
Burnt food. What to do if the food is burnt? We remove the smell of burning with a proven method

How annoying it can be when you spend two hours at the stove trying to cook something delicious, and at the last moment you are distracted by a phone call - and goodbye, romantic dinner!

Instead of a delicious ruddy duck on a baking sheet, there is something charred, and the only thing that can be done with it is to immediately throw it into the trash can. Or still not throw it away? We’ll cut it there, season it with mayonnaise - well, the good doesn’t disappear!

But experts say: no loss from a spoiled product can compare with the risk to which you expose your health by eating burnt food. First and foremost, meat.

Because when meat is roasted to blackness, carcinogens are formed in it, causing malignant tumors of the intestines, lungs, pancreas and prostate. And burnt fat contributes to the destruction of the heart and blood vessels. And even potatoes and other vegetables, if they are fried beyond measure, are saturated with acrylamide, a substance that causes cell mutation and a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Therefore, make it a rule to ruthlessly part with burnt food. No trimming of the burnt crust will help - usually, when overcooking, the temperature that promotes the formation of carcinogens is also reached inside the piece.

And in order to avoid such incidents when cooking, remember a simple rule: the food in the pan must be turned over every minute. Then they will fry normally, and will not burn. And most importantly, there will be no reason to worry about health. And there will be less smoke in the kitchen.

But if you still ate a piece of burnt meat, try to neutralize it as much as possible. negative impact on the body. To do this, you need to eat a salad of fresh herbs (never season with mayonnaise!) And drink a cup of coffee. The antioxidants contained in greens and coffee will weaken the effect of carcinogens.

Of course, if you ate burnt meat or potatoes once, nothing bad will happen to you. But if black-fried foods are the basis of your diet, the risk of getting cancer increases many times over.

So before you send a badly burnt piece of steak into your mouth, think carefully about what is preferable for you: throw away the spoiled product or ruin your health.

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If you're offered a plate of burnt barbecue this summer, you should think twice before eating it. It is commonly believed that burnt food can cause cancer. This is partly due to the substance that is formed if were involved high temperatures. It is known as acrylamide. But although this substance is a known toxin and carcinogen, the relationship between its presence in food products and cancer development is not so clear.

The dangers of manufacturing acrylamide

The reason we know about potential danger acrylamide, lies in railway tunnels. Nearly 20 years ago, workers were building a tunnel in southern Sweden. Cows grazing nearby began to show strange symptoms. They lost their orientation in space, and in some cases even died. This prompted an investigation that revealed that they drank water from a stream contaminated with toxic acrylamide.

Builders have used this polymer as a sealant to seal cracks. This in itself is quite safe. However, the polymer formation reaction was incomplete, so there was some acrylamide left that did not react.

The workers were also tested to see if there were dangerous levels of acrylamide in their blood. A group of people who had no such contact with industrial acrylamide was used as a control. However, it turned out that the control group also had an increased amount of this compound in the blood.

What is the source?

Initially it was thought that the source of acrylamide could be burgers. Then high levels were found in potato products, as well as in coffee. After it became clear that the formation of acrylamide is associated with foods that are rich in carbohydrates, low in protein, and also with food that was heated above 120 degrees (that is, it was fried or baked).

This was a new discovery, but acrylamide has always formed during this cooking process.

This compound is formed during a reaction between naturally occurring amino acids such as asparagine and certain carbohydrates. You won't find acrylamide in raw or cooked foods. In addition, it is unlikely that in dairy, meat or fish products will contain acrylamide. It also doesn't matter if the food is organic or not. It all depends on how it's prepared. Acrylamide is also formed during tobacco smoking.

"Golden Rule"

Therefore, the "golden rule" was proposed: cook food until it acquires a yellow or golden hue. If it turns brown or black, acrylamide has already formed in it. This rule limits the formation of the toxic compound, although if you cook at too low a temperature, there is a risk that some bacteria will survive, and this increases the risk of food poisoning.

But although scientists have identified the source of acrylamide, they have not found out whether it is in all cases a carcinogen when consumed along with ordinary cooked food.

A 2015 study based on available data concluded that dietary acrylamide was not associated with the risk of most common cancers. However, its relationship with kidney, endometrial and ovarian cancer in people who have never smoked should not be ruled out.

meat problems

Returning to barbecue, there are other chemicals in meat that could be a problem. They are generally divided into two classes: polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates (PAHs) such as naphthalene and benzopyrene, and heterocyclic amines.

The first are formed from meat fat and juices that fall into the fire during cooking. The latter are also generated during cooking due to reactions between amino acid and sugar molecules.

Animal testing has shown that exposure to high levels of these chemical substances associated with cancer risk. However, these levels should be significantly higher than what people can get by eating meat. Some studies have indeed shown that eating meat that has been burned, fried, or cooked in open fire, is associated with a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, but these links are difficult to prove for sure.

How to protect yourself

If you are really concerned about this issue, you can reduce this risk if you cook food in a microwave rather than an open fire. In addition, you can turn the meat regularly.
You can also eat less meat, or replace it with grilled vegetables. Of course, cooked in the microwave or boiled food may not be as tasty as fried, baked or grilled, as these cooking methods produce many molecules that enhance flavor. But if you keep healthy diet With big amount fruits, vegetables and whole grain, which cannot contain acrylamide, everything is much simpler. It's all a matter of proportion.

How annoying it can be when you spend two hours at the stove trying to cook something delicious, and at the last moment you are distracted by a phone call - and goodbye, romantic dinner!

Instead of a delicious ruddy duck on a baking sheet, there is something charred, and the only thing that can be done with it is to immediately throw it into the trash can. Or still not throw it away? We’ll cut it there, season it with mayonnaise - well, the good doesn’t disappear!

But experts say: no loss from a spoiled product can compare with the risk to which you expose your health by eating burnt food. First and foremost, meat.

Because when meat is roasted to blackness, carcinogens are formed in it, causing malignant tumors of the intestines, lungs, pancreas and prostate. And burnt fat contributes to the destruction of the heart and blood vessels. And even potatoes and other vegetables, if they are fried beyond measure, are saturated with acrylamide, a substance that causes cell mutation and a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Therefore, make it a rule to ruthlessly part with burnt food. No trimming of the burnt crust will help - usually, when overcooking, the temperature that promotes the formation of carcinogens is also reached inside the piece.

And in order to avoid such incidents when cooking, remember a simple rule: the food in the pan must be turned over every minute. Then they will fry normally, and will not burn. And most importantly, there will be no reason to worry about health. And there will be less smoke in the kitchen.

But if, nevertheless, you ate a piece of burnt meat, try, if possible, to neutralize its negative impact on the body. To do this, you need to eat a salad of fresh herbs (never season with mayonnaise!) And drink a cup of coffee. The antioxidants contained in greens and coffee will weaken the effect of carcinogens.

Of course, if you ate burnt meat or potatoes once, nothing bad will happen to you. But if black-fried foods are the basis of your diet, the risk of getting cancer increases many times over.

So before you send a badly burnt piece of steak into your mouth, think carefully about what is preferable for you: throw away the spoiled product or ruin your health.

Newspaper "Economy"

It is unlikely that there is at least someone who can refuse a juicy, fried steak or chicken with a crispy crust, and it’s not even worth talking about crispy pies, saliva immediately flows. In an attempt to fry up golden brown quite often it happens that the food in the pan burns. Many do not pay attention to this and eat burnt food. There has long been a debate over whether burnt food is actually much more harmful than regular fried food.

There is some logic here, because even ordinary food fried in oil is quite harmful, and even burnt food is even more so. After all, in oil it is fried longer, and when frying, various kinds of harmful substances. In general, scientists have proven that eating burnt is dangerous and is strongly discouraged. That is, if the cutlets are burnt on one side, they can be thrown away, it's a shame, isn't it? And no hostess would do anything like that.

Why can't you eat hot food? What is the danger

Frankly speaking, a crispy crust is already burnt food and in this very delicious crust dangerous compounds called glycotoxins have already been formed.

In one of the studies conducted by American doctors, it is said that frequent use ingestion of such substances significantly increases the risk of mental disorders and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, accumulating in the body, glycotoxins impair coordination and memory.

The experiment was carried out on rats, they were fed burnt meat and vegetables, over time, they fell ill with dementia, and then serious problems with coordination began.

In the second group of animals that were not fed burnt food, no such problems were observed. The second stage of the experiment was the study of hundreds of residents of the metropolis, whose age is over 60 years.

Doctors observed the study group for a year, the results of the study confirmed the experiments on rats. Those who actively and partially ate burnt and very fried food had serious problems with health, memory and coordination. Even without these studies, there is plenty of evidence that burnt food is harmful. So, it's better not to take the cooking process to the extreme, there's too much at stake, not to mention that the food loses its taste properties and banally bitter.

Of course, it's a pity to throw out a whole pan of food because it's a little burnt. Yes, a little bit, and even a burnt “little bit” increases the risk of oncology, a little disproportionately, right?

There are still many problems

In the burnt crust, carcinogens are formed, which accumulate and contribute to the development of cancer and tumors of the intestines, lungs and prostate. Burnt oil has excellent atherogenic properties, that is, it adversely affects cardiovascular system generally. Even slightly burnt potatoes and broccoli pose a health hazard. Also, when overcooking, food is saturated with acrylamide, which causes cellular mutations and failures in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Never, under any circumstances, eat something that is burnt! Even if you cut off the burnt crust, harmful substances do not go anywhere, they manage to penetrate the rest of the piece in a few seconds.

Prevention is easier than cure, and this algorithm works great in cooking. Rather than washing the pan and trying to revive the food, it’s better not to turn your back to the stove and stir and turn over more often. So you save lunch and protect yourself and your family. If you ate a burnt potato yesterday, this is not a reason to panic. In order for a real threat to the body to occur, the use of burnt must be systematic.

Let's be honest: a well-burned dish is not subject to any resuscitation. It is so saturated with the smell of burning that, even if you manage to restore it to a more or less decent appearance, it will taste terrible. But it’s quite possible to save only the dishes that have begun to burn.

The main thing is to act quickly and accurately

So, the sooner you notice that your dish is burning, the more likely you are to save it. The lightest are burnt thick soups. Their rescue almost always ends successfully, and no one usually knows that a little trouble happened during cooking with the soup. Immediately remove the pot from the heat using oven mitts or a kitchen towel. Pour the soup into another bowl.

Escaped milk should simply be poured into a clean bowl. If the milk smells strongly of burnt, try a little salt or strain it through cheesecloth a couple of times. Do not forget to pour the solution into the ladle with burnt milk baking soda- so it will be easier to wash off.

Roast or stew from meat that has begun to burn, it is more difficult to save. Such dishes are very quickly saturated with the smell of burning. But you can try. Immediately turn off the gas, put everything that is not burnt out of the pan. Cut off the burnt crusts from the affected pieces of meat. Put all the saved meat in a clean pan, pour in the broth, put a piece butter and seasonings, and sweat over low heat. It's also good to add tomato sauce and fried onions.

If the rice is burnt, it should also be transferred to a clean pan (of course, only one that has not been damaged and has not changed its color to radically black). In the same pan, put the crust white bread and close everything with a lid. After half an hour, the crust should take away the smell of burning. Remove it and do with rice what you planned.

Burnt custard often spoils the mood of the hostesses. But you can fix the situation by pouring the cream into another bowl and adding lemon zest or chocolate to it. The taste of the cream will acquire interesting shades and noble depth.

A burnt pie will upset anyone. But if the scale of damage is not too large, just scrape off the burnt crust with a knife. If the cake is sweet, sprinkle on it. powdered sugar or cover with a simple frosting.

Gently transfer the burnt milk porridge, without touching the burnt one, into another pan, add a little milk and cook, stirring and keeping an eye on it.

Little tricks

Sometimes you can fix the burnt taste with cumin and other spices. This works especially well if you have started to burn a roast, or you forgot about the meat, which was quietly stewed on the stove. Add a teaspoon of cumin to the meat, a little cayenne pepper, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and curry.

A couple of pieces of bacon can also fix the situation: bacon absorbs the smoky flavor, and the dish turns out not only edible, but quite tasty. So you can save meat dishes or sauces. But for lemon pie this method, of course, will not work.

And to avoid burning anything, use pots and pans with a thick bottom, and heat the pan well before putting food on it. And also get a multicooker on the farm. It is very convenient to cook with it: you put food and forget it. The multicooker will beep when everything is ready. And never turn on the fire at full power.
