
Five-minute blackcurrant jam. How to cook five-minute blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant five-minute jelly - delicious homemade treat, which flies out of the jars instantly. I have a very rich currant crop, and the most favorite jam in the form of jelly I cook every year. It turns out incredibly tasty and beautiful, thick, it can even be used as a layer between biscuits. And for morning toasts - this is something, and even with a cup fragrant coffee- pleasure!

To prepare jam-jelly five minutes from blackcurrant for the winter, prepare products according to the list.

First of all, prepare the currants - sort and view, wash in cool water.

Transfer the currants to a saucepan or saucepan in which you cook jams and jams. Pour literally 50-70 ml of water into the bottom so that the currants steam out faster.

Put the saucepan on the stove, boil the currants under the lid for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the berries will release a lot of juice and completely steam out.

Now take a sieve and strain the juice and pulp of the currant. Cake can not be thrown away, you can make compote from it. Return the grated juice with pulp to the pan.

Add sugar and gelling mixture to the juice. Such mixtures are sold in the departments with spices, mine is called "Confiture". Mix and return to stove.

From the moment of boiling, cook currant jelly five minutes over high heat, stirring constantly. Remove the foam that will form with a slotted spoon.

Arrange the jelly in sterile jars. Immediately it will not be very thick, but after cooling and insisting it will acquire desired consistency. Of course, pre-wash the jars with soda, rinse and sterilize, do the same with the lids.

Roll up or screw the lids on the jars and put them upside down. Cover with a blanket and leave overnight. For the winter, transfer five-minute blackcurrant jelly to cool place and store out of direct sunlight.

delicious jam- currant jelly five minutes

In July, black and red currants ripen, which means it's time for homemade for the winter - make delicious currant jam, but not simple, but jelly with whole berries. It is well known that currant is almost the most useful berry, in terms of vitamin C content, it even competes with lemon. Therefore, the task of every housewife is to preserve all the vitamins after heat treatment with least loss. Currants can be rubbed with big amount sugar and store in the refrigerator. But as a rule, by the end of the harvesting season, the refrigerator is already breaking down from storing various jars of jams and pickles in it. How to keep vitamins in blackcurrant, but at the same time make jam long storage without refrigerator and cellar?

There are many such cooking recipes, I offer the fastest:

Currant jelly five minutes, a simple recipe

I saw this recipe in a local newspaper. The main condition for making Pyatiminutka currant jam is the exact observance of the proportions of berries, sugar and water, as well as the cooking time. In no case is it recommended to improvise - you can reduce all the work to nothing. If you follow all the rules of cooking, the output should be tasty and fragrant jam in the form of jelly.

  • 12 glasses of currants;
  • 15 glasses of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

So, as mentioned above, currant jam is prepared very simply and quickly, if you use my work scheme.

First of all, you need to prepare the jars for preservation: wash, clean with soda, rinse and dry in the oven. Lids for jars should be cleaned with soda, rinsed, poured over with boiling water, and dried.

We sort out the currants, remove the twigs and leaves, wash under running water, pour into a saucepan for cooking jam.

Add half a portion of sugar to the pan, i.e. 7.5 cups, 1 cup of water, put on a big fire,

bring to a boil, set the timer for exactly 5 minutes

Why does the workpiece have such strange name five-minute jam-jelly? Because currant berries do not have time to boil in five minutes, and from the juice of berries and a large number sugar makes excellent currant jelly!

We lay out the currant jam in prepared jars, cover with lids, roll up. You should not turn over the jars, as well as cover with a warm towel.

Pyatiminutka currant jam, cooked according to this simple recipe, it turns out tasty and fragrant, it freezes well in the form of jelly. The combination of sour whole berries and sweet jelly is indescribably, mmm, delicious! Perfect as a dessert for tea, coffee, as a filling for a pie, etc.

Blackcurrant jam 5 minutes - the main jam of my childhood, an invariable source of vitamins, which was brought from a remote village through half of Russia in heavy suitcases with three transfers. Grandma's small garden produced currants in industrial scale, it was collected for some reason in the evenings, surrounded by clouds of small insects. It seemed that the whole garden ached with mosquito polyphony. Grandma wore a thick sweater. The mosquitoes amicably sat down on her back, but they could not bite through the centimeter-long wool, after which the whole flock flew over to me and gladly took to dinner. It is clear that my main task was to fight the bloodsuckers, and not to collect currants. I was of little use in the process of sorting through these hefty baskets of berries. Grandmother considered it her duty to cut off each (!) currant tail with scissors, because supposedly the five-minute time was better this way. Now I feel how my grandmother's painstakingness wakes up in me and quietly rejoices, because the property is useful. True, I don’t cut off the tails from the currant, but throw it into the jam just like that. Everything is fine, nothing explodes, so my jam can rightfully be called a five-minute jam. I buy berries at the market, sort them out, wash them, add sugar, put them on the stove, wait for them to boil. Five minutes and you're done. Poured into banks, rolled up - stock winter vitamins ready.


  • currant - one kilogram,
  • Sugar - one kilogram

How to cook a five-minute blackcurrant

Prepare sterile jars and lids immediately before brewing. Banks can be put upside down on a double boiler and hold for 5-7 minutes. Boil the lids.

Jam from the category "you can't imagine it easier." I will tell you how to make it so that it turns out to be a “five” and it can be spread with a thick layer on bread, used as a filling for pies. There is only one trick here. Which one is just below. For now, let's start over. Currant needs to be sorted out. If you have berries from the market, then most likely they may be partly crushed, partly unripe, partly with twigs. All rubbish must be carefully selected. The process is not one of my personal favorites. But there is no way around it. Berry by berry, lay out ripe, whole currants in a colander. And then we rinse very well, three to four minutes.

Let the water drain and pour the currants into the pan. It is important that its volume is three times larger than the volume of berries. Why, you will soon find out.

We fall asleep berries with sugar. Shake lightly to distribute the sugar. But we don't interfere. No need to wait for the currant to release juice. Immediately set to boil.

First, we make the fire small so that the sugar can dissolve in the juice, which will stand out in abundance from the berries during the heating process. Do not forget to stir the jam, running a spoon along the bottom so that nothing burns.

When the jam boils, look at the clock. We need to count exactly five minutes to boil. Increase the fire to medium. The jam will begin to boil rapidly and increase greatly in volume. That's why you need large saucepan- so that the five-minute does not run away. Within five minutes of a vigorous boil, the jam will reach a temperature of about 105-107 degrees, at which pectin seizes, which is found in abundance in black currants.

When the time is up, immediately remove the jam from the heat, the foam will mainly remain on the walls of the pan, and we rake the rest from the middle to the edges and pick it up on a spoon. There will be few of them. Pour five minutes into sterile jars. First, pour some jam into the jar so that it heats up and does not burst, then fill it whole and immediately twist metal lids. Turn upside down, wrap in a blanket and let cool completely.

That's all. The Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam prepared in the manner described above turns out to be worth a spoon. And what a delicious - beyond words!

Good luck with your winter preparations!

Finally, blackcurrants have ripened this summer! Found similar recipe in Povarenka, but still I offer my vision of this preparation, because there are discrepancies and, in my opinion, significant ones. They concern palatability. Well, it’s up to the hostesses to decide about the result! I can only say that the taste of this jam turns out to be impeccable - not too sharp, not too cloying, which has been tested on all my dear and beloved ones. There are only enough supplies for the season!

Ingredients for "The most delicate currant jam "Five minutes"":

Recipe "The most delicate currant jam "Five minutes"":

So! indicated 30 minutes very conditionally, because the cooking process itself is very short, but the preparation of jars for jam is very important, because then there will be no time left for this!

We take fresh currants without twigs and other debris, wash it, measure it in a separate bowl the required portion- 7 cups of berries and leave it to dry slightly. While the berry dries up, prepare the jars.

According to my many years of experience, it is enough to rinse the jars with soda, rinse thoroughly, and before loading the jam, put it in the microwave for a minute, who does not have one - hold it over the spout of a boiling kettle before droplets run along the walls. I also wash the lids and put them in a saucepan with water on the fire to be sterilized.

When preliminary preparation completed, we can proceed directly to the process.

I choose a 5-liter saucepan with a heavy bottom for such a quantity of ingredients, so that when the berries boil rapidly, our delicious treat did not run away from us on the stove. I prefer stainless steel cooking utensils. And sterility is higher, and does not burn.

I put the pot on high heat. I add 3/4 cup of water. I want to draw your attention to the fact that "glass" is now a relative value. Therefore, do it easier, we do all measurements with the SAME GLASS! Then our proportions will be preserved. I measured everything, including the berry, with this glass.

When the water boils, gradually (!!! this is important !!!) pour sugar into it one glass at a time, stirring patiently, trying to bring the sugar to its complete dissolution - at least up to the 4th glass. The more patience you show in this particular moment, the better your currant will then gel when it cools down. This place hides the first secret good jam.

When all the sugar is dissolved, pour in the berry measured in advance with 7 glasses. Here lies the second secret of a successful jam. It is important not to delay the dissolution of sugar, otherwise it will soon begin to caramelize with you, but we don’t need it at all! So!

In actively boiling sugar syrup poured the whole berry at once and actively mix it, not paying attention to its resistance. I remind you that everything happens on the most active fire. It is important! We don’t leave the stove, we constantly stir the jam, otherwise it can either burn or run away from you.

And now, when the first foam begins to form, we detect 5 minutes. In parallel, put the jars in the microwave for 1 minute. With the appearance of foam and active boiling, it is important to remove the foam into a pre-prepared container and prevent the jam from overflowing. To do this, sometimes you have to lift the saucepan over the fire and shake it slightly so that the foam gathers towards the center, so it is easier to collect it. Do not worry if you do not collect all the foam, this is a manifestation of the boiling of sugar, so when cooling, the tatters will not be in jars. But patience must be shown.

As soon as your jam boils for 5 minutes over high heat, remove from heat and begin to lay out in jars. And here's another one of the secrets - it's experienced hostesses know, but I now turn to the young. To ensure that your work of art never blooms, always place your blanks according to the principle "Cold in cold, hot in hot." And one more good advice I've been using it for a long time. The roof, when I fish it out of boiling water, slightly shake it off the water and pour into it about 1 tbsp. spoons of vodka or something similar in strength, rinse and pour back into the glass to the next cap. And only then I twist the jar filled with hot jam to the very brim. With this approach, your bins will never go bad. And then you can store them simply in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

I put the jars under a towel until completely cool. There is no beauty photo, because I cooked two portions today, quickly poured it into jars and went to work. And what happened, I present to your judgment. Time spent from the beginning of the preparation of jars to the cleaning of the stove - 1 hour 30 minutes.

I made blueberries with the same cooking principle, it turned out magically! The berries remained intact, not overdried, in a thick and not sugary syrup. Despite the fact that blueberries often turn out to be watery, but here the result simply pleased me. And what, of course, is important for all housewives, the berry is practically "live" by keeping most their vitamins for our loved ones!!! And the color is a deep ruby! From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone the joy of culinary creativity!

A lot of recipes for jam blanks captivate with their simplicity and ease. Well, how can you resist and not close another jar or two of delicious and healthy jam for the winter. It is this recipe for the “Five Minutes” of blackcurrant jelly jam that we offer you. For this recipe, you will need quite a bit of effort and time. Well, the ingredients, of course, are the simplest - currants and sugar.

This winter jam will delight you with its taste. Such blanks in our family are loved and appreciated. Especially in cold winter evenings with a cup of tea. We prepare jam in small jars of yogurt or sour cream or mushrooms. They are even less than half a liter. We like this volume, because I opened a jar, and in the evening you can gobble up everything. And he took his soul away and there is no jar in the refrigerator.

It is also great to use such jam in baking - be it pies, where jam can be added to the dough, or a layer with pies, where blackcurrant jelly can be used as a filling.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Black currant 3 kg;
  • Sugar 2 kg (if the berries are very sour, take 1 to 1).

How to make Blackcurrant Jelly Jam

Pour currant berries with plenty of water. And let stand for 10 minutes, stir it occasionally, but not much. All debris (twigs, leaves) will float to the top. Pick up debris with your hands or a spoon.

Now we take out the berries with our hands and put them in a bowl. We sort out the berries, removing the stalks. Some also remove the black tail, but this is extra work.

Divide the berries into 1 and 2 kg. Pour one kilogram of berries with all the sugar.

Grind the berries with an immersion blender. Also, berries can be passed through a meat grinder. And if you go even further, you can skip the berries through a juicer or rub the mass through a sieve. Just add sugar after these steps. Do not throw away the cake - an excellent fruit drink will come out of it - pour water, add honey, let it brew overnight.

We put the grated mass on the fire. We need all the sugar to dissolve. Stir and heat the jam.

When the sugar dissolves, add whole berries (those that we set aside). And bring the jam to a boil. Cook it for 5 minutes after boiling. If foam appears, remove it.

While the jam is cooking or before that, prepare the jars - they need to be washed soda solution, rinse well and sterilize over steam for 10 minutes. If you have a microwave, pour 100 ml of water into jars and steam them at the highest power for 5-7 minutes. Boil the lids separately.

Pour the jam into prepared dry jars. Immediately roll up the lid.

We turn the jars over and wrap them until they cool. This action additionally sterilizes the lid and jar. Store jam - jelly for five minutes is only necessary in the cellar in cool and dark. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you need to store in the refrigerator. But it's not rubber. If you are going to store blackcurrant jam in an apartment under the "bed", the amount of sugar will have to be doubled.

This is how easy and fast we made jelly jam With whole berries blackcurrant, it turns out very tasty, especially with pancakes or pancakes.
