
Wine from the pulp of white currant. Homemade redcurrant wine

white currant, due to its greater cheapness and prevalence than gooseberries, is even put by many ahead of gooseberries in terms of suitability for winemaking and, in any case, is the most excellent material for making canteens and sweets. Although all the numerous varieties of white currant are equally suitable for making wine, when breeding it for the purpose of winemaking, preference should be given to those that are more productive, large brushes, large berries, less acidic and more sugary.

The best varieties for winemaking are foreign varieties: Dutch, Imperial, Giant, Transparant - containing 2.75% acid (including 0.09% tannic acid) and 6.7% sugar; Russian varieties are more small-fruited, contain 2.85% acid (including 0.1% tannic acid) and 7.5% sugar.

White currants make excellent table and dessert wines and worse liquor wines. The color of all these wines is quite light, clear golden hue, reminiscent of Rhine wines.

Of the features of making wine from white currant, we cancel the following:

1) Berries should be picked when they are fully ripe, because it is difficult to squeeze juice from unripe berries, and the wine turns out with an unpleasant aftertaste. Leave the berries to overripe on the bushes, too, should not be, because at the same time they crumble heavily. In view of the fact that the berries on the brushes ripen unevenly, not immediately, but gradually (first the upper berries ripen on the brushes, and then the lower ones), in order to get the berries fully ripened and avoid shedding them, they pick the berries at the time of maturity of the upper and middle berries and for the ripening of the lower ones, the collected berries are laid out in the sun and left for 2-3 days.

2) Before crushing the berries, all twigs and brushes should be selected, because from them the wine acquires bad taste and strong astringency. But if it is desirable to make more durable tart wines, then the removal of twigs can be omitted.

3) After crushing the berries by crushing, the juice is either immediately squeezed out of the pulp, or, since it is very difficult to squeeze juice from fresh pulp, then, putting it in a barrel, add a precisely measured small amount of water, sugar and yeast (or some fermenting must ) and, closing with a cotton plug, leave warm for 2-3 days. When all the pulp comes into fermentation, then the juice is squeezed out, which at the same time is given by it much easier and more completely. It is useful to pour the pomace with water and again let it stand for 2 days, then squeeze the juice, add it to the first one and then add all the underdone amount of water, etc., and yeast can no longer be added.

It does not represent any other features from white currant. Pure currant wine ferments quite quickly and by February it clears up well by itself and becomes ready for bottling.

Table 11 shows recipes for making white wine; currants:
1) foreign varieties (acidity 2.75% (tannic acid 0.09) and sugar content 6.7%);
2) Russian varieties (acidity 2.85% (tannic acid 0.1%) and sugar content 7.5%).

Table 11

Consumption of juices and other materials for the preparation of 100 liters of wort,
from which 80 liters of whitecurrant wine are obtained

Requires juice, sugar, other materials

Table wines

Sweet wines





1. From the best whitecurrant
foreign varieties

(acid 2.75%, sugar 6.7%)

Juice, liters

25,45 29,10 43,63 36,36 56,64

Water, liters

62,67 59,17 37,11 41,40 7,96

Sugar, kg

19,80 19,55 32,11 37,06 62,34
43 49 79 61 91

2. From white currant
simple Russian varieties

(acid 2.85%, sugar 7.5%)

Juice, liters

24,56 28,00 42,10 35,09 52,63

Water, liters

68,14 60,36 38,73 42,79

Sugar, kg

12,16 19,40 31,84 36,87 62,05

Requires white currant, kg.

Excellent taste characteristics distinguish homemade wine from currants. It has bright aroma and enjoyable rich color. Such a wine, prepared by yourself, will nice addition to any, even the most magnificent meal. Making a drink is easy. To do this, you can use the berries of black, white and red currants. There are many a variety of recipes, we will discuss some of them in more detail.

Classic wine recipe

Currant wine must be diluted with water. If this is not done, then the drink will turn out sour and unpleasant. For three liters of water, you will need about three kilograms of peeled, clean berries and a kilogram granulated sugar. For currants, you should pick up a bottle of at least eight liters. Sugar and water are mixed and heated until the first component is completely dissolved. The resulting syrup is cooled and mixed with berries.

The main stage is fermentation. It is carried out at a temperature of about twenty-three degrees above zero. The currant wine will ferment for about a week. At the end, the tincture will need to be filtered from the pulp and bottled.

Wine from currant juice

For one more great recipe wine will require the juice of blackcurrant berries. Approximately five kilograms of raw materials are passed through a juicer and a natural, vitamin-rich drink is obtained. It will also need sugar syrup, prepared, however, in slightly different proportions. For one and a half kilograms of sugar, take about five liters of water. The remaining stages are universal, they consist in fermentation, filtration and packaging in separate containers.

Yeast wine

Currant wine can be prepared using yeast. This recipe is more labor intensive. Yeast preparation requires about ten days. You will need any early garden berries, about two glasses, half a glass of sugar and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. All these components are placed in a prepared container, mixed and stored in a warm, dark place. Periodically, the liquid must be shaken. Berries for the wine itself must be ripe. They are crushed and also left to ferment for a couple of days. To achieve this effect, you will need at least two hundred grams of water per kilogram of berries and prepared sourdough. Remember to stir the wine regularly. For a kilogram of pressed berries, you need to add two hundred grams of water. Do not fill the containers completely, leave a small free space.

White currant wine

Real gourmets will appreciate white currant wine. Sweet and slightly tart, it has a unique golden color. For cooking, it is recommended to use peeled berries, because the bones and twigs can add unwanted strength to the drink.

The optimal recipe is to prepare a mixture of mashed berries, water and sugar. Such a composition, left in a dark and warm room, begins to actively ferment. Winemakers call the mixture of berries pulp. It exudes juice very well. The pulp is squeezed out and re-mixed with water. Not everyone can make currant wine. It is necessary to carefully verify and remember the number of spent components.

To achieve excellent taste, you will need high-quality raw materials, adherence to technologies and recipes, as well as patience.

For a long time I did not write on everyone's favorite topic of winemaking. We make homemade currant wine every year. We use mostly black and white. Red all goes to compote and jelly. The wine has an amazing color and aroma. Sometimes I add strawberries to it for sweetness, sometimes raspberries. Interesting recipes, brought by me from Ukraine, you can read here.

The wine I get is light, it does not give me a headache. I don’t use preservatives, I don’t even put yeast, because the berries contain their own, “wild” yeast. So, if you read somewhere at the beginning of the recipe: "Rinse the berry well ...", immediately close it. For good house wine the berry is not washed, I tell you, as an experienced alcohol winemaker. So, watch the video recipe for whitecurrant wine:

And here is another recipe for making wine, but already blackcurrant.

Homemade blackcurrant wine.

To make wine, we need only 3 ingredients:

  • sugar, (3 to 2 to 1 part, respectively).

    It is best to use filtered water the best option- pure, spring.

    Currant berries must be ripe, so before cooking it must be sorted out, removing overripe or unripe ones. Crush the berries with a wooden pestle, but not in an aluminum container. You can heat the berries over low heat so that they release the juice.

    Dissolve half of the sugar in water and pour over the berries. We put in a warm place for a week, for fermentation. After a week we taste the wort. It should be noted that currants have a low sugar content and the wine can turn sour. You can add sugar to taste, for example, to get semi-sweet. But you can use the juice of other, sweeter berries as an additive. You can mix black and white currants.

    When our must has fermented, carefully remove the wine from the pulp, put on a rubber glove or use a water seal and put it in a warm, dark place. Now every 3 weeks you need to remove the wine from the sediment and add sugar. Every 20 grams of sugar increases the strength by 1 degree.

    When the process violent fermentation passed, you can see by the glove or the number of bubbles in the hose, you need to once again remove the wine from the sediment and put it in a cool place. This will be the main fermentation, which will last about a month.

    A month later, when the sediment has settled and the liquid is clear, we are all set. It remains to be bottled. Now for any holiday you will have your own homemade currant wine.

Interesting articles

There are seasons big harvest currants. Enough for cooking jams, compotes, treats for friends and still remains. Then it will be very handy to do aromatic wine from currant. It will retain the summer taste, smell and color of the berries. Making wine at home is easy.

The only requirement for good result is that the currant should be freshly picked or just bought, very ripe, sweetish in taste. That is, the main thing is the quality of raw materials. All rumpled, greenish, dry, rotten berries must be removed. You should also cut off all the green stalks. If you neglect these little things, the taste of the wine will not be as good as we would like.

Factors affecting the quality of wine

So that everyone can enjoy delicious and fragrant drink, one should take into account simple, but important nuances.They pay attention to production and home winemaking:

  • The degree of ripeness of the fruit.
  • Freshness of berries or fruits.
  • The amount of water.
  • The amount of sugar.
  • duration of fermentation.
  • fermentation temperature.
  • Absence or presence of air.

Knowing and considering this, you can prepare a drink good quality. If you neglect any one factor, there is a risk of spoiling the taste of the entire product.

From blackcurrant

You need to pay attention to the fact that blackcurrant is a berry with a sharp taste and strong smell, it has a lot of natural acid, and almost no liquid. And the drink from it turns out to be concentrated, tart, but fragrant and spicy. For this reason, it is necessary to add water to the ground currant. The proportion for berries-water-sugar, respectively, is as follows: 2 parts -3 parts -1 part. A simple recipe is used to make wine.

Step-by-step instructions for making wine without yeast:

  1. 1. The sorted berry is crushed with a meat grinder, blender or kneaded by hand, if it is convenient. It is impossible to wash currants, since natural yeasts are contained on the surface of its skin, which will be involved in the fermentation process. Dissolve half of the sugar in warm water from pour currant puree. Capacity must be taken big size so that the berry mass with syrup takes up no more than a third of the total volume, since it will increase greatly during fermentation.
  2. 2. A container with pulp covered with gauze must be placed in a dark place for fermentation. Juice and valuable vitamins should move from the pulp to the syrup. From time to time, the pulp will rise to the surface of the liquid, it should be mixed with a wooden spatula. The fermentation process should last at least 2 days, the readiness of the must is determined by its color: when it brightens, it is ready.
  3. 3. Collect pulp from the surface of the liquid. Pour the filtered juice into bottles with a narrow neck and put a water seal. Juice should be tasted and, if necessary, add sugar, dissolving it in a small amount wine and pouring it back into the bottle.
  4. 4. Fill the bottles not to the top, leave about a quarter of the empty space and place in a dark pantry. Optimum temperature must fermentation - +16-25 °С. Every 5-6 days, the liquid should be tasted and adjusted by sweetening it with the remaining sugar until it is all gone.
  5. 5. Rapid fermentation lasts about 3-4 weeks. When it is over, the air bubbles from the hydraulic valve will disappear. The white sediment that appears at the bottom indicates that the wine needs to be carefully poured into other containers and moved to a room with a lower temperature, such as a cellar, for quiet fermentation. If the sediment is left in the bottle, the wine will be bitter.
  6. 6. In a quiet fermentation, the wine must be drained from the sediment and the taste can already be finally adjusted by adding sugar or leaving it as it is. This stage will take another 3-4 weeks. The absence of white sediment means that fermentation has stopped and the wine is ready. It is poured into bottles in which the drink will be stored. The bottles are sealed. If desired, you can add alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 5% of the total volume. Then the wine will be stored longer, if necessary.

The shelf life of wine made by hand is about a year. There are no preservatives in it, so you should not store it longer.

Redcurrant alcoholic drink

The preparation steps are almost the same as in previous recipe. Only the proportions of the products differ. Redcurrant does not have a pronounced taste and smell, like blackcurrant. Therefore, to flavor the wine, some berries or juice of blackcurrant, raspberry or strawberry are added. The ratio of berries - sugar - water, respectively, 1 part - 0.5 parts - 1 part.

Step-by-step steps for making wine with your own hands:

  1. 1. Sort and mash the berries. Do not wash.
  2. 2. Stir half of the sugar with water until completely dissolved. Pour berry puree with syrup.
  3. 3. All other steps are the same as in the blackcurrant recipe.

Drain the wine from the sediment until it stops appearing, about once a month. After the end of fermentation ready drink you can fix it with vodka at will, pour it into glass containers, cork and take it to a cool dark place, you can use a basement to ripen for 3 months.

whitecurrant recipe

To make wine, you should adhere to the proportions of the incoming products. For 2 parts of berries you need 1 part of sugar and 3 parts of water.

Before use, white currants are laid out in a thin layer in the sun so that green berries can ripen in 2-3 days. After that, it is necessary to carefully sort out the raw materials, removing debris and everything unusable and spoiled.

Cooking steps:

  1. 1. Clean from debris, unwashed currants are crushed to a puree state, a third of water and half of sugar are added and mixed thoroughly. The container is closed with a clean linen flap or gauze and placed in a dark place for fermentation.
  2. 2. After the appearance of signs of fermentation, after 2-3 days, the juice is filtered and the pulp is squeezed out. The remaining amount of water, half of the rest of the sugar is heated almost to a boil and the pulp is poured into a separate container. When the mass has cooled, it is squeezed again and added to the fermented juice. Now the pulp can be thrown away, it is no longer needed.
  3. 3. A water seal is put on the juice container and left to ferment in a warm, dark place. The fermentation time of the must is about 30-40 days. During this period, it is necessary to add the remaining sugar to the wine twice.
  4. 4. When the fermentation process stops, air bubbles cease to be released, a white precipitate at the bottom, the wine brightens. It is carefully filtered into another bowl so as not to touch the sediment and poured into glass container for ripening and storage. To get a more transparent wine, it is drained from the sediment once a month. At this stage, adjust the sweetness by adding sugar to taste. The color of the wine is golden, the taste is slightly reminiscent of grape. For more long-term storage add alcohol or vodka.

Making homemade currant wine with your own hands is not difficult. All preparation steps are simple, and the result is excellent.
