
Who eats the most. Who eats the most pizza in Europe?

Pasta- Italians, consuming up to 30 kg per year, in second place - the Germans, then - the Swiss and Russians. The latter eat about 5.5 kg. Quality spaghetti, such as Pasta Zara, should only contain flour and water.

Cheese- the French, about 23 kg per year, and the Dutch - 10 kg each, while a resident of Russia accounts for only 5 kg. When buying cheese, you also need to pay attention to the ingredients: valuable proteins, calcium and others. useful material contained only in a natural product.

Ketchup- Americans, followed by Russians, holding one of the highest rates in the world - about 1.7 kg per capita. It not only has a wonderful taste, but also contains the natural antioxidant lycopene, the concentration of which in ketchup is higher than in raw tomatoes. However, only a natural product, such as Heinz, which contains only specially grown tomatoes, will bring health benefits. natural vinegar, spices and spices.

Chocolate- Swiss, almost 12 kg per year. Our sweet tooth gets no more than 5-7 kg, which is much lower than consumption in the US and Western Europe. Part quality product be sure to include cocoa butter, cocoa powder or grated cocoa.

Ice cream- New Zealanders gobble up more than 26 liters per year, Americans - 24.5 liters, Australians - 17.8 liters. Meanwhile, the average Russian resident eats less than 3 liters of chilled dessert. The composition of a real ice cream, such as, for example, "Clean Line", contains milk, condensed milk, natural cream and also sugar. And no vegetable fats.

pizza- Americans, each of which annually absorbs 13 kg of this pastry, and only in second place are Italians - 7 kg, despite the fact that residents of the Mediterranean country eat 56 million pizzas per week! The Russians are trailing behind, consuming less than 2 kg per person per year.

fish- Japanese, about 70 kg per year - 4 times more than residents of other countries. Russians manage 20-25 kg. Fish must be present in the diet. It is a food product necessary for health, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other vitamins and minerals.

And what is food for you: a way to maintain the vital activity of the body or the brightness of taste and the grandiose pleasure of eating? What signs of the Zodiac cannot deny themselves the next treat and constantly require supplements?

If you quickly swallowed mashed potatoes with a cutlet, then food ecstasy is not about you. There are people who get real pleasure from food, they eat slowly, savoring every bite, inhaling the aroma and looking at the dish with rapture. But how not to cross the line "from gourmet to glutton"?

Aries. Aries are real gourmets and lovers of food experiments. They know all the places in the city with exotic cuisines We have tried every dish on the menu more than once. They are completely unsqueamish and have an excellent appetite, so they always eat the entire portion of the delicacy. A monotonous regular diet is not for Aries, they would rather starve than eat milk porridge for breakfast every day, and vegetable soup for lunch.

Calf. Taurus love not just delicious food, they make a cult out of food. Before you visit new restaurant, they will carefully study the site and the menu of the institution, read all the reviews and recommendations, and only then deign to look there. But that's not all, Taurus can't just eat, they need to comment on the whole process: what it smells like, what it tastes like, how it looks, and so on. They love to eat delicious food, but they carefully monitor what exactly gets on their plate, but, having decided, they will enjoy every bite and get gastronomic pleasure.

A lion. Leos love order and quality in everything, and in food too. They will never go to an unknown place to eat a burger. lions cooked by a virtuoso chef from the freshest ingredients. Everything should be perfect: cozy atmosphere, trained staff, original menu, amazing wine map! Lions rarely eat at home, but sometimes they like to gather guests and pamper them. unusual dishes and delicacies.

Scales. For Libra, the concept of "diet" is generally unacceptable. No, they usually have three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, but in between they a lot and constantly, they tend to chew something all the time. In general, they eat fundamentally wrong, they like to eat at night, such food leads to overweight and health problems, but they do not see a catastrophe in this and do not want to change anything.

Fish. Pisces have a very closely related mood and food, as they are used to seizing stress and improving their mood with a “yummy”. They will eat until they feel better, and since they are extremely emotional and sensitive, they practice this quite often. Fish are very fond of national cuisines, but they treat fast food and street food with cold.

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To live, every living being simply needs to eat, while receiving all the necessary organic substances, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Gastronomic preferences and the need to look for food have made animals mobile creatures.

Besides the fact that nutrition is important integral part metabolism, it is also one of the main conditions for the existence of the animal world, a factor that determines the resettlement certain types and entire populations. Therefore, animals are in constant search of food. Some of them are particularly gluttonous, and some are rather abstemious. But be that as it may, without food, they simply die. So which of them is the most gluttonous? And how much can they eat in one day?

Saturnia polyphemus butterfly caterpillar

The larva of the Saturnia polyphemus butterfly (lat. Antheraea polyphemus) - a caterpillar of bright green color, which allows it to be invisible in the foliage. Is a resident North America. One of the most voracious creatures living on the planet.

Having been born, she immediately begins to eat foliage in huge quantities and at incredible speed. Such activity lasts only 2 days, but during this time the caterpillar manages to eat foliage 86 times its own weight.


Moles (lat. Talpidae) are small mammals that live underground and constantly search for food.

They do not eat, perhaps only when they sleep. Their daily rate food several times their own weight. If within eight hours this animal never eats, then it will die.

bee hummingbird

Hummingbird bee (lat. Mellisuga helenae) - the name of this bird speaks for itself.

This baby (its mass is about 1.6 g) must eat all the time in order to survive: it consumes about 2 grams of flower nectar per day, i.e. the amount of food consumed is slightly more than her own weight. While hovering over a flower, it makes 90 wing beats per second.

tiny shrew

Tiny shrew (lat. Sorex minutissimus) is a small mammal of the shrew genus (lat. sorex). This tiny animal (from 1.5 to 4 g) lives active life. In order for her body to recover, she has to go to bed 87 times a day and the same number of times she needs to go in search of food.

Their daily food intake is more than 10 g, and in cold weather, in order not to freeze, the total is more - about 30 grams. Interestingly, the body temperature of the shrew is over 40 °C, which is considered one of the most high temperatures among mammals.


Elephants (lat. elephantidae) - which must maintain their weight all the time.

And for this they need to eat more than 250-300 kg per day. plant food. However, this is only 1/10-1/20 of the elephant's own weight. Although by human standards, this is an impressive amount of food.

bactrian camel

Bactrian camel (lat. camelus bactrianus) is an exclusively herbivore.

Its diet consists of 33 of the 50 main types of desert vegetation. Throughout the day, he constantly eats, chewing food thoroughly. Camels themselves weigh an average of 650 to 800 kg (males up to 1000 kg), and per day they eat up to 40 kg of vegetation.

Moloch, or prickly devil

(lat. Moloch horridus) is a small lizard (up to 22 cm in length) from the Agam family.

It is an insectivorous reptile that feeds mainly on forager ants (lat. Iridomyrmex flavipes). Moloch catches ants with a sticky tongue: it is able to eat approximately 20-60 ants in one minute. During the day, he is able to eat several thousand ants, and for one meal - about 1000-1500 foragers.


Crocodiles (lat. crocodilia) - large predatory reptiles that can easily eat any animal that comes close to the reservoir in which they live. The exceptions are elephants, hippos and rhinoceroses, which, due to their size, do not have natural enemies.

However, most often crocodiles feed on fish, birds, small vertebrates, frogs and carrion. At one time, this reptile can swallow up to 23% of its own weight. Up to 60% of the food consumed by the crocodile turns into fat, which allows him to starve long time. Without food, he can do from 1 year to 1.5 years.


Pythons (lat. Pythonidae) - non-poisonous large snakes (from 0.5 to 10 m), which swallow their prey whole, and then digest it for weeks.

Pythons feed on birds, monkeys, young leopards, reptiles, rodents, small ungulates, domestic animals. In general, all those animals that he is able to swallow. Cases have been recorded when a python attacked a person (for example, in Malaysia). They can go without food for up to 1.5 years.

Interestingly, only domestic animals can overeat, and this does not happen with wild animals. With the onset of a feeling of satiety, wild animals will never go in search of food, in extreme cases they will hide it in reserve.

We have collected for you Interesting Facts about which nations can be considered leaders in pasta, chocolate, cheese, ice cream and so on. And here they are.

Like who eats the most pasta- so it is Italians, consuming up to 30 kg per year, in second place are the Germans, then the Swiss and Russians. The latter eat about 5.5 kg. Pasta lovers should remember one essential detail: only products from pasta bring health benefits. durum varieties wheat, rich in easily digestible fiber and protein. Therefore, as part of high-quality spaghetti, for example, such as Pasta Zara, should be only flour and water.

Most french eat cheese, about 23 kg per year per brother, and the Dutch - 10 kg each, while a resident of Russia accounts for only 5 kg. When buying cheese, you also need to pay attention to the ingredients: proteins, calcium and other useful substances valuable for humans are found only in a natural product, but not in a surrogate, where up to 30% milk fat are replaced by palm oil.

Most Americans drink ketchup, A followed by the Russians holding one of the highest rates in the world - about 1.7 kg per capita. The most popular sauce on the planet not only tastes wonderful, but also contains the natural antioxidant lycopene, which is higher in ketchup than in raw tomatoes. However, only a natural product, such as, for example, will bring health benefits. Heinz containing only specially grown tomatoes, natural vinegar, spices and spices.

Largest consumers chocolate - Swiss, each Swiss eats almost 12 kg of chocolate a year. Our sweet tooth gets no more than 5-7 kg, which is much lower than consumption in the US and Western Europe. Wanting to buy natural delicacy, don't be fooled chocolate bar from tropical fats: the composition of a quality product must necessarily include cocoa butter, cocoa powder or cocoa liquor.

New Zealanders eat the most ice cream, gobbling up more than 26 liters per year, Americans - 24.5 liters, Australians - 17.8 liters. Meanwhile, the average Russian resident eats less than 3 liters of chilled dessert. And even then, 60% of the ice cream sold in the country is a surrogate made from palm and coconut fat. The composition of a real ice cream, such as, for example, "Chistaya Liniya", contains milk, condensed milk, natural cream, and sugar. And no vegetable fats.

pizza not Italians love more, but Americans, each of which annually absorbs 13 kg of this pastry. And only in second place are the Italians, who eat 7 kg each, despite the fact that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean country eat 56 million pizzas per week! The Russians are trailing behind, consuming less than 2 kg per person per year. Pizza can be not only tasty, but also healthy, provided that it is made from natural products. For those who are afraid to gain weight, it is advisable to prefer chicken and vegetables to sausage and fatty varieties cheese.

Meat is eaten more than other inhabitants of Luxembourg, where the annual consumption of beef is 43 kg per person, they are slightly behind Americans- 42 kg, while the Austrians and Germans hold the championship in pork - respectively, 60 and 55 kg per year. A Russian has about 17 kg of beef and 12 kg of pork. Meat products- a source of essential vitamins and amino acids. However, for the sake of safety, it is better to purchase them at trusted outlets, where a quality certificate will be provided for meat.

fish prefer, of course, Japanese, they eat about 70 kg of fish per year, which is 4 times more than residents of other countries. Russians manage 20-25 kg. Fish must be present in the diet. It is a food product necessary for health, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other vitamins and microelements. Here, it is only advisable to buy it in specialized departments of large supermarkets or in specialized stores, where freshness and quality can be documented.
