
Tests for knowledge of international etiquette. Testing on the topic "etiquette"

Test 1. Have you learned the rules of etiquette at a party

1. You came to visit. You were seated at the table. Near the plate lies a starched napkin. What will you do with her?

a) put her on her knees;

b) tuck in the collar.

2. You came to visit. There are many people in the room. How will you say hello?

a) with each man by the hand, with each woman - exchanging a few words;

b) nodding to all the guests at once.

3. The neighbor on the right started a conversation with you, but you like the neighbor on the left. What should you do?

a) continue to talk with the neighbor on the right;

b) keep up a conversation with both.

4. Chops were served to you.

a) you immediately cut the cutlet into pieces;

b) you will gradually cut off one piece at a time and eat them immediately.

5. Is it possible to criticize the dishes prepared by the hostess?

a) no;

b) yes.

6. Your favorite food is far away. What will you do?

a) you yourself will reach out to put it on a plate;

b) ask to pass.

7. How will you take the bread from the bread box?

a) a fork;

b) hand.

8. You eat with a fork. Where do you put the utensil after you finish eating?

a) on a plate

b) on a napkin next to the plate.

9. You want to eat a tangerine. How will you do it?

a) peel it and eat it in slices;

b) cut into slices.

10. You have a lot of garnish left on your plate. How will you do it?

a) with a piece of bread, help put it on a fork;

b) finish it with a knife and fork.













45 - 50 points. You are well done! At a party, you will always feel great, without thinking about whether you are doing something right or not.

35 - 40 points. Same good result. Over time, you will learn all the science, but for now, what you know is enough to feel like a well-mannered person.

25 - 30 points. So, we learned a little more than half of everything that we studied with you. You need to practice a little more.

Less than 25 points . This is bad. At a party, if not you, then everyone else will experience awkwardness. Think - do you need it?

Test 2. Have you learned the rules of etiquette when behaving in society

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

1. A stranger greeted you on the street. You'll answer?

a) yes;

b) no.

2. You leave the entrance, someone else is following you. Will you hold the doors?

a) yes;

b) no.

3. When you get on the bus, will you crawl forward, pushing everyone away, because you are in a hurry?

a) yes;

b) no.

4. Do you greet everywhere you go, right from the doorstep?

a) yes;

b) no.

5. Do you walk in the theater to your seats, turning to face those sitting?

a) yes;

b) no.

6. If you want to show something to your friend on the street, do you do it with your index finger?

a) yes;

b) no.

7. You get a phone call. You've got a wrong number. Will you hang up right away?

a) yes;

b) no.

8. You are sitting at a classical music concert. You like the melody. Will you sing along?

a) yes;

b) no.

9. Is it possible to speak loudly in the museum hall, even if there are no other visitors?

a) yes;

b) no.

10. You want to go to the exhibition, but everyone is busy. Is it okay to go alone?

a) yes;

b) no.

Now check yourself. The correct answers are the following:

1 - yes

2 - yes

3 - no

4 - yes

5 - yes

6 - no

7 - no

8 - no

9 - no

10 - yes

What answers do you have more?

Correct? This is amazing.

Wrong? You'd better pick up a book of etiquette, since it looks like you overslept all the class hours.

Test 3. Can you actively listen?

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Will you patiently wait for your chatty interlocutor to finish the conversation?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you often make decisions without listening to your interlocutor?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you often hear only what you like?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do your emotions often get in the way of your listening?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you often look out the window when listening to a conversation partner?

a) yes;

b) no.

    After the conversation, do you remember only what happened at the beginning of the conversation?

a) yes;

b) no.

    If the interlocutor's speech is difficult, do you immediately stop listening?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Are you often critical of the interlocutor from the very beginning?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Are you good at pretending to listen carefully?

a) yes;

b) no.

    When talking, do you look at the interlocutor?

a) yes;

b) no.

If you answered “yes” to only question 10 and “no” to the rest of the questions, you are a great listener.

Test 4. Can you communicate with people?

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Do you like to listen more than talk?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you easily keep up a conversation even with a stranger?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you know how to be attentive to a person?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Is giving advice your favorite activity?

a) yes;

b) no.

    If a person is unsympathetic to you, will you immediately show it?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you often show negative emotions?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Do you have an opinion on every issue?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Can you keep up a conversation on a topic unfamiliar to you?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Is being the center of attention your goal?

a) yes;

b) no.

    Are you able to explain something to the listener in a clear and understandable way?

a) yes;

b) no.

Using the table, calculate the points you earned:















Now let's count. For each “yes” answer to questions 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, give yourself 2 points.

If you typed less than 6 points - to communicate with you - not the greatest pleasure.

If you dialed from6 to 10 points - many will seek to communicate with you.

If you scored a maximum of 12 points, and at the same time answered the questions quite sincerely, you are the king of communication!

Test 5. Do you follow the rules of etiquette in maintaining your appearance?

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Do you fold your clothes neatly?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you prepare clothes for tomorrow in the evening?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you sew on a detached hanger on a jacket right away?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    When you come home in the evening, you...

a) immediately change clothes and carefully remove all things in place;

b) just put the clothes in the closet without folding them;

c) go home in street clothes and take them off only at night, scattering them at random.

    After coming home, do you immediately wash and clean your shoes?

a) yes;

b) do it, but in the morning;

c) someone does it for you.

    Do you wash your own things?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you get your hair cut at least once every six months?

a) yes;

b) less often;

c) I don’t take care of my hair at all.

    Do you shower daily?

a) yes;

b) less often;

c) once a week.

    Do you use hygienic cosmetics every day?

a) yes;

b) less often;

c) only when someone reminds you of it.

    Do you change at least part of your clothes every day?

a) yes;

b) in a day;

c) case by case.

Well, let's count the points, shall we?













If you dialed from20 to 30 points - you are quite stylish, neat and attractive.

If you have less than 15 points - be sure to pay attention to your clothes and hairstyle - you missed something!

Test 6. How are you going to succeed in life?

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Do you think that you can get a lot of money in the following way?

a) work from morning to night, while still taking risks and investing in a new business;

b) hope to win the lottery;

c) get an education and gradually build a career for yourself.

    What statement do you agree with?

a) more money sweeter life;

b) money will bring power and glory;

c) money can cause envy.

    Is it very important for you that your portrait will be placed on the front page of the Russian Millionaires magazine?

a) yes;

b) no;

c) better let them publish my scientific article.

    Who can get rich faster than others?

a) actor, artist, writer, athlete;

b) lawyer, doctor, politician;

c) director of a private enterprise.

    What would you invest your millions in?

a) real estate, antiques (valuable antiques);

b) securities;

c) charity.

So, The best way getting rich for you is ... Let's count and find out.

For all answers "A" Give yourself 1 point, for answers “b” - give yourself 2 points, for answers “c” - 1 point each.











If you typed more than 10 points - you should work hard, maybe even engage in creative work, while you can safely take risks - this is your path to wealth.

If you typed 6 to 10 points - wealth is associated with difficulty for you, but you should avoid financial transactions, and instead pursue a career.

If you have less than 6 points - your only chance to get rich is to successfully marry (marry) or receive an inheritance.

Quiz 7

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Do you like to choose a gift?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Will you consult with someone else before buying a gift?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Are you asking the birthday boy what to give him?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you think that a gift should be necessary in the household?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Are you sure that a gift should be remembered for a lifetime?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you include a postcard with an inscription as a gift?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you first look at the price of a gift?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you think that gifts oblige to something?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Can you give a gift in such a way that it will be useful to you later?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Do you give gifts just like that, for no reason?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.













If you typed 30 to 45 points - it means that you are well versed in gifts and the process of giving them.

If your scores arefrom 15 to 30 points - you try to stand out with your gifts in front of the rest, but you don’t need to do this - it’s better to give something small, but with a soul.

If you have less than 15 points - try to approach the choice of gifts in a different way, otherwise you may not be understood.

Test 9. Is your boyfriend or girlfriend real?

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Who do you think gets the most out of your friendship?

a) both;

b) rather not me;

c) we do not do such calculations.

    Has your friend (or girlfriend) ever let you down (let you down)?

a) never;

b) rarely, and then only when the circumstances were stronger;

c) happened.

    You both (both) fell in love with the same person, what will you do?

a) both will refuse him (her);

b) everyone will try to win;

c) the worthy will win, but there will be no more friendship.

    How do you feel about the advice of your friend (girlfriend)?

a) they are often useful;

b) rarely listen to them;

c) I always ignore them.

    You are in trouble, and you will tell your friend (girlfriend) about it, how will he (she) react to this?

a) offer help

b) will try to understand and console you;

c) in response, he will tell how he (she) also has a hard time.

    A friend (girlfriend) borrowed (borrowed) from you, for example, a couple of your favorite movie discs and hasn’t given back for a month, what are your actions?

a) I remind you, he (she) probably just forgot about it;

b) I’ll wait a little more - after all, this is a close person;

c) embarrassing to remind.

    Luck smiled at you, you:

a) hurry to tell everything to your friend (girlfriend);

b) at a meeting, maybe I’ll tell you;

c) I won’t say anything - I don’t like it when people envy me.

    How will your friend (girlfriend) react if she finds out that you tried to evaluate him (her) using this test?

a) will definitely want to know the result;

b) subject you to the same or a similar test;

c) ignore it.














Calculate your scores:

you typed 20 - 24 points - your friend or girlfriend - you are very lucky.

you typed 13 - 20 points - you are good friends and know how to forgive each other, but you don’t have much closeness.

you typed 8 - 12 points - your friendship is unlikely to endure even a small test. Maybe you should leave, so as not to experience great disappointment later.

Test 9

Full name of the student ___________________Date ____________ Grade _____

    Can a girl give a man flowers?

a) yes;

b) only on his birthday;

c) cannot.

    How many flowers should be in a bouquet?

a) any odd number;

b) even;

c) if there are more than nine colors, then it does not matter.

    What flowers are best for a young girl?

a) red roses, orchids;

b) violets, lilacs, lilies of the valley;

c) carnations, chrysanthemums.

    What flowers should be given for a wedding?

a) red roses and carnations;

b) white and pink roses;

c) lilac, chamomile, cornflowers.

    Is a book a universal gift?

a) yes;

b) not always;

c) no.

    Is it possible to make a gift inscription on a book?

a) yes;

b) no;

c) it is better to put a beautiful postcard in the book.

    What is considered a good gift?

a) dishes

b) knives and handkerchiefs;

c) flowers in pots.

    Is it appropriate for your age to give alcoholic drinks and smoking accessories?

a) yes;

b) no;

c) family members only.

    What should you do with the box of chocolates you were given for your birthday?

a) get out of sight

b) open and put on the table;

c) eat alone.

    Is it possible to give gifts to teachers?

a) yes, in any case;

b) only the whole class;

c) no.

IN this case we will not count the points, but just see if you answered correctly. The correct answers are: 1a, 2c, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10b.


1. In the modern sense, this term was first used at one of the receptions of the “sun” king Louis XIV, when cards with a list of rules of conduct at court were presented to the courtiers and guests:

A) ethics; B) etiquette; On credit; D) ceremony.

2. The word "etiquette" means:

A) ethics and the possibility of self-realization of the individual;

B) manner of behavior in the prescribed manner;

C) establish order, control the behavior of other people.

3. Business Etiquette- This:

A) a set of customs and traditions;

B) requirements for external forms of behavior and communication of partners in a joint business;

C) the form of social consciousness;

D) prejudice.

4.Function of civil etiquette:

A) determine the behavior of people when communicating with each other in public places, at work, in the family;

B) the same as business etiquette;

C) establish rules for the interaction of public organizations, the state.

5. Is it true that the principle of business etiquette:

A) the principle of humanism;

B) the principle of expediency of actions?

1) true A

2) true B

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

6. The main values ​​of business etiquette are:

A) criticality in relation to a person;

B) politeness, correctness, modesty, sensitivity, attentiveness, accuracy;

B) corporation.

7. Finish the phrase: “In business relations, observe the principle of distributive justice: ...”:

A) the greater the merit, the greater should be the reward;

B) the greater the merits, the less the reward should be;

C) the less merit, the greater should be the reward.

8. Manners of behavior at work are manifested in:

A) self-centeredness

B) exaggeration, unnaturalness, artificiality of behavior;

C) naturalness, restraint, equanimity, manifested in gestures, facial expressions, speech, clothing;

D) dress code.

9. If you have to introduce two people:

A) be sure to introduce at least one person and you can leave, giving people the opportunity to establish contact;

B) you can just say: "Get acquainted";

C) it is obligatory to present: follow the order in the presentation, give the name or patronymic, or first name, patronymic, surname, it is desirable to mention the type of activity or occupation.

10. According to the rules of etiquette, always present first:

B) younger in age, employees, less authoritative, close relatives, men (regardless of their age and position), one - to a group;

C) those who are more like the presenter.

11. When meeting, you should keep:

A) confidently, with dignity; B) modestly and timidly; B) self-confidently, arrogantly.

12. According to etiquette standards, you should not submit:

A) younger in age - older in age;

B) a woman - a man;

C) having a lower official status - having a higher official status;

D) one employee - a group of employees.

13. When a man is introduced:

a) He must stand up

B) he can stand up or remain seated - at his discretion;

c) He may remain seated except when presented to a high official.

14. When introducing people usually shake hands. Gives a hand first:

A) the one who was represented;

B) a man - a woman, a younger one - a senior;

C) the one to whom they were introduced.

15. The first to greet:

A) younger in age, rank - older; man - woman;

B) those who first noticed the person;

C) all those present - a woman entering the room, those gathered - entering.

16. Finish the phrase: “According to the general rules of politeness, the first one greets ...”:

A) late - waiting;

B) senior - junior;

C) standing - passing;

D) located in the room - incoming.

17. The appeal "you" is permissible:

A) in an official setting in relation to a well-known person;

B) in an informal setting when referring to a well-known colleague;

C) in all cases, provided that you offer to switch to "you" in advance.

18. In business relations between a man and a woman, the proposal to switch to "you" should come from:

A) from a woman B) from a man; B) from anyone.

19. Business etiquette in some cases gives preference to a woman. Which of the following situations is incorrect?

A) in the office, a woman has the right to accept the help of a man, if necessary, move or move furniture;

B) a woman is introduced to a man, and not vice versa;

C) in a company car, a woman takes a more honorable place and gets into the car first;

D) a man gives way to a woman.

20. A man climbs stairs:

A) to the left of the woman; B) behind the woman; C) in front of the woman.

21. A man goes down the stairs:

A) to the right of the woman; B) behind the woman; C) in front of the woman.

22. The ethics of business communication vertically (“bottom-up”) takes into account the rules of effective communication in relation to:

A) between leaders

B) between colleagues;

C) a subordinate to his leader;

D) leader to subordinate.

23. Choose the correct statement:

A) talk to the boss in a categorical tone, always say only “no”;

B) ask for help, advice, an offer "over your head", immediately to the head of your leader;

C) do not try to impose your point of view on the leader or command him;

D) do not try to help the leader in creating a friendly atmosphere in the team.

24. The meeting is scheduled for 10.00, but two of its participants are late. What should be the solution?

A) you can delay the start of the meeting by no more than 10-15 minutes;

B) it is necessary to delay the beginning of the meeting until the arrival of all its participants;

C) The meeting must start on time, no matter what.

25. As a leader, who would you greet first:

A) your secretary;

B) the security guard of your organization;

C) the cleaner of your organization;

D) an ordinary employee;

D) anyone you meet;

E) the head of a higher structure.

26. You can call a colleague, business partner for a business conversation on your home phone:

A) up to 24 hours;

B) up to 20 hours;

C) until 22:00;

D) until 6 p.m.

27. Choose the correct scheme for writing a business letter:

A) interest - attention - action - request;

B) request - interest - attention - action;

C) attention - interest - request - action;

D) attention - action - request - interest.

28. Which of the rules of etiquette for issuing invitations to business receptions below contains an error:

A) the invitation should be answered within 5 days;

B) the invitation is printed on good quality paper;

C) decorative elements of the text are not appropriate;

D) the surname, name and patronymic of the invitee can be written by hand;

E) in an invitation for breakfast, a glass of champagne, a cocktail, it is customary to indicate the start and end times of the reception, for example, 12.00 - 13.30.

29. Choosing a wardrobe, a person:

A) creates his image, expresses his worldview, influencing the opinion of others about himself;

B) is guided by a single principle: "Convenience for oneself";

C) should strive to look better than the people around him.

30. If a woman is invited to an informal, non-formal breakfast, lunch, dinner or any other event, then she should wear:

A) something chic, the main thing is that everyone remembers it;

B) casual clothes, incl. sports suit;

C) everyday clothes.

31. For official, ceremonial receptions held in the daytime, women can wear:

A) something uncomplicated, at the same time, you should emphasize your individuality, focus on any item of clothing or accessory;

B) a strict dress-suit, if desired, the image can be supplemented with a hat, gloves (lace, silk, kid);

C) evening dress, hat, gloves.

32. The later the official reception begins, the more solemn it is, the more:

A) you should look smarter;

B) your wardrobe should be simpler;

C) your wardrobe should be brighter.

33. At informal, non-ceremonial receptions, a man must be present:

A) in everyday clothes;

B) must be in a suit;

C) It doesn’t matter what, usually it is important for a woman.

34. At official receptions, a dark suit and a white shirt are classic version for men:

A) yes, that is correct;

B) no, at official receptions you need to be in a tailcoat or tuxedo;

C) no, it all depends on fashion trends.

35. Tail coat is usually worn:

A) for a holiday

B) official, solemn evening receptions, as well as for balls, with the exception of daytime receptions;

C) official receptions, as well as balls. On especially solemn occasions - for daytime receptions held indoors.

36. Tuxedo designed:

A) for evening informal events;

B) daytime and evening informal events;

C) official evening events.

37. If the invitation has an indication of a dress code, the rules of etiquette recommend following it:

A) always

B) at events that are important to you;

C) only at official events.

38. Among men's business suits, the most conservative is:

A) a tuxedo, to him a white shirt with a soft collar; bow tie in the color of a tuxedo;

B) single-breasted suit of blue color; to him a white or light blue shirt, maroon tie;

C) blue single-breasted suit; to him a white or light blue shirt, a plain tie with small polka dots or an oblique stripe.

39. Among women's business suits for meetings at a high official level, the most conservative is:

A) a suit of a strict cut, of any color and style, the blouse is close to the men's shirt;

B) a maroon or blue suit; the jacket is single-breasted, fitted, the skirt is straight, just below the knee, the blouse is close to the men's shirt;

C) a suit of any cut, the main thing is that it suits the person.

40. For formal meetings, a woman can wear:

A) business suits of any color and various styles. The blouse can be romantic, but deep necklines and transparent fabrics are not allowed;

B) suits of any color and various styles, dresses made of thin, airy fabrics;

C) business suits of any color and various styles. The blouse can be with elements of romance, deep necklines and transparent fabrics are acceptable.

41. Among the acceptable elements of the external appearance of a business woman, select one undesirable:

A) dress-suit;

B) a striped blouse;

C) unvarnished nails;

D) no make-up;

H) sandals;

i) trouser suit;

K) trouser belt.

42. When is it appropriate to come to meetings in casual clothes?

A) always

B) only for informal, non-ceremonial events;

C) when there is no opportunity to change clothes after work.

43. What item is the least suitable as a gift for a manager from employees:

A) a purse

B) a desk writing instrument;

B) a tie

D) print;

D) a box;

E) an ashtray.

44. Which of the business methods fits the following description: “Beginning at 12-00 - 12-30. Duration - 1-1.5 hours. Menu: cold appetizers, one or two hot dishes, dessert, coffee. Drinks: dry wines, champagne. Spouses of businessmen are not invited (but there may be an exception).

A) breakfast

B) working breakfast;

B) a cocktail

D) a la buffet;

D) buffet lunch;

45. Which drink is not served at the table at business receptions:

A) red wine

b) white wine

E) mineral water;

G) champagne;

i) cognac

K) aperitif.

46. ​​A typical business card of an employee does not indicate:

(a) the position of the employee;

B) office phone;

B) the employee's home address;

D) last name, first name;

D) company name;

E) the postal address of the company.

47. The business card of the company does not contain:

A) the full official name of the company;

B) logo;

B) postal address;

D) Internet address;

E) phone numbers of the secretariat;

E) bank details;

G) the direction of the company.

48. The first hands over his business card:

A) junior in position;

B) a senior.

49. Highlight an element that is not suitable for an informal communication zone in the manager's office:

A) armchairs

B) a coffee table;

D) newspapers, magazines, booklets;

D) computer.

50. It is customary to make inscriptions on a business card:

A) in the upper right corner;

B) in the upper left corner;

B) in the lower left corner;

D) in the lower right corner.

Dear LiveJournal users! We invite everyone to test their knowledge table etiquette and pass the next test! In the next post, we will definitely prepare the material and tell you about all the rules and subtleties of table etiquette. Good luck!

1 Where are the napkins before the start of the feast?
a) On plates.
b) To the right of the plates.
c) hung on the backs of chairs.
d) Lie on the seats of chairs.

2 You sit down at the festive table, take a napkin and...
a) Hang it on the back of a chair.
b) Get on your knees.
c) Tuck in the collar.
d) Put next to the plate.

3 Do you need flowers for holiday table?
a) Flowers are required. And the bigger and more magnificent the bouquets, the better.
b) Flowers are desirable, but in small, compact bouquets.
c) Flowers on the table only interfere.

4 Where, according to the rules of serving, should spoons lie?
a) Behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table.
b) A tablespoon - to the right of the knives, a dessert and a teaspoon - behind a plate parallel to the edge of the table.
c) Dining room and dessert spoon- behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table, a teaspoon is to the right of the knives.

5 During lunch you:
a) You will make sure that your hands do not lie on the table in any case.
b) Place your elbows on the table.
c) You will try to keep only the hands on the table.

6 Where and how are glasses for mineral water and liquor glasses?
a) Behind the plate parallel to the line of the table, from left to right from large to small.
b) Behind the plate parallel to the line of the table, from right to left from large to small.
c) Glasses and glasses can stand arbitrarily - as long as the large ones do not block the small ones.

7 Which drinks are served chilled?
a) Vodka.
b) Cognac.
c) Champagne.
d) Dry white wine.
e) Dry red wine.

8 Is it possible to add to a glass with unfinished contents?
a) It is impossible - top up only in an empty glass.
b) You can - why leave a glass half empty?
c) Depending on the amount of alcohol on the table: if it is enough, top it up.

9 On the festive table to the right and left of the plate are three knives and three spoons. What equipment do you use first?
a) Extreme from the plate.
b) Near the plate.
c) Those that lie in the middle.

10 Sitting at the festive table, how to eat bread?
a) Take a bite.
b) Cut with a knife small pieces and eat them.
c) Break off small pieces with your hand and eat them.

11 What size pieces should be broken off from a whole piece of bread while eating?
a) About half a piece.
b) small pieces.
c) Small pieces.

12 How to eat sandwiches at the table?
a) Holding in hand and biting off a whole piece.
b) With a knife and fork.
c) Breaking off piece by piece and sending it to the mouth.

13 What to do if filed too hot soup?
a) You will have to wait until it cools down and then start eating.
b) Blow on hot soup to cool it down faster.
c) If the soup is too hot, you will have to eat, burning yourself - you are visiting!

14 What to do to scoop out the soup to the last spoon?
a) Tilt the plate towards you.
b) Tilt the plate away from you.
c) Do not be greedy - leave the last spoonful of soup at the bottom of the plate.

15 Why are small bowls with water and a slice of lemon sometimes placed on the festive table?
a) To ask strong alcohol.
b) To dilute strong drinks.
c) To rinse greasy fingers.

16 Which side is served liquid meals?
a) On the right.
b) On the left.
c) It doesn't matter.

17 On which side are appetizers and main courses served?
a) On the right.
b) On the left.
c) It doesn't matter.

18 What is the correct way to eat with a spoon?
a) Hold it sideways, without putting it deep into the mouth.
b) Hold the tip to your mouth, putting it in your mouth.
c) Silently draw the contents from the tip of the spoon without putting it in your mouth.

19 Where do you leave a tablespoon after finishing a meal?
a) On a paper napkin to the right of the plate.
b) In a soup bowl.
c) On a pie plate with a recess down.

20 Where do you leave a teaspoon served with tea or coffee?
a) On a paper napkin to the right of the cup and saucer.
b) in a cup.
c) on a saucer.

21 What to do if you want to try a dish that is far away from you?
a) Quietly leave the table with a plate and, going to the right place, take a treat.
b) Ask to be given right dish.
c) With the help of neighbors, pass your plate so that it is filled with the necessary treat.

22 Is it possible to criticize the treats prepared by the hostess?
a) Not at all - it's impolite.
b) You can, otherwise the hostess will not know about her ineptitude.
c) You should not criticize, but tell the hostess about the secrets of cooking those dishes that she turned out to be unsuccessful. By the way, this is useful to all the girls sitting at the table.

23 How to handle the bowl?
a) It is brought to the mouth, holding it with the right hand.
b) It is brought to the mouth, holding it with the left hand.
c) It is brought to the mouth, holding it with both hands.

24 What should you do if you drop your knife or fork on the floor?
a) Unobtrusively pick up from the floor and continue to eat.
b) Without lifting anything from the floor, continue to eat with the device that remains.
c) Ask the hostess for another device.

25 What appliances can you use if you are served fish?
a) Knife and fork.
b) two forks.
c) two knives.

26 Why is a knife served to the fish?
a) to cut big piece into small ones.
b) To separate the meat from the bones.
c) To hold a piece when using a fork.

27 How should you hold a cup of tea, coffee?
a) Putting your index finger into the eye of the pen for reliability.
b) Do not stick your index finger into the eye of the pen.
c) Without inserting the index finger into the eye of the handle, but supporting the cup from below with the left hand.

28 After stirring sugar in a cup of tea or coffee, what to do with a spoon?
a) Leave in a cup and drink carefully.
b) Remove from the cup and put on a paper towel.
c) Remove from the cup and put on a saucer.

29 On which side of the person sitting at the table are used plates removed?
a) Right side only.
b) Only on the left.
c) In order not to be mistaken, it is better to pick up the plate by going up to the back of the person sitting at the table and carrying the plate over his head.

30 What to do with a linen napkin after finishing a meal?
a) Gently fold and leave on a chair.
b) Carefully fold and leave on the table.
c) Carelessly put on the table.

Answers: 1-a; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-in; 6-a; 7-a; 8-a; 9-a; 10-in; 11-b; 12-b; 13-a; 14-in; 15-in; 15-a; 17-b; 18-a; 19-b; 20-in; 21-b; 22-a; 23-in; 24-in; 25-a; 26-b; 27-b; 28-c; 29-c; 30th century

Test "On the pages of etiquette"

Afanasyeva Rimma Akhatovna, social studies teacher.
"All people judge us by our appearance and manners, and only a few - by our spiritual qualities," - F. Chesterfield

Target: test students' knowledge of etiquette.
High school students are encouraged to test their knowledge of etiquette. Man lives among people. Knowledge of etiquette allows a person to make a good impression with his appearance, manner of speaking, the ability to maintain a conversation, behave at the table. The attitude of other people towards us depends on many factors, including the inner qualities of the individual, but people need time to get to know us.

Test tasks are formulated in the form of brief judgments. There are four possible answers, of which one is correct. Choose the correct answer and mark it.

Question 1
A person puts his own interests above the interests of others - this is:

a) idealism;
b) materialism;
c) selfishness;
d) formalism.

Question 2
The rules that establish what behavior is right and wrong are:

a) law;
b) morality;
c) act;
d) rule.

Question 3
In a telephone conversation, the most important things are:

a) courtesy;
b) benevolence;
c) brevity;
d) clarity.

Question 4
Without teeth, but gnaws:

a) evil;
b) dignity;
c) conscience;
d) joy.

Question 5
The talent of sincere, sincere communication with people, regardless of their views and beliefs, is:

a) courtesy;
b) benevolence;
c) love;
d) sincerity.

Question 6
You don't eat it, but its taste is sweet. You can't see it, but its appearance is pleasant. It's near, but you can't touch it. We are talking about the moral and ethical quality of a person:

a) about good;
b) about happiness;
c) about friendship;
d) about evil.

Question 7
The handshake, as a greeting, appeared in distant times. This is the basic rule of etiquette. At the same time, they used to greet each other by shaking hands, only friends, close people. And how did strangers or unfamiliar people greet?

a) Hats off.
b) Bowed.
c) They bowed and took off their hats.
d) Nod your head.

Question 8
One day, King George V slammed his hand on the dining table. As a result, another one was added to the rules of etiquette. Which?

a) Forks began to be placed with the prongs down.
b) Do not knock on the table.
c) Put a napkin on your knees.
d) Do not put forks on the table.

Question 9
It can be big and huge, no one calls it small. In the 21st century, this occurs as often as before, but lazy people have shortened this word. Name this word in full:

a) hello
b) thank you;
c) goodbye;
d) sorry.

Question 10
The only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment:

a) handshake;
b) hugging;
c) a pat on the shoulder;
d) a pat on the back.

Question 11
Internet communication etiquette is called:

a) nitiquet;
b) netiquette;
c) entity;
d) etiquette.

Question 12
Does not apply to universal ethics:

a) good;
b) honor;
c) conscience;
d) courage.

Question 13
Which of the following books is a common literary source for the culture of Ancient India?

a) Book of changes.
b) Vedas.
c) Koran.
d) Bhagavad-gita.

Question 15
The opposite of virtue is:

a) malice;
b) good;
c) vice;
d) injustice.

Question 16
The object of professional ethics is:

a) law;
b) state;
c) a person;
d) culture.

Question 18
What is the name of the law of just retribution, which determines the nature of reincarnation in ancient Indian ethics?

a) Karma
b) Nirvana
c) Samsara
d) Maya

Question 19
"Highest bliss" in ancient Indian culture:

a) Karma
b) Nirvana
c) Brahman
d) Samsara

Question 20
This familiar word "etiquette" has become commonplace:

a) in the 15th century;
b) in the 17th century;
c) in the 16th century;
d) in the 14th century.

Question 21
Already the ancient Greeks attached great importance to interstate relations, they actively developed
a) diplomatic etiquette;
b) court etiquette;
c) business etiquette;
d) production etiquette.

Question 22
Just two or three hundred years ago, men had the rule to carry a weapon on their left side: a saber, a sword or a dagger. This served as one of the rules of etiquette:

a) a man must walk down the street to the left of a woman;
b) a man should walk down the street to the right of a woman;
c) a man must walk down the street ahead of a woman;
d) the man must walk down the street behind the woman.

Question 24
At one of the ceremonial receptions of King Louis XIV of France, the guests were given cards with the listed rules of conduct. From these French cards name happened:

a) etiquette;
b) rules;
c) maps;
d) upbringing.

Question 25
Under Peter the Great, in 1717, a book about good manners entitled:

a) "An honest mirror of youth"
b) "Domostroy"
c) "Instruction"
d) "Code of Rules"

Answers to the test "On the pages of etiquette"
1. - c
7. - c
14. - c
15. - c
16. - c

Etiquette. Learning the skills of cultural behavior.

Etiquette is the rules, norms of human behavior in society. They are not invented, but developed over the centuries. Codes of conduct help us interact with people and feel confident in different situations. After all, social norms and rules are based on a respectful and tactful attitude towards the personality of another person, and learned from childhood, they become a useful habit.

Your child is going to school soon, try to offer him

test - joke and think about whether your child always does the right thing.

Are you a polite person?

(Test joke)

You received a gift on their birthday. How will you do it?

1. Expand, show to everyone present, praise.

2. Thank you and set aside to review later when the guests have left.

3. Put it under your pillow and don't show it to anyone.

You are on a crowded bus and you are sitting by the window. At the bus stop, an elderly woman enters the bus with heavy bags in her hands. How will you do it?

1. Turn your back to the window and stare at the landscape outside the window.

2. Make way for the woman.

3. Loudly demand that someone else give way.

You ate chocolate on the street. What do you do with paper wrapping if there is no trash can nearby?

1 Roll up a piece of paper and put it in your pocket or bag to throw it in the trash at home.

2. Discreetly toss the piece of paper into the grass or bushes near the sidewalk or directly onto the sidewalk.

3. Give a paper wrapper to a passerby.

You are riding a brand new bike in the yard. A friend asked you for permission to ride a little. How will you do it?

1. Increase your speed and rush to the neighboring yard.

2. Give a friend your brand new bike now.

3. Say that you yourself need a bike, you haven’t ridden enough on it yet, and give a friend a ride tomorrow.

You come to the entrance door at the same time as your neighbor. How will you do it?

1. Open the door and, holding it, let the neighbor go forward, and only then will you enter yourself.

2. Enter the door first and slam it in front of the neighbor's face.

3. You will wait for the door to be opened in front of you.

Your grandfather treated you to chips. How will you do it?

1. Forgetting to say thank you, open the bag of chips and start eating them.

2. Thank your grandfather and, unwrapping the bag, invite him to crunch on delicious fried potatoes.

3. Hide the chips and eat them when no one is around.

When visiting, the hostess treats you to a dish that you do not like. How will you do it?

1. Say that you hate this dish and ask for something else instead.

2. Without explaining anything, say that you will skip this dish and wait until another is served.

3. You will eat and wince.

A very hot soup was served to you. How will you do it?

1. Put it in the refrigerator.

2. Wait for the soup to cool down.

3. Blow on it or stir with a spoon.

IN there's not much left on your plate delicious sauce. How will you do it?

1. Set aside the plate with the rest of the sauce.

2. Wipe the plate clean with a piece of bread.

3. Lick the plate with your tongue.
