
Italian tomato sauce. Time-tested: tomato sauce for pizza

This simple one ingenious recipe combines key ingredients and flavors mediterranean cuisine. The sauce is prepared in 15 minutes and is great addition for both rice and pasta.

  • Olga Kirillova May 23, 2011
  • 67740
  • 5

So, to prepare two servings you will need:

5 medium tomatoes

3 garlic cloves

2 tbsp olive oil

fresh basil

dried oregano

Sea salt

Black pepper

50 g dry white wine

Hard cheese (parmesan)

1. Put the pasta or rice to boil in slightly salted boiling water (do not pour this water later: it will come in handy for the sauce). Cook pasta for no more than 5 minutes, rice - no more than 15 minutes, so that they turn out slightly undercooked - al-dente.

2. Fry finely chopped garlic in olive oil until golden brown. Coarsely chop the tomatoes and add to the pan with the garlic. Cook by stirring small fire until the tomatoes are soft and juicy.

3. Sprinkle the sauce with dried oregano. In Moscow stores, it is usually sold as a spice, in bags. And in Italy (oh, nostalgia!) - whole dry twigs. Salt and pepper. Add chopped basil (not only leaves, but also stems - for flavor) and mix.

4. If the liquid from the sauce has boiled away, add a few tablespoons of water in which the pasta or rice was cooked. Mix well. Remember that risotto sauce should be thinner than pasta sauce.

5. Add wine and keep on fire for another 1-2 minutes. The alcohol will evaporate, and the sauce will acquire a pleasant "smack of impermissibility".

6. Add freshly cooked pasta or rice to the pan, stir. Serve sprinkled with grated parmesan.

It is very simple and fast food subject even to those whose hands do not grow quite out of their shoulders. Sitting in your kitchen, you can easily be transported to Rome and find yourself on some lively terrace in a cafe opposite the Pantheon.

Passata sauce (Italian Passata di pomodoro) stands out from huge amount the most delicious sauce brands in Italy. It's practically stewed fresh tomatoes V own juice with addition fragrant spices and vegetable seasonings.

Passat - natural and very delicious sauce served with pasta or Italian pasta. It is perfect for cooking pizza, meat and fish dishes, and can also serve as the basis for thick vegetable soups which are so popular with vegetarians.

Passata is easy to prepare and does not require special preparation. You can always make it yourself at home, fantasize with seasonings and get new interesting options.

Benefits of Italian Sauce

In addition to wonderful palatability, great sauce is also useful.

Its main components - tomatoes, mainly consist of water (up to 95%), but their sweet pulp- a real storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements and antioxidants.

Tomatoes save everything useful material even after heat treatment:

  • help fight cancer;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems;
  • increase immune defense and stress resistance;
  • promote the elimination of toxins from the human body;
  • prevent inflammatory processes in the urogenital area;
  • normalize weight.

Passata di pomodoro in the classic version

A wonderful dish is used not only freshly prepared, but also canned. Quality product handmade, what could be better? All beneficial features from a set of vegetables and spices will be preserved, and you will enjoy a pleasant tomato masterpiece even in winter.

We will need:

  • fresh red tomatoes - 2.0 kg (it is better to choose fruits that are suitable for canning, that is, medium-sized and plum-shaped - their skin is thicker);
  • carrots - 200g;
  • celery stalk - 100g;
  • onion - turnip - 100g;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves (for those who like more spicy sauce, maybe more);
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 2/3 cup;
  • basil (red or green) - 4-5 sprigs;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon with a slide;
  • sugar - sand - 1 tablespoon;
  • black ground pepper- taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash all the vegetables and herbs, prepare the dishes ( stainless steel pan with a thick bottom and a pan with a non-stick coating);
  2. We clean the carrots onion and garlic;
  3. Since there are quite a lot of tomatoes, you will have to tinker and, putting them in a sieve or colander, blanch in portions (lowering the fruits for a few seconds in boiling water) to remove the skin. It will be even better if you pre-cut each tomato with a cross at the tip (so the skin will be removed faster).
  4. Cut the prepared tomatoes into small pieces and put them in a saucepan. We bet on slow fire and simmer under the lid.
  5. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
  6. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  7. Celery cut into thin slices.
  8. In a frying pan with oil, alternately, adding one to another, fry carrots, onions and garlic for about ten to fifteen minutes, adding celery last. Stir the mixture periodically. During frying, the onion acquires golden color and a specific pleasant smell.
  9. Then add the fried vegetables to the gurgling tomato sauce, salt and sugar. Simmer another twenty minutes.
  10. We tear the basil with our hands or cut it with a knife into small pieces and shift it into almost ready sauce. Let's all interfere.
  11. We spread the homogeneous mass of vegetables in a blender, pepper and beat for two to three minutes. All is ready!

If the sauce is not intended for storage, cool and pour into a gravy boat. If it is being prepared for the winter, then you will need to pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up tightly.

To preserve the sauce in Italian, prepare jars:

  • wash them with baking soda V hot water, rinsing well;
  • put half-liter jars to sterilize for five minutes in the microwave;
  • boil the iron lids for three to five minutes.

Transfer to hot jars hot sauce and roll up. Wrap the jars with a blanket and leave to cool. Then store in a cool place.

When using canned Italian sauce, be sure to pay attention to the condition of the lid. A swollen (bomb) lid indicates the unsuitability of the product, unfortunately, you can’t eat it. Most likely, something went wrong, and you made errors in the technology. Everything will have to be thrown away. But, if everything is fine, you can enjoy the yummy on dark, winter and cold evenings.

And the filling will turn out ideal. In Italy, it is brewed with fresh tomatoes, resulting in dish it turns out incredibly juicy and tender. Tomato sauce for pizza thanks to detailed description process, you can do it yourself do even beginners mistresses.

Help: to get delicate texture of the sauce, tomatoes it is recommended to remove the seeds first.

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Preparing the ingredients for an Italian recipe

Because the weight will be boiled, it is advisable to use only fleshy and sweet varieties of tomatoes, in otherwise If so, the sauce will be sour. It will take such kit ingredients :

  • 350 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 medium bulb;
  • 20 g of granulated sugar;
  • pinch salt And black pepper on tip knife;
  • 25 g (1 tablespoon) dried or fresh herbs (basil, oregano);
  • 1 bay leaf (medium size);
  • 30 g refined olive oil (or another without pronounced smell).

Help : for more sweet taste you can add a pinch of paprika or increase the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Read also

How make it fresh tomatoes V own juice at home conditions?

Traditionally, the sauce is cooked on the stove in small containers(preferably with non-stick coated) and often stirs, tk. tomato thick settles to the bottom and can burn. Initially tomatoes wash, and they grounds are made cruciform incisions, then they are several minutes descend into boiling water. It will help easily and just take it off peel from vegetables.

  1. After fruit cut into 4 parts to remove with a spoon seeds.
  2. The remaining pulp is crushed in a blender along with the cut bulb and garlic.
  3. Also to mixtures leaves of fresh herbs are added.
  4. Reference : experts recommend putting ¾ basil (from general green masses), and the rest Part must make up oregano.
  5. The resulting puree mixture transferred to a saucepan (frying pan or cauldron) with heated vegetable oil and boil over low heat with frequent stirring. After 5 minutes after boiling, the rest of the ingredients are added to the sauce, then it should be boiled for an hour. If tomatoes will not be very juicy, then time cooking will be reduced.
  6. Ready The sauce should be the consistency of thick sour cream. He is removed from fire and cools down.

Help: tomato watering can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Worth noting sauce acquires unusual taste if it cook from baked tomatoes. lovers rich fragrances can add garlic at the end of the preparation of the sauce, then it mixture Italian herbs.

If in home no fresh ones tomatoes, That experts recommend using ketchup, pre improving his taste. To do this, it must be diluted with a little quantity water and simmer 5-10 minutes on slow fire with browned onion , garlic and fragrant herbs .

Did you know that Italians are big connoisseurs of sauces? By themselves, their spaghetti is not so tasty ( regular pasta), but they proudly call them pasta and give each the name of the sauce that is served with it. Pesto is considered the true highlight of Liguria, Amatriciana is the property of Lazio, and Bolognese was invented in Bologna. It's hard to tell what region you're from. Italian tomato sauce to pasta, but one thing we know for sure: it is so tasty that it can be served with meat and pizza.

The locals cook it from canned tomatoes which are sold in tin cans. This is how they opened the jar, mixed what they could hold with a couple the right ingredients- And fresh vegetables No need. Italian tomato sauce with basil will become an indispensable companion of your favorite dishes. Try.



  1. 1 Use canned tomatoes in its own juice. Remove the skin from them and chop thoroughly.
  2. 2 Warm up olive oil in a deep frying pan. Fry chopped onions and grated carrots on it. Add salt and pepper. Cook until onions are translucent and carrots are soft.
  3. 3 Add minced garlic. Fry for 2 more minutes.
  4. 4 Turn up the heat, add chopped canned tomatoes and chopped basil to the food. Add sugar. Stir until sauce thickens. This will take up to 7 minutes.
  5. 5 Pour in the chopped parsley, keep the sauce on the fire for another 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Italian tomato sauce is ready.

Now that you have the recipe for Italian tomato sauce, any pasta and pork chop will taste better. Prepare more when preparing for big holiday and a feast, fill a few gravy boats and let the guests choose which of the dishes to add it to. Be sure to save the recipe.

A wonderful Italian tomato sauce made from a minimum of ingredients! Has a rich natural taste tomatoes with basil flavor. In fact, the sauce consists of only tomatoes seasoned with salt and sugar. Basil is boiled in the composition and saturates it with its aroma.
At the end of cooking, you can remove it from the sauce or grind it all together in a blender.
The recipe is quite simple to follow. You don't need to sterilize the sauce in jars! Empty jars are sterilized, and the sauce is usually cooked in a saucepan. Experience verified - banks do not explode! But you need to store it in the refrigerator. The sauce will last for a month.
Italian tomato sauce is good with almost any dish: with pasta, fried potatoes, boiled or grilled vegetables, meat and even fish. It can be added to soups and gravies for meat. This great alternative store bought , try it!

- 2 kg of tomatoes,
- 1 bunch of basil
- 2 table. tablespoons of granulated sugar (to taste, if the tomatoes are sour, you can add more sugar),
- 1.5 teaspoons of coarse salt.

Tomatoes for sauce are better to take soft, homemade. We wash them. Boil water and pour boiling water over vegetables. Leave in this position for 5 or 7 minutes, depending on the size of your tomatoes. If they are small, then it will take less time. For big ones, more. Drain the boiling water and pour the tomatoes already very cold water. You can even add a few pieces of ice. All this is done so that you can easily remove the skin from the tomatoes. We take it off, cut it out along the way dark spots, which are formed on tomatoes under the stalk.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces, transfer them to a saucepan (preferably with a double or thick bottom). The juice that the tomatoes released during cutting is also poured into the pan.
We turn on the stove, put the pan on it, cook slowly (20 minutes).

At the same time, we do not install a lid on the pan.

Wash the basil greens, shake off the water and send to the pan. If you do not want to chop the basil along with the tomatoes, then you need to tie it with a thread into a bundle. This will make it easier to remove from the sauce.

Let's pour it in here granulated sugar And table salt(preferably large).

Cooking further tomatoes already with basil (40 min). Basil at this moment saturates the tomatoes with its aroma and taste.

After cooking, we just have to grind the resulting mass. The easiest way to do this is with a blender or food processor. You can twist through a meat grinder. Take out the basil or not, it's up to you.

We sterilize jars and lids. And we lay out the sauce in jars, twist the lids. Let the sauce cool by turning the jars upside down. To keep the sauce as long as possible, the blanks can be covered with a blanket or a small blanket.
Cooled jars are stored in the refrigerator. Although you can use Italian tomato sauce right away. We also recommend that you see how it is prepared, it is also tasty and easy. Happy cooking! Eat for health!

Old Lesya
