
How to grow a restaurant business. What to do if the attendance of a cafe, bar or restaurant has fallen? The more reasons to visit your establishment, the better.

How to increase the profit of the restaurant - this question is asked by many restaurateurs and restaurant business owners. Often you can meet the problem of the chef - the owner, when he, like a good housewife, knows how to cook, but does not know how all this can be converted into the equivalent of money. It is this topic that we will focus on.

Why do people come to a restaurant? The answer is obvious - to eat delicious food, have a good time, relax and unwind. Delicious food is the very first thing that makes a client come to you, to your establishment. People are willing to pay money for the comfort and satisfaction of their most sophisticated preferences and not only taste.
The ultimate goal of any business is the income that your "brainchild" will bring you. Sooner or later, everyone can face the problem of the so-called "ceiling", when there seems to be a profit, but it does not rise more than a certain amount, no matter how hard you try. We have already talked about little tricks and now we will talk in more detail.

In order to increase income and, accordingly, profit, you need to pay attention to the psychological and economic aspects. In the fight against the “profit ceiling”, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention and carefully analyze the following points:
The target audience of the restaurant, the main flow of customers;
The average check of the client (what is the average amount the client leaves in the institution for one visit);
Analysis of the incoming flow and the transformation of a casual visitor into a regular customer.
Client touch.
Return visit;

If you increase any of these points, the restaurant's profit will automatically increase.

Let's take a look at each item in detail.
customer flow. Why does the person come to you? What can make him come back to you? The opinion of the client, both potential and permanent, is influenced by many factors. As a rule, before the first visit, people spontaneously make a decision. Anything and anyone can influence it. Impulsive decision making can be influenced by a facade, a sign, advertising, word of mouth, and more. The logic of a person is responsible for everything at the moment when he passes by your restaurant or when your potential client is still at home, but is about to go somewhere. You need to analyze the factors that make potential customers respond specifically to your offer or understand what scares them away.

There are many criteria for evaluating the performance of a restaurant, and some of them relate directly to the performance of the kitchen. They can be both in the aesthetic aspect and in the temporal indicator of service. Both are very important, and attention must be paid to both. And if aesthetics is more or less clear, then regarding the time indicator, the staff needs to make small clarifications to the client. Of course, everyone wants to be fed very quickly, and the task of the waiter in this case is to politely warn that it will take some time to prepare this or that dish. And the task of the cook, of course, is to fit in at this time. Position your work only with fresh products. Eliminate semi-finished products.

Next, I propose to consider several ways to generate:
It is obligatory to use ODA (Offer-Deadline-Actoin) technology in advertising. The technology lies in a specific proposal, a time or quantity limit, and a call to action.

Successful restaurateurs have been using this technology for a long time. Pay attention to what is offered in subway cars, on billboards, flyers:
· “All cocktails are free!” (bright suggestion);
· “Only from 00.00 to 02.00” (time limit);
"Call and book a table now!" (call to action);
«Meter pizza + a glass of wine as a gift!» (bright suggestion);
“Only in September!” (limitation);
"Come join us for dinner!" (call to action);

Be sure to implement these technologies, and the result will not be long in coming.
- Partnership programs. Use any business in the neighborhood to increase your profits. Offer business lunches, special offers and discounts for students at a neighboring university. Offer to host your corporate parties and holidays. Create a cozy and at the same time business environment for business meetings and negotiations.

Create a group on social networks, advertise on Yandex and Google, encourage your customers to check in foursqare (a person can “chime in” and his friends find out that he was at your restaurant), place information about yourself on all free directories on the Internet.

Web page. Create a face for your establishment. Forum for visitors. Don't forget reviews. "Carry" your advantages in society.

Negative reviews. Don't be afraid of some negativity that may appear on your page. To some extent, this is even good. This suggests that the page is “live” and the reviews on it are left by real visitors to your cafe, pizzeria or restaurant. Visitor opinions will help you avoid mistakes in the future and improve your business.

Home delivery service is very popular. Direct your delivery service ad to this segment. Who can be a user of this service? For example, young (and not so young) men who want to arrange a romantic dinner for their beloved. People who take a lot of time to work and simply have neither the strength nor the desire to cook lunch or dinner. Groups of young gourmets who want to pamper themselves with deliciously prepared food. By the way, they will tell their friends about you both in social networks and in real life with great pleasure. Word of mouth works great in such cases. Additional generation will be provided to you.
Here are some options that you can use to increase the profits of your restaurant or cafe. In fact, there are many more of them and each of the points requires special attention. But first, fulfill exactly these conditions and you will notice how the rest will catch up to you themselves.

Read also:

  • You can train waiters endlessly and still fail to increase restaurant sales if the menu design is flawed. A good menu can sell itself: its layout takes into account all the psychological characteristics of the guest so that the average bill grows without any effort from the staff.

    Read about the secrets of layout of the selling menu in the article.

  • A common mistake of restaurateurs is a twenty-page menu overloaded with offers. Do you think that if you offer dishes for all tastes and occasions, then the more satisfied guests you will have? In fact, the opposite is true: research data confirms that the problem of excessive choice creates anxiety in guests.

    And this is just one reason not to make your menu long. To learn why a short menu sells better than an overloaded one, read the article.


  • There are sales techniques that require minimal staff training, and the returns are enormous. For example, the "By the way ..." technique: with it, the waiter is perceived by the guest not as an obsessive salesman, but as a friend offering professional help.

    For information on how a waiter delicately push a guest to an additional order, read the article.

  • Uncertain knowledge of the menu by the waiter often causes weak sales. To prevent this, create an extended menu for waiters. It will help you remember the menu from A to Z with all the details.

    Write in such a menu the composition of the dishes, the mode and features of their preparation, the cooking time. Specify with what devices it is recommended to eat each dish. If you can get information about the approximate calorie content of each dish, it will work out perfectly. Accompany each dish with a photo.

    However, there are effective menu memorization techniques developed by experts. Elena Pobedonostseva talks about them in her comprehensive guide to training for waiters.


  • To boost alcohol sales at a bar, bet on... snack sales. Because the attractive snack menu offers the majority of the target group exactly what they want. Thanks to snacks in the bar, an atmosphere of communication, entertainment and experimentation is created. Visitors stay longer and spend more. Appetizers have a lower food cost than main courses. It is easier for kitchen staff to prepare and serve snacks in a timely manner.

    To learn how to "disperse" sales of a cocktail card using a tool that is not the most obvious, read the article. .

  • “In our roadside cafe VZS with free-flo service, for several years we have been offering only standard portions of cold drinks of 200 ml - fruit drinks, compotes and jelly of our own preparation. We reasoned as follows: the prices for our drinks are democratic even by the standards of roadside establishments (from 20 to 30 rubles per glass), so those who find this volume insufficient will always be able to take two drinks.

    However, we noticed that putting two glasses on a tray is not very convenient, and decided to buy glasses of double volume. We also made the offer to buy a large drink more profitable: for example, dried fruit compote, which cost 20 rubles, began to cost 25, and a double portion - 40.

    Of course, we expected that guests would take double drinks more often than before they took two single drinks. However, their popularity has exceeded our expectations: now guests prefer double the standard. Already from the first week after the introduction of new glasses, sales of own-produced drinks in the VZS cafe increased by 40.89%.

    For other methods to quickly increase sales, read the article by Andrey Kondrashin .


  • We remind you of such a mandatory tool as . The purpose of this analysis is to increase marginal profit. This is achieved by reducing the average food cost and increasing the overall margin. You will be able to remove from the menu those positions that cannot be called profitable, and increase sales of those dishes that bring a good margin.

01.12 2015 What to do if the attendance of the cafe has fallen?

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What to do if the attendance of a cafe, bar or restaurant has fallen?

Greetings to all readers of our When opening a business, if it is: a cafe, restaurant, bar or hotel, the main indicator of success is popularity. If they come to an institution, it means that it is popular.

There are ways, as old as the cafe itself, that everyone uses to promote their restaurants, cafes and bars.

Let's briefly list them, and then move on to ways that will increase your traffic quickly and inexpensively. As you probably guessed, we will increase attendance through the Internet!

  1. You have already drawn cool and beautiful flyers, printed 10 thousand pieces and your waiters or “specially trained people” are already handing them out. But even leaflets handed out near the nearest metro and at intersections do not give as many visitors as you expected. It could be that you are giving out at the wrong time or in the wrong place. For example, on Friday, or early in the morning, everything of course depends on what kind of business you have.
  2. You already organize a mega show for every holiday, which is not very cheap, but if you count everything, then these events do not bring you much revenue, but the big plus is that people can come back to you many more times, but is this percentage of returned visitors really that big?!
  3. Outdoor advertising. You have hung all the lights and boards with your advertising materials, even the asphalt is strewn with your advertising, your advertising is visible to everyone, even the blind person passing by, through the outdoor speakers, it is known that today you have a second cup of coffee for free.
  4. Your menu is so refined and varied that it can please any connoisseur of drinks and food.
  5. Of course, you have the most polite and most beautiful staff!

You can list indefinitely, you already know all this, but you need visitors this weekend as well!?

So, I want to tell you about how to increase the traffic of a hotel, restaurant, cafe or bar.

I would like to dwell on each type of establishment separately, let's start, perhaps, with a situation where the restaurant's attendance has fallen.

The first thing to do if you have a drop in restaurant attendance is to do a little analysis, because of which attendance could fall, due to staff, location, competitors, menu or other ... But, if everything is fine with this, then you need to start promoting your restaurant on the internet.

The main points of how to improve (increase) restaurant attendance via the Internet!

  • Create a restaurant website with a menu and prices (it is open 365 days and 24 hours, which will allow visitors to answer 90% of questions about the work and prices of the establishment);
  • Create profiles on social networks and promote them (publish contests and announcements about promotions and discounts, events in them);
  • Run remarketing for your site, visitors who were on your site will see your events and will come to you (thus, you will greatly increase the% of regular visitors);
  • Collect emails on the site, in the future you will be able to target them (this will allow you to quickly distribute information about discounts and promotions, quickly attract attention, for example, before the holidays);
  • It is important to maintain groups on FB, where you can not only contact the audience, but also make a list for targeting on FB (it is easy and convenient to contact the audience on Facebook)
  • Register a site on restaurant review sites and review sites, raise your restaurant to the top of the rating, on such sites as (Trip Advisor, Booking) bring the restaurant card to the first place in the ratings of such sites, and you will immediately notice a large influx of visitors in the near future;
  • Relevance of contacts: keep track of the contacts that are located on your site and on the cards of review sites and other sites where you posted. This is important, as you can lose a large order (for example, for the celebration of the new year, or birthday, corporate party), and these are good amounts!

How to increase the attendance of a bar, cafe

If your bar or cafe traffic has dropped, the first thing you need to do is to understand the target audience of the bar. Who goes to your bar, what is your pricing policy and location, the center or outskirts of the sleeping area - these moments play a huge role. You also need to understand that the music of your bar should be relevant to your audience. Of course, you can diversify your playlist and put songs for visitors, but this requires a “specially trained person”, which is not always available, and the bartender is not always interested in this.

The music and the location of the bar affect the attendance, as well as the price of the audience that comes to you.

But let's figure out how to increase (raise) the attendance of a bar and cafe via the Internet?

  • Register your bar on all popular maps (Google maps, Yandex maps, Map..). This will allow you to quickly attract visitors - many who are looking for places of recreation nearby using the phone (for example, karaoke bars are searched in 80% of cases from the phone).
  • Create a site, create a convenient mobile version (as it was written earlier, most of the audience searches for bars from mobile phones), contacts should be visible on every page of the site.
  • Register your bar in popular ratings and bring it to the top of these ratings - people will come to you because of their interest.
  • Also, to increase bar attendance, registering a site on review sites works well. Manage your reputation and reviews and more visitors will come to you.
  • Create events, invite live performers, publish all this on the website and in social networks, in advance, create and manage groups in social networks.

How to increase hotel traffic, about hotel promotion

Many hoteliers are faced with a situation where hotel occupancy has dropped, whether in season or out of season. In the article I would like to talk about how to make sure that your hotel or inn is always noisy and crowded.

How to promote a hotel? If your hotel is not located in the city center or even in a small town, then promotion of the hotel is simply necessary, since very few people know about its existence and living conditions, you need to popularize your hotel.

What you need to promote the hotel:

  • Need to analyze what audience visits your hotel?
  • Why people stay at your hotel: maybe it's a resort nearby, or an attraction, or it's a small tourist town;
  • Make a portrait of an average visitor, his income, the purpose of his visit, the average time spent in a hotel.

After all this, you need to think about how he found you and how to increase his interest in your hotel.

  1. If there are tourist spots in your area, then try to negotiate with tour operators who carry visitors - this way you will have a constant flow of visitors
  2. Create a website, post as much information about prices and living conditions as possible;
  3. Register your hotel on TripAdvisor and Booking sites, on local rental sites and travel portals, raise your hotel to the top on these sites.
  4. If you have a seasonal hotel and you need to attract visitors in the off-season, try organizing joint promotions with tour operators, creating a new route for tourists that will include your hotel.

There are many ways to improve or increase traffic to a cafe, restaurant or hotel. Recently, more and more customers come via the Internet - do not neglect such a powerful tool to attract visitors!

You opened your own restaurant or cafe, people found out about it, began to come to you, the first profit appeared, and now you have justified all the invested costs. It would seem that everything is fine, if not for a small but.

You noticed that the income, and, accordingly, the profit from your business, stopped at some point and stopped growing. If this does not suit you and you, as the owner of the restaurant business, want to develop, improve the status of your cafe or restaurant, increase income, increase profits, then this article is for you.
Let's take a look today at a few key indicators of any business, the increase of which will help to multiply profits with minimal time and money.
As you know, the increase in profit directly depends on the margin, on the number of customers, the average check that a customer leaves with you, and the number of newly returned visitors.
Usually, when sales stop, many try to restart them by increasing traffic (number of new customers). But attracting new customers is the most costly way. The statistics say (and you probably see this in your business too): it costs seven times more to attract a new client than to work with existing ones. Therefore, we will talk about attracting traffic in one of the following articles, and today we will pay attention to the margin, the average bill and increasing the loyalty of your visitors, that is, repeat sales.


Margin is the percentage of your profit on the cost of production. As for the pros, this is the most cost-effective way, so you should start with it. The downside is that the margin cannot be increased indefinitely.
1. The easiest way to increase this figure is to raise the price. If you increase menu prices by 2-5%, then most likely your visitors will not even notice it. For example, in your menu, a salad cost 320 rubles. You raised the price by 3% (which amounted to about 10 rubles, and this is not significant for the client). With a margin of 30%, your profit will increase by 10%.
2. Another way (good for cafes and restaurants) is to reduce the portions of the dishes served. As a rule, customers do not notice this either, but by doing so, you will reduce the cost of producing a particular dish, and the margin will increase accordingly, and your profit will increase.

Increase in the average check

The average check, roughly speaking, is how much your client leaves at your checkout, that is, the total sales divided by the number of visitors. The work of the staff, the location of dishes on the menu, promotions and bonuses play an important role in increasing the average check.
3. What does it mean to correctly arrange dishes on the menu? First, divide them into categories so that it is clear where are salads and where are hot, where are meat dishes, and where are fish or vegetarian. Secondly, arrange visually. Visual design increases appetite, and your customer will want to order more. Third, focus on high-margin dishes.
Be sure to focus on new items on the menu. People love to try new things. It will be great if you regularly have new dishes. This will stimulate the interest of your customers, which will make them come to you more often.
4. Upsell. You can resell right on the menu, recommending that you add this or that dish or snack to the already selected one.
5. Teach your waiters to upsell. If your client did not order dessert, then the waiter must definitely emphasize this. If rolls or sushi were chosen, then recommend trying your signature sauce instead of the classic one that is on every table.
6. You can increase the average bill by offering more expensive meals or drinks. For example, if a client ordered the classic Chicken Caesar, suggest him to try Shrimp Caesar, which has a more delicate, refined taste.
7. Another way to increase the average check is to offer some kind of snack while the customer is waiting for their dishes to be served. For example, you can offer a live oyster with a glass of dry wine. This will excite the client's appetite and push him to new orders.
8. If we talk about how to increase a check with promotions, then you can offer a client a gift when buying a certain amount. The gift doesn't have to be expensive; the main thing is that it has a high value in the eyes of the client. For example, in a beer bar, when ordering from 5,000 rubles - a beer mug as a gift. If you order a batch of these mugs in China, they will cost you mere pennies, and for visitors this is a good motivation to buy something up to the required amount and receive a gift.
9. If your establishment (it doesn’t matter if it’s a bar or a restaurant) has its own concept, its own brand (and they need to be for development), then you can resell your branded items: if it’s a beer bar, then you can offer mugs or T-shirts with your logo; if you have a fish restaurant, then oyster knives or branded plates may be on sale.

Repeat sales

Another way is to return customers to you again and again for a certain period of time. Of course, first of all, this indicator is influenced by service, maintenance, cleanliness, the way the dishes are prepared. There are a few more chips that will bring people back to you.
10. Promotions that make customers come back to you, for example: "Buy 9 cups of coffee and get the tenth one for free" or "Order 9 set meals and get 1 for free." This action will work even better if you limit it in time - a week, a month, two.
Well, I just can’t fit into the format of our Top 10 article and not give you a couple more chips.
11. Attract visitors through children. The more interesting the child is in your institution, the calmer their parents can relax, which means they will bring you more profit. It can be small gifts for children at the entrance, and the presence of a nanny, and various drawing contests, and interestingly designed dishes from the children's menu.
When we were on vacation in Thailand with our daughter, we had breakfast not in the cafe of our hotel, but in the cafe that our daughter chose. She literally dragged us there every morning, because every day she was given gifts in the form of several small toys, of which she made a whole collection during the rest.
12. You can also increase customer loyalty through compliments from the establishment. While your customer is reading the menu, bring him a cup of green tea.
When you bring a gift to a person, then, firstly, it will be inconvenient for him to get up and leave, and secondly, he is more likely to leave you more money. In addition, the next time he plans where to go, he will first of all remember you.
Your branded jam that you serve with tea, or freshly baked bread, or branded seafood sauce can also serve as a complement.
Here are just a few simple ways that can help grow your restaurant business, although the list could go on and on.
Of course, each institution has its own concept, its own status, its own pricing policy, its own customers. What might work well in a grill bar may not work well in a fish restaurant, and vice versa.
You need to understand your client, his desires, his needs, his financial capabilities, then it will be much easier for you to come up with chips for your establishment that will attract the target audience, bring customers to you, and increase their loyalty.
Think about how you differ from your competitors, what zest you have, how you stand out among the mass of cafes, restaurants and bars similar to you ... After answering these questions, write down a few things that you can implement today. But do not immediately implement all the ways to increase profitability that you consider suitable for yourself. Change everything gradually, so you will see what worked well for you and what did not work very well.
Delight regular customers with small but tasty chips, and they will definitely tell more than a dozen people about your establishment. And you will get new customers for free.

Vasily Bogdanov, Yana Yakupova,
business consultants

How much money do you need to be completely happy? This question can be answered quite exhaustively, if you specifically know what exactly will make you happy. I think if you own or manage a restaurant, you will be happy to increase the profitability and profitability of your establishment.

Nothing lasts forever in this world. A restaurant is no exception, and its life cycle can be compared to that of a human: gestation, birth, growth, maturity, and aging. At each of these stages in the life of your establishment, you need to apply appropriate measures to increase profitability.
So, we will consider specific actions that can make restaurateurs happy in terms of increasing profitability, and we will characterize each period of the establishment's life.


This is the most important stage during which the "foundation" of your offspring is laid, plans are made, projects are developed. To write a business plan, you will have to gather a lot of information. Put the end result at the head of all investment design work, i.e. what your institution will work for. And for this you need to know your visitor. With the help of market research, followed by market segmentation and identification of its players, you will understand who will visit your restaurant.

It is very important to choose the right equipment. You may be persuaded to purchase a miracle combi steamer that is reliable and smart enough to take over as your restaurant manager. But you will not be warned that his monthly maintenance will cost as much as the wages of, say, a trainee cook. I'm talking about miracle tablets for washing and rinsing this machine (on average they cost about 100 euros per dozen), which must be used without fail, at least every week, otherwise you won't see a warranty repair if the car suddenly breaks down. There are other ovens, no less smart and reliable, that automatically clean themselves using conventional means. Pay attention to the equipment's power consumption - it must be adequate to the performance. For example, one oven for 6 gastronorm containers consumes 12 kW/h, and another with the same performance parameters consumes 8 kW/h. Is it worth overpaying money for electricity that could become your profit?
The products of your restaurant should definitely be competitive. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify its advantages, disadvantages and measures to overcome them. If your Japanese restaurant makes California rolls, then this is not a novelty in a city of over 1 million people, because every sushi bar considers it necessary to have this roll in their menu arsenal. But what do you think could be the catch? In the price? If a person came to your restaurant, he will not slam the menu folder and run away from you, because your prices seemed high to him (although rarely, but this happens). In any case, your guest will order something, and maybe it will turn out to be a California roll, and despite its high cost, it will be tastier than anywhere else. And the secret is that in your restaurant, in the manufacture of this dish, natural crab meat will be used, and not its cheap substitute - crab sticks.
Well, we have decided on the concept, equipment and products, now, based on these values, the restaurateur draws up requirements for each staff position. If your menu contains difficult-to-cook dishes, then we advise you to hire experienced chefs, or, as they say in restaurant jargon, “batmen”. The more complex the dishes, the more expensive they are, and expensive dishes must be beautifully served, which means that the waiters must be experienced. When planning your staffing table, it is worth considering: should you hire two average chefs with a salary of 20 tr., or one professional “batman” chef who will easily do the work for two, but for 30 r.?


Birth - this stage is characterized by construction, recruitment and training of personnel, search for suppliers, paperwork, the first purchase and the opening of a restaurant.
Construction. A very difficult moment when you realize that the contractors who perform the work turn out to be aliens. They cannot understand in any way that you, as a customer, have every right to change the number and location of sockets and water outlets. And all this happens because during the design mistakes were made in the calculations of the arrangement of equipment. And by and large, these mistakes are not the fault of the builders, who are guided solely by projects, but their nerves and yours are spoiled. Therefore, your task, as a restaurateur, is to control the construction process on a daily basis and participate in the builders' operatives. If you do not make the workplaces as ergonomic as possible during the construction phase, then later you will get a restaurant that is inconvenient for work, which means that there will be constant parks with a minimum number of guests, which will lead to their loss.
At the time of construction, it is advisable to start recruiting for key positions - director, chef, managers. These people can subsequently delegate the search and training of ordinary employees and the rest of the opening.
The order for the first purchase must be carefully checked by the chef, the director and you. Because with the wrong approach in this matter, you run the risk of re-ordering products that will definitely deteriorate, which, of course, leads to a loss of money. Be ready for the opening of the restaurant, do not fall face down in the dirt. Better not give advertising, otherwise a large influx of guests will create a park for your employees - this will affect the quality of food and service, and most people will simply turn around and never return to your restaurant again!


This is the most rapid stage in the development of the restaurant. It is characterized by a sharp increase in sales and the number of guests, high staff turnover. We don't think it's worth giving recommendations to increase profitability for this period. It is quite possible to increase profitability not only by increasing sales, but also by managing these sales.

Sales. Which is better: to sell for 30,000 rubles and get an income of 15,000 rubles or to sell for the same amount and get 8,000 rubles of income? Of course, the latter option is less attractive. Sales management is a strict control of raw material cost (food cost). Usually, bar products, as well as a set of dishes prepared from inexpensive products, have a low cost. Accordingly, when selling "heavy artillery" (expensive dishes) from the menu, do not forget to increase sales of dishes and drinks with low food cost. To do this, you need to conduct daily morning operatives with waiters, in which you say which dishes you need to sell today (dishes of the day). Be careful and warn the waiters so that the offer of the dish of the day does not look like “pushing in”, after all, the restaurant works for guests, and not to fulfill your sales plan. A restaurant automation system such as iiko can help in terms of increasing sales.
Increase in the number of guests. Delicious cuisine and a cozy atmosphere created by your employees will definitely give positive results in increasing the number of guests. There is one golden rule of the restaurant: "one satisfied guest will bring 5 new visitors with him, and an unsatisfied one will tell 20 people that he did not like it at your place." In order to retain regular guests and attract new ones, your restaurant must compare favorably with its service from competitors. It is necessary to constantly work on improving the quality of service, and all emerging problems should ALWAYS be resolved in favor of visitors. Let you lose today the profit from the cost of a dish for which a disgruntled guest does not want to pay, but do not lose him and 20 people to whom he will tell everything.
Staff. Do not be afraid of high staff turnover during this period. The fact is that at this time, employees begin to feel tired from the increased workload - after all, there is more work. Not everyone is strong-willed and hardworking. Cunning people and real hard workers usually “survive”, although over time, cunning people either leave because of the general “love” of the team or become managers. At this stage, you need to remain calm and have a clear position aimed at conveying to the consciousness of the employees the conceptual values ​​of your restaurant.


At this time, you will observe a slowdown in sales growth, restaurant loading at the same hours, low staff turnover.

Sales. Well, the time has come when it is necessary to apply serious marketing measures. During this period, more than ever before, you will need to solve the following tasks:

  • Make advertising more effective;
  • Increase the amount of sale per visitor;
  • Increase the number of regular guests;
  • Increase sales during quiet hours;
  • Cut costs.

First, decide who you miss in your establishment, who still visits you a little and who can influence the increase in your revenues.

Second, create a special offer for this contingent in the form of a marketing promotion.

Third, create a permanent offer that meets the requirements of this group of people.

Fifth, check the progress and results of the action.

To increase the amount of sale per visitor, you need to constantly work with the waiters. Explain to them that if the guest drank juice, then most likely this is not the last glass, so you need to offer another one, and not wait for the guest to approach the bar and make an additional order. If a guest wants to order tea or coffee after dinner, then he should definitely offer a dessert. Naturally, in order for waiters to be interested in increasing sales, they must be motivated to do so.
To increase the number of repeat guests, you need to invent effective discount or savings systems. An automated restaurant management system will help in this. Be sure to pay special attention to regular guests! The time of day when your restaurant is completely empty, and employees organize competitions - who can fly the paper plane the farthest and most beautifully, is called “quiet time”. Develop a special offer or make discounts on all menus valid during this period, do not forget to indicate this in advertising.
Reducing costs is the most effective way to increase a restaurant's profitability. To do this, enter hourly wages and require managers to optimize their work schedules, especially at those times of the day when there are no sales. Set a monetary limit on consumables and chemicals. Control your energy consumption!


If your daily revenue is falling, the number of new discount cards issued is decreasing, and employees are looking for other jobs, then your restaurant has entered a period of aging.

Some owners, having received from the restaurant what they wanted, sell it or rent it out. Isn't it the easiest option?
The finances accumulated in the depreciation and reserve fund will help to prolong the successful life of the restaurant. At this time, the best strategy to increase profitability is renewal, you can call this process - Operation Phoenix. You know the mythical phoenix bird, which burns out in old age, and then is reborn from the ashes. No, we do not urge you to set fire to your restaurant, and your hand will not rise.
It should be borne in mind that a person who comes to your restaurant at least once a week will soon want to see, for example, a new picture on the wall, near his favorite table; on the table - a tablecloth of a different color, to try some new items, although he really likes how mushroom soup is prepared in your restaurant. To do this, at the previous stages of the development of the restaurant, you have already conducted a survey of your regular guests, thereby finding out their preferences. At the moment when you saw the first signs of the institution's aging, and it's time to change something, do not forget to rely on the preferences of your "golden" guests, otherwise you will lose them.
Of the innovations, start by changing the menu. Leave the best dishes and drinks, but call them a little differently, let these names open other sides of your unique culinary masterpieces. Rearrange the furniture in the hall, but not to the detriment of the comfort and ease of movement of the waiters. In the early stages of aging, such measures will be quite effective.
If you are in the late stages of a recession, then get ready for a radical change. One of them is restyling, that is, a change in style. You need to change the sign, leaving its former name. It may be necessary to repaint the facade and make some internal changes without violating the concept of the establishment: different tablecloths, a different uniform for waiters, slightly change the interior. The most costly form of restaurant revival is rebranding, i.e. a complete change. This includes the development of a new concept, renovation with a complete change in the interior, a new name.
In both cases, both restyling and rebranding, you must warn your regular and new guests that there will be a new restaurant at this place, where they can also use their discount cards. You can even conduct a survey of regular visitors on the topic of how you would like to see the new restaurant, and take this into account when renovating. Don't forget to set up a "Grand Opening" marketing event during which you inform your guests how long your establishment will be closed and when the "Grand Opening" will be.

As you can see, in words it is not difficult to achieve high results in increasing the profitability and profitability of a restaurant. Many who have worked in this area for a long time will agree that they do not work in a restaurant - they live in it.
Therefore, in order for this business to be effective not only in words, you yourself need to work for it with full dedication! Summing up, we want to note that the successful operation of your restaurant at all stages of its life cycle depends on what kind of far-sighted business plan you draw up. If under this plan you expect to return the investment within six months, then most likely your restaurant will close in two years. Be careful during the gestation stage, be careful during growth, make efforts during the period of maturity and be inventive when the restaurant begins to age - after all, this is your favorite brainchild, your soul should live in it, which visitors will definitely feel!
