
Crepes: How to make French Crepes.

Crepes are thin, thin pancakes, the recipe of which came to us from France. Refined (like the French themselves) and fragrant crepes are on the menu of almost every self-respecting gastronomic restaurant, in family coffee shops and take-away cafes. Crepes are stuffed with fruits, berries, cream, unsweetened ingredients: mushrooms, meat pate, soft views cheese. An obligatory attribute of the correct French crepe is thin crispy edges. But here it is important to ensure that during frying the pancake is baked evenly, the edges have a bad property of burning to the pan.

By the way, amazing pancake cake with Chantilly cream garden strawberries, banana and chocolate - was the best dessert, which I tried while traveling in Europe.

An interesting observation: people living on the other side of the Atlantic consider crepes quite complex dish, not every housewife undertakes to cook them - a certain skill and a "full hand" are needed. Yes, and pancakes in the understanding of Americans and Canadians are our pancakes, only larger in diameter and less fat. Their "pancakes" are baked from flour different sort, served mainly in a stack of several pieces, watered maple syrup, melted chocolate and honey. Tasty, yes, but it's not crepes :)

The recipe for the perfect French pancakes is simple. We will need:

  • 300 ml whole milk;
  • 150-200 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 yolk;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • a small pinch of soda;
  • 1 st. l. melted butter;
  • a little sugar (to taste).

Mix the egg, yolk, sugar, salt and soda. Add milk and flour, mixing thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps. cooked pancake dough put in the refrigerator for several hours, covering the container with cling film.

For baking crepes, I advise you to take a pan with a Teflon coating, the rest will not work. Heat a clean, dry skillet over big fire, grease it a little with vegetable or butter (whichever is more to your taste). I use a special silicone brush for this purpose, but a small potato, cut in half and planted on a fork, will also work.

Pour the crepe batter into a well-heated frying pan in a thin layer. To spread the batter evenly, gently tilt the pan in a circle. You need to bake crepes carefully: if they gape a little, the pancake will burn.

For flipping thin pancakes I use a handy metal spatula. It allows you to easily pry the crepe and immediately turn it over. Do not overdo it - pancakes are easily torn. When the crepe is browned on both sides, remove it from the pan.

Stack the finished pancakes in a pile, brushing each with butter (optional).

Crepes can be served with lemon (grated with sugar), mascarpone or ricotta cheese, stewed apples and cinnamon, berry or fruit confiture.

Mixing butter in a hot frying pan, Brown sugar, Orange juice and zest, as well as a couple of tablespoons of cognac or Cointreau, you can cook famous sauce for the Crepe Suzette dessert.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes "Crepe Suzette" in France are sold on every corner. They are served with different fillings, the most common is orange sauce. Crepe Suzette French pancakes are "flambéed" at will, that is, they are fired, forming a caramel and fragrant surface on the surface.


To make Crepe Suzette French pancakes, you will need:
For pancakes:
1 glass of milk;
3/4 cup flour;
50 g butter;
2 eggs;
2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1/4 tsp salt.
For sauce:
1 glass granulated sugar;
3/4 cup of water;
1/2 cup orange juice;
50 g butter:
1 st. l. lemon juice;
zest of one orange.

Cooking steps

Mix sugar, flour and salt in a bowl, beat eggs with milk separately. Pour the resulting mass into dry ingredients. Beat well and add melted butter, leave the dough for 30 minutes. From the rested dough, bake in a hot frying pan thin pancakes or "crepes", as they are called in France.

To prepare the sauce, you need to mix sugar and orange zest in a separate saucepan, send it to gas.

Then send to the pan lemon juice, orange juice and water. Keep on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. Our pancake sauce is ready.

put out french pancakes Crepe Suzette on both sides, until the sauce is lightly caramelized.

Bon appetit!

How to make French pancakes at home? Just like the Russians - quickly and simply. All you need is desire, a blender, a non-stick frying pan, a little courage and imagination to mix the toppings and serve the dish in an original way. See this step-by-step photo recipe for details.

Maybe self-cooking French pancakes, crepes, it seems to you a difficult and intricate task, but in fact they are very easy to prepare. After all, it's just thin openwork pancakes so familiar to many of us since childhood.

The cradle of French pancakes is Brittany, from where their popularity spread throughout the country. Today openwork pancakes with cute holes one of the most favorite national dishes in France. They are prepared both sweet and savory, with a wide variety of fillings.

To cook thin, openwork French pancakes with milk with holes, you do not need skills. experienced chef and sophisticated equipment. It will take only a little patience, a little courage and imagination to mix the toppings and serve the dish in an original way.

To make French crepes, you will need a non-stick frying pan with a diameter of 20 to 25 centimeters. It is best to use a special pancake pan, with small sides. Of course, any pan is suitable for pancakes, just remember that pancakes can stick to stainless steel, and you quickly get tired of heavy cast iron. If you plan on making pancakes frequently, rather than occasionally, consider getting a specialty pancake pan.


  1. 290 - 300 grams of flour.
  2. Half a liter of milk.
  3. Three large eggs.
  4. 50 grams of sugar.
  5. A teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  6. A pinch of soy.
  7. Butter.

You will also need:

  1. 20 or 25 cm non-stick frying pan, or a special pancake pan.
  2. Blender or food processor.
  3. Silicone or metal spatula.

Cooking method:

Prepare pancake batter

  • Break three large eggs into a blender bowl, add half a liter of whole milk, 50 grams of granulated sugar, vanilla, a pinch of salt and 290 grams of flour. Blend the mixture in a blender for 10-15 seconds until the dough is smooth. Pour the French pancake batter into a bowl.

  • If you don't plan to cook right away french crepes, pour the dough into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. You can store refrigerated pancake batter in the refrigerator for up to three days. If the dough becomes very thick during storage, add a little milk to it before cooking so that it resembles liquid sour cream in consistency.
  • Place on stovetop, non-stick pan, or crepe maker. Heat it up and brush it with butter. Just rub the bottom hot pan a piece of butter.

How to fry french crepes

  • Scoop with a ladle about 80 milliliters of liquid pancake dough. Pour it into the center of the hot pan, and with quick, circular motions, spread the batter evenly across the bottom of the pan.

  • Put the pan on the fire, and fry the pancake for one or two minutes, until its edges darken and the bottom becomes golden color.

Turn the pancake over and fry it on the other side

  • With a silicone or metal spatula, remove the fried edges of the pancake from the walls of the pan. Holding the edges of the pancake with your fingers, quickly and carefully flip it over.
  • Fry the pancake on the second side for about half a minute, until it becomes an even golden color. When the pancake is ready, transfer it to a plate.

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It is not easy to prepare a decent crepe: the pancake must be very thin and tender, but at the same time durable. That is why the preparation of crepes for French chefs is a kind of litmus of professionalism. Deviations in the process are not allowed.

The emergence of crepe

Like many other things dear to the heart (and in our case, to the stomach) of a person, crepes are the result of a happy accident. According to legend, gourmets all over the world owe the appearance of this delicacy to a native of Brittany - a certain Madame de Chine. All the narrators agree with this fact of the story, but further editions differ greatly. Some narrators claim that pancakes were created due to the oversight of a negligent hostess, who initially prepared children's food, but received an armful lace dough; the second - extol the pious Catholic de Chine, convincing opponents that it could not have happened without God's providence, and it was the Lord, as in his time to Moses, who told her the sacred recipe; still others claim that the Briton wrote wonderful poems, painted pictures and created amazing etudes on the clavier, and therefore the creation of blessed rounds is only a natural manifestation of a creatively gifted person. How many narrators, so many interpretations. Be that as it may, very soon in France there were many restaurants, who defined their format as creperie (creperia), that is, the place where crepes are prepared.

Features of making crepes

Crepes are baked on a krenitsa, which is a large flat-bottomed frying pan without handles (which is why, unlike Slavic pancakes, making crepes is not a very spectacular process - you don’t particularly throw them up) or just a round frying surface.

Types of crepes: dough and filling

What only the inhabitants of the Fifth Republic do not hide in the womb fragrant pancakes: sweet, salty and spicy. By the way, it depends on the filling what kind of flour will be used in cooking. For example, for pancakes with fish, mushroom or meat stuffing use buckwheat flour(pure or mixed with wheat) and chestnut; sweet pancakes, as a rule, are cooked on wheat. Often crepes are poured with sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to the oven. Separately, they are served with sauces, preserves, jams, ice cream or pieces of fruit.

Crepes with banana and chocolate

Delicious crepe with banana and chocolate icing— a guarantee that the sweet mood will not leave you for the whole day


Pancake dough - 80 g
Black chocolate (melted) - 50 g
- 1/2 pc.
Powdered sugar to taste
Butter (melted) to taste
Brown sugar (cane) - 5 g
Mint to taste

Cooking method:

Preparing the crepe dough

Sift the flour (1 cup) and make a slide out of it with a recess on top. In a separate bowl, dilute milk (330 ml), salt and sugar. Add beaten eggs (2 pcs.) And a few drops of vanilla extract. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and beat with a whisk until creamy. Add melted butter (2 tablespoons) and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Crepe making

Remove the peel from the banana and cut it into strips of medium thickness. Lubricate the surface for crepes with oil. Pour the dough onto a very hot frying surface. Spread the dough evenly over the surface and fry the crepe on both sides.

The word "crepe" in French means "pancake" and comes from the Latin Crispus - "curly, rough". Crepes are traditionally made from buckwheat flour, which makes them darker, almost brown, but no less tasty than our usual wheat pancakes.

Crepes (crêpes) are popular not only throughout France, but also in Europe, where they are known by similar names - Italian crespelle, Hungarian palacsintas, Scandinavian plattars, Greek crepes.
By the way, many are familiar with another common French name pancakes - galettes, we know them (with one letter "t") today as cookies of a special kind. The French are something else. In ancient times, galettes were more like cakes, and their original recipe consisted of buckwheat flour, water and sea ​​salt.Now milk, eggs, butter and a little white flour are added to improve the texture and taste, and sometimes honey for a brighter color.

And these are plump biscuits, more like a pancake cake.

French tradition of baking buckwheat pancakes

To finally decide on crepes and biscuits, let's say that crepes are thinner, crispy pancakes that are baked on both sides on large cast-iron sheets. The dough is spread evenly over the entire surface of the fastener using a special device known as a rozell (rozell), and deftly turned over with a long culinary spatula.

Filling for crepes can traditionally be: melted butter with sugar or - these are the most common options sweet stuffing, fresh fruits, honey, jam; ham with cheese, fried eggs or sausages - as an option for snack crepes, however, if desired, any exotic is allowed.
In French Brittany, where biscuits come from, they are traditionally served with a glass of dry cider.

How they do it in France

The crepe oven is simple. We will replace the professional fastener regular frying pan, and then everything, as usual, is somewhat easy, but confident movements, and you're done. Although ... if you decide to cook like the French, then you should master the technique of flipping pancakes in the air. When we are talking about French culinary traditions, retreats are unacceptable, and this air balance is inextricably linked with the true ability to cook buckwheat pancakes.

The French say that if you successfully caught a thrown pancake while holding a coin in your other hand, then the coming year will surely bring prosperity to you and your family. In addition, throwing pancakes (most importantly, not bonnets) into the air is a great excuse to get applause from friends while performing a little culinary trick.
As a rule, the preparation of crepes turns into a real performance on Maslenitsa and Candlemas, but no one bothers you to hone your skills throughout the year. Try it! And as they say — Bonne chance!

Basic recipe for buckwheat pancakes

Preparing crepe dough

In a blender or with a whisk, mix 70 g of buckwheat and 100 g of wheat flour, 3 eggs, half a liter of milk, 1 tbsp. l sugar, ¼ tsp. sea ​​salt, 80 g (3 tablespoons) melted butter.
Stir to make a smooth dough of pancake consistency, that is, liquid sour cream. If you want the pancakes to be very thin, add one tablespoon more milk than indicated in the calculation. From this amount of products, 18-20 thin crepes should be obtained.

We bake crepes

Place in the center of a heated non-stick pan small piece butter, then deftly and quickly rub it over the entire surface, helping yourself with a paper towel.
Bake the crepes for an average of 30 seconds on each side. Stir the dough from time to time as it settles down.
To keep buckwheat pancakes warm for a long time, place them in a round baking dish lined with foil and place in a slightly preheated oven.

And this buckwheat pancakes with sweet toppings.

The ingredients for the dough should not be cold, remove all products from the refrigerator in advance.

Allow the batter to rest for at least an hour before baking pancakes (additional proofing time will only improve the result).

Make sure all ingredients are well combined (there should be no lumps). The kneading sequence is as follows: first, you need to pour flour into a bowl, break the eggs, but do not interfere, and then pour milk in a thin stream while kneading the dough with a whisk.

Make sure the pan is hot before pouring the batter into the pan.

Let your crepes, your French buckwheat pancakes, bring pleasure to your whole family!
