
Salted-dried squid: is there any benefit. How are salted and dried squids produced and should they be eaten

Ragged squid rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 25.4%, vitamin B6 - 29%, vitamin B12 - 41%, vitamin PP - 13%, potassium - 11.2%, phosphorus - 31.4%, copper - 211.4%, selenium - 94.2%, zinc - 14.5%

What is useful Torn squid

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in the maintenance of the immune response, the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining a normal level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a violation of the condition of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Recent studies have revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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A complete guide to the most useful products you can see in the application

When purchasing ready-to-eat seafood in a store, the question involuntarily arises: how and from what are dried squids or other exotic seafood made?

What do you really have to eat?

Priorities in people's lives are constantly changing. This statement can be fully attributed to food products. In recent years, beer has become the most popular drink among the population, and dried squids are the best snack for it. Especially on the days of big holidays, you can see everywhere groups of people holding a beer bottle in one hand, and a small bag of fragrant shavings or cuttings in the other. Indeed, the packaged product attracts many people, both in taste and smell. But it is worth considering what is actually in these bright, attractive packages. Judging by the names on the list of ingredients, squid is actually present. But is this a shellfish that you can buy in any store? In fact, things are somewhat different. Studying what dried squids are made of, experts came to the conclusion that this is a completely different specimen. In fact, there are giant animals in the sea, which are also squids. But their meat has such a disgusting taste that it is almost impossible to use it in its natural form.

Product processing

The countries of the East have developed a special technology that makes it possible to still use the tough and tasteless meat of certain squid individuals. But still, knowing what dried squids are made of, it’s somehow not very calm to buy them. In principle, according to the technology, meat goes through several stages of processing:

  • carcass cutting;
  • cooking;
  • mixing with additional components;
  • drying;
  • frying;
  • grinding;
  • re-introduction of additional ingredients;
  • additional drying;
  • final processing;
  • packaging.

As a result, the finished product appears on the shelves of stores. Bright bags quickly disperse from hand to hand. Everything seems to be fine, but deep down, some kind of deception is felt. Although scientists claim that the product is natural and absolutely harmless, but now knowing exactly what dried squids are made of, I somehow don’t really want to buy them.

What are dried squids made of?

Fresh squid meat contains a large amount of vitamins B, E, PP and C, as well as trace elements and useful amino acids. This stimulates brain activity and significantly improves memory. It contains a lot of iron and potassium, which normalize the work of the heart, selenium, which removes salts of heavy metals from the human body, and iodine, which supports the endocrine system. In addition, it is able to stimulate the production of gastric juice, which significantly improves the digestion process. Such meat is rich in protein, but, despite this, it is quite easily absorbed by the human body. Because of the low, they are classified as dietary products. However, as a result of processing, only a part of this wealth is retained in the product. And if we consider dried them, it will no longer be so enviable. But this does not mean at all that they should not be eaten. There must be a sense of proportion and common sense in everything. Take, for example, ordinary packaged dried squid. Their composition is approximately as follows: meat - 89%, salt - 1%, sugar - 7.2%, monosodium glutamate - 1%, D-sorbitol - 1.8%. Even by the percentage of the components, we can conclude that such a product is best eaten in limited quantities. After all, a high salt content can lead to unnecessary deposits and swelling, and chemicals can cause a severe allergic reaction. So it's better not to risk it.

Face to face

When buying dried squid in a store, it is difficult to imagine the animal from which it was all made. Many are accustomed to seeing these mollusks exclusively in the form of a frozen carcass or a finished product. What does a real squid look like? A photo can only give an external representation. Yes, this is a spectacular creature, and its giant individuals simply amaze the imagination with their size. I immediately want to think that the finished product will be just as elastic, tender and quite appetizing. To be honest, some of the desired qualities are justified to some extent. Indeed, smoked or fried squid looks very impressive. What does dried squid look like? A photo of such food makes you think. When you see a chaotic bundle of lifeless fibers in front of you, doubts arise about taste and pleasure. But this is an unjustified concern. In fact, dried squid has a rather pleasant, slightly sweet taste, and when chewed, it even becomes a little softer. Perhaps that is why this particular seafood has become a favorite treat for children and the best for adults in recent years.

Drying squid in natural conditions

It is not necessary to use large production workshops and large enterprises for drying mollusks. In Thailand, for example, this is done by the local population of small villages. They even developed their own technology, according to which the dried process is quite simple. To begin with, the caught animals are washed and freed from the insides, thereby turning them into a semi-finished product. Then the carcasses are laid out on specially prepared grates and left to dry under the scorching rays of the sun. The process takes 1-2 weeks. As a result, juicy squid meat turns into a rough sole with a slight salt coating on the surface. In this form, they are sold on the streets of cities. To give the product a more presentable appearance, the seller either passes the meat through a press, making it look like a snack, or performs additional processing, as a result of which the product becomes softer and easier to chew. And those who want to taste such a dish are always there.

Dried squids with their own hands

But not everyone has the opportunity to go to Thailand and try the local delicacy. It turns out that such a dish you can cook yourself. turns out quite tasty. To get started, you will need to stock up on the following products:

1 kilogram of squid fillet will require a liter of water, 60 grams of salt, 3-4 peas of allspice and a couple of bay leaves.

The production technology is as follows:

  1. Wash the shellfish carcass. After that, it must first be doused with boiling water, and then lowered into cold water. This technique will make it easier to remove the skin from it.
  2. Prepare a brine from the products according to the recipe, put the prepared squid fillet in it and leave it there overnight. The process can be accelerated by making the solution more concentrated (8 tablespoons of salt per liter of water).
  3. In the morning, take the meat out of the brine, dry it and cut into thin rings, strips or tear in the form of shavings.
  4. Place the blanks on a baking sheet lined with parchment and put in the oven at 50 degrees for 3 hours.

Now dried blanks can be poured into a plate and served with beer in the company of friends.

Dried-salted products have always occupied an important place in the diet of Russians, and this was especially true of the products that the sea gave people.

Even in medieval Rus', in cities such as Novgorod, sea fishing was of great importance. Salted, dried, dried fish was easy to take with you on hikes and trips, stock up for future use, and these stocks often saved people from starvation.

In Siberia, after its development, the inhabitants learned to bake cakes from caviar and chopped dried fish - this is how the local population processed fish for centuries.

The development of the Far East is also closely connected with the sea industry, and on its basis in those days trade developed rapidly and began to flourish.

Today, thanks to the development of technologies in the food industry, a lot of seafood has appeared on the market, offered to consumers in salted and dried form.

What is seafood? They do not include fish, but include molluscs, crustaceans, marine plants, etc.

The most famous for us are such seafood as crabs, shrimps, mussels, scallops, octopuses, squids. When salted and dried, all these products are considered a good snack for beer, although in fact they are tasty on their own. They have a lot of protein and useful minerals - for example, iodine, which is not enough for residents of many Russian regions.

Perhaps the most popular salt-dried seafood is squid, and it sells better than any food that is now called a snack. Among snacks, squid is considered a delicacy, and it really has a distinctive, attractive taste and nutritional value.

Useful composition of squid

There are many valuable minerals in squid: iodine, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel. There are vitamins - C and group B; essential amino acids and saturated fats. In terms of protein content, squids are superior to meat of domestic animals, fish and milk.

Of course, all this is contained in fresh squid, but the dried product, depending on the processing technology, also retains a lot of useful things.

Are salted and dried squids healthy?

Manufacturers and sellers of salted and dried squid assure consumers that during the cooking process they retain a maximum of useful substances - not only complete proteins, but also amino acids and vitamins, which are usually destroyed during processing.

They say and write about the production technologies of salted-dried squid that they are the most modern and rather complex, requiring special equipment and costs.

The fact that most of the technologies used in the food industry today are really modern is well known to consumers - because thanks to them we get products from various food raw materials that are difficult or even impossible to distinguish from natural ones.

How are salted and dried squids made?

How exactly dried salted squid is prepared, how useful it is, and how harmful it is, ultimately depends on the integrity of the manufacturer - this happens in any branch of the food industry.

If you take an interest in the sequence of processing and the technological process of manufacturing salt-dried squid, you can see that everything is really done in such a way as to maintain a good quality of the product.

For example, if frozen squid is used, it is prescribed to defrost it in clean running water, or change the water frequently, or defrost the product in air, at room temperature - about 20 ° C.

It is considered unacceptable to hold squid in water during defrosting: it must be pulled out of the water quickly in order to retain more useful and nutritious substances in the tissues.

After defrosting, the squid is washed with clean water until it is completely free of any contaminants. Then the squid is cooled and cleaned to the end: if necessary, manually; further - they are salted, dried, cut and sorted - all using the appropriate equipment.

And here one of the most interesting stages of processing is described: squid is sprinkled with monosodium glutamate. To do this, the resulting product - shavings, tentacles, straws - is laid out on a specially prepared surface or loaded into a mixer, a certain amount of glutamate is added and mixed. After that, the product is packaged in bags, and it is considered ready for use.

At the same time, a number of manufacturers are trying to draw the attention of consumers to the fact that the final product does not contain flavors and flavor enhancers.

We will not talk about monosodium glutamate here: a lot has been written and said about it, and each consumer decides for himself how to treat him. Perhaps, it would not be worth focusing on this well-known food additive with the code E621, if it were not added to literally all ready-made food products. Try to take any finished product off the shelf in the supermarket, even the usual seasoning of spices and herbs, and it will most likely contain E621: as a flavor enhancer - as if the taste of spices is not enough.

The description of the process of making salt-dried squid also states that they are not processed in oil, and therefore carcinogenic substances are not formed in the product. However, from July 1, 2011, squid will be made according to the standard, which involves drying and frying: in corn, soy or sunflower oil, again with the addition of monosodium glutamate. Squid caught in the Pacific Ocean or in the area of ​​​​the Commander Islands can do without roasting, but the color of the finished product is determined in any case - from a straw shade to light brown.

Is it necessary to add monosodium glutamate during the production process? Of course not, but manufacturers will do this to attract consumers with the familiar (literally) taste and smell.

And right there it is honestly reported that in the south: not far from China, Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia.

Today, everyone knows about the degree of pollution of the world's oceans, but it is in the southeastern seas of the Eastern Hemisphere that a lot of toxic compounds have been accumulated. Moreover, there is a thriving business of growing shellfish and crustaceans in artificial reservoirs, using antibiotics, dyes and growth stimulants. If we often eat such seafood, then the harmful substances contained in them will accumulate in our liver, and serious harm can be done to our health.

The fact that industrially cooked squid has a lot of salt is also known, but many people say that it is delicious and brush it off when they hear about the accumulation of fluid and the deposition of salts in the body.

Is it worth eating salted and dried squid

So is there salted-dried squid or not?

It is better to buy fresh squid and eat it boiled, baked, fried, but no one calls for giving up treats if you really want to: salted and dried squid is really safer and more nutritious than chips, kirieshek and other snacks that do not give us anything useful.

You just need to eat it as little as possible, and do not turn it into a habit. Try to choose a product made by domestic manufacturers and read the composition: for example, sorbic acid is considered a safe preservative and is approved for use throughout the world.

In addition, you can find squid that are treated only with saline, and nothing else, but caught or raised where the sea is relatively clean.

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