
Crab sticks Water world chilled - "Crab sticks Water world review of the composition, what they taste like and a recipe for a quick salad." Good crab sticks

I used to be suspicious of this kind of products, because fish waste is used in their preparation, which is why I thought the taste was appropriate. Often, when I visited guests, it happened that they served a salad of crab sticks, but I didn’t eat it. I perceived it as a "chewed" product, sorry for the comparison. But, when I was preparing a salad for my husband, I took and ate a few pieces. I liked them so much that I just couldn't stop.

And now, I want to tell you about my now favorite crab sticks. They are called "Water World". It's no secret that not a single crab was harmed during their manufacture. Crab sticks on their own delicious product but not useful, that's for sure. In addition to fish waste, they also contain chemical additives and flavor enhancers, as well as monosodium glutamate, dyes. I recently read a review of one of our mutual friends about crab sticks, after which the fingers turn red. I wanted to check "Water World" for this lice.

To my great joy the paint didn’t come off the crab sticks, no matter how ridiculous it sounds) They painted it well, they didn’t spare the dye) I bought a small package so that just in case there were any minuses, it would not be a pity to throw it away. Although, they are not cheap, I want to tell you. Manufactured crab sticks from surimi. Who came up with these crab sticks? Of course, the Japanese. They made minced meat from fish meat, which is called "surimi". It was back in the 12th century, but then surimi was prepared from good, expensive fish, and now they use cheap fish and fish waste - bones, life, skin.

After reading various information about this product, it is worth noting that in the production of crab sticks more good quality, namely from such raw materials as surimi, this product will be the first in the list of the composition of these same crab sticks. If it is in the second and subsequent places, then the product only has a small capacity of minced surimi. I hope I explained clearly and understandably. Therefore, when purchasing the next package, pay attention to the composition printed on the package.

As for the "Water World", this is exactly the first option, that is, crab sticks are of better quality than their "accomplices". But, in the composition of crab sticks there are also forbidden "E"s, as they say, these are E450, E420, E160, E171, which can cause an allergic reaction, chronic diseases. In the EU countries, these additives are prohibited, but in our country they are used almost everywhere. Therefore, whether it is worth buying and eating crab sticks is up to you.

To choose "normal" crab sticks, you need to look at them appearance-in they should not have a lot of liquid, the sticks themselves should be beautiful, well packaged, so that there is no excess in the package, or a lot of ice, which indicates their re-freezing, but this cannot be done, the sticks should be elastic, have an appetizing and beautiful view and in general, should resemble at least crab meat.

As for feeding children with crab sticks, then, I think, all normal parents understand that it is better not to eat this product for children, let parents eat if they want, and it is better for children to cook something tasty from fresh fish.

Manufacturer of crab sticks "Water World" Ukraine, Ilchevsk, Odessa region. Available in different weight categories - 100,200, 240,400, 500g and 1000 kg. Shelf life of the product at -18-18 months.


The main component of crab sticks is purified fish protein or surimi. It is on its quantity and quality that the properties of the final product, which eventually ends up on our tables, depend. Therefore, crab sticks of TM "Water World" contain at least 40% surimi - according to the standard of Western European countries. In addition, our company does not use any surimi, but only with a high rate of gelation - from white cod fish (pollock, hake, blue whiting) and white tropical fish (itoyori, croaker). Due to this, the sticks of TM "Water World" acquire a dense texture and natural White color. In addition to surimi, crab sticks also contain other ingredients - potato starch, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, water, natural flavor, natural food coloring and nutritional supplements. They make the taste more saturated and allow the sticks to retain their original structure even when deep freeze. Starch is a link for fish protein particles, thanks to which the sticks retain their elasticity even after heat treatment. In this case, the proportion of starch should not exceed 10%, otherwise the elasticity will be lost, and the sticks will become too brittle and dry. We use only natural potato starch High Quality produced at Ukrainian factories. Another essential component of crab sticks is vegetable oil. For the preparation of our products, we use refined sunflower oil highly purified, in which vitamins A and E are preserved. Of course, water cannot be dispensed with in food production. To make our crab sticks tasty and healthy, we use water from artesian wells, the depth of which reaches more than 150 m. It undergoes mechanical cleaning (filtration), softening (removal of unnecessary salts), ozonation (ozone disinfection) and ultraviolet treatment. Perhaps you have a question - why add flavors to crab sticks, albeit natural ones. The fact is that surimi does not have its own pronounced taste and aroma, therefore it is ideal material to imitate various seafood. In 1999, the National Agency for Quality Control and Food Safety of Ukraine approved a list of seasonings, dyes and food additives allowed for use in the production of food products. These food additives are coded according to the E plus number principle in accordance with the coding system adopted in Europe. All flavor extracts and natural food additives that we use in our products are sourced from natural meat Pacific crabs and meets approved standards. Natural food coloring E160 is needed in order to give the sticks an appetizing color. crab meat. To imitate it, we cover the sticks with a layer of tinted dough, which includes paprika (it gives Orange color) and carmine (raspberry). By mixing paprika and carmine, we get a rich scarlet color characteristic of crab sticks of TM "Water World". Carrageenans E407, E410 are natural thickeners from red seaweed which are very useful in their own right. They contain necessary for a person trace elements, have antiviral and antiulcer biological activity, and also remove heavy metals from the body. In addition, carrageenans prevent the separation of water during deep freezing of products, which is already useful for crab sticks - because you store them chilled. Monosodium glutamate E621 can be called one of the leaders in spices. By itself, it has neither taste nor smell, but it has the ability to enhance the taste of other dishes. There is no reason to be afraid of monosodium glutamate: this food supplement present in many types of food and even in the human body. It is formed from glutamic acid, which is part of almost all proteins and is found in free form in fresh vegetables and in fresh meat. Monosodium glutamate is widely used in oriental cuisine - dishes oriental cuisine contain 3-6 times more sodium glutamate than European dishes. As you go, in the crab sticks of TM "Water World" there is a whole set of ingredients. But what is not there at all is the harmful components - that is, preservatives.

Crab sticks Water world or any other crab sticks - have you ever thought about their composition?

It has long been known that crab sticks are not made from crab meat. Let's see if they can still be eaten in this case. In the review, I want to analyze in detail the composition of the Water World crab sticks.

Invented crab sticks in Japan. Now they have migrated to us and have become very popular.

I prefer to buy only chilled crab sticks. They are tastier and juicier. And, perhaps, at least something useful remains in them if they avoided that very freeze.

Price of crab sticks Water world: package 240g - 44.90 UAH or 107 rubles, package 100g. – 19.90 UAH. or 48 rubles.

I bought packages of 240g and 100g.

Shelf life of crab sticks Water world: 90 days.

Production facility address: Ukraine, Odessa region, Chornomorsk

Packing of crab sticks Water world: vacuum

Storage conditions for crab sticks Water world: from 0 to +5 °C

Product description and taste of crab sticks water world.

In the package 240 gr - 10 pieces of crab sticks

In a 100 gr package - 8 pcs and they are smaller in size.

Each crab stick is individually packaged. Crab sticks are very juicy and of course delicious.

The crab stick is easy to unroll, and it turns out like a leaf. Alternatively, you can stuff them with something and make stuffed rolls, they do not crumble and do not break.

I bought and compared a lot of TM crab sticks, it was the Water World that turned out to be the most delicious and edible among them. If you already buy crab sticks, then only the Water World.

Let's find out what the manufacturer is hiding from our eyes. Although rather does not hide, but writes in small print on the package.

Ground meat ocean fish surimi ( minced fish, sugar, stabilizer E450iii, texturizer E451, sorbitol) 40%, purified drinking water, potato starch, corn starch, egg white, sunflower oil, salt, sugar, natural flavor (contains ingredients from crustaceans), stabilizers: carrageenan, tara gum, natural dye paprika extract, natural dye carmine, flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, dye E171, preservative E211

Analysis of the composition of crab sticks Water World

What is surimi?

Surimi- This is minced white fish, of oceanic origin. It can be hake, pollock or even blue whiting.

Some manufacturers of crab sticks have even found a substitute for surimi in order to reduce the cost and therefore the price for the product. The manufacturer of crab sticks Vodny Mir has not yet come to this, they are an order of magnitude more expensive than other TM crab sticks, but in their composition it is just

I want to note that crab sticks are very dietary product. For those who do not want to consume a lot of calories, crab sticks are just right - satisfying and tasty, but for one and dietary.

And now I will go through each ingredient in the composition separately, which are not known to me. What is hidden under the E?

stabilizerE450iiiortetrasodium pyrophosphate

With the constant use of food products with pyrophosphates in their composition, a disproportion in the content of calcium and phosphorus can occur in the body. In this case, the process of calcium absorption is likely to be hindered, which can lead to an undesirable accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, which will contribute to the development of osteoporosis.

Carrageenan or E407

On the one hand, it is known that the food supplement E407 has antiviral and antiulcer properties, promotes the excretion of heavy metals from the body, and prevents the formation of oncological diseases and thereby benefits health. V Lately some data have appeared on the detection of ethylene oxide in the composition of the additive E407. It's toxic Chemical substance contributes to the formation of the strongest carcinogens that can cause significant harm to the body.

Containers kamid or E417

It has been established that the addition of E417 does not lead to any negative consequences with regular use.

Monosodium glutamate or E621

IN Food Industry Monosodium glutamate is used as a flavor enhancer. It was found that in Not large quantities Monosodium glutamate can be considered a safe supplement. But with its systematic use in large quantities, a person can experience a number of side effects in the form of headache, increased sweating, redness of the face and neck, increased heart rate, chest pain, general weakness, etc.

titanium dioxide ordye E171

It is designed to give food a pleasant color, as well as restore color lost as a result of processing.

IN food products The E171 supplement is considered harmless, although studies of its effect on the body are ongoing.

sodium benzoate orpreservative E211

Potentially dangerous . In case of exceeding the recommended daily dose consumption has a pronounced toxic effect on the liver and kidneys, provokes the formation cancerous tumors. Allergen. When interacting with vitamin C (E300), even within the recommended daily dose, it can turn into benzene, a dangerous carcinogen. There are suspicions that sodium benzoate adversely affects nervous system person. Deadly for cats.

Here is such a joyless composition in crab sticks Water World. Summarizing all of the above, it is generally better to avoid them and not buy them, two ingredients in the composition are potentially hazardous to health. And even more so for children. Good thing my kid doesn't like crab sticks. This is my husband and I are not very food lovers healthy foods. Although today it is very difficult to find products that do not contain preservatives or stabilizers. The choice is far from great.

Whether or not there are crab sticks, everyone decides for himself.

For those who have not changed their minds about eating them, I suggest easy and quick recipe.

Salad recipe with crab sticks Water world:



1) Cut the crab sticks into cubes
