
Corporate ethics types. Corporate ethics, what is it

To be a full-fledged member of the team with the prospect of promotion, the following rules must be observed corporate ethics.

Punctuality. It is unacceptable to be late for work and be absent for an unexcused reason without warning. Come to work shortly before the official start of the working day, in a few minutes. At this time, prepare yourself and start working as soon as the working day begins.

Emotional restraint. You should not demonstrate to others your malaise or bad mood. No reason can justify excessive emotions, irritability, a dull look, improper performance of one's work duties.

personal distance. The rules of etiquette forbid discussing any personal problems with employees. These topics should become an absolute taboo for a business person. It is especially important not to solve personal problems during the working day. The distance kept by a business person regarding the discussion of personal affairs, gossip about employees, contributes to the fact that there will be no collective gossip. A real business person has no right to be a gossip, an envious person, a windbag.

Accuracy. A business person keeps his desk in perfect order, always impeccably dressed. Everything looks neat and clean. Chaos on the desktop attracts attention and indicates a lack of organization. Hair should be neat, shirt tucked into trousers, shoes polished, suit ironed.

Decency. It is unacceptable to disclose confidential information of an official nature if you have access to it. Personal and financial plan information, secret data is confidential by default. You can clarify the degree of secrecy from the authorities in case of ignorance, but it is best to take this rule as an axiom and always follow it. Extra words are always negative. Such information also includes the wages of employees, including their own.

Relatives have no place at work. No matter how much a wife or husband would like to satisfy their curiosity about your work affairs, etiquette does not allow the presence of family members of an employee in the workplace. Personal life should be on the other side of the office. You can show your workplace on a day off, in the absence of staff. But it is better not to do this at all, so that unforeseen difficulties do not arise. The team is the same family where outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter. And the room where you work is someone else's house, where the wives and husbands of employees cannot be invaded.

Ethics of phone calls. It is highly undesirable when an employee is called on a work phone by friends or relatives who want to discuss personal issues or just chat. A business person is obliged to warn everyone who wants to call him at work about this. Only in an emergency will such a call be allowed. If they regularly call on personal matters, this becomes a hindrance to other employees and greatly damages the reputation of a business person. The work phone is for official use only, and the relatives of the employees should firmly understand this.

Valuable working time. Every minute spent at the workplace should be devoted directly to the work. Empty chatter with employees, personal telephone conversations have an extremely negative impact on both the work process and the reputation of the employee. If the situation has developed in such a way that a forced downtime has formed, you can help one of your colleagues. All the time that a business person spends in the office does not belong to him personally, but to the company. This is what the salary is for. A business person has no right to waste this valuable time.

Financial freedom. Never borrow office supplies from co-workers. It is advisable not to give, but it can be extremely difficult to do. These loans take time and deplete the supply of office. Each employee must plan required amount stamps, scotch tape, paper, etc. All this should be stored in a proportionate amount and not asked from each other. More the situation is more difficult with cash loans. It is extremely undesirable to borrow money from colleagues. It is better to use your own credit card, and only in case of emergency, you can borrow from a colleague. But sometimes it becomes the reason for breaking off relations in the future. Business relations do not imply familiarity, a personal touch, and financial affairs are very complex.

Bad habits . Unacceptable use chewing gum at work. If it is difficult to do without it, you can chew at home. In a work environment, this looks repulsive and does not meet the norms of etiquette. The same applies to smoking. Smoking is allowed only in a strictly defined place, if this is allotted in the company. Frequent smoke breaks distract from work, so they should be reduced to a minimum. Business people should not drink at work. When meeting with a client in a restaurant, it is also better to abstain from alcohol, you should drink juice or mineral water.

In office telephone conversations, ask in a cheerful and energetic voice how you can help the caller. Ask the person to introduce themselves. Watch your diction, speak distinctly and clearly, especially when listing numbers and names. Keep the tone of conversation always friendly. The pace of speech should be moderate, not too fast and not too slow. Speak politely, benevolently, correctly, take into account the professional and intellectual level of the interlocutor. Do not show aggression and displeasure if he behaves unethically or does not immediately understand what you are talking about. Business calls should be prepared in advance in order to save working time. In a notebook, you need to write down a list of questions that you want to ask, and dictate them directly from the sheet. Answers, if necessary, fix on the same page opposite the question. This approach optimizes the discussion on the phone of working moments as much as possible. To ensure that the information is recorded correctly, check the answers with the other person before ending the conversation.

Usually a person accurately determines emotional condition the person you are talking to on the phone. Learn to control feelings and emotions. Monitor the confidentiality of the transmitted information. It is desirable that during the conversation none of the employees was within earshot. Many companies have internal stations, and customers have to wait a long time until they are switched in turn to all existing phones. Try to find out from the first call the reason why the subscriber is calling you, answer kindly if you know how to help. Avoid saying “I don’t do this”, “I don’t know”, “It’s not my fault”, etc.

Take care of your own image and the image of the company, trying to understand the client's problem and immediately begin action to solve it. If you sincerely want to help, it's best to do what you can right away, without making the person wait and get nervous. The conflict will subside without flaring up if you apply the correct and competent approach to conducting business conversations on the phone. Qualified managers with long experience of work perfectly cope with many conflict situations. For telephone communication with clients, you need maximum patience, tact and the ability to maneuver between pitfalls, avoiding a conflict situation.

The art of an office manager is somewhat similar to the art of subtle diplomacy, which is very useful when communicating on the phone. Any office is a serious place, with strict regulations clothes and routine. The rules are extended to the correctness of telephone conversations. The speech of an entrepreneur, manager should be ideally delivered, clear, businesslike. Frivolity and swagger are unacceptable. Managers who are rude to customers on the phone are often fired if the owner of the company is a well-mannered and principled person who values ​​the reputation of his business.

The concept of "ethics" was coined by the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. Ethics helps to understand what should be done and what should not. In our time, ethical attitudes and moral standards are an integral part of life. In the professional environment, there are also written and unwritten rules that determine appearance employees, work style, relationships with partners, workflow rules. All this together constitutes corporate ethics. And in order to comply with it (in any aspect), you need such qualities as responsiveness, attentiveness, goodwill, the ability to perceive criticism, and decency.

System and principles of corporate ethics

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics are the rules of conduct that are established by a certain company and ensure the normal activities of both individual employees and the entire organization as a whole.
Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two main elements, where the first is the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities, and the second is the norms of behavior of employees in formal and informal situations. In the system of relationships, the subjects of corporate ethics are the owners, managers and employees of the organization. The introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel himself not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of the team.
The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed by society and defining the norms of behavior for participants in business relations. Let's list these principles.
Specifics. The lack of clearly defined rules inevitably leads to a lack of commitment to the enterprise, which negatively affects the work of employees, and therefore profits.
Unity. For example, taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation of the organization, maintaining the confidentiality of information.
Respect and tolerance. Employees of the organization must respect those with whom they interact, show tolerance for other people's opinions, politeness, and be correct.
Reciprocity. A level higher than the rules that are established by the corporate code for personnel are the rules for the organization as a whole: responsibility for the quality of its products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees, providing them with decent remuneration , social guarantees.

Values ​​and types of corporate ethics

The basis of the norms of corporate ethics are values, that is, common beliefs that determine what is right and what is wrong. Values ​​can be positive, guiding people towards patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Such values ​​are characterized by statements such as "The interests of the consumer are above all", "The success of the company is my success." Values ​​can also be negative, that is, negatively affecting the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. They are represented by appropriate statements, for example: "You are the boss - I am a fool, I am the boss - you are a fool", "You cannot redo all the work."
Depending on the history, the attitude towards the personnel in the company and the clientele, corporate ethics will be characterized as traditional, highly qualified, innovative or public.
Traditional. Characterized by standard relationships with clearly defined roles. Decrees come from above and are carried out by subordinates without discussion. Most often, this type of ethics is found in companies with long-established management and business practices, where it is most effective.
Highly qualified. The main principle is the selection of top-level talented people who will be able to influence lower-level employees. This is often the case in companies where risky operations, such as financial games on the stock exchange, are the norm.
Innovative corporate ethics are in many respects the opposite of traditional ones. Initiative and creative ideas are welcome at all career levels within the company. There is also some risk.
Public corporate ethics is characteristic of organizations in which goals are achieved through joint efforts, teamwork based on trust. The focus is often on taking care of employees. In such companies, employees are often paid a little more than usual, there is a system of incentives, rewards for achievements.
The main norms of corporate behavior began to take shape in countries with the most developed capital markets: England, the USA and Canada. Corporate codes were created that regulated the practice of corporate behavior, the interests of shareholders, the scope of authority of directors and company management.
The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship of employees within a single team and is formed on the basis of generally accepted human values:
1) competence and professionalism. The presence of high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make decisions, and the desire to improve their professional level among the subjects of corporate ethics;
2) honesty and impartiality. An important aspect in the activities of the organization, in maintaining its business reputation and eliminating conflicts between personal interests and professional activities;
3) responsibility as a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities;
4) respect for the person's personality. Everyone has the right to be treated honestly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture;
5) patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization, which contributes to the development of both the organization and the state;
6) security, which is characterized by the desire to keep commercial secrets and the provision of harmless and non-hazardous working conditions;
7) focus on material well-being as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives;
8) interchangeability of employees - allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in external conditions and emergency situations;
9) flexibility. Assumes the motivation of employees for effective interaction, joint search optimal solution problems.

Code of Conduct

In foreign management practice, a number of special measures and methods have been developed aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. Among them are ethics cards - a set of rules and recommendations that specify code of ethics corporation for each employee of the company. Ethics committees are created to develop the organization's ethical policy and address specific ethical issues that arise in the course of daily practice. Employees and managers are trained in ethical behavior through seminars and short courses.
However, the corporate code is the central element in the implementation and development of corporate ethics. It can be defined as a set of vowels and unspoken rules, formulating the basic principles of the organization's activities and at the same time ensuring compliance with moral standards. This code regulates the behavior of employees in situations that are not prescribed in job descriptions and statutory provisions, such as corporate event. As a rule, each organization has its own individual code, but each of them is based on generally accepted moral values ​​and laws.
Benefits of having a corporate code:
- determines the procedure for resolving conflict or unregulated situations;
- makes uniform norms of behavior and morality in the company;
- regulates the procedure for making decisions in difficult economic situations;
- forms a positive image of the company in the business environment;
- allows you to resolve issues such as discussions about the payment of remuneration or promotion of individual employees.
Thus, the code of corporate ethics is an effective tool for managing the workforce.


The moral climate at the enterprise for solving economic problems can play no less important role than well-organized management. The lack of corporate ethics in the company leads to the fact that the staff does not feel loyalty to it, in turn, this affects the work, and hence the profit of the company as a whole. The moral cohesion of the team, the consciousness of responsibility to each other for the results of labor can save the enterprise even if strong pressure external environment and ensure sustainable development.
Corporate ethics is a key element that brings people together. It includes both limiting and encouraging certain behaviors in the organization. When the staff follows corporate ethics, activities are organized not only on the basis of orders, but also due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. This gives everyone the opportunity to feel like a full member of the community, which ultimately increases the company's competitiveness and labor productivity.

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    In the work of the American sociologist L. Hosmer, modern ethical principles of business behavior are formulated, based on the axioms of world philosophical thought, which have been tested by theory and practice for centuries.

    There are ten such principles and, accordingly, axioms:

      Never do anything that is not in your or your company's long-term interests (the principle is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers (in particular Democritus) about personal interests combined with the interests of other people, and the difference between long-term and short-term interests).

      Never do anything that cannot be said to be really honest, open and true, which could be proudly announced to the whole country in the press and on television (the principle is based on the views of Aristotle and Plato on personal virtues - honesty , openness, moderation, etc.).

      Never do something that does not contribute to the formation of a sense of elbow, as we all work for one common goal (the principle is based on the commandments of world religions (St. Augustine), calling for goodness and compassion).

      Never do anything that violates the law, because the law represents the basic moral norms of society (the principle is based on the teachings of T. Hobbes and J. Locke on the role of the state as an arbitrator in competition between people for the good).

      Never do anything that does not lead to good, not harm to the society in which you live (the principle is based on the ethics of utilitarianism (the practical benefits of moral behavior) developed by I. Bentham and J.S. Mill).

      Never do what you would not like to recommend doing to others who find themselves in a similar situation (the principle is based on the categorical imperative of I. Kant, which declares the famous rule about the universal, universal norm).

      Never do anything that infringes on the established rights of others (the principle is based on the views of J.-J. Rousseau and T. Jefferson on the rights of the individual).

      Always act in a way that maximizes profit within the limits of the law, market requirements and with full cost consideration. For the maximum profit, subject to these conditions, indicates the greatest production efficiency (the principle is based on the economic theory of A. Smith and the teachings of V. Pareto on the optimal transaction).

      Never do anything that could harm the weakest in society (the principle is based on the rule of distributive justice by K. Rhodes).

      Never do anything that would interfere with the right of another person to self-development and self-realization (the principle is based on A. Nozick's theory of expanding the degree of individual freedom necessary for the development of society).

    These principles are present to varying degrees and are recognized as fair in various business cultures. The ideal, albeit a very distant goal of the world business community is the type of relationship based on the triumph of moral and ethical principles.


    Compliance with the norms and rules of business ethics by the employees of the organization becomes its “calling card” and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client wants to deal with this organization in the future, and how successfully their relationship will be built. Almost all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to the norms of conduct in a broad sense. General corporate ethical principles can be used by any organization and leaders to develop their own ethical systems. The basis of modern corporate ethics, according to most scientists, should be based on three major provisions.

    Ethics of corporate relations has recently received more and more attention. Employers are paying more and more attention to the ethics of corporate and personal relationships in the selection and hiring of personnel, as well as in the process of direct performance by employees of their professional role. Compliance with the ethics of business relations is one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.

    Compliance with the norms and rules of business ethics by the employees of the organization becomes its “calling card” and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client wants to deal with this organization in the future, and how successfully their relationship will be built.

    The use of the norms and rules of ethics of corporate relations is perceived favorably by others in any case, even if a person does not have sufficiently developed skills in applying the rules of ethics. The effect of perception is amplified many times over if ethical behavior becomes natural and unintentional. This happens when the rules of ethics are not only an internal psychological need of a person, but also worked out in the process of systematic training.


      Principles of corporate ethics of doing business. Milner B.// Management in Russia and abroad No. 2, 2002

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    I.P. Wunder

    Corporate ethics of the organization

    Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics is a system of moral principles, norms of moral behavior that have a regulatory impact on relations within one organization and on interaction with other organizations.Corporate ethics is part of such a regulatory system as corporate culture.

    The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship between representatives of various professions, united by a common workforce, working in the same organization.

    Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and values ​​of its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of the corporate community.

    Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two subsystems. Firstly, these are the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities. Secondly, these are the norms and rules of behavior for employees of the organization in formal and informal situations.

    Corporate ethics is based on a number of principles 1 .

    • The lack of clearly formulated rules of corporate ethics inevitably leads to a lack of certain devotion to one's team, which negatively affects the work of a particular employee (employees) and the entire enterprise as a whole. And only the introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel himself not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of the team, almost a member of the family.
    • Corporate ethics stipulates the collective principles of behavior. For example: taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, ensuring the growth of the organization's values, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation, supporting the overall strategy and priorities of the organization, not using the image of the organization to harm it for personal purposes, confidentiality received information.
    • Corporate ethics stipulates the ethical principles of service relations. For example, employees of an organization must treat all people with respect, they must keep their promises, be tolerant of other people's opinions, and be polite and correct.
    • Above the rules that are set by the corporate code for employees are the rules set for the organization itself. For example: building relationships with clients and partners solely on a legal basis, full responsibility for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with service providers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees and providing them with fair remuneration, ensuring social guarantees for employees.

    Corporate ethics is a system of values 2 that regulates ethical relations in the organization. It is due to the characteristics of the activities and goals of this organization, as well as the prevailing stereotypes of behavior in this organization. Corporate ethics is a key element that unites people - participants in the process into a single social organism (human community).

    Values ​​can be positive, orienting people towards such patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the strategic goals of the organization, but they can also be negative, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

    Values ​​can also be divided into individualand organizational, however, they largely coincide, but there are those that belong exclusively either to one group or to another. For example, such as "well-being", "initiative", "quality", "independence" can refer to both groups, and such as "family", "predictability", "work", "authority" refer to individual, and "fungibility" "," flexibility "," change "are associated with the organization.

    The fundamental values ​​on the basis of which corporate ethics are formed, as a rule, are:

    • Competence and professionalism. Subjects of corporate ethics must: have a high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make informed and responsible decisions; seek to improve their professional level; be proactive and proactive in execution official duties, responsibility and discipline.
    • Honesty and impartiality. This is the foundation of the organization's activities, its business reputation. The organization does not allow conflict between personal interests and professional activities.
    • Responsibility. Responsibility is a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities.
    • Respect for the human person. Employees of the organization have the right to be treated fairly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture.
    • Patriotism. The employee must be a patriot of his organization. It should contribute to the development of the organization.
    • well-being. Aiming at material well-being, as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives.
    • Interchangeability. Allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in the environment and emergency situations within the organization.
    • Flexibility. Focus on flexibility and encouragement of employees to effective interaction, joint search for the optimal solution to the problem, ways to achieve the goals set, timely response to environmental changes.

    In addition to values, corporate culture also includes beliefs, rituals, symbols, which are its elements. To form a unified corporate culture, first of all, it is necessary to develop internal communications (both between organizations themselves and within organizations). The openness of information related to various aspects of the organization's activities, corporate publications, the creation of the Internet contribute to easy access of company employees to internal information. The method of personnel rotation from the management company also serves effective way improving corporate communications and helps to accelerate the process of forming a unified corporate culture.

    The moral qualities on which corporate ethics is based should also be listed: responsiveness; attentiveness; goodwill; ability to accept criticism; devotion; decency, honesty; modesty; openness.

    There are several types of corporate ethics.

    • Traditional corporate ethics is an old-fashioned approach to the corporate environment. It is based on clearly defined roles and relationships between employees. Traditionally, a simple chain of commands works. Orders are given from above and carried out by subordinates without discussion or disagreement. And although this kind of ethics is outdated, it still has a place. Most often, such ethics are used in companies with long-established management methods and for them it is the most effective.
    • Highly qualified corporate ethics is not called so because other types of ethics do not imply highly qualified personnel. The main principle of this type of corporate ethics is the selection of top-level talented people who will influence lower-level employees.
    • Innovative corporate ethics is in many ways the opposite of traditional ethics. In this case, creative initiative is supported among ordinary employees. There is always a certain risk in companies with this kind of corporate ethics.
    • A public corporate ethic draws its strength from collaborative effort, teamwork, and healthy trusting relationships among company employees. Often this kind of corporate ethics emphasizes caring for its employees.

    To create a positive corporate ethics, you should:

    • Install specific goals organizations. This will enable employees to be informed about what responsibility they bear, what role they play in the implementation of the organization's activities. Hire talented employees who have both specialist skills and the ability to work with people.
    • Creating an atmosphere within the organization that encourages creativity and learning.
    • The introduction of a motivation program in the organization in order to interest employees and make them focus on work, the use of cash bonuses and all kinds of incentive events.

    Under the influence of corporate ethics, the activities of employees are organized not so much on the basis of orders or compromises, but due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. An organization built on the unity of the worldview and values ​​of its members becomes the most harmonious and dynamic form of community.

    Almost all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to moral and ethical standards of behavior in a broad sense. In addition, without exception, all areas of business ethics are based on the fundamental norms of ethics. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, understanding the interests and motives of the behavior of others, social responsibility for their psychological security, etc.

    The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the norms of behavior for participants in business relations.

    Corporate ethics is based on moral standards that allow everyone to feel like an individual. First of all, they are related to the basic (material) needs of the employee:

    • wages for skilled labor should not be lower than the incomes of the middle strata of the population;
    • the organization takes responsibility for a certain stability of employment, and in the event of a forced dismissal, the payment of appropriate compensation;
    • preventing an unjustified gap in the income levels of owners, managers and ordinary workers.

    The relationship of the employee with the organization is largely determined by ethical standards of a higher order, and not least such as:

    • respect for human dignity, regardless of the social status occupied in the hierarchical ladder of the enterprise;
    • guarantees of advanced training and professional advancement;
    • free expression of judgments about the activities of the organization;
    • participation in the preparation and adoption of decisions affecting the interests of employees;
    • sharp condemnation of such phenomena in the system of labor relations as denunciation, opposition of some groups of workers to others;
    • transparency of the financial activities of the organization, excluding any form of shadow operations.

    Of course, in corporate ethics, too, a certain commonality of corporate interests cannot eliminate the specific interests of various groups of people. Conflicts in the enterprise may arise. However, corporate ethics makes it possible to manage a conflict situation, to give it a functional rather than destructive character, i.e. use it as the first signal of the emergence of a problem that needs to be addressed within the framework of the social partnership system.
