
What to cook from pear recipes. Pear preparations for the winter “Golden recipes”

Fragrant, especially juicy, sweet pears will not leave anyone indifferent. But unlike our native apple orchards, they don't store well. Therefore, all our efforts should be aimed at preserving fruits through preservation.

We harvest the crops from the trees and send them for preservation according to recipes.

Like most fruits, pears are very good in their own juice.

We will need: 1 kg of fruit, 1 glass of water, 100 g of granulated sugar (sweet tooth can increase the amount), 4 grams of citric acid.

We select ripe pears. Having cut off the not very good parts, cut them in half, removing the core with the seeds. We place the processed fruits in pre-prepared sterilized jars. Sprinkle with sugar and, adding the required amount of water with citric acid, send it to a cool place for 2-3 hours so that the fruits release their juice.

After this, we close the lids (do not roll them up) and send them to pasteurize: half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20. Next we roll them up, turn them over, wait for them to cool completely, and send them for storage.

Delicious compote

For syrup you need: for 1 liter of water, 250 g of sugar, citric acid no more than 1 gram.

For this recipe, you need to select hard pears, which we also cut and remove the seeds and core. Having prepared the fruits, dip them in acidified water so that the pears do not darken. Prepare the syrup using water and sugar, bringing to a boil. Fill the prepared jar with fruits and pour hot syrup. Cover with a lid and pasteurize for 25 minutes, then roll up the lid and turn over.

To vary the taste and color, you can add other fruits when preparing compote. The following combinations of pears with apricots and apples are considered the most successful - in a ratio of 3: 2: 1; with plums, rowan - 3:2:2. Summer pears are good with raspberries - 4:2, and gooseberries, cherries. – 3:1:1.

Pickled pears

Ingredients for the marinade: 0.5 liters of water, 250 g of granulated sugar, 5-6 peas of allspice and cloves, 100 ml of 9% vinegar.

Prepare the marinade; to do this, add sand and spices to boiling water, cook, stirring for about five minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. When finished, add vinegar. Sprinkle the prepared slices with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening, place them in jars and fill them with the prepared marinade. Pasteurize for about 10-15 minutes.

Pear puree

Cut the ripe juicy fruits and place them in an enamel cooking bowl. You can add 50 ml of water per 1 kg; if the pears are very ripe, then this is not necessary. Boil (time depends on the variety) in its own juice until soft. Remove from heat, use a blender to beat until smooth, or simply grind through a colander.

Add a little citric acid to the resulting mass; it is a preservative for the pear and does not allow bacteria to multiply. Put it on the fire again, bring to a boil, simmer for another 3-5 minutes. Place it in sterilized jars and order. Turn over, wrap, leave to cool.

Juice with pulp

Ingredients for preparation: 700 g pear puree, 300 ml sugar syrup.

We clean the fruits, cut out the core, remove seeds and tails. Cut into slices and place in a cooking container. For 1 kg of fruit, adding 400 ml of water, cook for about 15 minutes over low heat. Grind the boiled pears using a meat grinder, passing them through a fine sieve twice. Prepare the syrup - the proportions of water and sand are 1:1. Add syrup to the rolled puree and continue cooking for 5 minutes over low heat.

But that's not all. Remove from heat and pass through a sieve twice. Again on the fire, bring to a boil, pour the juice into sterilized heated jars. Cover with lids, pasteurize small jars for 10 minutes, liter jars -12, 3-liter jars 25. And finally, roll up, turn over, cool.

Now I want to offer recipes that do not require preservation for the winter. As they say - straight from the tree to the table.

Pears with celery

You need: 200 g of celery root, 2 large fruits, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 50-100 g of nuts, granulated sugar to taste.

Peeled celery root on a fine grater, and pears on a coarse grater. Place in a bowl, mix everything, season with sour cream and granulated sugar (the main thing is not to overdo it), sprinkle with pre-chopped nuts on top. We send it to the table.

Pears with cheese

Cut the fruits with cheese into thin slices, season with mayonnaise. Garnish with lettuce leaves and sweet pepper slices.

Pear pudding

You will need the following products: 500 g of pears, half a liter of milk, 1 glass of sifted semolina, 2 eggs, 50 g of margarine, 100 g of granulated sugar (adjust to taste), 2 tbsp. spoons of peeled nuts, pitted raisins, salt to taste.

Cook regular semolina porridge in milk and cool. Then gradually add margarine (it tastes better with butter), yolks, raisins, chopped nuts, beaten egg whites, salt to the porridge, mix everything well. Place the resulting mixture in layers in a baking dish, then a layer of finely chopped pears, and alternate several more times (the last top layer is pears). Place in the preheated oven, baking until fully cooked over medium heat.

Baked pears are as tasty as apples

We stuff the pear with chopped nuts, having previously peeled the core. Add a little honey to this delicious dish and bake in the oven. We wait, swallowing saliva.

Here's an interesting video. Dried pears.

Bon appetit everyone!

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Autumn has its own gifts, amazing and unique. Among them, undoubtedly, is the tender juicy one. This wonderful fruit in all respects is created for home baking, because the pear gives it a refined aroma and velvety sweetness.

Pears in a caftan

The simplest baking you can imagine is a recipe for pears in dough. Cut off the base of 6 pears and remove the core. Grind 100 g of almonds with 60 g of chocolate, add 2 tbsp. l. butter and honey, zest ½ orange and stuff the pears with this mixture. From the finished puff pastry, cut strips 2 cm wide, wrap them around the pears, and cover the base with circles of dough. After brushing them with egg, bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

Caramel scrolls

A recipe for pancakes with pear is suitable for breakfast. Using a mixer, beat the dough from 300 g of flour, 3 eggs, 600 ml of milk and 50 g of butter. Fry pancakes in a hot frying pan. In another frying pan, simmer 3 dense pears in cubes with 80 g of cane sugar, ½ tsp. cinnamon, lemon zest and juice. Place the caramelized fruit on the pancakes, roll them into tubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. This breakfast will put you in a sunny mood for a long time.

Biscuit with a surprise

The biscuit recipe is especially good with pears. Grind 4 yolks with 200 g of sugar and stir in 4 whites, whipped into a strong foam. Add 170 g of flour with ½ tsp. baking powder, a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon. Cut 3 pears into slices. Pour the dough into the mold with foil, and arrange the pear slices in a circle. Place the biscuit in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. An excellent dessert for tea is ready!

Fruit flip

A recipe for pear pie will always come in handy. Beat 200 g of cottage cheese and soft butter with 150 g of sugar. Add 2 eggs, 250 g flour, ¼ tsp. soda, knead the dough. Cut 3 pears into equal slices, place them in a spiral in a round shape, greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar. Fill them with dough and place in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes. Turn the cooled pie onto a plate and serve immediately.

Autumn inside

The recipe for strudel with pears is an interesting variation of your favorite pastry. Fry 2 diced pears in butter, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, ½ tsp. cinnamon and ¼ tsp. nutmeg. Having rolled out a sheet of ready-made puff pastry very thinly, distribute the pears evenly on it, sprinkle with raisins and crushed hazelnuts, and roll up the roll. We make several cuts on it, brush with egg and bake for 40 minutes at 200°C. This strudel is especially good when hot.

Delicious crumbs

Chocolate lovers will appreciate the recipe for crumble with pears. Place pear slices in a baking dish, pour 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, sprinkle with lemon zest and 1 tbsp. l. grated chocolate. Grind 4 slices of bread into crumbs, combine with 50 g of butter, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. grated chocolate. Lightly beat the mixture in a blender, cover the pears with it and put it in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. Now you can enjoy crumble with pleasure.

Air bliss

The parade of desserts continues with a recipe for clafoutis with pear. Grease the mold with butter, place 2 pears, cut into cubes, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and ½ tsp. ground ginger. Using a mixer, beat 120 g of flour, 350 ml of milk, 3 eggs, 80 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla on the tip of a knife. The dough will turn out like for pancakes. Pour it over the pears and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 45 minutes. Whipped cream with cinnamon will complement clafoutis very harmoniously.

Golden heart

Do you like open pies? Then try this pear tart recipe. Knead the dough from 175 g of flour, 100 g of butter, 1 egg and 50 g of sugar. We press it into a baking dish, prick it with a fork and keep it in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 °C. Place 3 pears, cut into slices, into the cooled base. Fill them with a mixture of 200 ml cream, 50 g sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour and eggs, bake for 20 minutes at 180°C. Hardly anyone can resist such a dessert.

Cupcake for the mood

A tasty treat will make any day a little better. Beat 100 g of soft butter with 200 g of sugar and 1 egg. Without stopping, add 200 g of yogurt and 250 g of flour with ½ tsp. baking powder and a pinch of vanillin. After kneading the dough well, place it in a baking dish with foil. Cut 2 pears into slices, insert them over the entire surface of the cake and bake for an hour at 180°C. An excellent treat for a large company is ready!

Baking recipes with pears are an endless source of inspiration. If this is what you are missing, take a look at the recipes section of our culinary portal. What delicacies with pears do your family like? Share interesting ideas with other readers.

Exquisite dessert - canned pears. In its own juice, by the way. This pear looks great covered in chocolate or drenched in bright syrup. A dish for those who love desserts and count calories.

Are you the happy owner of a multicooker and good pears at the same time? Read how to make pear pie in a slow cooker - surprisingly tasty, but easy to prepare.

Here is a very simple recipe for your attention, thanks to which you will learn how to make compote from apples and pears. This delicious refreshing drink will be appreciated by both adults and children.

This exquisite salad will surely appeal to lovers of both arugula and pears - cheese and pine nuts highlight the unexpected combination of their tastes so favorably that it is simply impossible to resist.

A simple recipe for cottage cheese casserole with pear will help you quickly and without unnecessary hassles prepare a delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family. It's very easy to prepare - try it!

This unusual salad will delight you with truly summer freshness and original flavor combinations. In addition, the recipe for salad with pear and chicken is very simple - see for yourself! ;)

I make sure that there are always compotes at home. I fill a whole pantry with them! One of our family's favorites is pear compote. Delicate, aromatic, with a viscous taste and firm pears inside.

In summer, you need to take advantage of the moment and prepare as many fresh salads as possible. Salad with pear and cheese is an extravaganza, which also includes arugula, pomegranate, and nuts. Luxurious, tasty, healthy salad.

Baked pear is a very simple, but at the same time original dessert that is not at all difficult to prepare. The baked pear looks very appetizing and is served with ricotta cheese or cottage cheese.

Compote of pears for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, retains the taste of the fruit and honey. It's nice to open it in winter. This is a good way to preserve the fruit harvest. I use compote pears for the filling.

Sweet juicy pear pulp and lemon freshness. This is the taste of jam, the recipe for which I will write out for you. I love pear jam with lemon with pancakes and bread. And mom uses it as a filling.

During the season of a rich harvest for apples and pears, I advise you, in addition to the usual canning recipes, to prepare jam. At the same time, combine both fruits and remember the wonderful taste from childhood.

It is better to pickle not overripe, strong pears, and it is better to pickle them not whole, but cut into several parts and sprinkled with cinnamon. Read the recipe and learn how to pickle pears correctly! ;)

Pears or candied pears boiled in sugar syrup and dried are a favorite delicacy for many. On cold winter evenings, you can’t imagine a better sweet - a crunchy and sweet piece of sunny summer!

I make pear jam from small, dense pears. I love its subtle flavor on toast with my morning coffee. It is simply cooked and does not require additional ingredients other than sugar and vanilla.

Pastila is a sweet from childhood. This natural dessert is suitable for both children and adults. It is advisable to use pears from your grandmother's garden. Making marshmallows is easy. See for yourself!

In order to store pears in their own juice for the winter, you only need a pinch of citric acid, water and jars. Well, pears, of course! It is better to take unripe, medium-sized fruits.

Pear marmalade will appeal not only to those with a sweet tooth, but also to those watching calories. Pear marmalade is low-calorie, thick and very tasty. Ideal for filling in baked goods and for tea.

At my dacha there is a huge pear tree, which supplies my family with broken fruits all summer and part of the fall. It’s impossible to eat them - there’s so much of them, so I boil them all down into a thick jam. Yummy!

Pear jam with grapes is classified as a delicacy. I know that it is popular in the south of Ukraine. Pears and grapes ripen almost simultaneously - combine their flavors by making jam.

Pear jam with lemon is very unusual and unpopular. By placing it on the table, you will definitely surprise everyone gathered at it - no one has tried this for sure :) It’s easy to prepare, it’s worth a try.

Pear jam can be prepared in different ways. One day I watched how pear jam was being prepared in a small private cafe. The speed of preparation surprised me, and the result was simply amazing.

A very tasty and beautiful pie with pears and apples is prepared in the style of Danish cuisine - with the addition of rosemary to the dough and the formation of an appetizing glaze crust. Very good pie, I recommend it!

Beetroot and pear salad is a very unusual and interesting salad. Firstly, the combination itself is unusual, and secondly, it is prepared from raw beets, which is extremely unusual for us. However, it turns out delicious!

Recipe for a salad with fried pears and shallots, seasoned with honey sauce and walnuts.

If you don't yet know such a dish as chicken tagine with pears, then you are incredibly lucky - because you have yet to try it.

A sweet pear cocktail with the aroma of whiskey is an ideal drink for cold days. It will look good on the New Year's table and will warm you up in the cold.

Honey pears in puff pastry are a miracle of miracles in cooking. Very beautiful and incredibly tasty delicacies for the holiday table! They are prepared quite simply. Meet the step-by-step recipe with photos!

Recipe for making pear puree with cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.

Bread recipe with grated pears, walnuts, fresh cranberries, lemon zest, cinnamon and nutmeg.

An unusual appetizer recipe made from pear, mascarpone cheese and prosciutto.

Very easy to prepare and very tasty pie! Pears highlight the chocolate and sweet taste of the dough very well. I cook it very often, my husband really likes it!

Pancakes with chicken liver and pear are very original pancakes with a very unusual taste. They usually leave the table with great success. Try it!

Pies with pears are prepared in the same way as with apples, but the taste is significantly different - pies with pears are sweeter and juicier. For those with a sweet tooth, take note.

Pears cooked until soft in red wine and blackcurrant liqueur, served with syrup and custard.

Recipe for a dessert of baked pears and cranberries with lemon zest, vanilla extract and ginger dough topping.

Recipe for making bread with grated pears, walnuts, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Unusual bread with pears and nuts will be a highlight on your table.

Recipe for pear cake with hazelnuts and chocolate. This cake is a great decoration for the holiday table!

Recipe for making a pie filled with almonds and slices of canned pears.

Pear dessert is tasty and healthy thanks to the huge amount of vitamins contained in this fruit. If you’re already tired of eating it fresh, you can make an amazing dessert from it. Today we will describe several ways to prepare the third dish, and also find out what ingredients it goes well with.

Pear with caramel, detailed recipe

For this dessert you will need:

  • pears - 5 pcs.;
  • refined sugar - 100 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash the fruits under water, dry them and cut them in half, cutting out the core with a knife.
  2. Pour the sugar into a shallow plate and then dip the pear halves in it.
  3. Place the frying pan on the fire, and when the saucepan warms up a little, add the candied fruits to it. They must be placed cut side down.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat to low and wait 7 minutes. The readiness of the pears will be determined by the color of the sugar, it should be slightly brown.
  5. Pour water into the saucepan, place the lid on top again and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Place the prepared fruits on a plate and pour the sauce in which they were boiled on top. The pear and caramel dessert is ready, all that remains is to decorate it. For this you can use mint leaves, cinnamon or candied fruits.

Apple and pear dessert recipe

For this delicacy you will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • pears - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry syrup - 40 g;
  • medium fat cream - 150 g;
  • refined sugar - 6 cubes.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the following syrup ingredients: sugar, cherry syrup and water. Pour the resulting mixture into a small saucepan and then place it on the fire. When the liquid begins to bubble, reduce the gas and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Wash the fruits, cut them in half and remove the core from each. Then cut them into slices and then add them to the pan with the syrup. Boil the apples and pears for 5-10 minutes and then drain them in a colander to cool.
  3. Beat the cream with a mixer, gradually adding refined sugar to it.
  4. Distribute the cooled fruit into small plates and place the finished soufflé on top.

This dessert of apples and pears will appeal to anyone, even those who are indifferent to sweet treats. Therefore, it is worth remembering this recipe and, if possible, surprising your guests with this wonderful delicacy.

Pears in syrup, duchess dessert with orange juice

For this dish you will need:

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Peel the Duchesse, but leave the tail.
  2. Cut the lemon in half and grate the pear with one half.
  3. Combine water, juice and sugar and put this mixture on fire. When the contents begin to boil, reduce the heat and simmer the syrup for 15 minutes.
  4. Place the pears in a saucepan and simmer them over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  5. Take out the finished fruits, place them on a plate, and pour a little syrup on top. You can decorate this pear dessert with a slice of lemon or some nuts.

Sweet treat in red wine

This third course should please any gourmet. For our masterpiece you will need the following ingredients:

  • wine (it is better to take dry red) - 750 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • spice (cinnamon) - 1 stick;
  • citrus (orange) - 1 pc.;
  • pear - 6 pcs.;
  • fresh thyme - 1 bunch.

Dessert of pears in red wine is quick and easy to prepare:

  1. Grate the orange peel and place it in a plate, and squeeze the juice out of the pulp and pour it into a glass; Peel the pears without removing the stems.
  2. Pour the wine into the pan, add sugar, cinnamon, pieces of citrus fruit, and thyme. The last ingredient needs to be washed under water, and then tied into a bundle and placed in a saucepan.
  3. Place the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil, and then carefully place your pears in it. Cover the saucepan with a lid, reduce the heat to low and simmer the fruit for about 2 hours, until they become soft. But be careful not to overdo it, so that you don’t end up with porridge. The pears will absorb the wine and turn a red-burgundy color.
  4. Remove the food with a slotted spoon, and evaporate the syrup until it reduces by half and becomes thicker.
  5. Place one piece of fruit on a plate for each person and pour the cooled syrup on top.

You can serve pear dessert with whipped cream, sour cream or candied fruits.

Cooking duchesse with honey in the oven

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • pears - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet amber (honey) - 5 teaspoons;
  • spice (cinnamon) - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruit and cut it in half, remove the seeds inside, and then pour honey into the resulting cavity.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the pears there, but first sprinkle them with more cinnamon on top. Bake this delicacy for about 10 minutes at high temperature.

The pear dessert, the recipe for which was described above, should appeal to children, because the taste is very delicate, the dish comes out sweet and even a little cloying. By the way, when serving the deliciousness, you can put scoops of ice cream on the plate, then you will get a perfect third course.

Pear dessert, recipe with added chocolate

For this delicacy you will need:

  • Duchess - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • chocolate (natural black) - 250 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • water - 1 l.

Dessert creation process:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan and put it on the fire, add sugar and stir it well until it dissolves in the liquid.
  2. Wash the pears and place them in a saucepan with sweet water. Boil the fruits for about 20 minutes, and when they become soft, carefully remove them and cool.
  3. Place the chocolate, cream and butter in another small saucepan and place on the stove. When the contents begin to melt, stir it with a spoon and cook for about 3 minutes. Then turn off the burner, and get ready to pour the resulting mixture onto the cooled fruit.

The pear dessert is almost ready, but now you need to serve it. Place the cooled fruits on separate plates and fill them with chocolate, and you can put scoops of ice cream or candied fruits on the plate next to them.

Now you know several recipes for making pear dessert. And the most important thing to remember is: watch the cooking time for the fruit so that in the end they don’t end up soggy, and cook with love - and then any sweet dish will taste twice as good.
