
Recipe for baked duck with buckwheat in the oven. Duck with buckwheat in the oven: a recipe for a full meal

On the eve of a holiday, or just a meeting of friends, each hostess is looking for new original recipes. I would like to treat unusual and tasty. good option will become stuffed duck buckwheat. This is a simple but very effective dish.

The undoubted advantage of a bird prepared in this way is the elegance of serving. Simple buckwheat porridge turns into gourmet delicacy. According to a similar recipe, you can bake chicken or goose.

In the filling, in addition to buckwheat, you can add mushrooms, onions, carrots, stem celery. And on the outside of the duck, when baking, it is good to put apples, lemons, oranges or limes. These fruits absorb excess fat and will look very festive on a platter.

  • Raw duck weighing 2 to 3 kg;

  • Buckwheat- the amount depends on the size of the bird, on average 120-150 g;

  • Green onions - 30 g;

  • Stem celery - 1 stalk;

  • Carrots - 1 medium-sized;

  • Coarse sea salt for rubbing or marinade;

  • Mixture of spices Provencal herbs»- 15-20

Defrost the duck carefully, the slower this process goes, the juicier the meat will end up.
Rinse thawed poultry thoroughly, dry paper towel. Check the skin, if there are feathers or parts thereof, be sure to remove them with ordinary tweezers. Leave the duck to dry.
Prepare marinade mixture. Mix coarse sea ​​salt and a mixture of herbs. The amount of salt is calculated based on the weight of the duck - for 1 kg of meat, take 1 tbsp. l. salt. Rub the bird with the marinade mixture, inside and out, and let sit for 30 minutes.
Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge. To do this, take liquids one and a half times more than cereals.
Clean the carrots and cut into small pieces. Also chop the stalk celery and green onion. Mix them with ready-made buckwheat. Salt if necessary. Vegetables can be stewed a little in vegetable oil beforehand.
Now you need to carefully stuff the duck. Place the filling in the belly as shown in the photo.

Don't stuff the bird too tightly. There should be a little space left, about a third. Tuck the skin inside the neck, if there is not much of it, then sew it up or stab it with toothpicks.

Now the stuffed duck must be sewn up. You can take an ordinary thick needle and a harsh cotton thread. But it would be wiser to purchase a special silicone thread with a sharp tip, it is reusable and can be easily removed from the finished bird.

Place the sewn duck in a sleeve or roasting bag. You can cook the bird without it, but then be sure to water it every 20 minutes with rendered fat. For education golden brown, it is necessary to cut the film about half an hour before readiness.
Duck stuffed with buckwheat in the oven will cook for about 2 hours. The time depends on the total weight of the bird with the filling. Approximately 50 minutes per kilogram, and a little more time for browning.
When the bird is fully cooked, carefully remove the silicone thread, or cut the cotton thread. Hot steam will be released from the abdomen, be careful, it can burn.
Cut the finished duck along the sternum.

Cut the roast duck into portions, better

before serving. Can be cut into portioned pieces and beautifully decorate with lettuce leaves. The filling is served separately.

  • Duck takes a long time to cook, and if you don't use a roasting bag, the legs and wings may burn. To prevent this from happening, wrap them in pieces of foil. And when serving, decorate with a napkin rosette.

  • You can add any spices to taste in the marinade for rubbing. Curry, red pepper will harmonize well with duck, dried dill.

  • Buckwheat in this recipe can be replaced with rice, millet and even barley. In addition to cereals, birds are stuffed with potatoes, pieces of vegetables and fruits. sour apples absorb duck fat well and become a separate delicacy.

  • An excellent stuffing for a duck will turn out from prunes with bones. Rinse thoroughly 250-300 g of berries, steam for 30 minutes in hot water and stuff the bird with them. During cooking, they will become juicy, soft and incredibly tasty.

  • Traditional Christmas stuffed duck, an infrequent guest on the table. Many inexperienced housewives they are afraid to cook such a dish, mistakenly believing that it is too complicated. But with the observance of simple technology - everything turns out the first time.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Baked duck with buckwheat in the oven is an easy dish to prepare. Duck is usually cooked with various fillings so that fat and meat juice are not wasted. I propose to cook today a small duck with buckwheat porridge. The dish is perfect for family dinner or a small company. Step by step recipe with a photo of a duck, I described in detail for you. I would like to draw your attention to .

You'll need:

- duck - 1–1.5 kg.,
- buckwheat - 1 cup,
- duck liver and heart - 1 set,
- onion - 1 piece,
- honey - 1 tablespoon,
- soy sauce - 1 tablespoon,
- lemon juice- 1 tablespoon,
- salt pepper.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare duck. Cut off excess fat, remove fender liner.

Rub with salt and pepper inside and out, leave for 30 minutes.

Boil buckwheat until half cooked.

Finely chop the onion.

Grind the liver and heart.

Melt the cut duck fat, put the onion, lightly fry.

Add the onion to the onion, fry until lightly browned.

Mix roast with buckwheat. Salt the filling, add pepper.

Stuff the belly of the duck, sew up the incision with cooking thread.

Sew up the incision on the neck of the duck carcass (so that fat does not leak out).

Duck and put in a saucepan and put in a hot oven.

Prepare marinade. Mix lemon juice, soy sauce and honey. 20 minutes after the start of baking, pour the duck with marinade.

Check doneness with a fork after 40 minutes. If the juice that comes out is clear, the duck is ready. If not, then continue baking. I think you will be interested to know.

Remove cooking string.
Put the duck on a dish, garnish with herbs and lemon.
Serve hot duck with buckwheat garnish.
A salad of fresh or baked vegetables is suitable for this dish. From drinks serve red dry wine. Duck cooked according to this recipe turns out juicy with a beautiful golden brown. After reheating, the dish loses its beautiful taste properties, so it is advisable to immediately eat this dish.

On the eve of a holiday, or just a meeting of friends, each housewife is looking for new original recipes. I would like to treat unusual and tasty. A good option would be stuffed duck with buckwheat. This is a simple but very effective dish.
The undoubted advantage of a bird prepared in this way is the elegance of serving. Simple buckwheat porridge turns into an exquisite delicacy. According to a similar recipe, you can bake chicken or goose.
In the filling, in addition to buckwheat, you can add mushrooms, onions, carrots, stem celery. And on the outside of the duck, when baking, it is good to put apples, lemons, oranges or limes. These fruits will absorb excess fat and will look very festive on a dish.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Poultry main dishes


  • Raw duck weighing 2 to 3 kg;
  • Buckwheat - the amount depends on the size of the bird, on average 120-150 g;
  • Green onions - 30 g;
  • Stem celery - 1 stalk;
  • Carrots - 1 medium-sized;
  • Coarse sea salt for rubbing or marinade;
  • A mixture of seasonings "Provencal herbs" - 15-20 g.

How to cook duck with buckwheat in the oven

Defrost the duck carefully, the slower this process goes, the juicier the meat will end up.
Rinse the thawed bird thoroughly, dry with a paper towel. Check the skin, if there are feathers or parts thereof, be sure to remove them with ordinary tweezers. Leave the duck to dry.
Prepare marinade mixture. Mix coarse sea salt and herbal mixture. The amount of salt is calculated based on the weight of the duck - for 1 kg of meat, take 1 tbsp. l. salt. Rub the bird with the marinade mixture, inside and out, and let sit for 30 minutes.
Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge. To do this, take liquids one and a half times more than cereals.
Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces. Also chop the stalk celery and green onion. Mix them with ready-made buckwheat. Salt if necessary. Vegetables can be stewed a little in vegetable oil beforehand.
Now you need to carefully stuff the duck. Place the filling in the belly as shown in the photo.

Don't stuff the bird too tightly. There should be a little space left, about a third. Tuck the skin inside the neck, if there is not much of it, then sew it up or stab it with toothpicks.

Now the stuffed duck must be sewn up. You can take an ordinary thick needle and a harsh cotton thread. But it would be wiser to purchase a special silicone thread with a sharp tip, it is reusable and can be easily removed from the finished bird.

Place the sewn duck in a sleeve or roasting bag. You can cook the bird without it, but then be sure to water it every 20 minutes with rendered fat. For the formation of a golden crust, it is necessary to cut the film about half an hour before readiness.
Duck stuffed with buckwheat in the oven will cook for about 2 hours. The time depends on the total weight of the bird with the filling. Approximately 50 minutes per kilogram, and a little more time for browning.
When the bird is fully cooked, carefully remove the silicone thread, or cut the cotton thread. Hot steam will be released from the abdomen, be careful, it can burn.
Cut the finished duck along the sternum.

Cut the roasted duck into portions, preferably before serving. You can cut it into portions and decorate it beautifully with green salad leaves. The filling is served separately.

Hostess Tips:

  • Duck takes a long time to cook, and if you don't use a roasting bag, the legs and wings may burn. To prevent this from happening, wrap them in pieces of foil. And when serving, decorate with a napkin rosette.
  • You can add any spices to taste in the marinade for rubbing. Curry, red pepper, dried dill will harmonize well with duck.
  • Buckwheat in this recipe can be replaced with rice, millet and even barley. In addition to cereals, birds are stuffed with potatoes, pieces of vegetables and fruits. Sour apples absorb duck fat well and become a separate delicacy.
  • An excellent stuffing for a duck will turn out from prunes with bones. Rinse 250-300 g of berries thoroughly, steam for 30 minutes in hot water and stuff the bird with them. During cooking, they will become juicy, soft and incredibly tasty.
  • Traditional Christmas stuffed duck, an infrequent guest on the table. Many inexperienced housewives are afraid to cook such a dish, mistakenly believing that it is too complicated. But with the observance of simple technology - everything turns out the first time.


Today, a bird baked to an amber crust with a side dish takes pride of place on our tables. If chicken is most often found on the everyday menu, then the leadership position is on holiday table holds duck with buckwheat in the oven. The recipe for this gourmet treats We will discuss in today's article.

How to cook duck?

For some reason, not all housewives like to cook duck. Many bypass this bird. And all because of its specific smell. Professional culinary specialists claim that the specific smell is easily eliminated, and if someone has not coped with this, it means that they simply do not know how to cook a duck.

Advice! A specific smell comes from the rump that needs to be cut off. After that, the bird is washed under running water. running water and there is no trace of the old smell.

Duck meat is suitable for cooking whole carcass, and for portioned dishes. Whether or not you're butchering duck, the roasted meat tastes amazing. Of course, the quality of the selected meat plays a huge role. Majority professional chefs believes that the duck should be taken chilled. In this case, the meat retains its juiciness. In addition, pay attention to the young bird. Mature duck meat will take longer to bake and may be tough.

But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a freshly frozen duck carcass. Some stock up for the future and freeze the meat.

Advice! If the duck was previously frozen, it must be thawed only by natural thawing on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Do not use a microwave oven or hot water to speed up defrosting.

We proceed to the next stage - the preparation of the bird. Perhaps everyone knows how to properly cut it. It is advisable to cut off the tips of the wings, otherwise they will char during the baking process.

You can not bake duck without marinade. It is this component that gives poultry meat divine taste. The classic is the use of mayonnaise, soy sauce or citrus juices. Often, culinary specialists choose apples and orange slices for stuffing.

If the carcass of the bird is old, then it can be boiled in salted water or marinade. So you will shorten the baking process in the oven. In addition, during the cooking process, the meat will absorb the entire blend of spices, spices and marinade.

Note to the hostess:

  • in order for the duck meat to turn out juicy, during the baking process it must be periodically watered with the released fat;
  • juicy duck will turn out, languishing in the sleeve;
  • if you are roasting a bird without using a sleeve, cover the baking sheet aluminum foil, and half an hour before the end, remove it so that the skin is baked to an amber crust;
  • buckwheat for stuffing must first be boiled until half cooked;
  • buckwheat will turn out especially tasty if it is stewed in tomato sauce;
  • unique taste and aroma duck meat with buckwheat filling gives fresh rosemary.

The culinary world provides every hostess with dozens of different marinades to choose from. And not only the final result will depend on this. For cooking meat and poultry, spices and spices are always used. But if you find it difficult to balance seasonings on your own, use universal blends that are designed for cooking poultry dishes.

And we have a holiday today!

Why wait until the holiday to cook the duck? Create your gastronomic masterpiece today and decorate the gray days with an amazing dish.

On a note! If you bought domestic duck, inspect the skin so that there are no remnants of feathers. If there are any, we remove them with tweezers, and lightly singe the skin over a gas burner. Offal can be used to make broth or soup.


  • fresh-frozen duck - one carcass;
  • selected buckwheat - one glass;
  • seasonings universal for poultry - one table. spoon;
  • salt;
  • carrots - one root crop;
  • tomato juice - 100 ml;
  • bulb - one head.

