
Oranges in sugar recipe. Oranges in Chocolate - a festive dessert

Yesterday I learned how to caramelize oranges! A very exciting process, however) I didn’t choose the fruits on purpose, I took those that were at home in a vase. Happened!!! I even ventured to keep them in the oven longer, but at the same time the dryer was at a full minimum of fire (I have an old gas one) and with the door ajar. By the time of two hours, almost, it turned out. They almost ring!)) I had to get it because it was time to run for the children to school. Next time I'll try to cut it a little thinner, BUT boil it on my own small fire 5 minutes (when we remove the bitterness, at the beginning). Since at the minimum fire for 3 minutes the bitterness will not go away yet, and 5 minutes seemed to me the most. And thin slices will be preserved and there will be no bitterness. And I immediately show (boast) how I used oranges)

Ekaterina 2 years ago

Oh, it's a shame, my oranges didn't work out ... I wanted to make a surprise for my child at school for the holiday and failed. I bought food for the whole class, and now I just realized that the oranges had to be taken medium-sized and thin-skinned. Half of my oranges do not look very good, too wet, but I want more crust. Although I dried them for 40 minutes. The most interesting thing is that on the Internet, many people also get ugly ones, but people boast)) I don’t know, the aesthetic side is important to me. If it's ugly, I won't put it on the table. Also, chocolate didn't work either. It does not freeze, although I tempered it according to the rules. What to do now with this mountain of spoiled oranges - I can’t imagine, at least cry)) Maybe hold it in the freezer or it won’t freeze either?

    I bought the first oranges that came across and had no idea that I needed any special ones. Frankly, I doubt that it's the variety of oranges. And you immediately tried to cook everything? What for? I should have tried a few if this is a new recipe for you. As for chocolate, everything is not so simple with it. More precisely, when I understood the essence, it’s simple, but for now it’s a novelty - it’s difficult. Because the processes that occur inside the chocolate during tempering are not visible to us, which is why it is very easy to make a mistake. Need practice. I did not learn to temper the first time, no one explained anything to me in detail. Now I can already see desired temperatures by consistency. And then work and work.

This citrus is probably one of the most popular and beloved.

Oranges appeared rather late in Europe, around the beginning of the 15th century. In their homeland, in China, they were bred long before the beginning of our era. Vasco da Gama, returning with his companions to Europe, enthusiastically reported how in one of the harbors of the east coast of Africa they were treated to miracle fruits - oranges.

According to another version, Europeans got acquainted with the orange tree and its fruits thanks to the Crusaders, who took them out of Palestine at the same time as lemons. The word "orange" in German means "Chinese apple" ("apfel" - apple, "sina" China). For the gentle Chinese apples”, intolerant of frost, in many places the climate turned out to be unsuitable. Therefore, for their cultivation began to build special facilities - greenhouses.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the fame of oranges reached Russia. In 1714, Prince A. Menshikov built a palace with large greenhouses in which overseas fruits were grown. Some time later, Catherine II ordered to name this palace together with the Oranienbaum settlement (German for “orange tree”) and dedicated a coat of arms to it: an orange orange tree on a silver background.

The history of the Latin name for orange is quite interesting. It turns out that in Ancient Greece people fought moths with the help of cedar plants (cedr), which had a specific aroma. After the famous campaigns of Alexander the Great, the ancient Greeks first became acquainted with orange trees. The smell of their fruits reminded them of zest, so oranges began to be called cedros (cedros). The Romans, by analogy with Greek version oranges were called citruses (citrus). According to ancient Greek legend, Gaia gave Hera golden orange gardens on her wedding day to Zeus. The first wedding night of the great gods lasted three hundred years: pouring water from a sacred spring and enjoying the smell of oranges, Hera again and again became a virgin. From uninvited guests this magical orange garden was guarded by the Hesperides and the monstrous dragon Ladon.

And the eleventh feat of Hercules was that he had to pick and bring to Greece golden apples from the overseas gardens of the daughters of the Night - the Hesperides.

Oranges were those golden apples. Subsequently, citrus fruits received scientific name- Hesperidia, named after the Hesperides, owners of wonderful gardens.

Oranges are called fruits eternal youth or "golden apples", because they are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. The fruits of the orange tree are irreplaceable source vitamin C, which belongs to the so-called antioxidants. This means that it protects cells from free radicals and breaks down cholesterol. Thanks to this, oranges are able to prolong a person’s youth, strengthen him immune system and slow growth cancer cells. For the first time, orange was used as a medicine in the 16th century. It was then that sailors began to use it as effective remedy against scurvy. However, this beautiful tree is not always cultivated for its fruit. From greenhouses, it migrated to city apartments, and today small orange trees, decorated with large fragrant flowers and small bright fruits, bring comfort and joy to our homes. Because wood orange trees has antiseptic properties, it is used to make manicure tools for professionals.

I have many more interesting stories about the orange, but I'll talk about them next time) And now let's cook delicious caramel oranges)

Can be attributed caramelized oranges. You should try to cook this dish and surprise your loved ones original delicacy!
Oranges in the first stage are boiled in sweet sugar syrup, then dried in the oven. Thus, the oranges are completely saturated sugar syrup and they turn out very tasty. When dried, it turns out caramel crust, the sugar absorbed by citrus hardens when dried.

Alternatively, the syrup can be supplemented with different shades of taste and aroma by adding a variety of spices and spices to it. By adding a little chili, oranges will turn out not only sweet, but also spicy. Also, ready-made dried oranges can be soaked in chocolate and they will become chocolates with stuffing. Caramelized oranges are considered a ready-made original delicacy that can be safely served on. They can also decorate fruit cuts.

Cooking 2.30 hours, for 6 servings you need the following ingredients:

  • oranges - 6 units;
  • water 0.300 l;
  • sugar - 0.500 kg;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc;
  • star anise - 2 pcs.

caramelized orange recipe

  1. Having prepared the products, we proceed to cooking the dish. My oranges, wipe paper towel. Next, cut the citrus in circles with a thickness of 5 to 8 mm.
  2. We spread the circles in a bowl and pour boiling water. Leave for five minutes. We drain the water to rid the product of the bitterness that stands out from the white part of the skin.
  3. Mix 300 ml of water with half a kilogram of sugar and put on fire so that the syrup boils, stir constantly. Add oranges to the syrup and cook over low heat for one and a half to two hours, cover with a lid. Don't forget to stir occasionally.
  4. Cook until a soft product is obtained, the skin becomes almost transparent.
  5. Place the oranges on a baking sheet, on foil or permanent paper. Now the baking sheet with circles can be sent to the oven, preheated to 100 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

If the dessert is left in the oven for longer, you can get a darker crust, and this will turn golden. Cooled oranges in caramel are served with tea as a full-fledged dessert.

If after a party or a dinner party you have a whole serving of oranges cut into circles, do not rush to despair or finish everything in a hurry. you can cook great dessert for tea - caramelized oranges. Of course, this delicacy can be prepared on occasion.

Dessert known since the Middle Ages

In Spain, you will not surprise anyone with ripe oranges. Therefore, even during the Middle Ages, local Moors experimented with fruit slices. This is how candied fruits and caramelized oranges appeared. Soon the recipe became known to the French, then spread throughout Europe, and then around the world. Do you know that in medieval recipes Was honey used instead of sugar? Thus, the dessert acquires more long terms storage.

Caramelized Oranges Brown Sugar Recipe

To prepare this dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • medium-sized oranges - 1 kilogram;
  • brown sugar - 400 grams;
  • water - half a glass.

Rinse the fruits and cut them into circles no more than half a centimeter wide. For the process itself, we need a deep frying pan. If you do not know how to caramelize oranges, we will give you detailed instructions. Spread a layer on the bottom of the pan brown sugar, then lay out a layer of oranges. We alternate the sequence again. Sprinkle the second layer of oranges again

Now all this fruit and sugar splendor must be filled with water. Spread the water evenly around the edges of the pan. Turn on the gas and simmer the dessert under the lid over moderate heat for two hours. Don't forget to check the caramelization condition. If it seems to you that the water has completely boiled away, you can add a little liquid. After the cooking time has elapsed, remove the circles with a slotted spoon and put them on a flat plate.

Caramelized oranges are not only suitable as an independent dessert for tea or coffee. They can decorate homemade cakes and muffins. Tip: If you want slices of uniform thickness, use a vegetable slicer or slice grater.

With dark chocolate

The following recipe will amaze you with an amazing combination of flavors. To make Chocolate Caramelized Oranges, you will need the following ingredients:

Cooking method

First, cut the oranges into thin circles. Again, you can use a vegetable cutter or a slicer for small circles, it is better not to use. If you do not like the bitterness of the zest, you can pour boiling water over the finished slices for a couple of minutes. This time is enough to give hot water characteristic bitter taste. However, after this procedure, do not forget about thorough drying. Lay out a wide plate with a towel, put orange slices on it, and cover with a towel again on top.

It's time to prepare the syrup. To do this, take a deep pan or saucepan of the appropriate diameter. As you already know, you can use a frying pan for these purposes. Pour sugar, add vanillin, as well as water. Stir the resulting composition with a wooden spoon or spatula. Heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

It's time to lay out the citrus circles. Cook the composition over moderate heat for one and a half hours. Remember to check the condition of the bottom of the dish with a wooden spoon. Also remember that the slices cannot languish on one side, so turn them over using metal cooking tongs. The readiness of oranges can be judged by the white layer between the zest and fruit pulp. If it has become translucent, then it's time to remove the slices from the bowl.

We send the circles to the oven

Next, in this recipe, caramelized oranges should spend some time in the oven. Carefully place the circles on a lined baking sheet and send them to a slightly preheated oven for 20 minutes. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 110 degrees. In fact, caramelized circles are sent to dry.

Melting chocolate in a water bath

And at this time, take two deep enameled or tin vessels of different diameters and put them into each other. Pour into the lower (wider) container a small amount of water, and fill the top with dark chocolate slices. Turn on slow fire. Very soon you will see how the chocolate began to melt. You can stir from time to time chocolate mass until all the slices are melted.


Remove the baking sheet from the oven, take tongs and dip each circle exactly halfway into the melted chocolate. Place the finished slices on a plate lined with baking paper in a single layer. There is nothing difficult in this procedure, just be patient. When the slices are completely cool, the chocolate will harden. To speed up the cooling process, you can place a dish of oranges in the refrigerator.

If you have a desire, you can experiment with white chocolate. Get the original caramelized oranges. They can also be used for cake decorating.

Happy tea!
