
Dishes from corn grits in the polaris slow cooker. Corn porridge in a slow cooker with milk and water

For 2 children's servings you will need:

  • 1.5 cups milk
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • ½ cup corn grits
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar (to taste)
  • 50 g butter

Milk corn porridge is perfect for adults and children. In addition, cooking it in any model of a multicooker is a pleasure for the hostess. It is enough to put all the ingredients and you can safely go for a walk with the children, knowing that when you arrive, delicious and hot dinner will be waiting on the table. Or maybe it will hearty breakfast, which will be expected in the morning if you add all the products in the evening and set the desired mode.

Corn porridge is absorbed in the body quite easily, as it contains a lot of fiber. And it is also non-allergenic, therefore it is recommended as. But you should start with.

It is also valued because it removes toxins from the body and cleanses it. porridge is low calorie food, and suitable for people on a diet (moms should love this). Only this is true if the porridge is boiled in water and without sugar. Milk and sugar add calories to the porridge and reduce the entire diet to zero.

But today we do not have a dietary, but a complete, nutritious and delicious porridge in milk for children. I invite you to cook it with me.

Milk corn porridge in the multicooker Polaris 0517:

1. For baby porridge you will need: half a glass of washed corn grits, 1.5 cups of water and 1.5 cups of milk, 50 g of butter, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Corn grits absorb a lot of liquid during cooking, so the ratio of grits to liquid is 1 to 6.

1. Pour thoroughly washed corn grits into a multicooker cup. Then add sugar and butter.

3. Pour milk and water. Mix.

4. Cook porridge in the Polaris multicooker (or in any other) in the "Milk porridge" mode. I cooked porridge for 35 minutes.

5. After the readiness signal sounded, milk porridge looked like this. Corn grains became soft, but did not absorb all the liquid. Therefore, it turned out to be slightly liquid. Just right for my kids.

6. Ready dairy corn porridge Arrange on plates and invite the children to the table.

Bon appetit!

The secrets of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Corn porridge cooks a little longer, unlike other cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina, etc.). But if you choose the right cereal, then the cooking time will not be so long. For children's cereals, it is better to use the finest grits. In appearance, it will look a little larger than the semolina. Such porridge is cooked in a slow cooker in 35 minutes. Larger particles are boiled from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

2. In the process of cooking, the porridge will increase several times, therefore the ratio of cereal to liquid is greater, 1 to 6.

1. To make the porridge thicker, it needs to “approach”. To do this, corn porridge must be left in the slow cooker for 15-20 minutes in the "Heating" mode. Or, after the porridge is ready, you can simply leave it in the multicooker turned off for a while.

2. If there was no milk in the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter, you can safely replace it with water and cook according to the scheme proposed above. The taste of porridge cooked on water is slightly different from milk. But this disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of dried fruits or honey, which can be added to porridge. Additional Ingredients will give corn porridge an even more unusual and refined taste.

For 2 children's servings you will need:

  • 1.5 cups milk
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • ½ cup corn grits
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar (to taste)
  • 50 g butter

Milk corn porridge is perfect for adults and children. In addition, cooking it in any model of a multicooker is a pleasure for the hostess. It is enough to put all the ingredients and you can safely go for a walk with the children, knowing that a delicious and hot dinner will be waiting on the table when you arrive. Or maybe it will be a hearty breakfast, which will be expected in the morning, if you add all the products in the evening and set the desired mode.

Corn porridge is absorbed in the body quite easily, as it contains a lot of fiber. And it is also non-allergenic, therefore it is recommended as. But you should start with.

It is also valued because it removes toxins from the body and cleanses it. Porridge is a low-calorie food, and suitable for people on a diet (moms should love it). Only this is true if the porridge is boiled in water and without sugar. Milk and sugar add calories to the porridge and reduce the entire diet to zero.

But today we have not a dietary, but a full-fledged, nutritious and tasty porridge with milk for children. I invite you to cook it with me.

Milk corn porridge in the multicooker Polaris 0517:

1. For baby porridge you will need: half a glass of washed corn grits, 1.5 cups of water and 1.5 cups of milk, 50 g of butter, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Corn grits absorb a lot of liquid during cooking, so the ratio of grits to liquid is 1 to 6.

1. Pour thoroughly washed corn grits into a multicooker cup. Then add sugar and butter.

3. Pour milk and water. Mix.

4. Cook porridge in the Polaris multicooker (or in any other) in the "Milk porridge" mode. I cooked porridge for 35 minutes.

5. After the readiness signal sounded, milk porridge looked like this. Corn grains became soft, but did not absorb all the liquid. Therefore, it turned out to be slightly liquid. Just right for my kids.

6. Arrange the finished milk corn porridge on plates and invite the children to the table.

Bon appetit!

The secrets of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Corn porridge cooks a little longer, unlike other cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina, etc.). But if you choose the right cereal, then the cooking time will not be so long. For children's cereals, it is better to use the finest grits. In appearance, it will look a little larger than the semolina. Such porridge is cooked in a slow cooker in 35 minutes. Larger particles are boiled from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

2. In the process of cooking, the porridge will increase several times, therefore the ratio of cereal to liquid is greater, 1 to 6.

1. To make the porridge thicker, it needs to “approach”. To do this, corn porridge must be left in the slow cooker for 15-20 minutes in the "Heating" mode. Or, after the porridge is ready, you can simply leave it in the multicooker turned off for a while.

2. If there was no milk in the refrigerator, it doesn’t matter, you can safely replace it with water and cook according to the scheme proposed above. The taste of porridge cooked on water is slightly different from milk. But this disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of dried fruits or honey, which can be added to porridge. Additional ingredients will give corn porridge an even more unusual and refined taste.

For proper nutrition, vivacity and health must be included in your diet porridge. Kashi is best breakfast. Corn porridge in the Polaris slow cooker cooks quickly, fills the body useful trace elements and gives satiety until dinner.
Corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker is similar to porridge from a Russian oven. By the way, in it great amount fiber, vitamins of group B. At the same time, the most interesting thing is that when cooking corn grits, all useful material are preserved within it.

It takes 50 minutes to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker. The ingredients listed below make 6 servings.

  • Corn grits - 1 multi-glass;
  • Water - 4 multi-glasses;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Butter - 10 g.

Cooking corn porridge in a multicooker Polaris

Take required amount corn grits and rinse thoroughly under running water. Wash until the water runs clear. Place the washed cereal in the multicooker bowl.

Add the required amount of water. If desired, water can be replaced with milk. If you take hot water or milk, the porridge will cook faster.

Sweeten and salt the porridge. IN this recipe the multicooker Polaris 0517 is used. If you use water, as in this recipe, then set the multicooker to the “Groats” mode for 25 minutes. If you use milk, then it is better to put the slow cooker on the "Milk porridge" mode for 25 minutes. Note that when cooking porridge, the multicooker lid must be closed. After the signal, open the lid and add the required amount of butter.

Mix the porridge. Leave the multicooker in the “Heating” mode for 15-20 minutes so that the porridge is infused. Close the lid. After this time, the corn porridge in the slow cooker is ready.

Put the porridge in a suitable dish.


How is corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker on water? Believe me - there is nothing intricate and complicated in this! Literally in a matter of minutes you will get a delicious, crumbly and rich vitamin complexes porridge. Don't believe? Now you will be convinced of it!

Features of cooking

First and important rule- choice of cereals. It should be fresh, damp and stale cereals are not suitable for cooking porridge, as the dish will be taken in lumps and will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Soaking corn grits before cooking is not necessary, but it should be washed. If you are preparing cereals sold in special bags, then you do not need to rinse it.

Attention! Cook corn porridge in milk or filtered water. In any case, observe the following proportions of the ingredients: for 1 tbsp. cereals account for at least 2.5 tbsp. liquids.

On the basis of corn grits, you can cook sweet porridge. Add pieces of fruit, berries, honey, nuts or dried fruits to it. Such porridge will become perfect breakfast. And for lunch or dinner, you can cook porridge with the addition of meat, vegetables or mushrooms. You get a complete second course.

classic porridge

Corn porridge in the Polaris multicooker on water is crumbly and tender. And how much benefit it will bring to our health! Still, because it contains many amino acids, vitamins and other useful components.


  • corn grits - 2 multi-cups;
  • hot filtered water - 6 multi-glasses;
  • salt;
  • soft butter.


On a note! If the porridge is too thick, add some hot water and activate the automatic heating option. Steam the porridge for 15 minutes.

Cup for children and young mothers

Corn porridge in the Panasonic multicooker and other brands of the appliance is cooked the same way. Only the mode of preparation may differ. You can specify this in the instructions for the device. In general, the programs "Porridge", "Milk porridge", "Multi-cook" and "Extinguishing" are used. We offer to cook a porridge based on milk and water. It is recommended for children and young mothers.


  • 30 g of corn grits;
  • 40 ml filtered water;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 10 g of granulated sugar;
  • salt.

Attention! From the specified amount of products, a thick porridge will turn out. If you want more liquid porridge, add more water.


Advice! Fruits, berries and other sweet dopings are added to the finished corn porridge. You can grind them with a blender and mix with the dish. But mushrooms and meat are simmered along with porridge.

With pumpkin, you can cook not only oatmeal and rice porridge but also corn. Such a dish can truly be called sunny! From one of his views, the appetite is already awakening. We will cook such porridge in milk, but you can replace it with filtered water.


  • 1 st. corn grits;
  • 2 ½ st. milk;
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 35 g soft butter.


Moldavian hominy or Italian polenta

Porridge prepared according to this recipe is known in Italy as polenta, and in Moldova as hominy. Corn porridge on the water in the Redmond slow cooker turns out to be incredibly tasty.


  • 0.5 kg of corn grits;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil or butter;
  • cheese;
  • greenery.


Advice! Hominy can be served with any sauce, for example, mushroom, as well as cracklings. It will be delicious!

Cook your favorite porridge with meat

Porridge with meat is always delicious. And corn is twice as tasty! Let's cook corn porridge in the Mulinex slow cooker with pork, and we will get a full-fledged second course.


  • 0.4 kg of pork pulp;
  • multi-glass of corn grits (incomplete);
  • 4 multi-glasses of filtered water;
  • salt;
  • unflavored vegetable oil;
  • seasoning blend.


She was the "Queen of the Fields" for a short time, in the era of Khrushchev. But the queen of tables can be today! It is difficult to find a more useful and less high-calorie cereal than corn. It contains only 98 kcal, which is many times less than lentils, peas, oatmeal. It is nutritious and rich in long-term carbohydrates. It saturates with a small volume and provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. And finally, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, which is indispensable for a healthy diet.

Cooking features

The technique of cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker is different from cooking in a saucepan. Main principle process - simplicity. No need to stir and worry that the porridge will burn. In a smart "pressure cooker" Panasonic or Philips, this will not happen! You do not need to simmer it for a long time before evaporation or crush it finely so that it boils faster. Intelligent implement modes do the hard work for you.

Here are some of the subtleties of cooking.

  • Use the "Porridge" mode. Each unit has its own. For example, a Vitek multicooker cooks cereals in 50 minutes, and Redmond in an hour. There are models with a cooking time of up to 2 hours. We recommend sticking to this time. The fact is that the period of cooking porridge in them is clearly regulated. Initially, the unit warms up the contents to 100 degrees, then lowers the temperature and simmers the porridge at 90 degrees. At the end of cooking, he can completely turn off the ten (for example, this is what the Polaris multicooker does), wait a little until the contents evaporate, and only then give a signal. During the time thought out by the manufacturer, the cereal goes through several stages of processing, and the porridge turns out to be perfect.
  • Reduce time will allow "Multipovar". If your unit has such a function, you can reduce the cooking time. Corn porridge in a slow cooker will turn out crumbly if you initially steam it in the “Groats” mode for 25 minutes. And then in the "Multi-cook" mode with high temperature at 150° for 10 minutes. This technique will provide the cereal with softness, and the porridge with a loose texture.
  • Add liquid according to desired consistency. For a side dish, loose, crumbly porridge is needed. To get it, you need to use 3 glasses of water. For dairy dish for breakfast, especially for a child, more liquid consistency, porridge-slurry. This allows you to get 4 cups of liquid.
  • Don't leave food on the stove. If the manufacturer does not indicate this for a specific multicooker model, leave ready porridge does not follow the signal. The peculiarity of corn grits is that it thickens quickly. Even if you add enough liquid, after standing for only an hour, the porridge can turn into a thick lump. Therefore, lay it on the plates as soon as it is ready.

In a number of models of multicookers, the "Milk porridge" mode is offered. He cooks the dish quickly - in 30 minutes. In a double boiler, this time is enough for the average cooking of corn grits, that is, the grains will remain tough. This consistency is not suitable for babies, so for them it is advisable to pre-grind the cereal in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. You can also withstand milk porridge in a slow cooker for 15 minutes to warm up.

Recipe with milk

Most delicate taste receives corn porridge with milk. It is so refined that professional chefs, when preparing, for example, polenta, add cream to the cereal when cooking, although classic recipe does not provide for this.

The porridge is perfect for breakfast. Corn, rich in fiber, will start the work of the digestive tract. And long carbohydrates will keep you feeling full for a long time. Milk, as a calcium supplier, will support the growth of the skeletal system in children. Therefore, cook such a porridge for breakfast for the whole family. Vigor and health are provided to you!

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Put the washed cereal in a bowl. Add butter.
  2. Simmer in the "Baking" mode for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in sugar, pour in milk, water.
  4. Turn on the "Porridge" mode.
  5. Serve immediately after preparation.

The recipe uses pre-stewing cereals with butter. Thanks to this, the porridge gets a luxurious creamy taste, a rich palette of milky shades. Depending on the temperature of the added liquid, you can get a different consistency of the dish. A porridge will turn out liquid if you pour it with well-heated milk and water. The dish will become thick and viscous when cold liquid is added.

Classic “breakfast additions” will brighten up the most delicate taste. IN home kitchen jam is indispensable, which eliminates the addition of sugar at the beginning of cooking. Suitable honey and sweet fresh berries. In winter, vitamins can be found in frozen berries (corn porridge with blackcurrant is unusual and tasty), bananas and apples. Of course, do not forget about raisins and dried apricots, which should first be kept in hot water.

original recipes

We suggest you cook porridge from corn grits with pumpkin and meat. The first is for breakfast. It is not only satisfying, but also incredibly useful. After all, pumpkin will complement the action of corn to increase intestinal motility, improve the removal of toxins from the body. Meat dish he will arrive in time for dinner, because in the culinary assistant both meat and cereals are cooked very quickly.

with pumpkin

This porridge has an autumn flavor, bright in taste and color! She will charge sunny mood gloomy autumn morning.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar, salt.


  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut the pulp into cubes, put in a bowl.
  2. Rinse the cereal, put it on the pumpkin.
  3. Pour in milk, water.
  4. Add salt, sugar.
  5. Turn on the "Milk porridge" mode for 30 minutes.
  6. Leave the dish to “walk” after the signal for 15 minutes.

Thanks to the pumpkin, the porridge does not thicken as much as regular dish. Therefore, it can be stored in the refrigerator and eaten the next day. The duration of storage should not exceed 2 days.

With meat

A hearty dinner that allows you not to worry about meat components or side dishes. The cooking process takes place simultaneously. Our recipe suggests pork, but you can cook chicken, lamb in the same way. Beef comes to “condition” longer, so it must be stewed for 50 minutes before laying the cereal.

You will need:

  • pork - 600 g;
  • corn grits - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • spices (paprika, marjoram;
  • salt.


  1. Cut the fillet into pieces.
  2. Pour into hot oil in the "Frying" mode. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Clean, chop the onion. Add it to meat. Fry 7 minutes.
  4. Pour the washed cereal, pour in the heated water.
  5. Set the mode to "Porridge".

In models with a valve, at the beginning of cooking, set it to the “Closed” position. With such processing, the dish will “reach” in 12 minutes from the beginning of the countdown. In standard type models, the duration of cooking porridge is 50-60 minutes.

And milk corn porridge in a slow cooker, and meat full meal very easy to prepare. Try our breakfast recipes and delicious dinner on every day!
