
Table setting for tea in the office. Table setting for lunch and dinner

Who hasn't heard an invitation for a cup of tea? But after all, the matter never ended with tea alone! Slowly drinking tea, we have time to eat all the possible stocks of buns, muffins, cakes and sweets. Well, if the tea party ends here, but there are still all kinds of jams, cookies, honey, sandwiches and cakes. Most often, all these treats and dishes appear on the table in a chaotic manner, the hostess every now and then removes empty dishes from the table, pours tea for guests and replenishes strategic reserve sweets on the table. But tea is a drink that does not like haste and fuss. When inviting guests for a cup of tea, you should try to create a warm, sincere atmosphere at the table. This can be done with serving.

Tea parties can be organized for children, close friends, and relatives. Naturally, the same serving option will not work here, you will have to dream a little and try to make original tea party and we'll try to give you some ideas. You can serve a tea table in absolutely different ways, for example, based on your favorite book or movie, you can try to recreate the tea ceremony of some country or create your own table decoration with elements of tea decor. The main thing is to remember that if you do not arrange an official reception, then the prim and boring style of classical serving, according to all the rules of etiquette, can, if not be forgotten, then certainly be diluted with your own ideas.

Any element of decor can make the table original, from the tablecloth to the central composition. And if several details are interesting at once? Then your table will surely be remembered by the guests, and one more topic for a lively discussion will be added to the tea. We will leave plain tablecloths for special occasions, for ordinary tea drinking you can use your favorite bright tablecloth, decorated with some color pattern. Instead of traditional flowers, you can put yours on the table. houseplants sitting in cozy pots. But if you suddenly want to decorate the table with a small bouquet, then this idea can also be played in an original way. To do this, you will need a set of stable tea cups and a very stable table. Stack the cups on top of each other by turning the handles in different sides, and pour water into the upper cup and put a small bouquet.

When setting the table for tea, we try to decorate everything, from napkins to dishes. Many recommendations have already been written on how to select and combine dishes, but you probably have your own opinion on this matter. First of all, the dishes should be liked, and it is not at all necessary that they be the same, suitable in color and size. Everyone has their favorite cups, from which we are used to drinking tea, and from others it seems tasteless to us. Is it really worth depriving yourself of pleasure for the sake of organizing a tea party? Of course not. To support the idea of ​​​​diverse dishes, you can independently make a sweet dish from lonely cups and plates left over from great-grandmother's services. To do this, place a cup upside down on the largest plate, place another smaller plate on the cup, cup again on top, and so on, until a miniature saucer is on top. You can put cakes, sweets, cookies and everything that you want to serve guests for tea on plates.

For the most part, we are accustomed to traditional table setting, in the design of which there are candles and vases of flowers, but you must admit that this is not the most original idea table decorations. You can refuse both candles and flowers, and make a composition that is not like anything else. Because we are talking about decorating the table for tea, then the table itself can be decorated with tea or coffee cups and small spoons. In order for such an ornament to stand out from the total number of various cups and plates, you need to arrange stands for it. As such, they can serve glass jars different sizes or transparent containers for bulk. You can decorate such coasters with napkins with a bright pattern, wrapping them around the inside of the jar.

If you are a connoisseur of the same dishes and do not want to be distracted from tea, offering guests new delicacies, then next serving table for tea for you. For such a table decoration, you need a lot of bowls, transparent decanters or bottles with wide necks. Each cremanka needs to be filled different desserts- preserves, honey, jams, sliced ​​fruits, small colored sweets, sugar confetti, whipped cream, grated chocolate and your other favorite sweets. And carafes or bottles can be filled with syrups or juices. Often, all kinds of creams look very similar, therefore, in order to avoid confusion and confusion, you can make small plates with the names of the contents of the creamers, stick them to ice cream sticks and stick them in desserts. Such a table will look bright, festive and very neat.

A vintage table setting for tea will look very original, however, for a male company, such decoration is unlikely to fit, but for a children's or women's feast it will do just fine. For a vintage setting, you will need postcards, a variety of photo frames, small mirrors in an elaborate frame, an abundance of ribbons and floral fabrics. Cups can be used in different colors and sizes. In each photo frame, you can insert a printed name of each guest, so you get original seating cards. And so that the guests do not mix up the cups, tie a card to each of them with the capital first letter of the name of each invited person. Despite the seeming disorder, a warm and cozy atmosphere reigns on the table.

Surely, each of us is a little Plushkin. Many have single cups, creamers from various sets, and even more teapots that we can’t even remember where they came from. All this splendor is gathering dust in the closets, it seems that it is not used and for some reason it is a pity to throw it away. Such piles of dishes are just a treasure for original serving! Emphasize your emphasis on different dishes, in addition to cups of all possible colors, sizes and shapes set in front of the guests, offer everyone different sugar bowls and saucers, and fill the central part of the table with all kinds of teapots. Such beauty should not stand idle and take up space solely for decorative purposes, so fill the kettles different teas and treat your guests!

Serving teapot theme tea table just inexhaustible. If, in addition to the tea set in which you plan to serve tea to guests, you also have a teapot, a cup and saucer and a creamer or sugar bowl from another set, then they must be on the table. Place them next to each other, fill them with water and place small bouquets of flowers in them. Although the idea of ​​flowers on the table may seem unoriginal, the shapes of the vases will certainly turn out to be unusual! Continuing the theme of teapots, the table can be decorated with something edible, for example, bake round cake and using marzipan to arrange it in the form of a teapot, then you get a feast that looks like a crazy tea party between the Hatter and the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland!

Setting the table and serving tea can be considered a ritual or even an art, which means that you need to approach this process creatively. Tea drinking should take place in a pleasant, comfortable and sincere atmosphere, and table setting for tea is designed to create the right mood. That is why it should not be boring or burdensome for the hostess. Come up with your own interesting options serving, invite guests more often, and let your table always be the most original, most memorable and most beautiful.

Here is a table setting for tea, made together with the children.


1. Table for afternoon tea should be covered with a tablecloth.

2. For each, they put a dessert plate, put a napkin on it; to the right of the plate is a dessert knife, to the left is a dessert fork.

3. In the middle of the tea table they put a biscuit bowl with cookies, a vase of jam, and near it - rosettes, a plate with lemon.

4. Tea utensils and a teapot for tea leaves are placed near the hostess.

5. It is convenient to put a samovar or a large teapot on a special (serving) table, which is moved to the edge of the table where the hostess sits.

6. You can install the samovar in the center of the table.

7. Sometimes cream was added to tea - it was tea "in English". (show creamers.)

8. It must be remembered that women are served a tea cup with a saucer, and for men - tea glass in a cupholder.

9. Cups and coasters are placed so that their handles are turned to the left.

10. Starting to drink tea, everyone who wishes turns the handle of his glass and cup to the right - this is a signal to pour tea.

11. After drinking, if you no longer want tea, turn the handle of the cup or cup holder to the left.

12. This means that the tea party is over.

Tea table setting: 4 simple tips

Are you often invited for a cup of tea? Or maybe you like to invite guests to your place? In any case, you know that no one drinks tea just like that, a table is certainly laid, on which all kinds of treats are placed - sweets, sandwiches, homemade jam and so on.

In most cases, the table for tea is set "as needed", without a special system, but this is not entirely correct. To create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, you have to conjure over the table setting. And also tea table can be covered so that it is quite suitable for celebrating some event. First you need to decide for whom the table is laid - for children, for girlfriends, for parents. Based on this, proceed to serving.

Tip #1 for serving a tea table:

For a tea table, it is better to use colored tablecloths rather than white plain tablecloths.

Let the tea party be bright, cheerful.

Instead of the usual vase of flowers on the table laid on the occasion of tea drinking, put favorite plant in a pot, or take small flowers that can be put in a tea cup instead of a vase.

Tip #2 for serving a tea table:

You can make a themed tea table.

For children, napkins and other accessories are suitable, say, with pirates or knights (for boys), or with princesses and cute animals (for girls).

A similar table can also be served for girlfriends, setting it, for example, in the style of your favorite TV series.

Such a move will immediately create a relaxed atmosphere, and, in addition, will give a topic for conversation.

Tip #3 for serving a tea table:

We are used to the fact that the cups and plates that are taken for table setting should be the same.

Fortunately, setting the table for tea drinking, you can deviate from this rule.

Use a large dish for all kinds of pastries, and bright, multi-colored, dissimilar plates for sweets and marmalade (they are also, as a rule, all the colors of the rainbow).

Tip #4 for serving a tea table:

In decorating a tea table, it is permissible to abandon everything that seems familiar and traditional.

Candles and flowers, white tablecloths and lots of appliances are optional.

The table set for tea is home furnishings, comfort, conducive to intimate conversations.

I wonder what is the right way to serve tea? Let's start with the fact that you first need to decide on the situation. Yes, with the setting.

Case number 1 - You are at home, and friends came to you

It is always nice when close people come to you. First of all, we offer them tea! This tradition has existed for many years, and it must be said that it is very pleasant for both guests and the host. I think that here you do not really need advice on serving tea for friends, since no one else knows them better than you. Gently set the table, boil the kettle and call everyone to the table. It is worth inviting to a tea party only after everything is ready on the table. It will be ugly if your guests are waiting.

Case #2 - Office Secretary

If you work as a secretary in an office, then the following information will be very useful to you. In order to "not lose face" in front of your boss (director), you need to know how to properly serve tea to your "chef's" clients, in other words, you need to know tea service etiquette.

First, it must be done with pleasure! A smile on your face is an essential attribute of any secretary. You should not be nervous, smirk, build various grimaces, show how hard it is for you, and the like, because you are the mistress of the office! And like any hostess, you should be hospitable.

Immediately notice how many people are in the office and prepare right amount appliances. There are two ways to serve tea: already brewed or on a saucer with a bag. In the first case (if you are brewing), you need to remove tea bag from a cup. If you are brewing leaf tea, make sure that the tea leaves do not get into the cup. You can serve boiled water, and put a tea bag on a saucer. This is only possible if the tea bag is well packaged.

All dishes should be carried on a tray. It is advisable to put some kind of cloth on it so that the dishes do not slip. The cup should be on the saucer. The cup should be served with a handle on the left hand of the guest. On the right side should be a spoon and two sugar cubes. You can put a sugar bowl on the table, filled to the top with refined sugar. Don't forget to put a napkin on the saucer. If guests ask for a lemon, then it should be served on a separate plate with special skewers.

Well, the most important thing. First you must serve tea to your director, and then to each, according to their position.

Case #3 - Tea table setting

Now let's talk a little about how to serve a tea table. There is nothing difficult in this. You just need to follow some rules.

The first step is to choose a beautiful tablecloth. For example, in England, a checkered tablecloth is often chosen for such cases, and in France, and in other European countries, the tablecloth can be pastel tones. It will be great if the color of the tablecloth matches.

You need to think about how many guests will come to you and set the table in advance. As mentioned above, setting the table in the presence of guests is not very nice. All utensils must be perfectly clean. In the middle of the table there should be a sugar bowl with tongs, various sweets, perhaps jam with a dessert spoon.

Tea must be brewed in the presence of guests. At this moment, the mistress of the house collects all the cups near her and pours the tea she has prepared. Cups should be passed from hand to hand.

Tatiana Spirina
Summary of GCD on etiquette "Table setting for tea" middle group

Program content:

Educational tasks:

1. Teach children set the table for tea.

2. Introduce the features of the reception "for tea".

3. Develop organizational skills: continue to learn to prepare for work, select necessary utensils for this serving.

Educational tasks:

4. To cultivate the desire to master labor skills, the ability to achieve intermediate results; develop self-control skills.

5. Cultivate accuracy, goodwill.

Devices and materials:

Napkins fabric, paper, flat plate, saucer, cup, teaspoon, treats.

Methods and techniques:

surprise moment, problem situation, discussion of upcoming work, conversation, observation of the activities of the educator, sample before work, exercise, explanation, explanation, encouragement, children's answers, guidance activities, control, summarizing conversation, evaluation of the result.

Consolidation of content outside the classroom. Skills and abilities canteen(tea) etiquette fixed daily during breakfast and afternoon tea. In some kindergarten groups there is a tradition to congratulate children on their birthday, they, in turn, treat the children with various sweets. Can you organize a party these days? feast with the obligatory observance of the rules table etiquette . Organize a game "Puppet Tea Party", during which children sit at a common table with dolls and teach them how to eat sweets and drink tea correctly.

Working with parents. Parents can be encouraged to arrange homemade holiday tea parties with a pie baked by mom or grandmother. Such tea parties create a friendly family environment in which the child once again reinforces the rules of behavior for table and accumulate positive emotions: and tasty, and fun, and all together. In such a situation, the preschooler tries to prove himself from the best side.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, today our doll Katya has a birthday, and she invited her friends to visit. Will we help her while she bakes a cake?

Children: Yes! What are we going to do?

caregiver: We will lay the table.

Children: But as?

caregiver: Now I will teach you. Guys, what do we need to get started? To begin with, we need to know how many invited guests will be.

Children: Katya, how many guests will you have?

Doll Katya: A bear cub, a hare and a puppy will come to me.

caregiver: And how many devices should we supply?

Children: 4.

caregiver: Correct for 4 devices for 4 persons.

caregiver: IN table setting for tea there are rules:

Tea table setting has its own characteristics. Opposite the chair the table is placed a cup, under it - a saucer. The cup handle points to the right. Under it on a saucer lies a teaspoon with a handle to the edge. table. To the left of the cup is a pie plate with a linen napkin on it. tea napkin smaller canteen. To the right of the cup, you can put a butter knife, turned with the tip to the cup.

For tea table put various sweets: a cake in a box or on a cake rack, in vases, cookies, sweets, nuts, cakes - each treat is separate. Sweets can be served in a box. Sugar - in a sugar bowl, lemon, cut into circles - on a plate.

For the cake, a special spatula is placed, for sugar - tongs, for lemon - a small fork. We use these devices when we take a treat with common dish. If there are no tongs in the sugar bowl, take the sugar with your hand, trying not to touch other pieces. You can take bread, cookies, candy, an apple, a pear, an orange with your hand from a common dish.

On table there are two porcelain kettle: large - for boiling water, small - for tea leaves. A kettle in which water is boiled on the stove the table is not set. But on table there may be a samovar, from which the hostess pours hot tea for guests.

Teacher display.

Children serve the table. The teacher supervises the activities of the children.

Doll Katya: Thank you guys very much, you helped me a lot, the dishes are beautifully arranged and my guests will be very pleased to sit at such table. And here come the guests. Guys, come with us to drink tea.

In conclusion, the teacher includes a song "Birthday" and children treat guests with tea to the music.

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