
Fried mashed potato rings. Baked potato spirals

We were just talking about the wide distribution of dots fast food and that the buyer now needs to be lured not just with food, but with interesting, unusual ideas. Such a business idea is to sell fried potatoes. But not standard french fries, but in the form of a figuratively designed spiral. These potatoes look very appetizing and tasty. And the most important thing for us, entrepreneurs, is to organize a business selling curly potato chips may with minimum investment.

Why are spiral fried potatoes so popular? Firstly, it looks beautiful, non-standard and fun. Secondly, it is absolutely fresh product from natural raw materials, prepared immediately before sale. Third, fast food, in particular fried potatoes, is always popular among children, young people, and adults too. Fourthly, the buyer has the opportunity to add spices to his liking. And fifthly, you can put a point for the sale of spiral-shaped potato chips anywhere, including in crowded places, which will certainly ensure high sales and, accordingly, a good income.

How to open a point of sale of fried potatoes in a spiral. It is very simple - to purchase ready-made equipment "turnkey". Such equipment consists of:

  • small kiosk
  • potato shape cutting machine
  • fryers
  • hoods
  • various capacities
  • autonomous water supply
  • cash register
  • set of quality certificates
The equipment is compact, collapsible, autonomous. Only an electrical connection is required. The cost of turnkey equipment, depending on the configuration, costs from 1.5 to 5 thousand dollars.

All that remains is:

  • rent a retail space of 5 sq. meters.
  • hire a salesperson
  • collect equipment on site
  • buy consumables (potatoes, butter, spices)
  • start trading
The technology of cutting potatoes in a spiral and frying in a deep fryer is extremely simple and does not require any qualification from the employee. All that the seller should have is a sanitary book.

You can also buy a spiral potato cutter separately. Its cost is from $ 100. Most devices are equipped with a sliced ​​​​potato counter, which will allow you to control employees. It is impossible to reset the counter without a special key. The deep fryer can also be purchased separately from $100.

Profitability business ideas for frying potatoes.
Cost of 1 unit finished product- from 50 rubles. At the same time, the cost of 1 tuber raw potatoes- 2-3 rubles. Thus, such a profitability can be about 300%, taking into account the lease of retail space, the cost of equipment and the wages of an employee. To minimize upfront costs, you can work on your own until buyers become aware of your outlet and sales hit high levels.

The video demonstrates the technology of making potato chips with a spiral.

As soon as I saw the photo of this dish, I immediately climbed to look for the recipe! And is it possible to pass by such an original little thing?

Buttered potato spirals come in a variety of textures, from thinner, spicier and crunchier "snacks" to plump and calmer tasting side dishes like mine. I think to whom that is closer - you will orient yourself.

The amount of products in my recipe is enough for about 6 spirals. Serving per person - 2-3 spirals. Delicious both warm and cold. I don’t recommend trying hot from the heat of the heat - they’re just deep-fried, you’ll simply burn yourself there.

We need 400 gr. raw starchy (easy to boil) potatoes, 1-2 eggs (depending on size), 2 tbsp. flour, salt and pepper to taste. Plus, of course, water for boiling potatoes and oil for frying, the amount of which depends on the size of the pan. For this reason, I took a very small frying pan.

We clean the potatoes and cook until cooked (the knife easily pierces the potatoes).

We take the potatoes out of the water and crush them into a puree as smooth as possible.

Add eggs, flour and seasonings, stir the dough, if there are a lot of lumps - a little more crush with a pestle.

We heat up the oil. The bottom of the pan should be covered by about 1 cm.

Place the potato dough in a seed bag. Keep in mind that, compared to the thickness you extrude, the dough will puff up a little while frying. If the width of the hole is less than 1 cm, such spirals are beautiful, but they are easily torn during extrusion.

Fry the spirals on both sides in boiling oil. By the time of the coup, the spiral should be golden in the lower part, this is clearly visible from the side.

Reached the color you want potato spirals Take them out of the pan and let them dry off the excess oil.

Bon appetit!

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water. Crush the potatoes with a potato masher.

Add egg to potatoes.

Thoroughly mix the mashed potatoes. Grate cheese on fine grater and add to mashed potatoes.

Mix well, add flour, salt and seasoning.

Mix the mashed potatoes well, it will turn out to be thick enough in consistency, like dough for eclairs.

Transfer the mass to pastry bag with round nozzle.

Heat vegetable oil well in a frying pan. In the form of a spiral, plant the potatoes in hot oil (there should be enough oil so that the spirals are almost completely immersed in it).

Fry potato spirals before golden color over medium heat on both sides.

Put the finished spirals on paper towel and then transfer to a plate and serve. These are so golden and very delicious spirals from mashed potatoes turned out. Serve them deliciously with ketchup or tartar sauce.

Potato - perfect side dish for any meat or fish dish, but when you have already tried all the options for its preparation, then opt for baked potato spirals in the oven. Amazing view and bright taste will do this vegetable dish a real favorite not only of the everyday table, but also of the solemn one. With a minimum cost of products, the dish will turn out very tasty and beautiful. The first potatoes will be cut unevenly, but over time you will master this skill and your workpieces will be straight "one to one" with even edges. You can use other spices if you wish.


  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 0.5 tsp vegetable oil
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 2 pinches ground paprika
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper


1. Let's choose rounded, even potatoes without indentations and spoilage. We clean them from the peel, rinse in water. Long wooden skewers pierce each potato vertically. Here you have to make a little effort, so you do not need to choose large root crops - they are poorly pierced.

2. Then, starting from one side, cut each potato obliquely sharp knife. It is necessary to cut, as it were, diagonally, trying not to fall into the previous cut. Do not worry, the knife will cut to a skewer and will not cut the potatoes in half - the skewer will interfere with it. This is done quickly, however, the first potatoes may not be very attractive in appearance, but then the hand is “stuffed” and the blanks are perfect! After cutting, stick your thumbs in the middle of the cut workpiece and gently pull it along the edges, giving the appearance of a spiral. Try not to break the cut!

3. Sprinkle the blanks with salt, ground black pepper, ground dried paprika and other spices to your liking, sprinkle with vegetable oil.

4. Put the blanks in a baking dish, place it in the oven and bake at 180C for about 25-30 minutes, watching the surface vegetable cutting. Check in the middle of the workpiece for readiness by gently piercing with a knife. If they are still hard, then sprinkle hot water and bake another 5-10 minutes. Potatoes will absorb hot water and become more crumbly.
