
Home economics courses. Course Curriculum

Course name:Training of maids and housekeepers. Sign up for a course

What are modern methods cleaning the apartment, house? What's new household chemicals and the possibility of maintaining environmental cleanliness in the space around us exist?
At the courses of maids you will be taught to take care of pets and flowers, to understand household appliances to do general cleaning.
The maid course includes topics related to ethical standards behavior of maids and housekeepers in the family, the boundaries of their professional duties. The maid course is based on the practical mastering of the laws of the profession under the guidance of highly qualified practitioners.
Graduates of maid courses receive certificates of the established form and successfully find jobs in families as maids and housekeepers.

Class schedule:

*** For corporate clients, the schedule of classes is discussed and compiled individually.

Group course times:

  • morning - from 9-00 to 12-00, from 10-00 to 13-00
  • daytime - from 12-00 to 15-00, from 13-00 to 16-00, from 15-00 to 18-00
  • evening - from 18-00 to 21-00, 19-00 to 22-00
  • weekend groups: Saturday and / or Sunday - from 10-00 to 13-00, from 13-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00.
*** In some (exceptional) cases, the time of classes can be changed.

Upcoming course start dates:

Work days:
  • Morning - 25-03-2019
  • Day - 26-03-2019
  • Evening - 26-03-2019
  • Saturday and/or Sunday - 30-03-2019

*** Attention! Class start dates are subject to change.

Location of classes:

  • in classrooms in Moscow (m. Sukharevskaya, m. Prospekt Mira, m. Sukharevskaya, m. Dobryninskaya, m. Semenovskaya, m. Kitay-Gorod, m. Arbatskaya, m. Okhotny Ryad, m. Tverskaya, etc.);
  • In your city;
  • at your company office.

Curriculum of the course:

1. Job responsibilities

2. Modern technologies garment care (from washing to dry cleaning)
2.1. Sequence and washing techniques
2.2. Types of fabrics, features of care, marking
2.3. Dry cleaning
2.3. Ironing, steaming
2.4. Dressing room care

3. VIP wardrobe, home textiles

4. Modern apartment cleaning products
4.1. Furniture care
4.2. Floors. Carpets, carpets
4.3. Walls. Fixtures
4.4. Plumbing cleaning

5. The specifics of cleaning the kitchen. Appliances

6. Cooking
6.1. Buying products and storing them
6.2. Cooking methods
6.3. Kitchen equipment
6.4. Diet food. Vegetarian cuisine
6.5. Quick Meal Recipes
6.6. Table setting

7. Caring for flowers and pets

Test (interview).

How to enroll in courses:

In order to become our listener, you need to go to the training department of our Center, conclude a contract for training and pay the cost of the course, taking into account the discount that is provided to all visitors who receive information on this site. Under the terms of the contract, the applicant can make an advance payment (50% of the cost of training). The second part of the payment is due before the second lesson.

Sign up for a course

Cooking delicious and healthy meals has long been considered one of the most essential human skills. However, it would be wrong to say that cooking is the business of a professional chef only. One way or another, but many of us every day have to defend the stove for a lot of time. Cooking courses at the Higher School of Culinary Art are intended for a wide audience and are very popular in Moscow. They are extremely popular with housewives. Classes are held on the same material and technical basis as the training courses for culinary chefs. For an ordinary city dweller who cooks at home, cooking courses in the production shop are not required. However, to be in an atmosphere of working restaurant cuisine in and of itself is entertaining and instructive.

The curriculum of cooking courses is designed for people who previously did not attach importance to the ability to cook food. In the classroom, they learn the basics home cooking, study the rules of personal hygiene during food preparation, sanitary requirements for storage and cooking products, learn to choose the right products for daily and holiday menu. The courses provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of cooking, master the processing of vegetables, meat, fish, poultry and game for cooking a variety of healthy and delicious meals. Experienced teachers teach everyone to cook broths, apply passivation, breed red and white sauces, prepare and properly serve first and second courses, cold dishes and snacks.

For parents, culinary courses provide for the study of features baby food, rules and content of therapeutic and health-improving diets. Of particular interest is the section of the program designed to study the work with flour and yeast, the ability to cook pastries from unleavened and sweet dough. In the classroom, students are happy to make pies, cookies and other pastries, and then they taste their own culinary creations with no less pleasure. Despite the fact that culinary courses are not designed to train professional chefs, during the classes, students get acquainted with the peculiarities of Russian, European and Eastern national cuisine, which allows them to confidently master the intricacies of preparing national dishes in the future.

Our company is open: quite deep and informative. With our help, you will learn many new dishes, trends and technologies. The knowledge gained from us will allow you to create real masterpieces in your kitchen. Wide creative horizons will open before you.

Ourcooking courses for housewiveslead by the best experts:

You can get general knowledge or delve into any industry:



    national cuisine of any nation;



    work with certain specific products.

For example, only from fish or from meat you can come up with many different, sometimes unique dishes. We will teach you all the intricacies of cooking. will work with you experienced craftsmen who will tell you exactly how you can and should handle certain products. They will teach you all the intricacies of processing, cleaning, washing and cooking.

Ouryoung hostess coursecovers many related areas. We teach how to handle any modern household appliances:


    soon- and multicookers;


    yogurt makers;

    ice cream makers;

    electric fondue;

    waffle irons;

    barbecues and grills;

The list of equipment offered by the world's leading manufacturers is endless. INyoung housewife courseincludes information about the modes and functions, the advantages and disadvantages of certain models, the successes and failures of different manufacturers. You will be perfectly guided in all variety of difficult modern technologies.

You will also learn how to store and process products. You will learn how to determine the expiration date and degree of freshness of fruits, vegetables, meat, milk and more. Our experts will tell you which products can be cooked and consumed together, and which ones are better separately. They will explain which spices are best suited for each type of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. You will be shown how to cut and cut products - depending on their type, as well as the dish for which they will go.

And naturally, incooking courses for housewives in Moscoware included best recipes- both known and rare, often unique. You will be taught how to cook the most interesting dishes no worse than professionals. They will be just as refined, tasty and of high quality.

You will be shown professional technologies and secrets unknown to people not connected with this profession. The number of dishes and drinks is great - you will be able to surprise your family and friends for a long time to come. For you - both international recipes and unique national traditions.

Equally important is the art of delivery. We will show and tell you exactly how to:

    lay the table;

    put food on plates and platters;

    pour drinks into containers;

    use cutlery.

Each dish has its own plate, fork, spoon and knife, each drink has its own glass, glass or cup. Everyone knows this, but always gets confused in the subtleties. Having passedcooking classes for housewives, you will remember all the details of etiquette. With our help, you will learn how to cook and serve not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful.

Your family will surely appreciate your abilities and skills: from now on, your cuisine will be no worse than a Michelin restaurant. Friends and acquaintances will often visit you. You will be invited to help prepare the holidays and friendly gatherings. And who knows, maybe sooner or later you will even decide to open your own business: cafe, culinary or whole restaurant. Contact us and we will help you realize your talents in the kitchen.Pricesfor classes - quite moderate!

In Moscow, the first group of women's "business special forces" is being formed; women who want to open their own business and radically change their lives are invited to join it. Special attention will be given to Muscovite housewives and mothers on maternity leave.

Olga Kuznetsova, an entrepreneur and chairman of the Moscow City Coordinating Women's Council, spoke about the new ambitious project of RG.

Come - we will teach

Classes in the first experimental group planning to start in June. At first it was reported that they would be free, but you still have to pay for something - they want to attract psychologists, photographers, business coaches and other experts whose time costs money to participate. It is possible to call the initiative business courses only conditionally, the idea itself is much broader. Kuznetsova says that teaching the basics of entrepreneurship is only a small part of the story. It is much more difficult to make a person believe in himself and his own strengths, as well as to teach a lot of small but important nuances.

We will teach right during the courses, for example, how to open a website on the Internet, what exactly is needed for this, how it works, - says Kuznetsova. - Because if this is not explained from the very beginning, but given a lot of general information and an incentive, then problems will arise at the very first steps to open your own business.

The course organizers promise that in 3.5 months they will not only teach, but help create your own own business from scratch. In addition, a psychologist, nutritionist, producer, career guidance expert and other specialists will work with women to help deal with internal problems.

“A successful woman starts with love and respect for herself, so it is very important how she looks, how she dresses. We will arrange photo shoots so that you can look at yourself in different images, become more confident,” says Kuznetsova.

Business SWAT

The conditional name of the project is "business special forces". There will be 10-12 participants in the group, and there are only a few places left, there are many applications from those who wish. Participants are selected, although they emphasize that they are ready to talk with all applicants. The courses are designed for 3.5 months, there will be at least two classes per week - they are currently looking for premises for them. Women who were already engaged in business, but either lost it or want to change its direction, will be able to participate.

"The main thing is that the participants are ready to completely change themselves for quite short term. We will talk a lot, we will have to study intensively. We will hold master classes, open a design workshop, and try to give as much as possible not only theory, but also practice. In the process of studying, we will even change our appearance and hairstyle, and under the supervision of professionals," Kuznetsova assures. You can contact her to participate in the project through the website of the Women's Council mosgensovet.ru - all contacts are there.

Young housewife course

In fact, there are a lot of all kinds of courses in Moscow, although, as a rule, housewives are offered to teach how to cook, manage a household and a family budget. The most common courses are culinary courses. They promise to make a cook for some 20-30 academic hours, and they will teach you how to cook almost everything - from jellied fish before French desserts. Prices vary, but usually you need to pay at least 15 thousand rubles, and in "star" culinary studios the price tags are much higher.

At the same time, few people know, but women who are on leave to care for a child under the age of three can improve their skills or even learn a new profession in Moscow for free. This opportunity is provided by the capital's department of labor and social protection of the population, and Muscovites actively use it - every year 700 women are trained. You can get 50 professions in 10 areas - from accounting to engineering, architecture and design.

Studies last from several weeks to several months and often take place in prestigious educational institutions: Russian Economic University. Plekhanov, Eurasian Open Institute, Institute of Foreign Languages, Polytechnic College N 8 and others. The program has been operating since 2012.

Studying is not for the sake of studying

According to Yulia Kholomtseva, head of the Department of Employment Assistance at the Department of Labor and Social Protection, training during maternity leave helps Muscovites not to lose their qualifications, and often find a new profession that is in demand on the labor market.

Women are often on maternity leave not even 3, but 5-6 years, having given birth soon after the first child of the second and even the third, - Kholomtseva told RG. - And although they still remain employed, imagine what changes take place in their work during this time. In accounting, for example, new programs and rules appear every year, and with the experience of five years ago, it can be very difficult to adapt to changing conditions.

Before choosing a suitable profession or advanced training courses, specialists from employment centers talk with each mother. If necessary, they can conduct career guidance tests to identify the professional inclinations of each woman. Often they themselves say that after the decree they will not return to their previous job, because, for example, they do not want to work on daily duty or constantly go on business trips.

Based on the results of training, certificates are issued that raise the status of women in the eyes of employers and give them more chances to find a better paying job. And the very opportunity to study for women often becomes a way to quickly adapt to work and escape from household chores. "Study schedules are very different - both daytime and evening. There is an opportunity to study only on weekends or even remotely," says Kholomtseva.

Perhaps the only restriction on participation in the program is that only Muscovites with a city residence permit can use it. If it is, then you can safely go to the nearest employment center, which is in each district. You need to take your passport with you, a certificate from your place of work stating that you are on maternity leave, a child's birth certificate and education documents.

The greatest demand is for such training programs as accounting and auditing, personnel management, architectural design, landscape design, management of state and municipal orders, and others.

According to the latest data from Mosgorstat, the average nominal salary in Moscow is just over 63,600 rubles, while the officially registered unemployed are 46,000. At the same time, the Department of Labor and Social Protection offers 100 vacancies for 48 registered unemployed.
