
Men's cakes are creative. The coolest birthday cakes for men

It is known that the cake is not only a delicious dessert, but can also be a wonderful gift for a birthday or hero of the day. Especially if the treat is created loving hands. A treat can be safely presented to a dear person, but the main thing is not to miscalculate with the recipe.

Among huge variety a special group is made up of cakes made on the occasion of the celebration, the culprit of which is a man: after all, it is commonly believed that sweets are not for the harsh representatives of the stronger sex. But life, as usual, destroys stereotypes, and often birthday men, no less than children and ladies, rejoice at a skillfully created dessert that adorns festive table. The most popular among the variety of delicious confectionery products are cream cakes for men. This article offers some recommendations for their manufacture.

for men: general principles of preparation

Preparing dessert with cream home cooking- It's pretty hard work. But the result is most often satisfied with both the author of the creation and his guests.

The basis of any cake is rich cakes, which are connected with cream or other sweet types of filling. Varieties delicious dessert differ in shape, ingredients, sizes - depending on their purpose.

The main purpose of the cream in confectionery is to decorate the product. Beautiful turrets, roses or other decor options are usually made from cream, the variety of which is limited only by the author's imagination and required set culinary accessories ( pastry bag, nozzles for it).

So, what desserts do the representatives of the stronger sex like the most? Cream cakes for men are most often prepared using alcoholic beverages, for example, cognac is added to them. This alcohol may be present in syrup or cream. Pickled cherries in cognac are often used for the filling. Bitter chocolate and cocoa are placed in cream cakes for men, emphasizing the taste of the dessert and making it stronger and more expressive.

Men's desserts (if they are not preparing for the anniversary) do not require a large number jewelry. It will be enough to sprinkle the cream cake on top with nuts and chocolate, pour over the icing. The use of fruits and berries is acceptable. A popular decoration method, often used when creating anniversary cakes or desserts intended for special occasions, is the use of sugar paste, which can be used to create a real thematic masterpiece.


Cream cakes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The classic version is a round or square dessert. The size of the cakes, as a rule, is from 20 to 35 cm.

Often sweet tooth prefer any one type of delicacy. Depending on the type of cakes used:

  • biscuit;
  • waffle;
  • sand;
  • cottage cheese;
  • puff pastry cake.

Each type of treat is easy to cook with your own hands. Making this or that cream at home is also not difficult. Whichever cream is preferred - protein, custard, butter, sour cream, chocolate - it is very important to strictly adhere to the recipe.

Anniversary cakes for men

Anniversary cream cake for 50 years for a man or any other on significant date, created with strict adherence to technology and containing a piece of the author's soul, will leave the most pleasant memories of the past holiday.

Anniversaries, weddings, birthdays or any other holiday are a great occasion to make a delicious themed cake. In the creation of such desserts, special emphasis is placed on its design.

How to decorate an anniversary cream cake?

For decoration birthday cake there are many ways. Classic option is one in which the sides and top of the product are smeared with the same cream that impregnates the cakes. Then they are sprinkled with fine crumbs, grated chocolate, a layer powdered sugar, crushed nuts. By using the powder form original patterns and congratulatory inscriptions.

A slightly more time-consuming way is to use cream to decorate. This product is able to keep its shape well, therefore it is often used to create a confectionery decor. Using a pastry bag with a shaped nozzle on the surface of an anniversary dessert, you can create very original patterns. And approaching the issue of designing delicacies fundamentally, you can use it for decoration sugar mastic. Applying it, it is easy not only to create additional elements decor in the form of various figures, but also turn the treat itself into an edible sculpture.

In the design of the cake, you can reflect the personality traits of the hero of the day, no matter how old he is - 20, 30, 50 or 80 - as well as his hobbies, passions and achievements. With a developed imagination and great patience, you can create wonderful anniversary cakes with your own hands.

30 year old man: creamy birthday cake

What many gourmets like about this dessert is its versatility. Such a meal is great option not only for the 30th anniversary of a man, but also for 40 and 50 years, for New Year or other holiday. To prepare this cake, you should bake a lot of cakes, preferably multi-colored.


To prepare 6 servings of dessert, use:

  • 2-3 cups flour;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 3 cups sour cream;
  • 3 teaspoons of cocoa;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • nuts - to taste.

How to cook?

Pour sugar into a bowl, add melted butter and mix. Sift the flour into a separate bowl. Soda and sour cream are added to this composition, mixed. Next, add half the flour and knead the dough.

After that, it should be divided into two parts, add cocoa to one of them. Then add the remaining flour to each and knead. If you divide the dough into equal parts, you get three multi-colored cakes, which are rolled out, leveled and baked in a greased form.

The cakes should be baked for 8 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees. Be sure to pierce them with a fork to prevent swelling. Then cut the warm cakes to the shape and size of the dish on which the cake will be placed. Trimmings can be crumbled and used as a powder.

Nuts are roasted or calcined in the oven, peeled. The cream is prepared as follows: whip sour cream, gradually adding sugar. It can be sour cream (with sufficient fat content of the product) or oily. Confectioners also recommend the use of praline cream: nut mass with cocoa powder is added to butter with condensed milk or sugar and beaten. Next, the cakes should be greased with cream and sprinkled with nuts.

Then you should fold all the cakes one by one. Mistresses recommend leaving black on top. For impregnation, the dessert is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. They decorate the finished one in accordance with their imagination and capabilities, sprinkle with nuts, lay out numbers from the mastic.

Cream birthday cake for a man: a simple recipe

For your beloved husband’s birthday, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but cook the traditional “Napoleon”, which is a favorite delicacy of the whole family. But you can decorate it in a special way. cream cake for a man for an anniversary at 50 (40, 30, 25) or just for a birthday, the external design can reflect all the achievements and hobbies of a loved one. The design of the treat can be supplemented with a variety of sugar mastic decorations.

For this cake is being prepared custard, to which is added butter. As a result, it turns out not only tasty, but also very unusual and beautiful cake for the birthday of a loved one.


To prepare 4-5 servings of treats use:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 4 eggs (1 for cream);
  • 600g margarine or butter (200g used for dough);
  • 1 st. spoons of vinegar;
  • 3 art. spoons of vodka;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 260 g sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • vanillin - to taste.


Flour should be ground with cold margarine or butter. The second option will not give sufficient friability of the cakes. Flour and margarine can be cut with a knife or grated using coarse grater and the dough will be more homogeneous. Next, vinegar and vodka are dissolved in ice water, an egg is added, everything is stirred until a homogeneous state is obtained.

From chopped or grated flour and margarine (butter) make a slide with a hole in the middle. A mixture of eggs, vinegar and vodka is poured into the hole, after which they begin to knead the dough until it reaches a state of elasticity. Further ready dough should be divided into 12 parts (first into 6, and then each into two more) and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After this time, the pieces of dough must be rolled out, cut and sent to bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

While baking cakes from one part, you can roll out a layer and cut out hearts or any other figures. After the cakes are ready, these curly blanks should also be baked. Before sending it to the oven, pierce the cakes with a knife.

Next, prepare the cream. For "Napoleon" it is best to use custard, which can be made from milk, butter and eggs. Milk is put on fire and brought to a boil. Separately, beat the eggs with sugar, then gradually this egg mixture put into boiling milk. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, it is removed from the heat.

Butter is beaten separately with sugar (one half of sugar is added to boiling milk, and the other half to butter). After that, the cooled custard is gradually introduced into the cream and whipped at full power. The consistency of the cream should be homogeneous.

Each cake should be generously smeared with cream, not forgetting the sides. At the end, the cake must be pressed down (some housewives use spacing for this) and sent to the refrigerator for about 5 hours. On the sides, the cake is decorated with hearts or other cooked figures and served at the table.

What you won’t do for the sake of your beloved man on his birthday - gifts, preparations, festive mood! And the cake should be stunning - after all, it should not only taste great, but also be presentable in order to allow the lady to show off her confectionery talents in front of the guests.

To bake a delicious non-cake, you don’t have to rummage through numerous cookbooks or beg from all your friends available recipes. After all, not every one of them will be to the taste of the beloved man. In addition, a capricious biscuit does not always work out well. In order to avoid the torment of baking a cake, consider just two recipes that work flawlessly, even for the most inexperienced housewife.

Wheat and other grains High Quality you will find at the link http://www.hlebdoma.by/catalog/_229. The company offers oats, barley, rye, legumes. You can also order on the website various products for baking cakes.

Recipe 1

The first biscuit recipe is extremely simple. Required Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 6 pcs;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.


  1. Separate the egg yolks from the whites first.
  2. Beat egg whites on low speed until smooth and fluffy. Add sugar in small portions, mix well. You can increase the speed of the mixer, but not to the maximum. Then add one yolk at a time, beating each of them well.
  3. Turn off the mixer, add the sifted flour and stir with a wooden or plastic shovel up and down.
  4. Pour the dough into the prepared baking dish, level the surface, bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 25 minutes. Currently popular.
  5. It should be noted that although the bottom of the cake baking dish needs to be lined with parchment paper, but even in the absence of one, you can use newsprint or sheets of already unnecessary notebooks.

On the video - another recipe for biscuit cake:

Recipe 2

Biscuit according to the second recipe is more satisfying. From it you can bake not only a cake, but also muffins with filling, and much more. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 eggs,
  • 1.5 st. sugar,
  • 1 st. kefir or sour cream
  • 3 art. l. or 100 g of butter,
  • baking powder or baking soda
  • 2.5 st. flour.


  1. Beat eggs well with sugar. Dilute soda or baking powder for dough in half a glass of kefir or sour cream, add to the dough, beat.
  2. Add the remaining kefir and sour cream, butter and mix well. At the end, add the sifted flour, beat, pour into the prepared form.
  3. Place in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 30 minutes. This dough can also be baked at 160 degrees, but the baking time in this case will have to be added.

If you do not want to bake biscuits yourself, then you will find cake recipes from ready-made biscuit cakes.


A successful biscuit does not mean that the cake is ready. For refined taste add fruit to the cake.
Cut the biscuits into 2 or 3 cakes. Spread with any cream. You can use the lightest one - with condensed milk and butter, adding cocoa if desired. Put fruit on a surface greased with cream. It can be sliced ​​bananas, strawberries, pineapple, orange, kiwi, cherries. Cover with second biscuit cake. Repeat process. With a good imagination, you can create many variations with cream and fruit.

On the video - how to decorate a cake at home:

Tasty Wish

The final decoration of the cake depends on the holiday wishes. If you wish wealth and good luck, you can decorate the cake in the form of an ajar suitcase, from which round sweets stick out in golden packaging symbolizing gold and dollar bills (artificial), and sprinkle with confectionery golden sparkles on top.

In the photo - a suitcase cake with money:

With a more intimate atmosphere of the holiday, you can decorate the cake with marzipan in the form of lips parted in a gentle kiss.

And for the coolest, you can decorate with a beautiful bikini with a magnificent chest.

There are also variations with a breast and a nipple for an infant, as well as a miniature bottle of baby food. A cool cake is also decorated with a tie, a cowboy hat or a solid suit.

On the picture - original decoration cake:

On finished cake you can sprinkle grated chocolate, coconut flakes, put fruit in a basket of cream. You can come up with many variations on a professional theme, for example, a cash register, a map, a fishing net with fish, a police car, a postage stamp, football field and so on.

But, no matter how much they fantasize about decorating the cake, main taste he will be given the love with which you will do all this. And it doesn’t matter if the cream is smeared somewhere, because the main thing is good, festive mood and love.

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Exclusive, author's cakes for men are a chic gift for the hero of the day and guests. Even if a man does not consider himself a sweet tooth, he will not be able to resist the unusual shape of the confectionery. Of course, if ordered classic cake rectangular shape with congratulations or in the form of a shirt, then there will be no desire to try a piece. But what if not just a confectioner's creation, but a whole "collage of dreams" is served at the table? Absolutely, each participant in the celebration will salivate!

What mastic cakes for men can be ordered?

What can surprise modern confectioners? Thanks to mastic, modern decorations, masters create cakes unusual shape(round soccer ball, a multi-tiered island, curly cars, furniture attributes). Even rectangular confectionery they try to present it in an unusual way: books with congratulations, the cover of your favorite magazine, a hockey stadium, a smartphone, a purse with paper notes, a crossword puzzle.

And you can order whole stories:

  • casino with all kinds of gambling (poker, roulette, slot machines) and paraphernalia (cigars, cognac, whiskey);
  • fishing with friends, fish, cooking fish soup;
  • military theme with training sessions, shooting ranges, combat stories;
  • birthday cake for a man the globe with a figure of a tourist;
  • sea ​​voyage on a ship with marine life;
  • sexual themes in the form of a female bust, swimming with women, staying on the island;
  • space planets, stars, alien beings, astronauts, rockets.

Agree that such products will not leave indifferent any hero of the day, whether he is a loving husband, a strict boss or a distant relative-grouche.

How to choose cakes for men?

Now it remains to choose the right theme for the confectionery. What should you pay attention to first?

Show with your choice how you value a man, what abilities and talents he has. However, never order confectionery that emphasizes the weaknesses and shortcomings of the strong half. You should not give a hamburger cake to a losing weight man, and money to an unemployed man.

What to look for when ordering cakes?

When ordering a birthday cake for a man, you need to remember the following rules:

Brief conclusions

Original cakes for men with a complex storyline will cost a lot (from three thousand rubles), but the hero of the occasion will absolutely like it. Even if a man does not like sweets, then mastic figurines you can not eat, but save as a decorative element. But this fact must be told in advance to the confectioner, who will select the appropriate type of mastic.
