
How to cook assorted cucumbers and tomatoes. Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes: preparing for the winter

Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers are excellent mono-preparations for the winter. Have you tried combining several types of vegetables? The result is somewhat unpredictable, because the vegetables are enriched with each other's taste, it all depends on which neighbors are next to each other in the jar. Darkness-darkness options. This is cucumber-tomato-pepper, sometimes an apple, zucchini, and cauliflower are added.

This tomato recipe is, one might say, from the category of the classic and most primitive. But it is with him that the long path of experiments begins, in search of perfect combination different vegetables, And unique taste blanks in the end. By the way, cucumbers and tomatoes are perfectly stored in combination, as they release a special acid. Well, in addition, the cucumbers are tasty and crispy.

The time for canning assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter is 1.5 hours.



Water - 1.5 liters

Salt - 2 tablespoons

Sugar - 4 tablespoons

Vinegar 9% -20 milliliters

Dill umbrellas - 1-2 in each jar

Horseradish leaves - one leaf in each jar

Peppercorns - 5-6 pieces

Bay leaf - 2 pieces

Garlic - 3 cloves

Recipe for assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter:

First, steam sterilize jars and lids. You can do this over a boiling kettle, over a saucepan. They also sterilize jars in the oven, or in microwave oven. In the latter case, the lids can simply be doused with boiling water.

We sort cucumbers and tomatoes, remove crumpled, rotten or sluggish fruits, tomatoes and cucumbers should all be approximately the same size, dense and strong. Tomatoes can even be a little underripe, and cucumbers are better to use a special pickling variety. Rinse thoroughly under cold running water.

We are waiting for the sterilized jars to cool down a little, and put in them peeled cloves of garlic, horseradish and parsley leaves, dill umbrellas, peppercorns.

On top of the spices, we tightly lay the tomatoes, up to half the jar. How smaller tomatoes, the more space you can fill.

In the second half of the jar, we tightly lay the cucumbers. You can not be afraid that the tops of the cucumbers will stand without brine, under the influence of boiling water, tomatoes and cucumbers will “sit down” a little. So we ram cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter, without regret, otherwise we end up with half-empty jars.

Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, wait for it to boil and pour jars of vegetables with boiling water. So they stand for 10-15 minutes.

Fill our jars with assorted cucumbers and tomatoes with marinade, roll up (or twist) the lids. Overturn and wrap.

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers will be finally ready for consumption in 1.5-2 months. But they will be wonderfully stored for a year, or even two. Tasty, juicy tomatoes and strong crispy cucumbers will not leave anyone indifferent. Especially in winter, with a shortage of fresh vegetables. It is better to store pickles in a cool, dark place, a pantry or cellar is ideal.

For fragrant marinade you can take dried or fresh dill and garlic, but dill is not always on hand and you can use dried seeds. They have the same aroma, and the savings in use are obvious.

We will pour the vegetables with hot marinade, so that the cucumbers in the assortment do not become soft, they must first be kept for several hours in cold water. After that, I wash cucumbers and tomatoes very well and you can start cooking.

To make the assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers tasty, we must cut off the tails of the cucumbers. Next, lay them on the bottom of the jar. It is best to take tomatoes and cucumbers in the same amount- they will absorb the taste and aroma of each other and in autumn or winter you will delight yourself with an amazing assortment.

Cucumbers are laid approximately to the middle of the jar. We clean the garlic and throw it to the cucumbers - about 5-7 cloves, depending on the size of the dish.

Tomatoes are selected well ripe, without damage, wash. At the stem, we prick each tomato with a fork crosswise - we make 8 punctures, so the tomatoes better absorb the aroma of fresh cucumber.

After all the vegetables are packed in jars, fill them almost to the brim with hot water.

Immediately cover with lids - with which we will close the canned food.

Leave for 15 minutes, during which time you can prepare other jars. Pour salt and sugar into a convenient bowl, add dill seeds - to taste.

No need to be afraid to get burned when you pour water from cans - it will already cool down to 40-45 degrees. Drain the water from the jars and cook the marinade.

As soon as the marinade boils, add a spoonful of vinegar to each jar - it is best to take the usual, 9% vinegar. Pour hot marinade over and close jars immediately. It is best to use screw-on lids for such blanks.

If you use regular canned food lids, immediately after pouring the marinade, you need to roll it up. Remember to sterilize jars and lids before placing food.

Immediately turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm cloth - a towel, blanket or other. After the jars have cooled, they can be turned over and put away in the dark. cool place for storage.

Tomatoes and cucumbers marinated in this way can be tasted in two weeks. But better be patient and treat yourself fresh vegetables, let the marinade brew. The longer the canned food sits, the tastier it will be. Bon appetit!

If every time before the arrival of guests you doubt which jar with which blank it is better to open in order to please everyone at once, our article is for you! We offer to make assorted cucumbers and tomatoes, which will allow you to combine your favorite pickles in one jar and get not one, but two types of snacks at once. We have selected the most delicious, proven and simple recipes marinades, with the most fragrant and varied spices to choose from.

We choose the size of cans for seaming at our discretion and depending on the size of the vegetables. If they are very small, you can take liter jars - it will not only be tasty, but also spectacular. Several of these jars can safely decorate the kitchen.

But if the tomatoes and cucumbers are large enough, it is better to use a 3-liter container so as not to tamp them too hard - this can cause an "explosion".

The main thing to remember is that all vegetables should be the same size. It will not be difficult to pick them up correctly during the harvest period.

So, let's start with pickled vegetables according to the simplest recipe.

Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes classic

Proportions are given based on 3-liter cans.


  • Small cucumbers - 500 g;
  • Small tomatoes - 400-450 g;
  • Garlic - 6 cloves;
  • Dill - 3 umbrellas;
  • Bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.

For brine

  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Coarse salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


We select the smallest, but juiciest vegetables. Cucumbers are best picked in the early morning - at this time they the largest number moisture or soak them for 3-4 hours in cool water, having previously washed well and stripped the tails.

  1. After a while, drain the water and lay it on a towel to dry.
  2. Wash the tomatoes too and let dry.
  3. We clean the garlic and cut into petals. We wash the dill and let it drain.
  4. We sterilize jars and lids by holding them over the steam for at least 15 minutes. Then turn them upside down and put them on a towel.
  5. When the jars are dry, lay out on their bottom part of the greens and half of the chopped garlic. Lay the cucumbers vertically on top, and then the tomatoes up to the shoulders.
  6. We put filtered water on the fire and, as soon as it boils, fill the jars to the top and cover with lids. Leave for 20 minutes, and then pour into a saucepan.
  7. We put the water from the vegetables on the fire and prepare a brine based on it: add salt, sugar and vinegar, bring to a boil, wait until the grains are completely dissolved and fill the jars with brine.

We immediately roll up the preservation with lids, turn it over, wrap it up and leave it to cool. When the temperature equals, we take out the jars and put them in the cellar or basement.


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 40 g + -
  • - 1/2 onion + -
  • - 200 g + -
  • – 4 umbrellas + -
  • — 6 pcs. + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • Cloves - 2 buds + -
  • - 10 peas + -

For brine

  • — 900 ml + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -


The appetizer is not only fragrant, but also spicy, and the onion from it is no less tasty than other vegetables!

Proportions are given based on 2 liter jars.

All vegetables should be small in size, as in previous recipe. We wash them well with greens and lay them out to dry. If the cucumbers seem soft, soak them for 3-4 hours in cool water.

  • We clean the onion and chop the rings.
  • Sweet pepper cut into large slices along or across, as you like.
  • Chile is divided into slices.
  • Sterilize jars with lids and leave to dry upside down.
  • We lay out part of the greens on the bottom of the jars, and on top of the cucumbers, sprinkled with onions and sweet peppers. I put a slice of chili pepper. Last layer washed tomatoes will do.
  • Bring water to a boil and pour over vegetables.
  • Let stand 10 minutes and pour back into the pot. Now we will make a marinade out of it.
  • Put the drained water back on the fire and add sugar, salt and vinegar. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into jars and immediately roll it up.

Turn the preserve upside down and set aside. When the assortment has cooled, we put it in the basement or other dark, cool place and store it until winter.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. You just need to remember a few subtleties.

  • Layout

It’s not worth the risk and, for the sake of an aesthetic moment, lay out the tomatoes in the first layer on the bottom of the jar. They are more delicate and can easily be crushed by dense hard cucumbers, especially after boiling water and turning the jar over.

  • Spices

We add any spices at our discretion, but remember that their amount should not exceed 30 g per 1 liter jar so as not to interrupt the taste of vegetables.

Dried herbs will be no less tasty than fresh, so feel free to put it in.

We try to take no more than 2 types of hot spices. For example, garlic and peppercorns or chili peppers and allspice, mustard seeds and ginger rings. If we collect too many of them in one bouquet, we will drown out the taste of vegetables again.

  • Lids

If you want to protect jars of assorted cucumbers and tomatoes from dampness before sending them to the cellar, just close the lids on top of polyethylene and fasten it with an elastic band. This will protect them from moisture and rust.

That's all, friends, now you know all the intricacies of cooking pickled vegetables. Spin assorted tomatoes and cucumbers, enjoy yourself and delight your loved ones!

  • Cucumbers - 1500 grams,
  • Tomatoes - about 800 grams,
  • Onion - 2 heads,
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Seasonings: pepper, bay leaf, coriander.

For 1 liter of brine:

  • Salt - 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar essence - 1 teaspoon per 3-liter jar of assorted.
  • Cooking process:

    To begin with, let's take care of the banks, they should be thoroughly washed. Better to use plain soda instead of expensive chemicals for dish washing. most convenient way to sterilize jars in urban environments is to place them in cold oven. Hold it there for half an hour at a temperature of about 180 degrees and, without removing it, let it cool.

    While the jars are warming up, prepare the vegetables. If the cucumbers are fresh, then it is enough just to rinse them well. If they have been lying for several days, they need to be paid attention in advance. Namely, put in cold water for 6-8 hours. Then they will become strong and shiny.

    Next, cut off the tails of the cucumbers on both sides.

    And the tomatoes, after they have been washed, need to be pricked with a toothpick in several places. This will guarantee that their skin will not crack from the hot brine, and they will not spread into a shapeless mass over the jar.

    Peel the onion and garlic and chop coarsely. If there is greenery at home, you can add it. To do this, rinse it thoroughly and place it in boiling water for a few seconds.

    When the jars are cool, you can collect our assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers in one jar. But first, let's boil the water for the brine.

    We put seasonings at the bottom. Black pepper 5-6 pieces and sweet peas 4-6 pieces per jar, bay leaves a couple of pieces, garlic, coriander, herbs to taste.

    Cucumbers are placed vertically, try to place them tightly to each other.

    Lay a layer of onions over the cucumbers.

    And on top of a layer of tomatoes, you need to periodically shake the jar so that the vegetables are placed more densely.
    If the vegetables are three-liter jar stacked tightly, then the brine will need about 1100 liters. You can do it more precisely, for this, first pour cold water into jars with vegetables, then pour it into a saucepan and make a brine.

    To prepare a brine for one liter, you will need: salt - 1 full tablespoon, sugar - a couple of tablespoons without a slide. As soon as the brine boils, carefully pour it into the jar. The main rule is to pour the brine on the vegetables, not on the glass.

    Next, you need to expel excess air from the can. To do this, we will warm it up. In a saucepan where a jar is placed, pour warm water and put the bank. We are waiting for the moment of boiling and wait 15 minutes for big jars. If the cucumbers are small, the time needs to be reduced. We hold the jar until the cucumbers begin to acquire an olive hue.

    Remove from heat, add one teaspoon to the jar vinegar essence 70% and roll up.

    You can hold the jar upside down (upside down) to check for leaks.

    You can make small jars, but they are eaten in an instant, and may not be enough. Such cucumbers are suitable both for a salad and for a snack, the tomatoes are tender and pleasant to the taste, and the sweet and sour pickle is quickly drunk.

    Irina Veretnova prepared pickled cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter.

    Assorted vegetables in winter are a lot of vitamins and impeccable taste. You can also use it to embody delicious, vitamin salads, and for creating hot dishes, but it is especially delicious to remember the colors of summer by eating crispy cucumbers and tomatoes (and sometimes cabbage or zucchini), combining them with potatoes or meat.

    The most delicious recipes for assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

    It is better to cook vegetables in several ways. So that a large 3-liter jar does not stand for weeks in the refrigerator, take care of the presence of smaller containers, and then fragrant, fresh pickled vegetables will always be on the table.

    The general principles for all methods will be:

    • thorough washing of vegetables, herbs, twigs, leaves;
    • sterilization of jars in the oven or over steam (except for the recipe without sterilization);
    • elimination of the tips of cucumbers;
    • vinegar and essence are always added to the marinade before the final filling into jars;
    • light pricking of tomatoes in the area of ​​​​the stalk so that they do not burst;
    • before preparing the brine, the jars with ingredients are filled with water, after 5-15 minutes it is drained and a brine is prepared from this liquid;
    • vegetables should be laid tightly, spices between them do not need to be alternated, like leaves;
    • cool ready meal it is necessary within 1-2 days, tightly wrapped in a blanket to start the pickling process;
    • storage of jars in a dark place or cellar.

    For a 3 liter jar

    The most delicious and easiest way to create a dish with juicy tomatoes and crispy cucumbers will turn out if you take about 6 cucumbers, 4 tomatoes for him. Two patissons will spice up the combined hodgepodge, and for the aroma you will need: 2 dill umbrellas, celery leaves, 3 bay leaves, 5 garlic cloves, horseradish leaf, 2 spoons coarse salt, 3 - sugar, as well as 6 sweet peas, 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence.

    Spices and garlic, horseradish leaves and celery are placed in the dishes, then in layers or a column - tomatoes, cucumbers, squash. The water for the brine, drained from the cans, must be boiled, add sugar and salt, remove from heat and pour in the essence. Fill and roll up.

    For 2 liter jar

    cook delicious recipe with cucumbers and tomatoes in a 2-liter container, you can do the same as the previous assortment. You just need to take 47 g of salt and 67 g of sugar per liter of water, and reduce the amount of ingredients by a third (approximately 1.5 tsp. Essence 70%). This will be the main difference.

    For 1.5 liter jar

    Take 0.5 kg of tomatoes and the same number of cucumbers, 5 cloves of garlic, horseradish leaf, dill umbrella, 4 currant leaves, you can add a sprig of tarragon + 5 peas of allspice. Marinade is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. salt powder and sugar for 2 liters of water, and + 100 ml of vinegar for 9%.

    Leaves and spices are laid at the bottom, then red vegetables and cucumbers, everything is poured with boiled brine.

    Per liter jar

    For a liter jar, it is better to use the option of a dish with chopped vegetables. Take 4 cherry tomatoes or small tomatoes. One cucumber, which is chopped. The onion is chopped, and Bell pepper cut.

    Of the spices in the dishes, you need to put 3 black peppercorns and a leaf of laurel. Marinade is prepared from 2 teaspoons. l. sugar and salt.

    The most delicious assorted recipe for the winter without sterilization

    Without sterilization, the most delicious recipe will turn out with the addition of carrots. They take a 3-liter jar of several red vegetables and green fruits, 1 carrot, cut it into circles.

    You will also need 15 black peppercorns and 6 allspice, garlic cloves and 4 cloves, as well as 4 bay leaves. Marinade is prepared from 4 tables. l. salinity and 3 table. l. sweetener with 1 tsp. l. essences directly into the jar after filling with brine. Also, after preparing the brine, you need to add 1 small spoonful of essence. Before cooking, the containers should be washed well with soda, and the lids should be boiled.

    Assorted recipe: tomatoes + cucumbers with citric acid

    Citric acid will give the greens a special sourness and completely eliminate the need for vinegar.

    To prepare a combined hodgepodge in a 3-liter jar, you need to take:

    • 1 kg of tomatoes;
    • about 800 g of crispy cucumbers;
    • tsp acids;
    • one and a half liters water;
    • ground black pepper;
    • 8 peas of allspice;
    • garlic for those who like it spicy - 7 pcs., weaker - 4 pcs.;
    • 3 dill umbrellas and 2 horseradish leaves;
    • several currant branches;
    • and for the marinade you need a table. l. sugar and the same 2 tablespoons of salt, combined with only 20 ml of 6% vinegar instead of essence.

    The most delicious assorted: from tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage

    Cabbage is different, popular, delicious recipes are obtained using white vegetable and his colored "brother":

    • 8 cucumbers;
    • 6 cauliflower florets;
    • a few cloves of juicy garlic;
    • 5 small red fruits;
    • 3 bell peppers;
    • horseradish leaf;
    • dill umbrella;
    • to taste - choose the amount of shredded white cabbage.

    The marinade is prepared in 2 liters of water from 3 tables. l. sweet powder and 2 table. l. salt in combination with 5 peppercorns and 3 pcs. carnations. Take 1 table per volume. l. essences.

    Cauliflower is sorted into large inflorescences to make them crispy. Green and red fruits should not be cut.

    Assorted zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers

    According to the first recipe for a three-liter container, you can prepare a combined dish with zucchini. To do this, take 4 tomatoes, 2 small zucchini, 4 green vegetables, parsley, 2 laurels, garlic and allspice, 4 each, 3 cloves.

    For fragrant marinade a maximum of 2.5 liters of water requires 2 tables. spoons of salty substance and 3 table. l. white powder in combination with 100 milliliters of 9% vinegar. Zucchini should be cut during cooking, but other vegetables should not be cut.

    In cooking technology juicy vegetables(assorted for the winter) there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to observe the proportions of salt, vinegar or essence, do not take greenhouse cucumbers, as they will not crunch, and carefully add boiling water to the jars, otherwise they may burst.
