
Everything will be delicious - Alla Kovalchuk's family recipes. Fish pie from Alla Kovalchuk (photo)

Alla Kovalchuk

Ingredients needed to make fish pie

Preparing yeast dough (safe method)

1. Dilute dry yeast in warm water, add sugar and mix well

  • Instead of water, you can use whey, potato broth, milk or kefir.

2. Add an egg, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil and sifted flour

  • Do not break the egg over a bowl: shell particles may get into the dough or the egg may not be fresh
  • You can immediately pour 1.5 cups of flour into the dough, and then add flour, focusing on the consistency of the dough

3. When the dough becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, transfer it to a work surface sprinkled with flour and continue kneading with your hands.

4. The consistency of the dough should be very soft and slightly stick to your hands.

5. So that you can work with the dough, grease your hands with vegetable oil and continue kneading: do not add flour!

6. This is what a properly kneaded dough looks like

7. Grease a bowl with vegetable oil, place the dough in it, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 30-40 minutes: during this time the dough should double in volume

Preparing the pie filling

1. Make the frying: fry finely chopped onion together with carrots in heated oil until golden brown.

  • Leeks are best for making pie

2. Cut the skin off the fish, remove the bones and cut into small pieces

  • Instead of silver carp, you can take any river fish.
  • The larger the fish, the less damp it smells.
  • do not pass the fish through a meat grinder; the fishy taste should be felt in the pie.
  • If you are using cheap fish, put it in boiling water for a minute - this will make it easier to separate the bones.

3. Add pieces of fish to the frying. Salt, pepper and fry for 2 minutes

4. Pour in the cream, heat and remove from heat.

Cooking a pie

1. While the filling is cooling, knead the risen dough again, transfer it to a bowl, cover with a towel and leave to rise again

2. When the dough rises for the second time, divide it into two parts (one should be a little larger) and roll each into a round layer

3. Grease a baking dish (you can use portioned molds) with vegetable oil and line it with dough: the thickness of the bottom layer should be approximately 1 cm

4. Place the filling on the dough and sprinkle with chopped herbs

5. Cover everything with the second part of the dough and pinch the edges

  • the cake can be shaped however you like: open, closed, round, square - it all depends on your imagination

6. Make the decor for the pie: cut out 5 circles of the same diameter from the dough, overlap them and wrap them in a roll.

7. Cut the resulting workpiece in half and get a rose

8. Decorate the pie with roses

9. We make several punctures in the middle with a skewer: we pierce only the top cake. Cover the cake with a towel and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes

10. Brush the surface of the pie with beaten egg and bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

11. Cover the hot pie with a towel and leave until it cools completely: this will make the pie crust soft

Fish pie is ready! Delicious!

the site thanks the hotel and restaurant complex and Alla Kovalchuk for help in preparing the material

The material was prepared by Inna KARNAUKHOVA, Olga ZAYTSEVA,
photo Roman BALINSKY,

Tag description

Alla Kovalchuk is a culinary expert of the Ukrainian TV show “Everything will be delicious” on the STB channel. Alla is 48 years old, and since childhood her life has revolved around the kitchen. According to the woman herself, she prepared her first dish already in the 5th grade, wanting to please her hard-working father. Her first dish was ordinary dumplings, but this is far from the pinnacle of her culinary skills. Alla Kovalchuk's most popular videos are about making cookies. In them, she shares not only the cooking technology, but also the secrets that allow you to get tasty and aromatic cookies.

Our website contains 7 main recipes from Alla Kovalchuk:
1. Shortbread cookies “Kurabiye”. Delicate, crumbly and elegant delicacy with apricot jam.
2. Cookies with poppy seeds and sesame seeds. Neat diamonds are created from shortcrust pastry, which are baked in a matter of minutes in the oven. Alla Kovalchuk's quick and high-quality recipe is suitable for housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
3. Oatmeal. A classic version of delicious cookies that are easy and quick to prepare. Of course, the recipe contains some author’s changes that added originality to the product.
4. Biscuit. Very tender holiday cookies filled and covered with chocolate glaze. This is one of Alla Kovalchuk’s most popular recipes, which is definitely worth a try.
5. Mushroom cookies. Quick and beautiful mushrooms are ideal for tea with friends or family.
6. “Champignons” cookies. A lush and juicy delicacy. This dessert requires some practice, but it's worth it.
7. Chess cookies. A quick recipe that will allow you to prepare a large portion of spectacular and delicious shortbread cookies within an hour. 8. The expert of the show “Everything Will Be Delicious” offers the perfect recipe with his own adjustments.
We have collected all the latest recipes from Alla Kovalchuk, with detailed descriptions and videos of the cooking process.

How to cook deliciously: tips and tricks
Making cookies can be a simple process or a very complex process. It all depends on the recipe. However, there are general rules and recommendations that will help you prepare soft, tasty and crispy cookies:
1. After preparing the dough, you need to put it in the refrigerator. Most cookie doughs hold their shape better when refrigerated. It's easy and pleasant to work with him.
2. Use only fresh and high-quality ingredients. It depends on the ingredients how tasty the delicacy will be. Don’t waste your time - it’s better to visit a couple of stores additionally than to regret later about wasted time and resources. Alla Kovalchuk never uses stale products, which is why her dishes are so delicious.
3. If you want soft and tender cookies, it is better not to finish baking them. Feel free to set the timer 2-3 minutes less than indicated in the recipe, and then you will get a soft and fluffy treat.
4. If the cookies are shortbread, after baking they should be immersed in a bowl covered with a lid or cling film. This is necessary so that the confectionery product does not lose precious moisture.
5. The more flour, the tougher and drier the cookies will be. The smaller, the softer and airier it is. Keep this in mind when you get ready to prepare a delicacy according to Alla Kovalchuk’s recipes.

On our website you will find detailed recipes with photos and videos, which fully display the entire cooking process. With us you will be able to prepare the perfect meal for all your loved ones.

How to make bean cake - Recipe from Everything will be good - Issue 308 - 12/19/2013

The recipe that Alla Kovalchuk will discover today was not known to even the expert’s closest friends for a long time. Bean cake remained a family secret for a long time, but only for you Alla will reveal all the secrets and subtleties of preparing a dish that will certainly not leave anyone indifferent.

Ready beans - 2 cups

Breadcrumbs 1 cup

Sugar 1 cup

Almond flavoring to taste

Chocolate 100 g

Sour cream 25% (for cream) 400 g

Sugar (for cream) 0.50 cup

Cream 30% 1 cup

Powdered sugar 2 tbsp.

Nut crumbs for sprinkling to taste

Preparing the cake crust

Grind the beans in a blender. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with half a glass of sugar until thick. Beat the whites until foamy with a pinch of salt. Add sugar and beat into a fluffy foam. Add breadcrumbs to the yolks (in 3 additions). Add proteins and flavoring in several batches. Put in the beans. Line the bottom of the springform pan with parchment, grease with butter and pour in the dough. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 180 C for 40 minutes. Cool the finished cake.

Preparing the cream for the cake

Beat sour cream with sugar. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath, fill a pastry bag with melted chocolate and draw arbitrary shapes on the parchment - they will decorate the cake. Let them harden in a cool place.

Preparing the cake

Cut the cake in half lengthwise. Grease the bottom cake with sour cream. Cover with the top cake, press down lightly, grease the sides with cream and sprinkle with nut crumbs. Decorate the top of the cake with whipped cream and chocolate decorations.

Alla Kovalchuk told how in just 10 minutes you can turn Ukrainian dumplings for soup into another dish - tovcheniki with meat, browned in butter, golden fried onion and tender chicken.


Mix kefir with egg and salt. Then mix in half the flour in portions, sprinkle the dough with soda, mix and add the remaining flour.

Boil water and add salt. Boil the dumplings for 2 minutes. Pour them into a sieve and then place them in a preheated frying pan with butter and vegetable oil. Fry for 5 minutes.

Separately, heat a frying pan with oil, put chopped chicken fat on it, and after three minutes - chopped peel.

Cut the meat into small cubes, and the onion into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add meat until the cracklings are made of fat and skin and fry for 5 minutes. Then add onions and carrots.

Add salt, pepper and simmer covered for another 3-5 minutes. Place the fried dumplings into the prepared frying pan and stir.
