
Dried yellow minke benefit. Dried yellow minke

The yellow-striped selar (Selaroides leptolepis) is better known in our area as the yellow minke whale. Fish of this species belong to the scad family. Relatively small flocking minke whales managed to gain immense popularity. They make an excellent salty drink, which has now supplanted such a favorite addition to a foamy drink as vobla.

Yellow minke fish: description

As mentioned earlier, the selars cannot boast large size. The average body length of an adult minke whale is about 22 centimeters and weighs 600-650 grams.

Females are different from males large sizes. The body of the fish is elongated, strongly flattened on the sides. Scales of the beautiful On the back there are two fins, one of which is prickly (front), the second (rear) is long. The lateral line at the tail and the caudal fin are equipped with bony keel plates.

Habitat in nature

Mostly in its natural environment, the yellow minke lives in Japan, Australia and off the coast of the Philippine Islands. In addition, it is worth noting that although the fish is considered marine, you can sometimes meet it in fresh water which flow through the territory of Southeast Asia.

The striped whale is a small creature, but, despite its small size and weight, it belongs to small fish. Its diet also includes small fish.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the yellow minke has become famous for its palatability. In most cases, the fish ends up on the table in the form dried salted beer snacks. For more than ten years, the appetizing fish has been in great demand. It is delivered mainly from Thailand and Vietnam; on the shelves of stores, the minke whale has become a regular product that is well sold out.

Yellow minke: benefits and harms

Each product, whether fish or meat, has its pros and cons. The yellow minke is no exception. Let us now try to consider useful qualities fish, and harmful, up to contraindications.

Let's start with the fact that the yellow-striped selar is low-calorie, in 100 grams of fish, on average, only 88 kilocalories. This ratio depends on the type of selar and its habitat. It follows from this that to type overweight using this product is not possible.

Minke whale meat is rich in microelements and proteins. In addition to these advantages, it contains very Not a large number of cholesterol and positively affects the microflora. The taste of the fish is pleasant, besides, it is easy to clean.

In contrast to all its advantages, the yellow minke whale can harm a person. Such a nuisance can happen mainly due to overuse this delicious product. Dried and salted selar is very different in properties from raw fresh fish.

Take, for example, the most popular product made from minke whale - a snack. Ready to use, it often contains various nutritional supplements. They help preserve their taste and flavor during storage of snacks. nutritional qualities. Such additives do not always pass without a trace for human body, of course, if they are taken in unlimited quantities. Also, when discussing the dangers of the yellow minke whale, how a person personally tolerates such a product is taken into account.

If you listen to the opinion of doctors, then the salty yellow minke whale should be excluded from the diet of children, especially if the child excessive amount salt, which is completely unacceptable.

Having considered all the pros and cons, we can conclude that eating yellow minke whale and enjoying it great taste Of course, only within reason. And it is better for children to eat foods that are more suitable and useful for their growing body.

We all get used to various delicacies, and I'm sure that 85% of the population loves to eat fish, especially salted fish, and if you also have a glass of beer, then a chic feast comes out. Not so long ago our country was captured by such a tiny fish as yellow minke whale, whose real name is yellow-striped selar . This so-called delicacy is just a godsend, which to this day is an active snack for any kind of beer. I myself also love him very much and do not miss the opportunity to feast on him,therefore, I already know a lot about him and will gladly share my knowledge with you.


the minke whale is a resident of sea water. The usual habitat of yellow minke fish can be considered the waters of the Pacific, as well as the Indian Oceans. But there have been cases that it is found in the fresh waters of the great Mekong River, which flows in the region of Southeast Asia. But here to usthis fish comes with dried yellow minke from Thailand and also Vietnam. These states fish in industrial scale and also processed into snack called dried yellow minke. It is not large in size and does not grow more than 22 cm, and when dried, it already gets us even less, and who would have thought that this fish is a predator! This fish belongs to the family scad . In its own way, a live fish looks very nice, its color is just silver with small scales, and it has bright yellow stripes on its sides, which is why the yellow minke, or yellow-striped selar . A fish lives in a flock, so it comes to us on such a scale, because they catch it en masse.

Of course, this fish is not as useful as it is dry and in its living form, or rather cooked with my own hands. I think you have not seen frozen selar in supermarkets , but now she managed to acquire it in its dry form. But you can’t use this fish excessively, because it is delivered to us not clean, but seasoned with various seasonings, flavorings and other chemistry , besides, it is very salty, and it will be difficult for the body to process a large amount of salt, so do not get carried away with the minke whale too much.

In general, I have nothing against this fish, even seasoned she has incredible taste, such snack it goes well with beer in terms of taste, which is why it is in demand. So, of course, I recommend trying this interesting delicacy with a mug of beer.

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yellow minke- a small fish from the scad family. Differs in an elongated, low, strongly laterally compressed body. The yellow minke has two dorsal fins and one caudal fin. The fish lives in the subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The minke whale feeds on invertebrates and zooplankton. Imported to various countries usually from Thailand and Vietnam.

Yellow minke - a fish for beer lovers

So, in more detail. Yellow minke - what kind of fish, every beer lover knows. On Russian market appeared in the early 2000s. And immediately gained immense popularity.

The real name of the minke whale is the yellow-striped selar. Fish are caught en masse in the ocean warm waters. Some individuals even reach five hundred grams in weight and twenty centimeters in length. Nevertheless, you will not find such a large fish in dried form in stores. On the shelves there are carcasses no more than twelve centimeters long. Or even less.

Many beer lovers are interested in the calorie content of minke whale. As in other dehydrated "animal" products, it is quite high. Per 100 grams dried fish accounts for 267 kilocalories. Half the weight of a minke whale is nutritious protein. Fat dry carcass contains only 7%.

Benefit and harm

The yellow minke is a fish with its pros and cons. What does it mean? Yellow minke as a beer snack is undoubtedly an incredibly tasty and nutritious product. But that's the point! He can hurt your figure irreparable harm! Fish is too high in calories.

For people suffering from hypertension, the yellow minke is contraindicated. The same goes for those who suffer from kidney disease. In a word, high content table salt does not lead to anything good.

Benefits are nutritional this product ready to use straight from the packaging. High content protein in fish meat completely saturates the human body with all the necessary amino acids. Fish fat makes it possible to cope with all sorts of inflammations, to carry out the prevention of heart diseases. And the Omega-3 complex helps to ensure the normal functioning of the brain.

All of the above applies to fish, both dried and dried. As a result, the bottom line is that eating this fish is not only possible, but even necessary. However, within reason!


Dried yellow minke is supplied, as mentioned above, from Thailand and Vietnam. Although considerable parties also come from China.

Purchase a minke whale in a store or by weight, or in a package. By the way, packaged fish costs the buyer much more, if you recalculate the cost per gram of goods.

That is, you can buy a kilogram of yellow minke whale (dried) for literally seven hundred rubles. About seventy kopecks per gram. Nevertheless, a small package (thirty-five grams) in some wholesale companies costs about forty rubles. In various grocery stores(or in shops draft beer) the cost will be even higher. Although the proportion is approximately the same.


The yellow minke fish has a rather high price compared to other snacks for beer. Despite the collapse of the ruble and the rise in price of this product, it does not cease to be in great demand among Russians. And this is not at all surprising. The fish is different excellent taste. After all, only fresh raw materials are used for its preparation. The pronounced taste does not leave indifferent any beer lover. The striped whale is very easy to clean and, accordingly, chew.

What remains to be said, summing up everything that has been noted above? The taste of this product is really great. The striped whale is distinguished by its originality: it is both sweet, salty, and spicy at the same time. In general, every beer lover will like it.

Would you like to try something spicy? Stripe is exactly what you need! You can perfectly relax with a glass of cold foamy beer and delicious salted fish. In a word, you will feel real relaxation.

The yellow minke will impress you. Fish brings great pleasure. No wonder she won great amount fans. Try it and you won't regret it! Bon appetit!

How much does yellow minke fish cost (average price for 1)?

The yellow-striped selar or Selaroides leptolepis is nothing more than a fish known in our latitudes more like a yellow minke. Selar refers to a species of small-sized schooling fish that live in sea ​​water. In accordance with the scientific classification, the yellow minke fish is assigned to the Stavrid family. As a rule, the average yellow minke fish reaches only 22 cm in length.

The yellow minke stands out not only for its miniature size, but also for its color. The silvery scales on the elongated and laterally strongly compressed body are considered characteristic features yellow minke fish. Average weight yellow minke fish is 625 grams. The usual habitat of yellow minke fish can be considered the waters of the Pacific, as well as the Indian Oceans.

In addition, yellow minke fish is found off the coast of the Philippine Islands, as well as Australia and Japan. It is noteworthy that the yellow minke fish, although it belongs to marine species sometimes found in the fresh waters of the great Mekong River, which flows in the region of Southeast Asia. It is also worth noting that the yellow minke fish is a predatory fish species.

The basis of the diet of the yellow minke whale is made up of invertebrate inhabitants. sea ​​depths, as well as an even smaller fish. The main suppliers of yellow minke fish are considered to be such Asian countries as Vietnam, as well as Thailand. On the shelves of domestic food stores, dried and salted yellow minke whales are found.

Over the past ten years, the yellow minke fish snack has gained unprecedented popularity among buyers. Usually, yellow minke fish is served as an appetizer for beer. The calorie content of the yellow minke whale depends on several factors, for example, the type and habitat of the fish. However, the average calorie level of the yellow minke whale is at the level of 88 Kcal.

The harm of the yellow minke

Some sources report the presence of harm to the yellow minke whale for the human body. We think that yellow minke whale can cause harm when eating fish in unlimited quantities. In addition, the main indicators of dried and salted yellow minke whales differ significantly from fresh fish.

It is also worth noting that the composition of the ready-to-eat snack yellow minke often contains various food additives that help preserve the taste and consumer characteristics fish product during transportation and subsequent storage. Pediatricians recommend excluding or significantly limiting a product such as salty yellow minke whale in the diet of children. The thing is that when using yellow minke whale in large quantities V children's body large amounts of salt are ingested.

Calorie fish yellow minke whale 88 kcal

The energy value of yellow minke fish (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

: 17.5 g. (~70 kcal)
: 2 g. (~18 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 80%|20%|0%

The yellow-striped selar (Selaroides leptolepis) is better known in our area as the yellow minke whale. Fish of this species belong to the scad family. Relatively small flocking minke whales managed to gain immense popularity. They make an excellent salty drink, which has now supplanted such a favorite addition to a foamy drink as vobla.

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Yellow minke fish: description

As mentioned earlier, selars cannot boast of large sizes. The average body length of an adult minke whale is about 22 centimeters and weighs 600-650 grams. Females are larger than males. The body of the fish is elongated, strongly flattened on the sides. Scales of the Beautiful On the back there are two fins, one of which is prickly (front), the second (rear) is long. The lateral line at the tail and the caudal fin are equipped with bony keel plates.

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Habitat in nature

Mostly in its natural environment, the yellow minke lives in Japan, Australia and off the coast of the Philippine Islands. In addition, it is worth noting that although the fish is considered marine, it can sometimes be found in the fresh water of which flows through the territory of Southeast Asia.

The striped whale is a small creature, but, despite its small size and weight, it belongs to small fish. Its diet also includes small fish.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the yellow minke whale has become famous for its taste. In most cases, the fish ends up on the table in the form of a dried salty beer snack. For more than ten years, the appetizing fish has been in great demand. It is delivered mainly from Thailand and Vietnam; on the shelves of stores, the minke whale has become a regular product that is well sold out.

Yellow minke: benefits and harms

Each product, whether fish or meat, has its pros and cons. The yellow minke is no exception. We will now try to consider both the beneficial qualities of fish, and the harmful ones, up to contraindications.

Let's start with the fact that the yellow-striped selar is low-calorie, in 100 grams of fish, on average, only 88 kilocalories. This ratio depends on the type of selar and its habitat. It follows from this that it is impossible to gain extra pounds by using this product.

Minke whale meat is rich in microelements and proteins. In addition to these advantages, it contains a very small amount of cholesterol and has a positive effect on the microflora. The taste of the fish is pleasant, besides, it is easy to clean.

In contrast to all its advantages, the yellow minke whale can harm a person. Such a nuisance can happen mainly due to the excessive use of this tasty product. Dried and salted selar is very different in properties from raw fresh fish.

Take, for example, the most popular product made from minke whales - snacks. Ready to eat, it often contains various nutritional supplements. They help preserve their taste and nutritional qualities during storage of snacks. Such additives do not always pass without a trace for the human body, of course, if they are taken in unlimited quantities. Also, when discussing the dangers of the yellow minke whale, how a person personally tolerates such a product is taken into account.

If you listen to the opinion of doctors, then the salty yellow minke whale should be excluded from the diet of children, especially if the child. When using such a product, an excessive amount of salt can enter the baby's body, which is completely unacceptable.

Having considered all the pros and cons, we can conclude that, of course, it is possible to consume yellow minke whale and enjoy its excellent taste only within reason. And it is better for children to eat foods that are more suitable and useful for their growing body.

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