
Cranberry mulled wine non-alcoholic. Cranberry mulled wine tea (non-alcoholic): recipe with photo

In addition to the first autumn frosts and fallen yellow leaves, autumn blues and an unpleasant cold often spoil the mood. The most logical thing you want to do when it’s not much more than zero degrees outside and your throat is sore is to crawl under a warm blanket and warm yourself up with a cup of something hot. Mulled wine is a very popular strong drink; it is made from wine. But you can make a non-alcoholic version by making spiced cranberry tea.

Ingredients for the non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g cranberries;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 4-5 carnation umbrellas;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1.5 tsp. ginger root;
  • cinnamon stick and lemon slice - before serving.

Recipe for making non-alcoholic mulled wine tea with cranberries:

1) Take ripe cranberries and sort them from rotten or dried berries, select foliage and twigs. Place in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. Pour into the pan in which you will brew the tea.

2) Add sugar to the berries. Instead of sugar, you can also use honey as a sweetener, but in this case, you need to add it to the tea when it has cooled down a little. Otherwise, honey will lose all its healing qualities. The amount of sugar is indicated approximately, the tea is obtained with noticeable sourness. Adjust sugar as desired.

3) Add a few cloves to the pan; it will add a unique spicy aroma.

4) Now add ground cinnamon to the pan. If you don’t like it too much, you can add just a little bit. If you completely give up cinnamon, you won’t be able to taste that very drink that is so reminiscent of mulled wine.

5) Fill the aromatic contents of the pan with boiled or filtered water. Place the pan on the gas and, stirring, bring to a boil.

6) While the tea is brewing, take the ginger root and cut it into small cubes. You can even put it through a garlic press.

7) When the water in the pan boils, make sure that the lid is not tightly closed and reduce the heat. The berries will begin to burst from the high temperature.

8) Add ginger pieces to the pan and continue brewing the tea.

9) After 3-4 minutes, turn off the gas and take out the carnation umbrellas, they have already done their job. Let the cranberry tea steep for another 10 minutes with the lid tightly closed.

For the recipe with photos, see below.

What can warm us on a dark winter evening? The comfort of home, a fleece blanket and woolen socks, the hug of a loved one, the purring of a cat and a cup of hot warming drink! Non-alcoholic mulled wine became such an ideal drink for us! Literally translated from German, the word mulled wine means hot, flaming wine. Due to the fact that alcohol, including wine, did not take root in our family, my husband and I came up with a non-alcoholic mulled wine made with cranberry juice that is no less tasty than the classic one. I invite you for a glass

Due to the fact that the drink does not contain alcohol, it can be drunk even by children and pregnant women! Non-alcoholic mulled wine based on cranberry juice will not only warm you up, but also support the immune system with vitamins (from cranberries and citrus fruits), as well as essential oils (from natural spices and herbs).

The total preparation time for non-alcoholic mulled wine is 25 minutes. These ingredients are enough for 4 servings of the finished drink.

  • fresh or frozen cranberries 2 cups;
  • half a lemon;
  • zest and juice of half an orange;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey or sugar;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 5-6 carnation umbrellas;
  • piece of ginger root.

Spices and spices for mulled wine should be taken natural, not ground! Cloves in umbrellas, cinnamon sticks and whole ginger root.

Wash the cranberries in a colander and place in a small saucepan. We take any press (you can use a potato masher) and crush the berries, add one liter of hot (not boiling water!) water. Turn on the smallest burner to the lowest heat possible and place the pan.

Cut a 2 cm piece from the ginger root, peel it and chop it. Add ginger to the pan. Cloves, cinnamon, lemon and orange juice, zest and pieces of fruit are also sent there.

Heat the mulled wine for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not allow the drink to boil! After 10 minutes, when the mixture has already warmed up enough, but has not yet had time to boil, turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and a towel and leave to steep for another 10 minutes.

Then strain the drink through a fine sieve and add a couple of tablespoons of honey or sugar and stir well. We pour our vitamin drink into cups and drink in small sips. I really like to serve sweet dried fruits with non-alcoholic mulled wine - figs, apricots, dates and prunes. Have a nice and warm evening!

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Mulled wine is a delicious, enchanting punch with a rich aroma that warms you up on cold winter evenings and is associated with the Christmas holidays. Initially, it was used as an ambulance for colds or hypothermia. But thanks to its unique taste and aroma, this medicinal punch has gained universal popularity. The main ingredient in it is wine. For those who cannot drink alcohol, there is a good alternative - non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Classic mulled wine

Before describing recipes for making homemade non-alcoholic mulled wine, you should find out the original recipe for the classic winter medicinal punch. For the simplest of them you need: 750 ml of red wine, 400 ml of water, zest of one lemon, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, seven cloves, one tablespoon of honey. The wine must be heated on the stove, but not brought to a boil. At this time, place cloves, lemon zest and cinnamon in a separate pan with water.

Place the pan on the stove and boil the contents over low heat. Then strain the resulting broth through a strainer. After heating the wine, you need to add the decoction there, then leave for fifteen minutes. After this, add honey and mix everything.

Mulled wine with jam

Homemade non-alcoholic medicinal punch is prepared using juice instead of red wine. You can choose any juice. In this recipe it is grape (you can use apple).

To prepare you will need one liter of juice, two to four tablespoons of dark jam (preferably blueberry), half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 7 cloves, two to three mugs of lemon. Pour juice into a saucepan (1.5 liters) and then add lemon. Heat the resulting mixture without bringing to a boil. After this, add jam, cloves and cinnamon. Mix everything, then leave to infuse for half an hour. After the specified time, the punch can be poured into glasses and decorated. Serve hot.

Mulled wine with cardamom

Cardamom is a very specific seasoning that is not sold in all stores. Thanks to its special aroma, cardamom medicinal punch acquires a special taste and smell. The recipe for making non-alcoholic mulled wine at home is very simple. To do this, you need to take a liter of juice (grape, pomegranate or apple), half a teaspoon of ground cardamom, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 7 cloves, half a ginger root, two or three mugs of lemon, a couple of teaspoons of honey, a few grams of nutmeg. In a saucepan (1.5 l) you need to heat (without boiling) the juice. At this time, you need to mix and then grind the seasonings. After heating the juice, add seasonings to it. Infuse the mixture for fifteen minutes. Before serving, you can add honey to the drink and garnish with lemon.

Tea mulled wine

To prepare homemade non-alcoholic medicinal punch at home, the tea must be selected carefully so that it is of high quality. To prepare a medicinal punch you will need 600 ml of freshly brewed black tea, 200 ml each of cherry and apple juice, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 7 cloves. Liquid ingredients must be mixed and spices added. Heat the mixture over low heat, then strain. The drink is ready to drink!

When preparing the drink, you can also add lemon zest, raisins, prunes, orange zest, allspice or other spices. The main thing is to add ingredients that are compatible with each other.

Grape mulled wine

This is the most popular option for a homemade non-alcoholic winter drink. To prepare non-alcoholic mulled wine you need one liter of grape juice, one stick of cinnamon, two tablespoons of honey, five cloves, two slices of lemon, a piece of ginger, a pinch of nutmeg. After pouring juice into a container, you need to heat it to a temperature of 70-80°C. Then add cloves, honey and finely chopped ginger. After this, add nutmeg on the tip of a knife. If you overdo it, the drink will be bitter. Then put in lemon mugs and a cinnamon stick (equivalent to half a teaspoon). After this, cover with a lid and leave for an hour. After steeping, the mulled wine should be reheated and served hot.

Cherry mulled wine

Homemade non-alcoholic cherry mulled wine is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink. is an antipyretic and has healing properties, and orange is a bundle of vitamin C.

To prepare you will need a liter of cherry juice, one orange, two cinnamon sticks, four cloves, a piece of ginger root, two tablespoons of honey. Add diced orange to the juice, as well as finely chopped ginger root. Add cinnamon and cloves there. Heat the mixture to 80°C without boiling. Then cover with a lid and let it brew well. Warm before use. Thanks to the combination of cherry, citrus and spice flavors, the taste will be indescribable.

Cranberry mulled wine

Mulled wine made from cranberry juice will help fight viral and colds, as well as protect the body from germs and enrich it with vitamins. Since cranberries themselves are sour, at least one hundred grams of sugar should be added to the drink. To enrich the taste, brown sugar should be chosen.

To prepare, you will need a liter of juice, five cloves, two cinnamon sticks, one hundred grams of sugar, three peas each of white and allspice. The juice must be heated to 80°C. Then, without bringing to a boil, add sugar and all the spices. You can also add nutmeg on the tip of a knife. When finished, cover the mixture with a lid and let it sit for an hour. Warm before use.

Pomegranate mulled wine

This medicinal drink helps with anemia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect and provides energy. Since the taste of pomegranate juice is very rich, it can be diluted with a small amount of water.

To prepare mulled wine, you need to take a liter of juice, two tablespoons of honey, the zest of a large orange, two cinnamon sticks, five cloves, a glass of water (if you need to dilute the juice). Pour the juice into a saucepan and heat to 90°C, without boiling. Then dissolve honey in it. After this, add finely chopped orange zest and spices to the drink. Cover the mixture, heated almost to boiling, with a lid and leave for an hour. Serve hot.

Non-alcoholic apple mulled wine

Children especially love apple non-alcoholic mulled wine. Its aroma evokes a feeling of something magical. In addition, apple juice helps normalize digestion and has persistent anti-radiation properties due to the presence of a large amount of pectin in it. Drinking apple juice normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (due to the potassium content in it). And if you drink a glass of juice before bed, your body will be able to fully relax and get enough sleep. To prepare a homemade non-alcoholic medicinal drink, you will need one liter of apple juice, one hundred milliliters of water, half an apple, three dessert spoons of finely grated lemon and orange zest, two or three cinnamon sticks, a pinch of cardamom, four cloves, a pinch of nutmeg, four allspice and honey

First you need to mix the juice with water in a saucepan and heat on low power, but without letting it boil. At the same time, you need to divide the apple into six parts and clean out the seeds. When the liquid is heated, you need to add all the ingredients to it and put it back on the stove. When small bubbles appear, the fire must be turned off. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. After settling, the drink must be carefully strained using a sieve or gauze.

Mulled wine with Hibiscus tea

If for some reason you can’t use juice, you can make an aromatic and tasty drink using Hibiscus tea. This drink will fill the body with vitamins, and will also help lower the temperature and get rid of colds.

To prepare you need a liter of water, one or two tablespoons of tea leaves, four cloves, two tablespoons of honey, ginger, and a cinnamon stick. Tea must be brewed as usual. Then add cloves, cinnamon, honey and finely chopped ginger. You can also add a few slices of lemon. Cover the mixture and let it brew.

We cannot ignore the alternative recipe for making non-alcoholic mulled wine at home with Hibiscus tea. It is somewhat different from the previous one. Due to some differences in ingredients and preparation methods, the taste of the drink will be a little softer. To prepare, you will need four tablespoons of tea, two tangerines, one or two teaspoons of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, several cinnamon umbrellas and three glasses of water.

First you need to boil water in a saucepan, then add tea there. Then put the tangerines cut into circles into it. To add a special taste, you can cut it together with the zest. After this add spices. When the mixture has cooled a little, you need to add honey. Mix everything. Then cover with a lid and leave for ten minutes. After infusion, the mixture must be strained through a colander. The cooled drink should be poured back into the pan to reheat. Pour the finished medicinal drink into mugs, then add another mug of tangerine. The taste is rich due to the combination of tangerines and honey, and spices add a slight spiciness.

How to serve mulled wine?

Traditionally, mulled wine is poured into ceramic or glass mugs. The drink poured into glasses is decorated with slices of orange or lemon, a cinnamon stick or star anise flowers. In addition to the healing drink, fruits and cold cuts are usually served, or Mulled wine can also be drunk in the fresh air due to its warming effect.

In order to truly appreciate the drink, as well as to feel all the ingredients separately, it is recommended to drink it in small sips, stretching out the pleasure for fifteen to thirty minutes. The cooled drink must be heated to experience all the delights of the drink.

Having presented several recipes for non-alcoholic mulled wine, we can draw the following conclusions. You can use any juice or tea. The main thing is to remember that you cannot do without the main ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, cloves and citrus fruits. There are endless options for preparing a medicinal drink at home. You need to experiment, try combining different ingredients. Then you can enjoy a delicious, healthy drink at any time of the year.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine will be a godsend for those who, for one reason or another, do not drink alcohol, as well as for children. By preparing the drink at home, you can enjoy its amazing taste, warm up and replenish your body with valuable vitamins.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine - recipe

To make non-alcoholic mulled wine at home, you need to have, at a minimum, any juice without pulp and a minimum set of spices. Often slices of oranges and lemons, pieces of apples, pears, cherries and other fruits and berries are added to the drink. Serve the delicacy hot in warm mugs or glasses that retain heat well.

The most popular among this kind of drinks is mulled wine made from grape juice. The irreplaceable tonic and general strengthening properties of grape berries manifest themselves best in a hot potion, improving metabolic processes in the body and giving strength. The taste of this warming drink is also excellent and is based on the harmonious combination of fruity and spicy notes.


  • grape juice – 1000 ml;
  • ground cardamom – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • ground cinnamon – 2/3 teaspoon;
  • ground ginger, nutmeg - a pinch;
  • cloves (buds) – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon, apples.


  1. Heat the grape juice in a saucepan until bubbles appear.
  2. Add all the spices, slices of lemon and apples to the bowl.
  3. Infuse the contents under the lid for 15 minutes, then strain, warm up a little more and serve.

By preparing cherry mulled wine, a non-alcoholic drink with aristocratic, original notes, you can not only enjoy its enchanting taste, but also help the body cope with infection, fever, or strengthen the nervous system. This will be facilitated by the high content of copper, vitamin C and many other valuable elements in cherries.


  • cherry juice – 1000 ml;
  • fresh orange – 200 ml;
  • cane sugar – 90 g;
  • cinnamon sticks – 2 pcs.;
  • cloves (buds) – 2 pcs.;
  • ginger - a pinch;
  • citrus slices for serving.


  1. Cherry juice is heated almost to a boil.
  2. Add clove buds, cinnamon sticks and ginger, add cane sugar, mix and leave to infuse for 15 minutes under the lid.
  3. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, add it to the hot, infused mixture, pour the drink into glasses and top it up with orange or lemon slices.

Mulled apple wine is especially popular and loved among a wide audience of fans, the non-alcoholic spicy composition of which can be changed each time according to taste or the presence of ingredients. The palette is ideally complemented by citrus fruits, from which you can make fresh juice or simply zest them and add them to a drink. Also, this variation of the drug is sometimes prepared with the addition of seemingly non-sweet spices, such as allspice and bay leaf. You will learn further about how to prepare non-alcoholic one correctly.


  • fresh apples – 1.2-1.4 kg;
  • purified water – 100 ml;
  • orange and lemon zest - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey – 70 g;
  • cinnamon sticks – 3 pcs.;
  • cloves (buds) – 4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg and cardamom;
  • allspice peas – 2 pcs.


  1. Squeeze the juice out of the apples, pour them into a saucepan (1 liter) and bring to a boil.
  2. Throw citrus zest and all the spices into the bowl.
  3. Remove the vessel from the heat, cover with a lid and wrap for 15 minutes.
  4. Before serving, add honey to taste.

The non-trivial taste of a hot drink based on cranberry juice is combined with its amazing valuable properties, which will be a godsend for colds and other diseases where the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect is very important. Non-alcoholic mulled wine can be made as healthy and fragrant as possible in a slow cooker, where uniform heating simultaneously ensures the development of aromas and the preservation of all the valuable ingredients.


  • cranberries – 1.4 kg;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • cane sugar – 100 g;
  • cinnamon sticks – 3 pcs.;
  • cloves (buds) – 5 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • white peppercorns – 6 pcs.


  1. Puree the cranberries in a blender, adding water, and squeeze out the juice with gauze. You can simply use a juicer.
  2. Combine the valuable cranberry product with sugar and pour into a multi-pan.
  3. Add all the spices and seasonings and turn on the “Warming” mode for an hour.

Freshly brewed non-alcoholic mulled wine from. The amazing properties of this miracle fruit will help cope with sore throats and colds, increase hemoglobin in case of anemia, strengthen the immune system, increase vitality, or simply fill the body with vitamins. As in the case of cranberries, you can prepare the drink using a slow cooker, using the same mode, or make it on the stove in a saucepan.


  • pomegranate juice – 1000 ml;
  • water – 210 ml;
  • cardamom boxes – 5 pcs.;
  • flower honey – 100 g;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • cloves in buds - 3 pcs.;
  • orange zest – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon sticks – 1-2 pcs.


  1. Squeeze out the required amount of fresh juice from the pomegranates, combine it with water and place it in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Place the container on the lowest heat, add all the ingredients from the list of ingredients except honey and heat to a temperature of 80 degrees.
  3. Allow the contents to brew for 15 minutes and flavor with flower honey before serving.

You can make non-alcoholic orange mulled wine. Citrus fruits are often used as an additional component when preparing such hot drinks and less often act as their basis. But in this version, the warming drink is no less interesting in taste and valuable properties than its other analogues. To prevent the orange base from being overly rich, add strong black tea.
