
Pink salmon salted in brine. Delicious salted pink salmon at home, like salmon

Red fish has always been considered a delicacy. Many housewives, wanting to surprise their guests, make it the main dish. Pink salmon is very popular, because it is not only tasty and healthy, but also affordable. Far from the depths of the sea, you can find already salted or frozen fish, which can also be tasty and quick at home.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

Pink salmon is a source of a large number of useful microelements. In addition, it is rich in vitamin D, which is very important, because it is due to its deficiency that many diseases appear. Also, thanks to this product, bones are strengthened, and omega-3 helps improve brain activity and the nervous system and sometimes acts as an antidepressant.

Eating fish also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and removes cholesterol from the blood. For normal well-being, it is recommended to eat fish dishes 3 times a week.

Important!Salted pink salmon is contraindicated for people with diseases of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Exquisite pink salmon meat can actively absorb salt. Salting fish at home will take about 24 hours. It must be cooked immediately after defrosting. To make your task easier, choose the carcass immediately without the entrails and head. Pink salmon meat has a bitter taste that neutralizes salt.

When choosing, pay attention to the following features:

  • the belly should be light pink; if it is dark, the product is not fresh. And if it’s gray, then most likely the fish has gone through several freezes and defrosts;
  • the meat should be dense, not move away from the bone, and remain without deformation when pressing on the carcass;
  • The gray layer between the skin and meat is not very thick.

It is forbidden to defrost raw fish in boiling water or in the microwave, as this can cause it to spoil.

To pickle red fish, you can use the following seasonings:

  • white pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • mustard.

Before you start cooking, the fish must be defrosted. To do this, place it in a bowl and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in another cold place until it melts on its own. Remove scales, head and fins. Cut the belly, remove the entrails and wash the carcass with water. Divide the fillet into several pieces; you can leave the skin on if you wish.

Recipes for salting pink salmon after freezing

To check if a fish is suitable for salting, look at its bones. If they easily come away from the meat, the product has been frozen several times and cannot be salted. When the thawed fillet separates elastically, you can start salting. There are many simple recipes for making salted pink salmon. But there are several proven and popular methods that will help you achieve a pleasant and refined taste.

Recipe No. 1

In brine

25 25 min.


5 ingredients

    pink salmon carcass

    3 pcs.


    2 l


    8 tbsp. l.

    Black pepper

    10 pieces.


    6 tbsp. l.

Nutritional value per 100 g:



Did you know?Pink salmon has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system, increases potency and improves sperm quality.

Recipe No. 2

Dry salting method

6 30 min.


4 ingredients

    pink salmon

    1 PC.


    To prepare the marinade, measure sugar and salt into a convenient bowl, add bay leaves and allspice and black peppercorns. Boil water and pour into a container. Stir the crystals until dissolved and leave to cool. If you need more brine, adjust the proportions accordingly.

    Now take care of the pink salmon. If you purchased deep-frozen fish, place it in the refrigerator for a short time. It is more convenient to clean and gut when it is not completely thawed. Select the entrails, you can also add salt to the milk. If you are lucky with caviar, carefully select it.

    Before cutting off the head, completely remove the gills and separate the tail. Trim the spiny fins with scissors or a sharp knife. Rinse the workpiece and blot away any moisture. Cut the prepared headless carcass into pieces. Place the semi-finished products in a clean jar.

    The pieces should not be packed tightly; they should be positioned loosely. Pour over the cooled marinade mixture.

    Close with a regular lid and shake the contents lightly.

    Place in the refrigerator for approximately 24 hours. After a day, remove the finished pink salmon from the brine. Remove the skin, separate the bones and cut into thin slices. Decide on the shape and size of the base and decoration and serve the delicious dish to the table. Boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs, or whipped into a light puree, fresh vegetables will make a worthy company. Bon appetit!

    It is also easy to prepare salted fish without brine, try salting

    It is not always possible to buy ready-made salted red fish, either in bulk or in vacuum packaging. However, there is a way out of this situation - salt the fish yourself, at home. How to do it? Yes, very simple! We present to your attention a universal recipe for salting red fish. It could be pink salmon, trout, salmon or chum salmon.

    The difficulty lies in cutting the fish, because it is rarely salted whole. You will need to properly clean the fish, remove the fins, backbone and, if desired, remove the skin. This article presents a recipe for dry salting pink salmon at home. Why “dry”? We will salt the pink salmon without preparing the marinade, using only sugar and salt.

    We will need:

    • Pink salmon – 1–1.5 kg.
    • Salt – 3 tbsp. spoons
    • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.

    How to cut and salt pink salmon fish at home (dry salting)

    Fresh pink salmon should not be completely defrosted. It is best to cut frozen fish, as it is less susceptible to deformation and does not fall apart.

    We clean the pink salmon from scales.

    Cut off the head. You can leave it on your ear.

    We rip open the belly and remove all the entrails.

    We wash the fish.

    We make a cut along the back. You can remove the fins, but I do this during the skinning process.

    If you decide to salt the pink salmon fillet on the skin, then use scissors to remove the fins.

    Using your hands and using a large knife, separate the meat from the skin. If there is fish left on it, then cut it off and continue to separate it. We do this carefully and slowly.

    I cut off the tail, since we won’t salt it. The tail has a lot of veins and bones, so we will send it to the ear along with the head.

    We do the same with the second side.

    We have peeled the pink salmon and now separate it from the backbone. This should be done with your hands, as they can feel the bones better.

    The ridge was separated. Pink salmon fillet is ready.

    Let's start salting pink salmon.

    In a plate, mix 3 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar.

    We will salt in a food container. If there is no container for the size of the fillet, then you can divide it into smaller pieces. And then he immediately salts the fish in pieces.

    We fill the bottom of the container with our mixture of salt and sugar.

    Place the first piece of fillet. We also sprinkle it and cover it with a second layer.

    Hello all lovers of fish, not just plain fish, but lightly salted fish!

    Everyone knows that salmon is a tasty and expensive red fish. The price for it during the holidays soars to indecent heights. It is worth knowing that salmon is mainly raised on farms and is not as healthy as wild salmon, which is pink salmon. Therefore, today we will focus on a budget option and pickle it tasty and juicy.

    There are two main methods of salting: dry and in brine. They both can be applied to red pink salmon fish. But there are some nuances here too. To make the snack truly tasty and not dry, you need to know some secrets. We'll talk about them in the recipes below.

    When cutting fish, it is important not to let it completely defrost. Pink salmon has very soft flesh and it will spread, making it impossible to cut beautiful and even pieces.

    I know that everyone is in a hurry and wants food to be prepared instantly. This method is quite fast: in just 2 hours you will have a wonderful lightly salted red fish appetizer on your table, which you won’t be ashamed to serve to your guests or put deliciously on a sandwich.

    Don't forget that you need to work with fish that is still frozen and thawed only on top.


    • pink salmon - 1 pc.
    • salt - 6 tbsp.
    • sugar - 3 tbsp.
    • refined vegetable oil

    Cooking method:

    1.Take the carcass, cut off the tail and fins with scissors. Also cut off the head and take out the entrails, rinse the abdominal cavity with cold water. Make a cut along the back along the spine, cutting the fish in half. Remove the spine and rib bones. You should end up with two fillets. Pat them dry with paper towels if necessary.

    2. Mix salt and sugar in a bowl. You definitely need to put sugar in pink salmon, it will be much tastier than without it.

    3.Prepare a long container large enough to hold the fish. Cover it with a dry cotton towel. Place one fillet and sprinkle it well with the curing mixture on both sides, rub in with your hands.

    Don't be afraid to go overboard with salt. In a short time, the fillet will not have time to become too salty. In addition, the towel will absorb the released brine.

    5.Cover the second fillet with a cloth and cover the pan with cling film. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator for 2 hours to pickle.

    6.After some time, take out the pink salmon and you will see that the towel has become wet from the released brine. Unwind your fillets and, using the same cloth, carefully shake off any remaining curing mixture from them.

    7.Cut the appetizer into portions, place them on a plate and brush with refined vegetable oil for greater juiciness.

    8. The result is delicious lightly salted pink salmon, which is easy to prepare at home. Thanks to the presence of sugar, the meat will be denser and will not fall apart. There will be no sweetness in it, but the taste will become brighter. Try this recipe and write what you got.


    Pink salmon salted in brine in pieces: very tasty, like salmon

    This recipe is the most popular on the Internet. Probably because pink salmon is salted quickly (1.5 hours), but it turns out very tasty. Indeed, it tastes like salmon. There may also be some cooking options here. I will write the simplest, most basic one and tell you what else you can add to it if you wish.

    You can only use frozen fish!


    • pink salmon - 1 pc.
    • salt - 5 tbsp.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml
    • cognac - 2 tbsp. (upon request and availability)
    • ground black pepper - optional

    1.Clean the scales. It is small and can be easily peeled off with a knife. You can do this directly in the sink. Next, cut the carcass into fillets, removing bones and fins. You can leave the skin on, or you can remove it too. But this must be done while the meat is frozen, otherwise nothing will work.

    2. Cut the fillet into pieces about 2 cm wide.

    3. In a liter of boiled, but not hot water, dissolve salt and sugar. If desired, you can add two tablespoons of good cognac here. It is this drink that will make lightly salted pink salmon magical. In addition, it will serve as a preservative. If you do not plan to treat children, then add this alcohol if possible.

    4.Put pieces of pink salmon into the brine and leave to salt for 30 minutes.

    5.Place the red fish on a paper towel to dry. Blot the top as well. In just half an hour, the delicious snack is almost ready! There is one more important secret left.

    6.Take a jar or food container. Pour odorless vegetable oil into the bottom. Place the fillets in a single layer. If you wish, you can sprinkle it with a little ground black pepper, it will be delicious. Drizzle some oil on top as well. Can be brushed with a pastry brush.

    7. Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or up to several hours.

    This snack can be made for future use. Just freeze the ready-made lightly salted pink salmon and take it out when necessary.

    8. It's time to take the sample. So, what are your impressions of this quick recipe? Thanks to the oil, the meat turns out juicy and tender. Although the color and structure of the fibers will be different, you will still feel the resemblance to salmon. Bon appetit!

    Step-by-step recipe for lightly salted pink salmon for sandwiches (without water)

    Do you want to eat sandwiches with red fish in the morning? Then run to the store for frozen pink salmon and salt it according to this recipe. It will be delicious! It will take 24 hours to cure, so do it ahead of time. So take:

    • pink salmon – 1 kg (fillet weight)
    • salt - 2 tbsp.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • refined oil

    How to do:

    1. We start with standard steps: you need to cut the frozen fish into fillets, leaving the skin on. You should end up with two halves of pink salmon without bones (the rib bones are thinly cut with a sharp knife).

    2.Mix salt and sugar in a small container.

    3. Place the fillets, skin side down, and sprinkle the mixture over the pieces. Using your hands, rub the crystals well into the meat.

    4.Fold the halves with the cut side facing each other so that you get one, as if a whole fish. Place it in a plastic bag and leave it at room temperature for 12 hours.

    5.Now you need to do the most basic steps: turn the workpiece onto another side. And again leave in this position for 12 hours.

    6.After a day, salting will be completed. All that remains is to cut the pink salmon into small pieces for sandwiches, removing the meat from the skin.

    7.Take a small plastic container or glass jar with a lid. Lay the pieces out in layers, pouring odorless vegetable oil over each one.

    You don't need a lot of oil. It is important that the fat covers each piece with a thin film. This way the appetizer will be juicy and melt in your mouth, like salmon.

    8. Cool the salted pink salmon and you can eat it. Store the finished treat in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. If you want to keep it longer, put it in the freezer.


    Method for salting pink salmon with mustard (from frozen fish): a very tasty recipe

    This recipe produces a very aromatic fish, because mustard seeds will be used here. This pink salmon can be used as a cut for the table, and added to dishes where the presence of the same salmon is required. This way you will significantly save your money while getting more benefits from a natural product.


    • pink salmon fillet – 1 kg
    • rock salt - 2 tbsp.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • pepper mixture - 7 gr.
    • mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
    • vegetable oil - 100 gr.

    1. It is advisable to choose a fairly large carcass weighing about 2 kg, with a thick back. You can only defrost it in the refrigerator, or at least on the table. Under no circumstances should you place it under running hot water or in the microwave: the meat will become soft and you won’t be able to cut it nicely and evenly.

    2. Gut the fish if it has entrails. Clean the scales (this can be done using a coarse grater - nothing will fly around the kitchen), rinse and blot with napkins. Cut the carcass into 2 fillets, removing all excess (fins, bones). Work with a frozen copy so that everything is easy to do.

    3. Grind the mixture of peppers in a mill, but so that you get a coarse grind. You can use a mortar or buy a pre-ground mixture. You can replace pepper with seasoning for pickling red fish.

    4.Now mix all the prepared spices: sugar, salt, dry mustard seeds, coarse pepper.

    5.Take a deep glass container and sprinkle pink salmon generously on all sides with the prepared salting mixture (if the dish is not long, cut the fillet in half). You can also salt the backbone where the red meat is left.

    6.Cover the container and put it in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, be sure to turn the pieces over 2 times so that they are evenly salted.

    In 24 hours you will have lightly salted fish. If you keep it longer, it will be saltier.

    7. Drain the brine that has formed. Wipe the pieces with paper towels to remove any spices. You can store this fish in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

    8.If you have prepared a lot and don’t have time to eat it, wrap the fillet tightly in cling film and put it in the freezer. Lightly salted pink salmon can stay there for 2-3 months.

    9. Before serving, you can lightly rinse the fish with cold water (you don’t have to do this). Cut into portions, separating them from the skin. Be sure to sprinkle with unscented sunflower oil. It is also good to cut a lemon, the juice of which can be poured over pink salmon.


    To store in the refrigerator, place in layers in a container, coating with vegetable oil.

    Salt pink salmon deliciously and quickly with salmon and cognac

    In one of the recipes I mentioned that cognac can significantly change the taste of salted pink salmon. It is this drink, and not any other alcohol. Therefore, if children will not eat fish, then cook it as I write below. It will be fabulously delicious!


    • fresh frozen pink salmon - 1 pc.
    • table salt - 6 tbsp. (not extra and not iodized)
    • sugar - 3 tbsp.
    • water - 1 l
    • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
    • cloves - 2 buds
    • cognac - 2 tbsp.
    • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
    • allspice peas - 5 pcs.
    • vegetable oil - 80 ml


    1.First you need to cook the brine. This time we will heat it so that the spices in it open up. There will be a spicy ambassador. Pour salt and sugar (2:1), peppercorns, cloves and bay into the pan. Fill with a liter of water.

    2.Put on the fire and cook after boiling for about 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool completely to room temperature.

    3. Cut the not completely defrosted pink salmon carcass into fillets and place them in a deep form, skin side up.

    4.Pour a couple of tablespoons of cognac into the cooled brine and stir.

    5. Pour brine over the fish so that the fillet is completely covered with liquid. Leave in this position on the table for 40 minutes.

    6.Cover the work surface with a paper towel and dry the thoroughly salted fish, removing all moisture.

    7.Cut the fillet into small pieces that can be conveniently placed on bread or placed as a cut on the table.

    Hold the knife at an angle to get wider pieces. Do not cut through the skin, but remove the meat from it.

    8.Place the fish in a container in one layer and brush with oil. Next, place the next layer and lubricate it as well.

    9.Close the dish with a lid and place the pink salmon in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can try to see what happened. It will be very tasty and tender. It is likely that this recipe will become your favorite.


    How to pickle pink salmon at home in oil with onions - incomparable taste

    Check out another way to pickle pink salmon with onions. The result is a very soft fish, tender, moderately salted. You will need to wait 4 hours before the sample can be taken.


    • pink salmon fillet - 500 gr.
    • coarse salt - 4 tbsp.
    • sugar - 2 tsp.
    • ground pepper - 0.5 tsp. (can be a mixture)
    • onions - 1 pc. large
    • vegetable oil - 150 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the carcass into fillets. The recipe gives proportions for 0.5 kg of already prepared fish. Cut the pink salmon into small pieces, about 1.5 cm wide; no need to remove the skin.

    2.Mix salt and sugar in a bowl. Dip each piece into this mixture on all sides, like breading, and place in a bowl. Do this quickly so that the first pieces are not much saltier than the last ones.

    Cover the fish with film and leave at room temperature for 45 minutes.

    3. Cut the onion into thin quarter rings. If your heads are small (in this case, take 3 of them), then cut into half rings.

    4.After 30 minutes, pay attention to the fish. It will already give a lot of juice, and you will need to turn the pieces over: put the bottom ones up, and the top ones down. Cover again and leave for another 15 minutes.

    5.After time has passed, rinse the pieces to remove any remaining salt and pat them dry with paper towels.

    6.Take a deep container and place some onions on the bottom. If desired, you can add a few peas of black or colored pepper. Next add a layer of pink salmon. Sprinkle it with ground pepper and drizzle with sunflower oil. There is no need to pour a lot of oil, a thin film is enough.

    Continue layering everything: onion - fish - ground pepper - oil.

    7.Make the top layer of onion and cover everything with a plate, which will act as a small oppression. Cover the container tightly with a lid and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. The preparation must be allowed to steep until it reaches the desired taste.

    8.Well, that's all. The recipe is quite simple and quick. And most importantly - delicious! For onion lovers, this is a must-try, you won’t regret it. The taste is very similar to salmon, only the color and fiber structure are different.


    A simple and tasty recipe for lightly salted pink salmon with lemon for the holiday table

    According to this recipe, pink salmon is dry-salted. But along with classic salt and sugar, lemon juice is added here.


    • pink salmon - 1 kg
    • salt - 2 tbsp.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml

    How to do:

    1. Do not defrost pink salmon completely. Remove the head, fins and tail, and don't forget to clean it. Cut into two halves along the ridge, remove all the bones and get two fillets. The recipe is given for 1 kg of cut fish. Cut each fillet in half crosswise.

    2.Mix salt and sugar. Add a little salting mixture to the bottom of the container in which you will salt the fish. Also rub all parts of the carcass with it and place in a bowl.

    3. Roll the lemon on the table to make it softer. This will make it easier to squeeze out all the juice. Drizzle lemon juice over fillets.

    4. Using a brush, brush the pieces that should lie skin side down with vegetable oil.

    5.Cover the workpiece with something and apply slight pressure. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

    6.The next day, you can rinse the fillets with water and cut into portions. Lightly salted pink salmon with lemon is ready!


    Recipe for quick salting of red fish with skin. Tender and juicy pink salmon, like salmon

    Do you want to put red fish on your holiday table, but salmon and trout are too expensive? There is a way out! You can pickle pink salmon, according to this recipe it will be tender, soft, and fatty. Read on to learn how to achieve this.


    • pink salmon - 2 pcs.
    • salt - 3 tbsp.
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • allspice peas - 4 pcs.
    • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
    • vegetable oil - 150 ml

    How to cook:

    1. Turn the carcasses into fillets and pat them dry with napkins to remove all excess moisture. Mix salt and sugar.

    2.Sprinkle the fish on both sides with the resulting mixture and rub it in with your hands.

    3. Place the pieces tightly in a deep container, cover with film and place in the refrigerator for 8 hours to salt out.

    4.Take out the pink salmon and remove the film. You will see that thanks to the salt, the pulp has become much denser than it was raw. And, as usually happens, a lot of juice will be released, which needs to be carefully drained.

    5.Crush the peppercorns a little in a mortar. There is no need to grind too much, just let there be large pieces.

    6.Pour sunflower oil into the spices and stir.

    7.Use a sharp knife to remove the fillet from the skin and cut it into desired pieces.

    8. All that remains is to do the standard procedure, which is always done when pink salmon is salted. Namely, lubricate it with oil. Without additional fat, there is no way to achieve a resemblance to salmon.

    Layer the pieces into a jar or container and coat them generously with oil.

    9.Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool and soften.

    10.You can make sandwiches and treat yourself and your loved ones. Of course, pink salmon will turn out softer and looser, unlike salmon. But this is a very tasty budget version of lightly salted red fish, which is excellent for use in slices and salads.


    How to properly salt pink salmon at home quickly and effectively: video recipe

    This recipe will show how quickly, in 20 minutes, you can pickle pink salmon at home. I won’t write a step-by-step description, I suggest you just watch a short video.

    To prepare, you will need to make a brine and fillet the fish. I think you'll do a great job with this! You will need a minimum set of products:

    • pink salmon - 1 kg
    • water - 1 l (boiled, cooled)
    • salt - 5 tbsp.

    As you have already seen, salting pink salmon is a very simple task that can be easily done at home. With only salt, sugar and butter on hand - a minimal set of ingredients - you can make a delicious snack.

    I wish everyone a bon appetit! Prepare these recipes for a holiday or for every day. Good luck to all!

    In contact with

    Supermarkets always have red fish, salted and dried - salmon, trout, pink salmon. This pleasure is expensive, but if you buy raw fish and salt it deliciously at home, it will be much cheaper.

    Salting pink salmon at home is not difficult, you just need to have salting recipes. Cooked fish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days when salted, and can be used for sandwiches, salads and appetizers.

    If you have guests, you can make a quick appetizer roll, stuffed pancakes or canapés with red fish - your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

    Preparing red fish for proper salting

    It is best to buy fresh pink salmon, but frozen salmon can also be safely salted. Only it must first be thawed naturally, preferably in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf. A microwave is not suitable, nor is hot water, as the structure will be lost and the fish will become unsuitable for salting.

    When buying fresh pink salmon, you need to make sure that it is of satisfactory quality, namely:

    It smells like fish, the smell is quite pleasant;

    It has a dense consistency; after pressing with a finger on the pulp, the hole quickly recovers;

    The skin is also dense, elastic and smooth.

    If the fish was purchased raw, then we process it as usual:

    We wash, clean from scales, remove the head, tail and fins;

    If necessary, gut it and wash the internal cavity;

    We cut the fish and remove the bones;

    Rinse for the last time under running water and pat dry thoroughly with paper towels.

    After this, you can either pickle it as is or divide it into portions. It’s the same with the skin - you can remove it, or you can salt it on the skin.

    A convenient option for quick salting: cut into very thin slices and salt like that. There is no need to cut the finished fish for sandwiches; you can put one layer entirely on the bread.

    If you use such fish for salads or appetizers, then the cutting process is also greatly simplified.

    How to properly, quickly and tasty salt pink salmon at home

    There are two types of salting fish - dry and in brine, or in marinade. When dry, the main element is salt; spices, herbs, etc. are added to it. With the wet method, a marinade is prepared, into which the fish is immersed for a certain time.

    1. Dry method of salting pink salmon

    The classic method is salt mixed with sugar in a 2:1 ratio, that is, 2 parts salt and 1 part sugar. For 1 kg of pink salmon, 2 tablespoons of salt is enough.

    To enrich the taste of the finished fish, herbs and spices are used, such as bay leaf, black pepper, mustard seeds, coriander, ground rosemary. Traditional greens are also used - fresh dill and parsley.

    The fish is rubbed with a mixture of salt and sugar, placed in a container, sprinkled with spices and herbs. In a sealed container, glass or enamel, place the fish in the refrigerator for a specified amount of time. On average this is one day.

    2. Wet method of salting pink salmon

    To salt fish using the wet method, you need to prepare it as described above, and at the same time prepare the brine.

    The brine must also contain salt as the main element, spices, etc. Pieces of fish, large or small, are placed in glass, enamel or plastic dishes, filled with brine and closed. The fish in brine must also be kept in the refrigerator for about a day, and then removed and transferred to another container, without the brine.

    Fish salted in this way is safe in the refrigerator for four days. If you haven’t eaten it during this time, you’ll have to put it in the freezer.

    If you are afraid to add salt, then do not be afraid: pink salmon, like any natural fish, takes as much salt as it needs. Therefore, the risk of spoiling expensive fish is minimal, and you can safely try to salt it yourself. Just do not take metal utensils, because the fish can take on the smell of the metal and may develop a metallic taste.

    Below are several recipes for salting pink salmon at home. You will see for yourself that they are simple to perform, do not require any special ingredients, and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The main thing is to choose good quality pink salmon, this is a necessary condition.

    Dry salting of pink salmon

    This method is faster than the wet method and does not require preparing brine.

    1 recipe - the simplest


    1 kg pink salmon

    2 tbsp salt

    1 tbsp sugar

    1. Prepare pink salmon for salting, get two fillets.

    2. Mix sugar and salt in a bowl and, after mixing, rub the fish evenly over the entire surface of the pieces.

    3. We put the halves together, wrap them tightly in plastic film, and place them in the refrigerator for one day.

    4. After this time, the fish can be served. Those who love it pour vegetable oil on it.

    Recipe 2 - with dill


    1 kg pink salmon

    3 tbsp coarse salt

    3 tbsp sugar

    200 g fresh dill

    1. Prepare pink salmon for salting, remove the skin, get two fillets, whole.

    2. Wash the dill thoroughly and dry thoroughly.

    3. Mix sugar and salt in a bowl and, after mixing, rub the fish evenly over the entire surface of the pieces.

    4. Select a vessel in which the fish will be salted and line the bottom with dill, taking one third of the prepared amount.

    5. Place the first fillet on the dill layer, and the second third of the dill on it, evenly distributing it over the surface of the fish. Then place the second fillet on the dill and cover it with the remaining dill.

    6. Cover the dish with fish so that the lid is recessed inside. We press it down with pressure, for example, put a jar of water (3 l) on top.

    7. We keep the fish under pressure in the room for 8 hours, after that we remove the load, close the dish with its own lid and put it in the refrigerator for two days.

    8. When the allotted time has passed, open the dish, throw away the dill, cut the fish into slices and serve.

    Recipe 3 - lightly salted pink salmon


    1½ kg pink salmon, or whole fish

    1 tbsp salt

    1 tsp sugar

    100 ml vegetable oil


    Freshly ground black pepper

    1. Prepare pink salmon for salting, cut into small pieces.

    3. In a bowl, mix sugar and salt and stir.

    4. Select the container in which the fish will be salted and place the first layer of fish pieces on the bottom. Lightly grease it with oil, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar, ground pepper and coriander. Place the next layer, grease and sprinkle - and continue this way until all the fish is in the dish.

    5. Close the container and put it in the refrigerator. This time not for a day, but for 5 hours - this is the minimum.

    Salting pink salmon using the wet method

    This is how they salt pink salmon if they are not lazy prepare the marinade. The water must be boiled for it.

    1 recipe in marinade with spices


    5 ready-made pink salmon steaks

    2 tbsp salt

    1 tbsp sugar

    2-3 tbsp vegetable oil

    3-4 bay leaves

    5 black peppercorns

    - ½ liter of water

    1. Prepare the marinade: boil water, completely dissolve salt and sugar in it, cool.

    2. Place the steaks in a salting dish and add all the spices there.

    3. Pour the marinade over the pink salmon steaks until they are completely covered with liquid.

    4. Having closed the container with fish in the marinade, we put it in the refrigerator for a day.

    5. After 24 hours, remove the fish from the marinade, lightly grease it with oil and transfer it to a clean, dry container.

    Recipe 2: quick pickling, weak


    1 kg pink salmon

    2-3 tbsp salt

    1 onion

    50 ml vegetable oil

    1 tbsp vinegar

    Black pepper, 6-8 peas

    Bay leaf

    - ½ l water + 1 tbsp

    1. Prepare pink salmon for salting, cut the fillets into small pieces. Immediately place it in the container in which the fish will be salted.

    2. Prepare a brine from ½ liter of water and salt, pour in the fish and put under pressure.

    3. We keep the fish under pressure in the room for 1½ - 2 hours, after which we remove the load and drain the brine.

    4. Prepare a new brine from 1 tbsp water and vinegar. We pour it into the fish and note the time. After 5 minutes, drain this brine too.

    5. Cut the onion into rings, place pieces of fish in them, at the same time sprinkle with pepper and add a bay leaf. Pour oil over it all and mix.

    6. After waiting 15-20 minutes, we bring the fish to the table - it is completely ready.

    From these recipes it is clear that you can pickle pink salmon with whole fillets, steaks, and small pieces. Salting can be classic or lightly salted, regardless of which method, dry or wet, you use.
