
Which tea is healthier - green or black? Comparative characteristics of green and black tea. Which tea is healthier black or green

Black tea vs green tea is the most common comparison that can be found. Most people are unaware of the benefits that both types of tea provide. However, the generally accepted thesis is that green tea is healthier and healthier. Is it really?

1. Green tea is richer in "pure" antioxidants

Unfermented green tea leaves contain catechins (antioxidants). Unfortunately, during the fermentation of tea leaves (oxidation), typical of black tea (100% oxidized), these catechins are converted into other compounds, namely tea flavins and theabromines. They still have the same antioxidant potential as the catechins in green tea. However, green tea still has more health benefits than an equal volume of black tea, because the antioxidants in it are more "clean and strong". For example, a cup of black tea contains about 5-10 mg of the powerful antioxidant EGCG, while a cup of green tea contains eight times as much - 40-90 mg!

However, some researchers have found that flavonoids are also of great health importance, as they can lead to a reduction in stroke and heart disease risk because they help lower LDL (bad cholesterol), which is associated with the cause of these two diseases.

2. Green tea contains less caffeine

Whether black, green or white, all tea contains caffeine. And that's okay. It only becomes a problem when someone starts to suffer from insomnia, when they drink too many caffeinated drinks, or when you are sensitive to caffeine.

In this case, you're better off drinking green tea because the fermentation process that black tea undergoes increases its caffeine content. One cup of black tea usually contains 40mg, a cup of green tea is only about half that figure (depending on the size of the cup and how long the leaves are steeped).

But let's not forget that black tea has half the caffeine content of coffee!

The tea flavins in black tea often cause tooth staining. Again, because green tea has been dried but not fermented, it contains far fewer tea flavins. Therefore, it is unlikely to stain the enamel of the teeth. The higher the quality of green tea, the less staining it causes, and the lower quality it is, the greater the risk of browning. But even in the latter case, there will be less stains on the teeth than if you drink black tea.

So which one is better?

So, green tea can be (slightly) healthier than black tea, and green tea can help keep your teeth whiter. But if you like the taste of black tea, then keep drinking black tea! After all, it's still much healthier than coffee, soda, beer, or spirits.

  • What's more, maybe you prefer drinking black tea in the morning to wake up, while a cup of green tea can be a great way to end the day and unwind before bed.
  • In order to lose weight, you'd better switch to green tea, and in case you have heart problems, black tea is the best choice. The consumption of one or another type of tea depends on the specific purpose of the drinker and the state of his health.

Tea is the most popular drink in the world. A good tea is not only an exquisite taste and aroma, but also an incredible health benefit. Tea invigorates, energizes, strengthens the immune system, relieves headaches and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. However, the benefits of tea depend on its variety. In Russia, the most favorite types of tea are black and green. Black tea is the most popular and most people prefer it. However, adherents prefer to consume green tea. So all the same, which tea is more useful for a person, black or green?

The difference between black tea and green tea is the way the tea leaves are processed. Both types of tea are made from the same plant, but they are prepared in different ways. Green tea does not go through the enzymatic oxidation procedure, or is oxidized by no more than 12 percent. Black tea is highly oxidized tea (80%). Fermentation is the technical processing of tea, which gives the drink a certain color and aroma. Strong processing gives black tea a rich color, astringency and a taste that is more pronounced than green tea. However, the more tea is oxidized, the more useful substances it loses. Therefore, the vitamin composition and quantity in green tea is much higher than in black. Therefore, green tea is considered more beneficial.

Green tea is rich in A, B, B1, B2, B15, C, P, as well as fluorine, copper and other beneficial substances. Green tea is a source of antioxidants, substances that slow down, remove toxins, and reduce the risk of cancer. Due to the content of taurine, the caffeine found in green tea is less aggressive than in coffee or black tea. The presence in green tea makes this drink extremely beneficial for people with thyroid disorders. The high amount of fluoride found in green tea helps maintain healthy teeth and gums. Green tea is very useful for men, as the zinc it contains improves men's health. In addition, this drink is also an excellent antiviral and antifungal agent. Green tea is also useful for people suffering from. It speeds up the metabolism, burns a large number of calories, removes fat from the body. Green tea is also recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, as it protects the body from monitor radiation. Green tea slows down the aging process of the skin, so it is currently actively used in cosmetology.

However, green tea also has contraindications. It is not recommended to drink in large quantities for people suffering from hypertension. In people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers, green tea can cause increased pain and heartburn. The daily norm of green tea should not exceed three to five cups. Abuse of this drink can lead to sudden changes in blood pressure, hyperactivity and severe sleep disturbances.

Despite the fact that black tea is inferior to green tea in terms of the amount of nutrients it contains, it also has a beneficial effect on human health. 3-4 cups of black tea drunk per day reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Black tea contains B vitamins, vitamins P and PP. These vitamins increase the tone of blood vessels and capillaries. Black tea is more suitable for people suffering from low blood pressure than green tea. Black tea contains a large amount of tannins, thanks to which this drink relieves stomach cramps and stops nausea. Black tea strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections. Also, this drink enhances the mental activity of a person, invigorates and uplifts the mood.

Black tea is not recommended for people with glaucoma, as it raises eye pressure. With hypertension and arrhythmia, it should be consumed only in limited quantities. Also, black tea is contraindicated in varicose veins and atherosclerosis. It should not be abused during pregnancy.

Tea - black or green - an exciting drink. The benefits of any tea are tangible only when consumed in moderation. Excessive tea consumption can cause negative consequences: insomnia, irritability, blood pressure jumps, hand tremors, fatigue, etc. Strongly brewed tea should not be drunk by people with overactive thyroid. Also, do not drink this tea before bed.

Black and green tea have a beneficial effect on health. Due to the higher content of vitamins and antioxidants, green tea is more beneficial than black tea. However, black tea also has a number of health benefits. Both black and green tea are important ingredients. Therefore, the choice of which drink to include in your diet depends on the personal tastes and preferences of each person, as well as the state of health.

Black tea or green? Which one is better and what should you choose? The questions are relevant for those who care about their health and seek to get the maximum positive effect from the drink. But the answers are ambiguous: a comparison is required, to consider the features, benefits and harms of both varieties.

Natural tea leaf contains antioxidants, vitamins, alkaloids (caffeine, theine), tannins and essential oils. The combination of these chemicals gives the drink richness and determines the beneficial properties, regardless of the variety. It tones, gives a charge of vivacity, activates the brain.

Tea is a good diuretic, due to which excess fluid and associated toxins, toxins, and harmful substances are removed from the body. Excess salts are removed along with sweat, the release of which also increases after drinking a hot drink. Otherwise, the effect on the body is different and depends on the variety.

What is the difference

The leaves for black and green tea are taken from the same plant, and the difference in color, taste and properties depends on the subsequent processing. The degree of fermentation is important - the oxidation of raw materials under the action of their own chemical compounds. In black tea, it is high, so the color is saturated, and astringency is present in the finished drink. Green - undergoes minimal fermentation or does not oxidize at all. Thanks to this, the sheet retains its natural color and composition.

IMPORTANT. The processing method directly affects the quality of welding. Unaged, overexposed or improperly dried raw materials lose more than half of their useful properties and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

How black tea works

Fermentation allows you to maintain a balance of vitamins in the product (especially group B, PP), antioxidants, tannins. Due to this, the drink has a mild tonic effect. It does not have a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, does not lower blood pressure. Vitamins help strengthen the immune system and effectively fight pathogenic bacteria, so this variety is especially indicated for colds.


The main feature of black tea is its tart taste, due to the presence of tannins in it. These chemical compounds of plant origin have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, liver and pancreas. Aroma and freshness are provided by antioxidants that slow down the processes of cell death and start the regeneration of structures.

This variety goes well with herbs (thyme, chamomile, calendula) and citrus fruits (lemon, bergamot). Adding milk softens the taste and removes bitterness. In this form, the drink speeds up the metabolism and normalizes the intestinal microflora.


There are few side effects even with daily use of more than 2-3 cups. However, it is recommended to monitor the dosage and strength, especially in the following cases:

  • increased acidity;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • thyroid disorders.

Strong black tea is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. If individual reactions occur, consult a specialist.

NOTE. The high content of caffeine in the product limits its use by women during lactation. An alkaloid transmitted to a child with milk can cause sleep disorders and overexcitation in a baby.

How green tea works

Green tea retains a maximum of natural compounds, therefore it is rich in antioxidants, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and caffeine. A freshly brewed drink has a light color, pronounced astringency and viscosity. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, triggers brain activity.


There are three main varieties:

  1. Chinese. The leaves are dried in the open air and then heat-treated. This gives the drink a soft taste.
  2. Japanese. It is steam fermented, so the tea leaves have a richer color.
  3. Ceylon. Mostly large-leaved with a slight floral aftertaste.

Popular additives: jasmine, mint, lime, strawberry. These ingredients complement the natural taste, soften it. But lemon and bergamot are not recommended.

THIS IS INTERESTING. You should pay attention not only to the method of processing and additives, but also to the appearance of the tea leaf. The most valuable is twisted welding, which opens when exposed to hot water.

Harm and contraindications

  • increased acidity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excitability and pathologies of the nervous system
  • insomnia;
  • anemia and lack of iron in the body;
  • gout;
  • problems in the musculoskeletal system.

The drink enhances urination, which is dangerous for kidney pathologies, urolithiasis. The last cup of this tea should be drunk 5-6 hours before bedtime.

If you want to lose weight, you can use both black and green tea. Unsweetened drink contains a minimum of calories and is quickly absorbed by the body. However, for a faster effect, it is worth using the second grade. It speeds up metabolic processes, promotes faster breakdown of food components, especially fats and their derivatives. A cup of green tea, drunk 1-1.5 before meals, reduces appetite and prevents overeating.

I love both black and green ... Can I mix?

On the day you can drink both types of tea: there are no separate contraindications for this. It is only necessary not to forget about dosages, not to get carried away with drinks before bedtime.

There are blends of tea leaves - a mixture of both varieties in different proportions. This combination, when used in a reasonable amount, does not harm the body and allows you to combine the effectiveness of varieties in one circle. The taste of the drink is original, but may not be to everyone's taste.

General indications

When choosing, be guided by your own preferences and general recommendations for use:

  • with increased pressure and slagging of the body, to speed up metabolism and cellular regeneration, quick "recharging" - green tea;
  • for colds, anemia and low blood pressure, for a long-term, but less pronounced tonic effect - black tea.

In other cases, and in the absence of contraindications, you can use both.

Summing up and answering the question of which tea is more useful, black or green, we note that both varieties have an equal set of positive and negative effects. You need to choose a drink based on individual health characteristics, taking into account all contraindications and possible side effects.

Source: Merchant for tea (Kustodiev)

Tea: black or green?

Russia is a tea country: we drink tea more often than coffee or any other drinks. And at the same time they argue - which tea is better, black or green? Let's try to figure out how our preferences for tea evolved.

tea history

There are countries that love coffee and countries that love tea. This division was laid down centuries ago. As the famous researcher of gastronomic traditions V. Pokhlebkin writes in the book “Tea”, tea was first brought to Western Europe from China in the 16th century, but it became fashionable among the European nobility about a century later, when in 1664 the East India Company sent as a gift to the English king two pounds of tea as the greatest rarity. At first, the custom of drinking tea was established at the English court, and at the beginning of the 18th century, tea began to spread among the petty nobility and merchants. From England, the fashion for tea began to penetrate into other European countries - but it was still a fashion for the nobility and wealthy people.

This fashion did not take root well in countries that later became "coffee": among them France, Spain, Italy, Austria and Germany. There, tea ran into strong competition from coffee and cocoa. Both were brought from the overseas colonies of the Bourbons and Habsburgs, whose various branches ruled in the countries of southern and central Europe. Coffee was especially entrenched in these countries, brought to Europe more than a hundred years before the advent of tea and having managed to become a habit for at least three generations of the nobility and burghers. Not the last role was played by the fact that coffee came from slave colonies and cost little, and China sold tea expensively, and, moreover, in limited quantities, preferring its main trading partners - England and Holland (there tea began to spread first of all).

Russia, as usual, chose its own path - tea came to the country through Siberia and appeared at the Russian court even earlier than at the English court: in 1638, the ambassador Vasily Starkov brought tea as a gift from one of the Western Mongolian khans. Both Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and the boyars tasted tea, and they began to deliver it to Moscow. Moreover, after 30 years it was sold on the market in ordinary shops - that is, it had already penetrated the city's lower classes.

Tea refreshes the body, strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, awakens thoughts, drives away laziness.


Maybe a seagull?

Today, tea remains the most consumed beverage in the country (not counting, perhaps, water). They drink it in different ways. Some people like tea with sugar and lemon - in the West they call it “Gagarin tea” - allegedly the first cosmonaut, being at the reception of the Queen of England, asked for just such tea. Someone drinks with cream or milk, and someone - with cookies, jam and bagels (by the way, a long tea party with numerous desserts is a custom inherited from Moscow merchants, who thus demonstrated their wealth, as well as an abundance of free time ). And someone thinks that sweets, sugar, lemon or milk are from the evil one, and tea does not need any additions, being beautiful in itself (and this is an approach close to Chinese, where tea is considered so thin and refined that they arrange a whole ceremony for him).

In addition to the taste, tea is valued for its numerous beneficial properties: it is rich in antioxidants - which means youth, has an antibacterial effect, normalizes digestion, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart, dilates blood vessels, eliminates spasms, stimulates respiratory activity ... All this allows us to say that tea is not just a daily drink, but also a means of preventing many diseases.

The question is which tea to choose. Three classifications are accepted in Russia: green, black and "non-tea" tea (rooibos, hibiscus, any other herbal tea).

Black vs green

The most popular is black tea - fermented. It so happened historically: this sort of tea was not subjected to major changes and spoilage during its transportation. Meanwhile, in China, such tea is called not black but red - for the reddish-orange infusion.

Black tea is called less useful than green tea, because during the fermentation procedure it loses a number of its unique properties - but not entirely. It is believed that 3-4 cups of black tea drunk per day reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: black tea contains vitamins of group B, vitamins P and PP, which have a beneficial effect on the tone of blood vessels and capillaries. Also, black tea has more tannins, making it indispensable for stomach cramps. It stops nausea, strengthens the immune system, invigorates and uplifts.

Black tea is more suitable for people suffering from low blood pressure than green tea. At the same time, it is not advised to use it for people with glaucoma - black tea raises eye pressure. It should be drunk in limited quantities by pregnant women, people with hypertension and arrhythmia, varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

Green tea does not go through the enzymatic oxidation process and is considered more beneficial. It includes vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B15, C, P, as well as fluorine, potassium, copper, zinc and many other substances (there are about 300 in total, and some of the compounds have not been studied so far).

Green tea is a source of anti-aging antioxidants. And it also removes toxins, reduces the possibility of developing cancer, with the help of iodine harmonizes the work of the thyroid gland, invigorates - and makes it softer than coffee, since the caffeine contained in green tea is balanced by the presence of taurine. Green tea promotes healthy teeth and gums, strengthens men's health, plays the role of an antiviral and antifungal agent, and also speeds up metabolism (in fact, this is why it is recommended for losing weight).

Does this mean green tea is better than black tea? No, because green tea also has contraindications. Its use should be controlled by hypertensive patients, patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer (heartburn may occur).

Yes, and a completely healthy person must comply with the measure and not drink more than 3-5 cups a day. Immoderation can provoke drops in blood pressure, hyperactivity and sleep disturbances.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty which tea is better - fermented or unfermented: this is a matter of taste and health. Russians, however, more often choose fermented, that is, black tea. So, according to data for 2005, 82% regularly drank black tea, 2.2% - green.

Tea, both black and green, is a product of processing the leaves of the same plant. However, due to the peculiarities of the production of these varieties, they have slightly different characteristics. The properties of these two varieties of drinks are discussed in the sections of this article.

Comparative characteristics of green and black tea

So, both of these drinks are made from the leaves of the same shrub.

However, green tea is almost never oxidized during the manufacturing process. Therefore, it contains more natural components than black. Because of this feature of its chemical composition, green tea is considered the most beneficial for health.

It is characterized by a grassy aftertaste with bittersweet, refreshing notes. Black tea has slightly different properties. It has a more tart, astringent and rich taste. Some varieties of black tea have honey and floral flavors.

It should be remembered that the drink should not be too bitter. Too pronounced tart taste indicates a low quality product.

As for color, green tea has a light green and yellowish tint, while black tea has orange, reddish, chocolate or light brown. In the following sections of the article, the properties of these two varieties of drinks are discussed in detail.

Many are interested in the question of which tea is healthier, green or black. The answer to this question is ambiguous, since it all depends on the situation and on the amount of drink consumed.

The chemical composition of black tea

This drink is consumed daily by many people around the world. They drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening. Many people drink much more black tea than water every day. This drink has a pleasant, tart and astringent taste. It goes well with lemon, milk, and thyme herb. In addition to the characteristic taste, it has a lot of useful properties.

Black tea can be consumed for medicinal purposes. It is also used as a cosmetic product.

As already mentioned, there are certain differences in the composition of black and green tea. They are determined by the fact that the second type of drink, unlike the first, undergoes oxidation. The composition of black tea includes the following components:

1. Tannins.
2. Polyphenols.
3. Essential oils (in a small amount).
4. Proteins and amino acids.
5. Vitamins C, P, K, B1, B2.
6. Caffeine and theine.
7. Trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium).

As for the effect of the drink on the body, the question of which tea is healthier - green or black, cannot be answered exactly. However, you need to be aware of the positive properties of each of these products and the contraindications.

Health benefits of black tea

The positive properties of the drink are determined mainly by the characteristics of its chemical composition. How does tea affect the body? What are the benefits and harms of this drink? First of all, you need to remember that tannins are part of black tea. They have an astringent effect and help the body cope with pathogenic microbes. These substances have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. In addition, they are useful in that they slow down the aging process. Polyphenols, which are also part of black tea, help to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, improve brain activity. Vitamins and trace elements normalize metabolism, and amino acids regulate the activity of the central nervous system. Caffeine and tannin, which are also contained in this drink, have an invigorating effect.

How much black tea is recommended? The benefits and harms of this drink are of interest to many. It all depends on who and in what dosage uses tea. It must be remembered that in the presence of certain diseases and conditions, drinking it in large quantities is highly undesirable.


Black tea is an almost harmless drink. It does not have any negative effect on the body, if you do not exceed the daily rate of its use. It is recommended to drink no more than four servings of black tea daily. This drink should be consumed with caution in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

1. Anxiety and nervous strain.
2. Increased intraocular pressure.
3. Accelerated heart rate.
4. High blood pressure.

5. Cephalgia.
6. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
7. Pregnancy.
8. Constipation.
9. Gastritis with high acidity.

Green tea ingredients

During the production of this drink, a fermentation process takes place. Because of this, it contains a large amount of antioxidants. Speaking about which tea is more useful - green or black, it can be argued that the second variety is largely inferior to the first in terms of the content of these substances.

Antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, there are quite a few other ingredients in green tea. Among the substances contained in this drink, the following can be listed:

1. Caffeine.
2. Minerals.
3. Flavonoids.

Many are concerned about the question of whether black or green tea has more caffeine. In the first variety of this drink, this component is contained in a smaller amount than in the second. Therefore, those who are in an excited state and experience nervous tension should limit the use of this product.

Useful features

The positive qualities of green tea have been known since ancient times. It is used in the manufacture of face masks and other cosmetic products for skin care. This drink speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, it is an integral part of the diet of people who adhere to proper nutrition and watch their figure. Speaking about the difference between green tea and black tea, it should be emphasized that the first variety contains more caffeine. This substance gives strength and vigor, activates the activity of the central nervous system.

The minerals that make up this drink help improve the condition of hair, nails, and tooth enamel.

Antioxidants strengthen the immune system, protect the body from the effects of harmful microbes, and reduce the risk of developing tumors. Green tea is able to cleanse the digestive organs (liver, stomach and intestines) from toxic substances.

Possible harm to the drink

Like any product, green tea should be consumed in moderation. This drink should be limited or completely excluded from the diet in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

1. Increased anxiety, problems with falling asleep.
2. Pregnancy (this drink deprives the mother's body of substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus).

3. Exacerbations of gastritis and liver diseases.
4. Gout, arthritis and rheumatism.
5. Insufficient content of iron in the blood (green tea prevents its absorption).
6. Increased body temperature.

Can black and green tea be mixed?

Manufacturers of various products are always trying to create something new for consumers. Recently there has been a trend to mix black and green tea infusions. This drink has interesting taste qualities and new positive properties.

As you know, black tea is most often consumed sweet and hot. As for green, it is sometimes drunk cold, without sugar, ice or jasmine is added to it.

A mixture of these varieties has original characteristics. Knowing how green tea differs from black tea, you can combine the beneficial properties of these drinks into one whole. It turns out a healing mixture with a lot of positive qualities. Such a drink helps to recover from diseases and surgical interventions, rids the body of toxic substances, improves the condition of blood vessels and strengthens the immune system.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which tea is healthier - green or black. Therefore, by mixing these varieties, you can get a product with many medicinal properties.

It is known that tea is a product that people have been using for many centuries. There are certain ways of storing and brewing different varieties of this drink. It should be noted that it is undesirable to cook it in iron dishes, as in this case it acquires an unpleasant taste of rust. During traditional tea ceremonies, it is brewed and served in porcelain teapots and cups. This is not only beautiful, but also the most reasonable way of cooking. It is also not recommended to drink tea that was brewed about a day ago. Such a product not only does not bring benefits, but can also harm health. White plaque that forms on its surface indicates the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms.
