
Code of corporate rules and ethical standards. Corporate ethics

Completed by student 3
course, group 14z10
Sokolova S. Yu.


The relevance of this topic
justified by the fact that ethics
only studies moral
phenomena and processes, but also sets
human value
activities, determining what
it should be directed to
what is its perfection -
Ethics is a philosophical science
object of study, which
is morality.
Morality is one of the main
ways of normative
human behavior in society;
a special form of public
consciousness and the type of public


The object of study of this work is
professional ethics in the field of tourism.
The subject of this work is the concept
corporate and professional ethics.
The purpose of the work is to
and professional morality.
For achievement
needs to be resolved
the following tasks:
theoretical basis
studying corporate and
professional ethics;
study the code
professional ethics for
tourism workers;


Professional ethics is
set of moral norms, rules, principles,
which regulate the attitude of man in their
professional responsibilities, and
relationships between people at work.


Corporate ethics is a system of moral
principles, norms of moral behavior, which
regulate the impact on relationships within
one organization and interaction with others


Codes for tourism workers

Codes of ethics are a set of norms of correct behavior,
which is considered acceptable for a person of that profession,
to which this code applies.
Professional codes of ethics serve as a pledge to society
quality and conclude information about the standards and restrictions
activities of employees in the area for which
these codes (rules) have been developed.

The main ones are those
the principles by which
professional, building
customer relations,
colleagues, how he treats
to society as a whole and
nature, which
surrounds. Basic
principle is respect
the other side.


Summing up the result, it is necessary
emphasize that professional
ethics are an integral part of business
human relations. At present
time all large branched
organizations have already realized
intraorganizational ethical
regulation. Thus,
knowledge of professional standards
ethics enables a person
successfully and effectively
your work and at the same time keep
their human dignity and
personality traits, other than
order to exclude conflict
situations in a particular area.

Features of professional and corporate morality

English RussianRules

Corporate ethics

Modern business is a complex system with many parameters, and all of them affect the final result, which provides for profit and development of the company. Any business owner invests time, energy, money, and effort in its development. One of the components that significantly affect the development of the company is corporate culture and corporate ethics. In fact, it is an important management tool that affects the development of the company and its value.

Just one observance business ethics and corporate ethics promises to increase the firm's revenues, with little or no other financial investment. Given the financial and economic crisis, the possibility of such simple receipt additional profit without significant investment is particularly attractive.

The concept of corporate ethics

The corporate ethics of the company is a stable system of collective values, traditions, beliefs, norms of behavior of employees. The rules of corporate ethics of business are expressed in the symbolic, spiritual and material environment of people working in a particular organization.

The foundations of corporate ethics include the following attributes:

  1. General values ​​that employees value in their lives, work - their positions, opportunities for advancement in their careers, the work itself.
  2. Faith in leadership, success, own strength, mutual assistance and justice.
  3. The communication system in the team, the language of communication, the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, gestures, etc.
  4. Awareness of time, attitude towards it, its correct use, compliance with the daily routine, work schedule.
  5. Relationships between people that differ depending on age, status, position, level of knowledge. This also includes ways and methods for resolving conflict situations.
  6. The process of developing employees, conducting training procedures, trainings, training new employees, the process of transferring experience, skills and knowledge.
  7. Work ethic, methods of stimulating achievements. Distribution of responsibilities, performance appraisal, remuneration, ways of career advancement.
  8. Appearance of employees, business style of clothes, behavior.

All these characteristics, taken together, are the formation of corporate ethics. This process is mutual - the people working in the organization form the corporate ethics of the organization, and at the same time the culture influences their behavior.

Features of corporate ethics

Corporate ethics and etiquette are manifested in material and spiritual things: the appearance of employees, the design of office premises, in symbols, corporate identity, forms of encouragement and awards. The culture of an organization is general characteristics the entire organization.

It is worth noting that the principles of corporate ethics are also limitations, a process of discussing standards, norms and values ​​that never stops. As soon as a company introduces a document regulating corporate ethics and measures to prevent its violations, it is forced to develop a communication network specifically for it. If this does not happen, problems of corporate ethics appear - access to information to management is blocked, negativity accumulates, middle managers play a destructive role. Violations of corporate ethics should be punished - financially and administratively.

All successful companies have developed a clear list of special measures and methods aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. In order to successfully realize the main purpose of the business, company leaders must work to create such value as corporate ethics.

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The concept of "ethics" was coined by the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. Ethics helps to understand what should be done and what should not. In our time, ethical attitudes and moral standards are an integral part of life. In the professional environment, there are also written and unwritten rules that determine appearance employees, work style, relationships with partners, workflow rules. All this together constitutes corporate ethics. And in order to comply with it (in any aspect), you need such qualities as responsiveness, attentiveness, goodwill, the ability to perceive criticism, and decency.

System and principles of corporate ethics

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics are the rules of conduct that are established by a certain company and ensure the normal activities of both individual employees and the entire organization as a whole.
Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two main elements, where the first is the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities, and the second is the norms of behavior of employees in formal and informal situations. In the system of relationships, the subjects of corporate ethics are the owners, managers and employees of the organization. The introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel himself not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of the team.
The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed by society and defining the norms of behavior for participants in business relations. Let's list these principles.
Specifics. The lack of clearly defined rules inevitably leads to a lack of commitment to the enterprise, which negatively affects the work of employees, and therefore profits.
Unity. For example, taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation of the organization, maintaining the confidentiality of information.
Respect and tolerance. Employees of the organization must respect those with whom they interact, show tolerance for other people's opinions, politeness, and be correct.
Reciprocity. A level higher than the rules that are established by the corporate code for personnel are the rules for the organization as a whole: responsibility for the quality of its products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees, providing them with decent remuneration , social guarantees.

Values ​​and types of corporate ethics

The basis of the norms of corporate ethics are values, that is, common beliefs that determine what is right and what is wrong. Values ​​can be positive, guiding people towards patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Such values ​​are characterized by statements like “The interests of the consumer are above all”, “The success of the company is my success”. Values ​​can also be negative, that is, negatively affecting the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. They are represented by relevant statements, for example: “You are the boss - I am a fool, I am the boss - you are a fool”, “You cannot redo all the work”.
Depending on the history, the attitude towards the personnel in the company and the clientele, corporate ethics will be characterized as traditional, highly qualified, innovative or public.
Traditional. Characterized by standard relationships with clearly defined roles. Decrees come from above and are carried out by subordinates without discussion. Most often, this type of ethics is found in companies with long-established management and business practices, where it is most effective.
Highly qualified. The main principle is the selection of top-level talented people who can influence lower-level employees. This is often the case in companies where risky operations, such as financial games on the stock exchange, are the norm.
Innovative corporate ethics are in many respects the opposite of traditional ones. Initiative and creative ideas are welcome at all career levels within the company. There is also some risk.
Public corporate ethics is characteristic of organizations in which goals are achieved through joint efforts, teamwork based on trust. The focus is often on taking care of employees. In such companies, employees are often paid a little more than usual, there is a system of incentives, rewards for achievements.
The main norms of corporate behavior began to take shape in countries with the most developed capital markets: England, the USA and Canada. Corporate codes were created that regulated the practice of corporate behavior, the interests of shareholders, the scope of authority of directors and company management.
The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship of employees within a single team and is formed on the basis of generally accepted human values:
1) competence and professionalism. The presence of high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make decisions, and the desire to improve their professional level among the subjects of corporate ethics;
2) honesty and impartiality.

An important aspect in the activities of the organization, in maintaining its business reputation and eliminating conflicts between personal interests and professional activities;
3) responsibility as a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities;
4) respect for the person's personality. Everyone has the right to be treated honestly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture;
5) patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization, which contributes to the development of both the organization and the state;
6) security, which is characterized by the desire to preserve commercial secrets and the provision of harmless and non-harmful hazardous conditions labor;
7) focus on material well-being as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives;
8) interchangeability of employees - allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in external conditions and emergency situations;
9) flexibility. Assumes the motivation of employees for effective interaction, joint search optimal solution problems.

Code of Conduct

In foreign management practice, a number of special measures and methods have been developed aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. Among them are ethics cards - a set of rules and recommendations that specify the ethical code of the corporation for each employee of the company. Ethics committees are created to develop the organization's ethical policy and address specific ethical issues that arise in the course of daily practice. Employees and managers are trained in ethical behavior through seminars and short courses.
However, the corporate code is the central element in the implementation and development of corporate ethics. It can be defined as a set of vowels and unspoken rules, formulating the basic principles of the organization's activities and at the same time ensuring compliance with moral standards. This code regulates the behavior of employees in situations that are not prescribed in job descriptions and statutory provisions, such as corporate event. As a rule, each organization has its own individual code, but each of them is based on generally accepted moral values ​​and laws.
Benefits of having a corporate code:
- determines the procedure for resolving conflict or unregulated situations;
— makes uniform norms of behavior and morality in the company;
- regulates the procedure for making decisions in difficult economic situations;
- forms a positive image of the company in the business environment;
- allows you to resolve issues such as discussing the payment of remuneration or promotion of individual employees.
Thus, the code of corporate ethics is an effective tool for managing the workforce.


The moral climate at the enterprise for solving economic problems can play no less important role than well-organized management. The lack of corporate ethics in the company leads to the fact that the staff does not feel loyalty to it, in turn, this affects the work, and hence the profit of the company as a whole. The moral cohesion of the team, the consciousness of responsibility to each other for the results of labor can save the enterprise even if strong pressure external environment and ensure sustainable development.
Corporate ethics is a key element that unites people. It includes both limiting and encouraging certain behaviors in the organization. When the staff follows corporate ethics, activities are organized not only on the basis of orders, but also due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. This gives everyone the opportunity to feel like a full member of the community, which ultimately increases the company's competitiveness and labor productivity.

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Modern business is a complex system with many parameters, and all of them affect the final result, which provides for profit and development of the company. Any business owner invests time, energy, money, and effort in its development. One of the components that significantly affect the development of the company is the corporate culture and corporate ethics. In fact, it is an important management tool that affects the development of the company and its value.

The mere observance of business ethics and corporate ethics promises to increase the income of the company, with little or no other financial investment. Given the financial and economic crisis, the possibility of such a simple additional profit without significant investment is especially attractive.

The concept of corporate ethics

The corporate ethics of the company is a stable system of collective values, traditions, beliefs, norms of behavior of employees. The corporate rules are expressed in the symbolic, spiritual and material environment of people working in a particular organization.

The foundations of corporate ethics include the following attributes:

  1. General values ​​that employees value in their lives, work - their positions, opportunities for advancement in their careers, the work itself.
  2. Faith in leadership, success, own strength, mutual assistance and justice.
  3. The communication system in the team, the language of communication, the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, gestures, etc.
  4. Awareness of time, attitude to it, its proper use, compliance with the daily routine, work schedule.
  5. Relationships between people that differ depending on age, status, position, level of knowledge. This also includes ways and methods for resolving conflict situations.
  6. The process of developing employees, conducting training procedures, trainings, training new employees, the process of transferring experience, skills and knowledge.
  7. Work ethic, methods of stimulating achievements. Distribution of responsibilities, performance appraisal, remuneration, ways of career advancement.
  8. Appearance of employees, business style of clothes, behavior.

All these characteristics, taken together, are the formation of corporate ethics. This process is mutual - the people working in the organization form the corporate ethics of the organization, and at the same time the culture influences their behavior.

Features of corporate ethics

Corporate ethics and etiquette are manifested in material and spiritual things: the appearance of employees, the design of office space, symbols, corporate identity, forms of incentives and awards. The culture of an organization is the general characteristic of the entire organization.

It is worth noting that the principles of corporate ethics are also limitations, a process of discussing standards, norms and values ​​that never stops. As soon as a company introduces a document regulating corporate ethics and measures to prevent its violations, it is forced to develop a communication network specifically for it. If this does not happen, problems of corporate ethics appear - access to information to management is blocked, negativity accumulates, middle managers play a destructive role. Violations of corporate ethics should be punished - financially and administratively.

All successful companies have developed a clear list of special measures and methods aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. In order to successfully realize the main purpose of the business, company leaders must work to create such value as corporate ethics.

Corporate ethics is based on a number of principles. The principle of corporate ethics is the rule of activity in the system of norms of moral behavior of subjects of corporate ethics in the performance of their duties.

1. The lack of clearly formulated rules of corporate ethics inevitably leads to a lack of certain devotion to one's enterprise, which negatively affects both the work of a particular employee (employees) and the profit of the entire enterprise as a whole. For example, the transfer of confidential information to a competing enterprise is practically an ethical norm, because an employee is not obliged to care for a society of which he is not a member. And only the introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel himself not just a cog in a production machine, not a tool with which someone "makes money", but a full member of the team, almost a member of the family.

2. Corporate ethics stipulates the collective principles of behavior. For example: taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, ensuring the growth of the organization's values, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and an impeccable reputation of the organization (at the same time, talking about how bad things are in the organization and what boss is boor with outsiders become ethically impossible), support for the overall strategy and priorities of the organization, non-use of the image of the organization to the detriment of it for personal purposes, confidentiality of information received, etc.

3. Corporate ethics stipulates the ethical principles of service relations. For example, employees of an organization must treat all people with respect, they must keep their promises, show tolerance for other people's opinions, be polite and correct, not interfere in the privacy of another person without his personal request, etc.

4. Above the rules that are established by the corporate code for employees, there are rules established for the organization itself. For example: building relationships with customers and partners exclusively on a legal basis, full responsibility for the quality of their products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees and providing them with fair remuneration, ensuring social guarantees for employees, etc. .d.

In other words, corporate ethics must comply with the principles of SMART: S (specific) - specific; M (measurable) - measurable; A (acquireable) - achievable; R (realistic) - realistic; T (time bound) - feasible in a limited time.

Corporate Ethics Values

Values ​​form the basis of corporate ethics. Values ​​are relatively general beliefs that determine what is right and wrong and set people's general preferences.

Values ​​can be positive, orienting people towards such patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the strategic goals of the organization, but they can also be negative, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

1. Positive values ​​expressed by the following statements:

The work can be done "excellent";

Truth is born in dispute;

The interests of the consumer are above all;

The company's success is my success;

The mood for mutual assistance and maintaining good relations with colleagues;

Not competition, but cooperation in working towards a common goal.

2. Negative values ​​expressed by the following statements:

The authorities cannot be trusted, only friends can be trusted;

You are the boss - I'm a fool, I'm the boss - you're a fool;

Don't lean out;

Working well is not the most important thing in life;

Don't redo all the work.

Values ​​can also be divided into individual and organizational, but they largely coincide, but there are those that belong exclusively either to one group or to another. For example, things like "well-being", "security", "initiative", "quality", "independence" can refer to both groups, and things like "family", "predictability", "work", "authority" refer to individual , and "fungibility", "flexibility", "change" are associated with the organization.

Everyone puts their own meaning in the name of a value, therefore, when studying value orientations, it is worth asking to clarify the meaning of this value, what they mean by it.

The fundamental values ​​on the basis of which corporate ethics are formed, as a rule, are:

Competence and professionalism. Subjects of corporate ethics must: have a high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make informed and responsible decisions; seek to improve their professional level; be proactive and proactive in execution official duties, responsibility and discipline.

Honesty and impartiality. This is the foundation of the organization's activities, its business reputation. The organization does not allow conflict between personal interests and professional activities.

Responsibility. Responsibility is a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities.

Respect for the human person. Employees of the organization have the right to be treated fairly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture.

Patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization. It should contribute to the development of the organization and the state.

Safety. It is expressed in the desire to preserve trade secrets, and in caring for the preservation of the organization, and in ensuring non-harmful and non-hazardous working conditions.

well-being. Aiming at material well-being, as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives.

Interchangeability. Allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in the environment and emergency situations within the organization.

Harmony. Orientation to the correspondence of various aspects, aspects of the life of the organization, regardless of whether these phenomena are effective or not, the main thing is not to disturb the balance, the harmony of relations.

Flexibility. Aiming at flexibility and encouraging employees to interact effectively, jointly search for the optimal solution to the problem, ways of achieving the goals that are acceptable for representatives of various services, timely response to environmental changes (especially relevant in an unstable external environment).

The moral qualities on which corporate ethics is based should also be listed: responsiveness; attentiveness; goodwill; ability to accept criticism; devotion; decency, honesty; modesty; openness, etc.

The concept of "ethics" was coined by the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. Ethics helps to understand what should be done and what should not. In our time, ethical attitudes and moral standards are an integral part of life. In a professional environment, there are also written and unwritten rules that determine the appearance of employees, work style, relationships with partners, and document flow rules. All this together constitutes corporate ethics. And in order to comply with it (in any aspect), you need such qualities as responsiveness, attentiveness, goodwill, the ability to perceive criticism, and decency.

System and principles of corporate ethics

Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics are the rules of conduct that are established by a certain company and ensure the normal activities of both individual employees and the entire organization as a whole.
Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two main elements, where the first is the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities, and the second is the norms of behavior of employees in formal and informal situations. In the system of relationships, the subjects of corporate ethics are the owners, managers and employees of the organization. The introduction of the rules of corporate ethics allows a person to feel himself not just a cog in a production machine, but a full member of the team.
The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed by society and defining the norms of behavior for participants in business relations. Let's list these principles.
Specifics. The lack of clearly defined rules inevitably leads to a lack of commitment to the enterprise, which negatively affects the work of employees, and therefore profits.
Unity. For example, taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation of the organization, maintaining the confidentiality of information.
Respect and tolerance. Employees of the organization must respect those with whom they interact, show tolerance for other people's opinions, politeness, and be correct.
Reciprocity. A level higher than the rules that are established by the corporate code for personnel are the rules for the organization as a whole: responsibility for the quality of its products and fulfillment of contractual obligations, creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and consumers, recognizing the labor merits of employees, providing them with decent remuneration , social guarantees.

Values ​​and types of corporate ethics

The basis of the norms of corporate ethics are values, that is, common beliefs that determine what is right and what is wrong. Values ​​can be positive, guiding people towards patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the organization's strategic goals. Such values ​​are characterized by statements such as "The interests of the consumer are above all", "The success of the company is my success." Values ​​can also be negative, that is, negatively affecting the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. They are represented by appropriate statements, for example: "You are the boss - I am a fool, I am the boss - you are a fool", "You cannot redo all the work."
Depending on the history, the attitude towards the personnel in the company and the clientele, corporate ethics will be characterized as traditional, highly qualified, innovative or public.
Traditional. Characterized by standard relationships with clearly defined roles. Decrees come from above and are carried out by subordinates without discussion. Most often, this type of ethics is found in companies with long-established management and business practices, where it is most effective.
Highly qualified. The main principle is the selection of top-level talented people who will be able to influence lower-level employees. This is often the case in companies where risky operations, such as financial games on the stock exchange, are the norm.
Innovative corporate ethics are in many respects the opposite of traditional ones. Initiative and creative ideas are welcome at all career levels in the company. There is also some risk.
Public corporate ethics is characteristic of organizations in which goals are achieved through joint efforts, teamwork based on trust. The focus is often on taking care of employees. In such companies, employees are often paid a little more than usual, there is a system of incentives, rewards for achievements.
The main norms of corporate behavior began to take shape in countries with the most developed capital markets: England, the USA and Canada. Corporate codes were created that regulated the practice of corporate behavior, the interests of shareholders, the scope of authority of directors and company management.
The purpose of corporate ethics is to regulate the relationship of employees within a single team and is formed on the basis of generally accepted human values:
1) competence and professionalism. The presence of high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make decisions, and the desire to improve their professional level among the subjects of corporate ethics;
2) honesty and impartiality. An important aspect in the activities of the organization, in maintaining its business reputation and eliminating conflicts between personal interests and professional activities;
3) responsibility as a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities;
4) respect for the person's personality. Everyone has the right to be treated honestly and fairly, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality and culture;
5) patriotism. An employee must be both a patriot of his state and a patriot of his organization, which contributes to the development of both the organization and the state;
6) security, which is characterized by the desire to keep commercial secrets and the provision of harmless and non-hazardous working conditions;
7) focus on material well-being as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community within which he lives;
8) interchangeability of employees - allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in external conditions and emergency situations;
9) flexibility. It involves encouraging employees to interact effectively, to jointly search for the optimal solution to problems.

Code of Conduct

In foreign management practice, a number of special measures and methods have been developed aimed at creating a healthy ethical basis for labor relations. Among them are ethics cards - a set of rules and recommendations that specify the ethical code of the corporation for each employee of the company. Ethics committees are created to develop the organization's ethical policy and address specific ethical issues that arise in the course of daily practice. Employees and managers are trained in ethical behavior through seminars and short courses.
However, the corporate code is the central element in the implementation and development of corporate ethics. It can be defined as a set of public and unspoken rules that formulate the basic principles of the organization's activities and at the same time ensure compliance with moral standards. This code regulates the behavior of employees in situations that are not prescribed in job descriptions and legislation, for example, at a corporate event. As a rule, each organization has its own individual code, but each of them is based on generally accepted moral values ​​and laws.
Benefits of having a corporate code:
- determines the procedure for resolving conflict or unregulated situations;
- makes uniform norms of behavior and morality in the company;
- regulates the procedure for making decisions in difficult economic situations;
- forms a positive image of the company in the business environment;
- allows you to resolve issues such as discussions about the payment of remuneration or promotion of individual employees.
Thus, the code of corporate ethics is an effective tool for managing the workforce.


The moral climate at the enterprise for solving economic problems can play no less important role than well-organized management. The lack of corporate ethics in the company leads to the fact that the staff does not feel loyalty to it, in turn, this affects the work, and hence the profit of the company as a whole. The moral cohesion of the team, the consciousness of responsibility to each other for the results of labor are able to maintain the enterprise even under strong pressure from the external environment and ensure stable development.
Corporate ethics is a key element that brings people together. It includes both limiting and encouraging certain behaviors in the organization. When the staff follows corporate ethics, activities are organized not only on the basis of orders, but also due to the internal consistency of the guidelines and aspirations of employees. This gives everyone the opportunity to feel like a full member of the community, which ultimately increases the company's competitiveness and labor productivity.

In the work of the American sociologist L. Hosmer, modern ethical principles of business behavior are formulated, based on the axioms of world philosophical thought, which have been tested by theory and practice for centuries.

There are ten such principles and, accordingly, axioms:

    Never do anything that is not in your or your company's long-term interests (the principle is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosophers (in particular Democritus) about personal interests combined with the interests of other people, and the difference between long-term and short-term interests).

    Never do anything that cannot be said to be really honest, open and true, which could be proudly announced to the whole country in the press and on television (the principle is based on the views of Aristotle and Plato on personal virtues - honesty , openness, moderation, etc.).

    Never do something that does not contribute to the formation of a sense of elbow, as we all work for one common goal (the principle is based on the commandments of world religions (St. Augustine), calling for goodness and compassion).

    Never do anything that violates the law, because the law represents the basic moral norms of society (the principle is based on the teachings of T. Hobbes and J. Locke on the role of the state as an arbitrator in competition between people for the good).

    Never do anything that does not lead to good, not harm to the society in which you live (the principle is based on the ethics of utilitarianism (the practical benefits of moral behavior) developed by I. Bentham and J.S. Mill).

    Never do what you would not like to recommend doing to others who find themselves in a similar situation (the principle is based on the categorical imperative of I. Kant, which declares the famous rule about the universal, universal norm).

    Never do anything that infringes on the established rights of others (the principle is based on the views of J.-J. Rousseau and T. Jefferson on the rights of the individual).

    Always act in a way that maximizes profits within the law, market requirements and with full cost considerations. For the maximum profit, subject to these conditions, indicates the greatest production efficiency (the principle is based on the economic theory of A. Smith and the teachings of V. Pareto on the optimal transaction).

    Never do anything that could harm the weakest in society (the principle is based on the rule of distributive justice by K. Rhodes).

    Never do anything that would interfere with the right of another person to self-development and self-realization (the principle is based on A. Nozick's theory of expanding the degree of individual freedom necessary for the development of society).

These principles are present to varying degrees and are recognized as fair in various business cultures. The ideal, albeit a very distant goal of the world business community is the type of relationship based on the triumph of moral and ethical principles.


Compliance with the norms and rules of business ethics by the employees of the organization becomes its “calling card” and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client wants to deal with this organization in the future, and how successfully their relationship will be built. Almost all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to the norms of conduct in a broad sense. General corporate ethical principles can be used by any organization and leaders to develop their own ethical systems. The basis of modern corporate ethics, according to most scientists, should be based on three major provisions.

Ethics of corporate relations has recently received more and more attention. Employers are paying more and more attention to the ethics of corporate and personal relationships in the selection and hiring of personnel, as well as in the process of direct performance by employees of their professional role. Compliance with the ethics of business relations is one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.

Compliance with the norms and rules of business ethics by the employees of the organization becomes its “calling card” and in many cases determines whether an external partner or client wants to deal with this organization in the future, and how successfully their relationship will be built.

The use of the norms and rules of ethics of corporate relations is perceived favorably by others in any case, even if a person does not have sufficiently developed skills in applying the rules of ethics. The effect of perception is amplified many times over if ethical behavior becomes natural and unintentional. This happens when the rules of ethics are not only an internal psychological need of a person, but also worked out in the process of systematic training.


    Principles of corporate ethics of doing business. Milner B.// Management in Russia and abroad No. 2, 2002

    Corporate Ethics as a Tool of Social Management Dubinina M.V. // Management in Russia and abroad No. 4, 2002

    Corporate culture of an organization in Russia Barinov V.A., Makarov L.V. // Management in Russia and abroad №2 2002
