
How to bake delicious ciabatta. Recipe for ciabatta in the oven at home

In bakeries, such bread stands, I must say, not so little, although the set of products is minimal and even ordinary native rye bread seems more expensive to me. I propose to cook ciabatta at home, according to the recipe for the "lazy". In this way, I have already baked it more than once, not two or three, I confess, always a slightly different result. In this bread, an indicator for me is its structure, namely holes, there should be a lot of them)


Combine flour, yeast, salt, sugar and butter. We mix without fanaticism. We leave for fermentation for 10-12 hours, I do it at night, but it’s convenient for anyone. I’ll make a reservation that I personally don’t add sugar to the dough, I like bread without sugar) The photo shows the dough after fermentation.

We wrap the edges of the rectangle as in the photo on the left and right to the center.

We divide into several parts and form bread.

Fold over the edges and stretch slightly. We try to do all manipulations as carefully as possible, it is important to keep air bubbles in the dough. We leave for proofing for 1.5 hours, covering from weathering. During this time, the dough spreads, carefully tuck it again, turn on the oven at 250 degrees, during the heating time, the bread will come up again.

We put a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven, bake the bread for 10 minutes with steam, then remove the water, lower the temperature to 220 degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Let the cooked ciabatta cool on a wire rack.

Bread "Ciabatta" is ready! This time there were not so many holes, you need to train more often)

Bon appetit!

Step by step cooking ciabatta according to the classic recipe:

  1. First, let's prepare the starter. We need a small deep bowl. Pour wheat flour into it.
  2. Dissolve yeast in water and pour into a bowl with flour. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The sourdough should have a consistency similar to pancake batter.
  3. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this time, the starter will darken a little and fill with bubbles.
  4. To prepare the dough, dissolve the yeast in water and leave for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pour the liquid to the sourdough.
  5. Add flour, mix thoroughly. Then continue kneading the dough by hand. It should be of a uniform consistency.
  6. Leave the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave again in a warm place for an hour.
  7. Next, you need to prepare the work surface, for this, sprinkle it with whole grain flour. We divide the dough into 10 approximately equal parts. We form a rectangle from each. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for another 1.5-2 hours. During this time, it should rise.
  8. We heat the oven to 240 degrees. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, which must be sprinkled with a little whole grain flour. We shift the dough. Before placing in the oven, it must be sprinkled with a little water. You can use a spray bottle for this. This is done so that the crust on the bread does not appear ahead of time.
  9. We bake in a well-heated oven at a temperature of 220-240 degrees for 5 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 180-160 degrees and bake for another 8 minutes. Open the oven and bake for another 5 minutes. This will make the crust crispier.

Ciabatta on wheat flour in a bread machine

Ciabatta in a bread machine is one of the most convenient options for preparing this dish. Since you don’t have to knead the dough by hand, the bread machine will do just fine. This recipe is designed for the apparatus of the company "Mulinex".


  • Wheat flour - 250 g
  • Water - 180 ml
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - for greasing

Step by step cooking ciabatta on wheat flour in a bread machine:

  1. Put water, flour and yeast into the container of the bread machine. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to this sequence.
  2. For ciabatta, choose program number 2. As for the color of the crust, we choose it to our own taste. After that, press the "Start" button. The bread maker will knead the dough in this program for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the dough must be taken out and divided into 2 parts. We spread both parts of the dough on a flat tray, which must first be formed into rectangles and anointed with olive oil.
  4. Press the "Start" button again. Ciabatta will be ready in 30 minutes.

It is important to know! The order of laying the ingredients depends on the brand of the bread machine. Each comes with a recipe book where you can see the sequence.

As you know, it is not necessary to use only wheat flour to make Italian bread. If you add a little rye, you get an incredibly tasty and fragrant rye ciabatta.


  • Milk 2.5% - 250 ml
  • Warm water - 125 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 5 g
  • Malt (liquid extract) - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Rye flour - 150 g
  • Wheat flour - 400 g
  • Sunflower seeds - 2 tsp
  • Pumpkin seeds - 2 tsp
  • Dried Bulgarian pepper - 1 tsp
  • Provence herbs - 1 tsp

How to make rye ciabatta step by step:

  1. First you need to prepare a large deep bowl. In it we mix milk, vegetable oil, liquid malt and yeast. Fill with water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add rye flour, stirring well. Then gradually introduce wheat and continue to knead the dough.
  3. Next, add the seeds and Provence herbs. We continue to knead the dough by hand. It will turn out quite thick, although the consistency will be watery.
  4. Wrap the dough with cling film, leave in a bowl. It is important that it is large enough, as the dough will rise. Leave for 12 hours in a warm place. A little hint: it is better to knead it in the evening.
  5. Over time, the dough will become more airy and increase in size. We take it out of the film and transfer it to a previously floured work surface. Sprinkle the dough with flour and divide into 2 parts, from which we form rectangles.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, add a little flour to it and spread the dough.
  7. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour a glass of water into a bowl and place on the bottom of the oven. This will make the ciabatta more airy. When the water begins to evaporate, put the baking sheet with the ciabatta in the oven for 30 minutes.
  8. After this time, the water must be removed, and the ciabatta left for another 15 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, you can slightly open the oven door. So the crust on the ciabatta will be more crispy.

Do not forget that when baking Italian bread, you can use various fillings. Ciabatta with cheese is a win-win option.


  • Wheat flour - 270 g
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Grated cheese - 50 g
  • Dry yeast - 7 g
  • Provence herbs - to taste

Step by step cooking ciabatta with cheese:

  1. Dissolve yeast in water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add flour while stirring well.
  2. Then add cheese and Provence herbs. And start kneading the dough by hand. It will be a little runny.
  3. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. It should rise and become more porous.
  4. Prepare your work surface by dusting it with flour. We spread the dough on it, divide it into 3 parts and form it into rectangles.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the ciabatta on it. Between each ciabatta, use a piece of parchment to form the sides.
  6. We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. 5 minutes before the readiness, the oven door can be slightly opened - so the crust will be more crispy.

If you add beer to the dough, it will turn out incredibly fragrant and softer. Ciabatta on beer is a vivid proof of this.


  • Wheat flour - 500 g
  • Light beer - 300 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 40 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp.

Step by step cooking ciabatta on beer:

  1. First you need to make a dough. To do this, dissolve the yeast in beer and leave for 15-20 minutes. Add flour while stirring thoroughly. Leave in a warm place for half an hour.
  2. We take a deep bowl, previously greased with olive oil. We put the dough in it, the egg and pour a little olive oil. We mix everything until a homogeneous mass. Knead the dough by hand for 10 minutes. After that, cover the dish with cling film and leave in a warm place for another 1.5 hours.
  3. At the end of the time, spread the dough on a work surface, previously sprinkled with flour. It is not necessary to knead it anymore, add a little flour to it.
  4. We divide the dough into 3 parts, give each of them a rectangular shape, such as that of ciabatta. Sprinkle with flour, cover with cling film and leave for another half an hour in a warm place.
  5. During this time, the dough should swell a little. We spread it on a baking sheet, which was previously covered with parchment and sprinkled with flour.
  6. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees. Then slightly open the oven door and bake for another 5 minutes. This will give the ciabatta a golden crust.

In Italy, ciabatta is used to make a world-famous snack, which is called "bruschetta". The following recipe is especially popular.


  • Ciabatta - 1 pc.
  • Arugula - to taste
  • Processed cheese, sliced ​​in portions - 140 g
  • Prosciutto - 100 g
  • Dried tomatoes - 50 g.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
  • Basil - to taste
  • Pine nuts - to taste

Step by step cooking bruschetta with prosciutto:

  1. Cut the ciabatta into small pieces. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, lay out the pieces of ciabatta. Drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 160 degrees.
  2. Next, thinly slice the prosciutto and cut off the stems from the arugula.
  3. Put cheese on slices of ciabatta, add green leaves and prosciutto. Top with sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts.


  • Ciabatta - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 60 g
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • pesto sauce - to taste
  • Basil - 2-3 leaves
  • Garlic - 2 cloves

How to make salmon bruschetta step by step:

  1. We prepare ciabatta in the same way as the previous recipe.
  2. Next, we make the filling. Finely chop the tomatoes, salmon and garlic. Mix everything in a deep bowl.
  3. Spread the basil leaves over the ciabatta and add the sauce. Put the filling on top.

How to serve ciabatta?

Ciabatta, like any other bread, is usually served with first courses. Italians are also used to serving it with various salads. It is great for making sandwiches, sandwiches. Sometimes they even make burgers out of it.

Everyone's favorite dish is prepared from ciabatta - bruschetta, which is served as an appetizer for the main course. There are many variations of its preparation. In this regard, you can safely give free rein to imagination.

Ciabatta goes well with cheese. And no matter what kind - it is in perfect harmony with absolutely everyone. It also goes well with ham, prosciutto, fish, herbs and various sauces.

When it comes to alcohol, ciabatta goes best with wine.

Ciabatta Video Recipes

Ciabatta is a delicious rustic Italian bread baked in the shape of a baguette. It has a very thin crispy crust and a porous crumb that looks exactly like in the photo when cut. Translated from Italian, the name of this product means "slipper", which is consistent with the shape of the product.

Everyone loves airy bread, without exception, because it is quite satisfying. But do not forget that ciabatta, like any other bread, has a high calorie content. It cannot be otherwise, because ciabatta contains wheat (rarely rye) flour, sourdough or yeast and olive oil, which provides airiness to the dough.

The recipe for this product has been passed down from generation to generation, so you can taste real ciabatta to this day. And you do not need to visit Italy for this, because the product has long spread throughout the world.

Hearty sandwiches, sandwiches and bruschetta are prepared on the basis of this tender bread, and delicate and almost weightless buns for hamburgers and bushes are baked using airy dough. Crackers made from a slightly dried loaf also have an amazing taste. They can be used both as an independent product and for making a light vegetable salad.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets that have a deli and their own bakery often offer Italian bread. The price of baguettes is quite acceptable, and in some retail chains you can even order home delivery of pastries. You can also buy frozen ready-to-cook ciabatta and a mixture for its preparation, which is a dry preparation containing gluten and enzymes.


Cooking ciabatta is a simple but lengthy process. It is similar to baking traditional bread. Initially, it was cooked in stone ovens, but technical progress has made its own adjustments, and modern housewives are no less successful in preparing the product in multicookers, bread makers and ovens.

The technology of dough preparation in modern conditions has not undergone any special changes. She became a kind of GOST. Authentic Italian bread is still made using a yeast-leavened sourdough method. The fermentation process of the dough lasts about twelve hours, but this is what allows the bread to be different from all other bakery products.

real ciabatta

How to bake the right and tasty ciabatta at home, we will tell in this section of the article.

The basis for obtaining high-quality real Italian bread is kneading. It can be done both manually and resort to the help of dough mixing units. A separate place in the preparation of the product should be given to the correct parting of the dough, so do not neglect the tips. Only if you follow the technology, you will be able to get the most similar pastries to the original.

The main, one might say, the classic way of kneading Italian bread is called a method based on the preparation of dough with sequential kneading of dough. The Italians call it Bige (big). In our understanding, this method is the most suitable for obtaining high-quality baked goods.

To do this, you need to knead the batter, which, after complete proofing, will need to be mixed with the bulk of the flour. To get a biga, you need to mix:

  • 85 grams of rye and wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 140 ml of warm water;
  • 4 grams of pressed fresh yeast.

The resulting liquid mass must be kept for an hour and a half at room temperature, and then placed in the refrigerator for 20 hours. It will turn out dark and will have a malt aroma.

After the time has elapsed, add this mass to a bowl with four hundred grams of sifted flour, and then add more:

  • 210 ml of water;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • 30 ml deodorized vegetable oil;
  • 10 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 25 grams of fresh yeast;
  • 14 grams of table salt.

Bulk components are recommended to be dissolved in water, and yeast - in milk. Knead the dough well and leave it to rise for another two hours in a warm place. After that, divide the workpiece into four equal parts and form oblong buns. Spread the bread on parchment and let it rest for another 10 minutes. Baking ciabatta should be done for 25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius and place the baking sheets in an already preheated oven.

When finished baking, remove the ciabatta from the sheets and cover with a damp linen or cotton towel. Keep the product for 20 minutes and boldly serve it to the table!

Quick ciabatta

Of course, the process is very long, and not all housewives will want to repeat it. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the second recipe, which many cooks know as a quick ciabatta.

So, let's learn how to cook ciabatta in the simplest way without steam. To get one large loaf of bread, you need to mix in a deep bowl:

  • 430 grams of sifted premium wheat flour;
  • 330 ml of cold water;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil without odor;
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast.

Some cooks use grated dried herbs to add flavor and zest when kneading dough.

From this amount of products, a batter will be obtained, which in the process of parting the flour will become denser.

The bowl is covered with cling film and wrapped in a towel. The product must be in this state for at least six hours, while the minimum mass holding time in the previous recipe is fifteen hours.

After the dough has completely fermented, it is taken out on a board dusted with a small amount of flour and kneaded. A well-executed action allows you to squeeze out excess air from the dough and at the same time form the correct shape of the workpiece. To do this, the dough is leveled into a thin layer, and then they begin to fold it with an “envelope”, while pressing it well against the table. By doing this manipulation, you will see the movement of air in the test. Puncture very large bubbles carefully.

An important role in the preparation of air ciabatta is played by the humidity of the dough. It is the loose “live” batch that makes large holes and a springy crumb in the finished product. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease them with a small amount of vegetable oil, but in no case use flour for this purpose.

After the dough cake has acquired the size you need, carefully transfer it to the parchment. Then bake the ciabatta. In the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius, and in other appliances, select the mode for standard yeast baking. The time of heat treatment of the product in any case should not exceed thirty minutes. Don't expect a golden crust - this bread won't have it. The readiness of the product can be judged by its other external signs: an increase in volume and drying out of the top layer of the product, and also by the delicious aroma that will fill your home.

Similarly, you can bake ciabatta stuffed with fried onions. A place of honor on the table will be occupied by pastries with olives and suluguni cheese. This bread is best eaten warm immediately after cooking, while the classic ciabatta tastes better cold.

Many housewives have long discovered the preparation of yeast-free whey bread with the addition of whole grain flour. They call it the ciabatta integral. In terms of consistency, such a dough turns out to be very similar to both previous options, but baking differs from the real product in a pronounced curd taste and exceptional usefulness.

Whichever of the options for cooking ciabatta you choose to cook with your own hands, in any case, it will turn out flawless. If you still have questions, then we invite you to watch the video recipe for the step-by-step preparation of this wonderful bread.

What do you eat ciabatta with?

Traditionally, ciabatta is eaten by dipping its thin slices in olive oil and then washed down with Italian wine. But we use this bread on a par with other flour products and prepare delicious cold and hot sandwiches on its basis, including false pizza. A surprisingly simple but amazing dish can be made in a matter of minutes by adding a few slices of cheese and garlic to a bun cut lengthwise like shells.

An equally tasty dish of their ready-made ciabatta can be obtained by filling a bun cut in layers with a “fan” from the base or crosswise on top with soft cheese (preferably mozzarella) and juicy slices of tomatoes. Between these products you need to lay a few leaves of fragrant basil and parsley. For the proposed recipes, the cooking method is identical: after that, stuffed ciabatta must be heated in the oven or microwave and served warm.

Fresh ciabatta slices can be paired with bacon and ham, as well as oily marine and ocean fish such as tuna and salmon. And what a taste this tender bread gets, stuffed with pastrami, pickles and heavily seasoned with mustard sauce. This dish can become an excellent breakfast and satisfy the gastronomic needs of the most fastidious gourmets!

Those who calculate the BJU index and calories will enjoy ciabatta served with grilled vegetables or tender boiled chicken breast.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of ciabatta are due to the chemical composition of the product and the general method of preparing this Italian pastry.

Italian bread contains all the ingredients found in any bakery product:

  • vitamins A and E;
  • folic acid and other B vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

Due to the fact that real ciabatta has a long cooking time, such bread will be easy to digest. It is worth noting that it is completely harmless, since the yeast in it completely decomposes. That is why such a product should be preferred instead of traditional bread. The use of ciabatta has a beneficial effect on the peristalsis of the stomach. The product is recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers and other inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for those who are prone to frequent colds due to reduced immunity. Limiting the amount of ciabatta eaten is for people suffering from kidney disease and disorders of the excretory system. Eating large quantities of this soft bread by people with gout can be harmful.

The main contraindication to eating ciabatta, which should be voiced, is the individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product.

Ciabatta is a true work of art. She is light and flawless, it is impossible not to fall in love with her. Try to cook fragrant tender bread according to our recipes. We assure you that while eating ciabatta, you will instantly be transported to a bizarre-shaped peninsula to the shores of warm and gentle seas.

How to cook ciabatta? Step by step recipe

Ciabatta can be served both as an addition to any other dish, and as a full-fledged dish with filling. There are many variations of this dish. Most often, Italian bread is combined with meat, cheeses, vegetables and sauces.

We suggest you try the fragrant ciabatta bun, following the recipe with the photo step by step. The recipe for a delicious and simple ciabatta will allow you to knead the dough at home to prepare the desired consistency and bake a bun with a spicy aroma and appetizing look.

Main Ingredients:

  • 800 g of wheat flour (350 grams for sourdough, 450 grams for dough);
  • half a liter of water (180 milliliters for sourdough, 340 milliliters for dough);
  • 1 package of yeast - 1 package (1/2 teaspoon for sourdough, 10 grams for dough);
  • 50 g olive oil;
  • spices.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Before you start cooking, you need to divide the flour, yeast and water in order to knead the dough and make a starter. 800 grams of flour is divided into 350 grams and 450 grams, which will be used to prepare the sourdough and the dough itself, respectively. Water also needs to be divided: 170 milliliters are poured for sourdough, the rest is left in order to knead the dough. We do the same with yeast. We leave half a teaspoon for making sourdough and about 10 grams for kneading the dough. The sourdough must have an airy structure.
  2. We mix flour, water and yeast in the given proportions using a mixer and a special nozzle for making dough. Mix the ingredients slowly and for a long time in a deep bowl. The flour must be well sifted, and the water must be heated.
  3. The prepared mixture should ferment for about a day in a warm and dark place, as well as under a film.
  4. When the starter is infused, you can knead the dough. To do this, take the remaining flour, yeast and salt and mix. Pour vegetable oil and sourdough into the mixed ingredients, and then add warm water. At low speed, mix all the ingredients with a mixer into a homogeneous mass for ten minutes. The consistency of the dough should be slightly watery, but elastic and tender. Leave the resulting mass in a large deep bowl until it rises.
  5. Later, the dough must be kneaded back and transferred to the same bowl for two hours, while adding the desired filling. For filling ingredients, you can use pieces of vegetables, spices and spices, cheese, pieces of meat, olives and even nuts.
  6. After that, the dough should be laid out on a floured table and formed into loaves (you can make small buns or one large loaf). You no longer need to knead the dough, but you can form the shape by pulling it vertically or horizontally until it reaches a flattened shape.
  7. Ready-made bread rolls can also be left for an hour, sprinkled with flour.
  8. The oven should be heated to the maximum temperature and make sure that the environment in it is moist (you can use a container of water or a spray bottle).
  9. At 220 degrees, bake bread for about twenty minutes.

The finished dish is porous and soft!

Rye ciabatta. Sourdough Recipe

Cooking ciabatta at home is not difficult, but you must follow all the rules exactly with the recipe. Below we will present a detailed recipe for Italian rye sourdough bread, which will allow you to cook this wonderful dish at home.

To bake rye bread, you need to use not only wheat, but also rye flour. The rest of the baking recipe is similar to the classic variation. In rye ciabatta, add the same amount of wheat and rye flour, salt, sugar, yeast, warm water, vegetable oil, your favorite seeds for taste, and follow the classic recipe, keeping the proportions.

To give the bun a spicy and rich taste, aromatic spices and other ingredients are used to add to the dough. Ciabatta can be cooked with olives, olives, herbs, onions or garlic, peppers or tomatoes, as well as salmon and even chicken.

There are also many recipes for making Italian bread without yeast - yeast-free ciabatta. Or you can safely take up cooking ciabatta with fresh yeast or compressed live yeast. The main nuance of cooking is the willingness to improvise with the filling, but full compliance with the given recipe.

Dark ciabatta made from rye flour can be cooked not only in the oven or bread machine, but also on the stone. A recipe with a photo or video can be found on the Internet and, following step-by-step instructions, prepare delicious bread the same as true Italians do.

Italian bread with cheese. Recipe with photo

A step-by-step recipe for Italian ciabatta with cheese at home will allow you to bake a real original dish. A recipe with photos and videos from Yulia Vysotskaya will help you knead the dough correctly in order to bake such popular bread at home. Preparing this variation of ciabatta with cheese is quick and easy! The recipe for Italian bread resembles the standard.

Main Ingredients:

  • 250 ml of warm water;
  • 4 g yeast;
  • 250 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt and sugar;
  • cheese for stuffing.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Mix flour, yeast, salt and sugar in warm water to knead the dough.
  2. Using a mixer with a whisk to prepare the dough, knead the ingredients in a deep bowl for about ten minutes at high speed.
  3. The dough should be homogeneous and stick off the bowl (when stirring, you can add flour).
  4. We leave the resulting mass in a deep bowl, covered with a towel, until it rises (from two to three hours). You can add the desired filling - in our case, cheese.
  5. Cheese for the filling can be grated or cut into cubes.
  6. The dough must be laid out on a table sprinkled with flour and give it the desired shape of loaves.
  7. Future loaves laid out on parchment can be left for forty minutes, also covered with a towel.
  8. The oven is heated to maximum temperature. At 220 degrees, it takes about forty minutes to bake bread, not forgetting to “splash” the oven with water about two times.
  9. The finished dish should be cooled, covered with a towel so that it turns out soft and porous.

If you want to change the ingredients, you can safely add not only cheese, but also spices, olives, seeds to the dough. By diversifying the usual recipes, you can surprise your guests with new variations of this simple dish!

Recipe for ciabatta at home

Making traditional bread from Italy at home is not very difficult. Products for ciabatta can be easily found in the supermarket, and most have them at home. With the help of step-by-step instructions with photos, you can make homemade ciabatta bread. The recipe is simple and quick to prepare.

We will tell you how to bake ciabatta in a bread machine. The recipe for bread in a bread machine is very simple and will allow even novice cooks to please guests with fresh and warm bread, which is suitable for a hearty breakfast!

To prepare a flour product, use the instructions for ciabatta in a bread machine with a photo or step by step. For baking, you will need a standard set of ingredients from classic recipes, as well as garlic and spices for the filling.

Main Ingredients:

  • 250 g wheat flour;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 4 g dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp spices (you can take a mixture of "Italian herbs");
  • 1 tsp dry minced garlic.

Panasonic ciabatta step by step recipe:

  1. To knead the dough in a bread machine, mix flour, yeast, salt, garlic and spices.7
  2. Fill everything with the right amount of water.
  3. Turn on the test kneading function.
  4. The bread machine should work for about two hours, after which the resulting liquid mass must be removed from the bowl and put on the table.
  5. We form loaves from the dough and leave for thirty minutes.
  6. On the main mode of the bread machine, bake the dough until golden brown (about half an hour).
  7. Taking the bread out of the oven, they are covered with a towel for five to ten minutes.
  8. The finished bun should be porous and soft.

In order for Italian buns to succeed, you can use a bread machine of any company. For example, pastries can be baked in a Panasonic 2501 (Panasonic), Redmond, Mulineks or Kenwood bread machine. Recipes for ciabatta in a slow cooker with photos from Italian chefs will help you recreate the taste of a real Italian meal made from rye flour.

An Italian recipe for ciabatta from Jamie Oliver, Yulia Vysotskaya, Richard Bertinet and other chefs will give you the opportunity to replace your usual pizza, bun or cheese sandwiches with something completely new! The Ciabatta Sandwich Recipe allows you to use Italian bread for everyday breakfasts and dinners!

Bon appetit!

Lots of holes! Lots of holes! Delicious 🙂

Chabata, ciabatta - Italian white bread made from wheat flour with the addition of yeast. The peculiarity of this bread is a crispy crust and pulp with large, unevenly distributed porosity.

I offer you a quick recipe for ciabatta!


  1. Flour - 600 gr. * Flour must be with 13% protein! I have NORDIC flour! Read the ingredients on the bag of flour!
  2. Warm water - 550 ml.
  3. Salt - 1.5 tsp
  4. Yeast saf-moment - 1 tsp with a slide


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl *The dough will be liquid! Like pancakes approximately (this is at the beginning, then it will change)
  2. Take a mixer and start kneading the dough at the highest speed - 17-20 minutes! *At 7-10 minutes, you will see how the structure of the dough changes, it begins to consciously lag behind the walls and crawl towards the whisk.
  3. Cover with foil and put in a warm place to rise for 1.5 hours * It all depends on the yeast, with a saf-moment the dough after an hour of fermentation and after 3 hours of fermentation is no different, live yeast needs 2-3 times more time to ferment , I can't vouch for other brands of dry yeast. I had 1 hour 20 minutes.


  1. Spread the parchment on the table, sprinkle generously with flour
  2. Throw out our dough on the flour *I did this with a spatula, collecting dough in a bowl.
  3. With a knife or the same spatula, divide the dough into 2-4 parts *The dough is sticky, very sticky, very very sticky!
  4. Sprinkle plenty of flour on top of the workpiece.
  5. Dip your hands in flour and collect our slurry into long bars. *Gently, just picking up the dough on the sides and adjusting it to the center.
  6. Leave to rest for 30-40 minutes


  1. Turn the oven up to maximum * I have 250 gr.
  2. Disperse the baking sheet to the maximum along with the oven
  3. Place a bowl of boiling water on the bottom of the oven
  4. Transfer our bars to a hot baking sheet *Simply tighten the paper with the bread onto the baking sheet, without flopping the dough too much
  5. Bake for 10 minutes with steam at 250 gr.
  6. Remove the bowl of boiling water, lower the temperature to 220 and bake for another 7-10 minutes
  7. The finished ciabatta should make a hollow sound when tapped.
