
Georgian flatbread with beans (lobiani). Lobiani, Georgian bean pies

G Ruzinian step by step recipe LOBIANI. Lobiani - beloved by all Georgians, another kind of pie. Lobiani is cooked almost every day in all Georgian families, and especially on the holiday "Barbaroba" - December 17, the day of St. Barbara. I present to your attention a step-by-step recipe for lobiani, cook to your health!

Ingredients (for stuffing)

  • 500 g beans
  • 300 g smoked ham (optional)
  • 100 g butter,
  • 4 bay leaves,
  • 2 garlic cloves (optional)
  • salt.

Beans for the most delicious lobiani are boiled together with smoked ham This gives the beans their special flavor. But you can, of course, do without smoked meat - just boil the beans.

Ingredients (for dough)

  • 1 kg flour
  • 25 g dry yeast
  • 0.2 tsp salt,
  • 1 egg
  • 400 ml warm water.

Preparation of filling for lobiani

Sort the beans and soak overnight (if there is no time, then at least 3 hours). This will help the beans cook faster.

Place the beans in a pot of water, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then drain all the water. Add ham to beans Bay leaf, salt and garlic. Pour in water and cook until done. By the way, in a pressure cooker, beans are cooked for about an hour.

This is what your cooked beans should look like:

For lobiani, we need only beans, without ham, parsley and garlic. Salt to taste and add 70 grams of butter. If you cooked beans without ham, then you should add more oil - 100 gr.

Mix the beans with the oil, it should take on the consistency of a thick puree.

Dough preparation

Sift 800 g of flour into a bowl, add 25 g of yeast, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1 egg.

Add 400 ml warm water.

Knead the dough.

Cover the dough and leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

Add 100 g of flour and knead a stiff dough. Divide into 4 parts.

Roll out each ball into a 1 cm thick circle.

We also divide the bean filling into 4 parts. Put the filling in the center of the circle of dough (1/4 of the total mass).

We turn the edges.

We level the dough, the filling should recede from the edge of the cake by 5-6 mm.

Press down with a knife, but do not cut! So we tamp the filling.

Lobiani bake in the oven on medium heat for 15-20 minutes. You can also bake in a pan - without adding oil, over medium heat for 7 minutes on each side.

The traditional lobiani pie is usually pale in color, not fried and does not shine like other pies (imeruli,

In Georgia, very popular cakes that combine elements of lobio and khachapuri. Lobiani, Georgian bean pies, very hearty and delicious. They are fashionable to take on the road, to work, to a picnic. Lobiani diversify the menu in Lent, because the filling and dough of these flatbread pies are absolutely lean.

Lobiani, Georgian pies with beans, we offer to fry in a pan from lean yeast dough on the water with vegetable oil.

For test:
- flour - 300 g
- vegetable oil - 40 ml
- water - 180 g
- salt - ½ teaspoon
- sugar - ½ teaspoon
- dry yeast - 1 teaspoon

For filling:
- beans - 350 g
- vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
- salt - to taste
- ground pepper - to taste

Lobiani, Georgian bean pies

1. Dilute dry yeast with sugar warm water, add salt and vegetable oil. Sprinkle the sifted flour, knead the dough and leave it, covered with a towel, in a warm place until it doubles in volume.

2. Boil the pre-soaked beans until tender and mash with a masher. Add salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil and mix until a homogeneous viscous consistency. In not lean version can add melted lard or butter.

3. Divide the risen dough into 4 pieces and roll them into balls.

4. Also divide the filling into 4 parts.

5. Knead the ball of dough with your hands into a cake, put the filling on it and pinch the edges of the dough over the filling in the form of a knot. Then flatten the "knot" and roll out with a rolling pin to the size of the frying pan. Roll out carefully so that the dough does not tear.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 90 min


- 200 ml. kefir,
- 230 gr. flour,
- 1 tsp soda,
- 250 gr. boiled beans,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 1 tsp dried cilantro,
- 0.5 tsp black pepper,
- 4 tablespoons butter.

Recipe with photo step by step:


Mix dry ingredients: flour and salt.

Pour kefir onto flour and salt, sprinkle kefir with soda. Mix kefir with soda until it all rises foam.

Then mix everything with a wooden spatula. It turns out a very soft homogeneous dough. Let's leave it to rest for one hour, but for now let's deal with the filling. During this time, you can boil the beans, but it is better to do this in advance so that it has time to cool.

Season boiled beans with salt and spices.

Puree the beans with an immersion blender or mash with a potato masher. The filling for lobiani should not be completely homogeneous. Add 2 tbsp to the beans. butter or any fat.

When the dough has settled, we pinch off pieces of it the size of a small apple. Slightly flatten it on the working surface of the table, sprinkled with flour. I put the stuffing in the center. The size of the filling should be almost the size of a piece of dough.

Flatten the ball with the filling with your hands into a flat cake. You can even roll it out with a rolling pin. The thickness of the cake with the filling should not exceed 1 cm, and even thinner is better.

We spread the cake on a hot dry frying pan. You don't need to oil it.
Fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown.

After turning over, grease the ruddy side butter. Then on the other side.

We lay out ready-made lobiani with Georgian beans in a pile, the recipe with a photo is very simple so that they do not lose heat.
Serve hot immediately after cooking. For delicious lubiani, you can cook another National dish -

one of the delicious and mouth-watering dishes Georgian cuisine considered lobiani with beans. These are soft tortillas with filling that are eaten for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Homemade, Georgian pies will become great addition To festive table. Every housewife will want to bake such cakes on her own. To learn how to cook lobiani, just read the recipe posted on the site. Here you can see the photo, which shows the entire cooking process step by step.

Lobiani Recipe

  • The dough for lobiani is chosen at will. It can be puff, cooked on or kefir, as well as on yeast.
  • Georgian flatbread can be stuffed with beans of any color.
  • No sauces are used here.
  • Approved canned beans which must be pre-washed.

Often such pastries are called khachapuri lobiani. This is due to the fact that the cake resembles in shape and type of dough. It is not difficult to cook Georgian lobiani, it is enough to have certain skills, the required products, and the desire to treat your guests with an unusual snack.

How to make dough for lobiani?

You can bake lobiani pie at home using soft or puff pastry.

Ingredients for soft dough:

  • loose yeast - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • granulated sugar- 2 tbsp. l.,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • warm water - 2 cups (200-250 g),
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sunflower oil- 1 coffee cup;
  • wheat flour is taken from such a calculation that ready dough It didn't stick to my fingers, but it wasn't very strong either.

How to do soft dough? Cooking sequence step by step:

  1. Yeast, granulated sugar, salt are poured into a bowl of appropriate sizes, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, warm water are added.
  2. The mass is thoroughly mixed until the yeast is completely dissolved.
  3. Flour is gradually introduced into the resulting liquid mixture. The result should be a soft dough for lobiani, free from fingers.
  4. After mashing it in your hands for 10 minutes, form it into one large lump, then spread it in enamelware with lid. Recommendation: in order for the dough to rise quickly, the pan with the contents is placed in plastic bag, wrapped on top with a warm blanket and set aside for 40-60 minutes.
  5. After a while, the dough becomes fluffy. So it's ready to use. The presented proportion of ingredients is designed to produce 6-7 medium-sized cakes.

Real Georgian bean pies are made from soft yeast dough. If desired, you can buy or.

Puff pastry ingredients:

  • cold water - 2 cups (200-250 gr),
  • a pinch of salt,
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon,
  • any vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sunflower oil - 2 coffee cups,
  • margarine - 2 packs of 250 gr.,
  • wheat flour is taken on the basis of obtaining a soft dough that comes off the hands.

Cooking puff pastry takes a lot of time. It must be rolled out three times every 30 minutes and each time greased with margarine in the same amount.

How to make stuffing for lobiani?

Instructions for preparing the filling for lobiani are simple. Our recipe for lobiani includes the use of boiled red beans with spices, you can use white, chestnut or any other.

Filling Ingredients:

  • dry red beans - 500 gr.,
  • sunflower oil or melted fat for a "bundle" of beans - a couple of large spoons;
  • ground pepper - to taste,
  • salt as desired.

The scheme for preparing the filling is as follows:

  1. Beans are soaked in hot water in the evening.
  2. In the morning, they pour out the dirty water in which the beans were soaked.
  3. Swollen beans are washed, poured with new clean water and put on fire.
  4. After 2-3 hours, the beans should be cooked, after which they are transferred to a colander.
  5. Leave a little water in which the beans were boiled to obtain a puree.
  6. Start kneading the beans hot with the gradual addition of water.
  7. A relatively homogeneous mass should be obtained, where oil, salt, pepper are added.
  8. The resulting mixture is well mixed, left to cool aside.

How to make lobiani tortillas?

  1. Raw dough is divided into 6-7 lumps.
  2. They take one lump, open it with their fingers, giving the shape of a small circle.
  3. Put some filling in the middle of the circle.
  4. The edges of the cake are collected in a circular direction into a "knapsack", pinched.
  5. Turn over the entire workpiece reverse side, roll out.

How to bake lobiani?

The soft dough lobiani recipe is unique in that the flatbreads can be cooked both on top of a gas burner and in the oven.

Pan cooking:

  1. The pan is heated over medium heat, spread one cake without adding oil.
  2. The top side of the pie is pierced with a fork in several places.
  3. After a few minutes, the cake is turned upside down.
  4. As the dish is cooked, the cake is laid out on a plate, greased with butter on top.

Cooking in the oven:

  1. On a large baking sheet spread several cakes, brush them with a beaten egg on top.
  2. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees. After 10 minutes, place a baking sheet with cakes in the oven.
  3. The fire is "lowered" to 150 degrees.
  4. After 20-30 minutes, lobiani with beans can be removed from the oven.

Georgian flatbread is served warm. This is a delicious and rich meal that will appeal to all guests.

Video: Step-by-step recipe for Georgian flatbread - Lobiani
