
Original tea party invitation. tea invitation

Gatherings in the Russian style "We invite everyone for tea"

Gatherings in Russian style« We invite everyone for tea»

Senior - preparatory group

How to show your friendliness to people who are different from us? What to do? Smile?

Bow? Sit down politely? Give gifts?

Or just tea? After all, this drink, and the culture that has developed over the centuries

consumption by different peoples is a universal encyclopedia of tolerance, fragrant, invigorating quintessence of friendliness. Let's have a cup of tea together - maybe there will be fewer problems?

Target: Introducing children to the history of tea


Develop cognitive interest, educate children in an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, educate initiative in musical activities

Encourage children to be creative

Learn expressiveness in the performance of songs, poems, ditties.

preliminary work: talking to children What do you serve guests?, photo exhibition design "Tea drinking with family", learning sayings, tongue twisters, poems, ditties and songs about tea.

Material: table, tablecloth, samovar, tea set, Russian folk costume, jam.

Lesson progress:

The hall is decorated in Russian style. Near the central wall there is a table with a samovar, mugs, bagels, jam.

hostess in Russian meets in folk costume guests:

Hello dear guests,

invited guests, but welcome,

we are glad to see you in our hall,

which today has become a real teahouse.

Put aside all your affairs

And hurry to the hall.

To sing songs, talk

A little to play and joke

Lots of new things to learn.

We brought guests here. And so that the guests do not get bored, do you know what guests should be welcomed and treated to?

Children's answers___

hostess: That's right, of course, tea. And now let's talk about tea in more detail, find out how it appeared in Rus'.

Since ancient times, people believed that there is nothing more healing and tastier than the natural gifts of meadows, fields, forests. The main thing is to be able to collect these gifts and use their combination correctly. Rus' has long had its own traditional beverages: from berries and fruits, milk and cream, sbiten hot drink from honey and spices, kvass.

But with a drink by the name "tea" no other can compare.

If you are cold, tea will warm you,

If you are hot, he will refresh you,

If you are upset, he will cheer you up,

If you are excited, he will calm you down"

Tea was first brought to Russia in the 17th century. And it was like that. Russian the boyar ambassador Vasily Starkov brought the Mongol khan rich gifts from Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. Khan well received ambassador and, in in turn, he handed over bundles of incomprehensible grass to the king.

What it is? The ambassador asked with resentment

My most precious gift Russian tsar Khan replied with a smile.

Vasily Starkov already tried this drink at the Khan's, and he did not like it terribly. The ambassador wanted to throw away the gift, but remembered the Khan's words about « expensive gift» . This is how tea came to Moscow. The king, having tasted an unknown drink, wiped his thick beard with his sleeve and said: "More"!

caregiver: Nowadays it is known great amount teas and their names Let's play a game now, who will remember the names of tea more.

Children's answers:___

hostess: Now I will hold an auction of tea words with you, you should tell me the words that include the word "tea". For example "happening". Whoever says the last word wins a prize.

Children's answers___

Child: Hey laughter girls, let's drink ditties.

Tea ditties:

1. Sit at the samovar everyone is happy for sure

His sides are burning with a bright solar fire.

2. The samovar sings, buzzes, only in appearance he is angry. To the ceiling lets steam, Our handsome samovar.

3. The samovar puffs, sparkles, generous, round, golden. Illuminates our faces, He is his kindness.

4. On the table we have a pie, donuts and cheesecakes, So sing along to the seagulls, tea ditties.

5. Give me a cup of tea, because I love Russian tea. In tea, I don’t have tea, pour hot tea.

6. We sang ditties to you, whether it’s good or bad, and now we will ask you to clap us.

Leading: As people gather at our gates.

People gather and lead their round dance. (Children lead a round dance "Like ours at the gate"

hostess: Well done, guys, and I also have a lot of interesting things in store for you as a gift. I am in the spring on the mound, and in the winter in the upper room sit around. I sit and always look at the people, I remember everything and collect it in a piggy bank. This is my piggy bank.

I'll sit next to you on the bench

Together with you I'll sit,

I will give you riddles

Who is smarter - I'll see

1. If I am empty,

I forget about you.

But when I bring food

I will not pass by the mouth. (spoon)

2. In the belly - a bath,

In the nose - a sieve,

On the head is the navel,

Just one hand

And the one on the back (kettle)

3. At the sight of food

Don't count the crows

Rush together

At both sides. (fork and knife)

4. My heart friend

Chairman of the tea trust:

All family in the evening

He treats with tea.

He is a tough guy,

Swallows wood chips without harm.

Although small in stature,

And puffs like a steam engine. (samovar)

5. There was a leaf green - black became, stewed

There was a toothed leaf, the leaf became tubular.

He was on the lozine - now in the store (tea)

6. White as snow, in part all,

It got into my mouth and disappeared there. (sugar)

Sun: Our children know a lot of proverbs and sayings

(children read proverbs and sayings)

1. The day is long until evening, if there is nothing to do.

2. hurry up people make me laugh.

3. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils

4. Skillful hands do not know boredom

5. If there was a hunt, work would go well

6. The earth is painted by the sun, and man's labor

7. Finished the job - walk boldly.

hostess: Thank you, so my basket-piggy bank was filled, and for this I will give you a dance Russian, expanse (Dancing Russian dance to the tune"Shining Moon")

caregiver: thank you hostess for the dance

hostess: In Russia, it is customary to drink tea from a samovar. Tell me who knows why the spout of the samovar is not at the very bottom?

Children's answers___

Samovars were made of copper, colored and even gold. Look, what samovars are on the table with us?

Children's answers:___

Let's play with you guys. The game is called "Garland of Dryers", for tea it is customary to serve bagels and drying. Let's split into two teams (girls and boys). Whoever collects more dryers on a string and does not drop, that team will win.

The game is being played "Garland of Dryers"

hostess: What are you whispering guys, what kind of secret do you have there?

Children: We want to present our surprise to you now.

hostess: Me surprise? That's interesting! Dance, song play?

Children: The performance of the orchestra is now time for us to start!

"Orchestra of Spoons"

hostess: Guys, tell me, is it customary in your families to drink tea with what?

Children's answers___

Yes, it is very tasty to drink tea with jam. And who will tell me how to properly set the table for tea? Need for tea prepare spoons, drink tea in small sips, so as not to burn yourself. A small spoon, called a teaspoon, is used to stir sugar in tea, for jam.

hostess: let's play one more game with you "Table setting for tea"

caregiver: Oh, and nice we had fun today

You sang and danced

I am very satisfied with you.

You guys are great

Get lollipops.


Russia is rich in wild songs, daring dances. Great open spaces Russian region. Strongly love their homeland Russian people. And they like to drink tea from a samovar.


The samovar sizzles, bagels on the tablecloth self-assembled,

AND sweets and cookies, and fragrant jam.

fragrant delicious tea we heartily treat everyone

Drink tea, take treats, come to visit more often.

You can do this meditation to set yourself up to make a decision or just to get a feel for what mindfulness is. You can repeat it at any time and with any drink.

Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup.

When it's bad weather outside and you don't feel like going out, a cup of tea is just happiness... and you can drink this happiness...

Will you have lemon or mint tea?

Can I have tea with you?

- What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon?

- With pleasure!

Let's sit again

For fragrant tea

And we'll talk about everything

Hours without noticing ...

Watch good movies, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, take a walk, get enough sleep and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. And that's when everything will be fine!

I want tea...

In casual company...

In a quiet, pleasant place…

If everything is incomprehensible, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will fall apart on its own, get better on its own).

brewing fragrant tea, it should be remembered that according to the Tea Code, one should talk about good things over a cup of tea: about Nature, about Art, about Beauty...

I'm chasing hot teas

I rustle candy in the morning

Replenishing stocks for the day

Make yourself a fasting day today - do not load yourself! Better have some delicious tea 😊

Pause for aromatic tea...

Frozen soul? Make some tea :)

How much does it take to start a great day? A cup of hot tea and a kiss from a loved one. Think positive.

At any incomprehensible situation put the kettle on

Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a cup of tea to raise the tone and uplift the fallen spirit, in which all guides and instructions, both Western and Eastern, converge.

José Sarmago "The Book of Names"

Tea - unless you drink it the Russian way - you can't drink it with sugar. Yes, I realize I'm in the minority here. But still, how can a person who is able to kill the taste of tea with sugar call himself a teapot? With the same success, you can flavor tea with pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. By sweetening it, you are not drinking tea, you are drinking sugar, which you could just as well dissolve in hot water. George Orwell, A Great Cup of Tea

Tea is always a good idea.
Don't look for an excuse, just treat yourself to tea...

"Can we come over for tea?"

“Just for tea?”

— No... more jam.

Tea is a huge world placed in a small cup.

It's wonderful when you have someone to brew a second mug of tea.

Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that heals without turning your pocket inside out.

Not only tea, gloves, a blanket are warm... Everything can be warm - conversations, glances, letters, people... This is that special feeling that gives us the strength to live, believe, dream, love...

- You have some kind of tea cult ...

“I only have rooibos, hibiscus, pu-erh, black, green, oolongs, four types of mate, three cups for different varieties tea, two teapots... What a cult, what are you talking about...

Through a dreamy window

Gentle rays of the sun

On my cheek

Three pinches of tea

God, what else do you need?!

Autumn... Rain... The time of the warmest hugs, the most comfortable evenings, the most sincere words...

Tea is not drunk anywhere. Tea is personal.

Brew tea only with the correct brew:

with happiness, luck, adventure and good mood!

Most best evening is an evening with warm tea and a warm person.

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our existence.

Is it possible to feel something if you have not drunk strong fragrant tea? Tea is the rise of the soul!

Tea is divine drink, which gives us a reason with a clear conscience to eat half a kilo of sweets and a couple of pieces of cake before going to bed ツ

And me tea. Seven glasses...

A thousand gallons of tea and five hundred biscuits are enough for one friendship.

Ray Bradbury, "Dandelion Wine"

Happiness is always in the simple things. In such, for example, as a day off, Sunday tea or just peace in your heart ...

You'd better fly to me tomorrow morning - we'll drink tea.

With goats?

With goats, with goats!

big uh


Life has an iron rule:

what you brewed - then you disentangle!

You should never refuse a cup of tea under the following circumstances: if it is hot outside; if it is cold outside; if you are tired; if someone thinks you are tired; if you feel uneasy; before leaving the house; if you are not at home; if you have just come home; if you want a seagull; if you do not really want a seagull, but you could; if you have not drunk tea for a long time; if you have just intercepted a cup. George Mikes - How to be British

A cup of tea?

2010-07-04 01:07:21 - Natalya Vladimirovna Lifanova
Types of honey
The name of honey depends on the type of plants from which the nectar is collected, for example, buckwheat, sunflower, sainfoin, sweet clover, linden, white acacia, heather, etc. Such honey is called monofloral. But honey may contain impurities of a different origin. Impurities in small quantities do not affect the quality of honey. Honey made from nectar by bees various plants, is called polyfloral. Of the polyfloral honeys, the most common are field, forest and meadow honeys.
Acacia honey - mined in the Danube regions. Belongs to the best varieties. Contains 40.35% fructose and 35.98% glucose. It has moderate antimicrobial and protistocidal properties.
Linden honey- the highest quality honey. Linden honey has a linden aroma, sweet, pale yellow color. Contains 39.27% ​​fructose and 36.05% glucose. Linden honey has strong nutritional and medicinal properties. Linden honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It has an expectorant, slightly laxative, heart-strengthening effect.
Mint honey - has a mint flavor, light yellow color. Honey contains a large number of vitamin C, mint honey has a choleretic, sedative, analgesic and antiseptic effect.
Clover honey - colorless and almost transparent, has a slightly pronounced aroma of clover flowers. Predominant in colonies of gray mountain Caucasian bees.
Raspberry honey- light golden color with exceptional pleasant aroma and taste; is in high demand as remedy. Raspberry honey is harvested in many apiaries.
Buckwheat honey- has a bright light brown color with a slightly reddish tinge, has a strong pleasant aroma and good taste. Buckwheat honey contains up to 0.3% protein and significantly more iron than light honeys.
Chestnut honey is dark in color with a faint aroma of chestnut flowers and a bitter aftertaste. It has an antimicrobial effect against bacteria, gastrointestinal and renal diseases.
Heather honey is reddish-brown in color, has a strong specific aroma and a little tart taste. Heather honey is the richest in terms of protein and mineral salts. By palatability it is classified as a lower grade honey.
Honey in honeycombs is much more useful than pumped out honey, since the natural wax that makes up honeycombs, in itself, has medicinal properties. And in combination with honey, all these valuable qualities appear even more. This honey should be eaten in small pieces, long and thoroughly chewing honeycombs (like chewing gum).

What kind of honey do you like?
IN last year daughter brought from the south chestnut honey(specific taste ... eaten, but no longer want)
I love linden, and as our beekeepers call meadow ...

A story worthy of a movie. One friend is complaining. She invited her man for the first time to visit for tea. But what happened next confused them both. She doesn't even know what to do in this case. In general, he enters the house, undresses, she puts the kettle on and puts tea bags in a mug. He snorted in displeasure - "How can you drink this? It's not tea, but sawdust." Silence. In general, the day, as they say, did not work out. Drank coffee.

The next day she comes again for tea, but the girl is already prepared. I cut open a few bags and poured the tea into teapot. And then he liked everything, said that it was the taste of real tea. That's how it boils real tea, and not the one in some bags. Everyone was in a good mood that day.

Why am I doing this? To avoid such misunderstandings, it is better to immediately take leaf tea for welding. Huge selection tea I found in and now I will show what I found interesting. I went with tea to the mountains, arranged tea parties at home and took them to work in a thermos. In general, a tea test drive.

Black tea with thyme

This is not only a celebration of taste, but also very healthy drink! Harmony of rich black tea and light, mild fragrance thyme, which gives the drink a truly unique taste. Traditionally used in the south of Russia and in Europe. It tones, is considered very useful: it softens the manifestations of a cold, restores a weakened body, and relieves pain. invigorate, give strength, restore inner harmony.

Krasnodar black tea with linden

To brew properly. Just pouring boiling water will not work. Each tea has a recommended brewing temperature on its packaging.

Now I have a thermometer, in a stylish case made of natural wood.

Designed specifically for measuring water temperature when brewing tea.

Now you know a little more about tea than before.

p.s. nice little things available promo code for the word cat. 10% discount on the entire range at 101tea.ru (except products already on sale).

Home > Educational and methodical complex


Dear friends!

I invite you to tea

on the occasion of my birthday.

I'll be waiting on Saturday

Great mood Necessarily!

Exercise 2.

(Indications: heading of the text - 14 pt. (points), the rest of the text - 12 pt.; red line (indent) from the position - 1 cm; all text is typed in typeTimes New Roman Cyr; the rest of the parameters are the same as in the previous exercise.)


A charade is a riddle in which the hidden word consists of several constituent parts, each representing a single word. For example:

Only two prepositions, and there is a lot of hair in them.

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.


Sometimes it is necessary to "bind" a piece of text to a certain position in a line, so that the position of this fragment does not change when other formatting parameters are changed. To do this, use special tabulation characters - tabulators. There are 4 types of tabs in the word processor Word:

Tab stop with left-aligned text;

Tab stop with text alignment in the center;

Tab stop with right-aligned text;

Tab stop with text alignment on the separator of integer and fractional parts of numbers (ie, decimal point or comma).

To set a tab stop in a line, you need to select the desired type of tab stop by successively clicking on the tab stop button located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and then clicking on the horizontal ruler at the place where you want to set the tab stop position. After that, when pressing the key Tab on the keyboard, the cursor will automatically be set to the position of the line where the tab stops, and the typed text will be aligned relative to this position in accordance with the selected tab type.

To understand the role of tabs various types when formatting text and learning how to use them, do the following exercise.

Exercise 3

Type a fragment of the text of the price list according to the sample. To do this, use a font size of 12 pt, set the left border and the red line to 0 cm, the right border to 15 cm. On the horizontal ruler, set the tabs of the required types in accordance with the figure.

0 cm 3 cm 6 cm 8 cm 12 cm 13.5 cm

After typing the value of each column of text, press the keyTab .

Price list

on floppy disks for computers

Diskettes 3.5 10 pcs. BASF RUB 82.5

Diskettes 3.5 1 pc. SONY 9.18 rub.

Diskettes 5.25 100 pcs. TDK 728.6 rub.

Diskettes 5.25 20 pcs. VERBATIM RUB 91.05

Task 1. Creating a table by converting text into a table.

Type the proposed text containing information from the history of Russia about the royal dynasty of the Romanovs. In places where the symbol is indicated , instead of a space, insert a tab character by pressing the key Tab, At the end of each line (in the places indicated by the newline character ) should be pressed Enter. Tab characters and line feed are non-printable (invisible) characters that are used to format text but are not normally displayed. (If you want to see them, you need to click on the button toolbar "Standard".)

Attention! Make sure that in each line of text, except for the title, there are strictly 2 tab characters and 1 line feed character. If this condition is not met, the required table will not work.

Font size - 14, bold; type the title in capital letters and align to the center. For roman numerals, use the corresponding latin capital letters.


Emperor→ Years of Life→ Reign¶

AlexanderI→ 1777 - 1825→ 1801 - 1825¶

NicholasI→ 1796 - 1855→ 1825 - 1855¶

AlexanderII→ 1818 - 1881→ 1855 - 1881¶

AlexanderIII→ 1845 - 1894→ 1881 - 1894¶

NicholasII→ 1868 - 1918→ 1894 - 1917¶

Copy all typed text, including the title, and place the copy 2-3 lines below the original text. This copy of the text now needs to be converted to a table. To do this, follow these steps.

As a result, you should get approximately next view screen.


Emperor Years of life Reign

AlexanderI 1777 - 1825 1801 - 1825

NicholasI 1796 - 1855 1825 - 1855

AlexanderII 1818 - 1881 1855 - 1881

AlexanderIII 1845 - 1894 1881 - 1894

NicholasII 1868 - 1918 1894 - 1917



Years of life



1777 - 1825

1801 - 1825


1796 - 1855

1825 - 1855


1818 - 1881

1855 - 1881


1845 - 1894

1881 - 1894


1868 - 1918

1894 - 1917

Task 2. Creating a table by inserting an empty table and then filling in its cells.

In practice, this method is often used, since in most cases it is more convenient to fill in an empty table.

Place the text cursor where you want to place the table and select from the menu Table command Insert table(in Word "e 97 - Add table). In the dialog box that appears, specify the required number of columns and rows.

the same operation can be done with the button Inserting a table on the Standard toolbar. By clicking on this button, in the grid that appears, select with the mouse required amount rows and columns.

Then the empty table can be filled. To move between cells from left to right in rows, press the key Tab, and in the opposite direction Shift- Tab. You can also navigate between cells in a table by clicking in the desired cell.

On your own, according to the model, create, fill in your data and arrange the tables "Schedule of classes" and "Calendar".



To perform complex calculations in the spreadsheet Excel has a large set of built-in functions: mathematical, statistical, logical, textual, financial, engineering, information, etc. Consider the use of a group of financial functions in the conduct of financial and economic calculations and economic analysis.

    Using functionsEXCELfor the calculation of operations on credits and loans

Calculations of financial transactions for credits, loans and borrowings are based on the concept of the time value of money and assume the unequal value of money relating to different points in time. This group of functions covers the following calculations:

    determination of the accrued amount (future value);

    determination of the initial value (current value);

    determination of the payment term and interest rate;

    calculation of periodic payments related to the repayment of loans.

The general calculation formula that EXCEL uses when calculating financial indicators associated with cash flows has the form:

Where pmt - fixed (unchanging) periodic payment amount;

n - total number of payment periods;

r- interest rate for one period;

type- the number 0 or 1, indicating when the payment is made (1 - at the beginning of the period, 0 - at the end of the period);

pv- the current value of the deposit (loan), on which interest is charged at the rate r%n-th number of periods or the present value of a series of fixed periodic payments;

fv- the future value of a deposit (loan) or the future value of a series of fixed periodic payments.

If the interest rate for the accrual period r=0 , then the following formula is used:

These formulas use EXCEL functions: BZ, NPER, NORM, PZ, NPZ, PPLAT.

      Future value calculations based on a constant interest rate. KB function

The CV function calculates the future value of periodic, constant payments and the future value of a single deposit or loan amount based on a constant interest rate.

Syntax: BR(norm, number_periods, payout, nc, type),

Where norm- interest rate for the period,

nz- the initial value (current value) of the deposit or loan,

type- the number 0 or 1, indicating when the payment is made (1 - at the beginning of the period, 0 - at the end of the period); the default is 0.

The value returned by the KB function is the argument fv formulas (1).


Where fv- the future value of the deposit or loan;

pv- the current value of the deposit or loan;

n- the total number of interest periods;

r- interest rate on the deposit (loan).

To calculate the future value of a single amount using the built-in EXCEL functions, you should use the KB function. In this case, the formula in the table cell will take the form:

BZ( norm, number of periods, nz).

When solving a specific problem, instead of the names of the arguments, you should write down the corresponding numbers or links to the corresponding cells.

If payments are made systematically, and not once, and the same amount (payment) is made in each period, then other sets of KB function arguments should be used. For the case when payments are made at the beginning of each billing period (the so-called payments prenumerando), the formula takes the form:

BZ( rate, number of periods, payout,1).

If payments are made at the end of each period (so-called "regular payments", or postnumerando), then the formula for calculating the future value takes the form:

BZ( rate, number of periods, payout, 0).

Argument type=0 can be omitted and written:

BZ( rate, number of periods, payout).

Task 1.1.

Calculate how much will be in the account if 27,000 rubles. laid down for 33 years at 13.5% per annum, and interest is accrued every six months.

If interest is accrued several times a year, then it is necessary to calculate the total number of interest periods and the interest rate for the accrual period. For the most common cases, the calculation of these quantities is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Calculation of basic values ​​for intra-annual accounting of interest.

Interest calculation method

Total number of interest periods

Interest rate for the accrual period, %






For this task, the formula in a spreadsheet cell should look like this:

BZ(13.5%/2.33*2,-27000) .

For comparison, calculate using formula (3) in another cell of the table.

Task 1.2.

Suppose there are two options for investing funds for 4 years: at the beginning of each year at 26% per annum or at the end of each year at 38% per annum. Let 300,000 rubles be contributed annually. Determine how much money will be in the account at the end of the 4th year for each option. Which of the options is preferable for the investor?

Task 1.3.

Calculate how much will be in the account if the size is 5,000,000 rubles. placed at 12% per annum for 3 years, and interest is accrued every six months.

Task 1.4.

On a deposit of 2,000,000 rubles. 10% per annum is charged. Calculate how much will be in the savings account after 5 years, if interest is accrued monthly.

Task 1.5.

Payments of 200,000 rubles are made to the savings account. at the beginning of every month. Calculate how much will be in the account after 4 years at an interest rate of 13.5% per annum. Compare the future value of the invoice if payments are made at the end of each month.

      Determining the current value. PZ function

The PZ function is designed to calculate the present value of both a single deposit (loan) amount and future fixed payments. This calculation is the reverse of determining the future value using the CV function.

Syntax: PZ( norm, nper, payout, bs, type) ,

where nper is the total number of payment periods;

bs - the future value of fixed periodic payments or a single amount.

The value returned by the PZ function is the argument pv formulas (1).

Task 2.1.

The company will need 5,000,000 rubles. after 12 years. At present, the company has money and is ready to deposit it as a single deposit, so that in 12 years it will reach 5,000,000 rubles. Determine the required amount of the current deposit if the interest rate on it is 12% per year.

Task 2.2.

Two options for buying a house are being considered: pay 99,000 rubles immediately. or in installments - for 940 rubles. monthly for 15 years. Determine which option is preferable if the interest rate is 8% per annum.

