
How to make a gingerbread man out of dough. Making chocolate men

Cooking instructions

1 hour 30 minutes + 1 hour Print

    1. Add to the bowl butter, sugar and salt. All this is mixed with a mixer. Tool Mixer Beating egg whites, as well as kneading other substances like minced meat or dough, is convenient not by hand (as it takes time and effort), but with a mixer like KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed settings and three different attachments to work with any consistency, besides, it is also a versatile food processor.

    2. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix. It is better to use liquid, viscous honey, which will greatly simplify your work. Tool honey dispenser The device keeps the honey in the grooves so that it flows onto the dish or just onto the bread gradually. You can also use it to add honey to various drinks. Metal and silicone are much more hygienic than wooden counterparts.

    3. Add the egg and mix again.

    4. Let's move on to spices. You can add spices that you like and as much as you want. But don't overdo it. In addition, you can add a spoonful of cocoa to darken the cookies and make the decorations on the cookies more visible. We mix all this.

    5. We form the dough. Add baking powder and gradually flour. And we start kneading the dough. Add the rest of the flour. Flour seeder tool Flour must be sifted even if you grind it yourself and vouch for the absence of lumps and pellets. Waking up through a sieve, the flour is loosened, saturated with oxygen, the dough rises better and its texture is then of better quality. You can sift using any fine sieve or, for example, a special OXO seeder, which works on the principle of a meditative rocking chair.

    6. We form the dough into a ball. We pack it in cling film and refrigerate for about an hour.

    7. After an hour, we begin to roll out the chilled dough, first sprinkle the surface on which you will roll out the dough with flour. (not thicker than 1 cm)

    8. We take the forms for cookies that you like and start cutting out.

    9. Put baking parchment on a baking sheet and transfer the cookies to the mold.
    Tool Baking paper open pies and quiches for even baking are best sent to the oven on a wire rack, and so that the sauce boiling from the heat does not drip between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And more from paper is not required.

    10. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. The thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe temperature regime: let's say in the case of baking.

The most delicious and cutest festive attribute for the New Year and Christmas are, of course, gingerbread And Gingerbread Cookie in the form of various figurines. Particularly popular are gingerbread houses, snowflakes, cookies to decorate the Christmas tree and, of course, gingerbread men, which children love so much.

Cooking gingerbread men is not so difficult, the main thing is to stock up on time, patience and one or two assistants - things will go much faster with them)))

To prepare gingerbread men, prepare the products according to the list. IN this recipe I used the dough, peeped in one program about gingerbread, which is unusual in that both soda and baking powder are used here for baking. This method allows you to make the dough an exceptionally pleasant texture, since loosening goes in two directions: first, soda combines with honey acids, then with high temperatures ah, the baking powder begins its work.

Mix honey with sugar, spices, salt, oil and soda in a bowl. Slowly melt the mixture over low heat until foam appears on the surface.

Cool the mixture to a temperature of about 40 degrees, then mix with flour, egg and baking powder.

Knead with your hands a soft, tender and elastic dough.

Roll out the dough into a layer about 0.5 cm thick. Cut out the figures of men with a special mold (or using cardboard blanks).

In heated up to 200 degrees. oven bake the figurines for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on the size. Transfer carefully to a tray or plate and set aside.

While the figurines are cooling, prepare the glaze. To do this, prepare necessary ingredients and tools. I used natural dyes from chlorophyll, curcumin and beets.

From protein and powdered sugar, prepare the icing, divide it into 4 parts and tint edible paints. Arrange in bags and secure with something on top, I use banal clothespins or stationery clips - it's very convenient!

Decorate the cooled figures with tinted glaze and let it harden.

Gingerbread men are ready. Happy holidays!

Symbol new year holidays- gingerbread Man. It is very interesting to bake and paint with icing for the whole family. Recipes for delicious and fragrant gingerbread presented in this article.

The famous gingerbread man is cake in the shape of a man, which received its first popularity and wide distribution in the USA and Europe. Such a funny gingerbread can be with any aromatic additives: honey, ginger, mint, cinnamon. Together with , he is an integral symbol of Christmas and New Year in many countries.

The finished product must be necessarily painted and decorated with chocolate and white icing. Often the gingerbread is also decorated colored sweet powder, candied fruit and even M&M's. You can draw anything on a little man: facial features, eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, clothes, vest, scarf, mittens and much more.

INTERESTING: The production and home baking of such gingerbread originated even in the 16th century. It happened in England, in the court of the Queen Elizabeth the First. At the whims of the royal person, the bakers made sweets that looked like close people and guests of the lady.

Since then sweet figurines have become very popular and in demand all over the world. Until now, people are trying to cheer up others with the help of this simple baking. Eg, make huge cakes. The biggest man was baked in Texas in 2006 and weighed 600 kilograms. Such a gingerbread man could not go unnoticed and was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Also, at New Year's time, some countries, such as England, arrange Run around dressed as gingerbread men. The image of sweetness acts as a cartoon character, and in 2008 in Smithville he even erected a monument.

INTERESTING: Every Russian-speaking person knows the fairy tale about the kolobok. But, it is unlikely that everyone knows that an earlier version of this story was still popular. in the 18th century and she talked about how the gingerbread man ran away from home and was eventually eaten in the forest.

The story of the gingerbread man

Each baked gingerbread man is handmade masters. Therefore, all gingerbread cookies are different and unique, even if they are a little similar to each other. This kind of baking is a must. will appeal to adults and children on New Year's Eve and during Christmas celebrations.

Finished products, gingerbread men:

Gingerbread men: boy and girl

Gingerbread men decorated with icing and chocolate

Gingerbread men decorated with icing and M&M's

Gingerbread men in iced sweaters and hats

Gingerbread Man with colored buttons

Modern and classic way decorating gingerbread man with icing

Christmas gingerbread men

gingerbread man family colored glaze for decorating gingerbread

Gingerbread dough honey, ginger, custard for a little man: recipes

Each hostess has her own recipe for gingerbread men. For this you need to do delicious dough: simple or with aromatic additives. This pastry original in that It has long term storage(up to a month).

What's interesting is that the longer the gingerbread is stored, the tastier it is, because it "ripens". Adding raisins, candied fruits or M&M's to the dough is not worth it - this will spoil its structure and taste. Glaze prepared separately from egg white and powdered sugar. If desired, colored food coloring is added to it.

Gingerbread icing decoration

Honey dough for gingerbread: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 3 cups (this is about 700 g, be sure to sift and use premium flour).
  • Sugar- 70 g (white or brown)
  • Honey- 200 g (you can use any, but acacia honey is more fragrant).
  • Egg— 1 piece + 3 yolks(without proteins!)
  • Baking soda- 10 g
  • Water- 1 glass

Optionally, you can add a pinch of vanillin or vanilla extract to the dough.


  • Honey must be poured into a glass hot water but not boiling water. This is very important, since all useful and taste qualities honey disappear under the influence of too high temperatures. Cool the diluted liquid.
  • In another dish you need beat egg white with a small pinch of salt until foamy. After the formation of the first foam add sugar and keep beating. After the formation of a dense stable mass, add yolks and continue beating for another five minutes. At this stage, you can add the desired spices or vanillin to the dough.
  • In the whipped mass should add diluted honey. Gradually add flour and do not stop beating until the flour runs out. Ready dough shouldn't be too cool. Leave it to "rest" for at least 5 hours before baking.
  • After that the dough is again kneaded and rolled out. A man should be cut out of it with a mold. Gingerbread cookies are laid out on parchment paper and baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees.

How to cook honey gingerbread?

Mint Gingerbread Dough: Recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 1.5 cups (this is about 350 g of sifted premium flour).
  • Sugar- 150 g (adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread to taste yourself, add more or less sugar).
  • Water- 100 ml (this is about 0.5 cups)
  • Vegetable oil- 3 tablespoons (preferably use olive).
  • mint essence- 1.5 tsp (can be bought at a pharmacy, if desired, replace with mint tincture).
  • soda food I - 1 tsp


  • Flour is a must sifted with soda
  • In the saucepan should heat water and dissolve sugar in it. The resulting syrup should be boiled for a few more minutes and allowed to cool.
  • In the cooled syrup add mint tincture or essence and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour flour into a slide, pour oil into it and gradually add mint syrup, knead the dough. Add large quantity oil to make the dough more elastic.
  • The kneaded dough is wrapped in foil. He should “rest” for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with icing.

How to cook delicious mint gingerbread?

Gingerbread dough for gingerbread: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 2 cups with a slide (this is about 600 g of sifted premium flour).
  • Egg- 1 PC.
  • Sugar- 1 cup (adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread to taste yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Honey- 10 tablespoons (There are about 20 g of honey in a tablespoon, therefore, you need 200 g of honey in the dough).
  • Butter 73% fat- 150 g (can not be replaced with margarine!).
  • Ginger, grated or dry powder- 1 tsp
  • baking powder- 1 sachet or 1 tsp.
  • Cognac- 3 tablespoons

Spices to taste: vanillin, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, citrus zest and so on.


  • in the microwave melt honey and butter, add sugar and mix thoroughly these ingredients. Instead of a microwave, you can use steam bath. Let the mixture cool down.
  • into the cooled mixture. add egg, cognac and ginger. Mix thoroughly.
  • Flour follows sift and gradually add to the honey mass. When the flour runs out, knead the dough again and wrap it with cling film. In the refrigerator, the dough should rest for at least 4 hours.
  • The dough is rolled out. Little men are cut out of it with a mold and laid out on parchment paper. Gingerbread baked in the oven 10-15 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with icing.

How to cook delicious gingerbread?

Choux pastry for cinnamon gingerbread: recipe

You will need:

  • Milk- 1 cup (a full glass is 250 ml of milk)
  • Flour- 2.5 cups (this is 600 grams of sifted flour + 50 g for sprinkling).
  • Sugar- 1 cup (you can adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread by yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Egg- 2 pcs + 2 yolks (without proteins, you can use proteins for making glaze.
  • Cinnamon- to taste (the spice is quite sharp, do not use it too much, in any amount it will give flavor).
  • Vegetable oil- 50 ml.
  • Vanillin- 1 package
  • baking powder- 1 package


  • In a saucepan or cooking ladle, you should pour milk and put it on fire.
  • Bring milk to a boil. At this time carefully sift a glass of flour and mix it with sugar.
  • In hot milk (not boiling water!) should be gradually add flour and sugar mixture. This should be done gradually and quickly so that the dough does not take lumps.
  • Choux pastry should be enough for you liquid. Add to hot batter vegetable oil mix thoroughly and let it cool down.
  • In the cooled custard mass sift the second glass of flour and once again everything is well mixed.
  • Next stage - adding eggs and cinnamon. Knead the dough actively and do it long enough, each time adding flour.
  • The dough should come out soft. It should not stick to your hands.
  • We roll out the dough and cut out little men with a special mold. Spread the gingerbread on parchment and bake 25 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

How to make gingerbread choux pastry cinnamon?

Gingerbread man: pattern, baking dish

It is impossible to bake a gingerbread man without special mold. As a rule, this silicone or metal figurine with an empty center. You can buy such a mold in a hardware store or order it on the website.

If you are unable to purchase ready mold, you will need cut out a pattern from cardboard and apply it to the dough circle the figure with the tip of the knife each time.

Figures and pattern of a gingerbread man:

Pattern for the gingerbread man

Culinary molds for cutting gingerbread men from dough

How to buy a gingerbread man baking dish on Aliexpress?

Convenient to buy what you need mold for baking gingerbread you can on the website Aliexpress store. There is a large catalog here. dough products: brushes, silicone and metal molds, potholders, dishes and much more.

IMPORTANT: All that is required of you is to fill out a special form, where you indicate only your name, address and contacts. You can get acquainted with the work of the resource in detail in the video instructions.

Finding molds for baking is very easy. To do this, you need to select on the left side of the screen item "Home and Garden" and find in it folder "Forms for baking". Your eyes will open a catalog of various silicone and metal molds.

How to find the right category of goods on Aliexpress: baking dishes

Gingerbread man baking molds on Aliexpress

New Year and Christmas gingerbread man at home step by step?

Gingerbread man - pastries are delicious, and most importantly - beautiful. But even such sweetness can be made at home. For this it will be useful step by step recipe with photo.

You will need:

  • Flour- 2 cups (full, approximately 400 g)
  • Sugar- 0.5 cup (sweetness can be adjusted independently).
  • Egg- 1 piece (preferably homemade)
  • Cocoa- 1/3 cup
  • Butter- 100 g (not less than 73% fat).
  • Honey - 1 cup (liquid)
  • baking powder- 1 sachet
  • Cinnamon- taste
  • Nutmeg- taste
  • vanilla n - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  • Butter is melted and mixed with sugar, cocoa and honey.
  • Gradually add the egg and pour the flour in portions, mix thoroughly and knead the dough.
  • The finished dough should be firm and elastic. Roll it into a ball and refrigerate for an hour.
  • After that, roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 millimeters and cut out the gingerbread men with a cookie cutter.
  • Bake the gingerbread cookies for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Let the gingerbread cool down. After that, prepare the icing and start decorating.
  • Measure frosting into a plastic bag. Squeeze out the icing in a thin stream, drawing out small details. Allow the icing to harden (several hours).

How to knead the dough for the gingerbread man?

How to make a gingerbread man step by step

Gingerbread Man Icing: Recipe

White glaze:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into a saucepan. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tbsp. water.
  • Without waiting for boiling, pour in a little powdered sugar and mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  • In total, you need 100 g of powdered sugar.
  • Glaze should be applied hot, as cold hardens quickly.
  • You can apply the glaze through a pastry bag, brush or through a medical syringe.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Melt 100 g dark chocolate in a saucepan
  • Mixing the mass thoroughly, add 100 g of butter to the chocolate.
  • After the butter has melted, add 100 g of powdered sugar. The icing is ready to be applied to the gingerbread.

How to make icing for the gingerbread man?

You can quickly dry the icing on the gingerbread in the oven in a few minutes

Decoration of a gingerbread man for the New Year

Gingerbread decorations with icing can be very diverse: classic, modern, detailed, colored, black and white, with the addition of powder, candied fruit, raisins, sweets.

Ideas for decorating gingerbread men with icing:

Simple painting of gingerbread, colored glaze

Colorful detailed coloring of gingerbread with colored icing

Unusual coloring gingerbread men

Simple painting of gingerbread and decoration with ribbons

Gingerbread man garnished with confectionery powder

Video: "Gingerbread man, glaze painting"

Do you know that Finnish Santa Claus loves curly gingerbread with plum jelly? Do you think baking gingerbread is a foreign tradition? No! In Rus', gingerbread has long been baked and many customs are associated with it. And above all, they were baked at Christmas and Easter. It is known for certain that in the 9th century our ancestors enjoyed this dessert to the fullest. Recipes gingerbread dough mass, but as a rule, Russian gingerbread is added a large number of honey, this is exactly the recipe I will share with you today. This is one of best recipes gingerbread dough.

Ingredients :

250 gr honey

100g sugar

180 gr butter

400g flour (approx)

1 tsp baking powder

for glaze:

1 protein

100g powdered sugar

2 tsp dry ginger
1 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon


Put everything except flour and baking powder in a small saucepan and heat to dissolve butter and sugar. We don't boil!

We also put spices in a saucepan so that they begin to give off their aroma .... mmmm ... how it smells at this moment.

Sift flour and baking powder and add honey mixture into flour. It is better to take half the flour and then gradually add. The dough should be elastic.

We roll up the ball and send it under the film to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

And then we get it and the fun begins. Roll out and cut out any shapes. We are really each New Year we do different. In the past, we had gingerbread houses, but in this one we decided to decorate the little men too much fun to decorate them.

We eat molds for this in the form of little men, they are sold in Tescom, if anyone is interested.

We put the little men on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees, I bake by eye so that they are already firm, but not very ruddy, this is about 10-15 minutes, a lot depends on the thickness and size of the gingerbread.

Take it out to cool and prepare the glaze.

Protein well separated from the yolk, beat with powdered sugar, to a thick state so that nothing flows from the protein, but it itself is liquid.

How to decorate? Cream injector not suitable needed thin hole. So let's remove the file for papers. We cut off a small triangular bag from it, it’s just more convenient. We make a hole in it with a toothpick or cut it off a little with scissors, it is better to cut it later if the hole is too small.

And we decorate! Coloring can be added to the glaze. But I'm not a fan of this, so I think it's better to decorate with white icing, and then sprinkle with nuts, confectionery sprinkles, sesame seeds and fantasize.

No one has ever eaten gingerbread on the first day. He was necessarily hidden at night behind an icon. It was believed that an angel would fly in at night, taste the gingerbread first, become kinder, and even then, the whole year would be more favorable.

Fragrant tea for you!

This sweet creature evokes affection: rosy cheeks, glazed eyes, elegant buttons. He appears at Christmas and gives the feeling of a fairy tale. The gingerbread man is a funny ginger-scented creature. It can be called an emigrant from Europe and America, who has his own life story.

Who is the "Gingerbread Man"?

Although it is made from natural products, today it is commonly used as decoration. The gingerbread man goes straight from the kitchen under the Christmas tree. Unlike more edible cookies, it is somewhat dry and hard, so it does not particularly pretend to be a treat.

The gingerbread man is a character in an American fairy tale, which is in many ways similar to the Russian story "Kolobok". According to the plot of a fairy tale legend, he is molded and decorated by grandparents, from whom he runs away. The main character manages to save himself from a cow, a horse, a pig, which he is very proud of. However, a cunning red fox lures a ginger naughty into the river, offers to sit on her nose, and safely dine on them. As many testify historical facts, the great-grandfather of the gingerbread man was an authoritative person at the court of Elizabeth I herself. In the distant sixteenth century, gingerbread figures were created in the court kitchen, which exactly repeated the images of the queen's guests. But even ordinary peasants passed on such a Christmas tradition from generation to generation.

How is a gingerbread man made?

Baking gingerbread men to decorate the Christmas tree is very simple. It is enough to have flour (4 cups), butter, sugar, chicken eggs, honey, salt, soda, pepper, ginger and cloves in the house. Flour is mixed with spices, butter - with sugar, honey, eggs are added, the dough is kneaded. After it has stood for a couple of hours in the cold, roll out the layer, cut out little men and put in the oven for 20 minutes. And then they “revive” with the help of glaze (proteins whipped with powdered sugar).

A mold for little men can be made of thick cardboard. Used for decoration sweet mastic. The idea of ​​a Christmas man turned out to be interesting for manufacturers of games, films, mobile applications. He made his successful debut in a minor cartoon role by Andrew Adamson. The gingerbread hero is mentioned in the texts of famous musical groups. And the talented vocalist Melanie Martinez dedicated a Christmas song to him. And today, as centuries ago, a cheerful little man made of dough with ginger delights people all over the world with his presence at the charming Christmas holiday.

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

- light family celebration, which is celebrated throughout the Earth. On this special night of reconciliation, everyone wishes each other well. This is a magical time for gifts, sincere smiles and fulfillment of desires, and it is also a wonderful occasion to meet with relatives and friends, to remember the joyful moments of the past year. ETNOMIR invites you to plunge into the traditional atmosphere of the holiday.

Guests are waiting for songs and dances, a fun folk show and traditional folk carols from the mummers. And, of course, Christmas dinner!

ETNOMIR loves and honors traditions!
