
How can you guess on coffee. Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols

Coffee lovers probably know that with the help of fragrant drink you can learn a lot of interesting things. For example, the answer to an exciting question. After drinking liquid cheerfulness, do not rush to wash the cup.

Let's talk about how to guess correctly on coffee grounds, what the symbols you see mean and how to learn to guess on your own.


For fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need to prepare in advance . Preparation involves simple manipulations:


Counts, that a drawing remains on the saucer by which one can interpret a person's past. The cup itself will predict the future and tell about the present. Coming events can be "read" on the walls of the vessel. The past is focused on the bottom.

Pattern Location

To carry out correct interpretation characters fortune-telling on coffee grounds, it is necessary to evaluate at least five signs seen.

The basis of the interpretation is the images seen by those who drank coffee. Individual vision of images is formed throughout life, and it is based on personal experience. So on the same cup different people can see different characters.


Looking at the drawing on the walls of the cup, turn it and tilt it in order to identify the symbols.

First you need to consider ouzo p from the edge of the container to the center, after which the central region and the bottom are evaluated. The symbols on the edges show events in the near future, while the central drawings show the coming changes.

The state of the bottom tells what is in the heart of a person. If a thick, bumpy sediment remains on the bottom, then the soul grieves. A clean and open bottom shows the absence of sorrowful experiences.

It happens that the bottom is so covered with sediment that it is impossible to see the characters on it. In this case, the index finger of the right hand should be moved along the bottom, and then shake out the thick. Explain the stains left at the bottom. The largest characters matter.

horizontal lines


The interpretation and meaning of fortune-telling on coffee grounds depend on the drawings seen by the fortuneteller. Symbol meanings, decoding:

  1. Spot. black blob large sizes indicates grief or misfortune;
  2. Many even stripes testify to a carefree, but in a sense useless life;
  3. If intermittent stripes are mixed with dots, then the fortuneteller will have a pleasant journey;
  4. Clean circles portend profit, and the presence of points inside the circle promises replenishment in the family;
  5. The triangle will tell about work, a change in the field of activity and changes in the professional environment;
  6. If the triangles are present in the plural, you are waiting to arrive;
  7. The mitten promises a meeting with an old friend, first love or old acquaintances;
  8. A bicycle portends a trip in which difficulties may arise;
  9. Vase, cup - disappointment, shed tears;
  10. Fork means profit, winnings or wealth;
  11. Seeing a wreath is a lucky coincidence;
  12. Flies warn of loss, the death of a loved one is possible;
  13. Camel - unexpected profit;
  14. Dove - marriage, marriage proposal;
  15. Crow - death in a close circle, loss of a loved one;
  16. The swan promises separation if it is a single symbol. A pair of these birds, on the contrary, means joy and a pleasant event;
  17. Animals carry a negative meaning, with the exception of the horse and dog;
  18. The hare is a new hobby that can end badly;
  19. Snake - meanness, infidelity and betrayal;
  20. A cow testifies to prosperity, unless she is thin in the thick, otherwise this symbol promises poverty;
  21. The horse tells about the path and trips;
  22. The fox warns of a new acquaintance with a dishonest character;
  23. Donkey - conflicts with neighbors;
  24. The elephant is a positive symbol. Prosperity awaits you;
  25. Owl promises loneliness and longing;
  26. To see a rooster - to meet a rival;
  27. A flock of birds - failure in love, unrequited feelings;
  28. The dog is a strong friendship, a reliable person;
  29. Fish: big - gossip and ill-wishers, small - cash prize;
  30. Frog - unhappy love;
  31. The anthill and its inhabitants are labor that will be honestly rewarded;
  32. A monkey is a person who wants to impersonate a friend, but is not one. Monkey is a bad sign;
  33. The deer testifies to a successful combination of circumstances, the right decisions;
  34. Eagle - struggle, effort and effort. The outcome is positive;
  35. The bear warns: beware of strangers;
  36. The saddle portends a trip;
  37. Castle - rumors and gossip around the fortuneteller;
  38. The cross can mean the troubles that await a loved one;
  39. Brick - infidelity of the half, disappointment;
  40. Shovel - a symbol with negative connotations, the loss of something;
  41. Plants. Living tree - well-being, shrunken - a new love interest;
  42. Bushes - refers to the professional field and portends a business trip;
  43. Forest - negative events, loss, infidelity of loved ones;
  44. The flower means love adventure. If it is framed by a circle, money is waiting for you. The cross next to the symbol is marriage;
  45. Cucumber - unpleasant little things, chores, omissions;
  46. Rose - good luck in love, creating a family;
  47. Heart - passion, love;
  48. Eyes appear before the coming changes;
  49. Silhouettes of people can mean rash acts and dangerous events;
  50. A man on horseback is an assistant in business, a symbolic personality;
  51. The late father - the need to remember him, put a candle;
  52. The mill means rash acts, mistakes;
  53. The car promises carelessness and relaxation;
  54. Furnace - prosperity, well-being;
  55. The house portends spending, expenses. Spots around the house can mean income, change for the better;
  56. Ruins - disappointment, loss of motivation;
  57. Cell - a negative situation, difficulties;
  58. Horns - enemies, danger;
  59. Candle - slander, accusations;
  60. Armchair - stability and advantageous position;
  61. Table - well-being, income and prosperity;
  62. Pillow - help from the side;
  63. A blanket is a chance to change the situation, which decisiveness will help to use;
  64. Strawberries - happiness in love;
  65. Figure of a crocodile - reinforcement standing next to symbol;
  66. Turtle - good luck in business, purposefulness;
  67. Butterfly - a person who has a huge influence on the fortuneteller;
  68. Dinosaur - secrets hidden far in the past;
  69. Mermaid - tempter, present nearby with a fortuneteller in everyday life;
  70. The cat is a negative symbol. Cunning, poverty, lies;
  71. Wolf - recent changes in life, a heroic deed, a disease;


Often the drawing on the walls shows not only images, but also numbers. What does each number mean when interpreting fortune-telling on coffee grounds.


Take a few spoonfuls of not very finely ground coffee, pour into and pour into a glass cold water. You can add spices to taste cinnamon, pepper, cloves, but not sugar. Divination coffee should be unsweetened. Prepare one serving of coffee at your usual strength. As you wait for the coffee to brew, think about what you want to know. It is advisable to clearly formulate the question, this will help in deciphering the prediction.

Take a fortune-telling cup and pour coffee into it. The cup must be with even smooth walls, preferably tapering to the bottom. The best cup would be white color, since on its walls it is easier to see the big picture and make out the figures. Let the coffee cool down a little, then drink the contents of the cup. It is not necessary to swallow coffee in one gulp, enjoy the taste of the drink and once again mentally formulate the question, the answer to which you want to see at the bottom of the cup.

Do not drain the cup to the bottom, leave a couple of sips of liquid. Twist the cup clockwise, shaking the coffee and sediment, and, holding the handle with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right hand if you are left-handed, turn the cup upside down on the saucer in a motion away from you. Try to lower the cup so that one edge rests on the edge of the saucer, and the other edge stands in the middle of the dish. The liquid from the tilted cup flows freely along the walls, creating unique and meaningful patterns along the way. Wait one or two minutes, let the pattern created by the coffee grounds dry a little and fix.

Carefully lift and turn the cup over with the hand you used to turn it over. It is supposed to perform movements for divination on coffee grounds with a non-functional hand, it is believed that this way the intuitive and creative principle is better manifested. Prediction on coffee grounds is based on the ability to think associatively, and one cannot do without a good imagination, coupled with intuition. Turn the cup different sides- your task is to see the similarity of the pattern formed from coffee grounds, with some object or symbol known to you.

Keep in mind that the handle of the cup symbolizes you, the closer the drawing is to it, the sooner the event that it means will happen. The clearer and closer to the original image that you see, the more it will affect your destiny. The symbols formed at the rim of the cup are responsible for the near future. What will be predicted by them will come true very soon. The prediction from the bottom of the cup refers to the distant future, which may change more than once.

From time immemorial, people have thought different kinds fortune-telling in order to find out your future fate, the name of the betrothed, or something else, for example, the answer to a question of interest. For each person there was a certain fortune-telling, in the prediction of which he believed. In the future, people began to study all more ways divination. Only those divinations have come down to us, the predictions of which actually came true. And it has been verified by more than one thousand people. Basically, before, young girls who wanted to know the name of their betrothed or the date of their wedding were engaged in fortune telling. Such divination was used on the great Christian holidays. It got to the point that at night the girls went out into the street and asked the name of the first person they met. Or they threw a boot over the gate, and by the way it fell, they determined their future fate. People have always been interested in what awaits them in the future, and therefore fortune-telling has come down to us. Now people use those divination methods that are closest to them. Probably the most accessible and harmless fortune-telling was coffee-ground fortune-telling, which we will talk about now and try to learn how to learn to read coffee-ground fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most correct divination whose predictions are bound to come true. And do not forget that fortune-telling is a prediction of what the future may be, but we can change it. Thus, it turns out that fortune-telling is only a warning about possible consequences. The history of the divination under discussion begins in the west, where coffee first appeared. They began to guess on the coffee grounds exactly when they noticed that they could look at the drawings on the remaining sediment. Then they guessed almost everyone. But if a fortuneteller, when fortune-telling on coffee grounds for higher rulers, sees something rude or bad in the prediction, he was immediately burned at the stake or thrown into the river. In Russia this species divination has gained its popularity recently. As soon as Peter the Great began to rule the country and such a drink as coffee appeared in it, fortune-telling appeared in the thick of it.

It was customary to drink coffee in the morning and in the evening. Then came the method of making coffee, which we still use today. If people could not determine for themselves what exactly they see in the image, then they went to fortune-tellers to explain this picture to them. And, probably, everyone understands that for fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need to use only real coffee and not the kinds they make now for fast food. And in this case, you simply won’t succeed, since the coffee will be soluble, which means that there can be no sediment from it.

Fortune telling is better to start before sunrise or after sunset. It is advisable to do this by candlelight - this way you will create a favorable atmosphere for fortune telling. It is better to use a light set of dishes to make it easier to see the figures. In no case do not add sugar to coffee - then fortune-telling will be incorrect. Also, don't spill coffee. For divination on coffee grounds, you first need to roast coffee beans in a frying pan. A sure sign that they are ready will be crackling and characteristic oily discharge. After that, you need to grind the coffee beans. It will be better if you use a manual coffee grinder - this will direct the flow of energy to fortune telling. Moreover, with a manual coffee grinder, you can grind grains to a powder consistency, but with an electric coffee grinder, you are unlikely to achieve such a result. After we got the coffee powder, we need to put it in a cezve. To prepare one cup of drink, you need 1-2 teaspoons of coffee. Do not forget that the coffee powder must be filled with water.

After the procedures done, we put the future drink on fire b. As soon as the coffee in the Turk begins to boil, you can remove it from the heat and pour it into coffee mug. Then it is worth waiting a little for the sediment to settle to the bottom. It is worth drinking coffee slowly, thinking about the essence of your question, directing all thoughts precisely to the question of interest. In order to guess, it is necessary that thick and a little water remain at the bottom of the cup. Turn the cup three times counterclockwise and carefully pour the thick on the saucer, first towards you, then away from you. After that, you need to leave the cup upside down on the saucer for 10-15 minutes so that the drawing dries out a little. But at this time, no one should look into the cup. This is allowed to be done only by the fortuneteller himself or the fortuneteller. An outsider should not even touch the fortuneteller's cup.

To solve the picture, you need to use your imagination. Anything can be depicted in the picture. The main thing is to correctly understand what they want to tell us. If the picture is not clear, you can twist the cup and find the correct angle. It will be better if you have a book or a record at hand in which the clues to some silhouettes are written. Such books can be purchased in stores or copied from the Internet.

If you see clear geometric figures, then this means nothing more than quick love, love or interest from the opposite sex. If the image has an oval or a circle without dots in the middle, then you can count on an early replenishment of capital. But, if there are more than 2 points in the circle, then this indicates that soon there will be replenishment in your family. And replenishment is always a joy)

We sincerely hope that all the predictions you see will be only good and will certainly come true. It is worth understanding and remembering: we see what we want to see. Therefore, when good mood it can happen and good prediction. If you still don’t understand what you saw, don’t be discouraged: perhaps the future has prepared a pleasant surprise for you and doesn’t want you to know everything in advance. And if you see something bad, then you can always correct the situation. After all, you are forewarned, which means you are armed. Your fate depends only on you. We wish you good luck in fortune-telling!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular rituals performed at home. The main ingredient in this type of divination is coffee. The process itself is quite mysterious, and at the same time pleasant, because in order to get an answer to the right question, you just need to enjoy the fragrant freshly brewed coffee. Therefore, some perceive this ritual as some kind of entertainment. In vain, because fortune-telling on coffee grounds is a very serious process that carries a powerful information flow embedded in each revealed sign. With the help of such fortune-telling, you can find out about your future and destiny. A prerequisite for such fortune-telling is the preparation of your inner world, since this ritual requires complete concentration and immersion in the process.

Preparing for divination

Fortune telling on coffee grounds takes a lot of time. The ritual will take about an hour or more. For lack of time, it is better not to start the process. If the fortuneteller is nervous, worried, or feels excited, then the fortune-telling procedure should also be abandoned.

Before embarking on the fortune-telling process, you need to stock up on special paraphernalia:

  • a cup;
  • coffee;
  • saucer;
  • Turkish.

It’s easy to learn how to read coffee grounds on your own at home. The main thing is to properly prepare for the fortune-telling process. To do this, simply follow the following rules:

  1. 1. First you need to properly brew coffee. This requires one teaspoon. ground coffee pour a glass of boiling water and boil small fire in Turk.
  2. 2. Already at this time you need to calm down and focus on your problem.
  3. 3. Before divination, you must turn off in advance mobile phone, TV and computer, and also try to make sure that no one is distracted in the process of fortune-telling.
  4. 4. Fortune telling involves the use of coffee exclusively without sugar.
  5. 5. A fortune-telling cup should be chosen in a more rounded shape.
  6. 6. It is desirable that the inside of the cup be of light colors - this way it will be easier to see the signs and patterns.
  7. 7. After the coffee is brewed, you need to pour it into a cup, and mentally focus on your question.

How to guess on coffee grounds?

This type of divination provides not only proper training, but also the inner mood during the process itself. When drinking coffee, you need to concentrate and devote your thoughts to what the fortuneteller is most worried about at the moment. During this time, in no case should you talk to anyone or be distracted. The cup should be held in the right hand so that its handle is on the right side. Also, in the process of drinking the drink should not be in a hurry. Drink coffee should be in small sips, so as not to inadvertently drink it to the end. Just a couple of teaspoons of the drink will help to understand the question of the fortuneteller.

Then you need to take the cup in your left hand and start rotating it clockwise in a circular motion. At this time, you need to scroll through the question of interest in your head.

After that, you need to turn the cup on the saucer. You should not immediately raise it and look at the symbols formed with the help of thick. In order for the ritual to complete correctly, it is necessary to allow the coffee residues to flow down the walls of the cup on the saucer for two minutes. After the cup is raised, you need to carefully study the signs and symbols created with the help of coffee grounds.

Where to start deciphering characters?

When deciphering the symbols, first of all, you need to pay attention to the pattern formed on the edge of the cup. You need to consider shapes and patterns both from left to right and from right to left. Pay particular attention to the bottom and center of the cup. The signs located directly near the handle will tell about the events taking place at the moment.

It is believed that the more coffee grounds there are in the cup, the more worries and problems await the fortuneteller in the future. Light and airy lace pattern speaks of a carefree and joyful life.

Meaning of symbols

In order to correctly decipher the signs of the figure and the symbols formed with the help of coffee grounds, it is necessary to connect fantasy and imagination. You need to pay attention to those images that immediately caught your eye when you first examined the drawing.

It can be various shapes, lines, objects of a body part. Some in the coffee grounds see images of animals, the outlines of plants, and even various numbers.

Lines, shapes and objects

When interpreting the lines seen, their shape and length are taken into account. The line drawing is interpreted as follows:

  • long straight line - to a happy and carefree life;
  • intermittent - to illness, loss and various kinds of problems;
  • broken line - to financial difficulties;
  • zigzag - to travel, trip;
  • oblique lines - to danger.

If various figures have formed on the bottom and walls of the cup, then they are deciphered as follows:

  • circle (with emptiness inside) - to money;
  • circle (filled or with spots inside) - to replenishment in the family;
  • square - to a measured and stable life;
  • triangle - to the opening of professional prospects;
  • many triangles - to unexpected income;
  • cross - to the approach of bad events;
  • cross (with voids inside) - to a happy family life;
  • oval - for the imminent wedding;
  • points - to successful and happy life;
  • quadrangle - personal life will develop in a favorable way;
  • dashes - harbingers of change;
  • arc - to the appearance of an enemy;
  • star - avoidance of hardships and worries;
  • a dark uniform spot - unfortunately.

The objects seen on the inside of the cup can have a wide variety of meanings. Each item has its own meaning:

  • house - to family well-being;
  • the key is to successfully start new businesses;
  • ring - for engagement;
  • car - for a quick trip;
  • wheel - symbolizes long way;
  • angel - help from the other world;
  • door - to successful problem solving;
  • fork - to a luxurious life;
  • hammer - to a successful event;
  • loop - to death;
  • dagger - symbolizes the enemy, an embittered person
  • coffin - to the approach of a terrible disaster;
  • glove - to the return of past relationships;
  • weapons - to quarrels and misunderstandings;
  • shoes - to some danger;
  • candle - to the idea;
  • hat - to glory and power;
  • chair - career growth;
  • horseshoe - to success;
  • flag - a warning;
  • dishes - for an unexpected, but pleasant meeting;
  • anchor (clear picture) - to a happy life;
  • anchor (blurred image) - to minor chores.

Animals and plants

Also, in the patterns of coffee grounds, you can see the image of various animals. They mean the following:

  • butterfly - a symbol of love;
  • frog - to good news;
  • dove - symbolizes a person with pure thoughts;
  • raven - unfortunately in the family;
  • snake - symbolizes a deceitful and insidious friend;
  • fox - to deceit;
  • squirrel - a symbol of cunning;
  • squirrel on a tree - for a reward;
  • stork (at the bottom of the cup) - to the birth of a child or to the success of existing children;
  • the hare is a symbol of cowardice;
  • cow - to happiness and well-being;
  • bull - to dangers;
  • bull (on a hill) - improvement in financial condition;
  • bull (in the lowland) - to good health;
  • shark - to danger and disease;
  • camel - to financial well-being;
  • cat - to material problems;
  • lion - to power;
  • chicken - someone from the environment needs help;
  • swan - financial receipts are expected soon;
  • fly - to enrichment;
  • ant - petty worries and fuss;
  • bear - serves as a kind of warning about some danger;
  • eagle - to the implementation of plans;
  • deer - to openness and gullibility;
  • cock - means a false friend;
  • dog - a symbol of fidelity in friendship;
  • elephant - to financial stability;
  • fish is good news;
  • bird - to broken love;
  • owl - to poor health;
  • lizard - to pleasant events;
  • the tiger is a symbol of anger and an aggressive state.

The outlines of plants formed using coffee grounds mean the following events in life:

  • rose - to wedding chores;
  • violet - for marriage of convenience;
  • apple tree - to a bright and eventful life;
  • lily (at the bottom of the cup) - to parting;
  • lily (on the wall of the cup) - a symbol of devotion and fidelity;
  • oreshina - respect from others;
  • willow - to tears;
  • clover - to solve problems;
  • bush - to an unfavorable end of affairs;
  • forest - a mistake in the chosen life path;
  • oak - to victory over the current situation.


Often in the patterns of coffee gruel you can see various numbers. Each digit has a specific decoding, which can be found in the table below.

Number Meaning
0 This figure indicates the security of the fortuneteller from higher powers.
1 The unit symbolizes the feeling of light and carefree love.
2 This figure predicts a dangerous situation. If the question concerned the successful investment of funds, then the business will fail and losses will follow. When this symbol appears in the figure, you need to refrain from investing your finances in dubious fraud
3 The number 3 symbolizes the absence of any problems in terms of money.
4 The fortuneteller will have a desire to realize his plan
5 The appearance of this number warns of the appearance of an enemy in the environment.
6 It symbolizes a harmonious relationship. Also, this symbol means marriage.
7 This figure carries only positive events. It means good luck and success in all endeavors. If the question was about doubts about your internal capabilities, then after the lucky seven you can safely take on any business without fear of making a mistake or harming your reputation
8 This figure is a symbol of conflicts and contentious situations. Possible quarrels with relatives and close people
9 The figure prophesies an acquaintance with a new person, who will later influence the fate of the fortuneteller
10 Ten promises career growth and success in the professional field

It is worth noting that this decoding applies equally to both Roman and Arabic numerals. The numbers may mean some approaching dates or the time of a certain event.

Body parts

The fantasy of a fortuneteller can see figures in a cup of coffee grounds that resemble some parts of the human body. These figures are deciphered as follows:

  • eyes - to imminent changes in life;
  • lips (at the bottom of the cup) - good news;
  • head - the appearance in the life of a person who can favorably influence the life of a fortuneteller;
  • two heads - to the reunion of two loving hearts;
  • many goals - to help from loved ones;
  • female head - to love and understanding;
  • male head - to parting with a loved one;
  • head in profile - to security;
  • head (pointing down) - to the approach of a dangerous situation;
  • head (turned up) - to help from the patron;
  • an elderly woman - to strong family ties;
  • hand - to disappointment.

Any symbol seen can be interpreted in different ways. In order to understand the decoding of fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you need to listen to yourself and feel what kind of emotions the patterns and drawings evoke when you look at them. You also need to compare the interpretation of the symbols with an exciting situation or a sore point that was originally asked before fortune-telling. But whatever the prediction turns out to be, the procedure cannot be repeated.

Do not take this process lightly and repeat it for any question that arises. It is necessary to be careful and guess on the coffee grounds only when the answer to the question is vital or requires a fateful decision.

- one of the oldest ways to look into the future and understand the past. It originated in Ancient East and in its popularity is comparable only with astrological forecasts. To learn how to guess on the coffee grounds, you need to have a developed imagination and remember the meanings various characters, as well as be able to build logical chains of reasoning.

It is believed that fortune telling on coffee grounds will be more truthful and accurate if done on Wednesday or Friday morning. Concentration and careful observance of the ritual are also a guarantee of authenticity. Another important condition for divination is the choice of the right cup. Its inner surface should be smooth and white so that the pattern is not distorted.

Make coffee with two teaspoons of coffee coarse grinding and one thin one, pour it into a cup and enjoy the taste of the drink with pleasure, without hurrying. When only thick remains at the bottom, take the cup in your left hand and gently, clockwise, shake the sediment. Pay attention to the fact that the number of circular movements when shaking is odd. Then, in a motion away from you, turn the cup over onto the saucer. Wait 3-4 minutes and start studying the resulting coffee pattern. There are several options for reading a coffee pattern. In the first case, the near side of the cup shows what will happen to you and your loved ones, and the far side shows what will happen to friends or colleagues. People who adhere to the second option believe that the drawings on the near side show past events, and on the far side, future ones. In the third case, the symbols at the bottom of the cup predict the distant future, and at the edges - the near future.

An exact, clear and easily guessed symbol may mean that higher powers are trying to tell you something extremely important. However, much more often the picture is so blurred that it is necessary to strain all the imagination and intuition to unravel this "message".

What symbols can you see? Black spot at the bottom means heaviness on the heart, the “eye” can warn that you are spoiled. Cross stripes mean conversations or the arrival of guests. If you see letters, then higher powers remind you of people whose names begin with them. Thin stripes mean the road, and the straighter they are, the better. The numbers 5 and 7 are a good sign, they promise good luck. However, any number can be an answer to your questions, such as a date or an estimate. Animal symbols can be interpreted by their characteristics. Smart and brave animals are a positive sign, evil and unpleasant animals are bad. Birds and any flying objects predict news. The candle speaks of the fulfillment of a cherished desire. A little man surrounded by a wall means illness or imprisonment. The rider on a horse symbolizes victory in any endeavor.

Even without knowing the meaning of all the symbols, you can guess on the coffee grounds, relying only on your intuition. Consider the symbols not individually, but as a whole - after all, even the smallest point can make a big difference. And be sure to believe that fortune telling will help you sort out feelings or problems - without this, you will only see dark spots who won't tell you anything.
