
How to cook hoof mushrooms. Pig thin

In our forests, plantations and clearings you can find many of the most different mushrooms. People have different attitudes towards their collection, so many are sure that due to the ecological situation in the country, the preparation of such gifts from nature is not safe and brings health more harm than benefit. But there are also many real fans of mushroom hunting who enjoy spending time looking for small mushrooms. However, the edibility of many of them is questionable. Just such mushrooms include filly mushrooms, the photo and description of which we will give below, and we will also tell you how to cook them.

Filly mushrooms have another slightly more common name - they are also called pigs. Such mushrooms can be easily found in many parts of Russia, mainly in the territory of deciduous and coniferous forests.

Many sources claim that pigs are poisonous. However, they are unable to cause poisoning soon after the first consumption. This is precisely what these mushrooms are insidious, only their systematic use in cooking is fraught with the development of tragic consequences.

The possible toxicity of fillies is due to the presence of lectin in their composition. This substance can be dangerous and has a tendency to accumulate in the body. There is evidence that it cannot be excreted from tissues and systems.

Lectin is able to enter into various chemical reactions in our body, which is fraught with the development of pathological immune responses. The immune system begins to attack a person's own red blood cells, which is fraught with their destruction and the development of anemia, nephropathy, or even kidney failure.

Despite the availability of such information, many mushroom pickers fearlessly collect and cook pigs at their own peril and risk.

In the photo, filly mushrooms

Description of filly mushrooms

Such mushrooms are characterized by the presence of a smooth cap, the edge of which looks wrapped and lowered. The diameter of the cap generally ranges from five to fifteen centimeters. The structure of the cap is fleshy, it is distinguished by a rounded shape and the presence of a depressed center. In color, it is close to brown-olive (in young mushrooms) and rusty-brown or gray-brown (in mature specimens). If you touch the surface of the hat, it will seem pleasant to the touch, smooth and dry. With a sufficiently high humidity, the hat seems somewhat sticky.

If you look under the filly's mushroom hat, you can see the plates that go down a little down the stem. They look yellowish and close together, and in response to touch they change their color to brown.

The flesh of pigs is dense and quite soft. Its color can vary from light yellow to yellowish brown. Pressure on the pulp and contact with air changes its color to a darker one. Mushrooms do not have a special smell.

As for the legs, their coloring in pigs is approximately the same as in hats. Sometimes the legs look a little lighter. They are small in height - mostly from three to nine centimeters. The diameter of the stem generally ranges from half a centimeter to two centimeters. The legs look matte, not pubescent, extended closer to the hat.

This concludes the description of the Filly.

How to cook filly mushrooms?

Readers of "Popular about Health" need to remember that the safety of these mushrooms for health has not been proven at all. So if you decide to try cooking Fillies at your own peril and risk, remember possible consequences.

Of course, before eating, such mushrooms must not only be thoroughly cleaned and washed, but also boiled, and, best of all, not once, but at least twice. It is advisable to boil the fillies each time in a new portion of clean water.

Salting filly

Many mushroom pickers prefer to pickle or pickle fillies. In order to cook delicious salty mushrooms, you need to stock up on one kilogram of pigs directly, fifty grams of salt (not iodized), ten sprigs of dill, three blackcurrant leaves, five black peppercorns and five cloves of garlic.

Sort the mushrooms, rinse them and boil them twice (in different water) for a quarter of an hour each time. Throw the pigs in a colander so that they are all gone excess water. To do this, the mushrooms can be shaken several times. While the fillies are still hot, mix them with garlic, dill, currant leaves and peppercorns. Let the mushrooms cool.

After that, lay the pigs in pre-sterilized jars (liter or half-liter) up to the shoulders. Each jar should contain one dill umbrella, pepper and bay leaf. Pour a teaspoon into each jar vinegar essence. Fill the mushrooms with brine to the very top and cover nylon lids.

To prepare the brine for every two liters of water, you need to use three tablespoons of salt.

Salted pigs can be successfully stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

How to fry filly mushrooms?

In fact, preparing such a dish is not at all difficult, you just have to take into account that pig mushrooms are officially classified as inedible. You will need washed and boiled fillies twice or thrice, onion, sour cream, garlic and herbs.

Heat up the pan with vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion on it until a pleasant golden color. Next, send mushrooms to the onion, fry, stirring occasionally, for another twenty minutes. Then put sour cream, finely chopped garlic into the pan and simmer for about five minutes under the lid. Ready meal should be infused for about a quarter of an hour, after which it can be decorated with herbs and served.

My friend's dad is an avid mushroom picker. Every summer, as soon as the mushroom season begins, he actually does not leave the forest. What kind of mushrooms he does not bring from the forest! And mushrooms, and boletus, and boletus, and mushrooms. He is well versed in mushrooms, and he tries to teach us. But his favorite mushrooms were not traditional favorites, but the so-called dunks. In the people they are also called pigs or cowsheds. My friend's father collected them often and a lot, he himself cooked and enjoyed himself, since her mother did not agree to eat them and did not allow us, since pigs are considered conditionally edible mushrooms. They were even boiled separately from other mushrooms. I long time I didn't know what they tasted like, those pigs. But one day the moment came that I decided to try them, the taste of mushrooms is amazing! In the family, my friends taught me how to cook them correctly, and I am sharing with you their signature recipe.

Recipe for pig or dunek mushrooms

So, we collected a basket of pigs, and brought them home. First, we wash them well under water, remove adhering blades of grass and sand.

Now the mushrooms need to be put in a saucepan, pour cold water and leave for 2 or 3 hours, and best of all for 12, in order to soak them.

We drain the water in which the mushrooms soaked, fill them with fresh cold water. If our dunks big size, then they can be cut into large pieces.

We put the pan on the fire and wait until the water boils. After boiling, drain the water, pour a new portion and boil the mushrooms for 35 minutes. You can do more for those who are afraid, but still, it’s better not to digest it, so more will be needed heat treatment. Boiling water should be slightly salted and black peppercorns should be thrown there for flavor.

As soon as the cooking time is up, carefully strain the mushrooms into a colander, let all the water drain, and wait for the dunks to cool to room temperature.

Then we do everything, as with any other mushrooms: put in a frying pan and fry with onions until tender, or lay out in containers or special packing bags with a lock and freeze in the freezer for later use.

Fried pigs in oil with onions can now be safely eaten both separately and with potatoes. They are good both on their own and as an addition to a side dish.

I am already an adult, I live separately from my parents and my kitchen is full of all sorts of new products. Parents cook in the old way, on the stove, in a frying pan, and I have an excellent assistant - a slow cooker. And often there is not enough time to cook various delicacies for a long time, and you really want to pamper your relatives. So, taking out one of the bags of frozen mushrooms prepared in the above way, I decided to cook fried pigs in the Panasonic multicooker, at the same time and try how it will cope with this task. Everything turned out just class! Now I will tell you.

With the development of microbiology, the attitude towards some fungi was revised. So, the well-known cowshed mushroom, he is also a thin pig, for a long time considered edible. Moreover, many mushroom pickers rated it positively. taste qualities collected with pleasure. At the moment, the attitude has changed dramatically.

The thin pig (Paxillus involutus) belongs to the class Agaricomycetes, the family Svinushkovye, the genus pig, is poisonous. This mushroom is called differently, the most common of the names is cowshed mushrooms. But you can also hear such as: pig, pig or pig, filly, dunka, pig ear etc. All names are related to appearance.

  • The hat of pigs is smooth, with a velvety wrapped, lowered edge, with a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, fleshy, rounded in shape with a depressed center. The color of the cap is brown-olive in young mushrooms, rusty-brown or gray-brown in adults. To the touch the surface is pleasant, dry, smooth. Sticky in high humidity.
  • The plates descend slightly down the stem, yellowish, close together. Brown when pressed.
  • The pulp is dense, soft. Color - from light yellow to yellowish brown. Darkens when cut or pressed. Has no special smell.
  • The stem is the same color as the cap or slightly lighter, short from 3 to 9 cm, not thick from 0.6 to 2 cm in diameter, expanding towards the base of the cap. The surface is matte, without velvety pubescence.

Cowshed mushroom is most often confused with Chanterelles. They are similar only in the structure of the legs, the shape and color of the caps, but differ in texture (in chanterelles it is fleecy).

Places of distribution and fruiting period

The thin pig prefers to settle in deciduous or coniferous forests, gardens, parks. Of the deciduous trees, he prefers birch. At the same time, the mushroom chooses young undergrowth along the outskirts of swamps, glades, and ravines. Sometimes grows on the trunks of fallen trees. It is more common on moist soil in shady places.

Pig mushrooms are found in almost all climatic zones. They are distinguished by great endurance, and even in dry years, when there are practically no other mushrooms, they seduce lovers of “silent hunting”. Most massively germinate from June to October. At the same time, they settle in groups (bearing fruit abundantly and amicably). It is very rare to find a single mushroom. As a rule, if you come across one, his “comrades” are somewhere nearby.

Poison properties

Cowshed mushroom, according to many sources, is poisonous. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning do not appear after the first ingestion. And this is the special deceit of this mushroom, since it regular use can lead to tragic consequences.

The debate about whether thin pigs are poisonous or not does not subside. Perhaps the catch is that the poison (lectin) contained in the pulp must accumulate in the body in order to be poisoned. It does not collapse when heat treatment and is not excreted from the body, accumulating in it.

Stepping in line chemical reactions, lectin provokes an autoimmune reaction against red blood cells, which leads to the destruction of a certain mass of the latter. The result is anemia, nephropathy, or even kidney failure. Diseases develop gradually, over many years (if the mushroom is used for a long time). Therefore, the pig is rarely identified as a source of problems and is considered poisonous.

The barn accumulates heavy metals and radioactive isotopes.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

The cowshed acts quite insidiously. When the concentration of poisons in the body reaches critical values ​​(and this can happen after a few years), classic symptoms develop. food poisoning. There is diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. But at the same time, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels decreases.

After some time, the symptoms of poisoning are replaced by pallor, a decrease in the volume of urine and the appearance of blood impurities in it. Red blood cells begin to break down, which leads to numerous complications, including: renal and respiratory failure.

Self-administered first aid will only worsen the condition. You need to contact a medical facility immediately. However, even if the medical examination reveals true reason diseases - there are no antidotes. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is used to remove antibodies and compensate for renal failure. Treatment is quite effective, and deaths are rare. But the poison remains in the body. And in place with it - the consequences of poisoning (for example, the need to regularly undergo hemodialysis).

Even if friends say that the thin pig is delicious and completely safe mushroom, you shouldn't try it. Its taste can only be enjoyed a limited number of times. And the consequences will stay with you forever.

When going to the forest for mushrooms, each person should know well which of them are edible and which are not. There are conflicting opinions about pigs. This article talks in detail about them: are they poisonous, how to properly process them, how much to cook and what can be cooked from them.

What is this mushroom

This fungus is very common in coniferous and deciduous forests, and can also grow in garden plots. Since ancient times, pigs have been conditionally edible mushrooms. But despite this, many collect them and cook from them. delicious dishes. Pigs reach an average height of 7 cm. The hat is turned inside out along the edge, and closer to the center there is a depression similar to a funnel. They can be gray or olive in color. Freshly cut hogs darken quickly. The fungus is also called a pig or barn. There are two types of pigs: thin and thick. Fat - piggy - looks like large mushroom with dense brownish flesh. Thin pig - light brown, fleshy. The picking season for these mushrooms runs from July to October.

Pigs: to eat or not to eat

Despite the fact that since 1981 they were officially banned from sale, the volume of their consumption has not decreased. In Russia, pigs are eaten no less than other mushrooms. There are different pigs: they are marinated, salted, fried and even soup is cooked from them. They are sweet and very tasty. Many refuse to believe in the toxicity of these mushrooms. However, pigs contain toxins that are not destroyed by heat treatment. With frequent use in human body antibodies are formed that suppress the immune system and destroy red blood cells. All of this can lead to kidney failure. The accumulation of antibodies occurs gradually and depends on the characteristics of the organism. And whether it is possible to eat pigs - it is up to each person to decide.

How to cook pig mushrooms

Before cooking, mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, rinsed well and soaked in lightly salted water for 6-7 hours. Then this water must be drained. Repeat this soaking 2 times. Then the soaked mushrooms are boiled in salt water for 7-8 minutes. The brine is made at the rate of: for one kilogram of mushrooms, one liter of water and one teaspoon of salt. After boiling, the water must be drained. Next, pour the mushrooms again with cool water. Boil for another 40 minutes. AND last time cover them with cold water and boil for 40 minutes. Drain the water again. Everything, the mushrooms are ready. You should clearly remember how much to cook pork mushrooms. Otherwise, you can get poisoned. Cool the boiled mushrooms - and you can use it for its intended purpose. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

How to fry pigs

There are many various recipes their fries. One of the most simple ways- this is the preparation of pig mushrooms in sour cream. It turns out very tasty. Mushrooms and sour cream are always a good combination of products.


  • pigs - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • one bulb;
  • sunflower oil;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste.

1. First, the onion is sautéed in oil until golden brown.

3. After you need to add garlic and sour cream and simmer for 8 minutes.

The dish must be allowed to brew and soak. And after 20 minutes it can be eaten.

Traditional pig mushroom recipes

Very tasty potato with mushrooms is prepared easily and simply.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • boiled pigs - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • one bulb;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • meat broth or water - 1/2 cup;
  • a piece of butter.

Finely chopped onion fried sunflower oil within 2-4 minutes. Then it is mixed with mushrooms and stewed in separate saucepan within 30 minutes. At this time, prepared, finely chopped potatoes are fried over high heat. At the next stage, the fried potatoes are added to the pan with mushrooms and stewed for 10-15 minutes. Everything, the dish is ready. According to this recipe, it turns out juicy, richly greased with sour cream potatoes with pigs. Its taste has a slight sourness, with a pronounced taste of fried, and mushrooms give a special satiety. Before serving, the resulting dish is recommended to sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

Another interesting and simple recipe is a salad with pigs.


  • ready boiled mushrooms(you should follow the above recommendations on how much to cook pork mushrooms);
  • onion;
  • sunflower oil;
  • vinegar 3% - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • sprigs of greenery for decoration.

Large pigs are cut into small pieces, and small ones can be left for decoration. The onion is cut into rings, and part of the greens is finely chopped. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with oil and vinegar. From above, the salad can be decorated with sprigs of greens and small mushrooms.

Marinated mushrooms

Marinated pigs - delicious treat. Cooking such mushrooms takes longer than others. It is important to know the pigs correctly so that the dish turns out tender and fragrant. This requires the following products:

  • pigs - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 30 grams;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • carnation - 10 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 5 peas;
  • bay leaf - 5 sheets;
  • garlic;
  • dill.

Mushrooms are soaked for 3 hours, then washed well and cut into pieces. After that, they are boiled in highly salted water for half an hour. Next, the brine is drained, and the boiled mushrooms must be washed in 5 waters. After that, they are boiled again in steeply salted water for another 30 minutes. It is very important to take into account the time and monitor how much to cook pork mushrooms. Then they are washed again and filled with cold water for another 1 hour. At this time, you need to prepare the marinade. For him, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, spices are mixed and heated so that all the crystals dissolve. In this marinade, pigs are boiled for 10-15 minutes. At the end, garlic and herbs crumble. After that, the mushrooms can be rolled into jars.


There is one more good recipe preparations of this product for the winter - mushroom caviar. It will require:

Boiled pigs - 2 kg;

Onions - 4-5 pcs.;

Two carrots;

Three tomatoes;

Three cloves of garlic;

Bulgarian pepper - 1/2 kg;

Sunflower oil - 150 g;

Sugar - 20 g;

Salt - 30 g;

Ready boiled pigs, bell pepper and tomatoes are scrolled through a meat grinder. pigs, has been described in detail above. Onions and grated carrots are fried in sunflower oil. After that, all the ingredients are mixed with a blender into a homogeneous mass and laid out in a container for stewing. Salt and sugar are also added here, and all this is stewed for an hour. Caviar must be constantly stirred. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, chopped garlic is added, and 1-2 minutes before fully prepared- vinegar. hot caviar laid out in jars and rolled up with lids.

Pigs are agaric, which belong to the pig family. In the people they are called cowsheds, Dunka, pigs, pigs. This family includes several species, not all of which can be used for food. Therefore, in order not to harm your health, you need to know their distinguishing features.

Pigs are agaric mushrooms that belong to the family of pigs

Pigs are mushrooms with small fleshy and thick hats from 10 to 20 cm in diameter. IN early age they are convex, and as they grow, as a rule, they become even, and then funnel-shaped. The edges of adult mushrooms are often wavy and everted. Depending on the species, the color of the caps can vary from light green to grayish-brown, and the surface is velvety, rough or smooth. Dense flesh, from light yellow to brown in color, can be both soft and quite hard. On a cut or with simple pressure, it usually begins to darken. Pigs are characterized by rather small legs up to 5 cm in diameter and up to 10 cm high, they can be both smooth and pubescent, usually the same color as the hat. Some species do not have them at all.

Pigs most often grow in damp places of deciduous or coniferous forests, sometimes they can be found in meadows or marshy shores of water bodies. Most of all they like to settle near birches or oaks. Pigs, as a rule, grow in a group, single specimens are rare. Fruiting begins in the middle of summer and ends by the end of autumn. In especially wet periods, these mushrooms give very plentiful harvests. Some species of pigs settle on dead trees and even on the walls of wooden houses, destroying them.

Features of pig mushrooms (video)

Description of the types of pigs

Currently, 10 types of pigs are known, all of them contain substances harmful to the body, in one quantity or another. Some of them are poisonous mushrooms.

Pig fat (felt)

Tapinella atrotomentosa has a fleshy, velvety pistachio, tan or brown cap. Over time, its convex shape changes to a concave one. The diameter of the cap ranges from 15 to 20 cm. This mushroom is characterized by thick, hard yellowish flesh and thin, often located cream-colored plates. The fleshy, dense stem is characterized by a pubescent surface of black-brown or brown color. Its diameter reaches 5 cm, and its length is 10 cm. The fat pig has practically no smell, and the taste is bitter. When pressed, all parts of the fungus become brown. To date, this species is considered conditionally edible.

Pig fat (felt)

Pig thin

Paxillus involutus is characterized by a slightly convex or flat cap that is greyish-olive to reddish-brown in color. Its surface is velvety, and the shaggy edges are strongly wrapped. The yellowish, soft and friable pulp has no smell and taste. The lamellar layer consists of reddish-yellow wide and rare plates. They can be connected by peculiar membranes, forming a mesh surface. Full legs have a diameter of 1 to 2 cm, and a height of up to 9 cm. This type is poisonous.

Pig thin

Pig ear-shaped (panus-shaped)

Tapinella panuoides has a thick, rather stiff cap that grows up to 12 cm in diameter. Its surface can be velvety or smooth, and the shape resembles a fan or shell. The edges are usually uneven, jagged or wavy. The color of the fungus ranges from yellowish brown to dark red. The ear-shaped pig is characterized by a pulp of a rubbery consistency of a yellowish-cream or light brown hue, which becomes brown on the cut. The leg of this species is very short, and most often completely absent. This mushroom can be recognized by its pleasant coniferous aroma. It is classified as a conditionally edible species.

The benefits and harms of pigs

Although many mushroom pickers consider pigs to be very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, it is difficult to talk about their benefits. And they can cause significant harm to the body. They contain a large number of muscarine, a toxic substance that does not break down with any method of processing and is not excreted from the body, gradually poisoning it. In addition, they contain antigens that cause the human body to produce antibodies in the blood. Accumulating, they lead to the development of serious diseases.

Also, pigs are characterized by active absorption of various chemical compounds, radioisotopes and heavy metals, including lead. Therefore, it is impossible to collect these fungi near roads, industrial plants and other polluted places.

In connection with the foregoing, we can conclude that if you want to eat pigs, you should do it very rarely, while carefully processing them and, of course, choosing only conditionally edible, and not poisonous species and environmentally friendly collection points.

Although many mushroom pickers consider pigs to be very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, it is difficult to talk about their benefits.

On the edibility of pig mushrooms

In order for the use of pigs to cause as much damage as possible less harm body, you need to know how to properly prepare them for use. Recommended next way their processing:

  • mushrooms should be cleaned immediately after harvest;
  • peeled mushrooms should be soaked for a day in water with the addition a small amount salt and citric acid. This will help the removal of radioisotopes and salts of heavy metals. Water needs to be changed several times;
  • rinse the soaked mushrooms well and boil in salt water for 5 minutes, pour out the water. Then boil them in clean water two more times for half an hour and wash again;
  • cooled mushrooms can be fried, stewed, salted, marinated, added to salads, fillings for pies and dumplings and other dishes.

Pigs are characterized by active absorption of various chemical compounds, radioisotopes and heavy metals, including lead.

Pigs marinated

According to mushroom lovers, salted and pickled pigs are a very tasty preparation.


  • pigs (boiled) - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • pepper (allspice) - 15 pcs;
  • garlic - 3 teeth.

How to cook:

Boil water, add salt, sugar, spices and chopped small pieces mushrooms, pour vinegar. Boil for about 20 minutes;

  1. Wash and sterilize 1 liter containers;
  2. Arrange the mushrooms in containers, pour over the marinade and add 2 tbsp to each. l olive oil;
  3. Sterilize jars with mushrooms for 20 minutes and can be closed with tin lids;
  4. The cooled blanks must be sent for storage in the cellar.

In order for the use of pigs to cause as little harm to the body as possible, you need to know how to properly prepare them for use.

Pigs salted in oil


  • pigs (boiled) - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - 200 ml;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • pepper (allspice) - 15 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Mushrooms cut into thick strips;
  • Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan;
  • Mushrooms fry over low heat for an hour;
  • Sterilize jars, put them in them ready mushrooms, pour hot vegetable oil on top and close with plastic lids;
  • Cooled blanks are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.

How to cook pork mushrooms (video)

Edible mushrooms that pigs are confused with

A young fat pig can be confused with Polish mushroom or green flywheel, but they have a tubular layer. The ear-shaped pig sometimes resembles mushrooms or chanterelles.

As you can see, some types of pigs are quite tasty, but low-quality mushrooms. Therefore, one should be very careful in their collection and preparation. Also, you should not get involved in their use, as this can lead not only to poisoning, but also to the development of stroke, varicose veins and other serious ailments. And, of course, before you start collecting them, you should study which species is poisonous and which is conditionally edible.

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