
Technique for sculpting dumplings with a pigtail. How to make dumplings? Form for dumplings

3.5-4 cups flour
1 egg
1 glass of liquid (milk + water)
1 teaspoon salt

Cooking method:
I measure flour into a bowl, add salt and mix everything well.
In a glass, beat the egg with a fork.

I add here warm milk and water (I take a little more water than milk), shake it with a fork.

Pour this mixture into the flour and knead the dough with your hands.

Perhaps due to the difference in flour varieties, you will have to add a little more water. I'm not in a hurry to immediately knead the dough well. At first, it’s not enough - I sort of collect it in a bunch (everything to the crumbs)

And for a couple of hours I put in plastic bag(I leave it lying on the table at room temperature).

It will lie down well there, it will become softer and after that it will be easier to knead until smooth. The dough is soft and elastic.

We divide all the dough into portions (you can roll up the sausage and cut it into 4-5 parts) and again send it to the bag.

Then each portion piece I form with my hands into a cake.

And after that, with a rolling pin, I roll it into a layer and cut out circles with a glass. I make them large (diameter 8-9 cm), because. when pinching with a “pigtail”, the size of the dumplings will decrease.

We impose the filling and sculpt the dumpling as usual. Today I had potatoes and cabbage.

Then we will go over the pinch of the dumpling again, making it (the pinch) wider and thinner. This is so that the pigtail does not turn out too thick and rough.

With one hand, hold the dumpling in the air, and with the other, make a pigtail. The thumb (on top of the dumpling) and index (under the dumpling) fingers work. With your other hand, twist the dumpling in the direction you need: in my case, counterclockwise.

For the convenience of photographing, I made a pigtail with my left hand. And you yourself decide how it will be more convenient for you ... I sculpt both that and that in the same way.

So, we started. Raise the corner with your thumb

Press it down well

It turns out like this

So that the new tuck is not thick, press it again with your fingertips and at the same time pull off the ear (let's call it so conditionally).

Raise the ear up with your thumb, wrap

Pinch (or press)

Each photo I think is not worth commenting on. The photo should be clear. When you sculpt, you don't seem to notice how each step is performed. Now I will write briefly.

After wrapping the corner, press it strongly, as if crushing it with the pads of the index and thumb while pulling it to the side. It turns out, as it were, an ear, which you again need to wrap. And do not forget that it is not the hand weaving the pigtail that moves, but the hand holding the dumpling turns it.

Nadezhda, a visitor to the site, asks about how to pinch dumplings or dumplings beautifully. My grandmother taught me how to close dumplings beautifully as a child. In this way, I pinch not only dumplings, but also pies, decorate the edges sweet pies. However dumplings, I prefer to close in the usual way to keep them round. So, today we will cook beautiful dumplings together.

First we prepare the dough. Break an egg into a glass, add water to the top, salt and pour into a bowl. Add flour as much as the dough will take. It should turn out not very steep, elastic, easy to roll. If the dough has to stand a little, then it must be covered with a towel. After that, let's take on the stuffing. I love dumplings mixed minced meat: beef, pork and definitely a little lamb. For 100 dumplings, you will need a total of 500 g of meat: 200 g of pork, 200 g of beef and 100 g of lamb. Minced meat likes to be kneaded for a long time, like dough. I do it with my hands. I add a finely chopped onion. There can be many bows, as in manti. Salt, black pepper. I do not add bread or a bun soaked in milk. For juiciness, you can grate 1 leaf of cabbage or take 2 tablespoons of semolina. Be sure to add a clove of finely chopped garlic.

After the stuffing for dumplings is well mixed, you need to add milk to it in small portions and keep stirring it all the time. Milk can go depending on the meat 1 - 2 cups. As a result, the minced meat should turn out to be lush, so that it can be easily picked up with a teaspoon.

Now we roll out a “sausage” from a small piece of dough, cut it into small pieces, and roll each into cakes. In Siberia, dumplings are made small, but this is not for everyone. In the center of each put a teaspoon of minced meat and close.

Now we need to try to pinch the dumplings beautifully. First, fold the cake with minced meat in half and pinch the dumpling in the usual way. Then along the edge we begin to form a "pigtail". We hold the dumplings in the left hand, and with the thumb of the right hand we wrap a small corner from the right edge towards ourselves and press it down, as if pinching it. It turned out the first step - the first pinch.

Now let's try the second step. With the thumb of the right hand, grab the next small corner of the edge of the dough and pinch it again.

In the same way, we perform all subsequent steps. Depending on the angle of the thumb, different pigtails are obtained. Then we close the edges of the dumpling to make a round dumpling.

Pelmeni can be cooked immediately or frozen. Freeze in layers on a flat tray. After they are frozen, they can be poured into one bag and stored in the freezer.

Boil in salted water with bay leaf for 15-20 minutes until tender. Serve dumplings with or without broth, with butter or sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Good dumplings are not only delicious stuffing and properly prepared dough. In this dish, the shape of the product itself plays an important role. Therefore, before you get to work, you need to know how to sculpt dumplings. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. It's just that, as in any other business, a certain skill is needed here.

The simplest option

Vareniki are products that consist of two parts: unleavened dough and toppings. The blanks must first be boiled, and then eat them. But everything is not so simple here. Improperly formed products during cooking can lose not only appearance but also stuffing. To avoid this, you need to clearly know how to sculpt dumplings. You can do this in different ways. It is traditionally believed that the dumpling should have the shape of a crescent.

The classic version of modeling involves the following steps:

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer. Its thickness should be no more than one and a half millimeters.
  2. Using a cup or regular glass, divide the dough into round pieces.
  3. Put the filling in the middle of each cake. It should be enough so that there is free space around.
  4. Connect the opposite edges of the workpiece.
  5. Press them firmly against each other with your fingers.

This is the easiest way to make dumplings. The result is a product in the form of a classic crescent, which then remains only to put in boiling water.

Openwork dumplings

For lovers unusual shapes another option can be suggested. It is in many ways similar to the previous method, with the exception of some points. The result should be very original openwork dumplings. How to sculpt such products? Here, too, everything is quite simple:

  1. First you need to prepare the dough.
  2. Roll the mass into a tight rope.
  3. Divide it into parts.
  4. Roll out each piece into a cake. It should be no thinner than one millimeter.
  5. Place some filling in the center of each piece. This must be done very carefully so as not to stain the edges. Otherwise, during cooking, the product may stick out, and the filling will be outside.
  6. Tightly connect the edges, forming a classic crescent.
  7. Now the most crucial moment begins. Holding the product in your left hand, lift the flattened edge with the index finger of your right and press it firmly against the base.
  8. Repeat the same steps, moving around the perimeter. As a result, a wave forms along the edge of the product.

It turns out a very beautiful dumpling. If everything is done correctly, then after heat treatment it will retain its original shape.

mechanical fixture

Cooking dumplings at home takes a lot of time. At the same time, the longest process is the formation of products. A form for dumplings can greatly facilitate the work of the hostess. Experts have developed several rather interesting designs. For example, consider the option that is as close as possible to manual way modeling. The device is a food grade plastic (or metal) product. It consists of two interconnected identical parts. On the one hand, its edges are even, and on the other, they have figured protrusions. In its original state, this device has a round shape. It has two handles attached on opposite sides.

Cooking dumplings with such a mold is very simple:

  1. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer.
  2. Attach the device to it and press firmly. The result is a round blank.
  3. Place it on the opposite side of the device.
  4. Put in the center right amount fillings.
  5. With the help of handles, connect the edges of the mold and squeeze them firmly with your hands.
  6. Carefully remove the rest of the dough that squeezed out with a knife.
  7. Spread the handles apart and open the mold.
  8. Remove the finished dumpling from it.

So simple and pretty original form for dumplings it is very convenient in work. With it, the sculpting process is much faster and easier. This small device significantly saves time and effort that the hostess spends.

soft folds

Sometimes it is difficult to immediately determine the shape of the product. Would like to finished product was not only delicious, but also beautiful. He should already be appetizing by his appearance. Not every housewife knows how to sculpt beautiful dumplings. But if you want, you can easily learn it. For example, products with soft wide folds look very original.

Making such a dumpling is very simple:

  1. Take a circle of dough with filling in your left hand. The edges should be free for sculpting.
  2. Make one wide tuck with the index finger and thumb of the right hand.
  3. Moving around the circle, make a crease.
  4. Attach it to the opposite edge next to the first tuck and press firmly.
  5. Repeat the same steps around the perimeter of the workpiece.

The result is a dumpling with a slightly curved edge, from which soft wide folds will extend towards the filling. Having mastered this technique, even a novice hostess can say with confidence that she really knows how to sculpt beautiful dumplings. In addition, the products are quite durable. This option can be used for dumplings with a liquid and juicy filling.

Vareniki with cherries

Modeling is only part of the process. Therefore, the hostess must clearly know how to cook dumplings. As an example, consider the option that uses the following ingredients: 1 cup flour, 600 grams fresh cherries, 1 egg, 220 grams of sugar, a little salt and 100 milliliters of water.

The work takes place in four stages:

  1. First you need to do the stuffing. To do this, the berries must be thoroughly washed and the seeds removed from them. Pour the remaining mass with sugar (200 grams) and mix.
  2. Now you need to make the dough. To do this, in one container, you need to collect all the remaining components. Should be cool enough plastic dough. After that, it must be rolled out into a layer no more than three millimeters thick, and then, using an ordinary glass, divided into round blanks.
  3. Then you can proceed to the formation of products. Put a few berries in the middle of each circle and pinch the edges with any of the already known ways. For example, soft folds can be made oncoming, or simply connect the ends around the circumference, additionally pressing down from a regular table fork.
  4. Dip the semi-finished products in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes after they rise to the surface.

This is the standard technique. With its help, you can clearly understand how to cook dumplings. In this case, the composition of the filling or dough can be changed.

Modeling dumplings "pigtail"

At different peoples have their preferences. For example, in Ukraine, any housewife can tell you how to make pigtail dumplings. Here, this method of molding is most popular.

The methodology for this process is simple:

  1. First, the dough prepared in advance must be rolled into a tourniquet.
  2. cut it up sharp knife into parts.
  3. Roll each piece in flour, and then roll out with a rolling pin into a cake with a thickness of at least 2 millimeters.
  4. Put in the middle of the circle a small amount of fillings.
  5. Fold the workpiece in half and tightly connect the edges with your fingers.
  6. Starting on one side, pull off one corner, lift it up, and then wrap and press down. The next ear is immediately pulled with the middle finger. Everything happens at the same time.
  7. Fasten the drawn ear by the same method next to it.
  8. Proceed in the same way until the pattern reaches the opposite corner.

The result is a dumpling with an edge in the form of a neat pigtail. It not only looks beautiful, but due to double folding it firmly holds the filling inside.

Modeling "herringbone"

Basically, dumplings hand-sculpted can have any shape. It all depends on how the hostess wants to see them. For example, many people like unusual way herringbone moldings.

In this case it is necessary:

  1. Fold the stuffed cake in half. The workpiece should be held to the side with the fingers of the left hand. This is an important condition.
  2. With the fingers of the right hand, make the first regular clamp. It is necessary to squeeze the edges as tightly as possible so that later the product does not fall apart during cooking.
  3. Pull up the dough on one side. Make another clamp by connecting it to the first.
  4. Pick up the dough from the other side and make the next tuck next to it.
  5. Repeat the steps, alternately pinching the dough on opposite sides.
  6. Trim the edge a little.

You should get a dumpling in which neat little folds are repeated on both sides in checkerboard pattern. Outwardly, such a pattern partly resembles a Christmas tree. This is probably where the name of this sculpting method came from.

Quick and easy

There are the most different ways dumplings. Most often, this work requires a lot of time and patience. And what should the hostess do if you need to feed big family? You will need a lot of dumplings. Suitable for this case fast way modeling.

It is very convenient and extremely simple:

  1. Roll out the dough into a long rectangular layer about 10 centimeters wide.
  2. In the middle, lay out the filling in small slides. The distance between portions should be at least 2-3 centimeters.
  3. Fold one end over and fold the dough in half lengthwise.
  4. Use your fingers to press down the layers around the filling on all sides. You have to be very careful not to tear the dough.
  5. Place a regular glass over each ledge and press firmly. Get a neat dumpling with smooth edges.

Using this technique, the work will go much faster. In a matter of minutes, you can cook a whole mountain of dumplings. With this method, most of the time is spent only on rolling out the dough.

There is no such person who would not love dumplings. Everyone knows this dish since childhood. With butter and sour cream, with potatoes or cottage cheese - they are very attractive in any form. Already from one of their appearance saliva flows. And their appearance can be not only classic, but also very original! And if you want to please your family with something traditionally tasty, but with unusual presentation It's time to learn how to sculpt in a new way!


One of classical ways sculpting dumplings is a pigtail. The edge is well fixed and very effective. At first, this sculpting method may seem difficult, but if you get used to it, it will turn out faster and better.


Advice. When working with a dumpling, move it, gradually turning clockwise, and not the leading hand that performs the action. So it will turn out evenly and beautifully.

Pigtail crown

Before sculpting dumplings, decide on their shape. Usually it is semicircular, but it will be even more original to make a circle. And you can decorate it with the same pigtail.


Advice. A pigtail with thin frequent links looks very impressive. The more often you make tucks, the smaller and more delicate they will be.


If the question of how to sculpt dumplings still torments you, you can try new version- Christmas tree. It is suitable not only for dumplings, but dumplings are also pinched, and even!


  1. We proceed with the dough as usual: roll it out with a rolling pin and cut it with a glass.
  2. Lay out the filling. IN this case it makes sense to save it, especially for the first time, it will be more convenient to make dumplings. By the way, it is better to sculpt them on weight, and not on the board - it will come out much more accurately.
  3. Fold the dough in half, but do not join. The first tuck needs to be pushed inward.
  4. Next, grab one edge of the circle, push it inward and sculpt it to the center and the previous pinch. We do the same on the opposite side: grab, pinch and sculpt to the center.
  5. Thus, making tucks on both sides, we move forward to the end.

Quick Ways

How to sculpt dumplings beautifully and unusually, now it’s clear. But this is a rather long and painstaking task. But what if you need to blind them also quickly? There is also such a way! Instruction:

  1. In this situation, it makes sense to roll out a layer of dough in a certain way - in the form of a long wide strip.
  2. We place the filling throughout the central part, with an indent between each serving of 3 cm.
  3. Fold the strip of dough in half lengthwise so that the filling is inside, in the center.
  4. The free edges around each portion of the filling must be closed up.
  5. Using a glass, cut semicircular dumplings.

Another quick way involves cutting square dumplings:

  1. This will require 2 strips of dough.
  2. We put the filling on one according to the scheme from point 2, cover it with another layer on top.
  3. We carefully crush the dough around the filling with our fingers, make square dumplings, simply by cutting the workpiece into squares.

Advice. If you want to decorate the flat edges of the dumplings, use a pastry cutter to make them wavy. And you can also take a regular fork and squeeze out dashes-patterns with it.

In pursuit of the beauty of dumplings, one should not forget that the main thing is their taste! Therefore, be sure to pay due attention to the choice of quality and fresh ingredients. Do not miss the moment with. Let these nice extras will be bright and spicy. Then they will help make the dish even more expressive.

And what dumplings are most loved in your family?

How to sculpt dumplings: video

Why do some dumplings turn out tender, soft, carefully storing all the stuffing inside, while others turn into hard lumps or torn lumps? What about dough rolling? Sometimes, instead of becoming an elastic, smooth ball, which, without sticking to the table and hands, obediently turns into even circles, blanks, the dough sticks and acts up, categorically refusing to keep its shape and leaving traces of its presence on all surfaces within a radius of several meters. Apparently, some housewives have their own “secret ingredients” and they are a little cunning, saying: “dumpling dough recipe? Yes, what to cook there, flour and water. In principle, even from these two ingredients you can cook a decent dumpling dough, it is important to know the necessary proportions.

The amount of flour in recipes is always approximate, a lot depends on its quality and variety, as well as on other ingredients. Do you know how to correctly determine the right consistency? Perfect Dough for dumplings and dumplings, it should feel like an earlobe to the touch: soft, but elastic.

In the dough for dumplings and dumplings, the main ingredients are really water and flour, but for ravioli, a dough consisting only of flour and eggs is often recommended (1 egg per 100 g of flour). It turns out much more dense and holds its shape well. Italians use flour from durum varieties wheat, which we almost do not grow. The same egg dough suitable for homemade noodles, but now we are talking not about her.

Here I want to give a couple more recipes for dumplings dough: obedient, tender and tasty. I myself have tried each of them and now I use them with pleasure. These are the basic recipes, each of which can be varied by adding beetroot or carrot puree, tomato or spinach paste, or finely chopped greens (get pink, yellow, orange, green, or variegated dumplings).

These dough recipes for dumplings and dumplings are my personal choice, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth.

Soft dough for dumplings

The secret ingredients of this recipe are butter And egg yolk. Thanks to them, the dough becomes soft, it is very elastic and tender, it rolls out easily and does not stick, and the dumplings do not fall apart during cooking.


Preparation of dough for dumplings:

The butter should be at room temperature, very soft, and the water should be ice cold.
Sift the flour with a slide on a board or a clean table, make a recess in the middle. We put butter and yolks there, pierce them, mix with butter and, gradually grabbing the flour, begin to knead the dough. Add water from time to time.
Depending on the size of the yolks and the type of flour, you may need more or less water so it needs to be added in small amounts.
When all the ingredients are mixed, the dough must be kneaded intensively for about 10 minutes. It is undesirable to add flour at the same time, since it should not become too steep.
Wrap the finished dough in a film or plastic bag and place in the refrigerator. At least 30 minutes, preferably 2-3 hours.

Kefir dough

The secret of this recipe lies in the use of kefir instead of water. The dough comes out soft, but not sticky, dumplings and dumplings stick together very well, which is important in the case of a capricious filling. I also love this dough for the fact that it does not stick to the table when rolling out, so cleaning the work surface after sculpting dumplings takes just a couple of seconds.


300 g flour 200 g kefir (from 0 to 2% fat)

How to cook dough on kefir:

Pour cold kefir into a bowl, gradually add flour there and knead the dough. Depending on how you plan to use it, you can add salt or omit it.
Place the dough in the refrigerator for several hours before using.

Dumpling dough with sour cream

Here it turns out not just secret ingredient, but a whole conspiracy to create perfect dough, which is equally well suited for both dumplings and sweet dumplings. When rolling out, it almost does not require flour, which is very convenient.


700 g flour 200 ml water
200 g sour cream
a pinch of salt

How to make dough for dumplings:

Beat eggs, water and sour cream well with a whisk or mixer. Gradually adding flour, knead a rather stiff dough. Cover with a towel and let rest for an hour at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

Delicious dough for dumplings on sparkling water

Another version of the "obedient" dough, which makes delicious ravioli, dumplings, dumplings, both boiled and fried. The highlight of this recipe is the use of mineral water instead of plain water the dough will be shiny and smooth.


250 ml sparkling water 650 g flour
1 egg 4 tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsp salt

Test preparation:

Break the egg into a bowl and beat lightly. Add oil, water and salt to the same place, continuing to beat. Gradually add the sifted flour until the dough becomes desired consistency. First, you can mix it with a whisk, and then, when it becomes steeper, knead with your hands.
