
Vodka is beautiful. Vodka in a new way

Vodka is a very sincere and sometimes very expensive drink, consisting in most cases of water and ethanol. Every year, exorbitantly expensive ultra-premium brands appear on the shelves.

Eliza vodka studded with Swarovski crystals ($2,000)
This vodka was created to celebrate Valentine's Day in 2007. The drink was advertised as best gift which you can make to your loved one. Inside the glamorous bottle is a Rose Alize cocktail made up of cognac, French vodka, lychee, strawberry, rose and passion fruit.

Vodka Imperial Collection Super Premium ($2,400)
The bottles in which this vodka is poured have a very attractive design - a gilded eagle sits on a Faberge egg, in which there is a decanter with a drink. And it is made by Faberge manually.

"Capital" Elite from the Himalayan Mountains ($3,000)
This vodka contains the purest water from wells in the mountains of the Himalayas and grains of Russian winter wheat. The bottles are hand-blown glass and come with a gold-plated ice pick.

Jordan vodka ($4,353)
This vodka is made on the basis of the purest spring water from a remote corner Northern Europe. The bottle is encrusted with 14,000 Swarovski crystals.

Vodka Oval with Swarovski crystals ($6922)
The design and manufacture of this bottle is wholly owned by Oval Vodka. Vodka in such an elegant and unique container is produced in limited quantities. Seven thousand Swarovski crystals adorn the bottle, and you can find such an exclusive only in nightclubs. high class.

Belver Bears Vodka by Belvedere ($7,240)
This vodka from unusual name was produced for sale during the Cannes Film Festival in France. Only a few VIPs got the chance to taste this expensive, very limited edition drink.

"Russian-Baltic" vodka ($740,000)
This vodka is especially appreciated because it is made according to an old recipe. This beautiful combination of the outer design of the bottle and its contents will enchant anyone who appreciates timeless classics.

Diva Vodka Premium ($1 million)
At one time it was the most glamorous vodka in the world. The drink was presented as the most pure vodka triple filtered and refined with precious stones. Vodka is produced using the purest spring water filtered with ice. In the center of the bottle, you will find many gems. Finishing touch diamond sand and birch sand are added to the price charcoal also used in the production of beverages.

New "Russian-Baltic" vodka ($1.35 million)
The creator of the drink is the domestic automobile brand Russo-Baltique ("Russo-Balt"). The container in which this expensive drink is poured reflects the elegant classic design of Russo-Balt cars.

Vodka LeBillionaire ($3.7 million)
The bottle designer for this drink is the exclusive design company LeonVeres. Vodka undergoes purification with precious stones, and the bottle is decorated with more than three thousand diamonds.

A friend came to visit you with a bottle of vodka? What vulgarity! Although options are possible. What if this is an unusual foreign vodka infused with herb-berries, or scorpion snakes? Yes, and rolled up in a creative designer bottle, packed in a unique gift box? Isn't it true, the situation immediately began to play with new colors! Oh, those original bottles, beautiful labels, interesting packaging... We have already seen the designs for new outfits. And our today's review will be devoted to "vodka fashion".

Yes, I almost forgot to mention that overuse alcohol is harmful to health. Warns both the Ministry of Health and the project website. But nevertheless, the Green Serpent as an ideological inspirer can do good service to inquisitive design minds. If they, this very Serpent, are used carefully, in moderate doses and strictly according to the instructions. So...

"Diva" - the most expensive bottle of vodka

The most expensive vodka in the world is called "Diva" and prepared by Scottish craftsmen. A bottle of this" fire water" is decorated with cubic zirconia, however, the customer may wish to decorate with any other precious stones. The price of the bottle depends on the quantity and quality of the jewelry, which can range from 400 to 1000 US dollars.

GO Wodka - vodka from a tube

To be honest, this cranberry, strawberry and lemon flavored drink is not really a vodka, but rather a vodka-based cocktail with an alcohol content of 4% to 15%. But the manufacturer, the Austrian company Wenger Corporation, refers to its product as GO Wodka, and ... pours it not into bottles, but into aluminum tubes of 50 ml, 190 ml and 200 ml. For the first time in the history of vodka, it is sold packaged as if it were toothpaste, mustard or tomato sauce.

Trago - Mexican vodka "perfume"

Mexican agave vodka, popularly known as tequila, is produced in the same stylish and elegant container through the efforts of stylish and elegant designers. This square Glass bottle neckless, surmounted metal lid with asymmetrical edges, more like a man's toilet water than on alcoholic drink. Well, that's how they look at a bottle of vodka Trago creators of the eponymous brand...

Brennivin - frozen vodka from Iceland

Alas, this unusual bottle Icelandic vodka Brennivin, as well as its unusual content, made from potatoes and caraway seeds, on the domestic market alcoholic products not see - it is not exportable. The unofficial name of vodka sounds like svarti daudi (“black death”), but it is not packed in a woolen “sock” at all. In this way, the manufacturing company tries to emphasize its northern origin.

Gray Goose vodka with fringes and charms

Design of an exclusive batch of French vodka Gray Goose invented by famous French interior designer Jacques Garcia. His idea is to use details of an old-fashioned interior of the 19th century for decoration - fringe and pendants from curtains, as well as decorate one of the bowls with the symbol of French vodka - a white bird's feather. It is known that this vodka will be presented at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, and until September 2009, a bottle of exclusive "fire water" in Paris can be bought for 520 euros.

Vodka in "Crystal" bottle

In the company "Alexandrov House of Design" the appearance of a bottle for vodka "Crystal" created in such a way that it stands out from the competition with its unusual design and emphasizes the main advantages of vodka: purity, crystal, transparency.

Black Elk - vodka from Lapland

One of the unofficial symbols of Lapland is the black elk. (Black Elk). This animal served as a symbol for the Finnish vodka of the same name - "Black Elk". The design of the bottle is made in scandinavian style, and since the elk is black, the bottle is made of black frosted glass, and the label is made of high-quality smooth paper with a soft texture. The concept belongs to designer Guilherme Jardim from Lisbon.

Vodka for women in elegant style

It's no longer a secret that many distilleries produce "women's" vodka. With a milder taste, in beautiful bottles... The design of one of these bottles was created by designer Mira Nersesova for the brand Artisanal vodka. Her idea is to emphasize the "femininity" of alcohol, and to point out that this is not just vodka, but a tincture on rose petals.

And this design is the development of the English office of the international agency “Futurebrand” for vodka " ladies'", which appeared on the shelves last year and is still the leader in domestic duty-free stores.

Vodka in a crystal skull

The author of this cute and kind design was the American actor Dan Aykroyd (Dan Aykroyd), known to many from the movie "Ghostbusters". Apparently, the hunt for evil spirits impressed Aykroyd so much that he came up with a "demonic" design for vodka. Crystal Head Vodka(Crystal Head), "packing" it in a bottle in the shape of a glass skull. Why a crystal skull? But the fact is that there is a legend according to which the owner of the crystal skull is able to obtain unimaginable power.

Stacks "to go"

And it's not yogurt or juice at all. portion cups. Yes, yes, this is vodka, pre-bottled and packed in piles. So to speak, for the lazy, or, judging by what is written on the box, for those who value their time too dearly and do not want to spend it opening a check, pouring liquid into piles, and then also washing dishes.

Vodka with a sense of "dignity"

Well, in this case, I believe, comments are superfluous.

Vodka as a gift to a man is always appropriate. Firstly, vodka is a primordially Russian product, understandable to the domestic consumer, and secondly, it goes well with any Russian feast and is completely undemanding in terms of gastronomy. Vodka has no expiration date and will definitely wait for its finest hour on the festive table.

In this article, we will talk about the best premium and luxury vodka brands on the Russian market. And we will start our list with a domestic manufacturer.

1. Vodka "Russian Standard"

The line of branded vodka "Russian Standard" is clear leader today's hit parade and a guarantor of the quality of the domestic manufacturer. On the shelves of super and hyper markets, as well as in ordinary non-chain retail, it is represented by a very wide range.

According to its classification, Russian Standard vodka belongs to the premium class. On the official website of the manufacturer LLC "Russian Standard Vodka" you can preview the proposed range.

As a gift, you should focus on gift options for products, for example, in a metal tube or a gold box. Vodka "Russian Standard" Golden 0.7 liters costs from 1,300 rubles. Packed in a golden box, it can serve as a win-win gift for a man of any age.

2. Vodka "Beluga"

Pure as a tear, Beluga vodka is produced from super-premium quality malt spirits and artesian clean water at the Mariinsky Distillery, which dates back to 1900. The original bottle is aesthetically decorated with a metal beluga fish. For a gift, you can safely choose any product option in a gift box, and even better - with branded cups. However, it should be remembered that the price of such products is not cheap.

The combination of gastronomy and nobility will be a chic gift for a respected person. Vodka "Beluga Allure" 0.7 liters, which includes maple syrup, is sold in a leather case with three image stacks. It is estimated from 5,900 rubles. Ideal as a gift for the mighty of the world this."

3. Vodka "Kaufman"

The fashion for vintage items and household items has found its continuation in elite vodka"Kaufman". It is prepared only in years best harvest wheat. It is filtered with Russian birch charcoal, under strict quality control, which accompanies all stages of production. Vodka "Kaufman" can be called a world-class product without exaggeration. According to the classification, it belongs to the super-premium class. Strict and courageous, and at the same time elegant design of the bottle "Kaufman" turns vodka into a great gift for the stronger sex. The price for 0.7 liters of such a gift starts from 1,500 rubles.

4. Vodka "Mammoth"

Speaking of vodka as a gift, one cannot fail to mention one of the most elegant vodkas of a domestic producer - "Mammoth". The birthplace of the product is marvelous Altai. It owes its name to animals that died out many centuries ago, which are a symbol of Siberia. Only the purest spring water and selected grain of wheat give rise to Mammoth vodka.

Before reaching the counter, it goes through six stages of distillation and filtration through Siberian minerals. It is these processes that form its price. Vodka "Mammoth" is presented in retail trade in a gift box from 1,780 rubles per 0.7 liter.

The bottle is shaped like a mammoth tusk, and its contents are characterized by connoisseurs as rich, deep and inspiring. Notes are captured in the long aftertaste pine nuts. This is the only component that the manufacturer adds to their product.

As a gift, "Mammoth" will suit a connoisseur of quality and good taste.

5. Vodka "Kalashnikov"

The name of the product speaks for itself. Precisely their appearance she has won many awards. The bottle, made in the form of a glass machine, is packed in a wooden box! What man would refuse such a gift? The composition of Kalashnikov vodka includes soft artesian water and luxury alcohol. It goes without saying that such a "weapon" is not cheap and is produced only in limited quantities. To buy in regular store it is unlikely to succeed, so hurry up to find the product in the online store. Such elite gift will appeal to men who are close in their occupation to military service. The price for 0.7 liters ranges from 8,000 rubles.

6. Vodka "Matryoshka"

It merged two primordially Russian symbols - vodka and matryoshka. It can be safely presented to any person, including a foreigner. The bright design of the original bottle will undoubtedly please the donee, and the unique recipe of the drink will be to their liking. Traditional taste and classic aroma form a velvety aftertaste (thanks to the infusion of corn grits).

According to its classification, Matryoshka vodka belongs to the premium class, but its price is quite affordable for the consumer. It is from 500 rubles per 0.5 liter. Classic, honey or cranberry matryoshka - the choice is always yours. If you buy this "Matryoshka" as a gift, you definitely won't go wrong! Such a present is quite suitable for a patriotic, original and cheerful person.

7. Vodka "Rainbow"»

For lovers of nanotechnology ideal option the gift will be a unique vodka "Rainbow" on alcohol Alpha. Its electronic packaging with built-in deep filter guarantees not only quality, but also Have a good mood. After all, there are no analogues of such a product anywhere in the world!

The bottle has a multi-colored backlight with iridescent tints, which turns on and off on its own, and when you turn the ring and pour, a pleasant melody is automatically played. Another advantage of such a bottle is the fact that it can be used repeatedly.

The price of vodka "Rainbow" is equivalent good cognac or whiskey - from 3,600 rubles per 0.5 liter. Buying it in a regular store is unrealistic. To purchase such a gift, you need to worry in advance, because the product is produced in limited quantities. You can order Raduga vodka through online stores.

8. Vodka "Absolute"

Taste classic vodka with Swedish quality contains the world-famous vodka "Absolute". Crystal clear forty-degree drink is produced under strict state control in compliance with all technological processes. It is worth buying Absolut vodka as a gift for a person who adheres to minimalism and conservatism in his views. After all, this vodka consists only of water and high-quality winter wheat, with zero sugar content. The firmness of the character of Absolut vodka is emphasized by the fact that the grains of such wheat germinate under the Swedish snows. Its taste is rich, full-bodied, it has the aroma of grain crops and the delicacy of the fruity aftertaste.

IN retail Swedish vodka "Absolute" is represented by a wide range - more than 10 items, among which there are options with exotic flavors citrus fruits, raspberries and black currants, and for those who like it spicier - with taste hot pepper. But the most popular is the classic "Absolute". Any option will be a good gift for a reasonable price, which varies from 1,100 rubles on a shelf.

9. Vodka "Finland"

Vodka "Finland" (producing country - Finland) is one of the most popular and favorite vodka brands among the population of Russia and abroad. For its preparation, only spring water and polar barley are used, which is probably why it has such a recognizable and characteristic taste. On sale, the Finlandia brand is represented by classic and flavored varieties (citrus and berry). The pricing policy for vodka "Finlandia" is quite budgetary and affordable for consumers. As a gift, you should choose gift options with stacks. A stylish bottle resembling ice crystals in a gift box with 2 glasses is estimated at 1,460 rubles. Such a gift is suitable for a laconic, reserved man with a northern character.

The thing is, black never goes out of style. Unusual to the usual eye, black vodka Blavod is refined with coconut charcoal. She conquers even the worldly-wise person. By its taste and smell, black vodka is no different from the familiar white drink. The black color of the product is achieved by using the catechu plant, which is native to Africa and South Asia. It is she who gives the drink such an unusual color. In Russia, Blavod vodka is sold in many stores, including it can be ordered via the Internet. Excellent taste and grace, originality and creativity - all this contains black vodka originally from Great Britain.

An interesting fact: if you add orange juice to black vodka, it will turn green.

There is no doubt that Blavod vodka will be a good gift for a respected person who is not averse to trying something new. The price of the goods is quite democratic - 1 liter of the drink will cost from 1,100 rubles.

11. Village moonshine

It firmly takes its rightful place in the ranking of vodka gifts. original product under the name "Village Moonshine". Country of origin - Lithuania. Rye, oats, barley or wheat - any version of the drink is worthy of attention and respect. The product "Village moonshine" was recently released on Russian market but has already managed to win hearts and taste buds lovers of strong elite alcohol. It is made from grain crops, and the Russian person in it is painfully familiar bread taste and specific aroma. During its manufacture, as in cognac production, cut off the tail and head. This removes excess odors and impurities. To be honest, moonshine is not vodka, this drink stands on its own separate stage and is not inferior in quality to whiskey, rum, or grappa. “Village moonshine” is appropriate to give to the older generation as a sign of respect for traditions.

An interesting fact is that the Russian Original Drinks» has established its production in Lithuania for only one obvious reason - the lack of a legislative permit for the production of such products in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Polugar products are referred to only as bread wine. It is produced according to the classic noble technology of the 18th century. Its incredibly transparent color, sweetish and balanced, soft taste and flavor buckwheat honey certainly will not leave indifferent the hero of the occasion. Authentic Russian cuisine goes well with Polugar: jelly, salted mushrooms, fried liver and pickle. Country of production - Poland, manufacturer - "Rodionov and sons". original bottle damask molds with cork stopper has a volume of 0.615 ml. Shelf price - from 3,200 rubles. Polugar is wheat, rye, caraway and even pear. Among such a variety, everyone will find a taste to their hearts. It would be appropriate to present "Polugar" to both the young and the older generation.

13. Higher Drinks 1765

Such a gift will suit connoisseurs and connoisseurs of centuries-old French traditions. After all, this drink is produced in the legendary province of Cognac by repeated distillation on copper alambikah. Its purest and finest spirits give off the aroma of a toasted crust. rye bread, and its taste is soft and rich, pleasant in its aftertaste. Ideal for a Russian table with game dishes and pickles. Most often, such a gift can be found in elite wine boutiques or buy to order through the online store. The price of a drink varies from 2,600 rubles and more. It depends on the classification, displacement and gift wrapping. For example, "Higher Drinks 1765" classics in a gift box of 0.7 liters will cost the buyer within 6,000 rubles.
