
How to make beef liver soft when frying. Delicious and soft beef liver fried in a special marinade

Task: Olesya (Omsk)

fried liver and salt
decided pork liver fry, but I can’t figure it out - salt it right away or at the end of frying? Tell me please

Answers from the sophisticated: When to salt the liver

natali gdf (Moscow)

immediately so that the salt melts and does not crunch on the teeth

Margaritka Di (Penza)

usually the liver is salted at the end otherwise it will become tough during frying.

The abundance of juice and its flavor make velvet fruit so popular. Not everyone can handle raw fruit. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should only eat steamed pears. Because it makes them easier to digest. Baby, dwarf or even panar bananas, as the titbit is called in the world, are great for flambing. Because these special varieties have a delicious aroma.

Oranges or lemons can be finely mashed if you put parchment paper on a grater. The lattice peel sticks to it and the grater stays clean. The fruit should not soak overnight. Heat it up with water and cover microwave oven within 90 seconds at the highest level.

Galina Kaleva (Makhachkala)

It depends on what kind of liver you want to get: if it is hard, then it is better at the beginning, soft - at the end.

Elena Fedotova (St. Petersburg)

and I add various seasonings and a little salt when it just changes color and fry it afterwards.

OLGA (Norilsk)

Do not salt or pepper immediately. Cut into thin layers and fry in a well-heated pan for 1 minute on each side. Don't be afraid that the inside will be pink. Transfer the liver to a deep plate, salt, pepper, and in the oil where the liver was fried, quickly fry the onion and put it hot on the liver. Cover the plate with another deep plate and let stand. Under a hot onion and a plate, the liver will reach and be soft and not overcooked.

Fruit retains its fresh color and everything goes much faster if you pour hot sugar water on it before thawing. Do not stir so as not to damage the fruit. Parma ham with jellyfish melon - popular small dish. Here's how to do it a little differently: beat balls out of melons and marinate them for about five minutes in a small white port. Then garnish them with basil garnished in glasses and add ham grissini sticks to it.

If you are using sour rhubarb for compote, add a cinnamon stick and a piece of raw lemon peel which gives her great taste. Remove both before refrigeration. You usually need a lot of sugar for rhubarb compost. If you add a pinch of salt and some strawberries, the rhubarb loses its most its acidity.

DreamTim (Samara)

It is better to salt at the end, otherwise the liver will give the juice and it will be dry and hard .. also the pork liver is very tender and if it is not frozen, fresh, then it is better to fry it on big fire 10 minutes, so that more or less blood is not visible, and it’s also delicious if you pre-cut the onion, fry it and pour it soy sauce and throw in the liver, pre-marinate it for 20 seconds in white wine.
Bon appetit!

How can you reduce the sour flavor of gooseberries?

Receives lovely fragrance when you add mulled wine spice and season with it. Pudding, quark cream, ice cream or small almond almonds between them. First drink fruit in some sugar water. For 250 grams of berries, add 40 grams of sugar to 375 ml of water.

Can be very fast with a fork from a strip of panicles. When shopping, make sure the bars are plump and the cut surfaces are juicy. The color is not a quality mark as it depends on sorting. When the fruits are warm, they give much more juice. So put some time in warm water before use. Then they can be squeezed out well.

Beef liver - delicious and useful offal not everyone can cook. To make fried beef liver soft and juicy, there are some tricks and special ways of its heat treatment.

Today I will reveal the secret of cooking with an incredibly soft and delicate texture. My photos will step by step demonstrate the entire process of preparing a simple delicious second dishes.

About 15 minutes in white wine. You can then use it to fill the cake. The dessert gets great flavor through the jelly jellies you just pass through. If there fresh fruits, cut pieces of it into compote and cook with them. Great for cakes and desserts: If all you want is the juice of oranges or lemons, rub the peel off the raw fruit and freeze it.

Dried fruits give the compote more flavor and natural sweetness. Good quality: ripe fruit give way to a slight pressure on the bud. In addition, they exude strong smell, and a crack forms on the stem of ripe fruit. Dates, figs or raisins that stick together will dissolve again if you place them in the microwave for a short time at 180 watts.

Prepare the following products in advance:

  • beef liver - 500 gr;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 2 table. spoons;
  • dry mustard - 1 table. spoon;
  • flour - 2 table. spoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook fried beef liver

First, prepare the liver for frying. Be sure to remove large ducts and remove the film. Cut into even pieces about 0.5 cm high. These are the beautiful slices of beef liver I got.

What tastes better than a freshly made fruit salad? Give it a special touch, either with some grated ginger or a pinch of ground cloves. Then mix bananas or an apple with a dash lemon juice. They become very crunchy when sprinkled with sugar and slowly fried in oil. Delicious slices are pleasant as a dessert or as an accompaniment to liver or game dishes.

We are talking about delicious fruits citrus fruits, which overlapped with tangerine, tangerine and orange. Vitamin-rich Tangor will taste both pure and fruit salads. Plumy, highly aromatic mini orange can be boiled until stuck or inserted into syrup. This can be used to process sweet and meat dishes.

To make the liver juicy, it should be poured with milk and kept in cool place two hours.

The highlight of this recipe is a special marinade in which liver pieces should be kept before frying. It is this composition of the marinade that will give the liver a tender, soft and juicy structure. So, we prepare the marinade: mix the egg with soy sauce, add flour and mustard powder. The marinade should be thoroughly mixed so that it turns out without lumps. Lastly, pepper it and mix again. Here is my marinade.

Kiwi: beware of dairy products

Wash and clean fruit as usual. Pour the berries on dry and spread them on a tray with a film. Pre-freeze strawberries on a tray, then place in freezer bags. Thus, you can take fruits separately. The fruits contain an enzyme that breaks down protein. Therefore, kiwis are only recognized shortly before consumption.

Ripens well if you put them together with an apple in plastic bag. To prepare an avocado: cut the fruit to the center and separate the halves with a slight twist. The stone can be easily removed by hitting it sharp knife and then pulling it out. Fruits and vegetables sweeten any diet. Because they have very few calories. Therefore, they are ideal as an appetizer for a little appetite in between.

The next day, fry the liver slices in vegetable oil until nicely golden and ready. Fry on both sides for about 3-4 minutes over medium heat.

IN hot weather they are the best thirst quenchers but should be kept cool. Watermelons stay in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days, and sugar melons- A little bit longer. Often very difficult to clean. This makes it easier to remove the shell. Choice different varieties great.

Fresh pineapple can be recognized rich green foliage. If individual leaves easy to pull out, fruit just ripen. Besides, ripe pineapple exudes a pleasant mild sweet aroma. Tangerines are particularly juicy, peel easily, and contain seeds. Satsumy - tangerine - they are not caustic, but have less taste. Clementines are very sweet, almost wingless, but they don't peel well.

Fried beef liver is considered fried if it stands out clear juice when pricked with a fork or knife.
