
Pear jam slices with cream. Pear jam for the winter: amber slices and completely transparent - A simple five-minute recipe with pictures of thick pear jam with lemon

Pear jam recipes for the winter

Cook from pear "Five Minute" - amazing and incredibly tasty. It turns out that it is quite simple and takes quite a bit of time. Winter recipe..

9 h

190 kcal

5/5 (3)

Fleshy pear fruit pleasant taste and odor distributed in middle lane. It ripens by autumn, when many housewives are busy preparing preparations for the winter. My grandmother cooks with pears amazing and incredible delicious jam . It turns out that it is quite simple and takes quite a bit of time.

I suggest that you also prepare a "Five Minute Pear". For this you need:

How to choose pears

Important step- selection of fruits for future jam. Immediately before cooking, fruits must be carefully sorted out. Suitable for us:

  • Ripe, but not overripe pears of absolutely any size and variety;
  • The fruits should be free of damage and wormholes.

When choosing raw materials for jam, it is not out of place to give preference to autumn hard varieties.

The process of making jam

The process of cooking "Five minutes" from pears can be divided into several stages:

  1. Rinse the fruits, remove the ponytails and core.
  2. Cut into slices no larger than 2 cm. The slices should be thin, but not transparent.
  3. Place fruit in enamelware, pour lemon juice, add granulated sugar, honey, vanilla, and then mix.
  4. To let the pears let the juice, cover the workpiece with a film and leave for 6-8 hours.
  5. After this time, put the fruit on the fire and cook, stirring, at medium temperature until boiling.
  6. After boiling, cook for another five minutes.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, which are then rolled up.

The delicacy will be tastier if adhere to the following tips:

  • Sugar in jam will be required much less when using juicy pears of honey varieties.
  • A little lemon zest added at the end of cooking will add sourness to the delicacy.
  • Amazing jam is obtained as from fruits wild pears, and from garden cultivated varieties.
  • To peel pears or not is an amateur question. If the peel of fruit is pierced in several places with a toothpick before cooking, it will not crack at high temperatures.
  • Depending on the taste preferences, you can add not only honey and vanilla to pear jam, but also cinnamon, oranges, bananas and even a mixture of peppers.
  • The workpiece will be stored in the refrigerator longer if a circle of paper soaked in vodka is placed under the lid.

How to store pear blanks

Store rolled up jars pear jam how can at room temperature, and in a cool cellar. Jam will not lose first-class taste qualities for 3-5 years. Opened containers with treats are best stored in the refrigerator for 1-3 months.

What products go best with Pyatiminutka pear jam

Pear jam is such a versatile dessert delicacy that there is You can use it with almost anything: cereals, pancakes, cottage cheese and pancakes, tea and yogurt.

Pear jam - amber and transparent - is recognized as one of the most delicious and beautiful. In recipes, it is allowed to use both whole pears with a tail and cut into slices, but the main thing is that the fruits belong to the summer-autumn varieties. Such fruits are distinguished by a honey aroma, which is absent from greenhouse counterparts. You should choose hard pears, A soft types Suitable for making marmalade or jam. This healthy treat recommended for people suffering from many diseases, and it is important for healthy family members to strengthen the immune system. So let's consider simple recipes pear jam for the winter.

Pear jam for the winter

How to cook delicious pear jam? Components for pear blanks for the winter:

  • pears - 1,500-2,000 g;
  • sugar - 1 500 g.

How to make pear jam? Just follow the recipe:

  1. Wash and cut the pears in half, remove the cores. Remove the skin if you wish, but if you want to get the most tender delicacy it's still worth doing. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Sprinkle the pears with sugar and leave them like this for 6 hours until the juice is released.

  1. Put the pears with sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan and send to a low heat, where the jam needs to be boiled twice for 35 minutes. Before the second run, you need to completely cool the mass. During the cooking process, the syrup will become very tasty and thick, and the fruit pieces will become sweet and transparent. Even if you used fruits with green skin, it will turn yellowish during the cooking process.

  1. Prepare jars and lids in advance by sterilizing them - they should be usable five minutes before the end of the second cooking of pears. Pour boiling pear jam into jars and roll up.

Wrap the jars in a blanket for a day until completely cooled. Clean in cool place for storage. It's important to note that pears go great with apples, so add them to your jam if you feel like it and increase the amount of sugar according to weight.
Bon appetit!

Pear jam with lemon

Ingredients for Pear Jam:

  • pears - 1,000 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • water - 3/4 cup;
  • zest of 1 lemon.

How to cook pear jam with lemon:

  1. First of all, wash the pears, peel them from the cores and cut off the tails. Cut the fruits into slices. It is recommended to prepare a delicacy in this way, because the result will be wonderful fragrant jam pear slices.

  1. Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour in water and send to the stove. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is important to stir the syrup all the time and remove the foam from it.

  1. After the syrup is ready, dip the fruit slices into it and cook until tender in one go. If the pears become transparent, the jam is ready, remove it from the heat.

  1. At the end of cooking, add the grated lemon zest.

  1. Sterilize jars and lids. Put pear jam with lemon in jars and twist. Wrap the jars in a blanket until completely cool, then put them in a cold place.

Fragrant and delicious treat ready for the whole family! Pear jam with lemon goes well with tea. A pleasant aroma and taste will remind you of sunny summer days!

Pear jam slices

Ingredients for delicious pear jam slices:

  • pears - 1,000 g;
  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.

For this recipe, you will need ripe, but not overripe, pears of autumn varieties. The fruits must be firm.
How to make pear jam with slices:

  1. Wash the pears, cut them in half and remove the cores. You can also cut off the peel if it is too dense. Cut the fruits into slices.
  2. Wash half of the orange thoroughly. Cut her up thin plates. Add orange to pears.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit slices with sugar and leave them overnight to release the juice. In the morning, cook for about 6 minutes over low heat. Cover the pear jam with slices with a clean cloth or gauze and leave for 7-10 hours. After this time, bring the jam to a boil, boil for about 6 minutes and leave again for 7-10 hours. Repeat this procedure three times.
  4. At the end, cook pear jam over low heat for half an hour, stirring it occasionally. The finished syrup has a rich and beautiful color. It is thick in texture. Drip a little to test readiness. clear syrup from a spoon to a cold plate. It shouldn't spread.
  5. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the pear jam into jars and roll it up. Wrap in a blanket and leave for a day until it cools completely, then take it to a cold place.

Amazing pear jam with slices, which in winter time The whole family will be happy to feast on it, it's ready!

Amber pear jam

To prepare amber jam from pears, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • pears - 650 g;
  • sugar −500 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp

How to make amber pear jam:

  1. First prepare the pears. To do this, rinse them thoroughly and place in a colander to glass the liquid. Then remove the peel from the pears, remove the seeds. Chop fruit into slices.

  1. Place the sliced ​​pears in a deep bowl and sprinkle with sugar. They need to stand for at least 7 hours to release the juice. It is desirable that they float directly in the syrup, so it is recommended to choose juicy pears. You can fill them with sugar in the evening, and in the morning start cooking pear jam.

  1. Before you put the dishes with jam on the fire, add citric acid. It is she who will give the product beautiful colour. Also add vanilla to the jam to improve the taste. Place the container with jam on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat. Then boil for another 5 minutes. Then the fire can be turned off, the jam should cool. After that, it must be brought to a boil again and cooled again. This procedure is repeated three times. Then put the jam on slow fire a fourth time and cook for about an hour until the syrup thickens. You can check the readiness by placing a drop on a saucer. The syrup should not spread.

  1. Pour the pear jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Amber pear jam is best stored in a cool, dark place. In winter, it will be nice to eat it with tea.

Video Recipes: Pear Jam

How to cook pear jam with slices? More about this is described in the video recipes.

In order to cook pear jam with slices, amber and very tasty, a simple recipe will help you. It is not necessary to take special varieties of pears, even "wild" ones will do. Rather, they will look more advantageous, because their flesh is dense, and when cooked, it will not turn into porridge.

Whatever variety of pear you choose, the main thing to remember here is that with such a preparation it is important not to overdo it with sugar. Otherwise, the jam will be candied before the onset of winter. If the usual ratio in the preparation of any jam is 1: 1 (sugar = berries), then in this case it is better to add a little less of the first component. Say, for 1 kg of chopped pears of sugar, take 700-750 g.

Do not neglect the sterilization of containers. Blanks are stored longer and more reliably in washed and sterilized bottles. Of course, if you cook just one jar and plan to eat it within a month, then it will be enough just to rinse the container well and scald it with boiling water. Well, for solid preparations, do everything as it should be.


  • 1 kg pears (sliced)
  • 700-750 g of sugar.


I never add any lemon or the same lemon.
Wash the pears well and cut into small pieces. If desired, the rough skin can be cut off. Although it also boils well.


Cut the pears immediately into the container in which you will cook the jam. It is clear that the spoiled places are cut out and thrown away.

We fall asleep everything with sugar, but we are not in a hurry to put it on the stove. Mix and leave at room temperature for 5-6 hours. When the sugar has melted, mix again and start cooking. We do this on medium heat. After boiling the jam, reduce the heat and keep the workpiece on the stove for 40-50 minutes. During this time, you can sterilize the bottles if they have not been prepared in advance.

To add some additional pleasant flavor to the pear jam, throw a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla into the container.

Arrange amber pear jam in jars and close with lids. At your request, you can take ordinary plastic lids, or you can take tin lids with a twist.

We store the workpiece in a cool dark place. Bon appetit!


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Pear jam recipes for the winter

When we hear about pear jam, it seems to us that preparing it for the winter is very long and tedious. Today I will dispel all stereotypes. An easy recipe for you!

3 h

270 kcal

4/5 (4)

I love pears, in any form. I can eat a kilogram of fresh or drink a liter of compote. But most of all I love pear jam. Since no one in my family was ever fond of preparations, as a child I ate it snatches with relatives and friends. But now I'm an adult and I can cook it myself.

There was no one to pass on the recipes to me by inheritance, so I had to search the entire Internet and learn how to cook this delicacy on my own. Now I can call myself a professional in this business and teach you how to make pear jam. Moreover, it is very easy to do so.

Choice of ingredients and utensils for cooking

For jam it is recommended to take hard-fleshed varieties. I buy Limonka or Duchess. But if you have another type of pear growing on your plot, take it. The main thing is that the fruits are not overripe, and the skin is not damaged. There is also an opinion that the most delicious jam is obtained from late varieties pears I believe that no matter what kind you take, the jam will turn out delicious anyway.

For cooking, a copper or aluminum basin is best suited. If you have not inherited one, then just take saucepan with a thick bottom. This is done so that the jam does not burn to the bottom. It is best to stir the jam with a wooden spatula. Banks must be washed and sterilized before seaming.

How to cook delicious pear jam with slices

We will need such products:

Pear2 kg
Sugar2.5 kg
Water2 tbsp.

What do we have to do:

  1. To begin with, I wash the pears, cut off their rotten places and the core, cut into slices.
  2. I put the pear in the pan and fall asleep with sugar. I leave for couple of hours so that it gives juice (if you did not take juicy pears, then at this stage you can already add water).
  3. I put the pan on the fire, add water. Stirring, bring to a boil. After the mass boiled, I make the fire quieter and cook for about an hour. How long to cook pear jam? If you want the pieces of pear in the jam to be more whole, then it is better to boil it. three sets of 20 minutes than 1 time in one hour.
  4. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Original Recipe: Simple Pear Jam with Almonds

Products, which we need:

  • 2 kg of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 100 g almonds.

What do we have to do:

  1. With a pear, I carry out all the same manipulations as in basic recipe: mine, cut out the core and rotten places, cut into slices.
  2. I boil water in a saucepan and throw pear slices into it. I cook about three minutes.
  3. I pour the water into another pot and add sugar to it. I put it on fire and gradually dissolve the sugar. As a result, syrup is obtained in 15 minutes.
  4. I pour slices of pears with ready-made syrup and leave it in this form. for 3-4 hours.
  5. After that, I put the jam on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat. When it boils - reduce the heat and cook more 10 minutes. Again I insist jam for about 4 hours.
  6. At this time you can prepare almond. It must either be passed through a meat grinder, or crush using a blender.
  7. I put it on the fire, cook for 10 minutes, and throw it into the jam vanilla and almond. I mix well. In addition to chopped almonds, I like to add a handful of whole nuts to the jam.
  8. We cook more 10 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

How to store pear jam

After seaming, I put the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, and leave them in this form until they cool. This usually takes 1 day. After that, I put the jars in the pantry, where they are perfectly stored all winter. If you have a basement or cellar, great. There, the likelihood that banks will "explode" is minimal.

Pears are a fruity sweet treat for everyone. Seasonal fruits are so delicious that you want to try to keep this pleasure for a long time. Here they come to the rescue various options making pear jam for the winter.
Pear jam: five-minute recipes already in the name itself contain the essence of this preservation. Make delicious jam quickly. Many prefer pear desserts any other, because the taste of this fruit is amazing, and in its structure it is very different.

What can be said about pear fruits? They are fleshy, delicate taste And pleasant aroma. In many regions of our country, pears are harvested in the summer. Moreover, from one tree you can collect so many fruits that it’s enough to eat on your own and make various blanks. Including sweet preparations from pears.

Then with this jam you can bake very tasty cookies.

Pear Jam Recipes

Option number 1

This classic way how to cook pear jam slices according to a traditional recipe. If taken to sunset sweet variety pears, then sugar can be taken several times less.

What do you need:
Kilogram ripe but not soft pears. Better choose autumn varieties;
A kilogram of sugar;
Half a glass of water;

To begin with, you must first prepare the banks. Rinse them, then pour over boiling water or hold over steam. Rinse products for preservation, peel and remove seeds. To make it easier to remove the skin, you need to first dip the pears into boiling water, and then immediately into ice water. With this approach, the peel will come off immediately.

Advice! In principle, for this recipe for pear jam for the winter Five Minute, it is not necessary to remove the peel. But, if you take time for this process, then the jam will turn out to be as soft as possible and will simply melt in your mouth.

Cut the pear into not very thin slices. Separately, boil the syrup by simply mixing sugar with water. Sugar should be completely dissolved in water, if foam forms, then it should be removed. Put the pear slices into the finished syrup and cook until transparent. Immediately you can spread the jam on the banks and roll up.

Advice! Five minutes is fast way making pear jam. But, from the same ingredients, you can cook it in a different way. You can simply leave the fruit slices overnight, covered with sugar. Cooking in this situation is not required, because, in 10 hours, the fruits will release juice in which they can be preserved.

As for the second method of making jam according to the indicated ingredients, pears must be left without cooking for at least ten hours, despite the fact that three hours will be enough for berries or apples. Sometimes pears are rolled together, currants, it also turns out very tasty. From spices, feel free to add cinnamon, lemon zest.

Option number 2

Pear jam: a five-minute recipe is simple and quick to prepare. But with these fruits, you can conduct various culinary experiments. We offer to prepare such a spicy pear jam, which is suitable for serving even as a sauce for meat.

What do you need:
A kilogram of pears;
A tablespoon of a mixture of white and black, pinkish pepper;

Cook jam, as described in the first option. But when preparing the syrup, add pepper to it. As for sugar, you can add it as you wish. Someone likes to serve this jam as a sauce, then sugar is not needed. If it is planned to be part of gourmet dessert, then you can add a glass of sugar.

Option number 3

In this situation, another lemon is taken per kilogram of pears. Moreover, pears need to be boiled with lemon, but the zest from the fruit should be put in canned jars. Alternatively, you can use only juice fresh lemon then the jam will turn out quite sour. If you add a few drops of juice, the dessert will remain sweet, but an interesting lemony smell will appear.

Option number 4

You can also cook with a rich aroma by adding a little cinnamon to it. A tablespoon is taken per kilogram of pears ground cinnamon. Of course, it is better to grind the cinnamon yourself just before you start making jam to preserve the flavor.

Pear jam: five-minute recipes are prepared extremely quickly. But we tried to collect in one material not just classic options such jam, but somehow diversify habitual taste. What to choose: traditional recipe or culinary creativity, it's up to you to decide.
