
Hot dishes with red caviar. What dishes with red caviar can be prepared? Recipe for river fish caviar with onions and parsley

Almost everyone loves caviar, and not only gourmet ones: black and red. From the caviar of the most common river fish (perch, perch, bream, roach), you can also cook mouth-watering and healthy dishes. When choosing a product, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to cook mature caviar (the eggs are clearly visible, like beads, and do not create a jelly-like mass).

Fried caviar of river fish in a simple way

For such a dish, in addition to caviar, you need an onion, salt, black pepper. Caviar is fried in vegetable oil.

Caviar must be freed from the film. To do this, you can simply squeeze it, and the eggs will squeeze out of the film shell. You can choose them with a knife or fork.

The onion is finely chopped and fried in well-heated oil, and then caviar seasoned with pepper and salt is added to it. Then the ingredients must be mixed. The most “lazy” cooking option involves frying caviar first on one side, then on the other. But it is better to mix the contents of the pan all the time.

The readiness of caviar is determined by the change in color: it should turn golden-orange.

This is where you can finish cooking, or you can make an excellent spread for sandwiches from caviar. To do this, it (still hot) is combined with butter and chopped herbs and kneaded well. Before preparing sandwiches, slices of dried bread should be rubbed with garlic.

Fried caviar (from pike, for example) can also be served with a side dish, or it can serve as an independent snack.

If you have time and desire, you can cook very unexpected dishes from caviar. For example, fry pancakes. For them, a pound of caviar requires 1 egg, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons flour, salt and pepper. All the ingredients are mixed and fried in a pan in heated oil, carefully pouring the mixture with a spoon (it turns out to be quite liquid).

A variant of this dish are caviar cutlets. For them, for a pound of caviar, you need 2-3 eggs, 2 onions, flour or semolina - 5-6 tbsp. spoons.

Finely chop the onion, mix all the ingredients, beat well with a fork or whisk, salt, add pepper. Ready "minced meat" should stand for 20 minutes. Cutlets are fried in the same way as pancakes. It should be borne in mind that caviar is not meat, it is fried quickly, and cutlets can burn if they are overexposed on fire.

Caviar is very well absorbed, it contains very rare substances that are beneficial to human health.

Caviar dishes can be included in the diet menu.

Fish caviar dishes You can salt caviar of vendace, whitefish, pike perch, pike, bream. Caviar must be removed carefully so as not to burst the gallbladder. Caviar is washed with cold boiled (!) water (it quickly deteriorates from raw water). Pike caviar must be scalded with boiling water, as it often contains microbes that can cause gastrointestinal diseases in humans. To release the caviar from the films, it is whipped with a bunch of horsetail grass, then filtered through a large-mesh (horsehair) sieve. Caviar is salted, gently stirring. At first it is liquid, then thickens. After that, caviar is put in clean jars and put in the cold. For 100 g of caviar, 10-15 g of fine salt is required. For better preservation, preservatives are used: for 1 kg of caviar, 1/2 teaspoon of glycerin and an aspirin tablet, diluted in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boiled water. Everything is thoroughly mixed and put in a cool place. Caviar can be eaten after 1-2 hours. When serving, caviar is seasoned with sunflower oil and onions are added. Caviar casserole or "cheese" - mahnajuusto: Old Karelian dish. We washed fresh caviar, cleaned it of films, put it into a pot through a large-mesh sieve (sieve), added a little milk, salted it to taste and put it in the oven or oven. Baked caviar looks like cheese. Eat it cold. Caviar pancakes - mahnakakkara: Old Karelian dish. Processed fresh caviar was salted, a little rye or oat flour was mixed into it without adding water. Fried in a frying pan in melted butter. Caviar pancakes were baked after a big catch, usually during the fishing season. Salamat Karelian (Pomeranian): Boil caviar, milk and liver of perches and ruffs. After cooling, finely chop and mix with salted caviar (whitefish, palia, burbot, vendace). Add chopped onion and pepper. If there is no salted caviar, salamat can only be made from milk and liver. Recipe for river fish caviar baked with bread. Ingredients of a river fish caviar dish: 200 grams of fresh caviar; 1 onion; 2 slices of wheat bread (not crust); milk for soaking bread; 2 sprigs of dill and parsley; salt, ground black pepper to taste. Soak the bread in milk, finely chop the onion. Pass caviar together with bread (slightly squeezed) through a meat grinder, add chopped onion, salt, pepper and mix well. Lubricate the baking dish with fat or oil, put the prepared mass into it in an even layer and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until cooked (a golden crust should form). When serving, sprinkle a dish of river fish caviar with finely chopped greens. Recipe for river fish caviar baked with potatoes. Ingredients of a river fish caviar dish: 200 grams of fresh caviar; 1 onion; 1 potato; a tablespoon of butter; 2 sprigs of dill, parsley and celery; salt, ground black pepper to taste. Boil peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Onion cut and fry. Then mix potatoes, fried onions and caviar and pass through a meat grinder. Salt the minced meat, pepper and mix well. Then put the cooked minced meat in an even layer in a greased baking dish and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until cooked. When serving, sprinkle a dish of river fish caviar with finely chopped herbs and pour over with butter. Recipe for river fish caviar baked with beans. Ingredients of a river fish caviar dish: 250 grams of fresh caviar; 2 cups beans; ½ cup milk, maybe a little more; 2 tablespoons of sour cream; 2 tablespoons of melted butter; 3-4 sprigs of dill; dry tarragon on the tip of a knife; salt to taste. Soak the beans overnight in cold water. The next day, drain the water, rinse the beans in running water, then pour fresh water over low heat and cook over low heat until soft (about an hour and a half). Then drain the water through a colander and pass the beans through a meat grinder along with caviar. Boil milk, cool and pour into the resulting mass, add tarragon, salt and mix well. Lubricate ceramic pots (2-3) with melted butter, put the minced meat in them, brush with sour cream on top and put in a preheated oven. Bake over medium heat until done. The dish is served hot, sprinkled with finely chopped dill on top. River fish caviar casserole. Ingredients of river fish caviar dish: 500 grams of fresh caviar; 2/3 cup milk; 2/3 cup tomato juice; 2 onions; 100 grams of stale white bread; 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil; 1 tablespoon melted butter; 2 tablespoons of lemon juice; 3-4 sprigs of parsley; ground crackers; half a teaspoon of ground red pepper; salt to taste. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Soak the bread in milk, squeeze lightly and, together with caviar and fried onions, pass through a meat grinder. Add juices, red pepper, salt to the minced meat and mix everything well. Lubricate ceramic pots (2-3) with melted butter and put the resulting mass into them. Smooth the surface, carefully grease with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake over medium heat in a preheated oven until done. Serve the caviar casserole on the table hot, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley. Separately, you can serve a salad of fresh vegetables. Sandwiches with river fish caviar. Preparation of caviar of river fish for salting. Carefully remove the caviar along with the film (without damaging the gallbladder), then free the caviar from films and blood clots. You can get rid of the film by passing the caviar through a meat grinder, the film will remain on the meat grinder knife, and the caviar will pass through the holes. The second way: - wipe the caviar through a sieve, the sieve holes should be slightly smaller than the size of the eggs. Preparation of caviar for sandwiches. Put the resulting caviar in a saucepan, loosen with a fork and pour boiling water. When the caviar turns white (after about 10 minutes or a little more), drain the water and put the caviar in a porcelain or glass salad bowl. Then add for every 100 grams of caviar: - a teaspoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of 3% vinegar, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well and refrigerate for several hours (at least an hour). Another way to prepare caviar. Prepare a strong solution of table salt, bring it to a boil (remove the resulting foam) and pour the prepared caviar at the rate of 1 part caviar 2 parts of the solution. Stir until the caviar floats. Then strain. If the caviar turned out to be very salty, rinse it in cold boiled water. Add pepper to taste. You can also add finely chopped onion. For those who care about the figure, bread and butter can be replaced with half an egg or a circle of fresh cucumber. Recipe for river fish caviar with onions and parsley. Appetizer from caviar of river fish. Ingredients of a river fish caviar dish: 500 grams of fresh large fish caviar, pikeperch caviar is best; 2 large onions; 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil; 2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar; a bunch of parsley; salt, ground black pepper to taste. Peel the caviar from the film, pour boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water. Peel the raw onion and chop very finely. Salt caviar, pepper, add onion, oil and vinegar. Stir and let stand for an hour (preferably in a cool place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees). Then put the caviar in a slide on a plate and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. My family and I also cook caviar soup, it is very tasty from pike caviar, sometimes we add pike liver. I will not describe the recipe, as it is very simple. When preparing any white or green soup (that is, everything except borscht and sour soups), then add caviar as ingredients and finely chopped cheese at the end, you can add both hard and melted. The soup turns out white, which can be seasoned with herbs at the end. It turns out just yummy)

Ikryanniki are pancakes made from fish caviar. The most delicious are the eggs from the caviar of river fish. You should not use pike caviar for cooking this dish, because in a hot pan, small eggs begin to burst and splash all over the kitchen. So you can get a burn, and dirty the whole kitchen. But from silver carp caviar, carp, carp, crucian carp and bream, the most beautiful, bright and delicious pancakes are obtained. They are best served with fish soup or light fish soup.
Fish eggs can complement any soup, as they can be thrown into a plate with the first course so that they absorb liquid and become even tastier. So you can diversify the daily menu and serve soup with a small, but appropriate, fiction. These pancakes can replace bread, so feel free to serve them with first courses. You can eat them just like that, they will be especially tasty with.

Taste Info From fish and seafood / Fritters


  • 1 egg;
  • 500 g of bream caviar;
  • incomplete glass of flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking time: about 20 minutes if frying in two pans at once.
Difficulty: easy

How to cook fish caviar eggs

First you need to get fresh bream caviar (or any other fish, but not pike). Caviar can be bought at a fish store, as an option. There it is sold frozen. But it is better if the caviar is fresh. Such caviar can be obtained from fish that has just been caught in a river or lake. In this case, the eggs will be much tastier.

We wash fresh caviar and send it to a liter jar. To make caviar suitable for making pancakes, you need to remove the film from it. To do this, you can use a special device that is easy to do at home. We drive a few carnations into a small stick and we get a wonderful tool that will collect all the films without much time and effort.

We lower the tool for collecting films into a jar of caviar and twist the stick in our palms, winding films around it.

When all the films are removed, the caviar will look like a homogeneous mass. Don't be intimidated by the color and appearance of this mass. After frying, the caviar will become orange and beautiful.

Add the egg to the caviar.

We fall asleep to the caviar with a little flour.

We salt the mass to taste.

To improve the smell and taste, add a little black pepper.

Mix the dough and add so much flour to make it like regular pancakes.

Fry the eggs in a frying pan with a little vegetable oil. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Ready-made eggs in a warm or chilled form are served to the table.

Fish caviar is perhaps the most delicious thing in fish. Moreover, from the caviar of almost any fish, you can cook a delicacy, and pike caviar can even compete with red caviar in taste. Pike caviar in the old days was called merchant caviar. Spring is in the yard, which means that the fisherman's kitchen has a chance to have fish caviar, of course, legally obtained. What can be delicious to cook from it ...

Salting caviar on the pond

Cooking caviar in nature is no more difficult than at home, but how much fun! And most importantly, only fresh caviar can be so tasty. The cooking process takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

Having previously cut the film near the caviar bags, put the caviar in a bowl (preferably a deep plate) and pour hot (not boiling!) saline solution. Next, we interfere with a fork, or a twig with knots, and collect a film on these knots. Scraping caviar with a knife from the film is not recommended, since a third, and in inept hands and half of the caviar bursts and becomes unusable.

While you knead, the caviar swells, absorbs the brine and by the end of the process it becomes the same consistency when it melts gently on the tongue. You can eat such caviar not only in the form of sandwiches, but simply with tablespoons. Impressive? Please note that such caviar is not stored for a long time. Although the warning is of course stupid - how can such yummy be stored for a long time ...

Nothing prevents us from preparing caviar according to the same recipe (see above) at home. But still there are nuances. At home, you can make caviar for long-term storage, say, for the New Year and even longer.

Let's start with the fact that at home it is not necessary to remove the film with a fork or a twig. We dump the caviar into a bowl, pour it with slightly cooled boiling water. If the caviar smells like mud, then when treated with hot water, the mud smell disappears. In addition, the eggs become more watery and when eaten (this is especially noticeable in large caviar), the eggs burst between the teeth and delicious salty juice splashes out.

Next, take a mixer with a whisk and beat well. The entire film will remain on the whisk of the mixer, while the caviar remains intact. We wash the caviar under cold water and remove small films that are understood to the surface of the water. You need to rinse very well, I rinse at least 10-15 times.

We drain the water and see - the caviar has become similar to millet in color and size. We throw back the caviar on gauze, hang it and let the water drain. After 15-20 minutes, pour the caviar into a bowl and salt with fine salt (not iodized) to taste. Salted caviar is the most delicious, but it cannot be stored for a long time.

Therefore, I separate caviar for long-term storage and for the next meal, and salt each portion differently. After salting, mix the caviar well with a spoon. From the color of millet, caviar turns into an amber transparent product with a small foam on top. We put the caviar in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, after which you can safely eat it.

This is a classic recipe, but there is always room for fantasy in it. So, for example, many do not just salt caviar, but also add black pepper and even a little sugar. The second option: after the caviar is salted, you can add butter (vegetable oil), chopped dill to the right amount of caviar and mix in a mixer. After that, it remains to spread this minced caviar on a piece of toasted bread and savor it.

There is another trick. If you want to taste and cook real red caviar yourself, then buy whole pink salmon, although it is not often found in this form. In one of several pink salmon, as a rule, caviar is found.

Moreover, the amount of caviar in it will be comparable to the volume of a jar of 200-250 g bought in a medium-sized store. Thus, you will not only get fish, but also stay with a very decent bonus, which will be almost more expensive than the purchased fish .


Ingredients: caviar of any river fish - 250 gr., egg - 1 pc., milk 100 gr., salt, pepper to taste.

This is a dish from my childhood, my grandmother cooked it. Simple, tasty and very satisfying. Mix the caviar cleaned from the film with a small amount of milk, add one egg there and salt. Pour the resulting mixture into a preheated pan with heated vegetable oil and fry (you can on both sides). The dish prepared in this way is so nutritious that it can be fed all day long.

caviar pancakes

Ingredients: caviar of any river fish - 250g, egg - 1 pc., medium onion - 1 pc., medium carrot - 1 pc., flour - 1-2 tablespoons, salt, pepper to taste.

Grate carrots and onions on a fine grater. Mix everything with caviar, egg, spices and flour. You need very little flour, otherwise the pancakes will turn out tough. We spread the resulting mass with a spoon on a preheated pan with oil and fry on both sides until cooked.

Caviar casserole with bread

Ingredients: fresh caviar - 300-400g, milk - 100 ml, onion - 100g, - wheat bread - 100g, fat - 20g, salt - to taste, herbs - to taste.

Caviar and wheat bread soaked in milk are passed through a meat grinder or beaten with a mixer, add finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, put in an even layer on a frying sheet greased with fat, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

When ready, it remains to cut the casserole into portions and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Caviar baked in the oven

Ingredients: 300 gr. fish caviar, 0.5 kg of beans, 2/3 cup milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, 1/2 bunch of dill, 1/3 teaspoon of tarragon, salt to taste.

Pour the beans overnight with cold boiled water, then cook over low heat until it becomes soft. Throw the finished beans in a colander to glass the liquid, and then pass through a meat grinder or beat in a mixer along with caviar.

Pour boiled chilled milk into the resulting mass, add tarragon and salt and mix everything thoroughly. Lubricate the form with fat, put this mass into it, grease with sour cream on top and put in a preheated oven.

Bake over medium heat until fully cooked. Serve the finished casserole hot, sprinkled with chopped dill.

It's nice to freeze the worm!

Konstantin Fadeev

For more than a dozen years, river fish caviar has been famous for its excellent taste and beneficial properties. What to cook from crucian caviar? The variety of options pleasantly surprises - from the simplest appetizers to exquisite main courses. It is this topic that we will discuss today.

Fish caviar preparation: general aspects

Most often, inexperienced housewives are interested in how to pickle crucian caviar, not even suspecting how many delicious dishes can be prepared from this fish offal.

The most common river fish is carp. That is why a frequent guest on our tables is crucian caviar. The calorie content of such a product varies from 115 to 125 kilocalories per 100 g of the product. Of course, the nutritional value indicator can be much higher. It all depends on how you prepare the fish offal and what ingredients you combine it with.

It is best to use caviar that you yourself have extracted from a fresh fish carcass. It is carefully taken out, while maintaining the integrity of the film, otherwise the caviar will acquire a bitter taste.

Then the caviar is freed from capillaries, veins and films. The fastest way to process the product is with a sieve.

On a note! Crucian caviar is stored in the freezer for a long time. For several days, the offal will retain its freshness in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container or under a film.

New dish for breakfast

Carp caviar with an egg is an unusual but tasty combination of seemingly incompatible products. In a few minutes you will prepare an airy omelet with an incomparable taste and aroma. Such a dish is even introduced into the children's diet.


  • 0.2 kg of crucian caviar;
  • salt and seasonings to taste;
  • 3-4 st. l. cow's milk;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream with any percentage of fat content;
  • butter to taste.


Excellent quick snack

How to fry crucian caviar? In this process, it is important to be able to properly prepare the offal. Feel free to add more spices and spices, as the eggs absorb a lot of them. To improve the taste, add onions or chives. You can combine these two products.

On a note! When the crucian caviar is ready, it will change its color to bright orange.


  • 500 g crucian caviar;
  • salt, red and black ground pepper to taste;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • a bunch of chives.


Exquisite dish for real men

You can cook various dishes from crucian caviar. The only limit is your imagination and culinary skills. If you bought fresh crucian carp, then you can cook it in the oven. And if the fish is caught with a "surprise", then the dish will immediately acquire a new flavor.


  • 1 carcass of crucian carp;
  • 200 g fresh champignons;
  • salt and ground allspice to taste;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • 100 g crucian caviar;
  • 20 ml refined olive oil.


Cutlets: economy option

You can cook incredibly tasty meatballs from crucian caviar. Such a dish does not require the purchase of expensive ingredients. Everything ingenious is simple.


  • caviar - 0.4 kg;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • a bunch of feather onions;
  • salt and allspice ground pepper to taste;
  • filtered water - 1½ tbsp.;
  • refined sunflower seed oil.


  1. Caviar is prepared as described in previous recipes.
  2. Add semolina, salt, allspice and an egg to the fish by-product.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Add flour and chopped onion.
  5. Mix everything again.
  6. Heat refined sunflower seed oil in a frying pan.
  7. Spoon minced caviar and fry cutlets on both sides until golden.
  8. Such cutlets can be supplemented with a vegetable or cereal side dish.

To make the taste of the dish excellent and not bitter, it is necessary to prepare the fish offal in accordance with all the rules. Caviar is thoroughly washed in a sieve.
