
Children's honey biscuit cake "Basket with sweets" for a birthday. Honey cake "special"

July 22nd, 2013 08:22 am

How do you make honey cake? Which cream do you like best? Whether there is a family recipe that is passed down from generation to generation?

40 g honey
70 g butter
200 g sugar
280 g flour
0.5 tsp slaked soda
2.5 eggs (2 eggs + 1 yolk)

400 ml milk
2 eggs
80 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
10 g starch (I had potato)
10 g flour
200 g butter

For decoration:
100 g chocolate

Honey, butter and melt the sugar in a water bath. Pour flour with soda, add eggs, mix everything well and brew the dough for 2 minutes. The dough will have a consistency similar to custard.
Put the dough into a bowl sprinkled with flour, cover cling film and place in the refrigerator to cool room temperature(for 30 minutes).
Take out the dough, divide into 9 parts.
Roll out each part thinly, cut out a circle d = 20-22 cm, send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 200C until golden for 3-4 minutes. Do not remove the trimmings, also bake.
Repeat the process with all parts.

Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed pot and bring to a boil.
In a bowl, mix eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, flour and starch. Pour half of the milk into the mixture, stirring constantly. Pour this mixture into the remaining milk and return to the fire. Cook the cream over low heat until thick sour cream.
Transfer the cream to another bowl, cover with cling film and cool to room temperature. You can also cool by placing the cream in a mixer and whipping the cream.
Put soft butter into the cooled cream, beat well.

Coat the cakes with cream, coat the sides and top of the cake. Make crumbs from the scraps, sprinkle the sides of the cake with it. The top of the cake can also be sprinkled with crumbs, or you can decorate with chocolate.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath, fold the parchment envelope, pour the chocolate, cut off the tip and draw parallel strips of chocolate. Take a knife and with a blunt end draw a line perpendicular to the drawn stripes at a distance of 3-4 cm in one direction. Inside these lines, draw the knife again, but in the opposite direction. Send the cake to the refrigerator. It takes 3-4 hours to stand and soak. Ideal - night.
Happy tea!

In that simple recipe I will tell you how to bake and decorate delicious honey biscuit for children's birthday. Such home cake To children's holiday I call it "Sweetie Basket". Easy to create delicious beauty at home with your own hands, and step-by-step photos taken will help us.

Biscuit Ingredients:

1 st. Sahara;

1 st. flour;

1 st. a spoonful of honey;

1 st. a spoonful of butter;

1/2 teaspoon of soda;

chocolate bar;

sweets (caramel);

3 proteins or 300 grams of sour cream - for cream;

⅔ cup of sugar - for cream.

How to make honey cake

First you need to bake a biscuit. To do this, you need to beat the ingredients for the cakes with a mixer: eggs, sugar, flour, honey and butter.

If the honey and butter are hardened, then it should be slightly melted.

Finished biscuit dough with honey should be poured into a round cake mold and sent to a heated cupboard.

Cool the finished cake, cut into cakes 1-1.5 cm high. On the average diameter of the form, usually 3 cakes come out.

We prepare the cream at our discretion. Protein or sour cream will be optimal. To get them, beat the proteins or sour cream with sugar.

We smear the cakes, forming a cake.

How to decorate a honey cake for a child's birthday

Now is a very important moment. Melt the chocolate bar to liquid state(easier in the microwave).

Carefully! You can't boil chocolate. If it boils, it will seize in lumps and sugar. Next, we take a piece of oilcloth with air pimples (they often wrap equipment in stores with it), wash it thoroughly. The length of a piece of such an oilcloth should wrap around the cake. We apply a thin layer of chocolate on it and wrap the pastries so that the side coated with chocolate is adjacent to the biscuit, and the cellophane goes out. On a short time send our baby cake in the refrigerator - the chocolate hardens.

We take out the cake and carefully separate the oilcloth. We get a chic, beautiful wall in the hole.

Fill the top of the cake with caramel and candles (if needed). How I did it can be seen in the photo.

Everything, on this delicious honey children's cake “Basket of sweets” is ready! Both children and adults who came to the birthday party will be delighted. True, when cutting, chocolate breaks, but these are already trifles. Most importantly, very tasty, unusual and beautiful.

Hi all! The other day our son turned one year old and I decided to take over the cake. I wanted something tasty, festive and beautiful.
Relatives persuaded me to make a honey cake, because they love this cake in my performance. Of course, for a children's birthday, I could not make it colorless) Hence the result. So, let's begin.
Take 2 tablespoons of margarine and melt in a water bath.

I bring the margarine to a softened state, but do not completely melt it. It turns out a viscous consistency.
I add 2 tbsp. l. honey and mix it well with margarine.

After the mixture is homogeneous, add 2 eggs and again mix thoroughly.

Here's what happens.

Now add bulk: half a glass of sugar and 2 teaspoons of soda without a slide. Add sugar according to your preferences, I don’t like it very much sweet cake so as not to be cloying in any way. Half a glass just right. I prefer to mix the dough well after each added ingredient so that the whole consistency comes out homogeneous and does not affect the taste in any way.

Now I'm slowly adding flour. In a honey cake, the dough is delicate, so you don’t need to drink 3 glasses at once. First, half a glass was poured out, stirred well with a whisk and another half a glass, etc.

On the third glass, the dough becomes already quite thick and it is already difficult to mix it with a whisk, so I carefully begin to knead the dough with my fingers.

In the end, we get a very dense, thick dough.

Next, you need to put it in the refrigerator to cool for 1-2 hours, so that it is easier to roll it out, but if you have very little time (as in my case), then you can immediately roll it. But I warn you that it’s more difficult to do it right away, the dough is “more capricious”.
Now I'm making cakes. I roll out the dough with a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is very sticky, so I recommend sprinkling the surface with flour.

As a mold for cakes, I use an ordinary flat plate. I apply evenly and cut out a circle.

I place the cake on a baking sheet greased with butter. Usually this dough does not stick very much, so once oiling is enough for the rest of the cakes too.

We place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

And so with the rest of the test. I get 7-8 cakes. When I want tall cake I'm making a double batch.

Important point! The cakes should be left alone for flat surface and do not immediately lay hot on top of each other, otherwise they can be deformed and the whole cake will “go”.
Now we are preparing the cream. 400 gr. dilute sour cream with half a glass of sugar.

Stir evenly

and add gel food coloring. A few drops of blue.

It turns out a blue tint.

Now plentifully, evenly apply the cream on the cake, Special attention giving the "sides" of the cakes.

When I put the cakes on top of each other, at the same time I cut / break off uneven edges that could be deformed during baking.

Let the cake soak well. If you need it urgently, then you can 3-4 hours and serve it on the table. I leave overnight when possible. Then the cake turns out well soaked and soft.

We decorate. I bought 13 KitKat bars.

and placed them vertically around the entire circumference of the cake. Tied them up with a ribbon.

I also bought a large pack of m&m's with chocolate.

Sprinkle the surface evenly. I spent the whole pack on my cake.

And of course, a candle in the form of a single) I must say that the cake was a great holiday for everyone and a reason to take a picture;)

Happy tea!

Cooking time: PT05H00M 5 hours

approximate cost servings: 50 rub.

Honey cake- gentle sweet dessert which has already become a classic. It is prepared very simply, so the housewives love it and bake it on the occasion of a birthday or just like that. Dense honey cakes can be lubricated with almost any cream, but oil with condensed milk, sour cream or cream will be ideal. But you will have to think about decorating a honey cake at home so that it becomes not only tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful.

Themed cake decoration for a holiday or birthday. For this design you will need:

  1. ready-made honey cake, smeared with butter cream with condensed milk;
  2. some white and dark chocolate (or ready-made figurines of bees);
  3. wrapping film with "pimples";
  4. some nuts, candied fruits or cookie crumbs.

The process of decorating is completely simple even at home:

  1. Cover the top and sides of the cream-smeared cake with oil cream, smooth the surface as much as possible with a knife and put the product in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cream becomes dense.
  2. Then take out the cake, cover it with a piece of film. Its size should be such that it completely covers the product from above and from the sides.
  3. Gently press it with your hands over the entire surface - honeycomb recesses will turn out on the cream. Remove the film - we won't need it anymore.
  4. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with crushed nuts, crumbs from cookies or scraps of cakes, candied fruits, raisins.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave. On parchment, pour out of it (from a syringe with a nozzle) first the "body" of the bees, then the wings, the head. On a dark body, make of white chocolate stripes.

You can also use ready-made mastic bee figurines, icing sugar or chocolate ganache. The wings can be made from almond petals, and the body from peanuts.

Refrigerate the cake overnight, then serve.

Drawing a bee with a stencil

A great idea for a quick decoration of the finished honey cake at home. Even a child will make such a drawing.

You will need:
  1. finished cake;
  2. a lot of sprinkling - crumbs from cookies, cakes;
  3. powdered sugar (or finely crushed nuts, coconut);
  4. stencil "bee".

Let's get started:

  1. Spread the finished cake liberally on top with cream and sprinkle with crumbs on all sides. Press lightly with your hands. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  2. Then prepare the stencil. You can draw a bee on a regular sheet of paper and cut it out along the contours or download and print finished drawing and cut out the details.
  3. Sift the powdered sugar.
  4. Place a stencil exactly in the center on the surface of the cake, place the powder in a small strainer and carefully sift the powder from it onto the drawing, trying to ensure that the contents do not fall past the stencil.
  5. Remove the stencil quickly. The decoration is ready.

If you are using coconut flakes choose white or light yellow. Sprinkling with nuts will look beautiful if you grind them in a blender finely enough, almost into flour.

chocolate pattern

Honeycombs on the cake can be made from chocolate at home, and immediately on the surface or separately on parchment paper. Both options are easy to make and can come in handy when decorating a birthday dessert.
Option 1:

  1. Melt about 100 grams of dark chocolate without additives - nuts, raisins, toppings.
  2. Pour warm chocolate into pastry bag with narrow nozzle.
  3. On the surface of the finished (sprinkled with crumbs) cake, squeeze out the “honeycomb” pattern.
  4. Refrigerate the cake to set.

Option 2:

  1. Melt a bar of dark chocolate in the microwave or steam.
  2. Transfer the mass to the bag, put on a narrow nozzle.
  3. On the sheet parchment paper outline the honeycomb pattern (with reverse side black felt-tip pen) or print the pattern and place it under the parchment.
  4. Apply the pattern with chocolate, making small (about 5 * 5 centimeters) parts of the honeycombs. Place them in the freezer for a few minutes. Then carefully remove the paper and transfer chocolate patterns on top of the cake. They must be laid on a sticky surface, and not on crumbs. Therefore, it is better to coat the honey cake with cream or white icing on top.

waffle decor

A very easy option for those in a hurry. The cake is made at home in a matter of minutes, but it looks quite impressive and festive, suitable for a birthday for both a child and an adult.

You will need:
  1. ready honey cake;
  2. one shop waffle round cake;
  3. 50-70 grams of melted dark chocolate;
  4. ready-made figurines of bees made of mastic or chocolate;
  5. round flowers made of sugar glaze.


  1. Sprinkle the finished honey cake on the sides with plenty of crumbs from cakes or cookies.
  2. Lubricate the top of the product with a thin layer of butter cream and smooth it with a knife.
  3. Lay the waffle cake evenly on it and press it a little with your hands, releasing air.
  4. Melt the chocolate and transfer it to a bag with a narrow nozzle.
  5. On a surface waffle cake draw a tree with chocolate.
  6. Attach sugar flowers to the “branches”, and figures of bees along the edges. For laying on a dry sheet of wafers, it is necessary to lubricate the figures of bees from below with a special decor gel or regular cream, jam, jam, so that the bee sticks.

Decorating with mastic

Mastic is an excellent material for creating a smooth surface of the cake, volumetric figures, bows, flowers. The usual classic "Honey cake" can be decorated in an original way for a child's birthday, and for any other holiday.

The process is simple if you have minimal skills in working with mastic:
  1. Bake a honey cake, give it the shape of a bee, put it in the refrigerator.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the "grout" - oil cream mix with crumbs from the cakes. With this mass, carefully level the entire surface of the bee, giving it natural shapes. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours, then remove and level the surface again with a heated wide knife.
  3. Mastic for coating can be made from marshmallows or powdered sugar and butter with the addition of dyes.
  4. In addition, you can on a regular round cake make a black and yellow coating of mastic or decorate it mastic figurines bees.
  5. Decorated with cake and cream. To do this, in a creamy or protein cream add black and yellow dye(separately) and from a syringe with an asterisk nozzle, squeeze out on the surface of the cake in the shape of a bee or a round strip and other details.
  6. Prague cake
    1. honey-based cakes are quite dense, so it is advisable to use for layering and decoration soft cream- in butter, condensed milk or sour cream;
    2. do not overdo it with honey - if there is too much of it in the cakes, they will turn out to be too dark and elastic and will not soak;
    3. if using honey in decoration (for example, in glaze or mastic coating), put it a little less in the cakes;
    4. do not forget that honey is very sweet: they are replaced granulated sugar rather than add honey to sugar;
    5. cakes before installing decorative elements on them must be covered with a sticky mass - jam, cream (thick), icing;
    6. honey dough is best combined to taste with nuts, chocolate, raisins;
    7. vanilla is mainly used as flavorings, alcohol and cocoa powder are practically not used in honey cakes.

    Making a honey cake for a birthday, anniversary or other holiday is not troublesome and fast enough with minimal decorating skills confectionery. Show your imagination, and your cake will become not only very tasty, but also originally decorated.

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Baked by a mother for her child, it is probably always tastier and sweeter than any cake bought. If habitual honey birthday cake. You will decorate with figures of "bees", and even attract your child to sculpt and color these very "bees", he will remember this birthday forever. After all, the most precious memories for us from childhood are precisely such moments of joint creativity with my mother.

For cakes:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - 400g

For cream:

  • Village sour cream - 500g
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons

For decoration:

  • Marzipan mass - 2 pieces of 10 g of green or yellow color and 2 pieces of 10 g of red color
  • Almond "petals" - 8 pcs.
  • Bitter chocolate - 1 slice
  • Multi-colored sprinkles for cupcakes - 10g

Honey cake "Bees" - recipe.

Put the honey in the microwave for 3 minutes to make it more liquid. If you have liquid, young honey, skip this operation.

Also dissolve the butter in the microwave, but not to a liquid, but to a plastic state.

Wash the egg shells with soap, beat the eggs with a mixer.

Continuing to beat the eggs at low speed, gradually add honey. Continuing to beat the mixture of eggs and honey, add the softened butter in a spoonful.

Stop beating and add flour to the mixture.

Knead soft dough.

Divide the dough into 5 koloboks and put the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll the chilled dough into cakes and bake them at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Finished cakes immediately, before they have had time to cool, cut to an even circle. Use a plate or pot lid for this. Dry the rest of the cakes in the oven and grind into crumbs. You will subsequently use this crumb for sprinkling the finished one.

Let the cakes cool completely. Village sour cream mix with powdered sugar. It is better not to whip such sour cream so that it does not exfoliate and turn into butter and buttermilk.

Lubricate the cakes with cream and lay one on top of the other. Brush the cream on the side of the cake as well.

Sprinkle with crumbs both on top and on the side. To decorate the cake, make two or more bees. To do this, take a marzipan mass of yellow or Green colour, roll them into balls first, then shape them into eggs. Melt a piece of dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Using a toothpick, apply stripes on the "body" of the "bees", make "eyes".

Make slits on the sides with a knife and insert two almond petals into them on each side. These will be the "wings" of the "bees". Roll out the red marzipan into “cakes” and cut them out using a cookie cutter or manually “flowers”. Plant the "bees" on the "flowers". Sprinkle the surface of the cake with multi-colored sprinkles depicting a flower meadow. Honey cake "Bees" for children's birthday ready. Your child will be delighted!
