
Loopholes of online stores: how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress? Imaginary owner of the bank. Will the product be of good quality?

People tend to want to look beautiful and dress stylishly. However, branded items differ not only in style, but also in price, which is often beyond the reach of average residents. It seemed that by reasonable prices to dress stylishly and modernly will not work.

Row appearance Chinese online stores radically changed the situation. Direct suppliers skillfully counterfeit well-known brands, while maintaining the quality at a fairly high level. And the prices for such things are much lower than for the originals.

But most users need help on how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress, as sellers are well disguised.

Why is it difficult to find counterfeit goods on Aliexpress?

The Aliexpress store is one of the most popular among the sites in its segment. It presents more than a million different products, divided into categories and subcategories.

Most of the range consists of:

  • goods produced by Chinese brands, about which almost nothing is known;
  • goods similar to well-known brands.

There are a lot of rumors about how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress. Developers and moderators of the site are vigilant to ensure that the symbolism and name of the world famous brands not used by third party vendors.

However, Chinese suppliers do not give up and create new ways to circumvent the ban:

  • a counterfeit product is produced under a different brand, usually this is the abbreviated name of the original, a consonant name or even a description of the logo (Cartier - Bleu);
  • photos showing the product are edited, brand logos are erased.

How to search for copies of brands?

But if sellers carefully hide the origin of their goods, then how can you find copies of brands on Aliexpress? Finding the right shoes, clothes or jewelry by chance will not work.

Suppliers, trying to get around strict moderation, found several loopholes. It is enough to indicate the abbreviation in the search bar and add a clarification. For example, by entering HDC smartphone, you can find smartphones that will be exact copies of a well-known label, but at the same time their price will be much lower.

It is worth noting that another rule regarding how to find copies of brands on Aliexpress is the division of categories. Often, electronics cannot be found by simply abbreviating the original names. Chinese manufacturers do not overwrite logos and do not edit photos. They produce identical goods to the originals, but under completely new brands. Most often they are in tune with the original. But in any case, it is better to contact the seller and clarify the details.

What are they looking for the most?

The Aliexpress store is distinguished by a wide selection of goods in different categories: from household items to small furniture. You can find everything, the main thing is to know how to correctly ask a query in a search engine. The same goes for fakes. If you know the algorithm, then the search will become fast and convenient.

Will the product be of good quality?

And yet, the main fear of those who already know how to find copies of world brands on Aliexpress is the quality of the product they are looking for. It can range from excellent and indistinguishable from the original to absolutely terrible.

In electronics, the case plates may not fit snugly, the “stuffing” of the devices may not correspond to the description, and the general appearance will be shabby. With clothes and shoes, things are even worse: errors in size, protruding threads, skewed seams, and so on.

Avoiding a bad purchase is pretty easy. It is worth buying any goods only from reliable sellers. And you can navigate by reviews and real photos of products.

Place an order

How to order copies of brands on Aliexpress? Ordering for fakes is standard. But users of the online store are advised to contact the seller before checkout and send him a photo of the product, after marking where the logo should be. Chinese manufacturers have one peculiarity: they can place a well-known label in the most unexpected places.

After receiving a copy of the brand, you should carefully examine the package. Open the package carefully, because if the product does not match the description, then it can be sent back to the seller and demand a refund.

China is famous for many things, including counterfeit goods. From clothes and bags to electronics - even entire cities - China has it all. But some "dealers" went further and began to fake food.

Cardboard buns

To soften cardboard, Chinese street vendors soaked in industrial chemicals. What happened is wrapped in dough and steamed.

In 2015, the China Daily reported that the Beijing police had detained a TV broadcaster for an article about cardboard cakes. It came at a time when food quality in China was under intense international scrutiny.

At the same time, a story filmed by Beijing TV about the illegal sale of dumplings in eastern Beijing with cardboard soaked in caustic soda with the addition of pork flavoring, spun on China Central Television.

Melamine milk

A terrible scandal with melamine milk in China happened in 2009. Nearly 53,000 Chinese children and newborns have become sick due to dairy products containing melamine. 40,000 were treated as outpatients, 14,000 were in hospitals across China. 4 newborns died.

By mixing milk with melamine, you can artificially increase the protein in milk and deceive dairy producers.

*Melamine is a decorative, water and mechanical damage resistant coating, a synthetic material, which is also called artificial veneer. Melamine is a plastic high strength, which can successfully imitate natural wood veneer, at the same time, it is much cheaper.

artificial eggs

And China is famous for its famous scandal with. The change was discovered by the buyers themselves. Eggs, by the way, were sold all over China.

Their eggshells are made from calcium carbonate, the yolk and albumen are made from sodium alginate, alum, gelatin, and edible calcium chloride. In what happened, add water and food coloring. Oh how!

First you need to pour a certain amount of sodium alginate into warm water and mix with yolk to shape. Then all this is mixed with gelatin and benzoic acid, alum and God knows what else to make egg white. To color the yolk its color, simply add lemon food coloring.

To recreate the egg shell, all this porridge is placed along with calcium chloride in a special form. The shell is made from paraffin, gypsum powder, calcium carbonate and much more ...

fake rice noodles

Fake Chinese rice noodles are made from rotten, stale, and moldy grains that are commonly used as animal feed. It is then mixed with carcinogenic additives such as sulfur dioxide to form the final product. And this is not one person - 50 factories worked according to this scheme in the city of Dongguan.

They were producing 50 tons of counterfeit rice noodles a day. Inspection of other 35 factories showed that 30 of them were producing low-quality rice noodles. Manufacturers bleached spoiled rice and mixed it with additives to make three times the amount of rice noodles.

Along with the use of stale rice, some manufacturers use flour, starch and corn powder. These noodles have a very low protein content of only 1% compared to 7% for pure rice noodles and 4.5% for mixed rice noodles. Some pigs fed fake rice noodles observed weakness in the limbs and other problems

artificial rice

In 2014, according to Weekly Hong Kong, a newspaper published in Korean- V Chinese city Tuan, in Shaanxi Province, has a thriving fake rice industry. This “rice” is a mix of sweet potatoes and…plastic. It is created in the process of mixing potatoes and sweet potatoes in a special “rice mold”. Well, “it” is kneaded on industrial synthetic resins. Since this “miracle of the human brain” does not behave like normal rice, it remains tough even after cooking. It is clear that one can not even talk about the dangers of such a product.

The Chinese Restaurant Association said that eating three bowls of this rice is like eating a plastic bag.

glowing pork

In the same 2014, a woman bought a kilogram of pork for grocery market northern road Yang Gao.

After dinner, the hostess put the leftover pork in a bowl and left it on the kitchen table. At 11 pm, Ms. Chen got out of bed to go to the bathroom and noticed a faint blue light in the kitchen. The radiance radiated from the pork.

After that, one after another, the residents of Changsha began to notice the blue “pig glow” at night from meat from supermarkets. As soon as this information reached the press, the Changsha Food Safety Supervision Commission raised every conceivable department of business, trade, industry, animal husbandry and health to its ears. Experts and teachers were involved in the investigation.

Through the separation of scientifically cultured bacteria, the experts found that the “blue pork light” was nothing more than secondary bacterial mixing. Shanghai Health Department experts say the pork was contaminated with a phosphorescent bacterium.

fake wine

Fake and counterfeit wines are a big problem in China. China Central Television (CTV) has reported that half of all wines sold in China are counterfeit. According to winemakers, 90% of premium wines sold in China are fake. To counter sales fake wines, in the province of Guangdong established a center for determining the authenticity of wines. Winemakers have teamed up with the government to release a tracking app wine bottles and boxes in order to determine their authenticity.

The scam is simple: they used original name, label and design from expensive wine bottles, but silently changed the logo and name to be different from the original. Other scammers used empty bottles expensive wines, filling them with cheap wine.

Major hotels and auction houses destroy empty bottles so they can't be reused. During a raid on a group that counterfeited wine in China, police found 40,000 bottles of adulterated wine worth $32 million. The group was pouring cheap wine in bottles of expensive wine brands. In 2012, police also uncovered 350 counterfeit wine cases in Shanghai. The total amount of fakes amounted to 1.6 million dollars.

Rat beef

More than 900 people have been arrested in China for their involvement in food fraud crimes. For example, the sale of rat, mink and fox meat instead of beef and lamb.

A total of 382 counterfeit cases in the food industry were uncovered in three months of active campaigning by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security.

In addition to false labeling, the criminals used banned substances in meat processing. According to the Xinhua News Agency, meat products infected with any disease, went to the shops without checking. And for weight, water was pumped into the meat.

During the cleansing operation, the security forces seized more than 20,000 tons of illegal meat products.

The ministry says it will continue its campaign to combat crime and violations in the food industry.

Although, fake meat is not only a problem in China. Just recently in Europe there was an incident with the substitution of expensive beef: horse meat stuffed with a prohibited drug got into the house of buyers.

Nuts with cement instead of a kernel

The plan of the scam is quite simple - the nut is opened, the contents are taken out of it and cement and paper are poured. Then the shell is glued again. To double sales, scammers need only sell real nuts mixed with fake ones.

Such a trade appeared in China after the price of nuts went ridiculously sky-high - from 350 yuan 10 years ago to 3,500 yuan, or 20,000 - 30,000 (almost $ 5,000) last year.

fake honey

There are two types of fake honey: it is diluted natural honey with sugar, beet or rice syrup and honey, which is more like natural honey than natural honey itself. It is made from a mixture of water, sugar, alum and dye.

The production of one kilogram of fake honey costs only 10 yuan, with a selling price of 60 yuan. Seventy percent of the honey sold in China's Jinan province is fake. As usual, Chinese newspapers write about how to distinguish natural honey from a fake.

The police searched several underground producers and seized 38 buckets of honey. China is the world's largest honey exporter. The study showed that 10% of the honey sold to France is fake and most likely it was brought from Eastern Europe or China. US Customs Service caught smugglers who tried to smuggle fake honey to the US from China via Australia.

Be careful! If some factories for the production of fakes were shut down, this does not mean that all this rubbish has disappeared from our shelves!

In the skill of copying, Chinese masters have no equal. Often the differences between the fake and the original cannot be detected at first glance, because the Chinese are especially careful to repeat the appearance of the thing. But the filling is almost always an unpleasant surprise for the buyer who decided to save. Here are some examples.

1. Hard drive

It is really cheaper to order some equipment in China - after all, many things are assembled there, and it is possible to purchase goods without customs duties and store markups. That's just often such savings makes you remember the saying "the miser pays twice."
If you order a 500 GB hard drive from China, you will soon find that it works strangely. It seems that the computer determines it correctly, there are almost 500 gigabytes of free disk space, large files are recorded properly, but when they are read, the system gives out only the last 128 MB. The autopsy showed:
... a 128 megabyte flash drive and a few large nuts for weight. Little Chinese miracle!

2. Headphones

Monster Beats are one of the most counterfeited headphones in the world today. It is in the hands of deceivers that most buyers appreciate not sound in headphones, but only external “coolness”.
Therefore, it is enough to accurately reproduce the external form. In the pictures - Monster Beats Solo HD: on the right is the original, on the left is a fake.
Of the most simple differences it can be noted that the fake has a non-removable cord, it is made of smooth plastic (the original is made of matte). Also, the Monster Beats Solo HD headphones are a headset, and the copy is just headphones without a microphone and control buttons. But this must be known. Exactly like the fact that real Monster Beats are not sold on the market.

3. DVRs

This technique is now very popular in Russia. Nobody hides that almost 90% of registrars sold on the market are made in China and Taiwan. Usually, Russian companies simply buy ready-made noname registrars, put their logo, translate the menu into Russian and throw it on the market. Recorder manufacturers often copy more expensive and high-quality models to draw attention to their products. As a result, in stores we see almost the same models. For example, AdvoCam-FD5 Profi and teXet DVR-603FHD.
And it’s not at all easy to make out right away who is “Chinese” here and who was invented in Russia. And even more so, you won’t immediately figure out who shoots better, because the characteristics are declared for both are almost the same!
However, in reality it turns out that AdvoCam-FD5 Profi has high-quality glass optics (against plastic in teXet), a professional matrix and a powerful Ambarella A5S processor (against the outdated Ambarella A2S60 in teXet). Therefore, the video at "Advocam" is clear as afternoon, and at night. Shot on teXet, on the contrary, looks “blurry”.
AdvoCam is a brand owned by a Russian company that has been working in the video surveillance market for a long time, independently develops all devices and trusts the Chinese only for contract assembly. teXet, like many umbrella brands, works according to the scheme described above: "buy - put your logo - sold." Detailed analysis there are flights on this topic on Habré.

4. Brand watches

Watches from Armani, Patek Philippe or Calvin Klein for 990 rubles have long become Russian reality. The stores openly declare that this is a fake, and there is no shade of embarrassment for the theft of intellectual property on the faces of the sellers. However, it is a completely different matter when branded boutiques allow themselves to trade in consumer goods. And this happens all the time.
For example, these two Calvin Klein models: outwardly, they differ only in the location of the Swiss Made inscription. On the right is the original, on the left is the fake.
Well, in general, before an expensive purchase, it will not be superfluous to see how the collection looks on the official website of the brand.

5. Machinery

Here is a slightly different story - the Chinese do not pass off their cars as European ones, but they completely copy someone else's design. The Yema Auto plant can be considered the record holder for copies. Three “pirate” cars were immediately released there: Yema E-SUV (copied from Infiniti EX), Yema F16 (Audi A4 Avant), Yema T-SUV (Volkswagen Tiguan).
In the photo on the left is the Chinese Geely Merrie 300, on the right is the original Mercedes:

Alibaba founder Jack Ma's statement that Chinese fakes are now not inferior in quality original products well-known brands and at the same time have advantages in price, outraged users of social networks. The words of the head of one of the world's largest online retailers were seen as an attempt to protect Chinese manufacturers of fake Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Representatives of the company had to explain.

The problem is that today fakes already have better quality and prices than genuine goods, brands. They are not being destroyed by the fakes themselves, but by their new business models.— Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba Group

The fact is that global brands for a long time relied on China when they needed to find cheap production. As a result, manufacturers of fake things in China can in fact create fakes on the same machines where “native” things are made. They make copies, which in the end are not much different from the originals, and sell them, including on online trading platforms, and in particular on Alibaba sites, at prices much lower than branded ones.

The founder and president of Alibaba, one of the world's largest online retailers, spoke at an investor conference in China on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports, where he made his statement.

This makes it harder to fight fake sellers, Ma says. His company has been repeatedly accused of not being effective enough in dealing with counterfeit sellers on its platforms. However, Ma assures that they, like no one else, have advanced in this.

- Let's imagine for a second that fakes are really better than the original. It still doesn't give you the right to steal.

- This line of thinking makes China the main source of fakes in the world!

- Alibaba and 40 robbers.

- Said the Chinese businessman. I am not surprised.

- Jack Ma defends fakes - they are better than the originals. I wonder if he drives a fake Range Rover near the cliffs?

- This can only be in China.

Meanwhile, someone in the ranks of outraged readers agreed that this is indeed a reality that many simply do not want to admit.

The phrase "Chinese fakes" in most of us causes the most ambiguous emotions. On the one hand, these products allow you to save money. On the other hand, their quality often leaves much to be desired.

But those times when only the lowest quality goods from China entered the world market have slowly begun to fade into the past. The economy of this country is growing, and the quality of Chinese fakes for European and American is also increasing. trade marks. This applies not only light products industry, but also the automotive industry.

In particular, Chinese fake cars are gaining popularity all over the world today. And the point is not only in their cheapness, but also in a fairly acceptable ratio of price and quality.

What does Made in China mean for a car

Chinese fakes on cars - not really precise definition. The fact is that the manufacturers of this country have their own trademarks, partially copying the more popular and successful brands. Badges, appearance and even the filling of such cars can be similar to the paraphernalia of cars of world-famous brands. In fact, these are copies with a different name, a different price and quality. The buyer only has to decide whether it is worth saving.

But, as mentioned earlier, the characteristics of Chinese auto fakes are often at a fairly high level. As a result - good sales and increasing consumer demand.

What do they do in this case well-known manufacturers? Nothing, they can only improve the quality of their products and try to reduce their prices, because even legally Chinese fakes have every right to exist. Next, a list of the most popular copies of Chinese cars will be provided.

Popular fakes

Chery qq

This car of the Chinese manufacturer Cherry is considered to be a fake for Daweoo Matiz, which became popular many years ago. At the same time, it was believed for a long time that Cherry was developed together with Daewoo Matiz, but this information is erroneous.

Despite the huge similarity of this fake, Cherry's design was patented as original, although among the obvious differences, only a different shape of the taillights can be distinguished.

Concerning technical equipment, then the superiority of the Chinese product over the Korean is noted. In the cabin you can see quite high-quality materials. In general, for 340,000 rubles, the buyer received the best car of this class.

Laibao SRV

Unlike the previous car model, this representative of the Chinese auto industry is not sold in any country in the world, except for China itself. Probably because its quality leaves much to be desired even for third world consumers. This is a fake Honda CR-V, but not entirely successful. This applies to both the exterior and the interior of the car. The gaps between the body parts here are simply huge, there are obscenely cheap materials in the cabin, and the engine is so weak that it is difficult to start it even with a slight decrease in temperature.

So that the exterior of this fake car did not fall under a legal ban, it was changed for the worse. If we translate the cost of this “masterpiece” into rubles, then it will be approximately 400,000. What can I say here, perhaps the Chinese know better whether it is worth paying that kind of money for a domestic SUV.

Hongqi HQD

This is a clone of the American Rolls Royce Phantom. Moreover, Chinese manufacturers boldly stated that the design of this fake even surpassed the appearance of the original. However, the car has a number of the following problems:

  • the resemblance between the legendary Phantom is only superficial;
  • low-quality materials were used in the cabin;
  • in appearance, there is a clear cheapness;
  • demand for a car even in China is at an extremely low level.

In addition, at the moment, law firms are putting a ban on this car, which means that it is still unrealistic to sell it even on the domestic market.


It's incredible, but the Chinese have coveted the holy of holies of the British car industry - the Range Rover Evoque. So, at the last automobile exhibition in Guangzhou, its almost exact fake Land Wind was presented. The similarity of the cars is so strong that they practically do not differ in anything, the difference can be seen only in the details of the front bumper and in the optics.

This caused a lot of violent protests among the British, but they can do nothing, the clone design was patented as original. Many will be interested in the question, what is inside this car? SUV equipped with:

  • a two-liter turbo engine with 190 hp;
  • eight-speed automatic transmission;
  • very poor interior equipment.

Chery Amulet

This car is one of the most popular Chinese creations of the auto industry in the Russian automotive market. Seat Toledo is its prototype. The success of this model has become an incentive to expand the production of other cars manufacturer Cherry. Low price and good economic performance are the advantages of a Chinese car. The disadvantages include extremely poor safety performance for the driver and passengers.

Geely MK Cross

Another incredibly popular car on the roads of the CIS is the Chinese fake Dacia Sandero, another favorite brand among Russian car enthusiasts. This copy is quite a successful experiment, and has excellent sales figures due to the low price and decent quality. The advantages of this model include the presence of two body types: sedan and hatchback. The sedan in domestic open spaces is more in demand.

The appearance of the Chinese car is pleasing to the eye. Body is different high quality assembly compared to other Chinese knockoffs. The interior uses relatively high quality materials. Technical indicators are also quite decent:

  • 94 l. With.;
  • 15 liter four-cylinder gasoline engine;
  • five-speed manual transmission.

The economic indicators of Chinese cars are an average of 5 liters of gasoline per 100 km. This brainchild of the Chinese auto industry costs about 8 thousand dollars. Passenger safety is at a decent level, this is facilitated by the use of sufficiently high-quality materials in the assembly of the body.

Attention! This instance can be called one of the most successful Chinese-made automobiles in the world.


When buying a car from a Chinese manufacturer, you should understand that savings are not always combined with quality. Sometimes the characteristics and appearance of the car suffer, and sometimes the safety performance.

Before purchasing such a car, you should carefully read all its features and capabilities. It is often more profitable to buy a used but better quality car from trusted European, American and Asian manufacturers. The only good news is that absolutely bad Chinese clones do not enter our market.
