
Peking cabbage dishes. Korean Pickled Chinese Cabbage Recipe

The first skills of newborns delight and touch parents: a smile, the ability to roll over from their back to their tummy, attempts to sit down on their own. But the development of children does not always follow generally accepted medical standards.

So, some babies begin to sit down already at 4 months, others at 9 are not able to hold the body in an upright position. When a child manages to sit down does not depend on the age of the baby, but on the structure of his musculoskeletal system and general development.

In the past, it was believed that girls should be seated on the ass much later than the representatives of the strong half of humanity. This was motivated by the fact that early sitting down affects the development of the genital organs and is harmful to the hip bones. Today, pediatricians have abandoned this approach.

When a child begins to sit unimportant, the main thing is that he begins to do it on his own.

In addition, the gender of the child does not affect this skill. Pediatricians note that the period of 6–9 months is the norm for sitting down children. The ability of the child in this matter plays a decisive role. You can get acquainted with the skills that a child should have depending on age in the table.

Children's skills according to age:

Age (months) Capabilities
4–6 There are no independent abilities yet. The kid is able with outside help, a short time is in a sitting position. Without support, the child quickly loses balance and rolls over onto his back.
6,5–7 The baby does not know how to sit down on his own, but being in an upright position, he maintains balance without outside help.
7,5–9 The baby is able to sit down independently from any position (being on the tummy, side, back)

Approximately babies begin to hold the body in an upright position without outside help at 7 months. But there are kids who master this skill only closer to a year. Later (according to parents) sitting down a child is not a deviation from the norm and does not indicate any health problems.

Stages of Skill Development

Several factors influence the development of the sitting process:

  • Skeleton formation. The baby cannot sit on the "jelly" bones. They should get stronger by gaining enough calcium.
  • Muscle formation. While the muscle tissues of the legs, neck and back are not sufficiently formed, the child simply cannot physically sit down and keep the body in this state. Poorly strengthened muscles are not able to fix the body in a sitting position.
  • Psycho-emotional development. The baby will not attempt to assume a sitting position until he has such a need. Parents should be interested in the baby: new toy, animals or a change of scenery.
  • Development of the nervous system. The baby will not begin to sit down until the brain gives the order to the body. Exactly nerve impulses make certain muscle groups tense. In an adult, the body is already accustomed to following commands. The muscles of the child are just beginning to study them.

When a child begins to sit, parents should be extremely careful. Maybe he's not ready for it yet.

The accepted average stages of infant development will help determine the child's abilities:

  • In the period of 2-4 months. the baby, being on his stomach, is able to tear his head and shoulders off the surface and linger in this position for several minutes.
  • At the age of 4–6 months. begins to make attempts to roll over from side to side. He is able to change position, moving from back to stomach and vice versa.
  • In the period of 5–8 months. the baby is able to fix the body without outside help for 20-40 seconds. Then he starts to lay on his side. Since the bony corset and muscles are not yet strong, it can injure the face or head. Pillows will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is enough to impose them on a child. But leaving the baby unattended is not worth it. Having fallen face down on the pillow, the child may experience mechanical asphyxia.
  • In the period of 6–9 months. the child begins to master the technique of crawling.
  • At the age of 8-12 months. the baby learns to walk with the help of a support or adults.

Parents during the wakeful period should carefully monitor the abilities of the child. His skills themselves will tell you that the baby is already able to sit down on his own. Experts say that the later he learns to keep the body upright, the stronger his health will be.

When a child starts to sit on the ass early, this can provoke the development of significant problems in the future.

For example:

  • Rachiocampsis. Weak muscles and a weak skeleton are easily deformed under the influence of a load. Scoliosis leaves a mark not only on the appearance of the baby (posture deteriorates), but also leads to the development of serious problems at work internal organs and back. Tellingly, girls are more prone to this problem than boys.

  • Chest deformity. Pathological changes in the size, volume and shape of the sternum leads to a decrease in the distance between the spine and the chest. As a result, the position of the internal organs is disturbed. The child may develop breathing and heart problems. This disease is more common in boys.
  • Problems in the formation of the hip bones. The fragile skeleton is plastic and under the pressure of the weight of the baby can be deformed.
  • Vertebral injury.
  • Disease of the hip joints. Diseases of this kind can cause clubfoot, lameness, flat feet and unsteady gait.
  • Difficulties in psychoemotional development. An unfamiliar position for the baby, trauma or fear can lead to fear and unwillingness to carry out any actions.

Many adults don't know that unexplained low back pain after age 45 is also often caused by sitting too early. That is why orthopedists recommend parents not to sit down the baby until he does it himself. And do not lead the children by the hands until they walk along the support on their own.

When a child begins to sit, parents should take special care of him and take care of his health.

Information will help them in this, what actions with the child they should avoid:

  • Do not sit down the baby until 2–2.5 months. It is allowed to give the body of the child a vertical position on the hands after 3 months. In this case, the child can only be in a semi-sitting position with slightly bent legs.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting of the child. The first attempts to assume a vertical position should be limited to 1-2 minutes.
  • Do not put your baby in a high chair or place pillows around him if he is not good on his feet or is not trying to roll over.
  • Rare wellness procedures. To strengthen the muscular frame, the baby should be laid out on the tummy, thereby pushing him to raise his head and turn over. It is also important to regularly carry out a light massage and do daily exercises.

In addition, parents should not make the first attempts to sit down on the floor or interior items. Acquaintance with a new skill should take place on the lap of mom or dad. Being in this position, the child feels safe. His back is fixed, and the rigid base does not injure the coccyx.

Parents can safely sit down a child if he has the following abilities:

Often children do not want to sit down, even after reaching the age of 7 months. If the child tries to lie down, cries and refuses to stand on his legs, do not force him to sit on his ass. When the time comes, he himself will want to get to know the world from a new angle.

The correct position of the baby while sitting

According to adults, the ability to sit does not require special skills and knowledge. But in reality, conquering this ability is not as easy as it might seem. Babies often learn to crawl faster than they learn to sit. But it is in the power of parents to help their child learn a new skill.

To do this, you need to teach him to take the correct position while sitting down:

  • Sitting upright, the baby's head should be slightly tilted forward.
  • The neck of the child during the sitting down period should be in an unbent state.
  • The baby's hands are his support, so they should be in front and rest against a hard surface.
  • Your back should be slightly arched while sitting.
  • The hip joints of the child look forward and are located in a bent state.
  • The legs should be spread apart and, as it were, turned outward so that the support falls on the lateral part of the limbs.

When the child begins to sit, it is very important to ensure that the baby observes the correct posture.

If the position of the child's body differs from that described above, the baby will quickly get tired and act up.

  • Strollers. The exception is samples that have an adjustable tilt level.
  • Jumpers and carriers "kangaroos". In products of this type, the baby experiences stress. There is a strong load on fragile muscles and the spine, which can provoke the appearance of microtrauma of the vertebrae.
  • Sit the child in pillows. It is allowed to resort to insurance of this kind only when the baby’s skeleton gets stronger and will be held vertically for at least 1 minute.

When a child begins to sit, parents must strictly ensure that he does not take pathological postures.

One of the dangerous positions for the baby is the position with the legs bent and turned back.

This arrangement resembles the letter "W". During this position, a strong load is placed on the hip joints and knees, which leads to severe pathologies.

Exercises from Komarovsky, contributing to the development of the skill

According to a well-known pediatrician, children do not need the help of their parents to master the ability to take a vertical position. The only way that adult family members can help a child is to strengthen his skeleton and muscle corset with the help of daily exercises. In order for the healing process not to cause discomfort, it is necessary to combine passive and active activities.

To form the required skill, Dr. Komarovsky recommends using the following types of training:

  • "Swing". The baby is laid face up on a hard surface. Parents stretch out their hands to him in such a way that he grabs only the index finger. After this, the child is slowly raised to a position where his body is in a semi-sitting position. It is not necessary to seat the baby on the ass, it is enough that his body rises by 45 °. Then the child is slowly lowered. It is forbidden to conduct this workout in a crib or on a couch. A soft surface does not provide proper support to the spine. In addition, it is important to slowly perform this exercise. Then the back and arms of the baby are strained as much as possible. Dr. Komarovsky recommends doing the "swing" training no earlier than 4-5 months.
  • "Fish". This exercise is recommended during the evening bathing. An orthopedic circle is put on the baby. Due special device the child feels safe and his neck is clearly fixed. The baby is placed in the bath face down, and pushed by the parents by the legs. Parents need to make forward and backward movements. After completing the exercise, it is not recommended to turn the child on his back. He must try to do it himself. If he is lazy, his parents should help him. For this, the child is taken by the hand and shown to him how to roll over correctly. During the water workout, the baby should make as many turns as possible. It is recommended to start the “fish” lesson from 1 month.
  • "Caterpillar". During this session, the child is positioned face down. An eye-catching object is placed at some distance. If the baby is not afraid, you can make the object emit sound signals. In this case, the child should not reach the established object. When he becomes interested in the object and tries to reach it, the task of the parent is to press his hands on his feet. Thus, the baby will inertially push off and crawl. The task of the child is to reach the goal and take it in his hands. It is recommended to resort to training "caterpillar" from 4 months.
  • "Pilot". During the exercise, the baby is taken in such a way that the right hand of an adult clasps his stomach. The brush should be located under the sternum. The left hand holds the legs. Raising the baby above a hard surface, he will reflexively raise his head, tighten his muscles and spread his arms to the sides. After keeping the baby in this position for 20-30 seconds, he is lowered down. It is allowed to resort to training "pilot" from 4 months.
  • "On the ball". The child is placed on the fitball face down and perform translational movements. During training, you can not make sudden movements, the baby just needs to be rocked a little. Then it is turned face up and the lesson is repeated. Due to training on the ball, the baby not only strengthens the muscle corset, but also develops the vestibular apparatus. This skill will definitely come in handy when mastering a new skill, since, being located vertically, the child must be able to balance.

Dr. Komarovsky's exercises have a complex effect on the body of children. First of all, they are designed to strengthen the muscular corset and only then are aimed at developing new skills.

It is advisable to carry out before starting exercises baby easy massage. Due to this, the complex will be more efficient. You should also not focus on training. Classes should be carried out in the form of a fun game. Otherwise, the baby may not like the manipulations done to him, and he will begin to protest.

If the child begins to sit before the appropriate period, do not stop his attempts. An early skill indicates that the baby is well developed. But when he, having reached 7–8 months, does not try to sit down, you should not force him to sit down. It is better to visit a specialist and find out what methods can arouse the desire to rise in a child.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: when the child begins to sit

At what age does a child begin to sit and how to help him with this:

For the first six months, the baby sees the world only from a prone position. During this time, the baby has already learned to recognize his mother, hold his head confidently, grab the toy with his hands. Such skills are very important for its further development. Closer to six months, the baby will want to change the position of his body to a vertical one and learn to sit on his own.

At what age does a child begin to sit

When do babies start sitting? It is generally accepted that at 6 months the baby should do it on his own, and only then start to crawl, but any highly qualified pediatrician will tell you that this is not so, and the formation of each baby occurs exclusively individually. Now children are developing very quickly and there are babies who sit down before six months of age, and this is considered the norm. It is necessary to help the baby sit, if he did not do it on his own, starting from six months, but not earlier, and you should not rush the event too much, because this can harm the baby.

When a child can be planted

The spine and back muscles should be strong by the time the child begins to sit. If this does not happen, then the natural structure of the ridge is violated, which leads to sad consequences in the future, when the baby grows up. Health problems may appear not only with the back, but also with internal organs, because everyone understands that the spine is the basis of our body. For babies in the first half of the year, it is very useful to do various massages, gymnastics for babies, which helps strengthen the back.


Many people ask the question of how many months can girls be planted? There is an opinion that babies cannot be seated very early, and any pediatrician will confirm this to you. And this is due to the fact that in girls the load is not only on the spine, but also on the pelvic organs, which, as a rule, leads to their incorrect formation, and in the future to various pathologies and even infertility. When the baby is ready to sit down, and this will be approximately at 6-8 months, he will begin to reach for the sides of the bed, requiring support, or lie down on his side, leaning on the handle to maintain balance.


How many months can boys be planted? As with girls, don't be in too much of a hurry to do it. Even if you cover the crumbs with pillows from all sides, the load on the spine will still be large, and the undeveloped chest will prevent the child from breathing properly. It is worth waiting for the moment when the baby himself wants to make the first attempts and reaches for your fingers, or when the child begins to sit on his own. This happens after 6 months, for some it happens closer to 8-9 months. It is believed that the larger the baby, the later he tries to sit down.

What is the danger of premature sitting

Pediatricians claim that earlier than by 6 months, children's body not ready to sit on their own. Very weak back muscles, a weak spine of a baby can lead to incorrect formation of not only posture, but also the internal organs of the body. You can not pay attention to this right away, because the baby will look healthy, but problems can appear in school and adolescence. Only when the child himself begins to sit, doctors recommend planting babies in walkers, high chairs or strollers in a sitting position and only for a short time.

How to teach your child to sit up on their own

It is good when the child begins to sit up on his own, but if this does not happen at 6 months, parents may be advised to bathe the baby in an adult bath filled to the brim with water, with a circle around his neck, or visit the pool. In the water, the baby actively dangles legs, arms, thereby training the muscles of the whole body, developing physical abilities. How to teach a child to sit? First you need to strengthen the muscles in the baby with the help of massages and special gymnastics. It is worth remembering that all kinds of activities and exercises are best done in a playful way, when the baby is calm.

Baby training exercises

It is worth remembering that each exercise must be done no more than 5 times, and if you see that the child is not very comfortable, then it is better to abandon it or postpone the lesson for another time. Never start exercise if the baby feels unwell, upset or wants to sleep. The baby should not feel that he is being forced to do this, because then it will not be useful. Below is a gymnastics for the baby, which will help strengthen the muscles so that the baby can sit on his own:

  1. The baby lies on its back. We carefully take it by the feet so that the legs are even, do not bend at the knees, we reach the spout with our socks.
  2. We do the first exercise, but we don’t reach the baby’s nose.
  3. For the next exercise, you need to let the baby grab onto your index fingers tightly. When the baby is well held, slowly raise it to a sitting position, then slowly lower it back. Make sure that the baby does not let you go, as he may hit his head or back hard.
  4. Classes on a special large fitness ball will also be useful. To do this, put the baby on the ball down with your stomach and, holding it by the body, just rock it down, up and to the sides.
  5. Like the previous one, the exercise can be done with the ball, only by putting the child on the back. In this position, it is better not to make sharp inclinations, but to gently rock the baby.

Video: how many months the child begins to sit

The development of a child up to one year of age occurs in stages. A very important period in the life of a baby is the time when he begins to learn to sit. At what age does a child start sitting? This question is very relevant for the parents of the crumbs, they always want to speed up this process. But we must remember that any haste can lead to injuries of the baby's spine. Even doctors recommend not to rush into it. To sit is to assume a new position of the body. And this should happen naturally, without undue stress and the use of any aids eg walkers. If the child himself is not ready for this, why force him?

At what age does a child start sitting?

Many parents constantly ask their doctor when infant starting to sit? This happens when the body is ready to change the position of the body. Of course, you can teach your baby to sit earlier, but this will not benefit his health.

The physiology of the spine is such that in newborns it does not have bends. They appear as the baby grows. The appearance of a cervical bend is detected at two months. This can be immediately understood: the baby is holding his head. But when he starts to sit down, the thoracic curve of the spine appears. And only after a year, when the baby begins to learn to walk, the lumbar bend will also be added.

At what age does a child start sitting? Already by six months, the baby experiences this need, he wants to look at the world and play in a sitting position. By this time, the muscles along the spine, chest and abdominals are well formed. The back of the child is already held straight, without additional supports. This is exactly the time when it is necessary to teach the baby to sit.

When the child does not sit down on his own, what to do?

It happens like this: the child is already six months old, and he does not even try to sit down on his own. If during the examination the baby does not reveal any serious diseases, then the parents do not pay due attention to the development of their child: they do not massage, do not exercise with him. As a result, the baby gains excess weight, the tissues become loose. Contact your doctor. He will recommend:

  • complex of physiotherapy exercises;
  • explain how to do gymnastics and massage correctly;
  • adjust the baby's diet.

A child can be taught to sit. How to do it?

If your baby is already six months old or more, he is perfectly healthy, but cannot sit, the question arises: "When will the child sit?" The kid just needs help. He must hold the back himself, it is unacceptable to use pillows as a support. Any devices will form the wrong posture in the child, and he will stoop.

Start learning with the simplest. Sit your baby on your lap for a while. While playing, give him massage and exercise. Then put the baby on a hard surface, not allowing him to fall. Gradually increase the amount of time your baby sits each time. Amuse him, captivate him, talk to him. You will see, after 5-6 lessons, the little one will begin to sit down on his own.

The baby starts to sit. Exercises

  • Place your child in an adjustable seat. Slowly increase the amplitude from a reclining to a sitting position.
  • Take the baby in your arms, put it on your lap and play patty with him. A kind of muscular corset is created.
  • Every time your baby is awake, let him grab onto your fingers and pull himself up.
  • While taking a bath, give your baby a bathing circle, let him flounder in the water. This strengthens the muscles.
  • Be sure to give your baby a massage. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. After this procedure, muscles relax, tone is removed, blood circulation improves.

Everything is not so difficult: love your child, take care of him, do the most simple tips and recommendations - and your baby will start to sit by himself.

Baby learns to sit: when does this skill develop?

When does a child start to sit independently? As a rule, children learn this skill after they have learned to roll over and hold their head. The child grows, his muscles develop and become strong by 4-7 months. What time should the child sit? About 90 percent of infants sit quietly and completely independently at the age of eight months.

First, the baby raises the head, then the chest, leaning on the handles. He seems to be pushing. Soon the child keeps balance, leaning on hands. And by 6-7 months he already sits without support, his hands are free, and he explores the environment with interest.

Sitting is easy, sitting is harder

Each baby is unique in its development. Many children begin to stand on their feet before they learn to sit down. This is because the tone of the muscles responsible for the sitting position is delayed in development compared to the muscles responsible for standing up.

At what age does a child start sitting? When parents hold their 3-4 in their arms month old baby, he is already half seated. Although many mothers are still afraid to sit down the baby. It is impossible to do this artificially, but it is possible and even necessary to create conditions for the baby to want to be in an upright position.

More often put the baby in an uncomfortable position for him - he will try to roll over himself to take a comfortable position. He needs to learn how to sit so that he can do it all his life. Remember, a child needs to make tremendous efforts to comprehend this science. Help him!

Specially seating a child: harm or benefit?

If the child is not yet six months old, the horizontal position is natural for the spine. It's a completely different matter when the baby sat down before six. one month old on one's own. However, even in this case, he should not be in a sitting position for more than an hour a day.

Artificial seating parents will only harm their child. When he goes to school, where, willy-nilly, he has to sit a lot, there will be serious problems with his spine. So, at what age does a child start sitting? You can sit down, and not thoroughly seat the baby, from the age of six months. The baby needs to be helped, and not forced to do something for which he is not yet physically ready.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

When the baby is four months old, pediatricians will recommend special exercises to help him sit up on time. Perform them on a table with a hard surface.

  • Stretch out your hands to the child, he will grab them and will try to sit down. In an elevated state, the baby is for some time, and then returns to its original position. So repeat several times.
  • Put the baby on the tummy, lift it up, supporting it under the chest and legs. He will rest, the back and buttocks will tighten, the head will rise. Let the baby stay in this position for a few seconds.

When can a girl be planted?

Parents often ask the question: "When does the child begin to sit?" The girl, as a rule, lags behind the boy in physical development. This is understandable - the weaker sex. But in the mental - superior. It is impossible to plant a girl early, as well as future men.

Subsequently, when the girl becomes a woman, she may have a bend in the uterus. Of course, this doesn't happen right away. In the process of development of the baby and her organs, ligaments are formed incorrectly, and deviations occur over time. Infertility may occur. And during childbirth, there are problems with the pelvis. When does the baby start sitting? The girl is ready for this stage of development at six months.

When to plant a boy?

All parents who have had a long-awaited heir are tormented by the question of when the child begins to sit. Boys begin to learn this skill at 5.5 months, but sit completely independently at eight or nine months, like all babies. In the sitting position, the spine experiences a lot of stress. If you plant a child early, this will lead to a curvature of the spine, and in the future to sciatica.

Every child is unique and does not develop according to a pattern. Therefore, some babies, especially boys, begin to sit at 4-5 months. But, no matter how much parents want to observe the achievements of their child, the child goes through several stages in its development. He won't be able to sit up until he can hold his head up. Therefore, do not rush time - the baby will learn everything, and you will help him.

How to understand that the child is ready to sit down?

All parents, without exception, are interested in at what age the child begins to sit, and how can you understand if he is ready for this? Undoubtedly, the baby takes all your time, you talk to him, play, perform various procedures. Notice any, even the smallest, changes in his behavior. As soon as you see that the baby calmly, without any effort, raises the chest, lying on the tummy, it means that the neck and pectoral muscles have become stronger, and the child can quite keep the body in an upright position. Feel free to sit down!

Crawling is an important stage in the development of the child.

According to pediatricians, crawling is a peculiar way of moving a little man. The muscles of the musculoskeletal system are strengthened, coordination of movements is improved. Crawling prepares the child for walking, teaches him to think. The kid himself decides where and why he crawls. Right now, some curves of the spine are being formed, which, when walking, will play the role of shock absorbers. The child learns to keep balance and control the body. Physical activity the baby develops his brain activity.

When does a child start to crawl and how to help him with this?

Undoubtedly, crawling develops many baby skills that will be useful to him in his further development. When does a baby start crawling? The range of the baby in acquiring this skill is large: from five to nine months. But the most optimal period is seven months. Some babies are very quick-witted and begin to walk right away, never having learned to crawl properly.

It does not matter at what age your child began to crawl - he needs the psychological and physical support of adults to decide on the development of uncharted territory.

  • So that the baby does not experience fear, constantly smile at him, make him laugh, tell him what and where lies in the house, while carrying him in his arms.
  • If you see that the baby is struggling to get on all fours, help him so that he does not fall on his side and hit. Otherwise, the baby will form a psychological barrier, and he will not crawl for a long time. Be sure to praise your child.
  • Provide your baby with clothes that will not slip and allow complete freedom of movement.

Premature baby, its development

A premature baby is one born between the 21st and 36th weeks of pregnancy. Its weight is no more than 2.5 kg, and its height is 46-47 cm. The development of such children differs from that of babies born on time. Premature babies lag behind in development as much as they were born earlier. These babies do not eat well, almost never cry and get tired quickly.

Premature babies often find it difficult to adapt to the environment. The help of parents, more than ever, is needed by the crumbs. Surround him with affection, care and attention, spend more time with your baby. If for premature baby take good care of him, make sure that his diet is balanced, do massage and physical exercises that strengthen the body, he will develop correctly and quickly catch up with his peers.

Excessive joint mobility and underdevelopment of muscle tissue lead to the fact that certain parts of the child's body take the wrong position, which pushes back optimal timing the period when babies begin to sit, crawl and walk.

When does a premature baby start sitting? In children born ahead of time, only by six to nine months do movements appear that prepare them for the next stage of development. And only by 12 months premature babies sit well.

Very often, in prematurely born babies, the skeleton is not formed correctly. If musculoskeletal system formed correctly, then by the age of two years the difference between a full-term and premature baby will be indistinguishable.

Parents of babies are often interested in whether it is possible to sit down their daughters, and at what age this can be done. They are intimidated by their grandmothers, who insist that it is impossible to plant girls, as this is fraught with problems with childbearing. On the forums, mothers are frightened by “daughter prolapse of the uterus” and other consequences of early sitting. I wonder if such statements can be trusted, and when, indeed, little girls begin to sit down.

Deadlines and stages

It is difficult to accurately name the time in which the girl will start to sit down, because this skill is very time-consuming for the baby. For such a skill to become possible, the child must have strong muscles of the back and abdomen, neck and arms, and the joints and spine must be sufficiently mature. Pediatricians believe that the average baby can start sitting from 6 months with support, from 7 months without it, and from 8-9 months the child should be able to sit down on his own from a prone position.

It should be noted that these norms are averaged, therefore, it is not worth applying them in a categorical form to a single girl up to a year old. Much will depend on a number of factors influencing the speed at which a child acquires a new motor skill. Some of these factors need some explanation.

  1. Baby weight. Girls who are chubby and overweight will sit later normal time. The fact is that it will be more difficult for their skeletal system to support their own weight.
  2. Temperament. There are girls who are calm and unflappable, and there are mobile and inquisitive. If a girl is choleric or sanguine by temperament, then she has every chance to start sitting down before calm kids.
  3. Health status. Premature babies take longer to prepare for the transition to new physical abilities, weakened and often ill girls develop with some delay.
  4. Habitat. If the girl has enough space to move around, if she is not limited by the fence of the crib or playpen, if she can be interested in bright toys, then she will sit and crawl earlier.

Some mobile and active girls begin to show the intention to sit down before the age of six months. Parents will be able to understand that the time has come for preparatory stage. Baby getting ready to sit active coups from side to side, from back to stomach and vice versa.

Following the preparation, the stage of short-term sitting begins, during which the girl can sit down, but she will not yet be able to stay in this position. To exclude injuries, it is necessary to soften falls for the baby as much as possible - pillows and ottomans around the child should not be support, but insurance. One and a half to two months after the start of short-term sitting, girls master the stage of sitting with support. Already at this stage, bright individual characteristics- some girls sit with support on own hand, others prefer to lean on their elbows, others even strive to roll over and get on all fours.

But this stage is not long in time, because for an interesting pastime the child needs both hands, and the need to lean in order to maintain balance does not make it possible to enjoy the game.

At 8 months, most girls can play in a sitting position for quite a long time, and at 9-10 months, the child begins to sit on his own.

When and how to seat girls?

Pediatricians, including the well-known doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, do not recommend sitting down girls at all until they themselves begin to sit down or make active attempts to do so. Least, before 6-7 months, active attempts to seat the child should not be made. In this regard, the recommendations are the same for children of any gender. Both boys and girls with an immature spine and insufficiently strong muscles are at risk of becoming victims of early verticalization.

For girls, this is dangerous not only because of the curvature of the spine and deformity of the legs, but also due to certain injuries of the pelvic bones. The uterus, of course, cannot move anywhere, but problems with the bone structure of the small pelvis can really affect the subsequent reproductive abilities of the baby.

Attempts by parents to help the child learn a new skill, forced sitting on the buttocks, in a highchair, in a stroller, at the age of up to six months, are dangerous for both boys and girls.

And even more so, you should avoid various children's products, the purpose of which is to verticalize the child. Jumpers and walkers are considered developmental devices for a child, but in fact they cripple an unformed spine. Therefore, such devices cannot be used for up to 9 months. The position that a child takes in walkers and jumpers is unnatural at a certain age.

Nature conceived the development so that the baby went through all the stages of evolution on its own - newborns lie down, 2-6 months - age to strengthen muscles and bones, and only then you need to go through the stages of sitting, crawling, in order to please your mother with an even more difficult skill - walking on legs .

Every parent is waiting for that cherished day when their child will be able to sit on his own. This event is important not only for the child, but also for his parents. Every mother should understand when that moment comes and the child can sit without the help of an adult. In this article, we will tell you about when the child begins to sit.

When does a child start to sit up on their own?

This happens when the child's body is sufficiently formed. Namely, psychologically and physically. The unwillingness of the baby to sit on his own, each parent can determine in the process of observing his movements.

  • The spine and neck of the child are bent, the head leans forward;
  • arched loin;
  • the child's hands are looking for support;
  • due to the fact that the hip joints are tilted, the child's legs are spread apart.

When a child tries to take a different position, he immediately quickly gets tired, which indicates that the child’s body is physiologically not yet ready for such loads.

This usually happens around six months of age. The averages are as follows:

  • At six months, the baby sits unsteadily.
  • Closer to 7 months, babies are already sitting with a flat back, without the support of a parent.
  • And only at 8 months, children are able to sit down on their own. It will not be difficult for them to lie down from a sitting position and rise again.

But it also happens that children sit down much earlier. He can make the first attempts as early as 4-5 months.

Who sits forward, boy or girl?

There is an opinion that girls sit down much later than boys. Since there is a risk of improper development of the small pelvis, which can lead to infertility. But if you think about it, it is also important for a boy that his body is physically ready so as not to damage the spine.

If the child starts to plant before the due date, this can lead to a curvature of the spine. The consequences can be much more complicated. Damage to internal organs, which will lead to a deviation in the development of the baby.

Parents need to be patient and just wait for the baby to sit down on his own.

Desire of 3-5 month old children to sit.

Already at the age of 3-5 months, babies are trying to lift their body. Some manage to take an upright position sitting on an adult's lap or in a crib. When the baby is 5 months old, he is able to hold on to a support and rise up.

Parents often confuse a baby's grasping reflex with an attempt to sit up. And they prematurely try to help the child and seat him. What not to do, because by doing so you can harm the baby.

Baby 6,7 or 8 months does not sit by himself or does not sit well

There are cases when at 6-8 months the child does not yet sit on his own, but already knows how to crawl. In such situations, doctors make a diagnosis - a delay in motor development. Often, children with such a diagnosis are mentally behind the developmental norms of this age.

There are several reasons for developmental delay:

  • Delayed intrauterine development of the child;
  • Intrauterine infection of the child through the mother's body;
  • little or polyhydramnios;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus, intracranial pressure;
  • premature birth;
  • Rapid delivery and caesarean section;
  • Medications during pregnancy.

When, in addition to the inability to sit, the baby has:

  • underweight;
  • anxious and restless behavior;
  • slow closure of the fontanel;
  • fine motor skills are not developed, the child cannot fix the object in his hand.

These factors are alarming. To avoid further deviations in the development of the child, parents need to see a doctor. For further treatment of the baby at an early stage of its development.

Of course, we should not forget that each baby develops in its own way. Perhaps the child's body is simply not strong enough so that the child can sit on his own. Often the child simply does not want to sit, he is too lazy and you also need to know about this. Sometimes the child begins to walk and stand, and only after sitting.

We teach the baby to sit independently. First exercises.

Every parent should know how to teach a child to sit.

The main factor is the conditions for the child to crawl. . This exercise helps strengthen the muscles and improves coordination. The sooner the baby begins to crawl, the sooner he will learn to sit. For such exercises, you can use the arena. Where the child can not only actively move, but also try to get up, pulling himself up by the handrails.

It is important to remember the benefits of general body massage and swimming. In the morning, do exercises with the baby. A set of exercises, includes not complex actions:

  • The child lies on his back. Mom, taking the child by the sticks, smoothly pulls the legs to the baby's nose. Knees while not lowering. During gymnastics, it is important to communicate with the child: “Legs one and two”, the exercise is repeated six times.
  • We do not change the starting position. The child, holding on to your index finger, independently pulls the body to a half-sitting position. And so ten repetitions.

Apply gymnastic ball exercises:

  • We put the child on his stomach and hold him with his hand, the ball does not shake much. It is advisable to lay on the ball warm baby. In order for the child to be comfortable during the lesson. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the child and the development of the vestibular apparatus.

We wish you all success. See you in the next article.
