
How to make icing for gingerbread. Icing sugar for the gingerbread house

Royal icing (Royal Icing) is very often used for painting gingerbread, gingerbread houses or just to decorate desserts. It is not as difficult to prepare it as it seems at first glance. To make white and colored icing for painting gingerbread and cakes correctly, my advice and detailed description every step with a photo. Having a well-made protein royal icing, beautifully decorate a cake, dessert or paint gingerbread is already easy.


  • 1 protein chicken egg(D-0 or D-B);
  • 170-200 grams of vanilla powdered sugar;
  • 4 drops of citric acid;
  • food water-soluble dyes.

To begin with, the ingredients indicate the amount of products that will be needed per serving. The amount of icing you see in the photo below is made from three servings.

Before moving on to the icing recipe, I want to give a couple of tips. If you overdo it with powdered sugar, don't worry. To remedy the situation, add a little less than half a teaspoon of water and stir the whole mass. If you have leftover icing for gingerbread at the end of work, cover it cling film in contact with the surface and refrigerate. Within a couple of days you can still use it. If the icing thickens during this time, add water as described above. And one more important point: the amount of powdered sugar indicated in the recipe always varies depending on the size of the protein.

How to make icing for gingerbread, cake and desserts

So, we take a bowl or any plate with high sides, put the protein in it. Shake with a fork, but do not beat (!) It. At the time of cooking icing, in general, it is impossible to beat the protein. Adding citric acid and powdered sugar in parts, a couple of spoons. Mix everything with a fork and add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar - mix.

We check the readiness of the protein glaze as follows: raise the fork up and watch how it drains. If this happens quickly, add more powdered sugar. The photo shows how my icing lays down with a ribbon, but this happens quickly, so I still add powder.

By adding more powdered sugar, the icing for the gingerbread begins to flow more slowly and, at the end, intermittently. But it still does not hold its shape well after draining. This suggests that quite a bit more powder needs to be added.

Now, when I raised the fork, you can observe that the icing is slowly draining, the shape is fixed below, and a good drop is fixed on the fork. That's it, our royal icing is ready. Now it can be divided into portions, add the desired color, mix it with a fork and decorate pastries.

We cover all unused servings of icing with cling film in contact with it to remove excess air.

Further, we simply take a disposable pastry bag or make it ourselves from food paper, fill it with icing, cut off a small tip and draw the selected patterns, drawings directly on gingerbread, cookies or other pastries.

To draw more complex decorations for a cake or dessert, you can resort to little trick. Do beautiful jewelry you can quickly and easily if you draw the picture you need on a regular sheet of paper (A-4) and put it in a file. Next, just start drawing with icing from a pastry bag on a stencil.

When desired drawing ready, then carefully remove the stencil, which can be used many more times, and leave everything to harden at room temperature.

Every time it goes to dry different time, which depends entirely on the humidity in the room. The lower the humidity, the faster everything will harden.

Christmas and New Year's baking- This great option For decoration holiday table. Among the variety of such desserts, gingerbread cookies deserve close attention, which can be decorated with icing sugar, otherwise it is called icing. Such sweets are surprisingly bright and beautiful. Just happy eyes! At the same time, the preparation of glaze based on raw protein does not cause difficulties, and the process of decorating gingerbread cookies is a real sacrament, a process full of miracle and fun. It is especially exciting to paint pastries with the whole family.

White icing for gingerbread

Anyone can decorate the most ordinary homemade gingerbread with icing. After all, making sugar icing with protein is not at all as difficult as it might seem. But on the other hand, you will get icing, with which it will not be difficult to paint pastries. White glaze is the base. It can be used in pure form or diluted with colored dyes.

The number of servings is 30.


To prepare white icing for gingerbread at home, you will need to prepare an extremely simple set of ingredients:

  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 250 g.

Only 2 components, and how many opportunities they provide for craftswomen!

Cooking method

To make white icing for gingerbread at home, it is not at all necessary to be a chef of the highest category. After all, preparing the glaze is easy.

  1. The first step is to prepare the icing sugar for the glaze. It is very important that it be small-small. Unfortunately, it is problematic to find such an option on sale. That is why it is worth grinding it yourself. It's easy and short.

  1. It is also recommended to sift the finished powder to ensure that too large lumps do not get into the mass. Use gauze folded in half for this.

  1. How to do next icing for gingerbread? Everything is simple here. Pour the egg white into the powdered sugar. The mass is thoroughly mixed so that its consistency becomes homogeneous.

  1. As a result, it will be possible to obtain a fairly dense and thick mixture. You can check the readiness of the icing even before you start using it. How to do it? Nothing complicated. It is recommended to run over the surface of the glaze directly in the container in which it was prepared. After 10-12 seconds, the drawn strip will disappear from the “correct” icing. Do not worry if the first time you did not manage to achieve the required degree of density and viscosity of the mass for painting gingerbread. You can bring the glaze to the desired condition by adding water or powdered sugar.

  1. Ready-made white sugar icing for gingerbread is transferred to special pastry bags or on dense plastic bags. From above, the container must be secured with a special clamp without fail. If this is not done, then the composition prepared for painting confectionery products will simply leak out.

  1. If it is decided to use an ordinary package, then a corner is cut off very carefully.

  1. Now you can start the drawing process. It is recommended to draw the contours very carefully, smoothly and slowly, trying to maintain the maximum evenness and integrity of the drawn line. After applying each fragment of the painting, she will need to give a little time to dry.

Note! If you decide to fill, and not just draw the contours on the gingerbread, you should slightly adjust the consistency of the icing. To do this, the glaze is diluted with water. The confectionery product is painted over with a brush. However, more detailed master class for decorating gingerbread with icing is presented below.

Recipe for colored icing for gingerbread

To paint your homemade gingerbread cookies for the New Year or Christmas in a truly luxurious way, you should make not only white, but also colored icing. It's as easy as shelling pears, and you can work with such icing in the same way as with a crystal white composition.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.The number of servings is 20.


To make colored icing for painting gingerbread, you will need to use minimum set ingredients:

  • protein from a chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • food coloring - 1 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g.

Cooking method

It is worth mentioning right away that it is only at first glance that the preparation of icing sugar for decorating pastries seems to be something surprisingly complicated. In fact, this is not true at all.

  1. The first step is to prepare all necessary set ingredients for icing.

  1. Now you need to take 1 chicken protein. It must be at room temperature. It should be slightly shaken. Should not be beaten hard.

  1. Caution in protein mass you have to add powdered sugar. Optimal quantity product for such a serving is only 1-2 small spoons. It is recommended to sift the powdered sugar beforehand to avoid specks or too large crystals getting into the mixture.

  1. Keep in mind that at first the powdered sugar will clump together. This is fine. You should continue to sift and stir it to achieve uniformity.

  1. It is very important to constantly stir the icing in order to achieve not only uniform consistency but also perfectly white. Indeed, initially, when protein and powdered sugar are combined, the mass becomes grayish.

  1. Continue to sift the icing sugar and knead it. Pay attention that no dry components remain on the walls. Otherwise, they will clump together and spoil the icing for painting gingerbread for the New Year.

  1. The glaze should be runny and smooth. white color. If you don’t like working with this composition, make it a little thicker. To do this, add more powdered sugar to the protein and continue to knead the mass.

With a whisk, check the consistency of the icing. A composition is considered ready if the trace of the whisk disappears after 10 seconds.

  1. See how the icing will "behave" when in contact with the surface of a plate or cutting board. If the contours keep their shape and do not spread, then the blank for painting gingerbread is ready.

  1. It is necessary to divide the glaze into separate bowls and dilute each portion with an individual food coloring of the desired shade.

  1. Ready icing is transferred to confectionery bags. It is optimal to use versions with nozzles. With them, applying icing to royal or plain gingerbread cookies is much easier.

Master class on painting gingerbread with icing

If you have prepared icing (color and / or white), you can safely proceed to the painting procedure. It's very exciting and interesting creative process. With the help of the proposed walkthrough this will be very easy to do. As an example, a gingerbread in the form of a mitten is used. The result will be like the photo below.

So, if everything you need for painting is prepared, you can safely get down to business.

  1. First you need to draw a thin outline with white icing along the edges of the gingerbread, moving as smoothly as possible and trying not to interrupt the line.

  1. The “nose” of the mitten stands out with white icing.

  1. On the main part with a spoon is poured colored glaze.

  1. It must be leveled with a skewer without going into the contours.

  1. We begin to draw the "nose". We carry out the central contours.

  1. We draw longitudinal lines.

  1. Let's start making a mesh.

  1. We complete the creation of a fine mesh.

  1. We make a pattern in the form of a snowflake, filling in the "cells".

  1. We systematically fill the grid to get a picture.

Protein glaze for gingerbread and cookies is naturally made by many different ways. The one I usually use is made from whipped to hard foam egg white and powdered sugar. How does this option compare to icing sugar without protein or icing sugar with unwhipped protein? Whipped egg white frosting is the most opaque of them all. What does "hidden" mean? This is such a technical term that artists use when they want to say that the paint is not transparent. Watercolor, for example, is completely non-opaque. Oil paints, on the other hand, are very opaque. It's the same with glazes. The least opaque - sugar without protein, it can even be made translucent. Protein glaze in any preparation is denser.

Whipped egg whites are easier to dose than unwhipped ones if you want a thinner frosting. And also protein glaze on a whipped protein, it’s really possible to make it so dry and dense that it will harden almost instantly - you won’t even have time to finish drawing on the cookie, and part of it will already be hard. Sometimes it is convenient, sometimes it is not, so it is rational to choose different glazes for different products.

My white frosting perfect frosting for the manufacture of gingerbread house. One of the stages of its preparation gives a thick and quickly hardening glue for gluing the walls and roof of the house, and at the other stage it is convenient to draw icicles and three-dimensional ornaments.

Sift the powdered sugar.

Wash the cold egg thoroughly and disinfect, then break the shell so as not to damage the yolk, and separate the yolk from the protein.

In a cold fat-free bowl and a cold fat-free whisk, beat the protein with a couple of salt crystals until a stable foam, gradually increasing the speed from low to high.

We take about half of the whipped protein and rub it with a fork to the sifted powder. With a fork, not a mixer.

As a result, you should get something like this very thick lump. Maybe you need a little more than half of the protein, maybe, on the contrary, a little less (you can add powdered sugar) - there are eggs different size, powdered sugar has different moisture content. In any case, if you mash this lump with a fork until it is completely homogeneous, i.e. so that there are no lumps, you will get an incredibly dense and dry putty, like plasticine. So it’s convenient for her to glue the walls of gingerbread houses. It does not flow, quickly seizes and holds well.

And if you add a little more whipped protein (each time with a fork, and if you grabbed a surplus - on the contrary, we introduce powdered sugar) - you get such a thick substance. Its advantages, in comparison with more liquid glaze not on a whipped squirrel - from this thick nozzle you can draw icicles on the edge of the roof (it will stretch, but not drip). And with its help, you can create three-dimensional ornaments, i.e. lay one layer on top of another. It lasts three or four layers at this consistency. This means that with this protein glaze you can draw an ornament, some parts of which will be much higher than others.

Gel dyes are introduced into such a glaze while it is still thick enough. Gel - liquid, if they are introduced into the glaze of the optimal consistency, it may then become too liquid. Is it logical? If the consistency remains too thick even after their addition, then add either the remains of whipped protein or lemon juice drop by drop. And the rate of hardening of the glaze can be increased by letting it stand before starting work for about an hour or two (of course, under the film, without contact with air). Aged white icing the density that you see on the top frame sometimes hardens for me even before I have time to finish the cookie.

If you need to decorate gingerbread in an original way, then it is best to use. This thin but dense shell can have a different composition - from a mixture of granulated sugar with food coloring to a combination of powdered sugar, eggs, chocolate, sour cream and other components. To make the frosting correctly, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort. There are many recipes, each of which has its own individual "zest". Gingerbread cookies are covered with icing with a brush, applying a certain pattern, or simply completely pour over pastries.

Icing for Christmas gingerbread


  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar- taste;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.


To prepare this amazing and delicious delicious glaze pour into a saucepan granulated sugar, pour heavy cream and put on a low fire. Stirring constantly, cook the mass for 15 minutes, after which we put it in a thickened product small piece butter and vanilla sugar. Now mix everything thoroughly, grind, heat until all ingredients are completely dissolved and remove from heat. Leave the icing to cool at room temperature, then apply with a brush on the finished gingerbread.

Recipe for white icing for gingerbread


  • boiled water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 300 g.


Consider another way how to make icing for gingerbread. We dissolve the sugar in water, heat it over low heat until the crystals are completely dissolved, and then put it in the refrigerator to solidify for about 30 minutes.

Colored icing for gingerbread


  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • vegetable or fruit juice- 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.


We choose any juice, depending on the desired color: carrot, beetroot, spinach or cherry, and pour powdered sugar into it. Thoroughly grind the resulting mass, put it in the refrigerator and proceed to the preparation of baking.

lemon glaze


  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled water - 2 tbsp. spoons.


TO powdered sugar add lemon juice and warm water. We mix everything well until the mixture becomes homogeneous and shiny. Finished glaze apply on gingerbread with a brush, or simply pour pastries on top.

Sugar icing for gingerbread


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 125 ml.


Consider another option, how to make icing for gingerbread. Pour water into the ladle, add granulated sugar, mix and put on small fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove the gently formed foam, remove from the stove and cool to about 80 degrees. Then add flavorings as desired.

We glaze large gingerbread cookies with a brush, and lower small gingerbread cookies in small portions into a saucepan with the sugar mixture, gently stir with a spoon so that they are completely covered with syrup.

After that, pour the gingerbread onto a wire rack and dry at 50 degrees until shiny crust giving products a beautiful look and keep them from drying out.

Recipe chocolate icing for gingerbread

I can't imagine making gingerbread without decorating with icing. Thanks to this, the gingerbread looks bright and festive, and I love to give them as a souvenir to my friends and colleagues.

You probably think that making frosting is difficult process and you will never master it. That is why I want to tell you about how easy and very quick to prepare such a glaze. different ways. I'm sure you'll love this process!

Protein glaze recipe for gingerbread

The recipe for gingerbread cookies is very simple, and with the help of special confectionery molds, you can give them any shape. Beginners usually have a hard time when it comes to decorating them with icing, so I offer a simple recipe for making it and video decorating recommendations.

Kitchen utensils: mixer, whisk, strainer, small deep bowl and plastic container.


How to choose ingredients

  • Instead of regular protein, you can take dry in the amount of 15 g. It can be purchased in specialized departments for confectioners or in sports nutrition stores.
  • Take the finest powdered sugar so that the icing is homogeneous.
  • Instead of finished lemon juice you can use slice fresh lemon from which it is easy to squeeze the juice with your hands.

Step by step cooking

With water, bring the mass to desired consistency and store it in plastic container in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Recipe video

In this video, you will not only learn how to make icing for gingerbread cookies at home, but also find out how you can paint icing on gingerbread cookies using homemade cornets.

icing sugar recipe for gingerbread

This gingerbread frosting recipe can be made with sugar and water without the use of eggs, so I find it the easiest and fastest to make.

Cooking time: 20-30 min.
Calories: 100 g - 263 kcal.
Kitchen tools: a deep bowl, a spoon, a glass and a small flat plate.


How to choose ingredients

Just like in the first recipe, you can replace the finished lemon concentrate with juice squeezed from a lemon slice, and the water for the recipe must be boiled, but cold.

Step by step cooking

Recipe video

In this video, you will see how easy it is to make such a glaze, and see what color and consistency it should be.

How to decorate gingerbread with icing

Decorating gingerbread always inspires me and sets me up in a creative way. For the Christmas holidays, I cook themed gingerbread in the form of mittens, Christmas toys, Christmas tree, Santa Claus and snowman.

To make them bright, I prepare multi-colored icing and use ordinary ones instead of pastry envelopes with nozzles. plastic bags with zip lock. First I make a white outline and then fill the middle with color. If it is necessary to make an ornament, I use a wooden toothpick.

They look very impressive on the tree. It is enough to make small holes at the baking stage and thread thin silk ribbons or twine through them. In general, you can make such a treat on any topic and for any holiday, and the icing will help you decorate pastries in a bright and original way.

Basic common truths

  • Add food colorings into the glaze you need to gradually to properly adjust the color shade.
  • After drying, the colored glaze becomes a little darker.
  • Powdered sugar must be sifted to remove excess lumps and give the mixture elasticity and uniformity.
  • Egg white can be replaced with a dry protein mixture.
  • You can store egg white frosting in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  • If you decorate your confectionery only with white glaze, this technique is called icing.
  • To decorate gingerbread with icing, you can use special confectionery envelopes with nozzles or home-made cornets made of film or food paper.

Other possible cooking and filling options

You have already learned how to cook protein and “sugar icing”, so the next step is to master the preparation of a spectacular and so loved by everyone, young and old. In addition to these recipes, I recommend taking note of the cooking recipe, without disregarding the cooking recipe - icing for cupcakes -.

I am sure that the preparation of glaze will not leave you indifferent and will reveal your creative talents. And if you have small children, you can cook and decorate gingerbread together.

Tell us in the comments about how easy it was to make the icing according to my recipes, and what techniques you used to paint your gingerbread cookies.
