
Rustic jam - jam made from carrots. Spicy carrot jam for the winter

  • Carrots - 500-600 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1/2 pc.
  • Sugar - 400 gr.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
  • Star anise - 1 star

The sun hid, gray, rainy days came, but a lot of carrots appeared. Bright, juicy - a useful and multifunctional root crop. It finds daily use on our table, but few, I think, have made carrot jam.

Carrot jam in Portugal National dish, which they not only eat themselves, but also export throughout Europe.

We will prepare such a fashionable jam today.

Carrot jam. Recipe.

  • In order to make carrots, you need to peel the carrots and grate it on the fine grater. Remove zest from orange and lemon. Squeeze orange and lemon juice.

  • Place the grated carrots in a bowl in which jam will be cooked, add sugar, mix. Add lemon juice, orange. Wrap the spices in a small piece of gauze (this will make it easier to remove them) and add to the contents. Leave the prepared carrots for several hours to allow the spices to saturate the future jam with aromas and remove the specific carrot flavor.

  • When the carrots start juice and infuse (it’s good to do this at night), remove the spices, put the dishes on a small fire, add the zest of a whole lemon and half an orange, cook until tender - about 30 minutes after boiling. If you want the aroma of spices to be stronger, then you can cook jam without removing the spices, but remove them before the end of cooking.

  • Transfer the finished jam to a jar, cool and refrigerate for further storage.

  • Carrot jam goes well with crispy toast, cookies, pancakes, cottage cheese dishes. It can be used in the preparation of various desserts as a layer. Carrots are available at any time of the year, especially they are juicy and good in autumn - please your family with the sun in a jar, this is unusual!

    Jam recipe. Mango is a tropical and unusual jam. It is very easy to prepare at home. On a sweet table, mango jam will look very impressive.


    • 350 g sugar
    • 500 g mango
    • 300 g melon
    • 1 lemon
    • 1 cinnamon stick

    Cooking method:

  • Peel the melon and mango and cut into small cubes. Sprinkle them with sugar and the juice of one lemon. Do not throw away the squeezed lemon - you will still need it. Put a cinnamon stick in the fruit - and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  • Then remove the cinnamon stick from the fruit, discard it. Put the entire contents of the container - fruits together with the juice that has stood out - into a saucepan. Put the squeezed lemon there, cut into 5-6 parts. Bring to a boil, then cook for another 20 minutes. on medium fire.
  • Then cool the pan and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, heat the contents of the pan (but do not boil), discard the squeezed lemon from there, and grind everything else to a puree state with a blender. Boil the resulting puree for 30 minutes, pour into jars and refrigerate. In the refrigerator, it will thicken and acquire the consistency of jam.
  • Carrot is not only a sauce for soup sautéed with onions, and not only hot Korean salad or sweet Jewish tsimes. Three different fruit additions have turned a banal root vegetable into, I dare say, jams rare gastronomic merit.

    Carrot Confiture with Lemon and Pepper

    This confiture is unusually good with fried bacon, puff tartlets and small piece soft curd

    Carrot confiture with lemon and pepper

    What do you need:

    • 1 large carrot
    • 1 lemon
    • 1 bell pepper orange color
    • 1-2 chili peppers
    • 100 ml apple juice
    • 5 st. l. brown sugar
    • 1 star anise
    • 1 tbsp coriander seed
    • ½ tsp curry spice mix
    • ½ tsp agar-agar
    • a pinch of salt, nutmeg and cinnamon

    What to do:

    Peel carrots. bell pepper cut in half, remove seeds and membranes. Grate carrots and peppers on a medium grater, put in a saucepan.

    Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice. Mix with carrots apple juice, add salt, sugar, spices, chopped chili and star anise. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for 40 minutes.

    In a dry frying pan, fry the coriander until the aroma appears - add to the carrot mass.

    In a separate cup, dilute agar-agar in 50 ml of boiling water and carefully pour into carrots, boil for another 10 minutes, remove star anise.

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    What is Jam and Preserve? Imagination immediately draws a delicacy of cherries, strawberries, raspberries or other berries and fruits. But it also happens unusual jam- from carrots, for example. Great option if you have your own garden and you no longer know what to cook from this root crop. And even if there is no garden, it still makes sense to try.

    Ripe carrots have sweet taste, so it can be used not only for making a side dish, but also to make a delicacy for tea drinking out of it. Such an unusual dish for us was well known several centuries ago in the Middle East and is still popular today. In Mrs Beaton's Recipes (a book about household, released in 1861) also mentions carrot jam, although she describes it as an analogue apricot jam. Let's not cheat, our jam will be exclusively carrot. To make jam, you can use any vegetables that are easily boiled and have a neutral or sweetish taste - pumpkin, zucchini or beets, various spices will give them a special charm. Jam is a great use of unripe or overripe tomatoes that can't be used to make a salad or canned.

    The important point is to cook but not overcook the jam. Unlike jam, it should be very thick and viscous, but not frozen. The temperature during cooking should reach approximately 104 degrees. Of course, it is unlikely that someone will use a thermometer to check, so you can use more in a simple way. If you decide that the jam is ready, put a spoon in the refrigerator, take it out after a few minutes and press on the surface of the jam. If wrinkles appear on the surface (a thin film has formed), then the jam is ready. If the jam sticks to the spoon, then you need to cook it more. Jam without additives can be poured into jars immediately after preparation, if you have added spices or dried herbs, then you need to let it cool for about 10 minutes, so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Pre-cans need to be heated and dried (this can be done in the oven).

    To prepare carrot jam, you will need:

    carrots - 1 kg
    lemon - 2 pcs.
    orange - 1 pc.
    sugar - 0.9 kg
    cinnamon - 2-3 sticks
    carnation - 6 stars
    grated nutmeg - 1 tsp
    water - 0.9 l

    How to make carrot jam:

    1. Wash, clean the carrots and rub them on a very fine grater. Grind the zest of lemons and oranges, squeeze the juice out of them.
    2. Put carrots, grated zest and sugar in a saucepan, pour juice, mix well. We tie cloves and cinnamon sticks in gauze, put them in the resulting mixture, close the lid and leave overnight so that the future jam becomes fragrant and acquires a piquant taste.
    3. After the allotted time, pour water into the pan and mix well so that all the sugar dissolves, add nutmeg and mix again.
    4. Put the pan on slow fire and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, we check the readiness of the treat with a spoon (see above).
    5. Let the jam cool for 10 minutes, then pour it into jars and close.

    It would probably be more correct to call carrot jam carrot jam. There is no technological difference (no matter what they say), but jams are prepared in France, and jam is ours. And it was from there, from France, that the fashion came to cook not only fruits, but also vegetables with sugar.

    Carrots have a sweet natural taste and for jam will do perfect. Sweet taste will be accompanied by sour fragrant lemon and you will see how these products harmonize.

    In the process of cooking, the carrots will become translucent, like candied fruit. At your discretion, you can leave the carrot jam in the form of pieces, partially chop or completely chop into a jam-like puree using a blender. But if you want to leave the pieces whole, choose young carrots or small-sized fruits - this will look prettier.

    The consistency of the jam is very thick, and therefore it is perfect as a filling for a variety of pastries.


    • carrots 300 grams
    • lemon (juice and zest) 1 piece
    • sugar 200 grams

    How to make carrot jam

    Wash the carrots thoroughly with a hard sponge or peel if the fruits are old. Cut off the roots and stems.

    Cut the carrots into slices 3-4 mm thick and place in a small saucepan with thick walls. Send sugar there. Put the saucepan on small fire and mix lightly.

    Cut the lemon into small cubes along with the fragrant peel.

    Add lemon to carrots. The juice that comes out of the lemon will give required amount liquid, and therefore you do not need to add water to the jam, despite the fact that the carrot itself is not very juicy.

    Cook carrot jam for 15-20 minutes. During this time, all the sugar will disperse and the liquid will turn into sugar syrup.

    At this point, remove the jam from the heat. Grind carrots in syrup with a hand blender. If you decide to leave the pieces whole, proceed to the next step.

    Arrange the hot confiture in sterile jars and seal. Wrap the treat in a towel and let it cool. Storage conditions carrot jam the same as any other, room temperature away from direct sunlight.

    If you think that the most delicious jams, jam and confitures are obtained from berries and fruits, then you are mistaken. Try to cook something with carrots. Yes, the same jam. An explosion of taste will be provided for sure!

    Let me tell you, I have never tasted such delicious food. Fragrant, juicy bright delicacy will cheer you up on a cloudy day and will definitely give you strength if this day was difficult for you. Don't believe? And you will cook at least one jar. By the way, it is great for baking pies, open pies, or you can wrap it in a pancake or just serve it with pancakes.

    What you need (for a small jar):

    Fresh carrot - 500-550 g;

    Small lemon;

    Large orange;

    Half a kilo of sugar;

    Carnation - 4 pcs.;

    Cinnamon - 1 stick;

    Ground nutmeg - half a teaspoon;

    Water - 0.5 liters.

    Also prepare a fruit grater, a citrus juicer and some boiling water.

    What to do:

    So, all components are prepared. I want to say that the preparation of carrot-orange jam is not difficult, but it takes two days, and therefore we need half a liter of water and nutmeg on the second day. In the meantime, peel the carrots and grate on a grater with small holes, it is possible with the smallest ones. Transfer the vegetable mass to the container in which you will then cook the jam.

    Place lemon and orange in deep bowls and pour over boiling water. Or, put citrus fruits in a colander, pour over with boiling water, but then wipe with a paper towel.

    Use a simple citrus juicer to squeeze the juice from the fruit.

    And with the help of a grater, peel off the zest from all the empty cups.

    Add cloves and cinnamon, orange and lemon zest to carrots, add sugar.

    Pour in citrus juice, mix well, cover with a lid and leave until morning.

    The next day, remove the spices (cinnamon and cloves), add nutmeg and pour in half a liter of water.

    Mix well again and put the mass on the stove.

    To cook carrot jam, do not turn on a strong fire. Immediately adjust the medium burning and cook with frequent stirring for about 45 minutes. The carrot mass will decrease by about half.

    Here, in fact, is all the preparation. After the jam has cooled, you can transfer it to a jar and refrigerate. And, of course, be sure to leave a little for sampling. And try to eat something, I assure you! smile
