dense shell here. For example, eggs or tomatoes. When the temperature rises, the volume increases sharply, the shell bursts, and the content scatters in different directions.

A microwave oven is a convenient thing in the arsenal of every modern person, which has become so familiar that it is impossible to imagine our life without a stove. It seems to be universal, but no matter how it is! There are things and products that are not only not worth warming up in it, but even dangerous!

Meat from the freezer

The meat in the microwave is defrosted unevenly: it remains cold in the middle, and almost cooked on the sides. In addition, the important vitamin B12 almost completely disappears in it and the protein is destroyed.

Right: thaw the meat gradually, laying it out of freezer into the refrigerator.

Dairy products

Sour milk contains beneficial bacteria, which are almost completely killed after heat treatment in a microwave oven. Yes, and the products themselves can deteriorate and lose all their palatability.

Right: remove the product from the refrigerator, when room temperature it will heat up and be ready for use in no longer than half an hour.


Many have tried to cook an egg in the microwave, and everyone was waiting for the same result - the egg exploded! And all because its contents provided such strong pressure on the shell that she could not stand. But also with boiled eggs you should not conduct such an experiment - during heating, protein structures are destroyed and can provoke digestive problems.

Right: eggs should be boiled traditional way- on the stove, in a container with water.


If you decide to microwave the chicken cooked the day before, then you should not do this. Under the influence of microwaves, the structure of the protein, which is very rich in poultry meat, changes (there is more protein in chicken than in red meat!). As a result, you risk getting digestive problems.

Right: it is better to heat the chicken in a pan, in the oven, or eat it as it is - cold. You can also use the chicken to make a salad.

Frozen fruits and vegetables

In the microwave, you can not heat up both purchased products and frozen ones yourself. When heated in a microwave oven, the natural glucose contained in them turns into a carcinogen. At a minimum, such a product ceases to be useful and loses its vitamins.

Right: Defrost gradually at room temperature.


Many housewives decide to melt honey in the microwave when they see that it has become candied. Alas, after such processing, most of the nutrients will be lost.

Right: try melting honey in a water bath at an approximate temperature of no higher than 40 °.

plastic containers

As a rule, such food containers are made of cheap plastic, which contains harmful chemical substances. When heated, the "chemistry" gets into the food. Also, do not use metal utensils, utensils with a shiny edging, cling film and foil.

Right: Transfer food to a plate before heating in the microwave.
