
How many minutes to cook chicken stomachs. How to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft

  1. Chicken stomachs - very delicate product, but it has an increased density compared to chicken fillet or breast, so it will take a little longer to cook them. First of all choose chicken stomachs. It's better if they are fresh stomachs possibly chilled. First you need to prepare the chicken stomachs. We wash the stomachs warm water, then clean up. This process is a little laborious, requiring some skill, but, in fact, it is not difficult. It is done like this. We carefully examine the contents of the stomachs and remove the yellow film. We clean the stomachs by cutting the whole stomach along one side, without cutting it to the end, we pick up the edge of the yellow skin and remove it from the meat piece. We thoroughly wash each stomach from the inside, making sure that there is no inner yellow film left. To remove the remnants of sand that enters the stomach of the chicken along with food, it is better to soak them for half an hour in cold water.
  2. Let's start the cooking process. How longer stomachs boiled, so they become softer and more tender. The stomachs can be boiled whole, can be cut into 2 halves, or into small pieces. We put the stomachs in a saucepan and pour cold water so that the amount of water completely covers the product. Put on maximum heat, bring to a boil. Next, the stomachs are boiled on a quiet fire under a lid, and we remove the foam formed during boiling. The cooking time of chicken ventricles depends on the age of its owner, i.e. chicken, but since it is almost impossible to determine the age of the stomachs, we will cook according to the following plan: first, cook the chicken stomachs for 40 minutes, this is with the expectation that they are from young chickens and check their readiness by piercing with a knife or toothpick. If the chicken stomachs are still hard, continue cooking for another 40 minutes and check for hardness again. If this time the chicken stomachs did not pass the hardness test, then we continue cooking for another 40 minutes, after which they will be ready for sure. You can try to cook the stomachs in a pressure cooker, the time spent on their preparation can be safely halved.
  3. Boiled chicken stomachs serve as a semi-finished product for dishes such as azu, goulash and stew. Chicken stomachs are stewed, baked. As a side dish for dishes chicken stomachs vegetables, cereals, pasta and mushrooms are suitable. Boiled chicken stomachs will give pleasant taste salads and cold appetizers. But the most delicious and healthy are chilled chicken stomachs. Bon appetit!
  4. For convenience, when cooking chicken breast you can use the online countdown timer on our website and continue working on your computer. A timer beep and a pop-up window will warn you that the set time has elapsed. It is also worth noting that you will hear a sound signal only on a computer equipped with sound columns (speakers).

9 months ago

Offal - both poultry and livestock - is not the most popular source of protein for modern housewives, however, in terms of taste, they are no worse than meat, if they are cooked correctly. One of the most available options offal are chicken ventricles or navels. They perfectly complement cereals, pasta, are used in salads, casseroles. But in order to appreciate them, you need to figure out how much to cook them, how to do it correctly.

Some housewives are wondering “how much to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft?” However, their condition depends not only on the duration heat treatment, but also from the correct pre-training. If they have been frozen, they are kept in cold water until the ice has completely disappeared, or they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a similar purpose. Only after that the stomachs can be washed under running water. Further actions:

  1. Make a small incision on either side and turn the offal outward. Remove the yellow film, remove the contents of the stomach.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the offal in plenty of water, check that there are no pieces of yellow film left.
  3. Remove fat, tubes and other excess items that may have remained from the butchering process.
  4. Fill the prepared stomachs with cold water and leave for half an hour to wash out possible debris from them (mostly sand remains there).

Also, do not forget that it is very important to choose the right offal: it must have the maximum homogeneous consistency, be devoid of bruising, brown and yellow spots. Also, pay attention to the smell raw meat it is not too pleasant, but not sour and not rotten.

by the most fast process cooking this offal will work if you use a pressure cooker, but most housewives do not have it. For this reason, it is worth considering first standard way in a saucepan on the stove:

  1. Cut the prepared chicken ventricles in half.
  2. Put in a saucepan, pour big amount cold water.
  3. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil at the highest burner power.
  4. Remove the foam, reduce the power of the burner to 30%, leave the lid in place.
  5. Boil the ventricles for 40 minutes, allowing the water to simmer gently. It is very important that the fire is minimal, otherwise the cooking will be uneven.

After the specified time, you need to pierce the offal with a knife: if it feels hard, it needs to be cooked on the same low heat for another 20 minutes. If the ventricles are still not ready, increase the cooking time by another 20 minutes. Often this time is enough if the stomachs are taken from broiler chickens. In adult chickens, they are tougher, so they take 1.5 hours on low heat.

Another fairly simple way to prepare this offal, in which softness is guaranteed for him, is to work with a slow cooker. Due to the high humidity under the lid, it heats all products as evenly as possible, so the stomachs are tender and juicy. If desired, they can be immediately boiled with additives: onions, carrots, tomatoes or other vegetables. General algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut pre-prepared chicken ventricles in half if they are large.
  2. Put them in a multicooker bowl, fill with cold water so that it covers them to a height of 2 fingers.
  3. Add salt, spices. Lower the lid.
  4. Select the "Stewing" program and cook chicken stomachs for 1.5 hours. During this time, the water should completely evaporate.

Often this time is enough even for the stomachs of an adult chicken, however, after the timer signal, you should check the offal for the degree of softness: if it seems to you that it is still harsh, add 20-30 minutes. After cooking, chicken stomachs can be left under the lid for a quarter of an hour so that they reach on their own.

Keep in mind that if the chicken ventricles are not too fresh, their cooking time will increase by 10-15 minutes as they become tougher. And already finished product You can store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or freeze as a semi-finished product for 3 months. In this case, after defrosting, it will simply need to be stewed for 20 minutes, or fried or baked.

    Oh, these chicken stomachs. They beckon to themselves. Some of them completely reject them because they say they are as hard as rubber. Many reject, but not personally me. For I have a certain attraction to them. So, cooking and boiling.

    There are some peculiarities, so for chicken stomachs everything is a little different, with certain subtleties. In principle, this is quite logical

    That's it, no more, no less. But this is not all.

    And this is very important, because quite a few lovers of this food prefer to eat fried or stewed chicken stomachs with fried or stewed onions.

    So, get to work and bon appetit.

    February 2017.

    Before you start cooking chicken stomachs, they must be cleaned of films. After all the stomachs have been cleaned, they must be washed well in running water. Next, you can cut the chicken stomachs and put them to boil. Various spices can be added to the boiling water. Boil the stomachs for 40-60 minutes. After cooking, you can make any dish out of them.

    Chicken gizzards that we buy often need further processing. From them it is necessary to remove the yellow (thick) film if there is one, clean it of fat residues, rinse in cold water, put in a saucepan and pour water over it.

    Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam and turn the heat down to medium. In the broth put salt to taste, peeled onion(whole), carrot, parsley, pepper. These are traditional spices, and in addition, you can add those that you need.

    How much to cook?

    If you cook chicken stomachs from broiler chickens, then it will take 50-60 minutes to cook, and if from an adult chicken, then 1.5-2 hours. Toward the end of cooking, the stomachs can be tasted to determine the degree of their readiness. After the product is ready, you can make many dishes with it.

    For example:

    Bon appetit!

    Depending on how soft you need. If you love tender stomachs, then they will have to be simmered for 1.5 hours on low heat, and then fry. If you are satisfied with just ready-made (not crispy from not cooked), then fry them for 5-10 minutes with onions and carrots, and then after making the sauce, simmer over low heat under the lid for about 30 minutes.

    No need to cook food until blue in the face. It takes a little time to be ready, but we digest the products. It takes only 15 minutes of boiling for the stomachs to cook. If after cooking you still fry them, then 10 minutes of boiling and 5 minutes of frying.

    Chicken stomachs must first be washed, cleaned of fat, yellow film, then put in a saucepan and salt the water.

    Put the pan on the stove and cook over medium heat for about an hour.

    Then they can be fried in a pan for 10 minutes in vegetable oil.

    You can also stew chicken stomachs with onions in a pan, adding a little water, but you need to simmer for about an hour.

    Once the stomachs are soft, they are ready.

    Chicken stomachs, or popularly called navels, need to be cooked longer than chicken meat. I boil water, salt, then I put in it pre-washed, cut into two parts and thoroughly cleaned, stomachs. I boil for about 40 minutes. Then be sure to try it, since the cooking time also depends on the age of the bird (the younger, the less cooking). Just cut with a knife on a plate, you may need to cook the navels more. enough for me 50 - 70 minutes. and with the purchase of a multicooker, the process has decreased to 30 minutes. and the meat is tender and tasty.

    Some housewives soak before cooking in cold water, so that later it will be easier to remove the yellow film and wash the sand.

    From chicken stomachs you can cook very tasty, spicy, cold appetizer To festive table! First, the stomachs need to be boiled for about 30-40 minutes, and then stewed for 20 minutes with carrots and onions. Season with black pepper and sprinkle with vinegar - you will lick your fingers!

    In general, when determining the time of cooking chicken stomachs, I usually rely on their expiration date. The older the chicken was, the longer it takes to cook the stomachs. This is only suitable for poultry(I mean my own, rural). Young ones are boiled for 15 minutes, those that are older, more than half an hour!

    Store-bought chicken stomachs, I usually cook for 30 minutes first, then test for doneness! And after cooking, I also make sure to carcass them so that they become softer and not like rubber.

    Believe me, the rule of squid with chicken stomachs does not work! Some people mistakenly think that if the stomachs are cooked for a short time, they will be more tender. This is wrong.

    In order for chicken stomachs to become soft and tender after cooking, they must not only be boiled well, but also stewed well!

    But you shouldn't overdo it either! I think it makes no sense to cook them for an hour and a half, they have been boiled for a long time!

    This product is cooked for a long time and it all depends on the form in which you need them. If it will bring the navel to fully prepared by frying, then they should be cooked for at least forty to fifty minutes. If they are to be used in boiled for the preparation of salads, it should be boiled for at least an hour, and even more.

    If you cook the filling of pies with them, then it will take no less than forty minutes, then they are scrolled through a meat grinder and mixed with fried onions.

    It is important to clean them correctly before cooking and remove all films, and then engage in the cooking process.

    It should be remembered that the younger the chicken was, the less time it will take to full cooking ventricles.

    So, the cooking process can take from forty minutes to two hours. It is advisable to set the time yourself on the basis of a previously taken sample.

    On average, you should be guided by about an hour of cooking.

They contain a large number of high-grade animal protein, vitamins, trace elements and connective tissue, which is the very collagen that is so necessary to maintain youthful skin.

And at the same time, their cost is quite affordable.

Of course, due to the significant content of cholesterol, nutritionists do not recommend constantly eating offal.

But if you diversify the menu with them not too often, then nothing but good will come of it.

The taste of cooked chicken ventricles in various dishes largely depends on how well they were cooked. It can be soft and juicy meat pieces, melting in the mouth, and maybe something that is hard to chew, resembling rubber. This article is about how to cook chicken stomachs correctly, as well as all the features of their preparation.

Rules for boiling chicken ventricles

If you follow these simple rules, you will succeed the first time!

  1. Basic pledge successful cooking- This right choice product. Choose chilled (not frozen) ventricles Pink colour fresh in appearance and smell.
  2. If, nevertheless, a frozen product is available, you need to take care of defrosting in advance by moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator 8-10 hours before cooking. In extreme cases, you can use the microwave to defrost.
  3. Before you start cooking, you need to rinse each stomach with running water, clean from fat, hard inner film(if any) or from its remains.
  4. Having put the prepared offal in a saucepan, fill them with cold water 5-7 cm above the level and put on a strong fire.
  5. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook at a gentle boil.
  6. Half an hour before readiness, you need to add a peeled onion to the pan, and 5-10 minutes before turning off the heat, throw black pepper and bay leaf into the broth. In addition to this minimum, you can add other vegetables, herbs, spices for meat dishes taste.

As with cooking any meat, it is recommended to salt the water in which chicken stomachs are boiling for 3-5 minutes. to the end, it depends on how long to cook the chicken stomachs and whether they will be soft.

How long to cook chicken stomachs, decide for yourself. If this is just preliminary boiling and then you will fry, bake or stew them, boil them until half cooked. For salads, for example, it is better to cook until soft.

How long to cook until soft?

So how long to cook chicken stomachs until tender so that they become soft and can be eaten without further heat treatment?

The answer will depend on two factors:

  • age of chickens;
  • device in which the product is cooked.

Offal from an old bird needs to be boiled longer, their boiling time can reach 1.5-2 hours. You can distinguish them by their dark color and more large size. The stomachs of young chickens are lighter and smaller, they reach softness already 40 minutes after boiling.

The above cooking times are valid when using a conventional stove and pan, but if other devices are used - a double boiler, pressure cooker, slow cooker, then the cooking time will be different.

A pressure cooker will cope with the task approximately 1.5-2 times faster, a slow cooker is about the same, but a double boiler will take 20 minutes more time to do the same work than a conventional stove with a saucepan.

But the surest indicator in determining the readiness of the product is not a watch or a timer, but a fork and knife, as well as your own teeth.

During the cooking process, determine the degree of readiness by piercing the chicken stomachs with a fork, take out the pieces and try them so that they are soft, so you will not be mistaken how much to cook.

How long to cook ventricles before frying?

Due to the presence of connective tissue, only hot when cooking chicken ventricles is indispensable.

To achieve the necessary softness, either stewing or pre-boiling before roasting is required.

Determining how much to cook chicken stomachs before frying is easy.

Need to sum up the time pre-boiling and subsequent frying was about the same as they are boiled until soft.

That is, if we plan to fry for 10 minutes, then we finish the boiling process in 10 minutes. until ready. At first it may seem difficult, but over time you can learn to do it accurately.

  • Boiled ventricles - great replacement beef, chicken fillet, boiled sausage in all recipes meat salads, for example, replace them with chicken in any . They are not inferior in taste, and in terms of tenderness of the structure they even surpass these more expensive products, but only on condition that they were cooked correctly.
  • When processing offal, you need to make sure that they do not have yellow-green spots from bile. If they are found, it is recommended to carefully cut these places. sharp knife. Otherwise, the finished product will be bitter.
  • Do not cut chicken stomachs into pieces before cooking. Boiled whole, they will be much juicier. For frying, salads and snacks, it is better to cut whole boiled stomachs, only for stewing, you can cut the raw product.
  • After the end of cooking, the ventricles from the broth do not need to be taken out immediately. Hot, they will wind up, their surface will lose its tenderness. It is better to wait until the broth has cooled down, and only then remove the contents with a slotted spoon.
  • On the resulting broth you can cook delicious soups and sauces. The quality of the broth will be better if, after boiling, drain the boiling water and, refilling the chicken stomachs with cold water, continue cooking.
  • Those who have read this article now know how much to cook chicken stomachs, and how to do it according to all the rules. Good luck to everyone in the culinary field!

Useful video

This video shows how to properly boil chicken stomachs until fully cooked and how to clean them:

8 months ago

Many housewives are familiar with such a problem - how to feed a family nutritiously and at the same time inexpensively? original solution- offal. Chicken stomach dishes are very tasty. Would you like to try this "delicacy"? Then let's figure out how much to cook chicken navels so that they come out soft and appetizing.

The most delicious ingredient for broths, and more! Cooking chicken stomachs

Although these offal are inferior in popularity to chicken, but useful properties they are no worse. They have a lot of protein and almost no fat. And their taste qualities directly depend on the correctness of preparation. Important point in this process - how long to cook chicken navels? The duration of their boiling depends on the age of the bird. The younger she is, the faster the ventricles will reach readiness. So, the offal of chickens will cook three times faster than from an adult chicken.

The optimal time for boiling chicken ventricles:

  • offal obtained from a young hen or chickens - 15-20 minutes;
  • navels of adult birds - 45 minutes on the stove, 30 minutes. in a pressure cooker (from the moment the water boils);
  • in a double boiler (after pickling) - 50-60 minutes;
  • ventricles from old hens - up to 90 minutes.

To make boiled stomachs more tasty, they are sometimes fried in a pan. Therefore, information on how much to cook chicken navels before frying may be useful to you. The time of their boiling in this case should be reduced by 10-15 minutes, that is it is enough to boil the ventricles of an adult chicken for 30 minutes.
