
How to cook dishes from soy meat. Reviews of those losing weight about the effectiveness of soy meat in weight loss

Soy is a source of protein. But the squirrel is not simple. Soy is a source of a special protein that is incredibly easily absorbed by our body. At the same time, much less energy is spent than on the digestion of animal meat. Soy meat is a structured soy protein. It contains a large number of amino acids and trace elements.

How to cook soy meat tasty? Let's start with the simplest recipes.

Easy Soy Meat Recipe

Take any amount of dry soy meat, fill it with water that has just boiled. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil, then add the swollen soy meat there. Continue frying over low heat. At the end of frying, add soy sauce, favorite spices, crushed garlic. You need to continue frying until the soy meat acquires a golden color.

And now consider soy meat recipe, which you can treat your beloved man for dinner.

Soy meat "For the beloved"


  • Soy meat - 250 g
  • Onion - 1 large head
  • Carrots - 2 medium pieces
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Prunes - 100 g
  • Soy sauce


  1. Throw soy meat in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then you should drain the water, and fry the meat for vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Then, without removing the cape from the pan, add grated carrots and chopped onions to it, mix everything, continue to fry until the carrots become soft.
  3. Add crushed garlic to the mixture, continue frying.
  4. After we put the soy sauce, fry for another minute.
  5. Squeeze lemon juice, fry again.
  6. Rinse prunes thoroughly, cut into small pieces, add to fried mixture, cover the pan with a lid and keep on fire for another 2 minutes.
  7. Especially this dish is delicious cold. Decorate with canned green peas.

And now let's complicate the task even more, and prepare soy meat in pots.

Homemade roast with soy meat


  • Soy meat with mushroom flavor - 50 g (dry)
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Parsley - to taste
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste


  1. Pour dry soy meat with boiling water for fifteen minutes.
  2. We clean the potatoes, cut into large pieces. Let it cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash onions and carrots, peel and cut into cubes. Bulgarian pepper cut into half rings. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil. And bell pepper Add when the onions and carrots are already a little fried.
  4. We take out soy meat from the water, fry for about five minutes in vegetable oil. Chop the garlic, add it to the sour cream. We also put greens, salt and pepper there.
  5. We take pots for roasting, and add all the ingredients in the following order: soy meat, potatoes, fried vegetables.
  6. Pour all this with sour cream with spices, cover with foil, and put the pots in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

It turns out very fragrant and tasty dish!

Salad with soy meat


  • Soy meat dry - 50 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Vinegar


  1. Cucumbers cut into thin strips, salt, pepper, leave to infuse for 20 minutes. We process carrots in the same way. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips, onion into half rings. Boil some soy meat.
  2. Then you should drain the released liquid from the cucumbers, mix the cucumbers with carrots. On high heat, fry the onion and bell pepper with soy meat. After 3 minutes of frying, add cucumbers and carrots to the pan. And fry for a little while longer.
  3. When the dish has cooled, add soy sauce and vinegar to it to taste.

Once again I publish this text, with some changes and significant additions.

About soy meat
In fact, this product- just a texturate obtained in the process of cooking soy flour. It was called meat for convenience, as well as other products with a high protein content (the same seitan, also known as wheat meat). Starches are removed during processing, leaving almost pure protein (50-70% in dry product). After boiling, the mass is divided into pieces and dehydrated. finished product Sold in packaged form, mainly 80-100 grams per pack.

At present, our market is represented mainly by Russian manufacturers"meat", according to which, for its manufacture, unmodified soybeans grown in Altai are used. To believe them or not is a personal matter for everyone, but the choice is small - either there is a product or not. By the way, consumers of animal meat are faced with the same choice (to eat / not to eat), because. for fattening livestock and poultry, "technical" (feed) soybeans are used, which are almost 100% GM.

Soy is superior to meat and milk biological value and does not contain hormones, antibiotics characteristic of meat. Soy meat removes toxins and radionuclides from the body, absorbs the taste of spices, so the use of seasonings will allow you to cook from soy excellent meals. The latter carries a certain threat to the culinary talents of beginners, because. the traditional amount of spices may not be enough. The rest is just pluses. It's no secret that soy products make up the lion's share of the diet of cancer patients, people in oncological risk groups (during exposure, for example). Ayurveda says: "Eat food like medicine, so that medicine does not become food for you." Soy meat fully fits this thesis - it should be used to regulate the level of proteins and some trace elements in the diet, but not build your daily diet on it.

Also, soy meat is optimal for sports nutrition, especially in combination with milk proteins. High content protein with a low level of toxins formed during digestion - ideal for athletes.

"Beef Flavored"

Among vegans, soy meat is not very popular, mainly due to the fact that the name contains the politically incorrect word "meat", although this fact is puzzling - in the classic soy product, except for flour and water, there are no more components. Of course, there are also varieties of "meat" with food additives (for example, "beef flavored"), which sometimes contain, again, exclusively vegetable spices (but more often artificial ones), but no one forbids using only classic views. Moreover, if the taste of animal meat has long ceased to be relevant - absolutely any taste / smell can be added to the product. For example, garlic goulash or tandoori masala have nothing to do with animal products...

How to cook.

It is no secret that soy meat has a rather specific smell and taste, which is unpleasant for many (including the author of the text). You can quickly and effectively get rid of it by soaking the pieces in boiling water for 20-30 minutes, then draining the water, squeezing and washing the meat in cold water, after which again it is necessary to squeeze out excess moisture. Such meat will not have a characteristic smell and taste.

After rehydration and pressing, the meat is ready for use (hereinafter - "prepared"). It can be given in the first and second courses, grilled, baked and even smoked (although I have not tried the latter and will not try), make cutlets and sausages based on it. A few words about sausages - they can be combined different products and give any shape, which is very important for camp meals or lunches at work and feasts. Seitan, olives, carrots, kelp, nuts, etc. will give your camping dish a unique touch.

Recipe for chicken steak with onions

1 pack of soy meat per large pieces
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon mild curry
1 cup boiling water

Mix water, sauce and curry in a bowl. Heat up a frying pan, add a little oil and pour over the "marinade" until the oil boils. mix the contents of the pan, put the prepared meat in one layer, cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then turn over and fry until the moisture has completely evaporated, then, turning over, bring to a light golden brown. Then remove from the pan, fry the onion in the remaining mixture of oil and spices. Onions can be sprinkled a little with breadcrumbs. The meat will turn out juicy, tender, appetizing. Many meat-eaters do not distinguish from chicken ...

Barbecue recipe.

1 package soy schnitzel, steak or goulash
2-3 medium onions

3-5 bay leaves
1 tsp tandoori masala (however, any masala will do)
1 tsp marjoram
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 l. tomato juice, or finely ground fresh tomatoes.
1 tbsp table vinegar(can be replaced lemon juice or dry wine)
1 tsp balsamic vinegar. (can be replaced with lime or dry red wine)
2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
salt - to taste.

The rest of the recipes you can come up with yourself. The principle is simple - take the prepared meat, stew it in the marinade (or boil it with spices), then bring it to readiness in a pan, saucepan or other container. You can experiment in a variety of ways - make curry meat, or fry in adjika, make dishes with minced meat (for example, naval pasta, or potato zrazy with minced mushroom).
Bon appetit!

Bought soy meat and don't know how to cook it? Then see my recipe and cook delicious soy meat.

Dear readers, I think you have repeatedly come across the question posed above. I do not cook soy meat often, perhaps because of the past not very good ways its preparation. To make it really tasty, you need delicious recipe. Before, I didn’t know how to cook it correctly and I didn’t like it, but after trying it a little differently, reading different tips, found best way its preparation and soy meat is obtained in this version is very tasty and well absorbed.

soy meat recipe

Recipe for 3 servings:

  • a pack of soy meat, approximately 150 grams
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • spices for meat
  • frying oil

Soy Meat Recipe:

1. I bought soy beef stroganoff, you can choose any soy meat you like. Put it in a saucepan and pour boiling water, or first boil water and add soy meat to it.

2. And cook it for 15 minutes.

3. In the meantime, wash two medium tomatoes, cut into pieces and beat with a blender.

4. We will get such a sauce.

5. Our soy meat is cooked and ready for further processing. Drain all the water from the pan and it is advisable to squeeze the meat from the liquid.

6. Heat the oil in a pan and put the finished soybeans on it. And we begin to fry, now you can salt it.

7. Fry our soy meat for about 5 - 7 minutes.

8. Add our tomato sauce and mix well.

10. Stew our soy meat until tender, until all the sauce has evaporated and fry a little more at the end.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into thin half rings, and the carrot into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and after a minute put the vegetables. Stirring, fry the onion and carrots over medium heat for 2 minutes.

Make cross cuts on the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, then, after removing the skin, cut them into small cubes. Place in skillet with fried vegetables.

Stirring, fry for 2-3 minutes. Add salt to taste, mix and transfer from the pan to a plate.

Pour vegetable oil into a clean frying pan, warm it up a little and put chopped garlic and a sprig of rosemary into plates.

Stirring, fry the soy meat until golden brown (within 5-7 minutes) over medium heat.

Put the fried vegetables into the pan to the soy meat, mix, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Appetizing, tender, juicy and very tasty soy meat can be served on the table.

Soy meat cooked with vegetables according to this recipe goes well with pasta, boiled rice and potatoes.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

Soy meat is already firmly established in everyday life. It used to be afraid to find such a phrase in the composition of products, today it is a recognized analogue of animal protein, which “helps out” vegetarians and women (due to its effect on the level of the estrogen hormone). But it is important to properly prepare this product from Chinese oilseed peas.

Knowing how to cook soy meat can easily replace animal meat

  • Servings: 2
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Soy meat: advantages and disadvantages

This bean has its downsides. There are few of them, and they appear only when abused (more than 40 g per day). You can eat it a couple of times a week - and there will be no changes in endocrine system.

Important! It is not given to children and expectant mothers, as well as people with Alzheimer's disease and urolithiasis. Otherwise, it is a useful herbal product.

  1. Soy is 40% protein, 20% carbohydrates and the same amount fat.
  2. She fights cholesterol.
  3. Helps with arthritis and arthrosis.
  4. Allowed for heart disease.
  5. Can be for obesity.

Before you cook meat from this plant, you need to stock up only good mood- Meals will be ready very quickly. Soy is added to cereals, peppers and cabbage rolls are stuffed with it, cutlets and goulash are made. There are as many options as there are hosts.

Can make you happy at home soy goulash, which is served with a side dish of rice, boiled stewed potatoes.

  • Boil soy for 5 minutes (150 g will be enough). This is necessary to restore the natural structure of vegetable protein.
  • While the "meat" drains in a colander, prepare the frying. Finely chopped 1 onion and 2 carrots are fried in vegetable oil.
  • Scald with boiling water 2 tomatoes, peel and chop with a blender.
  • Add to them 100 - 150 g of tomato paste.
  • All vegetable ingredients, including soybeans, languish for 5 minutes in a pan - and the goulash is ready.

You can soak soybeans for a couple of hours in hot water with addition bouillon cube- and the mini-hot dish is ready! Sometimes boiled or soaked soybeans are added to salads - to Korean carrots, to Beijing or domestic cabbage.

Soy meat and beans

Soy stew will also be delicious, the recipes of which contain, for example, beans.

  • Boiled for 5 minutes (or soaked for 2 hours) soybeans are left alone while preparing the dressing.
  • Half the onions and carrots (grated or chopped into strips) are fried in vegetable oil, bell pepper and 2-3 cloves of garlic are added.
  • After cooking vegetables, soybeans and a jar of canned or boiled beans are laid out in the frying.

For a special flavor, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and pepper. If desired, add mayonnaise, tomato paste, vinegar.

Well, if you cook it not in vegetable oil, but in lard, then the taste of soy meat will be difficult to distinguish from store-bought minced meat.

But the secret of this vegetable product not only in the benefits and ease of preparation. You need to carefully read the packaging indicating the label "GMO-free", because manufacturers can sin and produce low-quality products. In all other respects, this is the best thing that can replace meat - both in taste and in price.
