
Business plan for opening a beer bar. Sales market analysis

Brief Investment Memorandum

Dreaming of your own bar? Then you, like no one else, must understand that for success in this business, compliance with standards and a special atmosphere are important, which cannot be created by any means in your own kitchen or in any other institution. For creating good bar, where people want to come as often as possible, it is not enough just to set up a stand and sell beer and snacks.

To open your own bar, first you need to decide on your target audience and understand what they will like. And then - to find a "chip" that will distinguish the institution from a lot of competitors. Following this, you can begin work on arranging your cozy bar.

Of course, it can take a lot of effort and money to create your own unique place. It is all the more important to weigh everything properly, to calculate all the pros and cons, and to take up the implementation of your project with a clear conscience. Do you want to get not only moral satisfaction from the bar business, but also income? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the business plan of the bar opened under the Contact Bar franchise.

2. Bar concept

Description of the business, product or service

"Contact Bar" is a popular network of youth bars from St. Petersburg, the first opening took place in 2010. Now 11 bars are open in St. Petersburg and their number will grow. For franchising last year 3 CONTACT BARS were opened - in Arkhangelsk, Penza and Cheboksary.

The concept of CONTACT BAR is the creation of a large, fashionable, youth space in the bar interior, with restaurant service and affordable prices. The target audience- the youth. They are young, they are from 18 to 28 years old, they are boys and girls, as a rule, students and managers. They are often not connected by family ties, they are not burdened with large loans, such as a mortgage or a car loan. They always have a lot of free time and they want to spend it communicating with each other. Young people are divided approximately equally between 50% guys and 50% girls, which indicates that CONTACT BAR is considered a safe place for fun.

This big bar with a large area with seating for guests from 200-250 people and it uses interior solutions aimed at a youth audience.

In CONTACT BAR, the bar counter is not contact, i.e. Guests are served only by waiters. Guests, while in the Bar, communicating in a comfortable environment, receive a restaurant service with low prices for the assortment of the bar and cuisine.

The advantage is the service of guests by waiters, because. during prime time, and this is usually Friday and Saturday, there are no empty seats in the CONTACT BAR, so you need to have time to serve all the guests as quickly as possible and make the most of it.

The bar menu has more than 60 items of strong and light alcohol. The wide cocktail menu includes at least 50 cocktails. Bar's share in total revenue is 65-70%. Bar's main strait is beer. Its share is about 30-35%, cocktails - 15%, strong alcohol- 15% and without alcoholic drinks 5%.

The cuisine menu is a combination of the most popular trends. Only hit dishes are presented - popular with young people.

The basis of the economic success of CONTACT BAR can be called a well-thought-out and technologically advanced menu. The bar maintains a markup of 300%.

The average check in CONTACT BARS is 450 rubles.

The average monthly revenue is 4,000,000 - 5,500,000 rubles.

CONTACT BARS pay off in an average of 12-14 months.

3. Prospects for development Catering

Description of the market

At the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015, the catering market faced certain difficulties. On the one hand, the economic crisis has led to the fact that people are less likely to visit cafes, bars and restaurants. On the other hand, the ban on the import of certain products, rising prices and the weakening of the ruble have complicated market conditions. According to analysts' forecasts, about 25% of all establishments in Russia may close by the end of the year. Some players have already left the catering market, and most chain establishments had to change their development strategies.

Nevertheless, large chains, serving the mass demand for food and entertainment, in the current conditions have a good chance of increasing their market share. At the same time, the most successful are those projects that do not focus on unusual cuisine but to create a comfortable atmosphere for communication. It was the opportunity to socialize outside the home that became the main reason for going to a bar or restaurant in 2015.

At the same time, when visiting catering establishments, people want to get a product good quality By reasonable price. And only a network establishment can provide this to its visitors, since all processes in it are optimized and as efficient as possible.

Moreover, in recent years, more and more catering establishments have begun to open on a franchise basis. This scheme of work allows the franchisee to avoid mistakes thanks to the support of the franchisor, as well as to win its audience faster thanks to a well-known brand.

An excellent example illustrating this is the St. Petersburg network of youth bars CONTACT BAR.

4. Promotions in bars

Sales and Marketing

CONTACT BAR is not a discount bar. It has no direct discounts. The discount is included in the volume. By purchasing 1 liter of beer instead of 0.5, the guest benefits from a lower cost for a larger volume. Or sets for strong alcohol, where a guest, buying three servings at once, receives a benefit in price, in relation to the cost of one serving. Bars always have 2+1 federal promotions for alcohol. Snack snacks are also very popular, the so-called sets for the company, where there is the same principle - more volume, lower price.

Stock examples:

5. Profit bar

Financial plan

6. Open your bar: where to start?

Risk factors

When opening a CONTACT BAR, it is certainly necessary to take into account the location of the premises and its location. It is she who primarily affects the success and income level of CONTACT BAR. The premises must be located in close proximity to crowded places of young people, these are metro or major transport interchanges, shopping and entertainment centers, centers nightlife cities (clubs, etc.).

Russia is a country in which the tradition of real beer bars is just being formed. Experts talk about 30% growth of the industry per year. It's a complex business with many details, but the payback is real.

Primary activity

This business plan considers opening a small, conventional bar. In fact, establishments offering such services to their customers have three main formats:

  • restaurant;
  • a pub with the flavor of a certain country;
  • just a beer bar.

The latter is the easiest to open, and it requires less investment, it is its opening that will be considered. To make a business profitable, you need to make it attractive to customers. Your main product this case is beer and therefore taste characteristics should be given great attention.

In addition to the actual sale of beer, modern beer bars usually offer their customers various additional services. These may include broadcasts of sports matches, small concerts, and so on.

Instructions on how to open and what it is for

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

The business must be registered. For the legal operation of the institution, you will need the following documents:

  1. Certificate of registration of LLC (according to the law, only it can trade in beer drinks).
  2. License to sell alcohol. It is issued by the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation. You can get it at the local territorial office, you can find out more on the website of the service itself.
  3. Permission from SES, fire service.
  4. In some cases, to open beer bar in a certain room, the consent of all the owners of square meters in this building may be required. For example, if you open on the ground floor of an apartment building.

Stage 2 - finding a room

For a beer bar, you need a fairly large area, you must have storage facilities. If you are going to offer your customers any snacks, you will also need a kitchen.

You need to choose a room in crowded places - in the city center, for example. Find out if there are other beer bars in the area, how they are doing with attendance. Opening your establishment next door to another is dangerous - you may not be able to lure customers away.

Since you are going to sell alcohol, be sure to consider the regulations prohibiting such activities near educational institutions. Regulations on the issue of permissible distance are constantly changing, but the standard figure is 100 meters from door to door.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

What kind of equipment you need depends on the services you intend to provide. Make a list at the stage of planning a business plan.

For the effective functioning of the beer bar, it must have enough a large number equipment. For convenience, we grouped it.

  1. Basic equipment (dispensers for bottling, counters, kegs, etc.) - 140 thousand rubles.
  2. Additional equipment (coolers, gas cylinders, electric stove, refrigerators) - 238 thousand rubles.
  3. Cash equipment - 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Furniture - 300 thousand rubles.
  5. Items for use in the kitchen and in the hall (dishes, napkins, vases, etc.) - 382 thousand rubles.

Total: 800 thousand rubles

The beer dispensing system is the backbone of the bar and includes metal dispensing columns, coolers, defoamers. Such equipment is produced by various manufacturers. Among them are the companies Pegas, Lucky, Cobra and others.

Stage 4 - recruitment

Even a small beer bar should include several employees. The first of them is a bartender, 2-3 waiters will also be required, depending on the number of tables in the hall. Your customers will also need an appetizer, so you need a cook. Keep in mind that the bar will work from 12 hours a day or more, which means you need at least 2 people for each position.

In addition to the employees listed above, security also does not interfere - in establishments selling alcohol, conflict situations, unfortunately, are not uncommon. You can either hire your own security, or conclude an agreement with a private security company.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

To make sure your business is successful, you can turn to market consulting services. Then a team of experts will assess the situation on the market, the potential demand for beer bars in certain areas. And also develop a subsequent marketing strategy.

In order for your business to generate a steady income, you will need advertising. Online advertising is quite effective. Also, you can use promotions and other methods.

A strong brand can be a strong tool for you, which should include a catchy name and logo. Try to come up with something original, not hackneyed, but at the same time characterizing your beer bar.

Financial plan

A business plan for a beer bar should include financial expenses. You will need about 1 million 800 tons for the purchase of all additional equipment and furniture. About 135 tons more costs the beer bottling system - it is the main tool of the beer bar. An automation system can also be of great help. It will optimize the work of the kitchen, hall, bottling drinks - it costs from 60 thousand rubles.

The cost of renting a room large enough for a beer bar, including utility rooms, costs 1,600,000 rubles per year. These are approximate prices for the Moscow region, at a price of 10 thousand rubles per year for 1 sq. m. m. In other regions of Russia, prices can be much lower.

You will also need to make repairs, change the design of the room. Costs may be lower if you rent a space that previously housed a restaurant or similar establishment. But even in this case, the cost of cosmetic repairs will be approximately 1.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. km. meter.

The total cost will be approximately:

  1. rent - 1 million 600 tons per year;
  2. additional equipment and furniture - 800 thousand rubles;
  3. beer bottling system - 135 thousand rubles;
  4. renovation of the premises - from 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 2 million 635 thousand rubles.

Possible risks

Creating a beer bar in the conditions prevailing in this market is a profitable business, but also risky. With the wrong marketing, bad location of the institution and other negative factors, you can easily lose your money.

To the main possible risks can include the following:

  1. Situation in the beer market. There is a paradox in which the state policy aimed at reducing alcohol consumption by Russians coexists with the growth of beer.
    In fact, the culture of drinking beer in a pub is still being formed in the country. Bars are growing due to the ban on the sale of alcohol in stalls, as well as after 21:00 in stores. But how long it will be is unknown, the legislation may change.
  2. Bad location. A common reason for the ruin of beer bars. Moreover, the problem is that a place that was successful yesterday can easily cease to be so. For example, if nearby factories are closed, and their employees stop visiting the bar. These trends need to be closely monitored.

In the UK and Ireland, pubs were originally places where various alcoholic drinks were sold. Over time, this word has become more and more associated with a beer establishment. Needless to say, that in the CIS countries the volumes of beer consumption are more than high? Beer is the favorite drink of many. And of course, live, keg beer is much more valued than bottled beer. This is exactly what is offered in high-quality, good beer establishments.

Many entrepreneurs have already rated own experience how profitable and effective opening a beer bar can be, and plunged headlong into this business. Try it too.

beer bar business plan

How to open a beer bar from scratch


Why are beer bars so popular? This question is asked by many entrepreneurs when they think about. And it's not just the drink itself, which, of course, plays a big role. A bar that serves low-quality, stale or tasteless beer will not be in demand and popular among customers. But this is only one side of the business.

For many, beer bars are not only a place where you can enjoy your favorite alcoholic drink, but also a place for pleasant meetings with friends. Beer bar, which is organized uncomfortable and uncomfortable for spending time, will not be popular. And every entrepreneur must take this into account when building his business.


In every major city, pubs or beer bars are found, if not at every step, but after ten steps for sure :). These establishments have become especially popular in the last five years. One of the main laws of business says: do not open your establishment where establishments in the same narrow area are already open and successfully operating. This is absolutely true. But have you ever wondered why many of the new pubs that are open near the "old" ones still have a lot of visitors every evening? It's all about the concept, in its "zest". Bars (by the way, not only pubs) are those establishments that win the love of guests, first of all, with their atmosphere. And if you can create a unique, comfortable atmosphere in your establishment, but no competitors will stand in your way.

Location selection

In our articles, we have repeatedly advised you to open public institutions in the city center or very close to it. In terms of location, a beer bar is an almost universal institution. You can open it both in the city center and in sleeping areas, on the outskirts. Dormitory areas often lack places where you can sit and chat with friends over a drink. If you find just such an area, then quickly open your pub there before someone else does. The only condition is that the area must be densely populated, in which mostly people under 40 live.

An excellent option can also be a place near the train stations. How often before going on a trip or on a business trip, we are looking for a place where you can have a quick bite to eat on the road and say goodbye to loved ones! A bar with a cozy, calm atmosphere will be most welcome. Moreover, among your potential clients transit passengers are also added.

And of course, the city center. The most advantageous, but also the most competitive place. Choose a location closer to shopping and entertainment complexes, business and office centers. People walking around the city or walking from work may want to relax in your bar.

So, we figured out the location, now you need to choose directly the room where the beer bar will be located. The optimal size of the room is about 180 square meters. The premises may be located on the ground floor of a residential building or other non-residential building. In the first case, you will need to transfer the area from residential to non-residential stock, otherwise you will not be allowed to legally start activities there. It will be necessary to significantly spend money on repairs, all necessary communications, and possibly redevelopment of the area. The fire department and the sanitary and epidemiological station will have to check the premises for compliance with all requirements, and issue you a permit to operate it as a public catering establishment.

If you have found a suitable room, but it is a basement, we advise you to think a thousand times before opening a beer bar in it. In the basement, by law, it is allowed to open such an institution, however, how can this affect the loyalty of your customers? Yes, there are quite a few good and even fashionable establishments in the basement, but remember that many people may have a stereotype that the basement is dirty, ugly, and in general rats live there. Now more and more people are losing respect for cafes and bars located in the basement. If you want to create a presentable, good pub, then place it "above" the ground, not "under".


You need your own "chip". Otherwise, you will hopelessly get lost against the background of other pubs, which, most likely, are a lot of in your city. First you need to choose a name. It should be short, concise and memorable. Often the names of such establishments use the theme of men's hobbies, the names of cities (mainly German or British), and the beer theme itself.

The interior and uniform of employees should also not stand out from the general concept. You will definitely not lose if you perfectly implement interior design in the style of a famous movie or some historical period. In the CIS countries, many beer bars are decorated in the style of traditional English and Irish pubs. Such a concept can be both winning (if there are no establishments in this style in your city and you implement it at the highest level), and absolutely losing (if your establishment becomes the tenth English pub In your city). And to win the love of customers is only delicious beer, without the support of the concept, it will be much more difficult.

Also create your own unique logo that will decorate all the dishes in the establishment, staff uniforms, menus, etc. Yes, everyone does it. But they do it right. This way, the image of the integrity of your brand will be fixed in the minds of customers.


You can buy beer or brew your own. Of course, the second option is preferable and will make your bar more solid. But even if you have your own beer, no one will forbid you to buy bottled beer. They will also buy it, because everyone has their own tastes. In addition to beer, you can also include other alcoholic drinks. For example, author's cocktails from the bartender and several popular cocktails such as Pinacolada, White Russian, Daiquiri, Margarita. If your pub has a British theme, then it can not do without Irish whiskey and Irish coffee. But the main emphasis should be, of course, on beer: there should be much more of its types than other drinks on the menu. Beer is the main character of your bar, and the rest of the drinks are just extras.

In addition to the beer itself, you need to include in the menu and various snacks. typical starters to beer: fish, chicken wings and legs, snacks, chips, salted nuts, cheese sticks in batter, smoked meat, hunting sausages. If there is a desire and an opportunity to organize the work of a full-fledged kitchen in an institution, then soups, salads, side dishes can also be added to the menu. However, you should not make a large list of such dishes, yet you do not have a restaurant, but a bar.


To operate a beer bar, you will need:

  • mini brewery;
  • coolers;
  • beer counters;
  • columns;
  • cylinders;
  • kegs;
  • dishes;
  • kitchen utensils and devices (depending on the dishes on the menu);
  • refrigerators;
  • bar counter and bar equipment (shakers, coffee makers);
  • furniture in the hall and interior items;
  • cash equipment;
  • if desired, equipment in the hall (karaoke, plasma TVs).

The mini-brewery itself can be purchased as a ready-made kit, as well as for individual devices included in it. Among them: malt grinder, electric steam generator, filter, hydrocyclone device, wort brewer, water heating device, pump, yeast vats, fermentation tanks, etc. If you are well versed in such equipment, then you can purchase them separately, based on your financial capabilities and the desired capacity of the brewery. If not, then buy the entire “set” that the manufacturer offers you at once.


As in any catering establishment, the staff will play a huge role in a beer bar. Namely, his professionalism and competence. The client will make the general impression of visiting the institution, including the way he was received and served by the staff. In restaurants, as a rule, a large staff of staff, which must be constantly monitored. Not everyone copes with this, especially beginners. For a bar, a large staff is not required, which already greatly facilitates the head of personnel management.

For a beer bar you will need such people:

  • administrator;
  • bartender(s);
  • waiter(s);
  • cook(s);
  • cleaners/dishwashers;
  • brewer (if you have your own mini-brewery).

You can do the bookkeeping yourself, or outsource it if you doubt your accounting abilities. If the bar is small, then two waiters (one for each shift), two bartenders (also one for each shift), two chefs (understood for yourself) may be enough for you. One administrator may be enough. Firstly, if you yourself will sometimes appear in the institution, then the staff will always have a “chief”. Secondly, in the absence of an administrator (for example, if he works only until 20.00), you can appoint a senior shift among the rest of the employees.

You can reduce the staff at the expense of cleaners. Often the duties of cleaning the kitchen are shifted to the cooks, cleaning the hall - to the waiters. And the point here is not to save money - you will pay for cleaning even cleaning ladies, even cooks - but the fact that employees themselves are often not averse to earning extra money.

Brew delicious beer and success in your beer business!

Business plan beer bar opening- this is a guarantee and condition for the favorable, and most importantly, profitable development of your undertaking. The organization of any public catering facility is complex and multifaceted, and is always associated with many legal nuances, which is why it is so important in this case to seriously approach planning your proposed business.

Beer bars or pubs are one of the most popular meeting places with friends and buddies, where you can enjoy a drink in a relaxed atmosphere. fragrant beer chat or cheer for your favorite football team. Often it is the pubs that become the platform where the fans are drawn during the broadcast of any competition. Thus, the popularity of beer bars is undeniable, so if you decide to organize a business in this area, then start developing pub business plan stands right now.

Key Features business plan for opening a beer bar pub with calculations

Craft bar: business initiative analysis

Beer is a popular drink among almost the entire adult population. After the abolition of street selling beer and stalls, the demand for beer bars and pubs has increased dramatically. Popularity adds near-sporting surroundings and fashion trends. Based on this, we can conclude that the idea of ​​​​creating your own pub is very relevant and promises high profits.

However, do not forget that, like any business, a pub has a number of difficulties associated with possible financial risks that need to be carefully analyzed in a business plan. These include incorrect market analysis, a change in the socio-economic situation in the country, a change in fashion, a high level of competition, and an unloaded institution in the daytime.

It is necessary to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the idea of ​​​​opening a beer bar in a business plan because an entrepreneur must not only be fascinated by the benefits, but also soberly understand what risks await him in case of failure.



The essence of the work of a beer pub and the importance of a business plan

Entrepreneur who decides to open craft bar must understand in detail all the nuances of his future activities. The modern economy forces the entrepreneur to be not just the owner of a drinking establishment, but also a marketer, lawyer, and psychologist.

Therefore, the creation of a pub business plan for a novice entrepreneur is absolutely necessary, thanks to him he will be able, among other things, to assess his abilities and weigh the possibilities.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The amount of investment to launch a beer bar

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Beer bar sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Beer bar risks

7 - Conclusions

A business plan for opening a beer bar with calculations is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, charts and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planbar opening

As a result of fruitful cooperation with Plan-Pro A loan in the amount of 10.3 million rubles was agreed upon. The business plan, which contained detailed calculations and their rationale, as well as a detailed analysis, helped us to realize the project of opening a sports bar.

Kravtsov Igor Ivanovich, Rostov region

Feedback on a sports bar business plan

In the business plan that we bought on the site, the site was especially pleased that there was no “water”. Everything is short, clear and to the point. The calculations are detailed, but at the same time capacious and simple. You can make changes: we have slightly adjusted the investment plan and the cost of dishes. The business plan helped us analyze a new direction and refine our strategy for the future.

Tamara and Dmitry Mikhailets, Moscow region.

Feedback on a business plan for opening a hookah bar

Received private investment in the amount of 57 million rubles .. The business plan was made in just 8 days, all our wishes and requirements were taken into account.

Sumyatin O.V., individual entrepreneur, Novosibirsk region

Feedback on a beer bar business plan with calculations

When the decision was made to open a beer sports bar, I never doubted that I would need a business plan, because I had a vague idea of internal organization project. For reliability, I turned to Plan Pro for help. Ready-made beer bar business plan with calculations, which I purchased from them, helped me better understand the details of a business project, form my own settlement system, determine the profitability indicator, and develop a marketing plan. Having organized my own business, I now have an income of about 130 thousand rubles a month.

Penkova M.A. Individual entrepreneur. Saransk

Designing a business plan for a beer bar (pub)

Conceptual solution

A conceptual solution for a business plan is a must. According to the chosen format of the institution, all calculations of the project will be lined up, advertising methods, features of internal and external design, etc. will be determined.

There are not so many format options for a beer bar:

  • National format beer bar (i.e. pub, for example, in the English or Irish style)
  • Sports bar
  • Beer restaurant
  • summer tent

Beer Bar Business Plan Structure

To be designed by you pub business plan meets all the modern requirements of the market system, it is important that he carefully analyzes the following issues:

  • Development of a marketing plan
  • Recruitment

Development of a marketing plan

Regardless of where the proposed pub is located: in a large regional center or in a small town, the level of competition will be quite high. That's why it is important to give a special place in the business plan of a beer bar to the development of a marketing strategy.

The fundamental point of promotion will be the creation of your own USP. Regardless of the chosen bar format, it may include:

  • Full menu available
  • Wide range of beers
  • Convenient location
  • Unusual format and design of the room
  • Outdoor media (signs, flyers)
  • Internet (ads, website, groups in social networks)

Features of project registration

Choosing the legal form of your catering business is one of the highlights of a business plan developed for a beer bar. In this case, you should take into account some peculiarity: if your establishment does not plan to sell strong alcoholic drinks along with beer, then it will be enough to register an IP, and if you plan to do this, then you will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol and register a legal entity.

Opening a beer bar will require you to collect a fairly large package of permits from regulatory authorities (SES, Fire Department, municipality, etc.)

The issue of legal support for the relations of the pub with beer suppliers should be devoted to a separate part in the business plan.

Beer bar business plan: calculation of the amount of capital investment

In order to correctly predict the amount of initial investment, the pub's business plan should analyze all planned expenses:

  • Rent or purchase of premises
  • Room equipment
  • Purchase of goods (beer and related products)
  • Communal payments
  • Salaries
  • tax deductions
  • Advertising expenses
  • Other expenses, including "airbag"

According to experts, the approximate amount of investment can be from 5 to 50 million rubles.

In order to competently develop an economic model for your project, you can download a beer bar business plan with calculations. The example of the financial system presented in it already contains all the necessary calculation schemes for determining profitability and payback indicators, which will help you not only adjust your economic indicators, but also successfully pass the credit committees' checks.

Analysis of the premises and its necessary equipment

In the business plan, it is important to develop the basic requirements for the premises where the craft bar is planned to be located. The level of its profitability directly depends on its location, and in this case, experts recommend several profitable options that will form the main audience:

  • Close to shopping or office centers
  • Close to large industrial facilities
  • Close to transport hubs

The concept of a beer pub does not set a rigid framework for the number of floors, that is, the pub can be located on any floor, including the basement.

As for the size of the room, it should be selected taking into account the requirements of GOST.

The design of a beer bar should be carried out strictly in accordance with the chosen conceptual solution.

One of the main points of the beer pub business plan should be an analysis of the necessary equipment:

  • Dishes
  • Furniture for the hall (tables, armchairs, bar counter, high chairs)
  • Equipment for economic zones
  • Beer pouring equipment
  • Purchase of related goods
  • Connection of the main engineering and security systems


A high-quality business plan for a pub should also include an analysis of labor relations with employees, as well as their functional composition:

  • Administrator
  • Bartender
  • Waiters
  • Chef (if there is a full menu)
  • Accountant
  • Employees for cleaning premises (a contract with a cleaning company is possible)

Calculation of the budget in the business plan of the beer bar

One of the most important tasks for a beer bar business plan is the formation of a financial model., that is, accounting systems for all financial movements .

In order to do this correctly, it is important to understand that the main directions of cash flows will be: expenses and income. The first one should include: salaries, taxes, purchase of goods and equipment, etc. And it will be more difficult to calculate income, we can calculate its approximate figure if we take as a basis the average indicators of pub checks in Russia, which for a xxx period of time can amount to xxx rubles .

Economic indicators of the project

The main economic indicators, the calculation of which is important to make in the business plan of the pub, are profitability and payback. Economic efficiency will be determined by the ratio of expenses and income of the enterprise. And as for the payback of the project, experts here say that on average, its period can be from 3 to 5 years.

There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for opening a beer bar with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Opening a pub is a business that, with the right planning and organization, promises to be promising, however, do not forget that it also borders on numerous financial and legal risks.

To avoid them, as well as to ensure high-quality marketing promotion and secure your project from a legal point of view, you can download example finished beer bar business plan with calculations. The detailed financial system presented in it will help you not only to better understand the settlement structure yourself, but also to adjust your performance taking into account the requirements of loan commissions or investment partners. As an alternative, you can purchase from us a business plan designed specifically for your business project.

Opening a beer bar is indeed a promising enterprise, this is due to the great demand for its services and potentially large profits, however, only a serious approach to building a business plan for a pub can become a guarantee for such an option for the development of your enterprise.
