
The best dough for thin pizza. Thin and soft pizza dough like in a pizzeria

Pizza on our table is quite a popular dish. Surely, many of you, coming home late, order it for delivery. Pizza from a pizzeria is great, but there's nothing better than homemade pizza.

Although today there are more than two thousand different pizza recipes, the classic version of its preparation includes cheese, tomatoes and herbs.

However, if the pizza dough is cooked incorrectly, then its whole taste will suffer greatly, despite the various additives and components. In general, making pizza dough correctly is not difficult, especially if you often bake pies.

The dough can be both yeast and unleavened. You can also make your pizza either fluffy or thin. In this article, we will look at some simple and common pizza dough recipes.

Quick and tasty pizza dough - recipes like in a pizzeria

First, let's look at how to make pizza dough using yeast. Moreover, yeast can be taken both dry and live. In addition to yeast, we need the following products:

  • water - 500 ml.
  • flour - 1 kg.
  • live yeast - 13 gr. (dry 4-5 gr.)
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 120 ml.

So, we start by dissolving yeast in water (preferably warm) and salting.

Now let's add olive oil. It will give the dough elasticity and softness.

At the next stage, pour the required amount of flour into a bowl according to the flour recipe and pour the prepared yeast solution there, stirring everything with a spoon.

After you get a homogeneous thick mass, put it on the board and knead it well with your hands for about 20 minutes.

Wrinkled? Take a knife and cut the dough into the required size pieces.

Lubricate the dishes with olive oil and put the chopped dough into it, which we first form into balls. We cover with a dry towel and set for three hours, so that it is infused.

After that, the dough is rolled out, the filling is added to it and you can bake.

Pizza dough without yeast - recipe in 5 minutes

Above, we examined the recipe for making yeast dough. However, not everyone likes it, and sometimes it happens that there is no yeast on hand, even dry. In this case, you can make a yeast-free dough. It cooks much faster, and the taste does not suffer from this at all.

To prepare a yeast-free dough, take the following components:

  • flour - 2 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 1/2 cup
  • vegetable oil

The first step is to sift the flour.

Pour the warmed milk into the beaten eggs and stir.

Now let's add some vegetable oil.

Pour the prepared egg mixture into the flour and mix.

After that, knead the dough with your hands until a homogeneous dough mass is obtained.

After that, roll out the finished dough with a thin layer, put the filling and bake.

Quick dough for pizza on kefir

Another option for making yeast-free dough, which is often used for baking other dishes, is the use of kefir.

Preparing everything is just as simple and uncomplicated, just add kefir to the necessary ingredients:

  • flour - 400 gr.
  • kefir - 200 ml.
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 1/2 tsp

The process of preparing the dough is similar to the previous one.

Thin and soft pizza dough like in a pizzeria

For lovers of pizza made in specialized pizzerias, a variant of just such a dough is offered. It is prepared with yeast, which is used dry.

We take the following products:

  • water - 1 glass
  • flour - 2.5 cups
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • olive or vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Dissolve dry yeast in warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of flour here. Thus, we prepared the dough. Let it rise for 10 minutes.

When the dough rises, add vegetable oil and salt there. Pouring a little flour, stir the dough. After the mass becomes thick, knead it with your hands until the dough stops sticking to them.

After that, cover the dough with a dry towel and put the dough for an hour and a half to rise.

At the end of this time, roll out the dough into a thin pancake. you can make one large pizza, or several small ones - it all depends on taste.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the rolled out dough on it. Put the stuffing on top and bake. In order for the pizza to be ready in five minutes, the oven must be heated to the maximum.

Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes. Step by step recipe

If you do not have the opportunity to cook pizza in the oven, it does not matter. This can also be done in a skillet.

To prepare the dough for such a pizza, take the following components:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 9 tbsp. l.

Break the eggs into a bowl and mix them with sour cream and mayonnaise.

Now add flour and mix well. The dough should be quite thick.

We spread the finished dough on all surfaces of the pan.

We put the filling on top. Here it is desirable to use cheese.

Close the pan with a lid and start frying.

We fry over low heat, then the dough will bake well, and the cheese will melt. When the dough rises from the edges, the pizza is ready and can be removed from the heat.

Pizza is ready - bon appetit!

pizza recipe

Believe me, there is nothing easier than making your own thin, tasty and crispy pizza dough, just like in a pizzeria! Recipe with photo and video descriptions.

1 h 20 min

280 kcal

5/5 (2)

It usually seems that homemade pizza should look like a clumsy open pie on a thick, thick base. Nothing like this! Today we'll learn how to make your own thin, crispy pizza dough, just like in a pizzeria.

Kitchen appliances: Fortunately for those who, for whatever reason, are not very friendly with any kitchen appliances more complicated than an oven, you will need absolutely no tricky appliances to make thin pizza dough. Well, indeed, poor Italians prepared somehow delicious pizza in the 19th century, when there were no mixers or blenders!


How to choose the right ingredients?

  • For a delicious dough, use wheat flour premium - it is perfect for real Italian pizza.
  • You can take not only dry, but also fresh yeast, however, with fast-acting yeast, the dough preparation time will be reduced several times.
  • I don't think it's worth talking about water should be clean and fresh, but do not forget that it must also be warm so that the yeast immediately activates and begins its action.

Video recipe for making thin pizza dough

We all want to know as many recipes as possible and be great cooks. But it is not necessary to memorize long lists of ingredients, it is enough to understand some culinary principles, and cooking will immediately become much easier. It is this principle that the author of this video is guided by, who will gladly share with you the secrets of thin pizza dough, and also show how to properly knead the dough on the table.

Recipe for thin pizza dough without yeast

If you don't feel like messing around with yeast, leave it alone. Thin dough for pizza without yeast is no worse than yeast.


  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

A step-by-step recipe for making thin pizza dough without yeast

Pizza Secrets

  • In fact, pizza dough is an ordinary bread cake, so the number of ingredients for it is minimal. You should not reinvent the wheel and be especially chemical with the dough - it is better to show imagination when choosing the filling, and for the base, classics and minimalism will always be the best principles.
  • The thin crust pizza is baked for about 20 minutes at 200 to 250 °C.
  • The presence of yeast will give the dough a pleasant porous structure.

Pizza Dough Options

As in our area there are no two housewives who cook the same borscht, so the Italians each prepare their own, special pizza. But the general principles of several types of dough used by modern chefs can still be distinguished!

  • - Pizza dough yeast recipe - it's very easy to prepare, this task is actually something that even a schoolboy can handle. Moms, don't you know how to teach an overgrown but lazy daughter to the kitchen? Don't teach her how to cook cabbage soup, but start by making pizza, and soon you won't be able to drive the child away from the stove.
  • Widely used and -Pizza dough without yeast recipe-. This recipe has a lot of advantages: the dough cooks faster, bakes faster, and they say that in Italy they prefer thin, yeast-free pizza dough. So, gentlemen, why not save some time by chalking it up to culinary authenticity, especially if the pizza dough is quick, tasty, and thin.
  • But our man will not be ours if he stops at a classic recipe preserved for centuries. Years go by, and more and more new ingredients penetrate the traditional Italian dish. If you are also a fan of experiments, prepare "Kefir Pizza Dough". The pizza dough in this case will be thin and soft, but most likely you will have to forget about the crispy crust.
  • The desire to simplify is a natural indicator of progress, so even such a simple task as making pizza dough can be entrusted to modern kitchen appliances. — Pizza dough in a bread machine recipe — is suitable for those who highly value their time or their manicure, but at the same time cannot resist the temptation to cook delicious fragrant pizza on their own.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Modern pizza is not "poor man's food", as was commonly believed many years ago in Italy, but a delicious festive snack dish. Well, at least in our country it is very popular among young people. People love pizza in any variation, and especially from a pizzeria. You can make pizza dough like in a pizzeria at home. And you do not need to have super skills bakers. I will teach you how to make a gorgeous fluffy yeast dough that takes only 1 hour to knead. So let's get started.

The ingredients for the right pizza dough are particularly simple. Flour, water, yeast, salt and a few "drops" of good sunflower or olive oil (I use the second option).

In a bowl of warm water (no more than 38°C), the yeast “blooms”. It doesn’t matter at all which one to use: dry, fast-acting or live yeast from cooking.

The bait is mixed to the state of liquid sour cream.

The bowl is covered with a damp towel and sent to a warm place for 10 minutes.

After that, add the rest of the flour with salt to the bacon.

A tablespoon of olive oil.

After that, the dough needs to be mixed, transforming into a very soft bun. The container with the kolobok is sent to heat for 45 minutes. Don't forget to cover the bowl with a towel.

When the pizza dough has tripled in volume, it can be sent for cutting. From the resulting piece of dough, we will prepare two large pizzas as in a pizzeria.

Quick yeast dough is rolled out on a table dusted with flour with a rolling pin or stretched by hand.

After that, the cakes should be placed on a flat floured form or baking sheet and topped with tomato sauce, cheese, tomato rings, olives, or any other ingredients of your choice.

Such a pizza is prepared for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 250 ° C.

The correct air dough for pizza (as in a pizzeria) does not contain milk, kefir and eggs. This important rule must be observed!

For pizza lovers, a recipe will not be out of place, from which a real Italian pizza is obtained, with crispy edges, with a thin middle.

For this recipe, it is best to use real extra virgin olive oil. The rest of the ingredients are completely ordinary and can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

So, to prepare a thin dough for pizza, as in a pizzeria, we take all the products on the list.

I try to buy fast-acting dry yeast, which is enough to mix with flour. Therefore, in a convenient container, you need to sift two glasses of flour (320 g), combine with dry yeast, mix.

Add salt and sugar, mix.

Make a hole in the center and pour warm boiled water into it.

Then olive oil.

Mix the dough with a spoon. And then dump it on the table with sprinkled flour (less than half a glass) and knead the dough. It is good to knead the dough on the table for 5-7 minutes so that it completely comes off your hands. Too much flour should not be added.

The dough should be quite soft and homogeneous. It does not stick to hands. Cover the bowl with cling film and let rise in a warm place.

After 40-50 minutes, thin pizza dough, like in a pizzeria, looks like it has risen well. From it you can cook pizza on the entire baking sheet, or you can divide it into two unequal parts - a larger one and a smaller one, as I did.

Spread most of it on a baking sheet, it is advisable not to use a rolling pin. But if it doesn’t work without it, then roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Brush with pizza sauce and sprinkle with dry oregano (this is important). I have a simplified version of the sauce (tomato paste, water, salt, sugar and hot garlic sauce). I described and showed how pizza sauce is prepared.

Randomly spread the filling, stepping back from the edges, depending on what is in your refrigerator.

Then add mozzarella cheese, olives and bake the pizza in the oven preheated to the maximum. The oven temperature should be the highest. 5-7 minutes are enough for baking.

The pizza is ready. Bon appetit!

From the remaining dough, I made another pizza with a different topping.

And a piece...

Pizza dough recipes. Dough with yeast, kefir, sour cream.

Pizza is one of the most delicious foreign dishes that we love. Indeed, in the composition of this baking there are a lot of ingredients, which, it would seem, do not combine with each other at all. The taste of pizza directly depends on the dough and on the filling.

There are several options for testing in a pizzeria. Many people like a very thin cake and a lot of toppings. At home, it is rarely possible to cook such a flour mass, since our women do not have enough experience. The main mistake is a very thick or vice versa thin and “wooden” dough. As a result, the dish is tasty, but the cake is inedible or there is a lot of dough.

Recipe for yeast dough like in a pizzeria:

  • Take a glass of warmed milk and dilute 30 g of wet (pressed) yeast in it
  • Pour a spoonful of sugar and quite a bit of salt into the mass, let stand for 25 minutes
  • Pour 50 ml of olive oil into the liquid, it is advisable to take a cold-pressed product
  • After that, pour the dough into the double-sifted flour and make a soft and elastic dough.
  • Wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes
  • Put a lump on a table, poured with vegetable oil, and pour a little on top too.
  • Stretch the lump, making a cake out of it, do not use a rolling pin
  • Transfer the cake to the mold and form the sides
  • You can add toppings

Some pizzerias have several types of dough; lush American pizza is very popular. The cake in it is very airy, the crust is crispy, the dough layer is thick.

Basis for lush American pizza:

  • For one pizza with a diameter of 30-32 cm, you need 250 ml of warm water, 6 g of dry active yeast, 300 g of flour and 10 g of salt. Sugar enough 20 g
  • Mix yeast with flour, add salt and sugar to it. Pour the water and olive oil mixture into the flour mixture.
  • The lump should be soft and sticky to your hands, put it in a bag and leave it near the stove or central heating battery. Let stand 40 minutes
  • Roll out the layer, a rather thick cake is obtained from this dough, put it in a mold and make sides
  • Put the filling and bake in the oven at 220 ° C for 15 minutes. Don't overdry the dough, it can become tough.
  • The classic American pizza topping consists of chicken, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes.

Kefir pizza is not quite familiar and classic. The dough is not dry, but wet, the filling is, as it were, sealed in it. Such a pizza for an amateur.

Kefir batter recipe:

  • 1 egg, a glass of kefir mix with a whisk. Should be a homogeneous mass.
  • We introduce a spoonful of soda and wait 20 minutes
  • Add salt and sifted flour, you should get a dough like sour cream with a high percentage of fat
  • Pour it into a mold and level it with a spoon, put the ingredients and bake for 20 minutes at 200 ° C

Kefir dough can be fried in a pan, this is an express breakfast option.

Recipe for pizza base on kefir with yeast:

  • The dough is fragrant, but not very airy. Ideal base for thin pizza
  • It is necessary to pour 50 ml of warm water into a bag of dry yeast and add 20 g of sugar. Leave the bowl with yeast for 20 minutes, now you need to pour it into a bowl with a glass of kefir and salt.
  • Gradually add flour, until you get a mass like pancakes
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for 1 hour
  • After the time has elapsed, add a little more flour and knead a soft dough. Pour 50 ml of olive oil on top of the coma and sprinkle with herbs
  • Roll out the layer and you can lay out the filling

Such a dough can be yeast or unleavened. It all depends on what kind of pizza you prefer.

Milk base without yeast:

  • Mix half a glass of cold milk with 2 eggs and 230 ml of olive oil
  • No need to beat with a mixer or blender, use a whisk or fork
  • Enter the milk mass into flour with salt, and knead a soft dough. Wrap it in a wet cloth and let it "rest" for 30 minutes
  • Roll out a thin cake and prick it with a fork, this is necessary so that the dough passes air during baking.
  • Put the filling and bake in the cabinet for 15 minutes

This option is ideal for women who want to save time. In addition, such a dough must be tried to spoil.

Sour cream base:

  • Mix a glass of sour cream with a fork with 2 eggs and a spoonful of salt, add 15 g of sugar
  • Enter the mass into the sifted flour and knead a soft dough. It should not be fluid, but not steep either.
  • If you add a lot of flour, you risk getting a hard and dry cake.
  • There is no soda in the recipe, you do not need to add it, since sour cream with eggs loosen the dough well
  • Leave the dough ball to rest for 20 minutes
  • Roll out a very thin layer and lay out the filling. Bake for 20 minutes

The dough turns out very tasty and crumbles during cutting with a knife. It's easy to prepare.

Puff pastry recipe:

  • Add salt to very cold water. 10 g of salt per glass of water
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead a very cool and tough dough. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge for an hour
  • We expose the fourth part of a pack of margarine in a warm place. It needs to be soft
  • We take the dough out of the refrigerator and put margarine in the center, put it in an envelope and roll it out, fold it again three times and roll it out again
  • Fold three more times and, without rolling, send for 30 minutes in a cold place
  • Now you can roll out the layer and bake pizza

Consider a quick yeast dough recipe. It rises quickly and doesn't take long.

Recipe for a quick yeast pizza base:

  • Dissolve sugar and dry yeast in a glass of water
  • Pour vegetable oil into the liquid and salt it
  • Pour the dough into the flour and prepare the dough as for pancakes
  • Leave for a quarter of an hour and add a little more flour
  • Using your palms, stretch the layer and transfer it to the mold, leave for 15 minutes

Pizza base recipe:

  • You need 120 g of cottage cheese. Take a medium fat content, but low fat is also fine
  • Mix cottage cheese with 1 egg and a pinch of salt, pour in 50 ml of vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should be soft
  • You can immediately bake pizza from it, it is airy and does not require proofing

  • There is nothing new in the recipe, it is necessary to properly prepare the flour mass. You need to mix 20 g of pressed yeast with a glass of warm water and a pinch of sugar and leave for 30 minutes
  • After that, add some salt and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Pour the liquid into a bowl of flour and mix with your hands until a sticky mass is obtained. Cover with a cloth and refrigerate for 2 hours
  • After that, remove the lump from the refrigerator and pour vegetable oil on the table, roll out the layer, 1 cm thick. Put the cake in a mold and put the filling, you need to bake for 20 minutes

Many housewives do not even take up the preparation of pizza, as it often turns out just a hot sandwich, which bears little resemblance to an Italian dish. This is due to the fact that they are accustomed to making tough dough that dries in the oven.

Authentic Pizza Base Recipe:

  • Dissolve 25 g of yeast in a glass of warm water, and add a spoonful of sugar and flour. Leave the cloudy mass for 1 hour
  • Pour the liquid into the flour, salt it and add the oil. Knead a soft dough and leave it for 2 hours, covered with a napkin
  • Do not use a rolling pin, but stretch the dough with your hands, it should be thin in the middle and thicker at the sides
  • Put in the filling. You need to bake not as usual, you need to put a grid under the baking sheet with pizza, and put two bricks or stones on it
  • But if they are not, pour sand. Heat oven to maximum temperature
  • bake for just 10 minutes

It should not contain milk, eggs and butter. But to get a delicious cake, these ingredients are optional. You can make a thin and soft cake with just 3-4 ingredients.

Lean Pizza Base Recipe:

  • Whisk 100 ml of cold water intensively with salt, vegetable oil and spices. Ideal Italian herbs
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead a very stiff dough. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours. During this time, the lump will become elastic and supple.
  • Roll out a thin layer and lay out the filling. For lean pizza, it must be vegetable
  • Bake pizza in a very hot cabinet for 7-10 minutes

There are many test recipes, choose the most suitable for yourself.

VIDEO: Pizza base
