
New business ideas abroad. Possible problems in the implementation of foreign business ideas

Business ideas from Europe are bold start-ups that will help you in short time increase your fortune. Western projects are the best suited for implementation in Russia, if only for the reason that they are new, interesting and not yet sufficiently developed in our country, which means that entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a relatively free niche. Below we will look at the most popular business novelties in Europe with a small investment.

Create a group on social networks

Progress does not stand still. In the capitalist world, advertising determines sales. According to many experts, the “era of television” is coming to an end. More and more advertising goes online. In Europe, advertising through social media is widespread, in Russia this marketing method is only gaining popularity. Advertisements are placed in communities (publics). you can without special costs create such a platform.

All that is required is to come up with an original concept for a public in one of the social networks (“Vkontakte”, “Facebook”, “Instagram”, etc.). For example, dedicate a group to beautiful photographs of nature. Next, you need to unroll it. This is where the start-up capital will go.

To promote a group, you must follow the following steps:

  • fill the community with content (fill it with interesting informational material);
  • wind up subscribers with the help of special services (it costs up to three thousand rubles);
  • launch advertising in other communities (price is negotiable, in large groups - from 15 thousand rubles);
  • post content regularly.

Advertising should be given special attention. It should be designed for the target audience. If the community is dedicated to nature, then advertising should be in public with the appropriate theme - this way it will be seen a large number of potential subscribers.

European business ideas, which are not in Russia, are associated with an independent search for advertising buyers. When you gain more than 60 thousand subscribers, advertisers will contact you. You can find them yourself, based on the interests of your community members. For example, a public about nature can successfully advertise an online store of goods for outdoor activities.

The cost of advertising in social networks is calculated by special services, it is from this amount that customers will start. Such services work according to the following principle: they determine the number of subscribers, the so-called likes and comments. Therefore, try to publish content that encourages commenting.

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In the West, there is a growing demand for bold and creative startups. One of them: opening your own time cafe (or anti-cafe). Small businesses in Europe are increasingly moving into the creation of entertainment establishments with a small selection of gastronomic products. Anticafe is an institution with a specific theme. Food and drinks are also sold there, but in much smaller quantities than in a regular cafe.

A business that does not exist in Russia is the creation of establishments for fans of serials. See which series currently have the most high rating. Then announce a new episode tonight at your anti-cafe. It is enough to advertise in the community dedicated to the series on social networks and there will be no free places. After that, in the fan environment, fame will grow exponentially.

Online trading

Small business in Europe has changed dramatically over the past five years. More and more people are realizing that the most profitable sales channel is the Internet. Instead of maintaining stores (and this is a lot of information, rent, staff salaries and much more), entrepreneurs prefer online sales platforms.

The most popular business in Europe is still underdeveloped in Russia. Therefore, those who manage to occupy a market niche now will be able to avoid fierce competition in the future.

What can't be saved? On advertising. Marketing comes to the fore when we are talking about the internet. Even if you have an establishment in the city center, open an online store anyway. With proper promotion of the site (or a group on a social network), you may close your store as useless and turn it into a warehouse.

Business without leaving home

Another trend has been the production of goods at home, it is in this segment that small businesses in Europe go. Ideas for this type of production can be found anywhere. Starting from T-shirts with prints of a famous football club, ending with clay figurines for video game lovers. An interesting idea that is gaining popularity is the production of figurines of people with its help (the figurine outwardly repeats the image of the customer).

Many of these products require inexpensive and compact equipment that can be placed in your home or garage (find out how to choose). Thus, you do not need to rent a separate room. Sales channel - an online store and social networks with a link to it. For 15-20 thousand rubles, you can promote the channel within a month.

What kind of home business is able to bring profit to entrepreneurs from villages and villages, you will find out at this address:. Actual commercial ideas for the countryside.

What determines the success of European business

What conclusion can be drawn from all the above? Fast and high income with minimum investment can only give bold idea And non-standard solutions. When choosing a startup, you should pay attention to the growing popularity of online sales.

And most importantly. One Indian energy drink, costing 30 cents, acts on the body better than the world-famous Red Bull. Because it contains berries from the Parvati Valley. Red Bull doesn't have berries from the Parvati Valley, but it has a billion-dollar image. All interesting business ideas from Europe are based on the right marketing strategy. Therefore, always remember that advertising is the engine of sales. Consider also

Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a profitable business idea. Most often, they are guided by the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always justified, so some newcomers take 2018 business ideas from the USA as a basis. In this article, we have collected a few best projects, which can bring a good income in our country.

American Business Features

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For the inhabitants of this country, entrepreneurial activity is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the USA will seem unusual and even outlandish to you. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, it is necessary to take into account the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the USA can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture is made up of the traditions of different peoples. Thanks to this, in the USA you can open a business related to the most different areas human activities. But there are also models that can only work overseas. In our country they are unacceptable.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully implement American business ideas that are not in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, in every field there is a certain level of competition. This is how the modern business world works. In principle, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the US with a complete lack of competition. In this case, you will become a real pioneer. Of course, competitors will appear sooner or later, but by then you will have time to earn good money.


These interesting business ideas from the USA are great for pet lovers. The first option is a taxi for pets. This service is usually used by wealthy people who are very busy with their own affairs. Your task is to accompany pets to the veterinary clinic. To work, you will need a roomy car and special comfortable cages. Such a business is most profitable to open in large cities.

Another small business idea developing in the USA is a pet hotel where you will house your pets and provide them with proper care. Such a business brings good income, both in the USA and in European countries. In Russia, hotels for animals are also not uncommon. Their services are used by people who go on business trips or on vacation and do not have the opportunity to take their pets with them. While the owners are on the road, the hotel staff look after unusual guests, providing them with proper care and food.

Personal consultations

This idea of ​​a small business in the United States appeared relatively recently. Providing individual consultations in America is carried out only by specialists with extensive experience and the necessary knowledge in a particular area.

In our country, outside help and good advice many citizens need. If you are a good economist, lawyer or psychologist, try acting as a personal consultant. This is one of the simplest American business ideas without investment. All you need to get started is knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet. At first, you can provide such a service for free in order to attract the attention of customers to your business.

Rubber paving slabs

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bring good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens up wide prospects for newcomers. There is no high level of competition in this market segment. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tiles have a lot of advantages. First of all, this long term operation. It retains its original appearance and shape for more than 20 years. In addition, such tiles do not slip, crack or fade in direct sunlight.

Such products are made from crumb rubber, which, in turn, is obtained from old car tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of its manufacture, color and fraction. If we talk about equipment, to implement such a promising business idea in the USA, you will need:

  • Volcanic press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make multi-colored tiles, you can use different dyes.

Silent events

Hosting parties, trainings and other noisy events in wireless headphones is one of the coolest small business ideas from Europe and the USA. This direction of activity opens up incredible prospects for aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you are attracted by the organization of various events, try to implement such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on the purchase of special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned in the shortest possible time. Because this new business the idea from America and Europe has not yet become widespread, there is practically no competition in this market segment.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if a product is sold without packaging, it should cost much less. In some cases, this does not work, because there are some products that are difficult to sell unpackaged. But in general, such a trick attracts the attention of consumers.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try selling various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, and more by weight. To properly form an assortment, ask the experts,. In difficult economic conditions, people try to buy inexpensive products food, so you need to focus on budget products. It can be pasta middle price segment, cereals, inexpensive leaf tea, coffee and more. Bulk trading is a great small business idea in Europe and the US that will significantly increase your sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like to shop, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torment for them. This activity is frustrating and time consuming. To make life easier for men in the United States, special stores are opening. First, they sell only men's jeans. Secondly, they are not stacked on the shelves, but hung facing the customers. Most often, models of the same size hang on racks.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile app, scan the model code and specify the size. After a certain time, your smartphone receives information in which fitting room the jeans selected for you are located. If the thing fits, you go with it to the checkout. Jeans that you do not like must be thrown into a special hole provided in the fitting room.

Customers believe that shopping in such a store is a real pleasure. Such an American business idea increases the profitability of a trading enterprise by 10 times.

Shopping at the airport

Another new American small business idea is airport food delivery. Every person who leaves his house for a certain time removes everything from the refrigerator perishable products nutrition. When he returns home, he has to stop by the supermarket after a tiring flight to replenish food supplies. According to experts, the delivery of goods to the airport is unique. The client makes an order through a mobile application, and upon arrival at the airport, a courier with purchases is waiting for him.

Calorie counting restaurant

In some European and American restaurants, in the menu opposite each dish, its fat content and calorie content are indicated. This 2018 America and Europe business idea can be easily developed and made more attractive. For example, the person who ate the most high-calorie dish may receive a glass of wine as a gift.

Luggage storage on the motorway

The creators of such a business in America receive a huge income, since many citizens use this service with pleasure. Luggage lockers are installed on the freeway, in which you can leave any valuables for a certain period. This is very convenient for people who travel to another city. On the way back, a person picks up his things and pays for the service. Anyone can implement this American business idea from scratch, since it does not require large financial investments or any special knowledge.

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travel kits

If you can't think of anything, try selling special outdoor travel kits. In shops for tourists you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons and more. It would seem that in this segment it is impossible to offer something new. But one American, nevertheless, figured out how to make money on such products. He designed a special portable travel kit consisting of a kitchenette, bed, shower, table and chairs. That is, it provides everything that is necessary for a good outdoor recreation. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this line of activity.

Used goods trade

In Western countries, the sale of second-hand things is considered quite commonplace. If you are interested in this line of work, ask

Wise businessmen, who have vast experience and understanding of the essence of the laws of market development, advise not to start a business from areas with high competition. They recommend looking for innovative goods and services, occupying free niches in which only a few work so far.

It is not necessary to enter the market with your own start-up. You can use new ideas that have begun to be implemented in the US or European countries. Many of them are already successful and in demand abroad, but are not yet available to the Russian consumer.

Processing of fruits and vegetables that have lost their presentation

Relative abundance and marketing policy grocery stores gives customers the opportunity to choose vegetables and fruits. This picture is especially vivid in supermarkets, where customers line up in long queues and look at each apple or orange for a long time, trying to buy the most beautiful and ripe fruit. The remaining products are quite suitable for consumption, but have an unsightly appearance. The shelf life of products, especially fresh ones, is short. Supermarket management will have to throw away the leftovers.

But this resource can be disposed of wisely and a line for processing illiquid assets and production from it can be launched various products nutrition: juices, jams and purees, fruit and vegetable salads, soups and cereals. This is not about rotten vegetables and fruits, but about those that have simply lost their marketable condition. Enter into an agreement with the management of several supermarkets and buy raw materials from them at a low price. finished products can be sold in the same supermarkets.


This is a very fashionable and promising direction. Rest in the outback, living in a rural house or in a tent, hiking along picturesque and non-trivial routes attract residents of megacities who are wealthy and tired of the bustle of the city. Eco tourism - great alternative pretty boring luxury resorts and idle reclining on the beach.

The organization of such tours requires a minimum of costs and is not particularly difficult, but brings high profits. Eco-tourists do not expect comfortable conditions, they are looking for new, sometimes thrilling sensations, they want to test their endurance and get closer to nature at least for a while. However, it is still necessary to ensure the safety of customers.

Selling a liquid that repels water

Profitable business can create by selling innovative products. One of them is Ultra Ever Dry. This is a revolutionary substance that has the ability to repel any liquids. The surface treated with Ultra Ever Dry does not get wet, does not get dirty with liquid concrete mixtures, oils, liquid mud. This product can be used at home, in construction and repair work, in production.

The advantage of selling innovative products - profitable terms cooperation from manufacturers and the opportunity to occupy a free niche.

Outsourced call center

All more companies in sales and service feel the need to keep in touch with customers. The most effective way to inform about new offers, conduct surveys and provide a full-fledged service is telephone communication.

Only very large and successful companies have the opportunity to create and maintain their own call center at the proper level. Most enter into agreements with firms that provide this service on an outsourcing basis. To create such a center, you need a room, computer equipment, a single number, multi-channel communication with free incoming calls and special software. This service is in high demand.

Exclusive fragrances for each company

Researchers have long known about the ability of a person to perceive various smells at a subconscious level and remember them. Until recently, active work with the olfactory organs was carried out in the cosmetic and food industries. But now a new, very interesting direction is developing in the USA and European countries. For each company, a unique fragrance is created, which is sprayed in all offices and points that work with clients. It turned out that this is a very strong marketing technique - it makes visitors feel good and allows you to remember each company by smell.

In Russia, this direction is under development. There is no competition. A business that will create exclusive scents for customers and offer services in the form of installation of diffusers and fillers with aromatic substances is doomed to great success and high profits.

Sale of door handles with a disinfecting effect

public institutions and transport, medical facilities, retail outlets and banks are visited by a lot of people throughout the day. What accumulates on the door handles and handrails in the buildings of these establishments great amount microbes, many of which are quite dangerous, is known to all.

The English company Altitude Medical has proposed a chic and effective way to combat infection - innovative door handles Pullclean. Inside these products, a dispenser with a disinfectant is installed. Everyone who touches this handle and opens the door receives a small portion substances and reliable protection from infectious and bacterial diseases.

The innovative door handle will go on sale at the end of the year. The manufacturer set the cost of each item at $200. Those who start offering these door handles to their customers will see significant profits, as the interest in this innovation has been huge. This is only the first of the products of an absolutely new direction. Soon, new products will appear on the market that will protect people from various viruses. For entrepreneurs, this direction promises very optimistic prospects.

Roll sales terminals

This idea is a huge success in European countries. Manufacturers of special vending machines for drinks, crackers, sweets and chips have proposed a new model. These machines are specialized for the sale of rolls.

Until that time, the dish could be ordered only in some restaurants and sushi bars. The technology of their preparation is simple, but requires precise proportions. A huge increase in demand for rolls has been noticed in all countries. Now the dish can be bought in a regular terminal. Those who have already purchased special machines are talking about significant profits that have exceeded the most optimistic forecasts. If you are already in the kiosk service industry or planning to enter this business, buying such a machine will be an excellent investment. The initial cost of the device is 150,000 rubles.

Advertising + weather forecast

The idea to combine clothing advertising with information about the current state of the weather came from a French company. The advertising billboard is equipped with special software and a weather sensor. Images of girls in outfits change depending on temperature and humidity. If it is raining, the model is dressed in a raincoat and holds an umbrella in her hands; in hot weather, the girl is in a light dress; it is colder - in a warm coat or fur coat.

This technique has significantly increased sales of clothing stores, but can also be used in the restaurant business. For example, billboards can show dishes that are suitable for a certain time of day or recommended for consumption under specific weather conditions.

Custom houses

A wide range of mortgage loans, the emergence of new building materials and "smart" technologies have increased the chances of every family to acquire their own home. Cottage villages are growing like mushrooms after rain. House owners compete with each other in the size and beauty of cottages, the originality of the design of the backyard, install energy-saving systems and other novelties that allow you to get maximum comfort at a bargain price.

But many want to get a unique home. The demand for custom designs is extremely high. If you are in the design and construction industry or are just planning to enter this business, carve out a niche for creating unusual homes. It is still free here, and the number of people who want to get unique housing or office space is growing at an unthinkable pace.

Temporary personal chauffeur

This service was offered by one of the European taxi services. In big cities, many customers order a car every working day in order to take their children to school and get to work. In the evening, the situation repeats itself - you need to call and wait for a taxi for some time to get home, drop by for shopping. Throughout the working day for many entrepreneurs and office workers a trip to a business meeting or other company business is also associated with the need to use transport.

The essence of the new service is the conclusion of an agreement with a taxi service for a certain period of time. Travel schedule and possible changes are discussed in advance. After that, the client receives a personal taxi, gets rid of the need to call a car and wait for its arrival. At the specified time, a personal driver with a car will be waiting for him at the entrance.

In the conditions of the active development of the modern world economy, many people seek to organize own business. The people of our country are no exception. When choosing a field of activity, many aspiring entrepreneurs study foreign experience and adopt interesting ones from abroad that can be used in Russian realities.

Features of foreign business

Considering business abroad, which is not in Russia, you need to understand that not every idea can be implemented on the territory of our state. This is due to both the political and economic situation in Russia, but to a greater extent the mentality of the country's population.

Business ideas from abroad: European experience

Having decided to take advantage of foreign ideas and open a business that is not yet in Russia, it is worth studying in detail the examples of European businessmen. In Europe, one of the most popular ideas now are business options related to improving the environmental situation and recycling secondary raw materials. The following areas are most in demand:

  • production of rubber paving slabs;
  • growing vegetables and fruits in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemicals;
  • development of unique flavors for business;
  • unlimited taxi.

The most promising business idea among the above is the production of paving slabs. The rubber tile differs in wear resistance, its service life reaches 20 years.

It is produced from crumb rubber obtained by recycling old car tires. There are practically no competitors in this segment, and the profitability of this business is very high - up to 150%. To start production you will need:

  • volcanic press;
  • drying chamber;
  • molds for tiles;
  • mixer;
  • dyes for the possibility of producing multi-colored tiles.

Investment costs amount to about 2,000,000 rubles, while they pay off in less than a year.

Another interesting idea is to supply the organization own fragrances. Such a business has many prospects and is already being implemented in Belgium, Germany, and France. Thanks to the unique aroma, the company's clients remember the company better, connecting the sense of smell to visual memory.

The cost of opening this business is low - it is enough to conclude contracts with perfume manufacturers and purchase aromatic products. Most of the capital will go to building an advertising campaign and organizing presentations.

American commercial projects

In the US, there are also quite a few various ideas allowing you to get good income with minimal investment. These types of businesses include working as a personal consultant. To do this, it is enough to have knowledge in a certain area that can be useful. potential clients.

Fields of activity can be completely different: accounting, law, psychology, economics, nutrition and many other industries. In addition to information and experience, you will need a computer and Internet access. In this business, the recruitment of a person is fast and convenient, and all the costs of online consultations pay off in 2-4 months.

The next business idea abroad, which is not yet available in Russia, is the production of car covers. Americans have recently started selling car covers to protect cars from rain, snow, hail and other adverse conditions. This is very important for car owners whose cars spend a lot of time outdoors.

There are two options for opening a business - launching your own production, or a simpler option - reselling finished cases.

If financial resources allow, you can buy a franchise for this type of business.

Possible problems in the implementation of foreign business ideas

Finding out what is abroad, what is not in Russia, in particular, what business ideas bring success to entrepreneurs, you need to understand that not all of them are suitable for our country. Many activities will not bring the expected income, since Russian consumers are still quite conservative in their choice of goods.

In addition, the abundance of advertising for specific brands makes the Russian population focus on certain well-known manufacturers and be wary of newcomers to the market. This unwillingness to change the usual order of things often prevents you from making better purchases.

But the main problem is insufficiently prepared legislation in the field of small business and the lack of necessary programs to support small businesses, which are very necessary in the face of a lack of funds for start-up capital.

Studying the experience of European startups, as well as the opinions of experts in the field of entrepreneurship, it is possible to single out 10 promising business segments that are relevant for Europe and, to a large extent, for Russia.


Europe today is an extremely “motley” market. However, it is believed that there is a place for both traditional business segments and innovative ones. The Moneymaker Factory business portal has selected for you 10 new business ideas in Europe (5 are business concepts and 5 are already working business models).

Business concept: hygge leisure goods store

Popularity: Denmark, UK

The word "hygge" is of Danish origin. In the original, the word sounds like hygge and means "comfort" (understood as home). The Danes are a northern, sedate people who cannot do without comfort at home, and, in addition, promote their own values ​​in terms of arranging life among other Europeans.

The main idea of ​​hygge is to furnish a home with simple and inexpensive, but at the same time helping to completely disconnect the owner from pressing problems - at work, in business, in relationships - things. It is possible, of course, that there are already hygge things in the house, but it is important to find them in time, as well as to use them correctly.

Video about what is hygge:

So, a typical home that has everything for hygge will have:

  • soft, ultra-comfortable sofa - for the owner to spend the whole evening on it after work (or even the whole weekend);
  • a set of large cups designed for the slow and intoxicating use of tea and coffee during the evening;
  • a set of foamy bath flavors - which the owner will take after tea;
  • a pleasant book, the best of classical literature.

And an indispensable condition - no electronics around. The idea of ​​hygge is to abstract a person from the world of gadgets and television, e-mail and SMS, in communication with himself, close friends, or at least with a cat or a dog - and, of course, face to face.

An enterprising European has every chance to make money using the hygge hobby as a business idea. To do this, he needs to organize a specialized store where a person who has discovered hygge can buy everything listed above for a reasonable price.

Business concept: applied political consulting

Popularity: UK

Over the past few years, political processes in Europe have been developing at an unprecedented pace. It comes to literally redrawing the political map of the continent: the British made the famous Brexit, and it is likely that they will not do the same. The West and East of Europe now and then strive to prick each other with yet another economic sanction, internal contradictions are aggravated.

In a word, a European who is accustomed to a measured life, albeit an experienced entrepreneur, can literally go round from ongoing events in an attempt to understand how to be and develop a business (or develop oneself) if the next major market is unavailable or if the national currency is unpredictable jumping in which direction?

It would be great, according to British experts, who are thoroughly adept at overcoming the consequences of global political events - which their home state knows firsthand, for any interested person to have a chance to turn to knowledgeable people for reasonable advice on such issues. Now, there are no qualified services on the consulting market that, for example, would explain to inexperienced Europeans:

  • how will business go when Britain leaves the EU de jure and de facto;
  • where to sell farm products, if not to Russia;
  • what is realistic to expect from the governments of countries in southern Europe, whose economies are mired in debt;
  • what business ideas in Europe in 2017 and beyond will be relevant given the changes in the markets.

It turns out that the European business community and not only is in need of an applied political consulting- instead of daily TV populism. Such consulting is a worthwhile business idea, since knowledge in this part can be sold very well. The main thing is that they are presented in a qualified manner.

Business concept: alternative fitness

Popularity: UK

Going to a fitness club for Europeans turns into a routine, and often does not give the necessary emotions to amateurs healthy lifestyle life. According to British experts, there is a clear shortage of “alternative” fitness concepts on the market that would offer amateur athletes, and maybe professionals, the opportunity to experience sensations that effectively complement, or even replace the pleasant, but boring heaviness from the bench press or air the ease of running along a monotonously spinning track in the gym.

What exactly can attract visitors to an “alternative” fitness center? Something like:

  • classes with elements of virtual reality (when running on the track visually takes place in a virtual forest or in a stadium - thanks to the use of Oculus Rift glasses or their analogues);
  • workouts with elements of enthusiasm and fun (such as cross-country jumping around the gym on jumper springs);
  • individual and collective training with overcoming obstacles (for example, in the form of a truck that must be pulled to the side in order to move on to the next obstacle).

Such a European business idea as alternative fitness is another example of a business segment that has not yet been formed. At the same time, its potential capacity can be gigantic and comparable to the scale of activities of ordinary fitness centers.

Business concept: release of copyright 3D products

Popularity: UK

Today, 3D printers are available to everyone. But very few, according to British experts, have tried to make a business on the production of author's products, which are so easy to make even at home. The software supplied with modern 3D printers allows you to create quite complex product templates, among which there may be the most popular and sold on European market things. For example:

  • dishes, kitchen utensils;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • home decor items;
  • Goods for pets;
  • details for furniture, automobiles;
  • toys.

Author's concepts can become quite competitive with factory ones and form a promising business idea. The attractiveness of such concepts can be increased by personalizing the production of 3D products, which at the appropriate level may be unattainable on large enterprises.

Business concept: Clean food specialty store

Popularity: UK, Italy

We are talking about "purity" in terms of the absence of content in the composition of such components as, for example:

  • sugar;
  • gluten;
  • milk.

The priority in the formation of the assortment in the store can be determined taking into account various national gastronomic traditions. For example, in Italy and Ireland, the gluten diet is equally popular, but the Italians consume much less sugar than the Irish.

Europe, according to British experts, lacks stores that could specialize in the corresponding "clean" products. Millions of markets are open for the implementation of the corresponding business idea - represented by people who are on a diet, and simply have special nutritional preferences.

Working business: mobile application for targeted savings

Business: Qapital (Sweden).

In Europe, buying an expensive thing, even if there is no free money, is not a problem, since a loan with minimal interest rates is easily taken for this. However, the founders of the Stockholm-based startup Qapital suggest that citizens begin to refuse overpayments to banks and effectively accumulate money to make the necessary purchase on their own.

The main thing, according to Swedish entrepreneurs, is to determine the specific purpose of savings. After that, trust the automatic personal budget management algorithm implemented in the Qapital application.
This algorithm assumes that the user will quietly form free money due to:

  1. Differences between planned costs and actual costs.

    For example, if a person enters a cafe expecting to spend 3 euros there, but in fact (as an option - because of discounts that he did not know about) spends 2.50, then 50 saved eurocents go to savings.

  2. Rounding expenses.

    Buying sandwiches for 2.39 euros every day, a person can easily write down 2.50 euros in expenses, and after some time (as an option, in a month) - find that his actual expenses are much lower due to the "virtual discount" of 11 euro cents from every sandwich.

Small and often subtle savings or "virtual discounts" can turn into free and sufficient capital to buy a new thing.

A working business: organizing the acceptance of Bitcoin payments

Business: Pey (Germany)

Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is becoming de facto one of the popular payment methods. For European experts, it is obvious that this trend will soon consolidate and de jure, despite the fact that legislators in developed countries are far from always loyal to Bitcoin.

If the cryptocurrency nevertheless turns into a completely legal means of payment, it will very soon become in demand not only when paying for goods and services through a browser, but also offline. There will be a question about the organization of effective "acquiring" of payments using accounts in the Bitcoin system - so that in terms of convenience and efficiency this method of payment is not inferior to card transactions.

The German startup Pey offers the business community technologically advanced in structure, but simple in execution, hardware solutions that allow the interested store to introduce special terminals for accepting payments through Bitcoin accounts of buyers. In the absence of competitors, the Germans have the right to count on a monopoly position in this potentially extremely promising market segment.

A working business: a mobile application instead of a key

Business: nello (Germany)

Considering what are the ideas of small business in Europe in the field of high technology may deserve attention, you can pay attention to another unusual German startup - nello. It embodies another interesting approach to the use of mobile applications on smartphones and tablets.

Mobile applications are a powerful tool for increasing comfort in relation to a person's use of various familiar things. Including even the simplest ones - such as opening the front door with a key.

The founders of the German startup nello offer users to forget about everyday worries about lost house keys and use a reliable mobile application as a lock opening tool. Using it (in combination with a specialized door lock) the user can:

  • set the opening of the door lock automatically - as the user approaches the house (which is determined by his GPS coordinates);
  • open the lock by voice command via smartphone;
  • open the lock manually via smartphone;
  • set the opening of the lock on time.

Signals are exchanged between the smartphone with the nello app and the locking device via secure cloud-based wireless interfaces. If desired, a person can, using a mobile device, let a friend or visiting relative come to his apartment.

Working business: portable scales as a mobile accessory

Business: YuScale (Germany)

For a European, it is in the order of things to zealously monitor your diet and habits that are associated with food intake. An important aspect of this attitude to food is its regular weighing. It allows a person to control whether the norm in the consumption of a particular product is not exceeded (or vice versa, whether it is fulfilled - if required).

At the same time, the scales sometimes have to be used often. Thus, the world-famous diet program, in which a person reduces the consumption of a loved one and at the same time harmful product(for example, sweets) at an extremely slow pace - by 0.1-0.2 percent per day or even per week, requires weighing literally every sandwich or even canapé eaten.

The German startup YuScale came up with an interesting solution – an ultra-portable scale the size of an average smartphone, connected to it as a mobile accessory that, like the main gadget, you can always carry with you and use when you need it.

But this is far from the full functionality of the YouScale platform. The user can take a picture of the food located on the plate, after which - by highlighting the main ingredients of the dish in the picture and marking them nutritional value(according to the classifier built into the application), calculate the calorie content of your breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Working business: "free" restaurant

Business: Der Wiener Deewan (Austria)

Traditional European restaurants have been making money for hundreds of years in the same way: adjusting the pricing policy for each dish to the cent and doing everything to make the client generous with a tip. The Austrian institution Der Wiener Deewan, opened by Pakistani migrants, offers Europe a business idea: to start a different, postmodern approach to winning customer loyalty: in the restaurant in question, none of the dishes sold have a price, that is, formally the institution is free. The client can, having come there, eat as much as he wants - and pay for what he eats as much as he sees fit.

The concept of interaction with consumers, implemented by Austrians of Pakistani origin, is not new (for example, a similar restaurant Pay As You Please previously operated in Ireland), however, it is not widespread enough to form a full-fledged market segment. But this is within the power of European restaurateurs.
